A Restorative and Imperative
Proclamation Announcing How And Why You Can And Must Obey All The Sermon on the
Mount to Get Salvation & Heaven
Josiahs Scott,
[4/14/10; 12/29/10;
7/17/11; 7/26/11 – recompiled Fruit
into here]; 2/11/11; 8/6/11 (“DO!”);
5/27/12 (Evil Eye & Swearing, Oaths, etc.); 10/2/12; 10/16/12; 1/1/13;
1/21/13; 4/23/13; 4/25/13; 9/12/13; 5/17/13; 10/25/13 (DO); 3/18/14; 4/1/14; 5/11/14; SOM Text:
5/13/14-5/15/14; 5/26/14-5/27/14; 6/7/14-6/8/14; 6/16/14-6/17/14;
6/23/14-6/24/14; 6/26/14; 7/3/14; 7/6/14-7/7/14; (other dates);
7/13/14-7/15/14; 7/20/14-7/29/14; 8/2/14-8/4/14; 8/15/14; 8/17/14-8/18/14;
8/25/14; 8/28/14; 2/3/15; 11/6/16; 12/13/23-12/14/23
…6/6/24-6/9/24…6/28/24…8/2/24-8/3/24… 8/11/24…9/2/24
· Luke16
· Mat5Summaries | Mat6Summaries | Mat7Summaries | Luke6Summaries
· Relationship-Restitution Reconciliation
· Romans Perfects & Fulfills Law
Light = Obeying Covenant; Drawing in the Nations
The Early Church Fulfilled the Law
-- Under Construction --
These are unpublished personal notes for our community.
Like usual, in cases like this, you should contact us so that we can teach you all of these exciting and helpful things.
Remember not to assume anything contrary to what we are actually saying in our writings, and don’t misrepresent us in any way contrary to what we proclaim when we actually teach through these resources.
These are our personal notes on the Sermon on the Mount that are continually being developed.
Now you can finally Obey ALL the Sermon on the Mount and the rest of the Bible like never
before! Now you can shake off all of the heresies of churchianity that tell you
that you don't have to obey the Bible to inherit heaven, and you can mightily
defeat the blasphemies of disobedience with the knowledge of serious Truth.
Here is a preview of what is available (click below to start reading):
Overviews: SOM Overviews
give you a big picture of what the Sermon on the Mount
(SOM) is about. Why is it so vitally important and necessary for our salvation,
for example?
Summaries: SOM Summaries,
and especially SOM Summaries -- Verse By
Verse, are the heart of this teaching that seek to
cover every vital detail of the SOM as possible, verse by verse. Links are
provided when more details are needed. This is the deepest most detailed
serious thorough reading of the SOM that you can ever really do to actually
increase ALL obedience, out of this world, like never before.
SOM Summaries Include: Mat5Summaries | Mat6Summaries | Mat7Summaries | Luke6Summaries
Cross-References: in the Supporting Passages for the SOM you can also read about other passages throughout the Bible that especially help explain and expound on the Sermon on the Mount, like James, and the Psalms (such as Psalm 24, 34, & 37) which Jesus is quoting from and referencing throughout the SOM.
Explanation: In Major
Points Unlocked (last but not least) you can read
about major teachings throughout the Sermon on the Mount and get some serious
knowledge to empower you to actually obey these vital Truths like never before!
↑ Click on one of these links above
to jump right in and start reading
real quick ↑
...otherwise, here are some more details
about the structure of everything you can explore in this proclamation about Obeying the Sermon on the Mount:
Royal Intro of the SOM in Matthew.. 13
Take the SOM More Seriously. 14
Before the Gospel of the SOM... 15
Disciple Notes: Darkness Before
Overseer’s Wife’s Notes: Darkness
Before SOM18
Overseer’s Wife’s Notes:
Increasing Integrity and Obedience (Poetic Thoughts) 23
God’s Identified People Are
Clearly Declared in the SOM27
Doctrine of US in the SOM... 28
Wife’s Discernment Consideration. 29
Do You
Really Love & Trust Jesus?30
Believe In Jesus, Or Believe
Combine Not Compartmentalize. 32
Desolation: Prepare to be the
Poor Winners in the SOM!33
Common Disobedience Preview.. 33
Mat_5 (& Luke 6) Disobedience. 34
Escaping the Desolation of SOM
Summaries -- Verse By Verse41
Kingdom in the Beginning of Matthew & the SOM... 41
Mat_5 Memorization Preview.. 42
Disciple Notes Restitution ↓. 44
4 Woes: RFLW = Rich, Filled,
Laughing, Well-Spoken (Luk_6:24-26)50
Law Fulfilled -- by Detailed
Obedience: FITR = Fulfill, Iota, Teacher, Righteousness (Mat_5:17-20)52
Relationships -- Reconciliation
& Restitution (Murder, Sacrifice, Adversary): MSA (Mat_5:21-26)56
Visual Adultery -- of the Heart (Mat_5:27-30)59
Remarriage Adultery -- of Divorce (Mat_5:31-32)60
No Swearing: OHEJHW = Oaths,
Heaven, Earth, Jerusalem, Head, Word (Mat_5:33-37)60
Cheek; Mile; Give: CMG (Mat_5:38-42)61
Love Enemies: LSLOP = Love, Sun, Lovers,
Overflowing, Perfect (Mat_5:43-48)62
Disciple Notes: Love or Hate
Enemies -- National Communal Perspective64
Disciple Notes: Restitution. 69
Summaries: MPFMW = Mercy, Prayer, Fasting, Money, Worry. 75
Secret Mercy-Alms & Prayer:
CTPRB = Caution, Trumpet, Pray, Room, Babble (Mat_6:1-8)75
Secret Fasting: SAW = Sad,
Anoint, Wash (Mat_6:16-18)79
Hate Money: TEL = Treasuring, Eye
Health, & Lords (Mat_6:19-24)80
Don't Worry: SBHCE = Soul &
Body, Birds,
Height, Clothing, Eat
7 Commands Against Luxury &
Against Money Treasuring <<84
Summaries: JPA9C = Judge, [Parables],
ASK, 9 Dos, Crowds85
Mat_7 Memorization Preview.. 85
Don't Judge: JSD = Judging,
Speck, Dogs (Mat_7:1-6) 85
SOM Parables (Blind, Teacher,
Speck): BTS (Luk_6:39-42) 86
ASK = Asking, Seeking, Knocking (Mat_7:7-12)87
Sum: 9 Dos of Hear & DO: GPTLH = Gates, Prophets, Trees, Lord, House (Mat_7:13-27)88
(B) False Prophets, Tree &
Fruit Recognition89
(C) Lord, Lord!
vs. I Never Knew You. 91
(D) House Build on Rock or Sand. 91
Crowds Amazed at Authority
Prayer & People -- Preceding
SOM Context of Luke 693
4 Blessings: Beggars, Hungering,
Crying, & Persecuted: BHCP93
4 Woes in Luke 6 (Rich, Filled,
Laughing, Well-Spoken): RFLW94
Do Good to Enemies (Love, Bless,
Give, Lend): LBGL (Luk_6:27-36)94
SOM Parables (Blind, Teacher,
Eye): BTE95
Compared with Matthew’s SOM96
Outsider Charts: Charts Produced
by Outsiders96
Table 1: Similarities between the
Sermon on the Mount and the Sermon on the Plain97
Table 2: Sayings from Luke’s
Sermon included in other parts of Matthew’s Gospel 97
Table 3: Sayings from Matthew’s
Sermon included in other parts of Luke’s Gospel5. 98
Passages for the SOM98
Psalm 24: Owner of All, with
Holy-Special Ascenders, & Glorious King99
& Peter Are SOM Types Of People105
Common Themes in James & the SOM107
Woes of the SOM – Sober
Considerations of Blessings and Curses112
The Moral of the Beatitudes. 113
It’s NOT what Church People Say
-- REAL Peace Doing/Making115
Light =
Obeying Covenant; Drawing in the Nations115
Shining Knowledge; Being Admired. 115
of ‘This Little Light of Yours’! (Mat 5 & 6) 116
A Song that Reveals the Mindless
Hypocrisy we Believe117
Illustrations of the Great
The Problems with our Hypocrisy. 117
Parallels of DO -- Obeying Them! (Mat_5:17-20)118
– Do Teacher Identified120
Who's Included as a do Teacher?. 121
You Can Be A Great DO Teacher! 123
Open Teaching Possition -- for
Any & All DO-ers!124
Anti-Egocentricism Needed. 125
Rules for Identifying DO-Teachers127
Context Has DO-Teachers128
Begging = Needing -- You Need a Do-Teacher,
That’s What Begging is About!131
Acknowledging a Do-Teacher132
Contradict, But Obey The Rules about a Do-teacher 132
the People & a Do-Teacher134
Notes: Do-Teacher Introduced ↑. 135
Pharisees are Lawless, NOT
Antinomian Law Abolitionists. 139
Fulfilled on Your Behalf?. 139
Be Perfect in Vulgate &
Vulgate vs. Rom 10 Prefection. 140
Luther vs. Rom 10 Prefection140
Disciple Notes: Law Abolitionists ↑142
Why Contradiction is Tolerated in
Law (in General)146
Filling ≠ Ending -- General
YOU Fulfill Too -- According to
SOM Teachers Throughout the Bible147
Die to & Fulfill The Law?. 147
Keeping a Law Yoke is Too Much
for Salvation?147
Romans Perfects
& Fulfills Law148
Overseer’s Wife’s Notes: Romans
Perfection ↓149
Disciple Notes: Romans Perfection
SOM in Romans 2 -- Summary. 152
Romans 2 Text: CAB & Greek. 154
Rom_3: Establishing Law by Faith. 155
Rom_11: Israel’s Fulfillment =
Retoration & Establishment, NOT Sesation!157
Rom_15 Fulfilling Blessedness
& Truth158
Notes: FITR vs Law Abolitionists ↑159
– Fulfilling Iotas, Keriahs -- Not Destroy-Loose Away, But Fulfill 161
WE Are His Fullness! – Should
this NOT be for us when the Bible says it is?161
Teaching Law Fulfillment = Jesus. 164
Early Church Fulfilled the Law165
Matthew 5 & 7 -- it’s Required!166
Matthew 5 Linked with Matthew 7. 166
Calling People Empty without
Notes: Restitution ↓169
Reconciliation Before Prayer 170
Progressive Restitution
Chart: Parallels of Restitution
SOM Desolation Recognition =
Weakest Moral Link Is A Danger 171
Prayer in the Holy of Holies. 171
Agree With Your Adversary. 174
Unforgivable Liability in OT. 174
Unforgivable & Forgivable
Liability in NT174
Concluding on Forgiveness in the
New Covenant175
– Pluck Out Eye, Cut Off Hand176
Biblical Examples of Cutting Body
Talmud on Plucking out Eyes as
Why Pluck Out The RIGHT Eye?. 176
Conquer the Physical Machine. 177
“Cutting Off A Hand” Works. 178
– Swearing, Oaths, Vows, and Promises179
Early Church OBEYED “No Swearing”. 180
Today’s Church DISOBEYS Swearing
Mat_26:63 – Jesus Avoided
Intro: Beware of Swearing Oaths
Lest You Go to Hell!184
True Answers Are Often More
Concrete than Sloppy Church Heresy185
Yes, Yes -- Semantic Equivalents. 185
Not Yes & NO -- Paul’s Yes
Meant Yes187
Mat 5 & Jam 5 -- Critical SOM
Passages on Swearing and Oaths187
Swearing & Cursing --
Swearing Relative to Cursing - “Peter’s Denial of Jesus”. 188
The City of the Great King. 189
– Turn the Other Cheek189
What About Swords/Weapons?. 190
Mat_5:43-47 – Bless or Curse Enemies?. 190
Can Speak against those in the world191
Sort of Both Principals at work191
Jesus prays woe over cities191
Sin unto death - if not, Pray Life191
For Sins unto Death, Do not Pray for Life, but Confront unto Life: 191
Prayer for Sins unto Death (Intercession, not Blessing with Life) 191
6 – Merciful “Alms”192
Notes: Mat_6 = End Times Prep193
Wife Notes: Mat_6 = End Times Prep. 196
Poverty -- Counting by 2s202
1Ti_6 – Want to be Rich = Trap. 206
Evil Eye – Giving/ SOM Summary. 207
Testing Your Treasures --
Disciple Question207
Invest and Work Toward Long-Term
Pay Offs208
How does the sermon on the mount
Mat_6 –
Supernatural Provision210
Waiting & Hungering are Part
of Supernatural Provision211
Mat_7 –
Giving, Asking, and Receiving211
Ask For Life/The Holy Spirit 213
Mat_5 – are you supposed to do
everything someone asks you to do?214
DO! -- Did you Do What I Told You to Do?. 214
Strive vs. Layback and Receive?. 214
“Lawful” Memorization: FITR230
Swearing Memorization: OHEJHW = Oaths,
Heaven, Earth, Jerusalem, Head, Word230
Worry Memorization: SBHCE. 231
Mat_7 Memorization: JPA9C.. 232
3 vital things you need to know about The Sermon on the Mount:
(1) The SOM can actually be obeyed!
(…despite all the propaganda of apostate churchianity)
(2) If you obey the SOM it will be the
beginning answer to everything you need in this life and it will continue into
inheriting eternal life.
(3) Even those who present themselves as
big advocates and lovers of The Sermon on the Mount
are not obeying it (they are not taking it seriously enough), despite all of
their books and preachings and media.
You can tell that even supposed 'Sermon on
the Mount Advocates' are against the Sermon on the Mount by reading The Sermon on the Mount itself:
They don’t demand remarried people to
leave their adultery, they don’t condemn visual adultery, they swear under some
circumstances, don’t turn the other cheek, stand up for their own rights, don’t
have love for poor righteous people, much less their enemies, they don’t
consider do-teachers great…
They are not even seriously trying to do
the first virtue in The Sermon on the Mount
of BEGGING, and much less are they doing the grand finale conclusion of The Sermon on the Mount by begging an obey all teacher to
teach them (Mat_5:17-20), so that they can 'hear and do' (Mat_5:17-20; Mat_7:13-29) everything Jesus says.
Tim Mackie Said, quoting at first,
"‘The history of Christianity is a history of Christians trying to evade the Sermon on the Mount and avoid living according to its plain meaning’"
“It puts followers of Jesus in a position where you can never truly be fully comfortable around Jesus. The moment that Jesus doesn’t bother you is the moment that you’ve stopped listening to him, really”
Timestamp: 3:26 -- Tim Mackie,
supposedly quoting an unnamed Orthodox Jewish rabbi
Jesus and the
Torah (Sermon on the Mount) - Tim Mackie (The Bible Project)
After this sermon, he then went on
continuing to make videos that explain away the hardest sayings in the SOM,
telling everyone why you don’t have to obey the absolute rules Jesus gives in
the SOM, by frequently teaching that these rules aren’t serious.
‘Poor in Spirit’ = ‘Attitude of Begging’
(esp. in Greek)
A serious Attitude of begging does not
allow for inconsistency / hypocrisy
If you pretend to be begging God then
don’t beg the disciple of Truth when they come around that is inconsistency
hypocrisy, and not a serious attitude of begging
I can make a sweeping generalization about
church people and it would still be accurate
Tit_1:12 – All Cretans are liars
Psa_34 Praise with David
Psa_34 is a command to praise the Lord with David, who makes himself a poor beggar, just as those Jesus blesses in the SOM.
Psa_34:6 [Psa_33:7
LXX] NKJV This poor man cried out, and the Lord heard
him, and saved him out of all his troubles
Not ‘let the poor say I am rich’, but much
rather, ‘let the potential rich say I am poor’
Don’t be like those wicked songs that
switch to the exact opposite of what the Bible actually commanded.
SOM is NOT an attitude of being rich!
We see from comparing Luke 16 that being a
poor crouching beggar is tied in to being hungry and this links Mat_5:3 with Mat_5:6
These are not compartmentalized, silo-ed
or exclusive from each other, but they overlap
9 Blesseds
Inheriting kingdom of heaven includes
inheriting land just like the Lord’s Prayer
The Ten Commandments Exo_20, Deu_5
Combines coveting/visually heating up in
lust and adultery like in Pro_6:25
Hair is a trigger for men not to mention
below the neck.
The New Covenant Sermon On
The Mount upgrade says if you even look with coveting lust you go to
the second hell. So pluck out eye and chop off hand to get in.
9 Blesseds
Redemptive mercy means that you are kind
and spend something to help someone out of a situation when they can’t help
Alms are very consistent with redemptive
mercy, and it covers sins
Pure Heart
You are going to see God in a modifying
way that lights you on fire.
The contradistinction of Mat_5:8 is when you have a unclean heart by looking at a women in
a modifying way.
When you are reading the Sermon On The
Mount, pay attention when words repeat! That is not interpreting. Interpreting
is a sin condemned by the Bible. Combining is an obedience commanded by the
Church ppl DO Not want to know that
because when you combing you cannot hijack or hoist an liberal interpretation
on any particle of the Scripture but you are limited to the bonds of
conservative obedience to ALL/everything
See psalms 2 where liberals wants to break
their bonds in 2/pieces. They don’t want the bonds of Torah around their necks.
Sometime you have to disrupt the current
peace in order to make peace that is not already there, like Phineas
It is the same rewards therefore it
applies to the same group of people. These are the attributes of the right
group of people.
You either suffer now and get much later,
Or you have much friends now and suffer later.
(Broad way)
Tasteless – dull tasteless insipid like a
fool moron,
You are shining the beauty of good works
that get you persecuted before men. In stark contrast you hide the works that
get you praised by men (like praying and fasting)
The Sermon on the Mount is a general
symmetrical design pattern, or a reflective image of itself, which we call
chiastic structure
There is a lot of ways you could organize
and structure the Sermon on the Mount
It starts with the poor, mourners, meek,
Don’t try to divide and conquer the Bible
because you will lose, instead combine and obey the Bible so you will live
The beatitudes are identifying the right
people and these right people are the salt and the light of the world.
They (the right people) are the law
Towards the end of Mat_7 and onward is about the rules of the
kingdom:. At the end he goes back to the question of who is the right people.
How do you get in is what you should be
Luke says one of the things you ask for in
prayer is the Holy Spirit and you need it to go to heaven
Make the tree good and its fruit will be
good, this is unique to matt 12
So how do I make the tree good??
Jesus is on the right side to full up and
the liberal left are on the liberal left lose down side. The vast majority of
church people are lose down
What is the worst that could go wrong when
you disobey Mat_517?
You are worshipping Satan!!
The law
was a shadow , outline then Jesus is the body!
He came to fulfill the law by his body,
You don’t see the sun but the light that
comes out of the sun so also Jesus is word of God coming out of God
You can lose it all if you get Mat_5:17-20
It didn’t say ignore the bib;e, it saif
pay attention as you read
The gentile rules in the law of Moses as
it pertains to menstruartions is so serious that you you are compared to one
who does bloodshed
There needs to be a parallel with what he
came to do and what you need to change in you.
When he came to fill is it suppose to save
He came to fulfil the fruits as the first
fruit that come out of the dead
He is going to tell you how to
6 Summary!
Urgency Over the SOM
There is a great urgency when teaching the
The salvation of our souls is on the line
We face a culture of competence and Jesus
is called us to a posture of begging
The Truth is very frequently
counterintuitive to the flesh but sizzlingly never illogical
The Bible is not public domain or open
The good guys translate the Bible; they
don’t interpret it
The Scriptures are closed, and we need to
pray to open them: Psa_119:18 (Open my eyes…things in Law); Luk_24:27 (thoroughly translated *); Luk_24:31-32 (eyes & Scriptures thoroughly opened); Luk_24:45 (minds opened)
[* Translated: Joh_1:38,
Sept.: Ezr_4:7
(These are WS examples on G2059)]
And You Are In Danger
You need to understand the your flesh is
desolate, desperate and in danger
Do You Want To Change?
· Do you want the Scriptures opened to you, and your mind opened to the Scriptures?
· There is also great opportunity for salvation if we can apprehend obedience to these Words
Luk_11:52/Mat_23:13 – ‘you have taken away the key to knowledge’
What does that say about the door?
It is locked!
-- Under Construction --
I dare anyone to Prove me wrong with even
one Bible verse
Show that I’m either operating from above
or from earth like Jesus taught you to do! (see: Baptism of
John question)
Just as Jesus wanted people to believe in
Him because of the moral Truth He proclaimed more than the miracles, so also
the right people today are marked by moral Truth, and waiting too long for
miracles means waiting to be plagued by the Two Witnesses.
Jesus did not want people to believe into
him based on the miracles he did but the Morality of the Truth he was preaching
They believed in him but they didn’t
really believe
Protestantism always follow impressive
preachers. They are looking for things intuitive to the flesh but they do not
like listening to the Truth.
Loving Good & Hating Bad More
Most of our troubles are from not being
extreme enough
Being extreme enough, giving over a
reasonable response, taking the Bible more seriously, makes you Love the right
Jesus and the right people enough with real faith to be saved
The New Covenant is a marriage/betrothal
If you are a slave you need to give better
service to a master that is of the faith
The Bride says come
When you fall in love with the real Jesus
you believe what he says including the authority of his BRIDE
There’s not a lot of wiggle room for third
parties when Jesus is zealous to marry His exclusive, authoritatively, divinely
inspirated, Virgin Bride.
Am I going to be apart of the Bible when
It comes back. Jesus is The word of God/Bible. The Bible is not done, you are
commanded to run into the Bible. The only people making it in the end are those
in the Bible!
SOM = Extreme
Can you think of some of the SOM’s
examples of being extreme?
Monotheism is about taking the obviousness
of God to the extreme, and taking it more seriously listening to the his voice,
so that you actually make Him Happy by honoring His reality and authority over
the universe; Salvation is about taking the Bible seriously enough to where you
actually connect to it author when you faith saves you
See: BOND in the SOM
· We’d be doing good if we can sufficiently consider the first 20 verses of the SOM, because…
· We already have BOND laid out before us before we’ve even progressed much beyond the intro to the SOM
What does it mean to Beg?
The Real Gospel
Humility and Obedience = Proof
if you can connect to everything it's
saying you are his people, but if you can't connect to everything he's saying
you're not his disciple to that same degree, and your risk missing eternal life
A snippet of
what it means to take the SOM more seriously…This really is an answer to
everything you need from where you are at wherever you are at, to where ever
you need to go, the answer is in the SOM. Whatever you do pay attention to this
list for salvation.
Why? Because
that’s what the Gospel is!
Proves Today’s Apostasy
It is a
remarkable thing, and a remarkable testimony against the apostasy of the church
today that there is not a single pastor today that confronts hypocrites and
doesn’t flatter. The people and the leaders are all dead guilty in this regard.
Mat_3: is the
fore runner
Confronts hypocrisy
The integrity of the fore runner
is so praised and approved that Jesus quotes him in Mat_7:
would imply that John was preaching the good message, which is the exact way
Mark began his gospel.
‘the Good message began with John’
Mat_4:17, Mat_4:23 – Matthew is telling us
that Jesus’ proclamation is the Gospel, and the next 3 chapters tell us what
the content of that Gospel is.
Darkness is when you
don’t know what is going on.
There is darkness before
the sunrise, and the sunrise is being parallel with the gospel of the SOM
So you need to take the
SOM more seriously because it is the sunrise to your darkness
In chapter 4 the people
are in darkness, then the next 3 chapters unfold the sunrise
Every time you feel like
your soul is in darkness and you can’t agree with God, guess where you need to
go to get the sunrise
Whatever you do take it
seriously because if you keep going back to it and keep reading it over and
over again you’re supposed to change so you can grow and escape destruction.
You need to learn to obey
the SOM and change to embrace the highest moral standards that you will find on
the planet earth. If you can get the SOM you can get anything
The SOM is the sunrise to
your darkness!
the people sitting in darkness have seen a great light, and to those who
sat in the land and the shadow of death, light sprang up on them."
Mat_4:16 ὁ
λαὸς ὁ
καθήμενος ἐν
σκότει εἶδε
φῶς μέγα,
καὶ τοῖς
καθημένοις ἐν
χώρᾳ καὶ
θανάτου φῶς
ἀνέτειλεν αὐτοῖς.
Mat_4:16 ο λαος
ο καθημενος εν
σκοτει Bειδεν TSειδε
φως Aειδεν
μεγα και τοις
καθημενοις εν
χωρα και σκια
θανατου φως
TSK: which sat in darkness: Psa_107:10-14, Isa_42:6, Isa_42:7, Isa_60:1-3, Mic_7:8, Luk_1:78, Luk_1:79, Luk_2:32
shadow: Job_3:5, Job_10:22, Job_34:22, Psa_44:19, Jer_13:16, Amo_5:8
See: SOM = Real Gospel
Light vs.
Baptist says
once saved always saved, Bible says salvation never ceases to be an issue
Spiritually Confused?
Darkness is
when you can't see and understand what's going on, if you’re in darkness you
need to go to the sunrise… and take the SOM more seriously
This is a great
irony of liberals who promise you freedom and “love”
While holding
you in vagueness, deception and darkness
Vagueness is a
favorite refuge of liberal sins ... because there, deception thrives
Their love is
not helping you it is killing you in darkness
Instead of
fragmented free thinking, you need to combine the Bible. That's why we actually
need to combine the Bible to apprehend saving conservative Truth
We combine the
Bible verses so that we don’t free think into liberalness
Light is
generically mentioned in contrast with darkness in Mat_4:
How do we avoid
liberal misrepresentation of that light?
We combine the
references of “light” with the content of that message of light, which tells us
clearly what is being targeted and praised as saving light.
Mat_4 says
light and we need to combine it with the message of light in Mat_5 – 7
Gospel of Combination
Defeating confusion is why we need to combine the Bible to get the
freedom of the light of the message of the Kingdom that Jesus preached in
Matthew 4
Darkness (m4:16) ~
Liable to hell fire (relationships in need of restitution)
“Won't get [out] of there” until paying last penny (m5)
“There” = darkness = an unforgivable trap
Sinning (5:27-30) – the visual adultery of the heart is an illustration
of living in sin which is living in darkness
Needing to chop off hand
Neither will your father forgive you (Mat_6:) – does this sound like
darkness to you? Does it sound like darkness to be unforgiven? Doesn’t that
sort of remind you of Cain when he was full of darkness and could not find
forgiveness for himself before God?
Mat_6 Darkness -- Not to mention the explicit darkness which Jesus says
how great it is
Jesus is trying
to tell you how you don’t need to be trapped in that darkness by shining the
big light of his teaching on your life
describes Jesus as shining a light against darkness, and then he unfolds his
message which incl;udes an answer of light conquering darkness
Light of poor beggars who are hungering and pursuing righteousness
Don’t you
remember him saying that you are the light of the world? And that is
How do you
transfer into light? You embrace poor begging.
What is the
answer then and how do you respond to light so that you can conquer darkness?
Answer: Take SOM More
This is the list where you’ll find the REAL answer to all your life’s problems
esp. sin problems and the need for real and ultimate salvation
BOND = Beg to Obey-all with No-sin Discipleship
If youre not doing these thints you are neglecting the sunrise to your
Be the first one to recognize your own weaknesses, sinfulness, fault,
liability, desolation
Do justice & restitution to the real value & identity of other
(especially the poor beggars, whom
you sinned against, and not valued as the royal cream of the kingdom of heaven)
The core of darkness that we need to escape like Cain, and the mystery of Cain (somewhere very deep down) is that darkness is unresolved hurt
Cain has done something horrible and it has damaged him and he can’t find a way to apprehend forgiveness from his father God.
In this state of hurt-ness he is holding onto and trapped by the fact that God did not accept his sacrifice, and he took that hurt to the point of murder (he was really upset about something) and then after his crime he is in great distress that he is about to be kicked out of God’s presence, which shows he still cares about that (he is about to lose access to being in front of God’s presence) and he is in great distress about that.
Similarly loving, and or even liking money, that is not hating it as your enemy, fills you up with darkness
How is that similar to murder?
Loving this world, not loving the poor
Preferring stuff over people
The point of the Lord’s Prayer is to connect to your Father, and not hating money makes you disconnected and rejected by him whether you feel it or not, it doesn’t matter, you are full of darkness and you don’t know what is going on because you are full of darkness.
Hating money is essential to connecting with and being approved of in your father in heaven
When you are in darkness you don’t know hwat is going on Rom_7 says I do not know what I am doing. You have love pointed in front of you, and hatred behind you. You have to point your love in one direction which necessarily means you have hatred pointed in the other direction.
Are you treating it like an enemy that you are competing with in order to escape darkness
Even with praying for your daily bread you have instructions from God to prepare for the day of preparation for the Sabbath. Dividing up cares is when you are spending today’s resources on tomorrow’s problem.
At the heart core of the SOM is spending your resources according to what is prescribed`
Sun 6:21pm(edited)
Matthew 3 has John the Baptist as a prerunner/forerunner to proclaiming what Jesus would repeat
The integrity of the forerunner is so praised and approved that Jesus picks up right where John left off after being thrown in prison, and Jesus starts quoting john in Matthew 7, for example.
This is a testimony against the majority of all the pastors today who don't, and will not, testify against hypocrites. They rather flatter them. But John came preaching the gospel of the Anointed One.
And the Gospel is NOT the old testament
The book of Matthew is called the gospel; the gospel of Matthew is the gospel!
And Matthew proceeds to unfold what the Gospel entails, starting with the next number of chapters.
Every single thing you need, from where you're at, all the way to the salvation you need, is all in the Sermon on the Mount. That's what the Gospel is.
Mat 4:16 the people sat in darkness
And then a light rose up and shown on them!
