TrueConnection Logo Top BSS: BOND Slave Salvation BSSm: BOND Slave Salvation -- Mini LOW: Love Lowliness BOW: Biblical Bowing LUX: Luxury Proves You’re Condemned RiFi: Righteous Finances SOM: Obey the Sermon on the Mount TRU: TRUTH Obsession! LOB: Letteral Obedience TOC: Turning the Other Cheek SRP: Sin Repentance Perfection DTA: Discipleship Training Apprenticeship PUR: Purity Proclamation BDC: Biblical Dress Code DAR: Divorce and Remarriage Repentance Revolution FAM: Family Commands SUB: Submission JTC: Judging The Church WOW: Woes of Worldliness ROW: Repent of Words LOV: Perfect Love ZEL: Clean Zeal FAV: Favor of God GG: Goodness of God GRT: Sizzling Greatness SPI: Spiritual Interface SUM: Bible Summaries ISR: Love Israel RAS: Righteous Assembly JOT: Josiahs Testimony FAQ: FAQs BAG: Bibliography and Glossary Extra Resources Help & Give Preview our Proclamations in Development Mailing Lists Copyright

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Tired of Sinning?

Are you sick & tired of the endless cycle of sinning, repeatedly failing, a guilty conscience, hypocrisy, & lies? Are you ready to escape all this evil and finally see clean righteousness consistently flowing through your life?


Get Truly Connected to the Biblical Jesus!

·        Truth Obsessed: Burn for Truth & let unpopular Bible verses overthrow your entire life!

·        Beg: Get a crouched posture, desperate heart, & pleading mouth toward God & everyone who has Truth.

·        Real Forgiveness*: Truly Repent & get all moral debts & sinning sent away* by embracing the crucifixion of your flesh with Jesus by faith (* Biblical “forgiveness” [ἀφίημι, aphíēmi]).

·        Biblical Faith: Believe in the inspired message (Biblical Gospel) of the Clean Jesus Who gives real Resurrection-Righteousness that Obeys ALL the Bible.

·        Obey ALL: Truly Love God enough to do everything He says with no sinning -- be addictively learning, believing, & simultaneously obeying every detail of the Bible, with NO exceptions!

·        Purity: No kissing, holding hands, physical romantic affection, or any other sexual activity outside of Biblical marriage; leave adulterous remarriage, modesty for all, headcoverings for women in public, etc.

·        No Worldliness: No TV, movies, secular or church music (unless they help obey the Bible); hate money, luxury, pride, indulgence, liking to talk, etc.

·        No Apostasy: Confront & excommunicate historical and modern church apostasy (Catholicism, Greek “Orthodox”, Protestantism, Mormonism, jehovah’s Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventist, Sacred Names, Church of Christ, etc.).

·        True Church: Find the real, Biblical Church, Jesus’ Clean Bride, the Righteous Called-out-Assembly of holy, hard-core, forsake-all, obey-all, no-sin disciples (1John 1 & 3, for example).

·        Discipleship: Leave all you have (forsake-all) & get apprentice-trained with a Biblical baptism-discipleship to obey ALL the Bible with no sinning.

·        Learn Saving Truth: Learn from obeyers how to be addicted to prayer, be spiritual, do spiritual warfare, crucify the flesh, get serious humility, live free from all sin, come into eager, fiery, zealous, clean, heart-purifying, righteous, exciting obedience to everything the Bible says, so you can connect to The (Real) One Spirit Who Is Holy* and inherit heaven! [* τῷ Πνεύματι τῷ ῾Αγίῳ (Mat_12:32, etc.)]


TrueConnection disciples embody & teach what Jesus demands.


Contact us to get discipled into saving Bible obedience & get Truly Connected to the Righteous, Clean, Biblical Jesus, and/or keep considering our revolutionary Proclamations below, if you dare!



Bible Studies, Teachings, Exhortations, & Obedient Inspirations that Proclaim Long-awaited Unpopular Truth, with Power to Finally Shake Up the Whole World


BOND Slave Salvation

ShareLink(i): www.TrueConnection.org/BSS


BSS General Preview

·        Examples of real Truth and obedience that you need to inherit heaven

·        Specific examples of sins you must be saved from to escape hell

·        Numerous summaries, applications, and explanations of what it means to embrace BOND (as seen below) and other Bible studies

·        Make sure you REALLY inherit salvation, eternal life, and heaven (unlike today’s church)!