Jesus had moved to their area (from Nazereth to Capernaum) and started preaching
Darkness is when you don't know what's happening or going on
There is darkness before the sunrise
And the sunrise is being paralleled with the gospel of the SOM
So you need to take the SOM more seriously because it is the sunrise to your darkness
Are you feeling spiritually confused about your life? Guess where your sunrise is at?
"I just feel like a lost person." Guess where your sunrise is at?
"I can't seem to get somewhere spiritually." Guess where your sunrise is at?
You're supposed to agree with the SOM and change, so that you can grow and escape destruction.
You need to take the SOM more seriously and embrace the highest moral standards that exists on the earth.
Vagueness is a favorite refuge of liberal sins because that's where deceptions thrives. Their love is not helping you; it's killing you and leaving you in darkness. Instead of fragmented free thinking, we actually need to combine the Bible to apprehend saving conservative truth. We combine the Bible verses so that we don't free think into liberalness.
Light is generically mentioned in contrast with darkness in Matt 4
How do we avoid liberal misrepresentation of that light?
We combine the references of light (in Mat 4) with the contents of the message of light (ex Mat 5-7), which tells us clearly what is being targeted and praised as saving light
Darkness examples:
Not doing relationship restitution and being thrown in prison
Not getting out until you pay the last penny
Actively, continually sinning and lusting in your heart and having eyes full of adultery, and being thrown into Gehenna
Not forgiving people and not being forgiven by the Father
Matt 5 said "blessed"
Matt 6 said "rewards"
Paralleling the idea of blessed with a wage God will give to you
How to escape darkness? By becoming salt and light
How to become salt and light? Become a merciful one. This is the light dawning on you
Generosity opens up the...
Mercy in the Bible always includes a price someone pays to redeem someone else from a bad situation that they couldn't get themselves out of
Mercy is always spending something to get someone else out of trouble
It practically involves being kind to another
"However you" is audience specification, which means Jesus is differentiating between "you" and religious church people hypocrites.
In order to be a political pastor, you have to do things to be seen by men. The people with itching ears will not let you do otherwise. This clearly shows us that pastors & their churches are sitting in darkness. The goats as well as the wolves are totally guilty of this. Church people want actors to get in front of them and flatter them. They want this because that's who they pay. They don't hire John the Baptists. They won't be in a posture of exposing hypocrisy unless it just so happens to be inconvenient for them.
Sun 6:21pm(edited)
The Bible has been preaching to us against darkness since Gen 4
The core of darkness that we need to escape from is like Cain
And the mystery of Cain is this, that darkness is unresolved hurt deep down inside somewhere
Can was holding onto & trapped by the fact that God did not accept his sacrifice
And then he took that hurt to the point of murder
Cain did something horrible and that further damaged him inside
You dont kill someone just cuz you had a grumpy day
He was really really upset about something
That hurt tied into the fact that he kept not finding a way to apprehend forgiveness towards his father God
And then after his great crime he is in great distress that he's about to be kicked out of God's presence, which shows that he still [kept] caring about that.
He's about to lose complete access to living in God's presence.
That's a snowball of a lot of unresolved hurt.
Similarly, when you love money (or keep engaging in any sin violation that's unto death) you become full of darkness.
Loving money (or even liking money/riches, and not hating it as your enemy) fills you up with darkness.
How do you say "similarly"?
How is that similar to murder?
The point of the Lord's prayer is to connect you to your Father
And not hating money (or a sin unto death) makes you disconnected and rejected by Him
Whether you feel it or not, it doesn't matter, you're full of darkness
You do not realize what's going on inside of you cuz you're in darkness
So hating money is essential to connecting with and being approved by your Father in heaven
You have to get violent with it as your enemy.
Are you personifying money as an idolatrous pagan enemy that you're supposed to hate?
You have to point your love in one direction, which necessarily means you'll have hatred pointing in the other direction.
Don't store up things "for yourselves". For yourselves is the key phrase, and the key to handling money
The point is that you have a good eye, which means you're generous.
So you can save money, and use money, in order to give money away.
The story of Joseph shows how you can manage stuff in order to preserve and save people. This is not about making your life more comfortable
Get good at /skillful at transferring goods to another, and at promoting reciprocation with the children of light .
1Corin 9 context defines reciprocation as "equality" or equilibrium among believers
Whether you spend every penny you have - ex Liking to spend money is loving the power of money and what you can do & gain with it. Don't be consumptive for yourselves!
Or whether you like "pinching every penny"- ex The "fool" is one who stores up things for himself but is not rich towards God (Luke 12:21)
Both cases need to not love money but rather hate it
"Aren't there 12 hours in a day?" says the Lord
You know you're breaking the day boundaries regarding worry & anxieties when you're spending today's resources on tomorrow's problems that you're not being held responsible for by God
Don't spend resources outside of what God has commanded you to so as to scatter your seed randomly, instead of doing so according to prescription. That's why its bad, for example, to give into the distraction of clicking on tabloids and news and stuff.
AlSun 6:21pm(edited)
If you're traumatized by scarcity, and then you respond to that by luxury, then you are not "giving your children a better life". By default, your children will end up becoming rotten (spoiled brats) and more of a son of hell than you are. Are you giving them a better life by teaching your children to love money? Retiring, pampering yourself, and enjoying life is not the "better life". It's full of sin, vanity, and darkness. You don't "get back at God" with traumatic hurt and franticness and phobias. Fleshballs get traumatized by scarcity and they say things like "I'll never let that happen again". They cry because of scarcity instead of crying because of sin & darkness.
Instead you should rather say, I had scarcity in my life and I have learned the mystery of abounding and of being abased. I have learned the mystery of being content. I can do all things through Jesus.
Through scarcity, learn poverty and learn begging, and you would have learned a priceless lesson that will glorify you into eternity. Own the affliction (ex in the Psalms "it is good for me to be afflicted" Psalm 119:71-77). When David was humbled, and being chased by Saul, and broken, and having rocks thrown at him by perverted people, he did not complain. He glorified God, over and over! It is wicked fleshballness when you proudly insist that "I'll never let that happen to me again". A righteous person will logically confess that 'this is good for me'. Therein is your salvation. Don't despise it.
Living in pleasures day by day is bad
Giving over a reasonable response and enjoying the blessings of God (especially with with others) is lawful and good
But rewarding yourself and taking ease is bad
Going on vacations just to relieve yourself of good work is vain and bad
Going on missional "vacations" is lawful and good
The point of life is not to enjoy experiences
The point of life is to produce something good and eternal
Having fun to make up for all the work you've done is not understanding what the "Shalom" of God is really all about.
AlMon 8:44am(edited)
@hd I added that sizzling Psalm 119 reference to the Chat notes yesterday. What a healthy good confession!
(Psalms 119:71-77 nkjv
71 It is good for me that I have been afflicted, That I may learn Your statutes.
72 The law of Your mouth is better to me Than thousands of coins of gold and silver.
73 Your hands have made me and fashioned me; Give me understanding, that I may learn Your commandments.
74 Those who fear You will be glad when they see me, Because I have hoped in Your word.
75 I know, O Lord, that Your judgments are right, And that in faithfulness You have afflicted me.
76 Let, I pray, Your merciful kindness be for my comfort, According to Your word to Your servant.
77 Let Your tender mercies come to me, that I may live; For Your law is my delight.)
Mon 12:32pm(edited)
2Sam 16:5-12
You just want to hug David for such meek responses to difficult trials
This has been one of my favorite, heart melting reactions to harshness in the Bible
It really leaves us without excuse towards replying meekly to each other:
5 Now when King David came to Bahurim, there was a man from the family of the house of Saul, whose name was Shimei the son of Gera, coming from there. He came out, cursing continuously as he came.
6 And he threw stones at David and at all the servants of King David. And all the people and all the mighty men were on his right hand and on his left.
7 Also Shimei said thus when he cursed: "Come out! Come out! You bloodthirsty man, you rogue!
8 The Lord has brought upon you all the blood of the house of Saul, in whose place you have reigned; and the Lord has delivered the kingdom into the hand of Absalom your son. So now you are caught in your own evil, because you are a bloodthirsty man!"
9 Then Abishai the son of Zeruiah said to the king, "Why should this dead dog curse my lord the king? Please, let me go over and take off his head!"
10 But the king said, "What have I to do with you, you sons of Zeruiah? So let him curse, because the Lord has said to him, 'Curse David.' Who then shall say, 'Why have you done so?' "
11 And David said to Abishai and all his servants, "See how my son who came from my own body seeks my life. How much more now may this Benjamite? Let him alone, and let him curse; for so the Lord has ordered him.
12 It may be that the Lord will look on my affliction, and that the Lord will repay me with good for his cursing this day."
13 And as David and his men went along the road, Shimei went along the hillside opposite him and cursed as he went, threw stones at him and kicked up dust.
14 Now the king and all the people who were with him became weary; so they refreshed themselves there.
Sun 12:03pm
I've been thinking about the Sermon on the Mount today (Mathew 6)...
I've also been generally thinking about how to be contented with the post that God has arranged each of us in, and how to not let hurt & frustration form a bitter root deep down somewhere, and how to prioritize thankfulness in all things (cuz this is explicitly the will of God for us in 1Thess 5:18), and how to rejoice always (1Thess 5:16, Phil 4:4, 2Cor 6:10).
I really want to gain ground in all these things
Sun 12:09pm
I was kinda prayer journaling this morning, and I captured some of my thoughts in the following non-rhyming "poem" (I put the word poem in quotes cuz it might not technically be a poem. I just don't know what to call it right now)
Sun 12:12pm(edited)
Craving for our assembly to become more spiritual
Ultimately hoping for our reputation & names to be vindicated against all those who think we've "missed the kingdom"
How to prove people wrong about us
Many will come in that day saying "Lord Lord"
And He will separate the sheep from the goats
How to be found as an innocent sheep
How to be counted with the blessed lot of the wise virgins, even if we temporarily sleep
How to wake up now and become spiritually on
How to fulfill the scriptures, the reality of which humbles the flesh every time you turn a page
How to fulfill all the requirements of blameless righteousness
God will judge fornicators & adulterers
So let your way of processing life be without loving money (interesting correlation Heb 13:4-5)
How to free ourselves from getting entangled with bad spirits and worldliness
Good reverence with contentment is great gain (1 Tim 6:6)
How to exercise ourselves towards good reverence & contentment, as opposed to getting tricked into becoming preoccupied with making progress and advancing in this here & now life
The lamp of the body is the eye, and if your eye is single & sound then the whole body will be full of light
Do we lack light in our frames
Do we feel the burden of darkness in us
How great is that darkness
How to overcome
No one is powerfully able to serve two lords
You cant serve God and money
Why do the Scriptures keep coming back to money
I guess it is indeed a root of all kinds of evils
How to escape and free ourselves
How to not get tricked
How to maintain softness in the midst of our trials
Don't become profane like Esau
Who said, 'what to me is this greatness when I'm struggling to survive'
He was embittered & hardened by the toils of life, like those wandering in the wilderness who didn't pass the test
In their darkness they couldn't navigate towards thankfulness and holiness
How to adjust our vision
How to correct our thinking
How to finally think right, or at least make real progress day by day in our thinking
How to grow where we're planted
How to make steps in the right direction
Do not be anxious about your life He says
Wow, what an answer and high calling to a high heavenly bar of freedom, free from the snares of this world
Look at the birds that He left as examples for us
They don't spend their wheels laboring for basic necessities, full of anxieties as they sow and reap, and deriving value from storing up a safety net for themselves into the future.
Yet look how they're still provided for
And God has said we are more valuable to Him than they
Look at the beautiful flowers outside, how they grow so well despite much of the contrary elements, and how they receive blessings so often from the Creator to be arrayed in pleasingness
How is it possible that not even Solomon was adorned like a flower
How are the lilies surpassing him in all his riches and earthly success and knowledge
If God works so diligently and faithfully to furnish grass in such a way, and they only last for a blink of an eye, sometimes a few weeks, is he not much more working out goodness for us
Won't he take care of us even more than we crave
Will he come through if we run into a problem
Will he answer whatever we ask
Will we be faithful to not be anxious for anything, but in everything pray
You know, we really are in danger if you consider how American we've been naturally discipled to be
We need to do something about our defaults
We really don't have space for self-directed, self-protected, independent ways of thinking
Guarding ourselves when interacting with each other
And rather opening ourselves up to the spirits that are at work in the dark world of pragmatism
We will be without excuse
Deferring to one another is the least we can do to truly guard ourselves from the deception that runs rampant, lying in wait for our souls
What are we afraid of? Being lied to & disadvantaged by another?
What's our alternative? The deception of luxury & self sufficiency?
The Bible
clearly tells us that the 4 Gospels are the Gospel (and that’s how they got
their “name”!), and yet you wouldn’t believe how many church people look for
ways to believe that the Gospel of Mat is not the Gospel!
Mat_4:17, 23 – Matthew is telling us that this is the
gospel and the next 3 chapters tell us what the content of that gospel is.
Most protestants act like “the Gospel” starts in Romans, but
The Biblical Gospel, the Kingdom of Heaven, and the New Covenant start in the Gospels, including the SOM.
As a foreshadowing introduction preview, right before the SOM Matthew explicitly says:
Mat_4:17 LB
From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
Mat_4:17 απο
τοτε ηρξατο ο
κηρυσσειν και
ηγγικεν γαρ η
βασιλεια των
Mat_4:23 LB
And Jesus went about all of Galilee, teaching
in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom,
and healing every disease and every illness among the people.
Mat_4:23 και
περιηγεν Aεν Aολη Aτη Aγαλιλαια
TSBολην TSBτην TSBγαλιλαιαν
TSBο TSBιησους
διδασκων εν
αυτων και κηρυσσων
το ευαγγελιον
της βασιλειας
και θεραπευων πασαν
νοσον και
πασαν μαλακιαν
εν τω λαω
Similarly (concerning the Gospel): Mat_4:23; Mat_9:35; Mat_11:5; Mat_26:13; Mar_1:1; Mar_1:14; Mar_1:15; Mar_8:35; Mar_10:29; Mar_13:10; Mar_14:9; Mar_16:15; Luk_4:18; Luk_8:1; Luk_9:6; Luk_20:1
And what does Jesus teach about in the SOM? -- The Kingdom!:
Mat_5:3/Luk_6:20 (poor); Mat_5:10 (persecuted); Mat_5:19 (commandments); Mat_5:20 (righteousness); Mat_5:35 (great king); Mat_6:10 (may it come...Lord's Prayer); |TSB Mat_6:13| ("Your is"...Lord's Prayer); Mat_6:33 (seek first); Mat_7:21 ("Lord, Lord" not entering);
SOM = Kingdom Gospel
· When introducing the preceding authoritative context for the SOM, we see that Matthew shows Jesus proclaiming the Good-Message/Gospel (Mat_4:17; Mat_4:23 -- quoted above).
· This Good-Message is about the The Kingdom (as seen above).
· The SOM continues talking about this Kingdom message extensively (as seen above).
We’ve got to fully recover from the heresy that pretends that Jesus didn’t preach the gospel (just because it is not the oversimplified churchy gospel), when the Bible explicitly says He did!
The Point: the SOM = The Good-Message/Gospel of the New Covenant Kingdom of Heaven that save you -- you’ve got to obey the Gospel/Good-Message of the SOM to be saved! (Rom_10:16; 2Th_1:8; 1Pe_4:17)
One of the reasons people think that the bulk of the Gospels don’t contain the (churchy) “gospel” is because they think that the death, burial, and resurrection don’t sufficiently happen until the end of each Gospel.
This oversimplification is a big mistake for several important reasons:
· Paul Preaches the Biblical Good-Message / Gospel
· Paul says that circumcision is a type of seal to the Old Covenant faith that correlates with the baptism into the death of the New Covenant
· If the Old Testament circumcision of a piece of skin correlates with our baptism into death, by “putting away the flesh”, how much more is cutting of a hand to avoid sin which is spoken in the newness of our covenant by the mouth of Jesus?
· Since the real, Biblical Good-Message / Gospel “was preaches to us as well as to them” (Heb_4:2), therefore dying to lust is an even more explicit part of the real Biblical Good-Message
BOND = Beg to Obey-all with No-sin
BOND is a summary of some of the main
points in the SOM that are most universally disobeyed by rebellious apostate
church people today.
The SOM clearly teaches BOND, but
virtually no one in churches anywhere is obeying it today.
The simple fact that we are obeying BOND
is proof of its Biblical inspiration
Have you noticed BOND in The Sermon on the Mount yet?
Mat_5:3 – Poor crouching beggars
Mat_5:4 – Morning, which can be part of pressed down humility
Mat_5:5 – Meek (gentle-humble)
Mat_5:6 – Hungering and thirsting for righteousness (real justice)
Mat_5:17-20; Mat_7:13-29
Mat_5:17-20 & following, like: Mat_5:27-30, etc.!
When you can’t break even the smallest
letter of the Law and when you got to chop off your hand to stop sinning, there
is no room for lazy sinning in the SOM.
You are supposed to be “Begging” for
Obey-All, No-Sin, if you hope to inherit eternal life be responding to the
Gospel (Mat_4:17, Mat_4:23) of the SOM!
See: Do Teacher
Mat_5:17-20; Mat_7:13-29
Whoever does and teaches = a do teacher (Mat_5)
When church people hear this they have
said things to me like, "oh, I guess I'm supposed to learn Greek",
but that is not the point!
A do teacher foreshadows DISCIPLESHIP, not
everyone having their own independent (autonomous) specialty
This Obey-ALL discipleship is confirmed in Mat_7 & Mat_28
A New Kingdom of People
God’s Kingdom of Heaven already Has…
· Riches, honor, wealth,
· Authority, might, power
When the kingdom of Heaven is being preached on Earth, what is it lacking and seeking to get?
God is seeking to redeem a people out of this fallen earth to be His own people, as part of His Divine Kingdom and Spotless Bride
When the Kingdom of Heaven is preached, it is building A New Kingdom of People
Joh_4:23-24 – spirit and truth…the Father is seeking such people to worship him
…the true worshipers will worship the Father
in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God
is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth
You cannot separate this element of the right people which is powerfully included in the core of the SOM.
· These people are Blessed, Salt, Light: Clean Begging Persecuted
· These people are woe-ed, cursed outsiders
Don’t pretend that this distinction is not explicit, when it is…
You are either clearly a part of these identified people, or you’re not.
Don’t ride on the fence or blur the picture.
6/16/24; 8/2/24
Jesus is identifying the right people in
the beatitudes and his identifying the right teacher thereafter
Have you noticed any other group in the
entire world that does sufficient head coverings, demands repentance departure
from adulterous remarriage, and seriously honestly scientifically begs to obey
all with no sin discipleship?
Ironically anyone in the world could
theoretically audition to be the people of God's kingdom but no known group
cares and wants to be a serious part of it that has been discovered so far
you've only got a few logical options:
(1) Find another BOND Group
Find another group in the world that
matches the basic simple SOM Biblical criteria of BOND
If you actually find a real living truth
group anywhere in the entire world you can feel free to join them and get
disciple by them, and you should also remember to tell them about us and us
about them so we can finally rejoice together.
(2) Prove We're Wrong
Our message and our criteria are very
compelling if you're a Bible lover.
You would need to Biblically prove that we
are not obeying all the Bible with no sin discipleship and that we're not
begging for Truth in order to invalidate our claims and disqualify us as
biblical disciples.
(3) Get TrueConnection Discipleship
Obey the Bible and get discipled by the
only known living Bible obedient group in the world that has been discovered so
You’re not allowed to claim that the church has discernment, especially including your flesh.
See: SPI > Intentions, Motives, Sincerity, And Poverty -- What Really Makes You Approved?
DAR in the SOM -- BIG example!
Can you go to church and perceive the abomination of divorce and remarriage?
As you go about do you sympathize with those who intend well, or those who are poor and begging?
Are you blessing the poor beggars like Jesus and praising the inspired greatness of do-teaching like Jesus does?
Can you resolve to obey what Jesus said was the standard of who is right?
Poverty… Hear & DO!
@hd Sermon on the Mount...
I've been thinking about Ty and how we
were discussing yesterday his default/tendency towards carving out his own hard
core path with self-sufficiency, and shaping his own journey in a sense.
I was remembering how in the beginning
when we met you, the introduction of Discernment seemed to be one of the things
that affected my sense of just being hard core in my own way (as a silent
revolutionary that could still hang out with other church people). I think
hearing about discernment helped push me out of my comfort zone in thinking
that I could just be obedient as an independent social butterfly or something.
I now couldn't just be hardcore AND be accepted by the socially accepted (and
sometimes cool) church goes. I also realized that I didn't know anything about discernment;
that did not, and would not, come naturally to me at all. And I started to see
that ultimately, I couldn't be fully hard core without it! This all forced me
to keep going back to Sir and become dependent on him to tell me again who's a
good guy and who's the bad guys, and reinforce to me that I'm not going crazy
as I watch my social niche fall apart.
With The Sermon on the Mount, I was
wondering if Discernment could somehow be touched on (and maybe held as an
enticing carrot and beckoning before our/Ty's face)?
Like, would it profit at all to draw out a distinction between how
to not give what is holy to dogs (yes we need to know when and how to call
people dogs) yet how to NOT call a brother even a fool, but rather to be
totally dependent on their approval of your life, being willing to lay down
your own private gift and worship of God in your prayer closet until you've
been cleared by your adversary...?
(Also, I wonder if the 'not giving pearls to
pigs' thing would help answer any of Ty's questions about how not to argue with
people who don't agree with his beliefs)
Just some thoughts...
Other Disciple’s Response
Maybe some versus summaries to support the theme what our mom said:
Blessed are you "when" [you’re] persecuted for my sake....for so they persecuted the prophets before you
-this will happen if you are actually being faithful
If salt (like someone who had favor) loses it flavor.....it's becomes good for nothing.
Can't serve 2 masters will love the one hate the other.
-people will end up hating/turning away from the righteous if they also entertain fake church people
Good tree bears good fruit bad tree can't bear good fruit.
-judging the church in recognizing that there aren't different levels to believing Jesus, it's all or nothing root issue, so his church people aren't saved
6/15/24; 6/22/24
Rom_12:9 – hate what is evil cling to what is good
taking the deep bitter darkness of the
night, and taken the amazing rejoicing of the bright and glorious Stars of
Divine light...
make the dark, really dark, and the light,
really light, and taking the deep of these realities and learn to really love
the light of real clean Justice Truth obedience righteousness...
You've got to really hate the badness of
your own desolation more, and you've got to really deeply excitingly love the
goodness and perfection of inspired obedience truth...
6/15/24; 6/22/24; 8/11/24
It is noted by some would be
Lots of people believe in God, but few
people believe God
Do you believe in Jesus, or do you believe
Believing in Jesus is what Santa Claus and
antichrist are all about
Trusting and believing Jesus is the exact
same thing as believing the legitimate inspiration of do teachers and here do
disciples, because that is exactly what Jesus said and taught you to believe
about Himself.
Do you really trust that what Jesus says is
reliable, or do you just believe in the concept of a Jesus?
1Jn_2:29 – 1Jn_3:1 – 1jn: if it may be you might have seen that he is being
righteous [then] you know that everyone doing righteousness has been begotten
out of him
Questions to Ask Yourself when Considering the SOM
· Do you really Trust/Believe Jesus to save you by His Words in the SOM?
· Do you really consider His standard safe, effective, perfect, reliable, True and successful at determining Truth to save you?
· Have you fallen in Love with Jesus’ Truth Yet, including the good Tree disciples and Truth proclaimers that Jesus blesses?
· Are you responding with “faith and love” for Jesus & His holy ones (Phm_1:4-5) like Jesus is teaching in the SOM?
Answer: You know you’re getting Truth, Faith, Love, & exciting salvation from the SOM when you are doing BOND (which is taught in the SOM)
If you’re not there yet, keep re-considering these Prerequisites and re-reading the SOM until you actually believe with exciting Love and faith and obey BOND in the SOM.
Mat_5:32 (ποιεῖ
Mat_5:36 (ποιῆσαι
x1 or TSBx2)
Mat_5:44 (TSBκαλῶς
Mat_6:1-3 (ποιέω x5)
Mat_7:12 (ποιέω x2)
Mat_7:17-26 (ποιέω x9) =
24 total + 1 compound (5:9) = 23-25
(TSB: 5:36, 5:44)
thrown into Gehenna
You are supposed to “beg” and “hunger” for God, but that is not the specific and powerful call to action in the SOM.
By noticing that He has given the same reward for those who beg and those who are persecuted, He is teaching us to combine.
He is teaching us to combine not divide like dispensationalist.
Sometimes the number of repletion of a word is not because it is the proper numerical way to express it.
He is not trying to number the virtues He is trying to create patterns for you to recognize which is more important.
He is creating parallels more than compartments. He is teaching you to combine statements not isolate them.
The Point: you're not allowed to fragment these passages,
but you are obligated by commandment to treat them as a unified statement that
you are commanded to put together in order to understand.
Those who act like you can take each
passage in an isolated way are in flaming rebellion against the master who
commanded everyone to put them together and obey them to have understanding as
to what they're talking about...
· We need to come to terms with our own radically deep desolation...
· To become candidates for entering into the blessed people of The Sermon on the Mount we have to come to terms with how radically evil and contradictory we are and how disgustingly disobedient we are in the flesh...
Real Humility from Desolation = Begging in Spirit
You are not already poor in spirit.
You are already desolate.
You desperately need to get poor in spirit.
Desolation + Serious Humility/acknowledgement/repentance = Poor in Spirit (attitude)
When we change our attitude about our Desolation into poverty-begging then we are positioning ourselves to be the begging in spirit people who the SOM blesses and applies to.
Up next…
SOM Disobedience Summaries: Summary of Maine things disobeyed from The Sermon on the Mount (esp. by
church people)
Consider this brief preview of all the
church people contradict and disobey against the SOM:
Jesus said you had to have an attitude of
poor begging to inherit heaven; church people say 'let the poor say I am rich
in him'
Jesus blessed those hungry and thirsting
for real morality/justice/righteousness; church people say you need a personal
relationship with JC
Jesus bless the persecuted for real
Justice; church people celebrate popular skillful speakers and celebrities
Jesus said you had to fulfill every detail
of the law with surpassing righteousness to inherit heaven; church people say
the law passed away, was abrogated, abolished, done away with, ended, replaced
Jesus said you had to reconcile
relationships by reversing your sins; virtually no church people obey
restitution and doing real Justice and reversing their awful sins and perverted
Jesus said visual adultery in the heart
will send you to hell if you don't cut off whatever necessary to stop it;
church people flaunt beauty and show off their hair and have eyes full of
adultery without much of any serious restraint
Jesus said divorce and remarriage was
adultery; church people say they're a fine Christian couple
Jesus and James clearly taught no swearing
at all; church people make promises and say it's fine to swear in court or to
get a government office, and sometimes other convenient reasons
Jesus said turn the other cheek and love
your enemies; church people mostly support going to war and killing them
Jesus said don't be like the hypocrites;
church people obsessively keep doing the exact same uncorrected hypocrisy without
limit or boundary or restraint
Jesus talk The Lord's prayer; not a single
Church person cares about holy-ifying God's name and reputation, or doing what
God really wants to do.
proof: they keep paying wolves to pastor
and preach to them and will just about never bring a serious hardcore fiery
truth preaching Bible obeyer to tell them how evil they are
Jesus said to hate money; almost no church
person has even thought about doing that. they're completely fine with being
fond of money even though Jesus and Paul clearly talked it was idolatry and
leads straight to hell.
Jesus said don't worry about tomorrow and
don't lay up treasures for yourself; almost every Church person spends money on
themselves and works real hard to have abundant money for themselves to live in
pleasures and luxuries
Jesus said for uninspired people not to
judge; church people say that reading, being amazed, believing, and repeating
God's judgments against them is judging them.
Jesus said “Lord, Lord” Christians will go
to hell; church people say calling JC Lord and having a personal relationship
will guarantee you heaven -- that's the exact opposite of what Jesus said!
Jesus said you had to HEAR and DO to get
heaven; church people say you need to interpret the Bible, and you need to
trust in JC alone to go to heaven.
Now we can consider our desolation in more
detail, and let’s get real thorough and honest enough to actually repent!
How exactly does the flesh live out condemned
desolate disobedience to the SOM?
Uninspired Preaching -- No
· Not doing intense prayer, sometimes all night, before opening your mouth to talk to people about the Truth: Luk_6:12
· Never preaching dramatic, heart pounding, exhilarating, exciting, explosive, revolutionary Truth: Mat_5:2, etc.
Not Begging
· Maintaining independence instead of hungering, thirsting (Mat_5:6) and begging (Mat_5:3) for overflowing righteousness to enter the Kingdom of Heaven (Mat_5:17-20)
· Supposedly ‘begging god’ who they already “know” instead of begging do-teachers (Mat_5:19) for the Good Message that they do NOT already know.
Not Prioritizing Poor Beggars (the Right People)
· Not prioritizing and caring about the right people - i.e. the hungry, poor crouching beggars, who are persecuted for righteousness: Mat_5:1-16; Luk_6:13-23, etc.
· Giving to the fake poor who are rich, instead of the redemptive mercy to the Truly poor
· Not Condemning, or saying “woe to”, the rich: Luk_6:24-26
Not Getting Persecuted
· Not getting persecuted for righteousness like head coverings and demanding repentance from adulterous remarriage: Mat_5:8, Mat_5:10-12, Mat_5:27-32
· Shining their own light of darkness from there unsaved personality (Mat_6:22-24, etc), rather than having and shining the light of salty persecuted righteousness: Mat_5:13-16
Not Obeying ALL with No Sin -- Mat_5:17-20 Disobedience
· Dispensationalism: thinking that the Old Testament passed away (the Old Covenant priesthood did pass away, as an application of the law, but this doesn't include the personal righteousness rules of the Old Testament text itself, nor its binding nature which requires being surpassed by the spirit)
· Thinking that any part of the Old Covenant text and righteous rules can pass away before heaven and earth pass away
· Not obsessing over obeying and surpassing every detail of the Old Covenant
· Not thinking that a do-teacher is mega great in heaven
· What kind of preachers and churches are people paying and prioritizing and parading today?
· Not thinking that you need righteousness that overflows beyond the scribes and the Pharisees to go into heaven
· * Mat_5:17-20
Relationship Sins
· Thinking that you can be angry, wrathful, and/or critical of a brother of truth without being in danger of going to hell: Mat_5:21-22
· Not taking personal zealous vital responsibility to make restitution: Matthew_5:23-26 (comp. Matthew 18)
· The Flesh hates restitution and never fully embraces correcting it’s sins and finally giving over exciting serious justice
Lust Adultery
· Not believing that visual heart adultery of beauty admiration sends you to hell: Mat_5:27-30; Pro_6:25
· Kissing, holding hands, physical and visual premarital romantic affection
· Saying plucking out an eye & cutting off a hand is figurative, i.e disobeying
Divorce Adultery
· Disobeying Mat_5:27-32…
· Pretending that a divorce certificate allows a valid remarriage - when Jesus said it was adultery
· Pretending that a divorce certificate which is intending to allow remarriage is not adulterous, when Jesus says it is
· Saying that the divorce exception is (or the exceptions are) adultery and/or abandonment, instead of “a word of prostitution/formication” like Jesus says
· Acting like the exception clause in the Sermon on the Mount allows remarriage, when it explicitly doesn't
· NIV (& others) Say: 'makes her look like she's committing adultery', when Jesus says "makes her to be committing adultery" (TSB) or "to be adulterated" (Alexandrian text) [NIV, etc. Are absurdities here, which clearly contradict the other divorce and remarriage passages, no matter how you translate it]
Swearing, Even After it is
Clearly Forbidden
· Swearing, when Jesus said don't swear completely: Mat_5:33-37
· Promising when Jesus said to only affirm twice for emphasis
No TOC Mercy & Forgiveness
· Not turning the other cheek, and ‘loving your enemies’: Mat_5:38-48; Luk_6:27-36 -- you can't love enemies and enforce social justice, for example, or go to war, like most everyone is fine with doing today
· Not Forgiving everyone, absolutely, all the time (from your own heart) Luk_6:37, and as seen previously
Giving to the Rich, Instead of Poor
· Not believing redemptive Mercy is required for heaven: Mat_5:7, Mat_6:1-4
· Giving money to rotten churches and evil preachers instead of poor crouching beggars: Mat_5:3; Mat_6:1-4; Pro_22:16
· Spending money on luxury and pleasures instead of prioritizing the salvation and help and service of poor people (we've got to get on Jesus's mission here!)
· Fake Poor: They have abundance of pleasures; They watch TV!
Not Reward-Driven or Motivated to Greatness
· Not believing that God will reward you for being extremely righteous and secret, such as praying until you don't sin, bearing your approach of unpopular persecuted righteousness like head coverings and remarriage repentance: Matthew 6, etc.
· Not seeking the praise that comes from God: Joh_5:44; Joh_12:43; Rom_2:7, Rom_2:29; 1Co_4:5
Praying Hypocritically
Imitating Hypocrites Prayers
· Praying like hypocrites and pagans, instead of praying like obeyers pray
· Praying with moral emptiness: Mat_6:5-8
· Not praying with righteous fiery zealous countercultural purity and extremist Truth
· Not Praying like we saw Jesus do before proclaiming the SOM
Profaning God’s Name
· Not praying that the Kingdom of head covering obedience and remarriage repentance, and here-do obey all righteousness would finally come down and throw Justice upon the land/earth
· Not praying for the right God to be known
· Profaning God's most holy names without end…
· Never actually doing anything to request & promote that His reputation would ever be distinctly redeemed with a holy name upon the land again
· Never sanctifying the reputation of the God of all perfect Divine clean obedience, or even thinking to pray that it would happen!
Being Self-Willed, Instead of Promoting God’s Will
· Opposing God's will being done on the Earth
· Not letting Truth proclaimers preach on goat stages: see: BSS -- they are supposed to be begging for them to come preach Truth!
· Kicking Truth people out of conventional churches
Rich Independence
· Being in the lap of luxury and not doing daily urgent prayers for continued supernatural provision: Mat_5:11, etc.
Sinning & Missing Forgiveness
· Not having debts and rule breakings and sins sent away/forgiven: Mat_5:12-13; Luk_11:4
· Not escaping from temptation or even praying in a reasonable way to be saved from continuous sin: Mat_6:13; Luk_11:4
· Not truly, seriously forgiving and being forgiven: Mat_6:14-15, etc.
No True Fast, but Hypocritical Deception
· Not cheerfully fasting in secret to honor the right God who is looking to reward you: Mat_5:16-18; Isaiah 58 (true fast)
· Trying to make people think that you look righteous, when your hypocritical
Liking Money -- Never Hating It, or Prioritizing
· Storing up treasures on Earth: Mat_6:19-24
· Heart set on Earth with treasured up money: Mat_6:20-21
· Having an evil eye of darkness Mat_6:22-23
· Not hating money: Mat_6:24
· Having a selfish emotional posture of worrying about your soul: food, drink, clothing, etc.
· Not prioritizing the eternity of your soul over temporal food and clothing Mat_6:25 (when Jesus says your soul is beyond these)
· Worrying about forcing pragmatics to happen when you can't even change your stature: Mat_6:27, etc.
· Being impressed with the power of money instead of the supernatural provision of patient foraging
· Being habitually meager faith-ed and unspiritual: Mat_6:30
· Not seeking first the invisible spiritual Kingdom (of real persecuted righteousness of obey all with no sin): Mat_6:33, etc
· Not letting the nasty evil of the day itself be enough for itself -- Not avoiding creating more nasty evil: Mat_6:34
· Being high maintenance, producing unspiritual results, and increasing more nasty evil problems for the righteous to bear
· Being a problem creator, problem notice-r, instead of a righteous problem solver
Unrighteous Judgements: Uninspired Flesh Judging
God & His People
· Being an unspiritual hypocritical critic of people more righteous than you: Mat_7:1-5
· Referencing Matthew 7 to try to tell God he can't judge you through his favorite righteous people that don't have any specks or planks in their eyes - talk about hypocritically adding insults injury!
· "don't judge" is one of the most popularly abused Bible references in the Bible
· Pretending like the Bible indicates God can't judge a sinful person and declare and make His harsh judgments known against them through the Scriptures, and as if obeyers are automatically uninspired when they believe & repeat God’s inspired harsh judgements against wicked sinners
· Pretending like identification & obediently acknowledging the nasty identity of dogs, pigs, and wolves is uninspired human judging, when it is specifically contradistinguished from human uninspired judgments: Matthew 7
· Righteous Judgement: Joh_7:14-24 (not according to appearance); Joh_8:15-16 (not independently); Act_10:42 (He comes to Judge); Rev_19:11 (& mk war)
· Sinfully Judging hidden motives: Luk_6:37-38, 41-42, etc.; 1Co_4:
Violating Reciprocity
· Not Fearing God that what you do will be done back to you
· Not Believing that generosity will get you supernatural provision given back to you: Luk_6:38, and as seen previously
Tolerating Hypocritical Leadership
· Tolerating blind leaders -- includes virtually all pastors and church leaders today
· Daring to lead others when you're blind yourself: Luk_6:39
· Not Refusing hypocrisy (as seen with not judging)
Profaning Holy Truth
· Treating "holy...pearls" as though they are less important than yourself (putting them under your feet), when Jesus said that would make you a dog and a pig and a wolf
· Pretending like you're not hurting anyone by disrespecting and despising the exciting faith of the righteous, when Jesus in fact said you are tearing righteous people to pieces: Mat_7:6
· (you're not allowed to trivialize the damage you do to righteous people by ignoring cause and effect of lazy unbelief)
Prosperity Preaching
· Prosperity preachers pretending like you can “ask and get whatever you want” without obeying the preceding rules, like hating money (Mat_6) and being a poor crouching beggar and believing righteous do teachers to obey all with no sin: Mat_5:17-20; Mat_7:7-12; Matthew 5 - 6
· Disobeying the Golden rule: Mat_7:12
· Not asking and receiving the One Spirit who is Holy (Luk_11:13), Who is Given to those who Obey (Act_5:32, etc.; see: BSS) to be further empowered to obey all the Bible with no sin (including head coverings obedience and remarriage repentance)
Doing Evil Words
· Not Repenting of evil words: Luke_6:43-45 - or being convicted about the evil overflow of your heart
· Calling Jesus "Lord, Lord" (intensely) without doing what he says: Luk_6:46
· Not believing that the fruit of here-do obedience results in eternal life / heaven, and the disobedience of hearing and not doing = hell: Luk_6:43-49
Not Hearing & Doing Jesus & ALL the Bible!
· Not entering the countercultural, ironic, pure, holy, obedience, no sin, narrow gate and tribulated path of real righteousness: Mat_7:13-14
· Not avoiding false prophets and teachers and wicked sinful church people: Mat_7:15-27
· Being bold and confident and self-willed and not caring that you're a snatching ravenous wolf: Mat_7:15
· Pretending that you can be confident in the flesh without a rational (spiritual, righteous) basis and not be a wolf
· Not Judging the fruit of obedience: Luk_6:43-45
· Never admitting that "here do" is the canonical bedrock basis for whether or not you are a wolf and Thorn and bad tree being rejected at judgment, or making it at the end
· Pretending like you can't know who is ultimately saved simply based on whether they “hear and do”: Mat_7:13-27, etc.
· Pretending like confessing ‘Jesus as Lord’ will guarantee salvation even if you don’t “hear and do”, directly opposed to what Jesus Himself clearly said: Mat_7:21
· Experientialism: treating your testimony as canonical when it doesn't have the canonical requirements of “here-do” begging obedience (to obey all with no sin) & Jesus said it would get you rejected: Mat_7:21-23
· Trusting in your testimony, sincerity, good intentions, and your personal non-canonical experience instead of looking logically and scientifically with brutal honesty at the actual observable fruit of factual obedience, or lack thereof in your life
· Thinking that the sincerity of your intense “personal relationship with the Lord” will get you to heaven, when Jesus said "doing" will prove that you're going to heaven
· Pretending like the Bible is promoting personal Independence guidance spirits, when Jesus explicitly predicting that they will send you to hell: Mat_7:13-27
· Doing a lot of impressive worldly accomplishments in Jesus's name and not fearing that your Disobedience (not hearing and doing) will get you rejected at His appearing
· Interpreting the Bible instead of hearing and doing it
· Interpreting the Bible instead of being persuaded and assured by “here do” and “obey all” fruit of serious and permanent salvation.
· 'Turning aside to the right and to the left' (as forbidden in Exo, Deu, Joshua, etc.) instead of obeying Jesus's Mosaic, monotheistic, "obey all", strict, Bible obedience rules and standards for inheriting heaven
· Thinking that you can hear Jesus's words and not do exactly what he said and still go to heaven when he's guaranteed you would be ripped up with a great destruction that leads to hell
· Not being intense vivid and zealous with all the details of the Old Testament and all of the rules and words of the mouth of Jesus (as Jesus and Matthew expressed it, with the double emphatic Greek) to absolutely zealously extremely obey every single detail and particle with all the zeal and pounding effort constraint and striving of faith in favor to attain eternal life.
· Pretending like there's going to be lots of people from church going to heaven: Mat_7:13-27
· Being conventional instead of ethical, moral, & perfectly Divinely righteous
· Pretending that you can be without fruit and still go to heaven, when Jesus and John the Baptist said you would be cut out and thrown into fire: Mat_7:19; Mat 3; etc.
Consider how overtly sinful our ages in
all of these rebellious disobedience is against The Sermon on the Mount, and
consider how desolate your own flesh is which is in rebellion and not fully
obeying these revolutionary Divine proclamations from Heaven through the mouth
of Jesus
Mat_7:11 – "you being evil"
Your flesh is guilty of: murder (Mat_5:21), (passive) wrath/anger-ing and verbal insults (Mat_5:22), with something against you (Mat_5:23), about to lock you up in prison (Mat_5:26), as you keep scandaling and falling-into-sin by the adultery of your eyes and
heart, and by your divorcing and causing remarriage (Mat_5:27-32), besides your
swearing, retaliation, hating enemies (Mat_5:33-48),
being very imperfect (Mat_5:48)
like the hypocrites and gentiles (Mat_5:17-20; Mat_6:),
worrying and loving money (Mat_6:), making fleshly judgements,
"interpreting" and disobeying Jesus Words and getting ready to be
rejected (Mat_7:).
Indeed, your flesh is very evil (Mat_7:11).
the SOM declares your desolation as a
forgone conclusion
Most church people are so busy flattering themselves
that they never take time to notice this or care to change from being evil.
Desolation is not just that ‘we’re all
evil’ but rather that you are so evil in your religion that you’re not going to
Coming to terms with your own desolation and
with the desolation of the people you are around is absolutely vital to
preparing your heart to receive the Divine salvation through The Sermon on the
Isa_6:5 – woe is me, I am a man of unclean lips and I live among
the people of unclean lips
i.e. "I am undone" or "I am
ruined" + ‘the sinfulness of his entire community’
What are the things we need to do to get
out of this desolation?
What are the key ingredients Jesus taught
us to get us connected to the right Truth of the SOM?
Mat_12:33-37, etc. – Make a tree good and it’s fruit will be good
Think: actions/fruit/quality/recoignition --
internally & externally
12/13/23; …
Mat 3 - John preaches repent because the
Kingdom of Heaven is at hand/close
Mat 4 - changes starts preaching the
Kingdom of Heaven is near, picking up where John left off
this Kingdom message is called The Gospel
in Mat_4:23
Mat 5 - 7 - in The Sermon on the Mount
Jesus mentions the kingdom a lot, which is the gospel in Mat_4:23
Luk_6:12 – Praying All Night into [i.e. in/at] the Mountain
· Same mountain as Mat_5:1
· Double emphatic -those days there
Luk_6:13 – 12 apostles called* & Named [next] Day
· * προσεφωνησε = sounded-toward
· εκλεξαμενος = chose out with words
Luk_6:14-16 – Names of the 12
· Judah Iscatria man of Kerioth
Luk_6:17 – Descended; Stood; Crowd
· Came down with Apostles; stood in level place; crowd (came)... [οχλος |A πολυς| μαθητων...πληθος πολυ του λαου]
· Sermon in the plain = upon a topographical place of foot-ableness
· Disciples + a fullness of much of the people
Luk_6:18-19 – ...Came To Hear & Be Healed
· Some of the crowd were crowed-harassed [ενοχλουμενοι] & healed
· Healing those mobbed by unclean spirits
· Touch in a modifying way like the woman with an issue of blood
See: Luke 6 Summaries (below)
12/13/23…6/26/24; 7/15/24; 8/20/24…8/25/24
Matthew 5: Blessed Salt & Light,
Obeying All with No Sin, Including Visual or Remarriage Adultery, or Swearing,
but Loving Enemies Generously
94SLRASCE = 9 Blessings 4 Woes, Slat & Light, Law Fulfilled, Relationships, No Adultery, No Swearing, Cheek-Mile-Give, Love Enemies
≈ In ‘94 Someone
Lost [their] Responsibilities AS Chief Executive [Chief Executive
For more, see: Mat_5 Memorization
The new covenant is not about flattering religious people. It's about convicting religious rich people.
The old relationship with the Bible is disobeying it. So saying that JC came to fulfil the law therefore I don't have to is THE OLD RELATIONSHIP with the law & Bible.
So what can we say about the new covenant that is spiritual and not just easy for flesh balls to agree with? What can we say about the new relationship at hand?
Jesus came and brought the law into the fullness of the New Covenant so that he could tell us how to be saved and non fleshly with the law, which only energizes saved people and has zero tolerance for flesh anymore. This wonderful summary is NOT against the law; it is totally in line with the law. And it glorifies God by emphasizing his groaning against the flesh.
Mat_5:18 loosing 1 yota or keriah, or verse 19 loosing 1 commandment = You're going to lose.
There is no room for the flesh! Jesus was serious. He wasn't laughing, and no we are not interpreting. Therefore run!
Jesus does not tie looser; he ties tighter. So whatever you do, you have to tighten up! There's no ambiguity or wiggle room around this. There is no tolerance for the flesh. Everytime you see someone loosing, that's the flesh and that's the old relationship with the Bible.
Mat_5:20 flesh = hell
Why is it that the law and the prophets need to be fulfilled? Because they are talking to lost, hard hearted, fleshly Israelites and unsaved people. The Bible says the law was weakened THROUGH the flesh. The flesh was weak and not strong enough to keep the law. The law was not fulfilled through fleshiness. The law was not lacking; the people were!
The law does not have an expiration date; but the disobedient sinners who had been authorized to carry it out, they do have an expiration date!
Moses could not motivate the wicked Israelites to behave themselves by fear of heavens judgment because that would have required faith in what's invisible, and they did not have faith!
That's exactly why Paul says "the law is not of faith"
It's good for Moses to try and stop them from being so evil, but the weakness is that they are, after all, still evil, so Moses could do but so much.
The problem is through THEM. The problem is not Moses or God.
Fleshballs say that the law is like a tyrant and bully, tormenting us what to do but never empowering us to do it. Excuse me, if you read the Bible, who were the ones wanting to stone Moses and Aaron? So who are the really bullies? The fleshly people! Not Moses & the Law!
You really need a new relationship with what God said, so that you can obey it.
1.Are the following verses from the old testament?
2.Is Jesus tightening or is he loosening?
3.Is He filling up something internally?
Mat_5:21-22 relationship restitution reconciliation
1 yes old testament -Don't murder (the 10 commandments) and being judged in the courts of Israel. Jesus quotes not only the old testament law but also their applications of the law.
2 tightening
3 filling up in not being angry internally to avoid the heavenly judgment and gehenna
Jesus is able to legislate on an attitude hidden inside of your heart because there is no tolerance for the flesh, and faith is demanded to fear God concerning the judgment to come, and this fills up a law that could only previously address external circumstances.
Jesus is talking about what YOU have to do. He is not saying 'i fulfilled so that you don't have to, no law no law, no law'. He is saying, 'I fulfilled the law so that you are without excuse, and you too can take up your cross and follow me, cuz YOU DO HAVE TO fulfil the truth to make it!
Zero tolerance for flesh is the real New Covenant
The beatitude is not as simple as you think. The beatitudes define who the right people are and then it keeps repeating it throughout the Sermon on the Mount
Example: Blessed are the poor in the spirit – this includes begging, which would completely overthrow what we know in churhianity.
The new covenant is not about flattering religious people it is about convicting them
The dispensationalist says JC replaced the law/fulfill the law so I DON’T have to, but that is the old relationship with the Bible (that the Israelites had). Israelites disobeyed the Bible because they were hard hearted and apostate, then church people come along and disobey the Bible because they are hard hearted and apostate.
The thing that dispensationalist and jewishizers are not saying is that Jesus came to bring the law into its fullness into the new covenant that only energizes saved people and has zero tolerance for the flesh anymore.
There is intolerance for the flesh in the New Covenant promotes heart purifying righteous faith
Notice in verse 19 that loosening one commandment or in verse 18 loosening one iota and keriah horn means you lose – no tolerance for flesh
Whenever you see someone loosening:
- that is the old covenant
- that is the flesh
- that is the old relationship with the Bible.
What we see is that flesh = hell in verse 20
Why is it the law and the prophets needs to be fulfilled? Because they are talking to lost hard hearted unsaved people
The law doesn’t have an expiration date but the disobedient sinners who were authorized to carry it out do have an expiration date.
We need to labor and we need to hurt to produce truth to save people out from churchianity
Verse 21 and onwards we are going to ask
- are these from the Old Testament / law and prophets
- is he tightening or loosening?
- is he filling up something internally?
Don’t murder or you will be judged = the law / 10 commandments
Judgment = the court of Israel
What’s the contrast?
The earthly judgment verses the judgment to come
The first judgment is social the second judgment is heavenly
Moses could not motive the Israelites to behave themselves from the fear of the judgment to come because that would require faith and they didn’t have faith!!
That’s exactly why Paul says ‘The Law is not of Faith’
Gal_3:12 NKJV "Yet the law is not of faith, but 'the man who does them shall live by them.
It is good for Moses to try to stop them from being evil but the weakness is that they are still evil
The wicked apostate Israelites are the bully trying to throw rocks at the law writers
Jesus is able to legislate on an attitude hidden inside of your heart because there is no tolerance for flesh, and faith is demanded to fear God concerning the judgment to come. This fulfill/fills up that previously could only address external circumstances. Do you understand the law and how it is being fulfilled yet?
He is not saying I fulfill so you don’t have to, he is saying I fulfilled the law so you do have to live in fulfillment of the law.
We desperately need a moral dictionary because all of our words are twisted. That is what the devil wants because where confusion is there deception thrives.
He is quoting the OT as it is applied, he is tightening it up the law and he is filling up in a way that is filling up the heart.
It is not what you don’t have to do, it is what you DO have to do
Raka Rules
· V21-22 is that the 2nd is lighter than the 1st
· Raka is harsher than fool in their linguist
· Raka is closely associated/partly parallel with wrath
· Raka could potentially be partly like profanity/cursing
· “I can see how rejecting and considering your brother worthless is worse than calling him a fool.”
· Raka is so bad it has social consequences, whereas the word fool requires faith to fear God in the metaphysical consequences
· Evil unsaved people knew that raka was taboo
· Fool was not bad enough to have social consequences
· Evil people did not know how to punish saying fool
· You may not think through all these rules but if you do you have to admit that these rules are required
Extra biblically it is always about taking away value from someone by saying they are empty of something valuable
The real point of raka is that you actually need to fear God about saying fool to your brother
Zero Flesh Tolerance: you can’t even say “fool”, and be morally lazy just because it is a socially tolerated sin.
Sinful Israelites had tolerated the flesh saying some bad things but Jesus’ New Covenant does not tolerate any flesh saying even “littler” bad things to one’s brother.
We would say murder gets capital punishment of social judgment parallels with raka that gets judgment of the Sanhedrins
Being made wrathful gets the heavenly punishment of eternal judgment, and parallels with fool that requires faith to fear God about Gehenna fire to avoid even saying a lighter insult to your brother.
Matthew Has 8 Virtues with 9 Blessings: Beg, Mourn, Meek, Hunger, Merciful, Heart, Peace, Persecuted
n : Beggars, Hungering, Crying, & Persecuted (Luke’s 4 Blessings All Overlap with Matthew’s 8)
Matthew has more, but both contribute vital details.
Mat_5:1 – Mountain,
sat, disciples come
· Up mountain, sat down, Disciple came
Mat_5:2 – He was
Teaching Them
· He open mouth was teaching them
· “The Words/Sayings of the Lord” – this is an example of this phenomena
· Chronological events are explicitly excluded
· Piecing together Luke makes more sense when you understand what it is actually presenting
· Luke gives some more of the events surrounding these words/teachings (Such as the Lord’s Prayer Luk_11: <<<<<<<<<)
– Poor Couching Beggars
= Heavens
· Luk_6:20-23 poor/beggars †, hungering & crying now, & persecuted = Blessed
· Being poor IN spirit = The way this language is used throughout the Greek Bible: Psa_34; 1Co 5:3
· † Mat = Kingdom of Heavens; Luke = Kingdom of God (Luk_6:20), “your reward is great in heaven” (Luk_6:23)
Poor does ≠ “recognizing your sinfulness”:
· ≠ spiritually destitute
· Poor = Begging attitude (in Greek) = reasonable response to destitution (not to be confused with destitution itself)
· Psa_34:
· James Pressed down, Poor begging = Heaven: Jam_2:5; Jam_4:9-10 ↔ Mat_5:3-6
· Jam_1:9: Jesus call poor blessed; James says the pressed down should boast-rejoice in being lifted up – paralleled synonyms which start low and end high
Jam_1:10-11: Notice the pressed down, as a synonym
for poor-begging, are contrasted with the rich
- it is ok to criticize the rich in James just like Jesus says Woe to them in
the Sermon on the Plain in Luke <<<<<
· Expanded: heaven-inheriting Beggars (Mat_5:3) are hungering + thirsting for righteousness (Mat_5:6) & both righteousness & heaven are obtained through a do-teacher (Mat_5:17-20)
Poverty Expanded:
begging in spirit, meek, hungry, giving in Mat 5&6, not treasuring, hating
money, supernatural provision, giving to others what you'd want given to you…
a – Mourners Comforted
· Mourner = called next to with exhortation and comfort
· Luk_6:21 Hungering & Crying Now…filled…laugh
· Overlap: Mourners can also be begging
· Expanded: Mourners can also be repent-ers (Mat_5:21-26) & those distressed over cultural immodesty prostitution & adulterous remarriage (Mat_5:27-32), etc.
· Poor: see Mat_5:3
· Mourners: Jam_4:9 ↔ Mat_5:4
· James shows that pressed down humility is synonymous for what is praised in the 9 blessings (including Mourners & Beggars -- which are synonymous for pressed-down-humility in Jam_4:10)
Mat_5:5 – Meek get Land (by lot and law)
· ‘inheriting land’ ≈ getting the Kingdom of heaven during the Millennial Reign (when it’s on earth)
· Notice the overlap
· Meekness: Mat_5:5, Gal_5:22-23, 1Ti_6:11 (Pursue it, & be anti-Money-liking: 1Ti_6:9, 1Ti_6:17-19), Jam_1:21 (save soul), Jam_3:13 (real wisdom)
Psa_37:11 But the meek shall inherit the earth;
and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.
Psa_37:11 (36:11) οἱ δὲ
γῆν καὶ
ἐπὶ πλήθει εἰρήνης.
· Expanded: see Mat_5:9
· Poor: see Mat_5:3
b – Hunger & Thirst to
Righteousness = Filled
· Beggars = Hungers for righteousness -- these are all the same group of people (i.e. overlap)
· Luk_6:21 Hungering & Crying Now…filled…laugh
· Grazed and be filled
· Poor: see Mat_5:3
· Righteousness/REAL Justice: Mat_5:6; Mat_5:20 …… Jam…. <<<< (& comp. Poor above)
· Hungering vs. being filled
· Hunger = perpetual or temporary???
· Joh_10:
Mat_5:7 –
Redemptive Merciful, Redemptive-ly
· Is mercy beyond Righteousness?
· Mercy = As in chapter 6
· Expanded: see Mat_5:9
Redemptive Merciful Giving: Jam_2:13-26 ↔ Mat_5:7 (blessed); Mat_5:42 (Give); Mat_6:1-4 (“alms” = same Greek) Mat_6:14-15 (forgive); Mat_7:2 (Measured Back to You)
Mat_5:7; Mat_18:33 – mercy
incl. forgiveness
Getting Mercy by showing Mercy,
incl. Alms, has already been established, to the great contradiction of
· Sir_3:3 TVV He who honors his father atones [ἐξιλάσκεται] for sins [v 3, 14-15, 30-31];
Sir_3:30 Water quenches
[ἀποσβέσει] ·a flaming fire
φλογιζόμενον –
fig. a blazing fire (NETS)], and alms [ἐλεημοσύνη – lit. mercies;
fig. alms (as in Mat_6); NETS: charity] ·atone for [ἐξιλάσεται] sins [v 3, 14-15,
Sir_3:31 ·He who does a kindness
is remembered afterward
[ὁ ἀνταποδιδοὺς
χάριτας μέμνηται
εἰς τὰ μετὰ ταῦτα
– NETS: He who repays favors gives thought to what comes after; Br: And
he that requiteth good turns is mindful of that which may come hereafter];11 [[ Sir_3:31] LXX / Heb(A) “The kindness a person does
crossed his path as he goes”] when [καὶ ἐν καιρῷ]
he falls,
he finds [εὑρήσει]
a support [στήριγμα].
Mat_5:8 – Clean Heart-ed see God (striking way)
· In a modifying way/gaze
· Luk_11:33: “having lighted [αψας] a lamp” (LSV)
· See (Mat_5:8) ≈ lighted [αψας] (Luk_11:33)
· Psa_24:
· Expanded: Mat_5:27-32 = no visual “heart” adultery, or adulterous remarriage
· Overlap: (A) Clean Heart: Jam_1:27 (un-spotted worldliness); Jam_4:8-10 ↔ Mat_5:8, requires (B) crying & mourning: Jam_4:9 ↔ Mat_5:4 & (C) pressed-down/begging: Jam_4:10 ↔ Mat_5:3 (linguistic synonyms in Greek)
· Overlap: Is it possible to “see God” as a special pure-hearted one and not inherit the Kingdom of heaven, or do these 2 concepts overlap?
· Clean (same Greek):
Mat_5:9 – Peace Doers = God’s Sons
· Peacemakers: Mat_5:9 ↔ Jam_3:13-18 (DO-Righteous-Peace-Fruit vs. Jam_4:1-5) -- see: Mat_7:13-27, i.e. Fruit of DO!
· See: Peace-Doing
· Phinias!
· Peace to a House
· James is showing us that peace doing is linked with the good tree that DOES good fruit & the key word of righteousness is linked – tying the beginning and end of the SOM together – that’s what we’re supposed to be doing!
· Do = important
· Doers = ch.7
· Are you a person of peace?
· Can you let your peace come upon a house like Jesus instructs 5 chapters later? (Mat_10:13)
· Can you connect & share with those doing peace?
· Phineas made peace!