But what exactly is BOND?


BOND = Beg to Obey-all with No-sin Discipleship

·        Beg: You’ve got to be seriously humble enough to “beg”* as a Biblical “poor”* person (* same Greek word) to get saving faith & Divine favor to inherit heaven.

·        Obey-all: You must be Truly born again from above to obey everything God says (i.e. the Real Resurrection).

·        No-sin: You need to get real salvation from living in sin, so that you have no more ongoing sinning in your life, so you can escape hell.

·        Discipleship: You have to get fully apprentice-trained and learn from Obeyers how to Obey-all with No-sin to get heaven.


BOND Applications

·        Proof of Obedience: Get serious proof of who is a REAL Bible obeyer, i.e. follower of the REAL Jesus.

·        Test Yourself & Others: Embrace BOND to test yourself and others to see if you’ve Truly, completely, and permanently been saved from sin/hell.

·        Good Message vs. Apostasy: Identify the REAL Gospel / Biblical Good Message, as sharply contrasted with our modern age of overt global church heresy and apostasy.


BOND Slave Salvation – Mini (BSSm) [2pg]

·        ShareLink(i) (webpage): www.TrueConnection.org/BSSm

·        ShareLink(i) (PDF): www.TrueConnection.org/BSSm/pdf

·        790+ Bible references; 2 pages

·        BOND Reference sheet & study guide -- more technical & jam-packed

·        Shortest most condensed presentation of the REAL, Biblical, obedient Gospel vs. Apostasy that you’ve probably ever seen

·        Especially helpful for pastors and aspiring (more technically-oriented) Monotheists/Biblicists

·        BSSm: Use BSSm (this resource) for a shorter (2 page) more technical & jam-packed reference sheet / study guide of BOND

·        BSS: Use BSS (seen previously) for a more thoroughly explained application of BOND


See: Tracts




Love Lowliness

ShareLink(i): www.TrueConnection.org/LOW



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It’s time to take the Bible more seriously and embrace the Truth about real, monotheistic, righteous humility.

No more lazy thinking and self-justified indulgence and pride.

Stop all of the church sanctified sin of liking money, strength, confidence, independence, salvation assurance boasting, perverted indulgent religion, and all rebellious pride which is religiously paraded as faith, while piling up endless philosophies and excuses to avoid the most vital Biblical commands to love being a poor humble beggar.

Stop all the luxury, self-confidence, and hypocritical pride, and finally get hard core and go to the Biblical extreme to actually Love Lowliness, just like the Bible so thoroughly commands so you can escape hell and inherit eternal life with the poor of this life.



Biblical Bowing

ShareLink(i): www.TrueConnection.org/BOW


Bow down!

It’s all throughout the Bible, but no one in church dares to do it; to bow to another person.

Even though it is explicitly taught in the New Testament, church people treat bowing to other people like it would be a sin of idolatry (or something).

Today’s apostasy is in such prideful rebellion against the Bible that we have made its most beautiful humility a crime.

Take a deep breath and muster up some courage to go against the grain.

Fall in Love with Biblical humility so much that you’re ready to courageously contradict our entire modern culture and world of pride by the excitement of shamelessly embracing Biblical Bowing.

Being Convicted and crying out to the righteous for help because…




Proves You’re Condemned

ShareLink(i): www.TrueConnection.org/LUX


Riches, confidence, contentment, and satisfaction with what you already have are actually grievous sins of pride and indulgence, and they are horrible crimes against God and the righteous.

You think you don’t “love money”.

You think you’re not prideful.

But the stench of confidence from this world has poisoned your heart so much that you are constantly sinning against the faith of the poor begging righteous (who are actually obeying ALL the Bible), and you’re so rich in heart that you don’t even notice how much damage your sin is constantly causing.

You need someone to tell you the Truth so you can know why you’re in sin and lost and in desperate need of Truth.

Churchianity guarantees that you’re saved but the Bible so sternly warns you that your Luxury Proves You’re Condemned.

Shock yourself by exposing yourself to this Truth, get totally convicted to cry and repent, and then run into the salvation of Biblical BOND (Beg to Obey-all with No-sin Discipleship) and flee all this horrible Luxury to be saved.

You can finally come to your senses and beg righteous people to help you find real Truth and salvation when your heart is seriously convicted after acknowledging that Luxury Proves You’re Condemned.


See: Tracts, and compare BOND



Righteous Finances

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: HateMoney: Slash through Money in Heart

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Hate money! (Matthew 6)

You not even allowed to like money according to Jesus and Paul, which is why you are commanded to hate it.
Flee Hell and escape all of the dirtiness of the riches of this life!

Get the Truth on how to manage money and valuable resources of this life and learn how to successfully sacrifice it all to inherit eternal life!


SOM: Obey the Sermon on the Mount

ShareLink(i): www.TrueConnection.org/SOM

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Get poor begging to get heaven, Obey ALL the (Fulfilled) Law & the Words of Jesus, get revolutionary righteousness, serious Truth, and clean-hearted victory over all lust and adultery, destroy all pride, luxury and sin, and get righteous obedient faith to get your prayers answered, & get inspired with Divine Truth-proclamation to shake up the whole World…


It’s time to get serious about hearing & Obeying the Sermon on the Mount to Truly inherit heaven!


While waiting for this Bible study to be ready, you can consider these resources:


SOM Memorization Poster

·        PDF: www.TrueConnection.org/Products/SOM-Memorization-Poster.pdf

·        HTML: www.TrueConnection.org/Products/SOM-Memorization-Poster.htm


(PDF is for printing, & HTML is usually best for phones and smaller devices.)


SOM Memorization Cards

·        PDF: PENDING -- check back later

·        These business card tools help you memorize the SOM, including its important sub-sections




TRUTH Obsession!

ShareLink(i): www.TrueConnection.org/TRU

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We don't need to simply accept what we already know and are comfortable with; we need to zealously embrace the Truth which makes the flesh squirm.


Truth Obsession is when you're reading about God's shocking wrath, or ancient and offensive countercultural practices, or superior Monotheistic virtues in the Bible, or even the genealogies, and you zealously Love, embrace, and obey Who God really Is anyway.


It's obsessing over the hardcore message, and the unpopular Bible verses that overthrow your entire life and cut to the core of your being with heart-pounding conviction... It's the overwhelming Truth that blows your mind and revolutionizes your life... It's the no-nonsense, no compromise, 100% commitment, real-deal, no holding back, no excuses, totally Divine standard that totally condemns the flesh and leaves the whole world guilty... It's the blazing and burning all-consuming Truth that apostate churchianity can't handle... It's the perfect proclamation of God's Words without apology, or adulterating pollutions, or watered down apathy... It's the thundering demands of Divinity shaking up the universe from heaven, terrifying and obliterating your flesh...


It's the obsessive extremist addicted zealous and bright blazing Love for God that unquenchably burns and Obsesses over Truth!


If you seriously crave, beg, and cry out for Truth, then come get discipled so you can finally burn with clean obedient fire in your heart and seriously Obsess over Truth!


Preview of Critical Scriptures

Rom_3:4 – ‘Let God be true, but every man a liar’


While waiting for this resource to be complete I hope you will see its message glowing throughout everything else we teach, say, and do.



Letteral Obedience


ShareLink(i): www.TrueConnection.org/LOB

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You need a new and clean, righteous relationship with the Bible to be saved.


Soon after the beginning of "the good message / gospel of Jesus anointed one" (Mar_1:1; Mat_4:17, Mat_4:23), in The Sermon on the Mount (Mat_5 – ch7) Jesus explicitly taught that you need to obey all the Bible with no sin to escape being rejected (Mat_7:21-23) and to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven (Mat_5:17-20; Mat_7:13-27).


There is no other Biblical "Gospel of Jesus" which He Himself also preached (Mat_4:17, Mat_4:23, etc.; comp. Gal_1 etc.), which can save you -- this real Biblical Gospel proclamation is the preceding context of Jesus’ Letteral Obedience (Mat_5:17-20).


The only Biblical way to "take the Bible literally" is to obey it Letterally. "Literally" originally means "Letterally". You cannot come against the 'letter of the law' and take the Bible literally, because that is an oxymoronic contradiction in terms, and worshipers of logic (Joh_1:1-5, etc.) are not allowed to violate Truth with illogical inconsistencies.