· Overlap: Merciful people also make peace
· Expanded: peace-doers… God’s Sons (Mat_5:9) ≈ Love enemies so that you may become / be generated/begotten sons of your Father in heaven (Mat_5:44) / sons of the Most High (Luk_6:35)
· Expanded & Overlapped: Meek (Mat_5:5) are redemptive-ly merciful (Mat_5:7) and do/make Peace (Mat_5:9) by also Loving their enemies (Mat_5:43-48)
· Peace Doers make a peace that was not there before, like Phineas, who was being zealous & holy to God against worldly sin
Mat_5:10 –
Righteous Persecuted get Heaven
Overlap: beggars (Mat_5:3) & righteously
persecuted (Mat_5:10) get the same reward of heaven
· Luk_6:20-23 poor/beggars †, hungering & crying now, & persecuted = Blessed [αφορισωσιν υμας… ενεκα του υιου του ανθρωπου]
Persecution: Jam_1:2 (rejoice/be cheerful) Jam_1:12 (blessed endure-ers) ↔ Mat_5:10-12 = Rejoice
/ Cheerful Joy in in persecution/trials (Greek is related); Like
Prophets: Jam_5:10-11 ↔ Mat_5:10-12 (Blessed, Persecuted, Endure-rs = examples
for us)
Mat_5:11/Luk_6:22 – You Persecuted Are Blessed
· If you teach obey-all & no-sin, & oppose visual & remarriage adultery (like this SOM is teaching), you get persecuted in virtually every church today -- so there is no guessing who Jesus is talking about (note: monotheistic teaching is mean to be reviewed over and over again your whole life to get the point)
· The 9 blesseds identify a very special and rare group of people
· You’re not allowed to rebel and try to destroy the clean and convicting identification Jesus made
· “You are…” = Doctrine of “US” -- Jesus is identifying who are His True disciples/people
· You’re not allowed to say that begging, mourning, meek, hungering, thirsting, merciful, clean-hearted, peace-doing, persecuted-righteous are not the “you” Jesus identifies for inheriting heaven, and similarly…
· You’re not allowed to say that anyone in modern churchianity is part of this group who inherits heaven
· Once you see these 9 blesseds, then you know for sure who is True
· Liberals pretend like the Bible is subject to interpretation, but these are scientific clear sure observable proofs of Truth that are objectively confirmable for all people to know who is True
· You’re not allowed* to pretend like we don’t know who this is speaking about (* As a logical creature who owes logical thinking and intellectual honesty).
· Insulted persecuted you…every perverted [spoken flowing] word against you [falsely] on account of you because so they chase persecuted the flow speaking prophets who were before you
· Persecution: Jam_1:2 ↔ Mat_5:10-12 (seen above)
– Rejoice at Prophetic/Prophet-like Reward in
· 9 blessings; 9 Do-s (<<<<)
· Much = ch.7
· Many = good in heaven, but bad on earth (Mat_7:)
· Luke: their fathers = condemnation of Jews and salvation of gentiles (like Paul’s Gospel)
· Persecution: Jam_1:2 ↔ Mat_5:10-12 (seen above)
· Prophets: Jam_5:10 ↔ Mat_5:12 -- i.e. examples of suffering persecution & endurance
· Temptation: Mat_5:12 (Rejoice) ↔ Mat_6:13 (rescue) ↔ Jam_1:2 (optimism), Jam_1:12-15 (lust vs. approval/winning)
Individual & Corporate Blessings
· You can think of these 9 blessed-s are individual virtues to practice to get each of these blessings.
· If your missing out on some of these blessings, then get ambitious to increase each correlating virtue, and by all means, be motivated by each special particular reward! (see: Sizzling Greatness on www.TrueConnection.org)
· You can also consider that these blessed people are the same group of people with overlapping blessings that all end up persecuted, holy, and getting heaven.
Luk_6:24 – Rich Lamented
Rich = πλουσιοις
-- i.e. lit. filled-with-abundant money
· 1Co_4:8: Rich, Full, Kings
· comp. Luk_6:24-25 & 1Co_4:8 – Greek words & roots are the same (similar/related)
Already full (Luk_6:25;
1Co_4:8) ≈ being rich (Luk_6:24)
>> see: BSSm
· Beware if money talks comfort to you [παρακλησιν] -- it is in danger of being personified as an evil diety
Luk_6:25 – Filled-in* |A now|, & Laughing Now, Lamented
* Have been Filled-in = εμπεπλησμενοι
-- i.e. filled-in with food
· Filled/Full: Luk_6:24-25 & 1Co_4:8 – Greek words & roots are the same (similar/related)
· "Hunger" (Luk_6:21; Luk_6:25) is the opposite of being filled-in -- you better hunger NOW! -- don't avoid Fasting, or anything stopping real hunger!
· Mourn & cry = those laughing now
Luk_6:26 – Well-Spoken-of / Popular Lamented
· |NATS all| well/beautiful spoken-of, lamented
· Lying fore-speakers / false prophets
· Doing matters: their fathers were doing wrong
· "Beautiful" to you is bad (Luk_6:26); "Beautiful" to your enemies/haters is good (Luk_6:27)
Next up in Luke: Do Good to Enemies: Love, Bless, Give, Lend (Luke 6)
Comp. Salt
& Light vs. Secret Merciful Alms & Prayer
& Secret
Mat_5:13 – Losing Salt Trampled Down
· Those who are salt (& light) have already been objectively and scientifically identified
· being salt of land, if it becomes tasteless and thrown out and trampled
· tasteless bland salt rejected
· losing salvation is clearly established at the very foundation of the Biblical Gospel
· Expanded: Judgment tramples apostate sinners, because sinners trample holy pearls (Mat_7: <<<<)
· What is Salt & Light???
· Salt & Light ≠ shinning Happy/bubbly personality
· Salt & Light ≠ preserving the world/society -- you’re not allowed to fragment and reverse the Biblical descriptions…
· Salt & Light = Forsaking the world, not preserving it!
· Salt ≈ Peace doing (Mar_9:50), esp. among the righteous
· Luk_14:34-35: Losing Salt vs. Forsake-All Discipleship
· S&L: Mar_9:50 (Salt = peace); Luk_14:34-35 (ears required; Discipleship context); Php_2:15 (shine as lights in world)
· Salt = Spicy contrast! -- un-worldly, unconventionally zealous/zesty
· Salt = Discipleship…
· SOM: Salt & Light = Hungering, Persecuted, Poor Beggars; in Luk_14:25-35 Salt = Forsake All Discipleship
· Fool = Repeated Key Word in SOM
· Losing saltiness = fool ≈ building house on sand = foolish man – i.e. Loosing Salt = not hearing & Doing, therefore Salt logically includes hearing and Doing!
· Isa_42:6 –
· Light ≈ being a light to the nations if you OBEY the Law
Mat_5:14 – Light of the World
· Situated approximately arranged (v.15)
· City on a hill/mountain (v.1)
· You = poor persecuted disciples
· Isa_2:2-4: teach us His ways… incl. TOC
Mat_5:15 – Don’t
Hide Lamp
· Arrange (Mat_5:15) ≈ situated (Mat_5:14)
· Mar_4:21-22 – ‘under a basket or under a bed? …nothing hidden which will not be revealed …come to light’
· Luke = Lamp hiding x2 (Luk_8; Luk_11)
· Luk_8:16-18 – ‘covers it with a vessel or puts it under a bed nothing is secret that will not be revealed…take heed how you hear. For whoever has, to him more will be given’
· Luk_11:33 – Light can’t be hidden… “that those coming in [εισπορευομενοι] may behold [βλεπωσιν] the light” (LSV)
· Luke: “no one having lighted a lamp, puts [it] in a secret place [ναβ κρυπτην | τσ κρυπτον]” (LSV)
· Luke more specifically uses the same word in Mat_6:
· This is the exact opposite of Mat_6 sins -- which teaches not to do praised works in public
Luke associates (A) lighting
& showing a lamp (Luk_11:33, Luk_11:36;
Mat_5:14-16) with (B) the
metaphysical light seen in your eyes (Luk_11:34-36; Mat_6:22-23)
Mat_5:16 – Let Light
Shine, Glorify Father
· Lamp-ified
· Shine/Show persecuted righteousness
· Obediently Shining Persecuted Light (Mat_5:16) requires hating money (Mat_6:24), because otherwise it’s darkness that your “shinning” (Mat_6:23)
· Shining Persecuted light is a command, not a self-glorification (as perverted hypocrites have blasphemed during the open air proclamations of the righteous)
· Shinning Persecuted light always glorifies (identifies) the right God, & not yourself
· Glory is The Difference: they get glory from men (Mat_6:2) vs. Good works Glorfy Father in heaven (Mat_5:16)
Glorify [δοξάσωσι]
Father (Mat_5:16) vs. “that they may
have glory [δοξασθῶσιν]
under that of men” (Mat_6:2)
is Clear: (A) Mat_5:16:
τὸν πατέρα ὑμῶν
τὸν ἐν τοῖς
οὐρανοῖ vs. (B) Mat_6:2:
ὅπως δοξασθῶσιν
ὑπὸ τῶν ἀνθρώπων]
(comp. Mat_6:2, TSB Mat_6:4, Mat_6:5,
TSB Mat_6:6,
Mat_6:16, TSBat_6:18;
· Mar_4:21-23 (below) links shinning a lamp with all things being brought to the light -- as is said latter (after the SOM) in Mat_10:26; Luk_8:17; Luk_12:2
Mar_4:21 CAB And He said to them, "A lamp is not
brought so that it may be put under a measuring basket or under a bed, is it? Is it
not brought so that it may be put on a lampstand?
Mar_4:21 Καὶ ἔλεγεν
μήτι Aἔρχεται ὁ
λύχνος |TSBερχεται| ἵνα ὑπὸ
τὸν μόδιον
τεθῇ ἢ ὑπὸ
τὴν κλίνην;
οὐχ ἵνα ἐπὶ
τὴν λυχνίαν |TSBἐπι|τεθῇ
|[i.e. Aτεθη]|;
Mar_4:22 For there is nothing
hidden which shall not be made manifest, nor was it hidden but that it might
come to light.
Mar_4:22 οὐ γάρ
ἐστι |TSBτι| κρυπτὸν TSBὅ ἐὰν
μὴ |Aινα| φανερωθῇ,
οὐδὲ ἐγένετο
ἀπόκρυφον ἀλλ᾿
ἵνα Aἔλθῃ εἰς
φανερόν |TSBελθη|.
Mar_4:23 If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear."
Mar_4:23 εἴ τις ἔχει
ὦτα ἀκούειν,
The SOM has rules, and commentary on those
the commentary on the rules, that show the
right basic attitude toward God’s Word, is sometimes as or more important than
the rules themselves... -- especially in today's over apostasy...
FITR ≈ You’ve got to be “more
fit” (FITR) than the Pharisees to get heaven
FITR = Fulfill, Iota, Teacher, Righteousness
Preceding Context
Mat_3:6 – Viper Tree Chopping (John the Baptist)
(10 – the ax at the root of the tree)
Comp. Mat 7 Quick Preview
-- Law Fulfilled by Detailed Obedience: FITR
- Fulfill: Not Loosen, but Fulfill
- Iota & Keriah Permanence
- Teacher: Least Loose-r
vs. Mega Do-Teacher
- Righteousness: No
Surpassing Righteousness = No Entering Heaven
Point: Loose-rs = Losers
least = being called least (forever)
& Keriahs are more durable at judgment than your own soul
all to inherit heaven
Jam_2:10 – whoever stumbles at one point of the
that 'it's too small' will make you guilty of all
Mat 5 -- Verse-By-Verse
Mat_5:17 – No Lose,
But Fulfill
· See: Mat_7:12 – Golden Rule – doing the law matters!
· Shape/form (Rom_2:20); Shadow (Colossians & Hebrews: Col_2:17; Heb_8:5; Heb_10:1); (exterior) container to Fill Up (SOM: Mat_5:17-20)
· See: Romans Perfects & Fulfills Law
· “loves one another has fulfilled the law” [ὁ γὰρ ἀγαπῶν τὸν ἕτερον νόμον πεπλήρωκε] -- you not allowed to think or imply that Loving law fulfillment means to stop this Mosaic command!
Rom_13:10 CAB
Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of
the law.
Rom_13:10 ἡ ἀγάπη
τῷ πλησίον
κακὸν οὐκ ἐργάζεται·
πλήρωμα οὖν
νόμου ἡ ἀγάπη.
· Rom_2:13-16, Rom_2:26-27: Doers of Law = righteous-ified…completely-perfect the law [τὸν νόμον τελοῦσα (Rom_2:27)] & Sinning = Hell/Perishing/Judgment (Rom_2:12)
· Jam_2:8-10 – completely perfect [τελεῖτε] the royal law ≈ keep it!!!
Rom_3:31: Faith Establishes [Aιστανομεν
Law, NOT dismantle it down to not working [καταργοῦ]
οὖν καταργοῦμεν
διὰ τῆς
πίστεως; μὴ
γένοιτο· ἀλλὰ
νόμον ἱστῶμεν
Rom_10:4 CAB
For Christ is the end * [τέλος – complete-perfection
(fulfillment WEB GW; culmination NIV)]
of the law for
righteousness to everyone that believes.
Rom_10:4 τέλος
γὰρ νόμου
Χριστὸς εἰς
παντὶ τῷ
πιστεύοντι. GNT-V √
* “end” mistranslations:
~Tyndale (ende) Wycliffe ~Vul (finis) KJV NKJV ASV NASB NRS LEB YLT HCS
ESV LSV CAB ABP -- shocking in numeric apostasy!
· Mat_5:48 You therefore be perfect [τελειοι] …as Father
· Your still supposed to be perfect and perfecting the law in your life!
· Mal_4:4: Remember law of Moses = end-times restoration & salvation
· Fulfill is conceived as though you’re allowed to say “stop” finish, end, render obsolete
· Fulfil is explained as what you have to do throughoutout the rest of the SOM
· Liars say fulfilled = accomplished, but Jesus said accomplished happened AFTER heaven and earth pass away
· Jesus: until heaven and earth pass away; Church: OR before it when JC filfuill it
· Jesus: AND; Church: OR
· You’re not allowed to say “fulfilled” for me when Jesus said overflowing in you and then told you what to DO about obeying the law!
· The rest of the SOM tells you to DO the law -- your not allowed to say JC fulfilled it for you to NOT do what He said to do!
· Jesus: You DO; Church: JC did it for you
· Fulfill ≠ “accomplish” (finish, etc.)
· Jesus Fulfilled within His lifetime;
· ALL accomplished = after heaven & earth pass away -- you’re not allowed to lie about this and think differently
· Fulfill = faithfulness to teaching Torah
· Fulfill ≠ opposite of throwing off the yoke of torrah
· Fulfill ≠ non-authoritative to us
· Fulfill requires the same shape
· Heaven & earth = still here
· Not allowed to force what you already believe onto the verse
· No law passing ≠ no covenant passing/changing!
· Continuing law ≠ sacrifices should be continued -- the law does NOT command sacrifices outside of Jerusalem -- execpt in a few, minority, potential Jewish cases, which are fine and great if they do them
· Continued sacrifices: Act_2:46; 3:1; 21:26; Heb_8:4-5; Eze -- proves that Jesus did NOT stop the levitical priesthood for Jewish believers.
· Gentiles were NOT allowed in the temple, which means gentile believers where NOT acting Jewish
· Relaxation -- whatever you do that end here = hell
Mat_5:18 – Itota
Kerah Permanence
· “Everything generated” in the law before it is ever de-commissioned in the eternal state
· Jesus Words never pass away from being next to us
Luk_16:17: easier [Εὐκοπώτερον]
for heaven & earth pass away, than 1 horn [κεραίαν
– keriah] of Law
Luk_16:17 Εὐκοπώτερον
δέ ἐστι τὸν
οὐρανὸν καὶ
τὴν γῆν
παρελθεῖν ἢ
τοῦ νόμου
μίαν κεραίαν
· Fill -- Physically: Gen_21:19 (‘bottle’); Gen_24:16 (‘pitcher’); Mat_22:10 (sponge); …house, location, etc.
· Fill -- Metaphysically: prophecy, time, spirit, fear, anger, madness, etc. (prophecy & time – think: fulfilled)
· All = All, not some
· Church people see the expression “all has come to pass” and they hijack “come to pass” as if it were completed with Jesus mission when He said “It is finished”
· When Jesus completed His mission He said “it” is completed, but when the Law has finished it’s mission, Jesus says “all” will be generated, NOT “it”!
· The word “It” shows that Jesus was extremely aware and anticipating that His crucifixion was accomplishing a gigantic mission
· You’re not allowed to exchange “all” for something that is not “all”, especially when referring to the Law,
· countless example talk about “filling” / “fulfilling” Scripture, and Jesus is saying “all” will be generated that the law predics
· Church “fulfill” = a theoretical philosophey that ends in practically abolishing law -- just looking at it differently
· Jesus Fulfills & Disciples Teach, hear, & DO these fulfilled words
· You’re not allowed to say JC fulfilled on our behalf when He said that it meant DO teachers helping others to DO these commands
Joh_15:11 – fullness is not JC only
· Jer_44:25 – directly corelates with fulfill & DO
Mat_5:19 – Mega Do-Teacher
vs. Least Looser
· See: DoTeacherIdentified
· Double-emphatic: 1st vivid reference – 2 more to go…
Go for Greatness! (Mat_5:19); Go for the reward! (Mat_5:46)
· This is Related to Favor
· Keeping the whole Law: Jam_2:10-11 ↔ Mat_5:19
Mat_5:20 – No
Surpassing Righteousness = No Heaven
Righteousness: Mat_5:3, Mat_5:6, Mat_5:20; Mat_7:
Overflowing beyond: Mat_5:20; Mat_5:47
· Overflowing (Mat_5:20) ≈ Filling (Mat_5:17)
· Overflowing (Mat_5:20) because of filling (Mat_5:17): G4052 G4137 → Rom_15:13; Php_4:18
· Do you really Trust Jesus with you life? -- i.e. the only way to be saved?
· THIS is at the bedrock of what He focuses on for assurance of eternal life
· Do you really take Him seriously enough?
· Are you really persuaded that His Words are final at judgement to save or condemn you?
· Are you really taking the “great” service of all-obedience seriously with all it’s implications?
· When did He already mention “Heaven”? – persecuted (Mat_5:10) beggars (Mat_5:3)
· When did He mention righteousness last? persecuted (Mat_5:10) hunger + thirsters (Mat_5:6)
· Notice beggars and hunger-thirstier-s are being combined here
· How are hunger-ers being filled with righteousness (Mat_5:6) that inherits heaven (Mat_5:3; Mat_5:20)?
See: Law Updates below
No Trivializing Horizontal Sins, but Make
Restitution Instead
"Little" Sins; Big Punishment
Preview: If you’ve sinned, you need to do restitution
(A) Murder-Wrath & Name-Calling
Mat_5:21 – Don’t Murder
· Or get judged
· or be (passively) made angry
· ancient (ruling?) beginning ones
· the judgment for murder = on earth (at least that’s what most people are fearing)
· the judgment for anger = a Heavenly Rule, unenforceable upon earth
· An (A)-(B) pattern is emerging: (A) Earthly Law (B) Heavenly Reality
· Anti-Murder & Adultery: Jam_2:11 ↔ Mat_5:21-22, Mat_5:27-30 -- Stricter
· 1Jn_3:15 – Hating/detesting brother = murder
· Intentional manslaying is implied by including liability, and somewhat the active voice?
· Sin = killing / murder
Mat_5:22 – Wrathful Name-Caller Judged
· Wrathful / Hot-Anger
· the judgment = heavenly -- worldly courts can’t judge that!
· Sit down to judge = on earth – this is how we follow the structure of Jesus’ statements
· Raka … fool….fire = beyond this life
· Established Pattern: conventional consequences first, then Jesus’ warnings/threats
· Brother: Jam_1:19-20 ↔ Mat_5:22-24 = wrathful/angry & unreconciled against brother (same Greek)
· God = Judge: Jam_4:11-12; Jam_5:9; Mat_5:22
· The Sanhedrin on earth versus the fire of Gehenna
· Raka ≈ empty of some value
· Sin = wrath/anger, Raka, fool
· Why does being angered & insults ≈ Murder?
· Murder kills quickly, evil words kill more slowly, but it is all murder
· Stop ignoring cause and effect
OT liability was unforgivable, but consider
Jesus’ SOM & New Covenant solution in the following verses… (& also
comp. ConcludingonForgiveness)
(B) Brother vs. Sacrifice
Mat_5:23 – Offended
Brother vs. Sacrifice
· Remembering Offended Brother With Sacrifice
· Previous Verses: You sinned (Murder, wrath, name-calling, etc.)
· Now: Do Restitution -- far beyond the law given to sinners!
· Mat_5: repent and repent/reconcile
· Mat_6: you better forgive and reconcile
· i.e. Be a Peace Doer/maker!
· Brother: see above
· Very Deep/Subtle Detail: The word “so” introduces the subtle New Covenant hope of a solution which you can now DO in response to lethal heavenly liability that previously had no forgiveness under the laws liability
· Sin = something down against you
Mat_5:24 –
Reconcile With Brother, Then Present Gift
· Brother: see above
· Flesh hates Restitution
· Restitution is absolutely required for the super-forgiveness of the New Covenant
· Restitution takes priority over your personal payer closet, because you are potentially carrying around liability that makes you on your way to hell
· Your horizontal crimes make your prayers to God useless – prayers of sinners = abomination
· Horizontal justice is often the weakest link in your chain to heaven – so fix it first, so that everything else, including your sacrifice, is not defiled!
· You will not escape the unforgiveable liability of the OT without the New Covenant heart and sensitive conscience of Restitution
· We need to stop flip-flopping between being on our way to hell/Gehenna and the way of righteousness
· Ever wonder why the New Covenant is not as effective and working in your life like you want it to be?
· We need to do more intense reconciliation
· Irony: “forgive” your gift so you can be forgiven
· SOM = Conditional Forgiveness
· Mat_5: Restitution for forgiveness
· Mat_6: Forgive others for forgiveness
(C) Adversary, Judge,
& Officer
Mat_5:25/Luk_12:54-59 – Reconcile With Adversary
Swiftly, Or Else…
· Luk_12:54-57 – test/think/discern the season [δοκιμάζειν…τὸν…καιρὸν] (preceding context in Luke)
· Season = “now” that you are to be doing this
· Anti-justice = adversary, without specifying who is right
· Anti-justice would be an unbeliever when taken to court socially (compare 1Co_6)
· What Jesus’ is idealizing is not the incorrect model where believers take believers to court
· Think well / easily agreeable
· Adversary/anti-justice road, judge under-rowing-officer, prison
· Luk_12:57-59: adversary/accuser [anti-justice] reconciliation on way to judge
· anti-justice can be both (A) ‘against you for the cause of justice’ (Mat_5:25) – which means you’ve sinned, and it can also mean, (B) ‘opposing aginast your justice’ – which means he is a criminal prosecutor
· (A) Opposing someone for the cause/sake of/based-on justice: Hos_5:11; Mat_5:25; Luk_12:58
· (B) Opposing against someone’s justice: ·1Sa_2:10; Jer_50:34 (Lord’s anti-justices); Est_8:11; Pro_18:17; Isa_41:11; Luk_18:3
· (C) Generic (could be both): Jer_51:36; 1Pe_5:8
· (A) & (C) include cases where you might have sinned
· Usually the Bible is talking to the good guy vs. their anti-justice, so adversaries are usually bad – unless the Bible is talking to someone who’s sinned as seen in (A)
· There is a cause for justice, and two people are competing to establish with one is right
· The Hyper-context in the SOM is that (A) you have sinned, NOT that you are being told to agree with a criminal prosecutor!
· You are to GIVE to a criminal prosecutor (Mat_6: <<<) but that is a totally different word in the SOM. Jesus is not using the term “anti-justice” in the case of GIVING to a criminal prosecutor in the SOM.
· Similarity: You are to agree with accusations against you before requiring court when you’ve sinned, and even when you’ve not sinned, you still give to the stealer – a submissive, non-worldly, sensitive conscience posture is consistently required.
· It doesn’t mean you say what they say, it means that you make what you say compatible with them
· Preceding sins = murder, wrath anger, Raka, foolish, something down against you
· Brother and anti-justice are mentioned , but the common thing that is mentioned is that you have sinned
· Exo_21:24, Exo_21:22 – ‘as the judges determine’
Mat_5:26/Luk_12:59 – Imprisoned Until Fully Paid
· See: Mat_18:33 below
· Judge = metaphysical in Mat_18:33 i.e. God, not a human judge (that is not exclusive to God, but it could be inclusive)
· Mat reinforces the metaphysical application by telling a story both times this scenario/teaching is given
· Luke includes a physical application as well, so…
· Mat + Luke = metaphysical & physical applications are valid
· No escaping prison without every penny
· Give the last “penny” to reverse you being given over to prison
Mat_5:7; Mat_18:33-35 –
mercy incl. forgiveness
i.e Mat_18 links Mat_5:7 & Mat_6:15 together
· Father unforgiveness = future tense which starts NOW as soon as you are unforgiving
· Physical sense: avoiund court; admit you faults and reconcile to everyone
· Metaphysical -- Immediate consequences: right after unforgiveness happens, where Father won’t forgive you and prayers are broken;
· Metaphysical – Longer-Term consequences: Something like purgatory? After death? After 2nd coming? After Jedgement?
· There are immediate physical consequnces for disobeying these principles
· There are immediate and longer-term mataphysical consequnces for disobeying these principles
· 1Pe_3:7 – Hindered prayers
Jam_2:13 –
judgement without mercy
Didache (early church teaching):
“if one having need receiveth, he is guiltless; but he that receiveth not having need, shall pay
the penalty, why he received and for what, and, coming into straits
he shall be examined concerning the things which he hath done, and he shall not
escape thence until he pay back the last farthing. (Mat_5:26)”
δὲ μὴ χρείαν ἔχων δώσει δίκην, ἵνα τί ἔλαβε καὶ εἰς τί· ἐν συνοχῇ δὲ γενόμενος ἐξετασϑήσεται περὶ ὧν ἔπραξε καὶ οὐκ ἐξελεύσεται ἐκεῖϑεν, μέχρις οὗ ἀποδῷ τὸν ἔσχατον κοδράντην.
Mat_18:33 CAB
Should you not also have had compassion [ἐλεῆσαι] on your fellow servant, as I also had compassion
[ἠλέησα] on you?'
Mat_18:33 οὐκ
ἔδει καὶ σὲ ἐλεῆσαι
σου, ὡς καὶ ἐγὼ
σὲ ἠλέησα;
ουκ εδει και
σε ελεησαι τον
συνδουλον σου ως
Aκαγω TSBκαι TSBεγω σε
"And being angered, his master handed him over [παρέδωκεν] to the tormentors until he should pay
all that was owed to him [ὀφειλόμενον].
καὶ ὀργισθεὶς
ὁ κύριος αὐτοῦ
παρέδωκεν αὐτὸν
βασανισταῖς ἕως
οὗ ἀποδῷ πᾶν
τὸ ὀφειλόμενον
Mat_18:35 Thus also My heavenly Father will do to
you, if you do not forgive each one his brother their trespasses, from your
Mat_18:35 Οὕτω
καὶ ὁ πατήρ
μου ὁ ἐπουράνιος
ποιήσει ὑμῖν,
ἐὰν μὴ ἀφῆτε
ἕκαστος τῷ ἀδελφῷ
αὐτοῦ ἀπὸ
τῶν καρδιῶν
ὑμῶν τὰ
Mat_18:35 ουτως
και ο πατηρ μου
ο Aουρανιος
ποιησει υμιν
εαν μη αφητε
εκαστος τω αδελφω
αυτου απο των
καρδιων υμων TSBτα TSBπαραπτωματα
See: Restitution
Mat_5:27 – No
· [TS: to ancient beginning ones]
· Murder & Adultery: Jam_2:11 ↔ Mat_5:21-22, Mat_5:27-30
Mat_5:28 – Visual
· Visual adultery of the heart
Murder & Adultery: see above
Jam_1:14-15; Jam_4:1 – Dragging Lusts/Desires & Temptations → Death
≈ Hell in Mat
· Defilement from inside heart: Mat_12:34-37; Mat_15:10-20; Mar_7:15, Mar_7:20-23 [TSK: Psa_41:6, Heb_7:6, Mic_2:1, …Jam_3:6, Jam_4:1]
Rom_2:21-23 – Heart-crimes of stealing, adultery,
& idolatry = Law breaking
Rom_2:22 You who say, "Do not commit adultery," do you
commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you commit sacrilege?
Rom_2:22 ὁ
λέγων μὴ
μοιχεύεις; ὁ
τὰ εἴδωλα ἱεροσυλεῖς;
Peter: Eyes full of adultery
2Pe_2:14 having eyes full of
adultery and unable to cease from sin, enticing unstable souls, having a heart
having been trained in greediness, they are accursed children.
2Pe_2:14 ὀφθαλμοὺς
καὶ ἀκαταπαύστους
ψυχὰς ἀστηρίκτους,
πλεονεξίας ἔχοντες,
· Even visual sexual murder = hell
· External immorality is quick; internal crimes produce sexual murders over longer periods of time
· Mat_12:34 – “out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks” -- which is also part of the SOM in Luke
· Hearts & “Eyes full of adultery” will also continue committing horrible crimes without end
· Stop ignoring cause and effect
Mat_5:29 – Pluck
Out Eye
· Eye removal
· Throw eye away rather than throwing eye upon lustful adultery
· Present tense sin
· Gehenna = second eternal hell
· This is logical, therefore it is literal
· No easy believism/ once saved always saved
· Murder & Adultery: see above
· Evil Eyes & Trees: (A) Lift/Tear Out Adulterous Eye (Mat_5:29); (B) Forgive Enemy’s Eye (Mat_5:38); (C) Greedy Perverted Darkness Eye (Mat_6:23) ≈ (D) Perverted Tree/Fruit (Mat_7:16-20)
Mat_5:30 – Cut Off
· Sinning is present tense
· It is logical and literal
· Murder & Adultery: see above
Mat_5:31 – Divorce
Dismissal Certificate
Mat_5:32 –
Divorcers are Guilty of Doing Adultery
· Doing x1
· unless/outside of – next to a word of prostitution
· marrying divorced always = doing-adultery
· Murder & Adultery: see above
· Divorce and Remarriage = Adultery -- Mat_5:31-32; Mat_19:1-9, etc.; Mar_10:2-12; Luk_16:18, etc.; Rom_7:1-4
· No Divorce: 1Co_7:1-39, etc.