Obeying every detail of the Bible Letterally is what it means to "Obey all the Bible", and Jesus's standard of this does not tolerate even the slightest repeated continuing disobedience (Mat_5:18, etc.)


That's why you need to be obeying all the Bible with no sinning to inherit heaven (Mat_5:17-20) as the Gospel of Jesus so clearly demands (Mat_4:17, Mat_4:23, etc. → Mat_5 – ch7).


This obedience is the Truth you need to apprehend, and this is the new relationship you need with the Bible, that actually obeys it, and fulfills all of God's righteous requirements so you can be saved from all sinning and inherit heaven.



Preview of Critical Scriptures


1Jn_5:2-3 – Loving God = Obeying His Commands


Luk_7:47-48 – Loving much with begging zeal gets sins sent away * -- i.e. no more sinning because of real Love for Jesus!


[* ἀφέωνται αἱ ἁμαρτίαι αὐτῆς αἱ πολλαί… ἀφέωνταί σου αἱ ἁμαρτίαι]


While waiting for this resource to be finished you can refer to BOND where many of the principles of this proclamation have been summarized.



Turning the Other Cheek

ShareLink(i): www.TrueConnection.org/TOC

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The Sermon on the Mount and the rest of the New Covenant teaches us to Turn the Other Cheek and to love our enemies, but most church people today say it is fine to go to war and kill your enemies.
Now we can finally learn exactly why and how this self-sacrificing merciful heart-purifying redemption works, so we might save ourselves and the rest of those hearing and craving this serious submissive obedience of Turning the Other Cheek.



Sin Repentance Perfection

ShareLink(i): www.TrueConnection.org/SRP

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Learn what sin is and how to really repent and stop doing it, and get the exciting hope and faith needed to obtain the real Divine perfection proclaimed to us by the real Biblical Gospel of the Scriptures!


You need to seriously stop living in continuous sinning.

You need real repentance that breaks the power of sin and gives over the good fruit that God demands from you.

You need the real resurrection of Jesus in your life that shines out with divine righteousness from heaven!

You need to apprehend the Truth about Sin Repentance and Perfection.



Sin & Passover (SWF)

This very short animation (by Josiahs Scott) is about sin, guilt, and redemption.

(This can be an intro to SRP)







ShareLink(i): www.TrueConnection.org/DTA


Biblical Baptism-Discipleship

·        Baptism initiates discipleship under a discipler/teacher throughout the Bible.

·        You need to get a Baptism-Discipleship under someone who is obeying all the Bible with no sin.

·        It doesn’t matter if you “got baptized already”.

·        It doesn’t matter if you “meant well” or “intended well”.

·        It really matters if you got the Truth that set you free from all sin and brought you into all obedience to everything God says!


Don’t depend on unbiblical baptisms performed by today's modern apostate church leaders!

You don’t need to get washed in dirty water!


You Need a Matthew 28 (Obey-all) Romans 6 (No-sin) Baptism-Discipleship to Inherit Heaven!

(compare BSS)


Get Clean Biblical Baptism

Consider our DTA Bible Study (above) and Contact us to get Biblical forsake-all, obey-all, no-sin, clean baptism by an obey-all teacher to wash your sinning away, and finally begin Biblical forsake-all, obey-all, no-sin discipleship.

The Bible demands that you learn Truth from obeyers and imitate their example for your salvation, and that’s why you need Discipleship Training Apprenticeship.


Also see this early audio teaching:

Discipleship--JosiahsScott--1.6.08.mp3 -- The Path of True Christianity





Purity Proclamation

ShareLink(i): www.TrueConnection.org/PUR

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Purity Means: No kissing, holding hands, physical romantic affection, or any other sexual activity outside of Biblical marriage; leave adulterous remarriage, modesty for all, headcoverings for women in public, etc.


The real purity of clean chastity has been lost and forgotten for many hundreds of years.


Our age has never heard of or known purity, but it is high time that this clearly needed proclamation finally be trumpeted from the housetops!


Only holy, pure, clean people see God (Mat 5) and all others burn with the devil forever.


Run out of your ‘house of prostitution’ and get refuge by the salvation of finally getting clean!


Listen, believe, and submit to the real Love of what God is finally saying in the Purity Proclamation that can save you into the real Truth, wisdom, righteous-justice, and kind Love of cleanness from heaven.


Stop listening to the filth of your sin-filled hormones and the lust of indulgence and sexual violations allowed by dirty preachers.


Open up your ears to the happy excitement of the Purity Proclamation to finally get free and clean and be saved.




While waiting for this vital resource to be available, see: NoDating Battle List below…


Go Here to Get Clean!:

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: No Dating Scriptures BATTLE LIST


The No Dating Scriptures BATTLE LIST is a short list of the most important Bible verses about what God Commands us to do to be counted Truly Pure in His eyes.


If we don’t meet God’s standards for purity then we are promised condemnation and wrath from God Himself (1Th 4:6). In all of this God has shown Himself extremely more practical than we have ever given Him credit for, since He cares about us enough to show us what is right, and what standard He commands all men to keep to not be sexually polluted and defiled before Him. Did you know that the Bible actually says how God feels about kissing, holding hands, and all such romantic affection outside of marriage? Did you know that God specifically and clearly demands a purity far beyond and completely contrary to our blind and lustful culture? Beware lest you trespass against Him without knowing it and endanger your own soul (Gen 20:3)! But on the contrary, if you take hold of True Biblical purity you of all people are most blessed, and will inherit the amazing promises of God due to the sanctification of your sexuality before Him!



Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Biblical Dress Code (BDC)

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Preview of the BDC

·        Flee Public Immorality: Get free from visually prostituting your body.

·        Defeat Lust: Get Truly free from lust by embracing the purity of Biblical modesty.

·        Escape Shame: Discover how to escape the shame that you never understood was there.

·        Change Your Identity: Let Monotheism reshape your concept of your body and revolutionize your identity into zealous honor, value, and eternal life through Divine purity.

·        Get Answers: Discover serious Truth and get your hardest questions about purity and modesty answered.


Lust vs. Modesty

·        Self-Awareness: Modesty is about the moral value required of YOUR body; it’s NOT just about ‘not causing a brother to stumble’.

·        Clean Clothes: How clothes can participate in purifying your heart and setting you free from immorality.

·        Saving Faith: Why modesty is essential for the hope of divine value and for obtaining eternal life (1Ti 2).

·        Moral Armor: How modesty protects purity and destroys sexual crimes.



·        Still Mandatory: Why head coverings are still required today for Bible Obeyers.

·        Universal Rules: How head coverings are universal modesty requirements for all women, & NOT relative cultural ideas.

·        Context: Why 1st Corinthians 11 is NOT the first place in the Bible that teaches women’s headcoverings (& you have to submit to the Preceding Authoritative Governing Context).

·        Headship: How “headship” & submission requires women to cover their head.

·        Greek Insight: What is hidden in Greek that stops most modern people from understanding what headcoverings are all about.

·        Hair vs. Covering: How long hair is NOT a covering in 1st Corinthians 11.

·        Headcoverings = Modesty: How 1st Corinthians 11 & the early church teach headcoverings as a concrete moral modesty issue, NOT a vague ‘spiritual symbol’.

·        Shame & Hair-Cutting: How shame and hair-cutting is related to & contrasted with headcoverings.

·        Why During Prayer?: What does prayer and prophesying have to do with headcoverings?

·        Prayer & Beyond: How 1st Corinthians 11 reinforces that women should cover even when they are not praying and prophesying.

·        Nature: How nature teaches about hair, but no one seems to be learning anything these days.

·        Creation & Morality: How head coverings are based on creation principles and have moral consequences.

·        No Opinions Allowed: Why church people are not allowed to "judge for themselves" what to think about head coverings.


If you’re burning with eager zeal to learn what modesty and headcoverings are all about, then contact us to hear Truth and get transformed by the Biblical Dress Code and the divine and saving purity of all of our other revolutionary proclamations for the rest of your life!

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Divorce and Remarriage Repentance Revolution


ShareLink(i): www.TrueConnection.org#DAR

Status: Needing vital updates!*



There is a forsaken Truth that most don’t dare to embrace. And those who do, find themselves going against the tide and facing opposition all around. Will you dare to believe what the Bible says about divorce and remarriage?


(* There are lots of clarifications that need to be made and major updates that we’ve been working on, so please keep checking back until you see them published above and we are eagerly seeking to make major updates as soon as we might get a chance to resume this big and important work!)