· See: www.TrueConnection.org#DAR
Divorce exception doesn't have remarriage permission
See: No Swearing Memorization (below)
Mat_5:33 – No Oath
· No going upon oaths
· No Swearing: see below
Mat_5:34 – No
Swearing -- lit. Together-Likeness-Saying
· Not in heaven
· Swearing in Greek is different than Hebrew
· Swearing (saying-together) is somewhat similar to covenanting (confessing together), but is distinctly linked with agreeing to boundary oaths
· No Swearing: Mat_5:34 (completely none vs. evil one); Jam_5:12 (lest: you fall under judgement / hypocrisy)
· See: Swearing below!
Mat_5:35 – Not in
Land or Jerusalem
· When you are always telling the truth you don’t swear
· The Hebrew word for seven, you say things seven times to confirm it verses Jesus said only to say it twice
· God = Mega-Great King: Mal_1:14 (vs. broken commitments/“requests”)
Mat_5:36 – Not in
Your Head
· Do x1
· Jesus is telling/charging/commanding us to not be preoccupied in the things we cannot change whether swearing or worrying
Mat_5:37 – Yes,
Yes; No, No
· or it is from the perverted one
· two affirmation allowed by Jesus no longer seven affirmations allowed
· that’s synonymous with truly truly/ verily, verily / amen, amen
· let the words you use – is very literal, no room for being figurative
· no swearing no making promise
· Paul has yes as yes <<<
· He does not say it has been out of the evil one but it is being out of the evile one
· Did the Greek language change the standard or did the coming of all truth change the standard
· 2Co_1:17-20 – not yes & no
Turn Cheek; Go Extra Mile; Give
(especially to the poor)
CMG = Turn the Other Cheek; Go the Extra Mile; Give
(A) Turn the Other Cheek (& Tunic)
Mat_5:38 – Eye,
Eye; Tooth, Tooth
· Anti = properly correlating up against
· properly correlating up against the evil one
· Evil Eyes & Trees: (A) Lift/Tear Out Adulterous Eye (Mat_5:29); (B) Forgive Enemy’s Eye (Mat_5:38); (C) Greedy Perverted Darkness Eye (Mat_6:23) ≈ (D) Perverted Tree/Fruit (Mat_7:16-20)
Mat_5:39 – Turn
Other Cheek
· Don’t stand properly-correlating against the perverted evil one
· Rom_12:14 – Bless cursers
· Rom_12:17-21 – no nasty for nasty, or vengeance/dishing-out-justice, but Good, PEACE, & Feeding enemy
· 1Pe_2:19-23 – Hurting Under Unrighteousness, Like Jesus
· 1Pe_3:9 – no nasty for nasty, or rough-insult for rough-insult, but blessing to get blessed (by God/inheritance)
· Give other cheek: Mat_5:39/Luk_6:29 a [πάρεχε καὶ τὴν ἄλλην]
Mat_5:40/Luk_6:29 b – Give Tunic in Court
· Judgment = court in this context (in Greek)
· Give the other clothing
Luk_6:29 b [ἀπὸ
τοῦ αἴροντός
σου τὸ ἱμάτιον
καὶ τὸν χιτῶνα
μὴ κωλύσῃς]
· Luke Continues into: Giving & allowing taking (Luk_6:30) & the Golden Rule (Luk_6:31)
· Agree with your adversary when you sinned, give him your clothes when you have not sinned
(B) Go the Extra Mile
Mat_5:41 – Go The
Extra Mile
· Draft you as a courier in public service
Example: Simon of Cyrene Compelled
to Carry Jesus’ Cross (Mat_27:32/Mar_15:21/Luk_23:26)
of Alexander and Rufus’ – Mark_15:21)
(C) Give
Mat_5:42 – Give to
Askers & Borrowers
· You are required to give so you don’t defraud them/steal
· This = valid giving
· Invalid taking = verse 40 and Luke
· Generosity focuses on valid giving
· Mercy address invalid taking
Redemptive Merciful Giving: Jam_2:13-26 ↔ Mat_5:7 (blessed); Mat_5:42 (Give); Mat_6:1-4 (“alms” = same Greek) Mat_6:14-15 (forgive); Mat_7:2 (Measured Back to You)
Mat: Jesus is
quoting a command in the book of Sirach (see: Sir_4
below) just like in the rich young
ruler (see: Mar_10 below)
Giving (~ Mat_5:42; Luk_6:35) = being God’s sons (Luk_6:35)
-- see: Mat_5:45 below…
More Hard Core “Giving” -- Don’t ask for it back when taken, even with spiteful
Luk_12:13-15 –
don’t reach for more, even if you seem to be a victim
– give, and it will be given to you
Act_20:35 – it is
more blessed to give than to receive [μακάριόν
ἐστιν μᾶλλον
διδόναι ἢ
Repeated In Sirach
Sir_4:1 Son, defraud not the poor of alms, and turn not away thy eyes from the poor
Mar_10:19 "You know the commandments: 'Do not commit adultery,' 'Do not murder,' 'Do not steal,' 'Do not bear false witness,' 'Do not defraud,' 'Honor your father and your mother'"
Mat_5:43 – Love Neighbor; Hate Enemy
· Hate enemy (v. 43) = valid rabbinic application of OT/LAW… but NOW it is de-authorized!
· Love = Moses, Hate = application of Moses
– Love Enemies
· Luk_6:27-28 ("But I say to you who hear” -- LB), Luk_6:35-36 (Love enemies; get reward)
· Luke goes into TOC (Luk_6:29) Give (Luk_6:30) Golden rule (Luk_6:31)
· Luke links Mat 5 with Mat 7
· Rom_12:14 – Bless cursers (as seen in TOC above)
Rom_12:14 CAB Bless those that
persecute you; bless and do not curse.
διώκοντας ὑμᾶς,
καὶ μὴ
· 1Co_13:
Mat_5:45 – Sun & Rain On Good And Bad
· be* sons of God’s generosity
· * generated/begotten/born
· Expanded: peace-doers… God’s Sons (Mat_5:9) ≈ Love enemies so that you may become / be generated/begotten sons of your Father in heaven (Mat_5:44) / sons of the Most High (Luk_6:35)
· Luke Links loving enemies (Mat_5:45; Luk_6:35) more directly with giving & letting people take from you, and being God’s sons (~ Mat_5:42; Luk_6:35)
· God gives good: Jam_1:13; Jam_1:17; Mat_7:11 (gifts); Mat_5:44-45 (Sun & rain)
· >>>>> Same Good = Same Trials: sun, rain -- in Mat & Jam (Jam_1:10-11)
· Rom_2:4 – Kindness to Repentance
Mat_5:46 – Just
Loving Lovers = No Reward*
Go for Greatness! (Mat_5:19); Go for the reward*! (Mat_5:46; Mat_6:1)
What you DO matters! – this links Mat_5 with Mat_7:
* (A) Mat & Luke: Present/Wage/Reward [μισθος] (Mat_5:46; Luk_6:35); (B) Luke: Favor (Luk_6:32-34) [ποια
υμιν χαρις
Lending: Luke
continues into generous (free) lending: Luk_6:34-35, & divine-compasion: Luk_6:34 (i.e with the rewards of
favor, sonship, etc.)
Mat_5:47 – Doing Overflowing More than Others
What you DO matters! – this links Mat_5 with Mat_7:
Overflowing beyond: Mat_5:20; Mat_5:47
Notice the word DO is associated with Overflowing beyond – vey
important to notice the moral parallelism
Mat_5:48 – Be Perfect & Compassionate
· Perfection (Mat_5:48) ≈ Household-Compassionate [οἰκτίρμονες] (Luk_6:36)
James Perfection: Jas_1:4 (endurance work); Jas_1:17 (gift); Jas_1:25 (law of loosed/freedom);
Jas_2:22 (faith was made p); Jam_1:25-27
↔ Jam_3:2, etc. (tongue man)
· Some want to make this perfection an OR instead of an AND (~ false dilemma)
· Incorrect: this “perfection” means Mature OR Perfect; Perfect OR Compassionate; etc. -- this adds “OR” where the Bible teaches “AND”
· How perfect is your Father in heaven?
· How perfect are you commanded to be?
· Virtuously perfect vs. being a monetary “perfecter” / tax collector
· Is Jesus really expecting you to DO everything He’s commanding you in this SOM?
· Remember: this is the foundation of the Gospel / real/Biblical good message
For now the main thing you need to get about restitution very quickly is:
1. it
part of a larger repeated heritage to create a more sensitive conscience in
you. You don’t use the new covenant as pre- mosaic paganism that refuses to do
restitution but instead you use the SOM to gain a more sensitive conscience
Don’t ever plateau and dwarf yourself in your need to increase moral
perceptiveness but use the SOM to gain a more sensitive conscience. And that is
a repeated theme in the SOM
your conscience needs to be more sensitive in order to give over the justice
God requires
2. You
better be the first one to perceive where you are wrong.
If you’re going to apostate and be a moral failure, you can guarantee that it
is because you didn’t take the SOM seriously enough. You don’t allow someone
the opportunity to groan because you haven’t done restitution
We do need to show more diligence unto the full assurance of the faith
Wherever we have not been the first to recognize where we are wrong we need to
tremble in our boots to take things more seriously
Question: Restitution is not always physical like stealing an ox, sometimes you just said something wrong and can you just apologize?
In the law of restitution, restitution occurs in the economy in which the fault happens, so yes if you said something wrong then you need to try to apologize with words so that they are left with more good words than the negative words that you did. You are seeking to counter balance the damage you did with more good so that they are happier with the restitution than they were sad with the sin. We have not walked around with enough indebtedness to counterbalance injustice with restitution to make people happier than they were sad from the sin.
SOM teaches us you better make people happy against the sin in which you sinned against them and it needs to be a multiplied benefit
At least 20% if not twice as much, or 4 times as much or even 7 times as much
At least focus on the Sermon on the Mount to take it seriously
If there is an area where you say “no condemnation brother”, don’t do it in this area, this is not the area to be slack. This is the area you sweat it out and be obsessive in loving people. So in love slave serve one another. This is an area to indebt yourself until you have done justice
We have not yet given over enough horizontal justice. This is the only thing your conscience needs to worry about. You need to cooperate and proactively participate in horizontal justice.
Horizontal justice will do restitution; it will beg the righteous to save you.
If you do horizontal justice you have nothing else to worry about, your biggest sins has already been paid for (especially now)
How can you do restitution with someone you can’t do restitution to?
There are limits to restitution, and sometimes you need to give to God instead
Sometimes you can’t pay people back (like in the area of murder). A man is not judge based on what he does not have but what he does have
Live in peace in as much as what lies within you. It is pointless to focus on what you can’t do when there is so much you can do.
At judgement you will be judge on what you have
Can you have an over sensitive conscience?
Today we are not struggling with a culture of being too uptight.
Vivid misleading – you are emphasizing the wrong minority. You are emphasizing the minority instead of the majority.
Jesus says what will a man give up for his soul? He would not give the whole world to gain his soul, so you can’t “make up” for taking someone’s life.
People with a plagued conscience is like that because they are hang up about the things they can’t do anything about and they won’t do justice with the justice that is before them to do. Their guilt is misplaced and their unresolved is because they are not doing any horizontal justice with what they can do. The problem actually lies in the fact that they do not have enough of a working conscience.
When you resolve guilty, you can think clearer.
Your conscience has nothing to worry about when you are doing horizontal justice
If you mourn enough you can process all tragedy by God’s help. When you have cause tragedy to happen you owe it to the creator to mourn.
When God injects you with righteousness you don’t have a guilty conscience anymore
Bible days the majority of people were victimized in demon possession; today people are chasing down demons to victimize them (like in Sodom and Gomorrah).
In genesis 6 the Angel initiated being with the women on the earth and it seem like the humans cooperated with it
In Gen_19 the people initiated trying to rape the good angels.
In end time apostasy - They went after strange flesh this includes homosexuality but it also included spirits
You need to do horizontal justice to enter into the covenant that gives you access to resolving the vertical sin
Stop saying you want God to forgive you of blood guilt when you are still sinning
Stop confusing what you did with what you are doing
There are other details but the majority of what you are dealing with is unwilling people
Not all forgiveness has the pre-requisite of entering into a supernatural new covenant to get a certain level of human forgiveness. You would go to hell but not the burning part of hell (Abraham’s bosom). What you need the new covenant for is to not have to go to hell at all but to heaven when you die.
Romans (10) Road – They omit the most important part: You have to have truth to actually be preached to you and you do it. No one wants to do that today
If you are still doing things to end people’s life then you can’t get over the capital crimes you committed of the past.
Not saying it is easy, but it is concrete, you can do something about it and it is very much at hand.
You do need to cry out and get broken.
Despair and hopelessness sets in when you are confused about your conscience
Your thoughts are not correlating with the thoughts external to you. You do need to connect with the truth at hand.
A supposedly over sensitive conscience is almost always misplaced guilt
Think of ways in which you can subject yourself to other people and do more justice to them
Find more ways to self-identify where you owe a debt to other people, in order to make it virtually impossible for them to have a certain thing down against you
If you do restitution and you forgive other people then you have nothing to worry about because all the other debts are paid for
The crimes you committed before you came to truth does include you doing restitution. You don’t get new flesh yet when you come to truth.
The new covenant is to try to avoid court not to go to court so you get handed over to the guard and be thrown into prison. Do all you can to do human reconciliation.
Disciple Question
Sun 4:44pm
If someone committed a crime and started believing Jesus, do they need to turn themselves into a pagan legal system for restitution?
Sun 4:46pm
Good question
Overseer’s Wife’s Notes: Restitution -- Taken Simultaneously
Sun 5:23pm(edited)
The restitution sections in the Sermon on the Mount are part of a larger repeated heritage to create a more sensitive conscience in you.
You don't use the New Covenant to return to pre Mosaic (pre Moses) paganism that refuses to do restitution. But instead you use the Sermon on the Mount to gain an even more sensitive conscience than Moses taught.
You better be (you have to be) the first one to perceive where you are wrong. In this New Covenant you can't be dense and keep walking in density and just allow others the opportunity to complain against you because you are lacking sensitivity and restitution. Each of us do still need to show more diligence unto the full assurance of faith in this regards (as Hebrews said). We have not always been first to recognize where we ourselves are wrong and do due restitution. We need to take the SOM more seriously.
Restitution is not always physical. Sometimes you said something wrong and you need to give over corrected words. In the laws of Restitution, restitution is in the same metric/economy in which the fault occured (i.e. eye for an eye, tooth for tooth, proper correlation). If you inconvenienced someone in a certain way then you seek to reverse that and give them a convenient blessing. The idea of adding 20% restitution means that the other gained at your fault. Seek to counter balance the bad that you did (at least 20%) so that they are more happier with the restitution than they are sad over the sin.
Among us we have not walked around with an indebtedness to restitution. We need to do counterbalancing, multiplicative restitution.
The Sermon on the Mount is telling us that you better make people happy over the sin which you did against them.
If you fail and apostate then you can guarantee that it's because you weren't taking the Sermon of the Mount (i.e. the starting point of your faith) as seriously as you should have. If you get the SOM right then you will end up getting everything else right.
You do not slack in this area of restitution. You need to feel the weight of this and sweat it out in prayer, and not dismiss it, or avoid it, or neglect it, or "roll it off on JC". You might need to cry and wrestle and agonize in prayer. This is the area where you obsess and addict yourself to slavery (remember- owe no man nothing EXCEPT to be continually indebted to love one another Rom 13:8. Also in another place it says 'in love slave serve one another Galatians 5:13)
If there is anywhere the righteous are in danger of luxury is the realm of unforgiveness and giving over horizontal justice. God did not die so that you no longer have to love your neighbor and do horizontal justice and restitution. If you do horizontal justice then your conscience has nothing else to worry about, because love fulfills the law. When you're doing horizontal justice then it's easy to get forgiven (you're biggest sins, i.e. those against God, have been paid for and will be taken care of).
Horizontal justice will do restitution
It will beg the righteous to disciple you
Your conscience needs to be more sensitive in order to give over the justice God requires.
Btw, we need to realize how Sodom and Gomorrah is a prediction of end times apostasy. The people were guilty for aggressively trying to rape angels (a great contrasting irony between Genesis 6 and Genesis 19). Jude said they went after strange flesh (which includes trying to rape angels). In the end times apostasy we have a greater guilt with humans trying to go after demon spirits, as opposed to spirits going after humans. People are being more aggressive to go after demons than the demons are holding the people captive. This is part of the wild shocking lawlessness of the end times. People are, and will be, so liberal that they will want and crave and glory in this evil.
AlSun 5:23pm
How do you do restitution to someone whom you can't do restitution to? The law of Moses lays out that situation to say that you can give your "gift" to the priests or God.
Sometimes you can't pay people back. That's not the issue. The issue is that you would have a posture of zeal to do restitution where you can.
A man is judged by what he has, not by what he doesn't have (2Cor 8:12)
Inasmuch as it's within you, live at people with all men (Rom 12:18)
There is so much you can do; it's pointless to focus on what you can't do.
It is possible to have an "over sensitive conscience", which is why you need to educate your conscience
A lot of people have hang ups like:
I'm guilty cuz I didn't have enough foresight, or Im not providing for my family enough, or I'm not doing a good job at work, etc
But the real problem is that you're not doing the justice that you can do, and instead you are distracted by not being able to do what you can't do
You can't think straight, you can't be organized, you can't stay focused, your brain is disorganized & scattered, you're distracted, etc
Stop outsourcing your guilt on what's vivid (I.e saying that the problem is that you are not doing a good job at work, for example)
Instead when you resolve horizontal guilt then you'll be better
For those cases of murder or abortion, etc, then if you mourn sufficiently then you'll be able to successfully process any emotional trauma with God's help. And then proceed to be preoccupied with horizontal justice and you'll be a better & approved person.
"Over sensitive conscience" people are often confusing what they did with the most at hand injustice that they are currently doing. Guilt riden people are almost always dealing with misplaced guilt. And the majority of what you're dealing with is an unwillingness to change.
You won't do what you can do therefore your vertical sins are held against you. You need to do horizontal justice that gives you access to the forgiveness of your vertical sins.
Despair and hopelessness sets in when you are confused in your conscience and don't know how to change. Fight as hard as you can to see things as "at hand". This is when you are engaging reality.
Your thoughts need to correlate with the truth in order to move forward.
So frequently we get hung up thinking that our issue is primarily vertical.
Is God not merciful? Or course he'll forgive you. Did he do all that He did just so that He can hold a grudge against you?
Think of ways in which you can subject yourself to other people and do more justice to them.
Find more ways to self identify where you owe a debt to other people, in order to make it virtually impossible for them to have something down against you. Hear what Jesus is saying on the SOM- you go make it right quickly!
Do restitution and forgive other people, and you'll have nothing else to worry about cuz all the other debts are paid for.
A new creation does not include a new flesh. You need restitution made for the sins of your flesh, one way or another.
"Agree with your adversary while you are in the way" is a way to avoid court. The New Covenant is trying to do horizontal justice WITH A PERSON and thus avoid court. The New Testament repeatedly seeks to avoid the legal pagan system. You could be brought to court by someone else, but don't let it be because you didn't do your part. You're not trying to get into some legality; you're trying to do human reconciliation. But if you are seized then Paul says "if I’ve done something worthy of death then I don't mind dyeing".
When someone is trying to commit a capital crime against someone else (i.e. "rising up to kill someone") then it is lawful to involve the police (Acts 23:16-23). If the capital crime is truly in the past then there exists "pastor's privilege" where the pastor can use discretion and make a judgment call on whether to hand them over or not. If no one is no longer in danger then it's possible to just proceed with much counseling.
You need to include flushing toilet, with running water in general electricity, fans, AC especially not to mention computer
So you do need to include all those things together
You need to also compute that the creator told men to spread out and inhabit all the land. And some parts of the land cannot be inhabited without ingenuity
Some parts of the land includes
To the degree gadgets help you spread out and populate the land they are valid
If you get a little bit extravagant to celebrate marriage at least you are doing what God told you to do to celebrate marriage
Flushing toilets had decrease disease among people
The crime with gadgets and inventions is idealizing them, thinking that you are entitled to them, thinking that you should have them, and being sad if you didn’t have them
The things that is morally charged is having the bathroom in the center of the house instead of it being off to the side
When you insist on these things you are not forsaking all, when you are looking forward to getting rid of them that is when you are getting ready for the end times
He will reward a person who goes out and use logic to make the world a better place and relieve people of the amount of wrath that is otherwise needing to come down on them
Hardcore is not about being radial it is about obedience and you will always end up being more moral with obedience than someone who is focus on being radial
The mistake is to think that being radial is the goal and that is a complete failure of your integrity
Obedience will free you up to abound and to be abase
If you can abound and be abase and be content in both then you are not rich.
If you are buying convenience that is dangerous, if you are buying efficiency to help other than that is acceptable.
Other date(s) (~2016, etc.); 12/13/23;
…6/6/24-6/7/24; 8/20/24 (Memorization)
Don’t Do Anything For The Approval Of Men, Or The
Comfort Of Money
Be Spiritual; Don’t Be Set All Up On This Earth
MPFMW ≈ Mom, Please Fill My Water (bottle/cup)
MPFMW = Mercy-Alms, Prayer,
Fasting, Hate Money,
Don’t Worry*
The Point: This is a
memory tool (“Mnemonic Device”) that helps you remember a very important
acronym to memorize the structure of Matthew 6
Secret Virtues – Charities Donations Contributions
Gifts Handouts
Comp. Salt
& Light vs. Secret Merciful Alms & Prayer
& Secret
How do I escape darkness? By becoming salt and light? How to be salt and light? Becoming a merciful one… which includes generosity that cures you of great darkness
DO: Jam_1:22-25 / Jam_1:26-27; Jam_2:14-26 (incl. giving/mercy) = Mat_7:13-27 = hearers and doers of the Word = Hear & do
Mat_6:1 – Don’t
Show A
Go for Greatness! (Mat_5:19); Go for the reward*! (Mat_5:46; Mat_6:1-2;
Avoid deeds being seen as your righteousness/mercy
Mercy is being
expanded here in Mat_6:1
Merciful-Alms in Mat_6:1-4 [ἐλεημοσύνην
*] =
Merciful-ones in Mat_5:7 [μακάριοι
οἱ ἐλεήμονες]
= Giving in Mat_5:42 [δίδου]
Mat_5 said
blessed, Mat_6 says rewards
So you won’t be
a blessed merciful one so you won’t do your deeds in secret
Mercy in the
Bible always includes a price someone else pays to get you out of a situation
you couldn’t help yourself out of. It is being kind useful to someone
Redemptive Merciful Giving: Jam_2:13-26 ↔ Mat_5:7 (blessed); Mat_5:42 (Give); Mat_6:1-4 (“alms” = same Greek as
merciful ones) Mat_6:14-15 (forgive); Mat_7:2 (Measured Back to You)
Alms: Mat_6:1, Mat_6:21; Luk_12:33 Sell your possessions and give alms; make for yourselves
money bags which do not grow old, an unfailing treasure in the heavens, where a
thief does not come near, nor does a moth destroy. [Treasure = heart (Luk_12:34)]
toward is the direction and
outcome of what is being aimed at
Mat_6:2 – No
Trumpeting Good Deeds
· No trumpeting mercy deeds
· Reward matters!
· DO-ing matters x2
· The object of what you’re doing (“toward”) is the hinge of this command
· Avoiding Seen righteousness (Mat_6:1-2) is in contrast with showing persecuted light (Mat_5:13-16)
· Redemptive mercy: see above
· Anti-Hypocrisy: Mat_6:1-8; Rom_2:17-29 (no fake resting in the law); -- consistent, just like with Judging (Mat_7)
· Hypocrisy = not true in the SECRET: Mat_6:4-6, Mat_6:18; Rom_2:29
· Kind redemptive mercy is being expanded
Mat_6:3 –
Lefty-Right Privacy (Secrecy, Confidentiality)
· don’t let left know what right is doing
· “Lucky left”?
· Reward matters!
· Doing matters
· Redemptive mercy: see above
· “however you” is audience specific therefore he is making a distinction between you and the hypocrites. Therefore you does not include church people
· In order to be a political pastor you have to do things to be seen by men because the people with itching ears will not let you do otherwise which means that the pastor and their churches are sitting in darkness, they do not know what is going on. Both the goats and the wolves are guilty.
· Church people want an actor to get up in front of them and smile and flatter them. That is who they pay
· They will never consistently confront hypocrisy in their church unless that hypocrisy happens to be inconvenient for them
· That pretty much guarantees that everyone sitting in the pews are sitting in darkness
Mat_6:4 – Secret
Good Rewarded
· Reward matters!
· DO-ing matters
· Redemptive mercy: see above
Appearance ([Mat_6:2], TSB Mat_6:4, Mat_6:5,
Mat_6:16, TSBat_6:18; Rom_2:28) vs. Secret-hiddenness
(Mat_6:4, Mat_6:6,
at_6:18; Rom_2:29)
/ Rom_2:28: ἐν τῷ
φανερῷ vs. / Rom_2:29:
ἐν τῷ
κρυπτῷ ]
…᾿Ιουδαῖός ἐστιν…ἐν
Mar_4:22 CAB For there is nothing
hidden which shall not be made manifest, nor was it hidden but that it might
come to light.
Mar_4:22 οὐ γάρ
ἐστι κρυπτὸν
ὅ ἐὰν μὴ φανερωθῇ,
οὐδὲ ἐγένετο
ἀπόκρυφον ἀλλ᾿
ἵνα ἔλθῃ εἰς
Mat_6:5 – Not
Showing Prayer
· Reward matters! – be unwilling to lose it!
· It is a direct command to not be like the hypocrite
· This is the gospel of Matt and if you are telling the gospel like the hypocrite then you are in direct rebellion disobedience to Matt
· If I were still pleasing men I would not be a servant of Anointed One
· If the hyporcrite says the gospel is ABC then don’t say the gospel is ABC, strive to show how the gospel is different from what the hypocrite says.
Mat_6:6 – Hiding
· Reward matters!
· We are starting to get into prayer
· All the preceding virtues function as steps into your prayer closet
· You are doing all the preceding things to get to the center/the goal like it a chiamis structure, the thing in the center is the most important thing
Mat_6:7 – No
Useless Repetition & Many Words
· See: ROW
· Many words ≈ many gods
Mat_6:8 – Father
Pre-knows Requests
· Father already knows your prayer requests beforehand
· Don’t be like nations/gentiles/pagans
· Father knows/has seen… = repeated at the end (Mat_6:8; Mat_6:32)
[Luk_11:1 – disciples request: teach us to pray]
· After Jesus had prayed
· Jesus & John taught disciples to pray – NOT limited to God teaching prayer!
Mat_6:9-13/Luk_11:2-4 – Lord’s Asking Prayer (the Lord’s Prayer)
· 7 Requests (NKWBFTR): (1) Name, (2) Kingdom, (3) Will, (4) Bread (Center Focused *), (5) Forgive, (6) Temptation, (7) Rescue
· * The structure (“chiastic”/“chiasm”) above sets the center (“(4) Bread”) as the focused goal: i.e. you do these out things you get the inner thing
· This is an “asking” prayer list which works to get you “asking and receiving” successfully, when it is applied faithfully
Mat_6:9/Luk_11:2 – (1) Father’s Name Holified
· Father in Heavens
· We desperately need His name/reputation to be vindicated/redeemed/renewed/made holy again
Mat_6:10/|TSB Luk_11:2|– May (2) Kingdom & (3) Will Happen
· Kingdom Come & will be generated
· Heaven to earth (strangely reversed in English)
Mat_6:11/Luk_11:3 – (4) Daily Bread
· Mat: Upon substance or upon next new day?
· Luke: that which is down-according to a day / each day / day by day
· ‘daily’ ≈ like mana -- daily bread, given 1 day at a time (expect FRI as the day of preparation)
Mat_6:12/Luk_11:4 a – (5) Forgive Us as we Forgive
· Mat: Obligations in Mat_6:12 = rule-breaking in Mat_6:14 = sins & obligated-ones in Luk_11:4
· Forgiveness is contingent/dependent
· Luke: Forgiveness is present-tense in both variations in Luke
· Luke: All those obligated to us
Mat_6:13/Luk_11:4 b – (6) Anti-Temptation (7) Rescue Request [Mat & |TSB
(6) No Temptation Entering; (7)
Rescue Us From Perverted Evil One
· Rush drag = like a fireman rescuing a victim
· Doxology = ancient, but less specified
· Persecution: Jam_1:2 ↔ Mat_5:10-12 (seen above)
Temptation: Mat_5:12 (Rejoice) ↔ Mat_6:13 (rescue) ↔
Jam_1:2 (optimism), Jam_1:12-15
(lust vs. approval/winning)
- James: Temptation (for nasty/chaos) → sin → death
- we see then: ‘rescue us from the perverted evil one’ is a prayer to not die
(as James teaches on this SOM theme)
See: Obeying the Lord’s Prayer
Thu 9:02pm(edited)
What exactly is the hope here/what are we
really asking for? Can you give an example?
Forgiveness & Unforgiveness
-- Elaborated Commentary
Mat_6:14/Luk_6:37 – Dependent Forgiveness
· Cooperative forgiveness is successful
· Mat_6:14-15 (Forgive) + Mat_7:1 (No Judging) = Luk_6:37: No Judging, but forgive (directly connected by Luke more than Mat)
· Luk_6:37 includes: Don’t judge with… (A) don’t dish-down-justice/avenge [μὴ καταδικάζετε] & (B) forgive -- lit. loose-away-dismiss [ἀπολύετε, καὶ ἀπολυθήσεσθε] i.e. debts, as in Mat_6:14-15
Redemptive Merciful Giving: Jam_2:13-26 ↔ Mat_5:7 (blessed); Mat_5:42 (Give); Mat_6:1-4 (“alms” = same Greek) Mat_6:14-15 (forgive); Mat_7:2 (Measured Back to You)
You have to forgive people’s sins in the future like God
forgives people in the future. That does not mean you are reconcile with them
Mat_6:15 –
Dependent Unforgiveness
· Un-cooperative forgiveness is unsuccessful
· Redemptive mercy: see above
Mat_5:7; Mat_18:33-35 –
mercy incl. forgiveness
i.e Mat_18 links Mat_5:7 & Mat_6:15 together
· Father unforgiveness = future tense which starts NOW as soon as you are unforgiving
Luk_17:3-4 – keep forgiving 70x7
Disciple Questions
Overseer’s Wife Asked:
Mat_6:15 If you get to the Judgment and then realize that you were
holding something against someone but you weren't aware of it while you were on
the Earth then does that mean the Father won't be able to forgive you for
[what is the] Litmus test to know when
you've successfully forgiven someone/everyone or not?
Another Disciple asked:
Sun 2:07pm
What is considered a cause to be angry
with your brother
Overseer’s Wife Asked:
The Father already knows what we have
useful need of, so why do we need to ask for daily bread? Is that more for our
sake so that we don't take for granted daily provisions and assume that it's
already a given, and so we don't forget God in the midst of a regular daily
usual basic food supply? Is the "daily bread" part of the prayer
especially for our sakes, so that we remember on a daily basis where our help
comes from, and we maintain a healthy humble posture, constantly looking to God
to see what his hand will give us?
Comp. Salt
& Light vs. Secret Merciful Alms & Prayer
& Secret
Mat_6:16 – Fasting Unlike
· Rewards matter!
· Undoing appearance, to appear = Irony in Greek
Mat_6:17 – Anoint
Head, Wash Face
Mat_6:18 – Do
Secret Fasting
· He is throwing His sight / looking for someone to reward
Fasting as Begging
when you're fasting, like The Sermon on
the Mount talks about, you should be praying and begging to be spiritual to
enter into the invisible Kingdom like the rest of the Sermon on the Mount talks
Notice how thoroughly anti-self this SOM is…
Give, Love haters, No praise for doing good, Hate money… and list goes on!
You target money as a personified deity that you are to proactively hate a
(A) Treasure on Earth or in Heaven
Mat_6:19 – No
Treasuring to Yourself -- Upon Earth/Land
· Woe to the Rich: Luk_6:24-26; Jam_5:1-6, who are Storing up treasures: Mat_6:19-21, Jam_5:3, Jam_5:5 (i.e. Jam_5:1-5)
· moth and rust spoiling earthly treasures
· Treasuring rich = Opposite of blessed poor
· 1Co_16:2: Treasuring up [θησαυρίζων] for others [ἕκαστος ὑμῶν παρ᾿ ἑαυτῷ τιθέτω θησαυρίζων ὅ τι ἐὰν εὐοδῶται]
· Rom_2:5 – Unrepentance Treasures up Wrath
· See: Luk_12:13-21 treasuring parable, discussed below in Mat_6:25 (don’t worry)
· Temporary Nature
· Vulnerability to destruction
· Jam_5:3 "Your gold and silver have corroded, and their rust will be a witness against you and will consume your flesh like fire."
Mat_6:20 –
Treasuring to Yourself -- in Heaven
· Luk_9:23-26: Save soul & Gain world = lose soul… “ashamed of Me and My words”
· Not caring about streets of gold is disobeying Mat_6:20 because Jesus wants you to care about it and that assures you can separate the gift from the one who gave it. Is it orthodox to think God is going to give you a gift that is not full of his character of love for you?
· That is baboonery to think that you can care about God and not care about a good gift He gave to you. If a person gives you a good gift on earth, and it is even more special because of who it is from how much more when God gives a good gift
· God’s gifts include his love
Mat_6:21/Luk_12:34 – Heart = With Treasure
· “Treasurers” are not particularly personified, as seen below
· Luk_12:32-34: Little Flock Gets Kingdom… sell & give mercies/alms…Where treasure is, your heart is
Alms: Mat_6:1, Mat_6:21; Luk_12:33 Sell your possessions and give alms; make for yourselves
money bags which do not grow old, an unfailing treasure in the heavens, where a
thief does not come near, nor does a moth destroy. [Treasure = heart (Luk_12:34)]
It is a lie to say that your heart justyified your treasure.
He did not say your heart shows your treasure, he did say your treasure shows
your heart. Not to say you can’t treasure up for others like joseph and Paul
It is very important to realize that you could have
millions of dollars and not use them for yourself
If you use a million dollars to dump on other people, you
are not rich.
Abraham made God his reward. He was socially rich but you
can also say he was not rich because he was spending on a lot of people
A rich person is someone who has a treasure for
· The New covenant did not leave the conversation as it found it, it changed the conversation, it added new life to the conversation about
From the corrective persecptive of
the New covernant you would not call Abraham rich or even King David
You cannot like the finer likes in
this life and go to heaven
The new covenant takes the
vocabulary of riches and poverty to a whole new level of accountability
If you take care of a lot of
people amd you do not reward yourself with your priviledges then you are not
Typical phatmp a peopson takes
their posterity as God commendary/ approval on their lifestyle and therefore
they feel encouraged and authourized and at liberity to reward themselves
Choose who is going to reward you,
yourselg or God. If you reward yourself shake in your boots because wrath is upon
The reward is coming to reward
each one according to his works
(B) Eye Health
Mat_6:22 –Healthy
Eye, Enlightened Body
· Eye is lamp of body
· Healthy = lit. non-multiple/divided
Luke associates (A) lighting
& showing a lamp (Luk_11:33, Luk_11:36;
Mat_5:14-16) with (B) the
metaphysical light seen in your eyes (Luk_11:34-36; Mat_6:22-23)
Mat_6:23 – Pervert
Eye, Darken Body
· Fake Light: Mat_6:23 (SOM: Dark light); Rom_2:19 (Hypocritical light)
Evil Eye -- from
OT to Mat: Deu_15:9-10
πονηρεύσηται ὁ
ὀφθαλμός σου τῷ
ἀδελφῷ σου];
Pro_28:22 (MT); Pro_28:27 (MT) / Pro_30:27
(LXX); Mat_6:22-23 (Eye Health); Mat_20:15 --
As seen in Righteous-Finances.htm#EvilEye
· Evil Eyes & Trees: (A) Lift/Tear Out Adulterous Eye (Mat_5:29); (B) Forgive Enemy’s Eye (Mat_5:38); (C) Greedy Perverted Darkness Eye (Mat_6:23) ≈ (D) Perverted Tree/Fruit (Mat_7:16-20)
· Luk_11:34-36: “…as when the bright shining of a lamp gives light to you” (CAB)
· Luk_11:35 LSV take heed [σκοπει], then [ουν], lest [μη] the light that [is] in you is [being] darkness;
· Luk_11:36 LSV if then your whole body is lightened, not having any part darkened, the whole will be lightened, as when the lamp by the brightness may give you light.”
(C) 2 Lords: Can’t Serve Both!
Mat_6:24/Luk_16:13 – Can’t Serve 2 Lords
· Can’t Slave-Serve Two Lords
· Mammon = personification
· Hate money so much that you treat it like a personified pagan deity to fight
· Not hating money is loving it and holding loyal to it and slave serving a pagan God
· Treasurers (on the other hand) are not personified
Hating Money (Mat_6:24) ≈ Not ‘Liking Silver’ [ἡ
φιλαργυρία] (1Ti_6:10)
Notice: hating money is not limited to
personified money / overt "idolatry" - but all silver-liking
is forbidden & concerned, just as Treasurers include all Treasurers,
not just personified ones
· See: Hate Money
· Jesus starts with objects and ends with personalities
· Jesus is not limiting the preceding authoritative context to idolatry, but is starting with money or treasures itself and then commanding you to treat them like enemies
· You’re not allowed to reverse the preceding authoritative governing context to limit and wash out the Scriptures out of the Bible
· God vs. World: Jam_4:4-5 (friendship = adultery) ↔ Mat_6:24 (2 Lords = impossible); 1Co_6: (can’t be simultaneous)
Luk_16:13: Stewardship, hate money, God vs. money
& adulterous morally stinky/abominable mocking [ἐξεμυκτήριζον]
"Pharisees, who were lovers of
money" (Luk_16:14 CAB) [φιλάργυροι
ὑπάρχοντες --
beginning-under-subtence likers-of-silver]
The Immediate Point: Love the Right Master; hate the Bad One
Have you fallen in love with the Master of The Sermon on the Mount yet?
The BIG Point: Hating Money protects us from anxiety and prepares us for end-times supernatural provision.
The end times are constantly commemorated by the Feast of Booths, and Jesus want all belivers to live as if they were going into these ultimately glorifying days.
Don't Worry
Memorization Preview
SBHCE = Soul & Body, Birds, Height, Clothing, Eat
SBHCE ≈ Southern Baptist
with A Holmen
Christian Standard bible*, Eating (like
they always seem to be doing -- while missing the point of the SOM)
* The Holman Christian Standard
bible (HCSB) is associated with the Southern Baptist
For more, see: Don't Worry Memorization
(A) Soul & Body
Mat_6:25 / Luk_12:22-23 – Don’t Worry About Soul or
· Soul outlives food
· Soul is beyond the crumbs it gets from food
Body = beyond clothing (it is
still there, just like the soul)
Just like: Soul = beyond food
· The vitality of the soul does not outlive the crumbs that you eat, but the soul itself does
· The soul cannot outlive food if it is only physical, since the soul does outlive the body is it indeed metaphysical
· Luk_12:13-21 – Don’t grab for more; don’t Store up treasures to yourself; be abundant toward God = preceding context
· It’s not bad if a field produces good, but it’s bad when you treasure your abundance for yourself and live in pleasures and don’t bother working or giving
· Death is what you get for treasuring to yourself & not giving to others/God
Luk_12:22-34: Then He said to His disciples …lilies…do not worry
Preceding Context: fool treasuring for himself
Luk_12:22 shows that “don’t worry” is a charge to
“disciples” in contrast with those “outside the church” (Luk_12:14; 1Co_5:12; 1Co_6:4)
– it is in the form of a contrasting audience specification
· Disciples have a special covenant of provision in order to not worry, which is beyond the grass and birds, which also eventually leads to the hightened supernatural provision of the end times, as seen in Rev_11: – CH 12
Food is the continually substance to maintain vitality in the soul to stay connected to the body
(B) Birds
Mat_6:26 / Luk_12:24 – Look
into the Birds
Luk_12:6 –
sparrows sold… but remembered before God
· Luke has ‘sold birds’ (Luk_12:6) in slight proximity with ‘care-free birds’ (Luk_12:24) – both are cared for by God
· Luke: ravens = birds
(C) Height
Mat_6:27 / Luk_12:5 – Worry & Height
· Can we stand still and be provided for?
· Luk_12:26 LSV If, then [so], you are not able [δυνασθε] for the least [ελαχιστον]—why are you anxious for [περι] the rest [λοιπων]?
(D) Clothing, Solomon, & Flowers:
Mat_6:28 / Luk_12:27 a – No Clothing
· Don't worry about clothing
· Be disciple-d by the lilies ≈ being disciple-d by Jesus (ironically)
· It doesn't chop or sew
Mat_6:29 / Luk_12:27 b – Solomon's Less
Glorious Clothes
· Solomon's clothes were less glorious
· Thrown around clothing
· Temporary Flowers & Gas Mat_6:29; Jam_1:10-11
Mat_6:30 / Luk_12:28 – Clothed You, Rather Than Grass
· Capacity to cloth temporary grass shows the abundance God would rather show to you
· Father prefers to Bless You
· Father Rather: How much more will Father = repeated/paralleled idea: Mat_6:30; Mat_7:11
(E) Eat, Kingdom,
Tomorrow: EKT
Mat_6:31 / Luk_12:29 – Eat, Drink,
Clothing - Don't Speak Worry!
· Luk_12:29 LSV And you—do not seek what you may eat, or what you may drink, and do not be in suspense,
Mat_6:32 – Gentiles Pursue Needs -- but God has Seen!
· Intensely sought by nations;
· Father knows/has seen… = repeated at the end (Mat_6:8; Mat_6:32)
Mat_6:33 – Seek Kingdom
& Righteousness First -- all else Added
· Waiting patiently like grass and all of God's creatures is part of supernatural provision
· Don't sabotage the poverty of your foraging which shows your dependence and invites provision the way God likes to give it
· Seek righteousness = a command – i.e. Mat_5:3, Mat_5:6, Mat_5:17-20; Mat_6:33 (incl. Alms & prayer in Mat_6:1-8, Forgiveness, etc.)
Luk_12:32 Do not fear, little flock, because your Father is well pleased
to give to you the kingdom. [so give alms! (Luk_12:33)]
Luk_12:32 Μὴ
φοβοῦ, τὸ
ποίμνιον· ὅτι
εὐδόκησεν ὁ
πατὴρ ὑμῶν
δοῦναι ὑμῖν
Mat_6:34 – Don't Worry Into Tomorrow
· Daily boundary for being affected by negative anticipation
· Problem makers are not obeying this verse
· Today, Not Tomorrow: Jam_4:13-17 ↔ Mat_6:34 -- Don’t Worry (SOM) or boast (Jam) into tomorrow
Php_4:6 – Be anxious for nothing [μηδὲν
See: Instructions for Devotion: Alms, Pray Right, Forgive, Fast Right
See: Famine in Supernatural Provision
See: 7 Commands Against Luxury & Worry
See: 9 Arguments Against Worry
JA9C = Don't Judge*,
SOM Parables,
Ask-Seek-Knock, 9-Does, Crowds
JA9C ≈ the Judge Privately Asked 9 Cops (i.e. for their testimony)
What Goes Around Comes Around
Continuing with provision & asking and
Mat_7:1/Luk_6:37 – No Judging
· Luk_6:37 includes: Don’t judge with… (A) don’t dish-down-justice/avenge [μὴ καταδικάζετε] & (B) forgive -- lit. loose-away-dismiss [ἀπολύετε, καὶ ἀπολυθήσεσθε] i.e. debts, as in Mat_6:14-15
· No Judging Brother: Mat_7:3 ↔ Jam_4:11-12
· No Judging Poor: Jam_2:1-5, etc.
· James/the SOM is saying for FLESH to not judge BOTHERS,
· SOM & James are not forbidding the other way around, such as judging church hypocrites;
· Flesh judgments are the opposite from DO obedience!
· If someone is hearing & doing, by very definition they are not committing forbidden judgments of the SOM & James
Rom_2 (Rom-SOM): No judging & doing the same (Mat_7:1-6/Luk_6:37, etc. & Rom_2:1-6)
· Mat_6:14-15 (Forgive) + Mat_7:1 (No Judging) = Luk_6:37: No Judging, but forgive (directly connected by Luke more than Mat)
Mat_7:2 – Measured Back to You
Judging…Back to You
Luke: No
Judge (Luk_6:37) but Give (Luk_6:38) & Given Back to You
Luk_6:38: Give*, & measured back to you
(lit. properly-correlating-way) (* “Giving” directly connected by Luke more
than Mat)
Asking and receiving is still the context -- this is easy
to miss in Mat, but we've got to pay attention to it, & Luke helps keep
this connected focus
– Speck-Stubble
vs. Beam In Eye
Eye problems
If you throw your site towards someone's speck, you're beam
might hit them
· Luke: look verses/instead of notice in Mat
· Luk_6:37 = Judge (not as directly connected in Luke as in Mat)
Mat_7:4 – Speck Removal; Beam Ignorance
Throw out speck
Looking at your ignorance is commanded
Mat_7:5/Luk_6:42 – Beam Before Speck Removal
· Beam-Ejection, Then Speck-Removal
· Integrity of self-awareness heals hypocrisy
· Tolerance of specks is NOT the goal
· Big & Small both matter – even though Big matters most
· Beam & Speck removals all matter, just like Camels and gnats should both be removed from food
· Luke: look (verses/instead of notice in Mat)
· Mat: combines judging and eye care (Luke doesn’t)
Mat_7:6 – Withhold Holy from Dogs, &
Pearls from Pigs
Dogs (Mat_7:6) ≈ Wolves (Mat_7:15)
Also don't be a dog or a pig!
Don’t be a pig: Never treat something or people valuable as
less valuable than it actually is
Do-teaching is included as holy pearls (mat5 & 7)
· Lowering a free person into slavery (1Ti_1:10) and trampling holy pearls under your feet are similar crimes that earn hell
Reductionism = hell (incl. Assuming
Truth is more important than a person's head
Putting divine Truth as less important than your very life
is an outrageous sin crime that earns hell
Dogs & pigs will always do violence against holy people
who hold pearls
Atheism of all levels denies and trivializes it's crimes,
but the holy bear the destructive burdens, consequences & still have to
deal with how destructive their sins are and pay the price of their liberality
Luk_6:39 – Blind Leading Blind
· "Hypocrisy" context = only known connection to rest of SOM
· Blind (Mat_15:14) = Pharisees (Mat_15:12)
· Luk_6:39 ≈ Luk_6:41
Blind Leading Blind: esp. Rom_2:19; Luk_6:39; [Isa_9:16; Isa_56:10; Mat_15:14; Mat_23:16-26; Luk_6:39; Rom_2:19;
1Ti_6:3-5; 2Ti_3:13]
Luk_6:40 – Everyone Like Teacher = Enough
· Teacher Imitation ≈ Discipleship
· Not above teacher
· Down to completion/sufficiency like a building
· Extended: they persecuted Him; they will persecute you
· Mat_10:24-25: Persecution When Proclaiming = Context
· "Persecution" implications (& Discipleship?) = only known connection to rest of SOM
Luk_6:41 – Speck vs. Beam in Eye
· Hypocrisy context
· Luk_6:39 ≈ Luk_6:41
· Luk_6:37 = Judge (not as directly connected in Luke as in Mat)
· See: Mat_7:3/Luk_6:41 Above
Luk_6:42 – Beam Before Speck Removal
· See: Mat_7:5/Luk_6:42 Above
Next up in Luke: Trees & Fruit in Luke 6
– Ask, Seek, Knock
· Given, Finding, Opened
· Ask: Ask in faith for good things: Jam_1:5-8, Jam_1:16-21; Mat_6:8, Mat_6:31-32 (you need…food, drink, clothing); Mat_7:11 (good); Not for bad lusts: Jam_4:2-3
· Present-tense ask, future-tense receive
· Rev_3:20: Are you knocking on Jesus’ door or is He knocking on yours? -- often, doors are not opening for you, because you’re not opening them for Jesus
Mat_7:8/Luk_11:10 – Asking...Taking, Seeking...Finding, Knocking it
will be Opened
· Ask: see above
[Luk_11:5-8 – Asking for bread from a friend for a traveling friend]
· Luke is linking the Lord’s prayer with Asking And Receiving
· We’ve got to notice that this is the same point in Mat, even though the two elements are in more separate sections
· Luk_18:1-6 – Persistent Widow
· Luk_18:6-8 – Will Son of man find faith on earth?
Mat_7:9/|TSB Luk_11:11 a| – Bread, not Stone - Requested
· son asks dad
· Mat & TSB Luke: Negative Rhetorical question
· A Luke: more explicit question
Mat_7:10/Luk_11:11 b – Fish, not Serpent – Requested
[Luk_11:12 – which father…[if son requests] “egg, will he give him a scorpion:…”]
Mat_7:11/Luk_11:13 – Sinners vs. God giving good things
· Perverts give to children; heavenly Father gives more good
· Jesus believes in depravity
· Ask: see above
· Mat & Luke: you being evil – depravity is fundamental
· Mat: indeed being vs. Luke: Beginning-under-substance …evil
· Luke: Father out of heaven
· God Gives Good: Jam_1:5-6; Jam_1:17 (see Ask)
· Father Rather: How much more will Father = repeated/paralleled idea: Mat_6:30; Mat_7:11
Luk_11:9-13: “give the Holy Spirit
to those who ask Him!”
vs. which father…“egg, will he give him a scorpion:…”
πατὴρ ὁ ἐξ
δώσει Πνεῦμα
῞Αγιον τοῖς
αἰτοῦσιν αὐτόν
Mat_7:12/Luk_6:31 – Golden Rule
· DO x2
Doing Law & Prophets = Obeying Jesus’ Teaching – Mat_5:17-20
Law & Prophets: Mat_5:17-20 is linked with Mat_7:12/Luk_6:31
· Luke Preceding: Love enemies… Give freely (Luk_6:27-30)
· Luke Following: Do good to bad people to get favor [ποία ὑμῖν χάρις ἐστί] (Luk_6:32-34) & reward [ὁ μισθὸς ὑμῶν πολύς] (Luk_6:35)
· Luke links together (in this order) what is said in: Mat_5:43-44; Mat_5:38-42; Mat_7:12; Mat_5:46-47; Mat_5:45
· Ask: see above
– give, and it will be given to you
Act_20:35 – it is
more blessed to give than to receive [μακάριόν
ἐστιν μᾶλλον
διδόναι ἢ
The Following Points are Part of Mat 7, but they are so involved that they need their own dedicated point and sub-points…
GPTLH ≈ chatGPT Loves Helping (usually/hopefully)
GPTLH = Gates, Prophets*,
Trees*, Lord, House
* i.e. False Prophets…
Trees & Fruit
Mat 5 Quick Preview
-- 9 DOs of Hear & DO! GPTLH
- Gate: Narrow Gate
- Prophets: False Prophets
- Trees: Trees &
- Lord: Lord, Lord -
Not Everyone who Says to Me...
- House: House Building
on Rock or Sand
- Amazed: Crowds Amazed (struck
- Authority: Authoritative
= Moses' Monotheistic Formula
Deu_12:25, Deu_12:28, Deu_12:32, Deu_13:18
9 DOs -- Verse-By-Verse Summaries…
Mat_7:13 – Narrow vs. Wide gate
Many = destruction
Conventionalism concerned
Wide the gate is phonetically fitting
Narrow gate is phonetically ironic
Easy = hell (destruction)
Dismantle the body of sin (Romans 6) or you'll get
disintegrated going to hell
Many on earth ≠ many in heaven (Mat_5:10 <<<<)
Mat_7:14 – Constrained Gate; Tribulated Way Into Life
Minority counterculture is only life-giving when persecuted
for righteousness (Mat5...)
Few =life
Irony gets heaven; conventionalism gets hell
Luk_13:23-27: Competitively-Agonize/Strive to Enter
- “are there few who are saved?”
- Luk_13:25: “Lord, Lord, open for us” -- only opens
when you knock NOW in faith/obedience (Mat_7:7-12)!
(later = too late)
- Luk_13:27: ‘Depart from Me, all
you workers of injustice/unrighteousness’ [οἱ
ἐργάται τῆς
- Luk_13:28: “There will be weeping
and gnashing of teeth, when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the
prophets in the kingdom of God, but yourselves being cast out”
- Luk_13:30: Last First & First Last [καὶ
ἰδοὺ εἰσὶν
ἔσχατοι οἳ ἔσονται
πρῶτοι, καὶ
εἰσὶ πρῶτοι
οἳ ἔσονται ἔσχατοι]
Destruction Gate (Mat_7:13); not able (Luk_13:24) [to be] saved (Luk_13:23) [& get] Life (Mat_7:14) & Kingdom (Mat_7:21; Luk_13:29); Saying “Lord, Lord” (Mat_7:22; Luk_13:25)
Many = Destruction ≈ many Not Finding Narrow Gate to
· Luk_13:23-27 – ‘competitively agonize / strive [ἀγωνίζεσθε] to enter…narrow gate…Depart from Me, all you workers of injustice / unrighteousness’ [οἱ ἐργάται τῆς ἀδικίας]
· The Rejection of “Lord, Lord” (Mat_7:21; Luk_13:25) is still talking about “the narrow gate” (Mat_7:13-14; Luk_13:24)!
Is the SOM’s “narrow” salvation vague, unspecified, & open to interpretation, or is it specific with monotheistic requirements of constraining commands?
What actually, specifically makes the living gate narrow?
Doing Jesus’ commands is narrow!
These “gates” raise a question and anticipate a solution which is repeatedly provided and specified 9 times below…
You Will Know Them By Their Fruits
Mat_7:15 – False Prophets
· False Prophets (Mat_7:15; 2Pe_2:1-22) ≈ False Teachers (Mat_5:19 → Mat_7:26; 2Pe_2:1-22)
· Unholy Dogs (Mat_7:6) ≈ Snatching Wolves [λύκοι ἅρπαγες] (Mat_7:15)
· Snatching/ravenous [ἅρπαγες] (Mat_7:15) ≈ Bold/Daring…Self-Pleasing/Willed [τολμηταί αὐθάδεις] (2Pe_2:10)
Bold snatching strong-willed flagrant Alfa-males,
Self-willed Salesmen, loud Pentecostals are explicitly condemned as false
1Jn_4:1; 1Jn_4:5-6 – Spirit Tests
Deception is so bad today that church people dress like
wolves today and people still welcome them
Apostasy happens when sheep dress in wolves’ clothing
The term, "false prophet" calls to mind the OT,
especially sources like Jeremiah
Don't judge, but recognize dogs, pigs, wolves, including
their insides
Don't judge hidden motives (1Co4), but recognize wicked
insides of dirty creatures
Arpox: Bad boldness rapacious ravenous confidence
self-assurance brashness audaciousness impudence daring audacity
Mat_7:16 – Fruit Recognition
Luk_6:43-44: Trees & Fruits -- Good & Bad
Know By Fruits: Mat_7:16 ↔ Luk_6:44
↔ Jam_3:12
Is fruit general or specific? – pagan and confusing or
Monotheistic and establishing “knowledge” as said in this verse?
Don’t refuse to recognize/acknowledge-upon what Jesus has
said you will have knowledge upon!
Grapes vs. Thorns semicolon figs vs. Thistles
Knowing is not judging, by very definition
Knowing upon = recognition
· Fruit Includes Words: Words = Fruit (Luk_6:44-45) → Mat_12:35 (v. Mat_12:33-37) ≈ Jam: Bridling Tongue (Jam_1:26)
· Luke puts these two saying about words and fruit together in his sermon; Matthew also thematically associates them, but they are mentioned in different chapters
· Luke: Tree ≈ men; Words = Stored up treasures of the heart
· Luke: next up… Luk_6:46 – Calling Lord, but Not Doing Words (seen below)
Mat_7:17 – Trees & Fruit: Good & Bad
· Good tree, beautiful fruit
· Rotten tree perverted fruit
· Evil Eyes & Trees: (A) Lift/Tear Out Adulterous Eye (Mat_5:29); (B) Forgive Enemy’s Eye (Mat_5:38); (C) Greedy Perverted Darkness Eye (Mat_6:23) ≈ (D) Perverted Tree/Fruit (Mat_7:16-20)
· DO x2
Mat_7:18 – Trees Can't Produce Opposite
· DO x2
Mat_7:19 – Cut Out Into Fire
· DO x1
· Quoting John the Baptist (Mat3)
Mat_7:20 – Fruit Recognition - Conclusion
· Mat_7:16 = Mat_7:20
· How is Jesus saying you will know upon them?
· What is the main word used to describe this intense knowing-upon acknowledgement recognition?
DO: Jam_1:22-25 / Jam_1:26-27; Jam_2:14-26 (incl. giving/mercy) = Mat_7:13-27 = hearers and doers of the Word = Hear & do
Rom_2:6-13, etc. – Judged by Works (Paul Agrees with Jesus/SOM)
Luk_6:46 – Calling Lord, but Not Doing Words
Luk_6:46 "But why do you call Me 'Lord, Lord,'
and do not do the things which I say? [οὐ
ποιεῖτε ἃ
Mat_7:21 – Lord, Lord vs. Doing Father's Will
· DO x1
· Father's will is about doing, just like the fruit mentioned previously
· Repetition = intensely calling JC lord
· Comp. "yes, yes" - intense confirmation
· Heaven or hell is the issue
· Entering heaven = DOING heavenly father's will
Mat_7:22 – Many Doing Many Things in JC's Name
· DO x1
· Disobeyers do remarkable things in his name
· "Many" = wide gate of destruction
· Sincere people go to hell intensely confessing Jesus's name
· If they were not true to their feelings, then they would not be confused at their own rejection
· Do you really trust Jesus that this is the bedrock test of whether you make it or not?