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: PDF: Divorce and Remarriage Repentance Revolution

PDF: Divorce and Remarriage Repentance Revolution


Description: Divorce and Remarriage Repentance Revolution (HTML)

HTML: Divorce and Remarriage Repentance Revolution

(View Book as a Webpage)



Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: PDF: Divorce and Remarriage Tract (1 pg).........................

PDF: Divorce and Remarriage Tract (1 pg)



Family Commands

ShareLink(i): www.TrueConnection.org/FAM


This Bible study is the main resource that I use for couples who need marriage help, and it goes well with the Submission Bible Study in exhorting and helping couples fight for Biblical families.





ShareLink(i): www.TrueConnection.org/SUB


Submission is an issue of salvation. This Bible study is basically a list of the main Bible passages that show this. Please urgently consider this challenging call to extreme submission so that we may all repent and honor God in this way.



Judging The Church

ShareLink(i): www.TrueConnection.org/JTC


Have you ever wondered why the Modern church is dead and why spiritual cancer seems to spread so freely like wildfire? Here are the Bible verses that practically no one wants you to believe about judging those in the church, especially those who live in sin and call themselves Christians.



Woes of Worldliness

ShareLink(i): www.TrueConnection.org/WOW


God’s view of worldliness is probably harsher than you thought. Do you claim to love Jesus? If so beware of this “woe,” because if you are worldly then God says you’re His enemy! Look closely now at your life in light of these Scriptures and be sure you are hating this world so that you are not disqualified from being counted as a friend of God.



Repent of Words

ShareLink(i): www.TrueConnection.org/ROW


Liking to Talk = Hell


Repent of…

·        Independent

·        Uninspired / Sub-divine

·        Unapproved

·        Vain

·        Useless

·        Worthless

·        Wasteful

·        Sinful






Perfect Love


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The church and the rest of the world are filled with deceptive and destructive versions of "love": Sugar-coated fluff, vain and empty flattery, and dirty indulgent lust -- these are being pushed around everywhere as "love", but now step back in reverent awe for the coming announcement of Perfect Love: now the poor will find honor and real value, and now the hurting and starving will finally be blessed with the food of real justice, and now the righteous will hear who they really are and be saved by the cleanness of Truth, when Perfect Love has arrived!


The discrepancy between the "niceness" of worldly "love" and the harshness of Truth is an inconsistency of hypocrisy in the hearts of worldly indulgers, maintaining integrity breaches while promoting sin in the name of "love". But God is Love (1Jn_4:8, 1Jn_4:16) & Jesus is Truth (Joh_14:6) therefore the poor-begging righteous only Love the Divinity of Perfect Love, which is Truth.


We don't have time for the shallow and fake worldly "love" of Disney, Joel Osteen, Flattering Preachers, and all other hypocritical church leaders and hypocrisies that talk a lot about "love" but leave you evil, dirty, and living in the destructiveness of indulgent disobedience and praised sin. This shallow feel-good "love" which lets you continue on your way to hell, destroy God’s good creations, other people’s lives, and die in sin and be destroyed, is NOT serious, real Love!


Worldly "lovers" won’t lift a finger to believe the proclamations of poor beggars, nor bless and praise the Truly hungry for all of the persecutions they endure, nor encourage you when you finally seek to stand for what’s right, and they will never give you hope of escaping immorality, sin, and destruction despite all of their flatteries, nor stop your parents from getting divorced from the adulterous lust they promote, and this useless and loveless hypocrisy of boastfully claiming to promote "love" while living in, increasing, and promoting sinful and destructive indulgence, like "dogs in heat" rolling in dirty and hateful pollutions, will no longer be tolerated among the righteous now that the Truth of Perfect Love has finally been opened up upon the Earth again.



Clean Zeal

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I hope by now you are tired of the complacency that you see in and around you, and are hungry for the change worth burning for. Here is where just such an adventure begins.

These are my personal notes on "the fire of God." This is not a "polished" document, nor is it completely "self-explanatory," but it does seem to be helpful in communicating a deep Truth, especially if you were wanting to do a teaching on it.



Favor of God

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Hyper Grace, Messy Grace, Dirty Grace, Cheap Grace, Hypocritical Grace, Perverted Grace, Grace Perversion, Lascivious Grace, License to Sin, leniency for those who continuously fall into sin -- this gross and heretical apostate liberal religious sinful boasting has made the word "Grace" a dirty word in the mouth of almost every single church person alive today.