· Double-emphatic
· Lord, Lord = emphatic
Mat_7:23 – I Never Knew You... Lawlessness
· Workers x1
· Lawlessness (Mat_7:23) = NOT fulfilling the law & the prophets (Mat_5:17; Mat_5:20), i.e. NOT DOING (Mat_7:13-27) is linked back to not fulfilling: Mat_5:17-20; Mat_7:23
Loosing & Not fulfilling the Law
& Prophets with overflowing righteousness (Mat_5:17; Mat_5:20)
≈ breaking “least” commandments & teaching (Mat_5:19) ≈ Not Doing the law &
the prophets (Mat_7:12) ≈ Lawlessness
τὴν ἀνομίαν]
(Mat_7:23) ≈ Hearing &
Not DOING (Mat_7:13-27) ≈ Breaking law
τοῦ νόμου]
Rom_2:27) ≈ not practicing law
≈ not keeping law (Rom_2:26)
οὕτω καὶ ὑμεῖς
ποιεῖτε αὐτοῖς·
οὗτος γάρ ἐστιν
ὁ νόμος καὶ
οἱ προφῆται]
· Luk_13:23-27 – ‘competitively agonize / strive [ἀγωνίζεσθε] to enter…narrow gate…Depart from Me, all you workers of injustice / unrighteousness’ [οἱ ἐργάται τῆς ἀδικίας]
· The Rejection of “Lord, Lord” (Mat_7:21; Luk_13:25) is still talking about “the narrow gate” (Mat_7:13-14; Luk_13:24)!
Mat_7:24-27/Luk_6:47-49: 2 Houses; 2 Foundations
Mat_7:24 – Hear & Do = Mindful Rock
· DO x1
· House building on rock is about hear and do, not Evangelical ‘trusting in JC’
· Mosaic monotheistic formula employed (hear & do)
· Double-emphatic
· Rock = solid, monotheistic, non-liberal, firm, know-able (<<<) Truth
· These Words: Jam_1:21-25 – i.e. be meek toward it’s/their power to save you! – no proud interpretations allowed
· James & Jesus go right back into hearing & Doing (Jam_1:22, etc.) when discussing this/these “saving” word/s
· Hearing only = Wording-aside-deception (Jam_1:22, etc.), not doing & being saved
· Hearer-only is compared to loser: Jam_1:23 ↔ Mat_7:26-27
· Forgetfulness = why people hear & don’t do
· No interpretation allowed!
· Wording aside deception interpretations = why people are hearer-only-people
· Hear & DO = No-Sin: Jam_1:2; Jam_1:27 (no spotted worldliness) – get rid of all filthiness & nasty overflow
· Meekness = Hear & DO; Wording aside = Hearer Only = disobey = not saved = proud = not meek
· James & Jesus agree with Moses monotheistic formula
· Comparison of disobeyer: Jam_1:23
· Doing ≈ Work in Jam_1:25 & Mat_7:22-23; blessed when keeping: Jam_1:25; Luk_11:
· Jam_1:25: blessed in doing work -- James links Hear & Do with the 9 blessings of the “beatitudes”
· Rom_2:13 – Here + Do = Righteous
· Rom_2:13-16 = Written on hearts; autonomously Doing; New Covenant; lasts through judgement ≈ SOM: Mat_7:21-27 / Luk_6:46 (Lord, Lord…House…Fell)
Mat_7:25 – Rain, Streams, & Wind, vs. Rock-House
· Rain, streams, & wind, but Rock don't fall
· Fell toward = opposed but not breached house
· Double-emphatic
Mat_7:26 – Hear & DON'T Do = Foolish Sand
DO x1
Luke: without a foundation
Mat_7:27 – Rain, Streams, & Wind, vs. Sand-House
· Cut toward = breached house
Vividness is intended
Wild: Jam_1:6-8 Thorough judging man-made wildly flicked like the trials that are
coming against him
- double emphatic vividness as well
- without down standing ≈ without a foundation (Luke)
Mega great fall
Luke: ripped up pieces mega great
Same blessing elements are used as the same trial elements
= different outcomes, just like James
Interpretation is Illegal
see: BSS; Mat_5:17-20
2Pe_1:20-21 – no scripture is of private interpretation
2Pe_1:20-21 NKJV knowing
this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, 21
for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they
were moved by the Holy Spirit.
Mat_7:28 – Crowds Amazed
· Double-emphatic (Matthew descriptively agrees)
Mat_7:29 – Taught With Authority
We are trying to integrate most of these Luke 6 Summaries above within the Matthew Summaries to make a more comprehensive summary of the SOM, but below you can also read the particular summaries which are focused on Luke 6, to see how Luke combined and arranged the SOM:
See: Prayer & People -- Preceding SOM Context of Luke 6
After reading the preceding Prayer & People context above, continue reading below…
Luke 6’s 4 Blessings
Luk_6:20 – Beggars Blessed
· Lifted (eyes) = επαρας
· Eyes lifted; was saying; poor-beggars blessed
· Luke: and was saying (Luk_6:20); Mat: was teaching them saying (Mat_5:2)
· Yours is being kingdom of God
Luk_6:21 – Hungering & Crying Now…filled…laugh
· Laugh = γελασετε
· Isa_58: True fast -- incl. Mat_4:4; Luk_4:4; Deu_8:3
Luk_6:22 – You Blessed Persecuted
· Hatted, outcast, & name insulted as evil
· For son of man's sake
Luk_6:23 – Celebrate Reward
· Rejoice & skip-up-to-celebrate great reward
· Double-emphatic rejoicing
· A "much reward" is supposed to motivate you
· Their fathers were doing to prophets
See: 4 Woes (Rich, Filled, Laughing, Well-Spoken): RFLW
After reading the Luke 6 Woes above, continue reading below…
Luk_6:27 – Love enemies
· Be doing beautiful good= doing matters
· Doing beautiful good is not limited to pragmatic needs
· Good beautiful (Luk_6:27) = kind useful (Luk_6:35)
· Beautiful = including nice and pleasant
· Luke: you've got to be hearing to obey loving your enemies
Luk_6:28 – Bless Abusive Cursers
· (Not as much textual variation in Luke)
Luk_6:29 – Give other cheek (& clothing)
· Hold next to = give over
· Don't hinder...one lifting from you
· Luk_6:29 does not say "when" to give; Mat <<<< specifies in court -- hopefully you have time to be covered with other clothing in the meantime
Luk_6:30 – Give & don't take back
· Give to all asking
· Don't requesting-back/from -- very good for kids, & hard for adults!
Luk_6:31 – Golden Rule
· Down according to, together-likeness to do to them vs. Mat: also in-such-a-way Mat_7:12
· Doing x2
Luk_6:32 – Sinners Love their Lovers
· Love more than just your lovers
· Sinners can do "agape-love"
· Agape is specifically being used for sinners -- in a non-Godly way
· Don't just love those who love you
· God loves his enemies and tell us to do that
· Sinners don't love their enemies like God does
· Favor: Where is "grace" in the sermon on the mount?
· in Luke, favor (Luk_6:32) is what you do (Luk_6:33) -- i.e. overflowing beyond (Mat 5)
· what sort of favor is it being to you all
Luk_6:33 – Sinners do good back to do-gooders
· Doing matters x3
Luk_6:34 – Lend different than sinners
· Sinners hope to take back = no Favor
· the same = Gr. ISA
Luk_6:35 – Love, Doing Good, & Lending to Enemies
· Do-good
· Good beautiful (Luk_6:27) = kind useful (Luk_6:35) <<<< see: previous
· Rewards matter
· Rewards include being God's sons (of the highest)
· Greek: kind-useful sounds like unthankful = play on words
· Sinners = unthankful & un kind
· Expanded: peace-doers… God’s Sons (Mat_5:9) ≈ Love enemies so that you may become / be generated/begotten sons of your Father in heaven (Mat_5:44) / sons of the Most High (Luk_6:35)
Luk_6:36 – Be Compassionate like Father
· Begin to/caused/generated/begotten to be...
· Household compassion (Luke) = completely perfect (Mat)
· If you are not loving your enemies you need to be begotten in to the household of God that does
· Remember Cain! -- God treated him as worth sparing, though he murdered an entire world of people...
Goes Around, Comes Around
Luk_6:37 – Don't Judge
i.e. What Goes Around Comes Around
· Luke: don't dish-down-justice [καταδικαζετε] -- i.e. enforcing judgement, even if it is correct
· Mat: dependent forgiveness
· Luke: 'forgive' (Luk_6:37) is linked with giving (Luk_6:38)
· Luke: lit. lose-away-from / dismiss [απολυετε]
· forgive sins (Luk_6:37), not marriage covenant (Mat_5:31)
· same word for divorce, releasing, dismissing the crowds
· you can forgive sins against you but you can't forgive marriage covenant obligations which others are bound to fulfill to God.
Luk_6:38 – Your Measure, Measured Back to you -- Bountifully
· Giving beautiful to enemies (Luk_6:27-36), gets beautiful from God (Luk_6:38)
· Luke: αντιμετρηθησεται - all texts (Mat: variations)
See: SOM
After reading the SOM Parables above, continue reading below…
Luk_6:43 – Doing Beautiful or Sour Fruit - No Cross-producing
· Doing beautiful or sour fruit
· Beautiful: Healthy, good, incl. beautiful things done to enemies (Luk_6:27)
Luk_6:44 – Known by Fruit vs. Thorny Plant
· Luke: each tree is known out of its very own fruit
· Luke: Gather/Harvest/Collect a Vintage
Luk_6:45 – Carrying Treasured Words Out of Heart
· Carrying-toward/an offering of good out of good man's heart
· Good treasure of a heart (Luk_6:46 ) = treasure in heaven (Mat_6) vs. hateful treasures on earth for one's self
· Words = Fruit = Deeds
· Luke includes words as fruit which you do
Luk_6:46 – Calling Lord, but Not Doing Words
· Precious unique direct confrontations in Luke
· DO x1
Luk_6:47 – Demonstration of Doer
· Luke everyone coming toward me and hearing from me these words of mine
· Interpretation forbidden
· DO words, not interpretations
· you can confess JC as lord all you want but Jesus is comparing your together likeness based on what you do
Luk_6:48 – Building Upon Rock
· Luke: dug and deepened and arranged foundation
· Luke: full-flood-tide tearing toward
· Double-emphatic: that house there
· Obedience is stronger than trails
· Doing is stronger than shaking
· Reason: A: well-built; TSB/Mat: on rock
Luk_6:49 – Hears + Not Do = Dirt House
· Luke: ripped - toward.... ripped up pieces
· Disobedience is weaker than trails
· Luke: ripped up pieces great; Mat: Fall was great
First we can consider a Summary of Luke, done by the righteous, then we can consider some charts produced by outsiders. -- These charts can be helpful and informative, but all the info contained in them has been integrated into the summaries given previously with much more accuracy and detail.
(Not an endorsement)
I have slightly modified the charts from the link above to make the references e-Sword compatible (and easier to look up):
1 Luk_6:20-23 Blessings on the poor, hungry, and persecuted Mat_5:3, Mat_5:6, Mat_5:4, Mat_5:10-11
2 Luk_6:27-28 I say to you … love your enemies and pray for them Mat_5:43-44
3 Luk_6:29-30 Turn the other cheek and give to those who beg Mat_5:38-42
4 Luk_6:31 As you wish others to do to you, do so to them Mat_7:12
5 Luk_6:32-34 No benefit to loving those who love you back Mat_5:46-47
6 Luk_6:35 You will be sons of the Most High/sons of your Father in heaven Mat_5:45
7 Luk_6:37 Judge not, and you won’t be judged Mat_7:1
8 Luk_6:37 Forgive, and you will be forgiven Mat_6:14-15
9 Luk_6:38 Give, and it will be given to you Mat_6:3-4
10 Luk_6:38 The measure you use will be measured back to you Mat_7:2
11 Luk_6:41-42 See speck in your brother’s eye but fail to notice the log in your own eye Mat_7:3-5
12 Luk_6:43-44 Good and bad trees and their fruits Mat_7:16-20
13 Luk_6:46 Call Jesus “Lord” but don’t do what he says Mat_7:21
14 Luk_6:47-49 Two houses on two foundations Mat_7:24-27
1 |
Luk_6:39 |
A blind man will lead a blind man into a pit |
Mat_15:14 |
2 |
Luk_6:40 |
A disciples is not above his teacher but will be like him |
Mat_10:24-25 |
3 |
Luk_6:45 |
The good/evil person out of the good/evil treasure produces good/evil |
Mat_12:35 |
Matthew’s sermon contains many teachings not found in Luke’s sermon, and Luke even includes them in other passages in his Gospel:
1 |
Luk_14:34-35 |
Salt losing its taste |
Mat_5:13 |
2 |
Luk_11:33 |
Light can’t be hidden |
Mat_5:14 |
3 |
Luk_16:17 |
Heaven and earth will pass away but Law will not |
Mat_5:18 |
4 |
Luk_12:57-59 |
Reconcile with accuser on the way to the judge |
Mat_5:25-26 |
5 |
Luk_16:18 |
Marrying a divorced woman is adultery |
Mat_5:31-32 |
6 |
Luk_11:2-4 |
The Lord’s Prayer |
Mat_6:9-13 |
7 |
Luk_12:33-34 |
Where your treasure is, your heart will also be |
Mat_6:19-21 |
8 |
Luk_11:34-36 |
Your eye is the lamp of your body |
Mat_6:21-23 |
9 |
Luk_16:13 |
You cannot serve God and money |
Mat_6:24 |
10 |
Luk_12:22-32 |
Don’t be anxious about your life |
Mat_6:25-34 |
11 |
Luk_11:9-13 |
Ask, seek, and knock |
Mat_7:7-11 |
12 |
Luk_13:23-24 |
Enter through the narrow gate |
Mat_7:13-14 |
13 |
Luk_13:25-27 |
Depart from me, you workers of evil |
Mat_7:22-23 |
SOM Reinforced -- Throughout The Rest of the Bible
We need to consider the preceding Biblical context of the SOM as well as those who continued to teach it afterward throughout the Bible.
The Psalms of the Sermon on the Mount
Psalm 24, Psalm 34, Psalm 37
· The SOM Psalms, or Psalms of the Sermon on the Mount, are the (OT) Psalms that directly precede the (NT) statements in the SOM with very close or exact quotes.
· The SOM Psalms directly determine and pre-specify what the SOM is saying.
· You cannot ignore them or exclude them from bearing in on, and defining, the summarized and reactive expressions and statements that Jesus makes in the SOM.
· You can tell, and can't deny, that Jesus was specifically thinking about these very words when He was teaching on the mountain.
· Having sung these Psalm songs His whole life as a good Jew, He now brought these righteous insights to their greatest climax.
· The SOM Psalms specify what the SOM says to conservative Truth, and Loving morality, and directly limit free-thinking liberal games and fleshly apostate disobedience interpretations of church people and philosophers from being viable or taken seriously.
(A) Lord Owns ALL -- General
Psa_24:1 – Land & Fullness = Lord’s
· Fullness ≠ End of it, like people abuse in the SOM
Psa_24:2 – it’s watery foundation [Gen _1:]
(B) Holy Assent -- Special
Psa_24:3 – Up Lord’s Mountain; Stand Holy Place?
· i.e. Zion = mountain & Holy Place ≈ in tabernacle/temple
· Jewish “Priests” would be the intuitive answer, but…
Psa_24:4 – Good Hands & Heart: (A) empty/ Gr guilt-less hands & (B) Clear/Shinny/Gr Clean Heart
· Good Soul: No taking-hold of MT & Gr uselessness-vain-emptiness / MT deceptive-lies
· No Bad Swearing: no together-likeness swearing upon deceptive-motives |LXX to that of his neighbor|
Psa_24:5 – Blessing*, MT Righteousness | LXX Mercy, Salvation = he gets from God
· Take-hold of – contradistinguished from Psa_24:4
Psa_24:6 – Seeking Generation
· Seeking MT Him/ LXX Lord…
· MT: Seek your face–even Jacob
· LXX: seeking face of God of Jacob
· Selah: Pause to ponder this special generation when truth comes!
(C) Gates & Glorious King
Psa_24:7 – Gates Lift up & King Enters
· Heads of perpetual doors
· Theses gates/doors are opened by lifting them upward, apparently like some ancient castles
· MT: your heads you gates – the “top”/”Head” (arch beginning) is part of the gate?
· LXX: you arch-beginning rulers – i.e. people… got confused in transmission?
Psa_24:8 – Lord = Glorious King
· Lord = strong in battle
· Greek: κραταιὸς καὶ δυνατός, κύριος δυνατὸς ἐν πολέμῳ
Psa_24:9 – Gates Lift up & King Enters
· See: Psa_24:7 (above)
· Psa_24:7: “and be lifted up” (WEB)
· Psa_24:9: “yes, lift them up” (WEB)
Psa_24:10 – Lord = Glorious King
· MT (& CAB / some LXX?): ‘LORD of Armies’
· Other LXX: powerfully-able [τῶν δυνάμεων]
· Explicit Conclusion: |LXX He| is the/this King of glory! |MT Selah|
Praise Together -- With David
Psa_34:1 – Always Bless-praise Lord
Psa_34:2 – Humble glad at boast
· Prioritizing the RIGHT people!
· Mk liberal mad and sad, and pressed-down people glad!
· This is a SOM-James Priority
· Parallel: Psa_34:2 ↔ Psa_34:5
Psa_34:3 – Mk Big & Lift Up Name Together
· i.e. Praise God together with him
· i.e. Praise God with David, like David
David’s Praise
= Beggar’s Praise
Psa_34:4 – Sough & Answered from all Fears
· SOM: Seek & find, etc.
Psa_34:5 – Glowing Faces
· Looking to Him and being made radiant ≈ 2Co_3:18; 2Co_4:6, etc.
· Shame-proof
· Never disobeying headcoverings!
· Parallel: Psa_34:2 ↔ Psa_34:5
Psa_34:6 – This Poor Man Cried…Lord Saved
· Calling/making yourself poor = the way your told to praise God in Psalm 34
· Illegal: “let the poor say I am rich” – numerous heretical church songs
· Parallel: Psa_34:2 (Humble) ↔ Psa_34:5 (Glowing Faces) ↔ Psa_34:6 (Poor-crouching-beggar)
· Mat_5:3: Poor-Beggars = Heaven; Psa_34:6: Poor-Beggars = Saved
· God listens to & saves beggars
Protection & Provision for the Reverent
Psa_34:7 – Angel of Lord Protects Fearers
· Parallel: Psa_34:2 (Humble) ↔ Psa_34:5 (Glowing Faces) ↔ Psa_34:6 (saved poor-crouching-beggar) ↔ Lord-Fearers (Psa_34:7)
· Fearing God = Begging! = Salvation – when are church people going to get honest and repent and obey the Truth!?
· This is the SOM context for blessing the poor who get heaven!
· Just as Poor-begging David was saved (Psa_34:6) so also those who fear are saved (Psa_34:7)
· What applies to David (Psa_34:6) applies to the fearers (Psa_34:7) who praise God with David (Psa_34:3)
Psa_34:8 – Taste & See God is Good
· MT: Good ≈ goodness surrounding a house
· LXX: Kind-useful – as quoted in 2Pe_2:2-3
· MT: takes refuge | LXX: Hopes upon
Psa_34:9 – Lord-Fear = No Lack
· Let Holy ones fear…Lord
· Being Holy = Belonging to Him
Psa_34:10 – MT Lions/LXX Rich Hunger vs Lord-Seekers
· Seek = no lack
· Fear (Psa_34:9) ≈ Seek (Psa_34:10) = No Lack (Psa_34:9-10)
· i.e. if you fear God, you're going to seek Him & get His help
· no lack = GOOD thing, just like SOM = Needed Things, & yet anti-prosperity preaching/luxury-indulgence/money-boasting
Learn Reverence
Psa_34:11 – Children Come & Listen
· Teach fear of Lord
· Ignorant & irreverent people are commanded to listen!
Psa_34:12 – Love Life; See Good Days
· 1Pe_3:10-11 -- quotes this
· TSK: these “good days” are linked with commandment obedience (i.e. which is fearing God)
Psa_34:13 – Tongue From Evil & Deception/Bad
Psa_34:14 – No Bad; Seek Peace
· Greek: bad = nasty (Psa_34:14 & >>> 1Pe_3: ??? <<<<)
Salvation for Righteous Humble
Psa_34:15 – Lord’s eyes & ears toward righteous
· Upon the righteous
Their binding-to-beg
Psa_34:16 – Lord’s face upon/against bad
· Celebrities fame will be rotted out of the Land
· Don’t boast in apostasies accomplishments of celebrating fools that will be dethroned and forgotten
Psa_34:17 – Lord Saves Crying-Righteous
Psa_34:18 – Lord Near Broken Heart; Saves Crushed Spirit
· Incl. Traumatized in heart
· Pressed down in the spirit (Psa_34:18 LXX) ≈ poor-begging in the spirit (Mat_5:3, etc.)
· Pressed Down ≈ Poor-Begging -- Morally paralleled repeatedly, & is especially explicit for the SOM based on this verse
· Save (Psa_34:18 LXX) ≈ there is the kingdom of the heavens (Mat_5:3, etc.) – before the SOM ever occurred this linguistic parallel was already pregnant in the Scriptures
· If your not begging in spirit your not saved!
· Look at the salvation it keep repeating…
Psa_34:19 – Righteous Rescued From Many Afflictions
· Salvation (Psa_34:18) ≈ rescued (Psa_34:19)
· Think: Lord’s asking Prayer requests this
· Still talking about salvation
Psa_34:20 – No Broken Bone
· Prediction about Anointed one
· Note: A human (“him”) is being treated like the Passover lamb! – same avoidance of bone-breaking
· LXX: Lord guards their; NT appears to follow MT here, not LXX ??? <<<<<<<
Psa_34:21 – Haters of Righteous Lose
· MT: ‘Kill…condemned’ <<<<<<<<<
· LXX: ‘death… tripping’ <<<<<<<<<
Psa_34:22 – MT Refugees | LXX Hopers Redeemed
· MT: not MT condemned | LXX Tripped <<<<<<<<<
Psa_37:1 – No Jealous/Zealousness Against Sinners
· MT: Blaze…zeal
· LXX: next-to-zeal…zealous
· LXX: perverted…lawlessness
Psa_37:2 – Sinners Soon Destroyed
· MT: cut down…withered
· LXX: Dried up…fall
Psa_37:3 – Trust Lord; Do Good
Psa_37:4 – Delight in Lord; Get Heart’s Desires | LXX Requests
Psa_37:5 – Commit Your Way to Lord
Psa_37:6 – Your Righteousness Will Shine Out
Psa_37:7 – Focus on Lord Instead of Successful Sinner
· MT: rest…wait
· LXX: submit…entreat
· WEB: MT wicked plots | RTA: LXX next-to-lawlessness
Psa_37:8 – Stop Negativity Resulting in Sin
· Stop: Anger, Hotness, & Jealousy – which Results in Sin
· Stop: Anger/Wrath, Hotness, Next-to-zeal -- Resulting in Perverted-sin
· Next-to-zeal -- giving yourself jealousy
Psa_37:9 – Sinners Destroyed; Waiters Inherit Land
· Waiting = doing good, faithfulness in the meantime
· Waiting ≠ Sinning in the meantime
· Inherit Land (Psa_37:9; Psa_37:11) ≈ SOM’s Inherit the Land – same Greek, except the word “the”
Psa_37:10 – Sinner = Gone/Disappeared
· Can’t Find Sinner
Psa_37:11 – Meek Inherit Land
· Waiters (Psa_37:9) ≈ Meek (Psa_37:11) – they are tempted to envy sinners, but need to wait/be patient/have faith
· The hope is that the success of sinners will expire – this is the implied hope for the SOM
· Meek get peace (Psa_37:11) ≈ Meek (<<<) who DO peace (<<<<) in SOM
· Inherit Land (Psa_37:9; Psa_37:11) ≈ SOM’s Inherit the Land – same Greek, except the word “the”
Psa_37:12 – Plotting Sinner Gnashing Teeth
Psa_37:13 – Lord Laughs at Coming Doom-Day of Sinner
Psa_37:14 – Sinner Attempt to Kill Needy-Poor-Beggar
· Waiters (Psa_37:9) ≈ Meek (Psa_37:11) ≈ Needy-Poor-beggar (Psa_37:14)
· Needy ≈ Poor-beggar – combined synonyms in Greek
· SOM elements are here: Meek (Psa_37:11; MAT_5: <<<<<) inheriting land; Poor-beggar (Psa_37:14; Mat_5:3)
· Needy-Poor-beggar = LXX: right in heart = the right people to prioritize = Jesus’ favorite people = that get salvation & heaven
· right in heart (Psa_37:14) ≈ Clean in heart (MAT_5: <<<<<); ≈ no visual or remarriage adultery in heart (Mat_5:27-32)
Psa_37:15 – Sword Reversed into Sinner’s Heart
· LXX Irony: Those persecuting good heart get swords bak in their own evil-unclean hearts
Psa_37:16 – Little With Righteous
> Much with Sinners
Psa_37:17 – Sinners Arms Broken
Psa_37:18 – Eternal Inheritance for The Completely Perfect
· MT Complete/Upright | LXX Perfect
· SOM: inheritance…eternal
Psa_37:19 – Supernatural Provision During Famine
· Reversal: rich hungry and hungry full
· They will be filled = SOM Greek and Grammar
· SOM: Filled
· Hungering and thirsting for righteousness also includes supernatural provision
Psa_37:20 – Sinners Destroyed Like Smoke
· SOM/MT: beauty of the field; LXX glorified and exalted
Psa_37:21 – Wicked Don’t Repay; Righteous Gives
· Luk_6: /LXX; household-compassionate
· SOM righteous
· SOM give/generosity
Psa_37:22 – Blessedness Gets Land
· SOM inheriting land
· MT blessed; LXX blessing
· MT: cursed ≈ woe
· MT cursed; LXX cursing
Psa_37:23 – A Man’s Good Steps are by Lord
Psa_37:24 – Lord = Safety Net
· Good walking man (Psa_37:23) might still fall (Psa_37:24)
· Devine hand = safety net
· Good ppl recover from falling
· LXX: hand properly stands up against him, to stand up again
Psa_37:25 – Righteous & His Children Not Forsaken
· Forsaken ≈ lacking bread?
· Luk_16: was beggar forsaken? No children mentioned
· We don’t know if poor beggar ever got food before dying
· Righteous beggar was taken care of by angels, so not completely forsaken
· We also don’t know if Luk_16: Lazarus as the Joh_11 Lazarus who was taken care of big time
· At the minimum the righteous won’t leave orphan children begging for bread
· Jonathan son was taken care of by David even though Jonathan died in battle
· David was a willing vessel to fulfill this promise
Psa_37:26 – Mercy, Lending, And Blessed Seed
· MT: is he
· LXX: is the righteous
· SOM doing redemptive merciful and lending (same Greek)
· Good word blessing
· SOM = merciful is fortunate happy blessed; Psa_37:26 = merciful good word blessed
· Jesus and Paul draw off of these prosperous blessings from the OT while still hating money, unlike prosperity preachers
Psa_37:27 – No Evil, Do Good, Live Forever
Psa_37:28 – God Loves and Protect His Righteous Holy Ones
· Bad children destroyed
· The Lord loves Judgment Not Equity
Psa_37:29 – Righteous gets land forever
· Righteous ≈ meek – they both get land
· SOM: land inheritance
· Inheriting the land = forever = kingdom on land forever, on new heavens and earth
· This earth and the next earth, forever
· Rom_8: resurrected earth = forever
· Righteous don’t “go to heaven forever”
· LXX forever and ever
Psa_37:30 – Righteous speaks wisdom and judgment
· Positive radical = heresy/vanity/empty uselessness/unbiblical
Psa_37:31 – Law in Heart
· New Covenant! – all of these descriptions surpass OT hard heartedness, like David
Psa_37:32 – Sinner Seeks To Kill Righteous
· Pharisees read this and still committed the crime
· church people read this and NT and still commit the crime
Psa_37:33 – Righteous Delivered From Evil Hand & Judgment
· LXX: whenever He/God should judge him
· Judgment on earth or at the end of time?
· ~ Rom_3:4
· Includes resurrection deliverance, like John the Baptist
Psa_37:34 – Obediently Wait for Land and Justice
· Keep His way ≈ keep His commandments
· SOM: Way keepers ≈ meek ≈ righteous — they all inherit the land
· SOM: Obeyers ≈ meek ≈ righteous – obedience is linked with getting land in Psa_37:34
· Divine retribution = “a waiting game”
· Hope in exaltation and believe sinners will be destroyed
· Hope includes expecting justice
· God doesn’t forgive the unrepentant sinner, and the righteous hopes in that
· Seeing justice establishes orthodox faith
Psa_37:35 – Seeing Bad Exalted
· API: People are compared with trees
Psa_37:36 – Bad Guy Disappears
· WEB: He passed away
Psa_37:37 – Hope/Good Given to the Peaceable Man
· MT: Person of virtue
· LXX: virtue
· MT: end/completion/future = reward
· LXX: left in down / behind as leftovers = rewards
Psa_37:38 – Rule Breakers Destroyed
· LXX: Next-to/outside-of-law / breakers
· He keeps “harping” (psalming) on the wicked being destroyed – This is his hope!
Psa_37:39 – Righteous’ Salvation = from God
· Sinners rejoice in their “luck” that helps them sin more
· When sinner gets helped, it often does not result in their ultimate benefit (Psa_37:38 – Rule Breakers Destroyed)
· When the righteous are helped, it is glorious from God, not the doomed “luck” of sinners
Psa_37:40 – Hopers Saved From Sinners
· God Saves Hopers From Sinners
· SOM: rush drag ≈ salvation (≈ cry helping ≈ lifting out)
· Conclusion: All of this psalm was hoping in God to be saved from sinners
6/16/19; 8/3/24
Peter, Paul, James, & the rest of the New Testament writers were SOM types of people.
We can easily see the SOM sprinkled all throughout the rest of the New Testament as its firm and confirmed foundation.
We see that the SOM is indeed at the foundation of all the real faith of Jesus’ disciples throughout all of the rest of the Bible.