But now a new hope has arisen, and a new covenant has been written, and is now finally being proclaimed again...


Grace was the old cursed law of sin and death, where rich people wallow and boast in untold defiled hypocrisy, and is the favorite refuge of nearly every religious perverted hypocrite.


Grace blasphemes God as having a pair of 'blinding glasses' so that God should look at you differently, and not notice how sinfully you are living, and instead see the "righteousness of christ" (which in reality is the fake, lying, counterfeit righteousness of antichrist.)


The Biblical word behind “Grace” is “Favor”.


Serious Favor is God touching you different, making you different, transforming you with His clean pleasure and delight to make you get excited with Love and passionate rejoicing for what is good.


Grace boasts to make God look at you differently, but Favor is when the real clean Jesus touches you differently.


When God likes you and touches you with clean and monotheistic Divine Favor, it makes your heart skip a beat with breathtaking transformation of Divine righteousness, clean exciting faith, and inspired obedience.


Favor makes you do things right, with a happy hope and a cheerful rejoicing over the righteousness which God requires, so that you're more Biblical than you've ever been before.


Get excited and happy about obeying all the Truth and doing the righteousness that makes God happy over you, and through you!


You can do obedience and enter into God’s pleasure so that you increase in His Divine Favor.


You need to learn this Truth!


You need to apprehend and embrace the monotheistic, rejoicing, exciting, faith-igniting, righteous-ify-ing, saving Favor of God!



Goodness of God


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If you are poor, broken, and humble, then there is great encouragement coming your way.


The message of True Goodness for the Truly poor and righteous humble is way better than any fraudulent church boasting has ever imagined.


Real Goodness is infinitely better than hypocritical flattery and exaggerated lies.


Knowing your real identity when entering into the glory of Truth and favorable blessing can smash the devil's blasphemy against your life to pieces.


Do you want to know the Goodness of God when His real blessing and cherishing goodness and blessed promises exalts your life with unspeakable hope?


Come get discipled into poor begging righteousness of serious Truth so you can discover the life-giving and exciting hope of The Goodness of God.



Sizzling Greatness


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You need to know about hope. You need to know about becoming immeasurably valuable. You need to be motivated by the exciting opportunity of becoming one of God's favorite people.


You need to look at the thrilling reward of infinite greatness, by zealously reaching forward to be crowned with the victory of infinite and eternally satisfying exaltations of the Truth, so that you never look back to the world again!


You need to discover and fall in Love with Sizzling Greatness!



Spiritual Interface

ShareLink(i): www.TrueConnection.org/SPI

Status: Under Construction (you can help!)


You need to connect to the Right Spirit and get Truth in prayer, do spiritual warfare, see powerful virtue and see Truth at work through you…


But do you even know the basics of how to interact with the spiritual realm?


We look forward to developing this Bible Study more so we can make it available to many more people!




Bible Summaries

ShareLink(i): www.TrueConnection.org/SUM


(These Bible Summaries are naturally always under development, especially until we might get the whole Bible summarized.)




Love Israel

ShareLink(i): www.TrueConnection.org/ISR




Righteous Assembly

ShareLink(i): www.TrueConnection.org/RAS

Status: Under Construction (you can help!)


This resource is about how the Righteous Assembly obeys God’s commands for managing herself, including Leadership, Baptism, Foot Washing, Communion, and her hope of glorious corporate exaltations together, eternal rewards, and her corporate future together beyond Judgement.


To meet the real, Biblical Righteous Assembly, that actually exists today, contact us.


As said previously:

True Church: Find the real, Biblical Church, Jesus’ Clean Bride, the Righteous Called-out-Assembly of holy, hard-core, forsake-all, obey-all, no-sin disciples (1John 1 & 3, for example).


To prove and identify who the right people are, see: BOND



Josiahs’ Testimony

ShareLink(i): www.TrueConnection.org/JOT


Josiahs’ Life Story is About

·        Desperation to be saved from sin and suicide

·        Prayers answered & getting to hear the saving Truth

·        Being blasted with the Truth and Favor from heaven

·        Harsh persecution from family and false brothers

·        Bitter betrayal and apostasy

·        Startling signs and wonders and miracles scattered in-between all the drama

·        Sizzling hopes of greatness from prayer

·        Breath-taking prophecies of the future &

·        Watching the Word of God actually work and be fulfilled on the earth


We have many more testimonies of the righteous to tell, so pray about helping us get more of them available here!

This is a brief overview of Josiahs’ life story, and how he ended up following Jesus in Truth.





Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)y


ShareLink(i): www.TrueConnection.org/FAQ


FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Questions that we’ve been asked concerning Truth…





and Glossary

ShareLink(i): www.TrueConnection.org/BAG


This is our universal Bibliography and Glossary for all of our Scriptural projects; it is a general, overall definer of many of the resources and terminology that we often use in our Scriptural studies and writings. What started out as a simple Bibliography, became almost a “Bible Study” in and of itself, especially in terms of studying the over-all representation of the Bible in English. I aspire for these things to be of benefit to anyone interested in knowing over-all Truth about versions of the Bible, as well as critical resources and terms for studying it.



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·        Get-BOND-Salvation.pdf -- Excerpts from BSSm (simplified & recompiled)

·        LUX--Micro-Tract-2pgs.pdf -- mini summary of LUX (business card size)

·        HardCore-Tract.pdf

·        Divorce and Remarriage


Two-Sided Tracts

·        Most of Our Tracts Are Two-Sided

·        Print/copy the exact same image on both sides of a sheet of paper, and then cut them into individual tracts. (This puts complementing Bible verses on each side).


Chronological Bible Reading Plan

Read the Bible in Chronological Order, with a year-based reading check-off plan.

Have you ever wanted to read the Bible in the actual order of the events? Have you ever wondered what you might be missing by not linking the intertwining events between each book of the Bible?

Now is your chance to get some serious chronological understanding of the Bible as well as to realize countless vital links between many books that are usually missed when reading them out of their chronological sequence.


Gospel Compilation

Status: Work in Progress (you can help!)

We have started compiling the Gospel accounts in chronological order, and we have especially prioritized compiling the Resurrection to the Glorification, quoting or referencing almost every known account, seamlessly compiling each account together as a flowing narrative, including Greek with textual variations, along with titles and structuring frameworks.

You would be hard-pressed to find a more accurate and excellent way to experience The Resurrection in a chronologically compiled and thorough away.


Strong's Dictionaries

A free, reformatted copy of Strong's “Hebrew”& “Greek Dictionary Of the New Testament”

·        Strong's Greek Dictionary: [HTML] (~6 MB); [PDF] (~3 MB)

·        Strong's Hebrew Dictionary: [HTML] (~10 MB); [PDF] (~5.74 MB)


Strong's Details

Strong's Greek Dictionary has 5624 words,

Strong's Hebrew Dictionary has 8674 words,

(Hebrew dictionary is larger)



Help & Give

·        Help: Volunteer your time, skills, and resources to help the mission of TrueConnection.org.

·        Give: Give financially to the mission of TrueConnection.org.

·        Only contribute if you truly believe in our mission -- that you and others need TrueConnection’s proclamations to be saved.

·        By helping & giving you can feed & strengthen the hands of hard working disciples (Ezr_1:5-6, etc.), and help revolutionary Truth proclamation go out and shake up the whole world!

·        100% of everything you give goes directly to helping our full-time mission.


Preview our Proclamations in Development

Get Discipled into Our Revolutionary Proclamations While They are Still Being Developed

·        Under Construction means a resource is not available to the public yet, but you can contact us and get discipled in these critical teachings while waiting for them to become available to everyone.

·        Work in Progress means a resource is still being worked on (and it is not finished yet) but we’re making it available anyway because of the urgent need for the message and Truth it proclaims and helps testify to.


The Point: When we’re still working on our written proclamations, you need to contact us and get discipled by these saving Truths!


Mailing Lists

Sign up for updates by emailing us.



© Josiahs Scott & www.TrueConnection.org, 2002 to present

No derivative works are allowed without written permission.

All graphics, animations, writings, and other media and content found on TrueConnection.org are original works of Josiahs Scott & the TC Team, and are copyrighted with all rights reserved.

This means that you are encouraged to freely copy and distribute the unaltered, complete writings, animations, MP3s, and PDFs on this sight as long as you don't make money off of them, and you don't make derivative works out of them, and you are spreading the Truth of Bible obedience as proclaimed on this site. For quotations please include any applicable title, and this site: www.TrueConnection.org.



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