6/11/24; 8/2/24
“References to the Sermon on the Mount within the Epistle of St. James”
“Echoes of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount in James”
I have combined adapted the links above and formatted them for easy use in e-Sword:
(Underlined text was inserted from the 2nd link)
Jam_1:2 Mat_5:10-12 joy amid trials Rejoice in persecution for the sake of the Kingdom
Jam_1:4; Jam_3:2, etc. (Mat_5:16), Mat_5:48 exhortation to be perfect Good works glorify God and complete and perfect us
Jam_1:5-… Mat_7:7-.. [Ask in Faith] asking God for good things Asking God for what is good
Jam_1:2, Jam_1:12-15 Mat_6:13 [Temptation] Asking God for what is good
Jam_1:17 Mat_7:11 ; Mat_5:44-45 (rain & Sun) God the giver of good All that is good comes from God
Jam_1:19-20 Mat_5:22 [Greek wrath/Anger in both references] against anger God's justice is never served by anger [of man]
Jam_1:22-25 / Jas_1:26-27 Mat_7:24-27 hearers and doers of the word Listen to the words of God and put them into practice
Jam_1:25-27 Mat_7:21-23 One must be a doer of the word
Jam_2:5 Mat_5:3, Mat_5:5 poor inherit the kingdom The "poor in spirit" (those who deny self-sufficiency and admit they need God [& other obeyers!]) are heirs to the kingdom of heaven
Jam_2:10-11 Mat_5:19 keeping the whole law Believers must keep all of the commandments; to break one is to break all
Jam_2:11 Mat_5:21-22, Mat_5:27-30 The commandment against murder and adultery
Jam_2:13 Mat_5:7; [Mat_6:1-4] Mat_6:14-15 merciful receive mercy The merciful will be shown mercy; the unmerciful will be shown no mercy
Jam_2:14-26 Mat_6:1-3; Mat_7:21-23 [Mat_7:13-27] Give freely to those in need; faith without action is dead and worthless faith
Jam_3:12 Mat_7:16-20 know them by their fruits The fruit a tree produces represents what kind of tree it is as the works a person produces represents the faith of that person
Jam_3:18 Mat_5:9 blessings of peacemakers Blessing of peacemakers [Mat_5: ↔ Mat_7:]
Jam_4:2-3 Mat_7:7-8 ask and you will receive God grants the prayers that are petitions of good intent
Jam_4:4 Mat_6:24 serving God vs. friendship with the world One cannot serve both God and the world
Jam_4:8-10 Mat_5:8 To please God one must have a pure heart
Jam_4:9-10 Mat_5:4 [James ≈ 9 blessings] consolation for mourners Those who mourn
Jam_4:11-12 Mat_7:1-5 against judging others Warning against being judgmental [against BORTHER -- in James & Mat]
Jam_4:13-17 Mat_6:34 living
for today Tomorrow
is uncertain; it is in God's hands
Jam_5:1-6 Mat_6:19-21 [Luke: woe to the rich] moth and rust spoiling earthly treasures Curse of the selfish rich
Jam_5:9 Mat_5:22; Mat_7:1 God is the judge
Jam_5:10-11 Mat_5:10-12 prophets as examples and patterns Blessing for those who endure persecution
Jam_5:10 Mat_5:12 The prophets: our example of suffering and perseverance
Jam_5:12 Mat_5:33-37 [no swearing (lit.
together-likeness-saying)] against oaths Avoid
-- Under Construction --
See: Romans Perfects & Fulfills Law
(covered below in the context of ‘Perfectly Fulfilling the Law’)
SOM Themes Unlocked &
Expounded much more thoroughly by Detailed Obedience Teachings
Consider these thorough explanations and
teachings of major SOM points.
-- Under Construction --
2/19/16; 5/10/16 (unprofitable servants); 5/27/16; 6/5/16
Sir_21:7 Widely known is the boastful speaker
but the wise man knows his own faults.
Psa_25:11 WEB For your name's sake, Yahweh, pardon my iniquity, for it is great.
Psa_25:11 CAB For Your name's sake, O Lord, be merciful to my sin; for it is great.
Psa_25:11 (24:11) ἕνεκα
τοῦ ὀνόματός
σου, κύριε, καὶ ἱλάσῃ
τῇ ἁμαρτίᾳ μου·
πολλὴ γάρ ἐστιν.
“Verse 5 contains some significant details: 1) Job offered sacrifices to God, 2) he was concerned for the spiritual welfare of his children, 3) he feared the Lord (since he was concerned about his sons’ cursing God), 4) he was sensitive even toward unknown sin, and 5) he lived with this attitude continually.”
7/2/16; 6/7/24
The SOM starts by saying “blessed are the poor crouching beggars, morning”
And later He says, ‘become compassionate as the Father is compassionate’/merciful
Rich people pass on by, but a sensitive conscious cares, because it itself is poor
When pseudo-perfectionists boldly claim they don’t sin, they are simply doing what their flesh and their dull conscious wants to do, just as all other sinners, without attributing it as sin.
One of the clear and potent fundamental pillars of the SOM is to establish a much more sensitive conscious than has ever been kept before, so that even every little letter of the Law matters.
Consider these SOM Words that teach us to have a much higher standard and to be much more sensitive to sin than what church people have ever practiced:
Be completely poor, meek, humble, etc. to go to heaven
Salt that is not salty is worthless
Mat_5:17-20 – Keep track of every little rule you might break
every single small rule/requirement is required of you
Breaking even a very small rule because of viewing it as unimportant will make you be rejected and not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven
>> Compare James
Mat_5:21-22 – don’t even let the smallest amount of unlawful anger past through your heart
>> Compare James
Mat_5:23-26 – don’t even pretend to pray to God without making every single thing right with everyone possible that you have wronged
Mat_5:27-30 – not only avoid physical adultery, but don’t even let your eye slightly look to lust
Get so desperate youre ready to chop off body parts
Divorce and remarriage is adultery
Mat_5:33-37 – constantly watch every single word that goes out of your mouth so that it is absolutely true, because you are never allowed to swear.
>> Compare James 5
>> Compare Luke 6, and other parallel passages about words
Mat_5:38-42 – don’t get someone back even when they deserve it
Mat_5:43-48 – be so loving and merciful that you even love your enemies
Mat_5:45, Mat_5:48 – be perfect so that you can really be God’s child
Talk about a sensitive conscience!
Mat_6:1-5 – don’t let yourself get credit for any bit of righteousness that you do.
Mat_6:12 – do not just repent of your official “sins”, but of every obligation you might come under!
Mat_6:14 – forgive every single person from your heart or you will not get forgiven
Mat_6:19 – be so constantly heavenly minded that you hate money,
If you slightly like money at all, you’ll be full of darkness, serving the wrong God
Mat_7:1-6 – don’t make any decisions about other people’s sins until you have removed all sin out of your life
Mat_7:12 – Golden rule
Mat_7:13 – make everything you do stringent and hard core so that you might barely get into heaven
Mat_7:15 – don’t tolerate even the smallest amount of hypocrisy/lenience/liberalness/laxity on God’s rules, in yourself or others
Mat_7:21 – make sure that you keep every single rule that Jesus said, just like he said it, or you’re liable to not make it into heaven at all.
What kind of sensitive conscience does this produce? What kind of urgency? What kind of undone poverty which is banrupt and vunurable to a perfect and holy God who demands literal and serious obedience to everything He says?
Mat_7:28 – this kind of teaching astonishes people, because it’s true, and perfect, and leaves you without any excuse, and reders your soul absolutely sensitive in its deepest parts.
If you obey the sermon on the Mount, there is no way you will ever have the capactiy to develop a “seared conscience”.
Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect
This perfect standard is very impressive and exciting and compelling to those poor masses huttled around truth ready to believe every word of Jesus.
It warms and challenges the deepest part of the souls of those hungery for life.
While people are very fond of lowering standards and excusing your conscious with shamefully low standards, one of the initial points of the SOM is to make you more convicted and sensitive to every little moral thing until you finally come to the orthodox standard: Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect.
Having a low standard turns out to be the shallowness of those who are too rich to constantly search their conscience and incriminate themselves.
Rich people love strength, confidence, and luxuary. They will not tolerate the righteous requirements that demand the weakness of their flesh bowing down before God.
Prideful people are so eager to affect others that they are horrified by a righteous standard that is so high that it never allows their fleshliness any room to open its mouth.
5/10/16; 6/22/24
Luk_17:7-10 – We Are Only Unprofitable Servants...
Luk_17:7-10 NKJV
7 And which of you, having a servant plowing or tending sheep, will say to him when he has come in from the field, ‘Come at once and sit down to eat’?
8 But will he not rather say to him, ‘Prepare something for my supper, and gird yourself and serve me till I have eaten and drunk, and afterward you will eat and drink’?
9 Does he thank that servant because he did the things that were commanded him? I think not.
10 So likewise you, when you have done all those things which you are commanded, say, ‘We are unprofitable servants. We have done what was our duty to do.’”
You can only truly feel “unworthy” if you have a hyper-sensitive conscious about your past, and cannot stand all the sins you are aware of, which other people pass over and feel like “a good person”.
5/27/16; 6/22/24
In an age where so many people are more relaxed and afraid of being “up tight”, the real Bible actually commands us to be “up tight”:
1Pe_1:13 – Gird up the loins of your mind… be sober
1Pe_1:13 NKJV Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;
Tit_2:1-2 – Command Them To Be
Tit_2:1-2 NKJV But as for you, speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine:
2 that the older men be sober, reverent, temperate, sound in faith, in love, in patience
“Latin noun beātitūdō which means "happiness".[1][2][3] In the Vulgate (Latin), the book of Matthew titles this section Beatitudines, and "Beatitudes" was anglicized from that term”
Accessed 6/17/14
Blessed-s are comparable to Moses' blessings and curses...
This is a deep reaching faith into this blessedness of choices
also see: rom4 blessing faith and huminity
How does this apply to church people?
They sing, “there will be showers of blessing”, and “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me”
But it is obvious that they are not fulfilling the side of the blessed virtues, but they are obviously on the side of the woes and curses of the rich!
Curses & Woes of Moses & Jesus
While both Moses and Jesus said you have to do “this” to be blessed, instead, church people are saying, “good will come to me, though I continue in the stubborn errors of my own heart”
Deu_29:19 NKJV When such a person hears the words of this curse, he blesses himself in his heart, saying, 'I shall be safe, even though I follow the dictates of my heart'—as though the drunkard could be included with the sober.
7/12/14; 11/27/17; 6/9/24
How many Beatitudes are there?
What is the real number of Beatitudes, seeing that everyone seems to come up with a different number?
In Matthew there are…
9 blessings -- Declaring the lowly/righteous blessed 9 times
12 descriptions
7 or 8 overlapping virtues?
7 distinct rewards
mentioned 9 times
3 of which are the "Heavens" -- being mentioned 3 times
All of which start low and selfless, and end high and exalted.
Which number matters the most within these different ways of counting?
9 times blessing is declared, and this intentional numerical assertion is the most prominent intentional numerical value that ties the whole SOM together.
“The Moral of the Story” is essential for seriously understanding the whole point that is accomplished by proclaiming & Teaching Truth
If you don’t see the Beatitudes as overthrowing all of churchianity, you have no idea what the Beatitudes said and taught, because you still need to get “The Moral of the Story”.
In the SOM and many other places Jesus said to not be like the hypocrites (Mat_6:5-6; Mat_6:16-18; Mat_23 ("woes"); Mar_12:38-40; Luk_6:42)
If you re-tell the Beatitudes just like the hypocrites you are clearly disobeying Him and violating against the justice of Jesus and the rest of the Bible.
Joh_16:8 – if the exhorting spirit is not bringing conviction to
the world, you don't really have the exhorting one spirit is Holy
Joh_14:26 – when the comforter comes, He will remind you of the
things that I said to you
5/31/16; 11/12/16
Psa_22:26 CAB The poor shall eat and be satisfied; and they shall praise the Lord that seek him: their heart shall live for ever.
Psa_22:26 (21:27) φάγονται
πένητες καὶ ἐμπλησθήσονται,
καὶ αἰνέσουσιν
κύριον οἱ ἐκζητοῦντες
αὐτόν· ζήσονται
αἱ καρδίαι αὐτῶν
εἰς αἰῶνα αἰῶνος.
Psa_103:4 CAB who redeems thy life from corruption; who crowns thee with mercy and compassion;
Psa_103:4 (102:4) τὸν
λυτρούμενον ἐκ
φθορᾶς τὴν ζωήν
σου, τὸν
σε ἐν ἐλέει καὶ
Psa_103:5 who satisfies thy desire with good things: so that thy youth shall be renewed like that of the eagle.
Psa_103:5 (102:5) τὸν ἐμπιπλῶντα
ἐν ἀγαθοῖς τὴν ἐπιθυμίαν
σου, ἀνακαινισθήσεται
ὡς ἀετοῦ ἡ νεότης
“…My business is on track to making A LOT of money. (yea yea…money doesn’t bring you happiness…but being broke doesn’t help either)”
Doing & Making Peace!
when you keep peace you maintain the status,
but when you make do peace you are creating something that was not there before
Num_25:10-13 – Phineas had God's covenant of Peace because he made
peace where there was chaotic plague from people's sin
Num_25:10-13 NKJV
10 Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
11 “Phinehas the son of Eleazar, the son
of Aaron the priest, has turned back My wrath from the children of Israel,
because he was zealous with My zeal among them, so that I did not consume the
children of Israel in My zeal.
12 Therefore say, ‘Behold, I give to him
My covenant of peace;
13 and it shall be to him and his
descendants after him a covenant of an everlasting priesthood, because he was
zealous for his God, and made atonement for the children of Israel.’”
Joh_14:27 – i leave my peace
with you... not as the world give do I give
Joh_14:27 NKJV Peace I
leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to
you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
Peace to a House
Mat_10:12-13 NKJV "And when
you go into a household, greet it. 13 If the household is worthy, let your
peace come upon it. But if it is not worthy, let your peace return to
Luk_10:5-6 NKJV "But
whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace to this house.’ 6 And if a son of
peace is there, your peace will rest on it; if not, it will return to you.
Make Peace
Mat_5:9 NKJV Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
Rom_12:18 NKJV If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.
Heb_12:14 NKJV Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord.
Jam_3:18 NKJV Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.
Col_3:15 NKJV And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.
2Co_13:11 NKJV Finally, brethren, farewell. Become complete. Be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.
1Pe_3:11 NKJV Let him turn away from evil and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it.
Pro_12:20 NKJV Deceit is in the heart of those who devise evil, but counselors of peace have joy." These verses emphasize the importance of being peacemakers, living peaceably with others, and allowing the peace of God to rule in our hearts. They encourage believers to actively pursue peace and to be agents of reconciliation and harmony in their relationships and communities.
Pro_12:20 Brenton Deceit is in the heart of those who devise evil, but counselors of peace have joy.
-- Under Construction --
Mat_5:9 NKJV Blessed are
the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
Peace maker -- it’s not what you
fleshballs think!
-- Under Construction --
What is the “light” that Disciples are supposed to shin in the SOM?
Gen_12:2-3 – Blessing to all nations
Deu_4:4-9, Deu_4:13-14 – nations admiring Israel's righteous,
obedience, wisdom, & laws
1Ki_8:43; Psa_22:27; Psa_67:2; Psa_72:17)
[Isa_7:14-16, etc.]; Isa_9:1-2, Isa_9:6-7 / Mat_4:12-16 – Immanuel... light to Galilee...
Isa_26:5-6 – pride trampled down by the lowly (LXX:
commands = light – Isa_26:9)
Isa_42:1-9 – servant/Messiah Mat_12:18-20
(esp. Isa_42:4 LXX, Isa_42:6)
Holding = “Covenant” context: Isa_42:6; Jer_31:32
Isa_49:3 – God glorified in Servant Israel
Isa_49:6 – Act_13:44-49 – Apostles applied it to their proclamation > Isa_24:13-16, Isa_42:9-12, Isa_45:22, Isa_52:10
Isa_49:8 – covenant
[Isa_53:11 – DSS x3 & LXX: he will see light” יראה אור yir’eh ’ôr]
Isa_60:1-3 – nations see your light -- from God, not your personality
Isa_60:5 – you radiant
Isa_60:7 – house glorified
Isa_60:9 – glorified you
(Isa_60:13 – LXX: people glorified)
Joh_8:12 –
Luk_2:25-32 –
Biblical Themes that are Missing
in Churchianity’s “Light”
· Covenant
· Salvation, redemption
So, What is the “light” that Disciples are supposed to shin in the SOM?
Beautiful works that are persecuted! -- the SOM very clearly told us what this light is, and the Old Testament had already established the scope of this significance in covenantal obedience and righteousness.
Churchianity is in so much sin and defiant rebellious apostasy that it knows nothing of the “light” in the SOM which obeyers are supposed to shine.
The sin of singing about a little thing that you do
not have, in place of repenting of the great crime you committing!
All kinds of hypocritical pagans (in and outside of church) are singing, “this little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine… Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!”
· In 2009 I was at a “bible Camp” where they were teaching the campers to sing this song every day, even though these very same campers were engaged in immorality at night. I warned the camp leaders about this, and they eventually kicked me out for reading the Bible to these campers, because they could see that they were lost and not on their way to heaven.
· From 1999 to 2007 I used to have a friend who was raised in all kinds of ‘hippy religious teachings’, and they taught their kids to sing this song even though they were not even claiming to be a Christian. What a sick and disgusting American culture we have!
· If you are rich, whatever light you would have had is actually darkness.
· We are rich. We have lots of money (internally and externally) therefore we have lots of darkness, not “light”.
· Jesus said that ‘if the light that was in you was darkness, that darkness was actually great’, not “little”!
Therefore we need to dreadfully repent of sing about “this little light of mine”, because it’s actually “a great darkness of ours”.
We should be teaching most kids to sing something like, “this great darkness of mine, I’ve got to stop it evil kind… stop it’s kind, stop it’s kind, stop it’s kind!”
obeying all does not just mean trying to
respond to direct commands, but it also means to take on the anticipated
expected implied required attitude and response to all of the rhetorical
questions, teachings, impressions, parables and analogies, and everything else
to text expects you to respond to and think like
whoever hears these Words of mine: not
paraphrasing, or interpretations, or meanings or stretched reapplications, but
the words he actually said!
this can get so serious that the book of
Revelation threatened plagues and eternal punishment for those adding and
subtracting from the words it actually used
these kinds of punishments are what most
Bible versions are in danger of - you've got to be unsaved and on your way to
hell to produce most Bibles today
The Parallels tell us what Jesus is talking about.
Your not allowed to exploit apparent vagueness to hijack and superimpose different, rebellious, un-submissive ideas that promote the opposite of the text of what Jesus actually said and specifically limited Hi teaching to address:
What you can see in English is until heaven and earth pass away
Has the earth and heaven passed away yet? Is Jesus ruling in Jerusalem yet? No. Therefore the law and the profit passing away / fulfill is heresy
Fulfill does not mean end. It means to fill up. Not to destroy but to fill up the law and the prophets
If he loses it down (the law) he is destroying himself because 5that would be destroying himself
You can start to see that there is suppose to be a do teacher among the group of ragtag hard care remnant minded crowd of people he is starting to build his new covenant people by preaching the sermon on the mount
Fake Parallels
‘I say to you’ (Mat_5:18) ≠
Abolish/Lose-down-Thinking (Mat_5:17)
‘Fulfill’* Law & Prophets
(Mat_5:17) ≠ ‘until
all things are fulfilled*’
That’s a terrible mistranslation and a
fraudulent lying disobedient fake parallel!
* These are 2 different, distinct, particular words: πληρῶσαι (Mat_5:17) & γένηται (Mat_5:18)
Real Scientific Binding Obedient Paralleles
(1) The Least Iotas & Keriahs of the Law and the Prophets
‘the Law or the Prophets’ (Mat_5:17) ≈ ‘the least of these commandments’ (Mat_5:19) ≈ ‘heaven & earth’ remaining = All ‘Iotas & Keriahs’ remaining (Mat_5:18)
(2) Lose-Teachers
(A) Abolish/Lose-down-Thinking
(Mat_5:17) ≈ (B) Losing-down
Law or Prophets (Mat_5:17 [καταλῦσαι])
≈ (C) Commandment loosening
(Mat_5:19) ≈ (D) Loose-Teachers (Mat_5:19) = (E) ‘called least in the kingdom of heaven’ (Mat_5:19) ≈ (F) ‘the scribes and Pharisees’ (Mat_5:20) ≈ (G) False Prophets (Mat_7:13-29) ≈ (H) ‘you shall by no means [not
in now way]
enter the kingdom of heaven’ (Mat_5:20)
(3) Do-Teachers
Do-Teachers* = ‘called great in the kingdom of heavens’* (* Mat_5:19) ≈ 12 Apostles (Mat_5:1; Luk_6:12-17…Luk_6:20) ≈ I say to you.. (<<<<<<<<<) ≈ Gospel of the Kingdom (Mat_4:23) ≈ Do-Prophets (Mat_5; Mat_7:13-29) ≈ Acts Teachers….. ≈ 2 Witnesses (Rev_11)
(4) Listeners
Men who are taught (Mat_5:19) ≈ ‘the crowds’ (Mat_5:1; Mat_4:23-25; Luk_6:17-20), and/or ≈* Hear-Do Disciples (Mat_7:13-29), and/or ≈ those like tax collectors
/ sinners not overflowing more righteousness
[* including]
(5) Fill to Overflowing
(A) ‘I [Jesus] say to you’ (Mat_5:18) ≈ (B) ‘Fulfill’ Law & Prophets [πληρῶσαι] (Mat_5:17) ≈ (C) All ‘Iotas & Keriahs’ remaining (Mat_5:18) ≈ (D) ‘your surpassing righteousness’ (Mat_5:20) ≈ (E) Mat_5:21-48 (i.e. 9SLRASCE)
>>>> /\/\ overflowing more than tax collectors / sinners
(6) Judgement
‘heaven & earth may go away*’ ≈ a ‘Iota & Keriah’ might ‘go away* from the law’ (Mat_5:18) ≈ ‘all things are generated/accomplished/caused to be’ (Mat_5:18)
[* lit. from being next to us / present]
See: (4) & (5)
ALL accomplished -- your not allowed to turn this into SOME have been accomplished, like at the cross, where not all the predictions about Jesus, much less the righteousness has ALL been fulfilled/accomplished.
Prophecies about Jesus thay have not yet
been fulfilled
If you say ALL is already accomplished then you are implying that Jesus will not…
· Sit on the throne in Jerusalem to judge
· Bust through the sky with fire in eyes and sword in mouth to judge the world
Death accomplished from foundation of the World, before the law was even written!
Jesus Fulfills
Your righteousness overflows all-around beyond
‘your cup overflows’ (MT) when ‘the Lord is your shepherd’
“Heaven & Earth” only “Pass Away” When “all is accomplished”.
You’re not allowed to assign a different time of fulfillment contrary to the preceding authoritative time Jesus set before concluding with “all [being] accomplished”.
Therefore, you’re not allowed to say “all is accomplished” before the time Jesus specified, when “Heaven & Earth Pass Away”.
You are not allowed to say “all was accomplished” at anti-Christ’s fake cross.
Heaven & earth are still here
[6/16/24-6/17/24]; 6/20/24-6/23/24; …8/3/24
See: CombineMat5and7
Jesus did and taught the law -- He kept all God’s laws perfectly, and this is the exact same standard He is applying to all other Do-teachers.
A Listener Asked
Sun 7/28/2024 12:19 PM
In Matthew_5:19 it seems to me that
everyone is either a teacher that teaches men to break the commands or a
teacher that teaches men to keep the commands. So does everyone have to teach
to enter the kingdom of heaven? Or is this verse just specifically for those
who are teachers ?
Overseer’s Wife’s Question
"...And he said unto
another, Follow me. But he said, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my
father. Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and
preach the kingdom of God. And another also said, Lord, I will follow thee; but
let me first go bid them farewell, which are at home at my house. And Jesus
said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is
fit for the kingdom of God."
Btw, did the Lord tell someone
(who was still counting the cost) to go and preach? That sounds like something
people might use today to justify saying that all eager church people should
evangelize and do the great commission ("do and teach" and become
Fundamental Question: How many general
categories of different people are mentioned when talking about the do teacher
and becoming great in heaven's kingdom?
Three categories of people are mentioned:
(1) Anointed One
(2) Teachers (good and bad)
(3) "Men" (those who here and learn)
To what degree can you be included in the
category of Anointed One and His mission? You can both be included and you can
also be somewhat distinguished from Him as our faith leader.
He is distinct, yet it is certain that our
behavior and response to His mission needs to align and match and reflect what
he came to do and represent him the way he told us to think about Him, as not abolishing
the law.
He is distinct, because by His own might
He accomplished filling the law, pleasing God like never before, on hour
behalf, without our input, 'while we were still being sinners' (Rom_5:8 ). Yet we
overlap with Him because his great and mighty accomplishment empowers us to
walk around and righteousness and also fulfill the law with overflowing
righteousness (Mat_5:17-20) as a vital necessity and heavenly requirement for
entering the kingdom of heaven (Mat_5:20).
How much does each disciple fit in the
"teacher" category?
"Great" is relative term, and
therefore if everyone is equally great then the word would lose it's
significance and practical usage. One who does and teaches has to be called
great, therefore by necessity of the term there are those to whom it applies in
greater degrees, and there are those to whom it applies in lesser degrees.
We can each be potentially distinguished
from a do-teacher depending on how great we are in God's kingdom, How much we
know, or don't know, about the Hebrew and Greek details on the law, and how
much we get to teach or we don't get to teach others to obey it.
Each of us can be distinguished from do
teaching because we may not be as great, and we may not know as many of the
details of the law, and we certainly are not all to be official teachers in the
We can be distinguished from a do teacher,
and yet we can also overlap with a do teacher because teachers first have to be
learners, and what do teacher is there in God's kingdom who is not first a
learner? So learners can also become teachers and overlap just as Jesus'
disciples who were both disciple-learners as well as apostle teachers at the
same time, which is the original context. We may be distinct from the apostles
as they descend from the mountain and give us spiritual food from the mouth of
the Big teacher, yet we might also turn around and teach our children who are
sitting beside us so they can understand on their terms what is being said, and
we might also have the advantaged opportunity to help teach our neighbor as we
sit in the grass and eat bread and fish while the apostles are serving out food
and we sit by and discuss what we've been talking about.
We didn't start the teaching of the law,
therefore we are distinct from that initial activity, however we can contribute
and become greater and greater, and therefore we can overlap.
Each has access to humility underneath our
feet, and whoever apprehens the greatest humility will be the greatest in God's
kingdom, and we each need to strive to participate in this greatness in order
to enter God's kingdom, and we need to seek to maximize our participation in
the greatness of humility and press ourselves down with the greatest vigor to
get into God's kingdom and to become as great as possible.
In the same way we all need to strive to
participate in doing and teaching every detail of the law to obtain as much
greatness as we possibly can.
At this stage of human history in our
particular context we have more opportunity than ever before so it's time to
grab the treasures while there in front of us and apprehend greatness without
inhibition and restriction and laziness and slowness of heart since we have
such great opportunities in front of us.
How do we begin?
We certainly all fall into the category of
"men", since each of us is part of mankind.
We need to start by learning every detail of
the law to obey it as Matthew 7 describes so that we can get into God's kingdom
at all. then we need to strive to become great by doing everything in our power
to advance and promote the teaching of doing all of the law and the prophets in
the fulfillment of Jesus.
In seeking to associate yourself as a do
teacher, don't fall to the pitfall trap that every religious church hypocrite
fails in their deception and mindless hypocrisy: in aspiring to be a do teacher
(as you should) Don't forget that you're supposed to be begging a do teacher,
within the community of Bible obedience, to get the essential righteousness
that is first needed to enter God's kingdom - beggars who are hungering and
thirsting for righteousness, and being persecuted for it, are guaranteed to get
the overflowing righteousness that enters the kingdom of heaven.
Begging and being persecuted is the first
step; teaching is the second step. It is wicked and hypocritical to skip the
first step and pretend that you have anything to do with the second step. dirty
religious church people love to boast in any way they can, congratulating
themselves with the benefits of the Bible without ever actually obeying it or
fulfilling its requirements or personifying its humility and confessing faith
in the truth and cleanness of serious humility and righteous begging
To be clear: being righteous is associated
with hearing and DOING God's commands all throughout the Bible.
As an obedient learner or disciple, this
will automatically make you exceeding me more righteous than those who teach
As a righteous learner, you can quickly be
greater than an unrighteous teacher.
To already have greatness from do teaching
is not a prerequisite for entering into the threshold of the kingdom of the
heavens, however to have overflowing righteousness far beyond the hypocritical
religious leaders is an absolute universal prerequisite for entering the
kingdom of the heavens, as well as the vital urgent saving need to strive for
ultimate greatness.
Get overflowing righteousness from the
communal process of doing and teaching every detail of the law, as a minimum
essential need for entering God's Kingdom, and turn around and help as many
others as possible to obey as well, so that you can participate in saving greatness
as much as possible.
The Thief on the Cross
Let us consider and "sing the
eulogy" of the thief on the cross...
At first the thief on the cross didn't get
the chance to learn every detail of the law and teach others, since he was
preoccupied with The urgent need for righteousness to enter God's kingdom by
looking at and earnestly considering The One Who could tell him what he needed
in order to be saved, and because of this he was saying 'remember me and your
kingdom', and through his humility and righteous acknowledgment and
justification of the righteous, and through his good and righteous confession
with his mouth, He became far more righteous than those crucifying him and
Jesus, and gloriously obtained the kingdom. and then ironically somehow he ends
up teaching all people all around the world how to righteously respond to the
law giver, and as a learner he became an object lesson for teaching, So it makes
you wonder how great this man ended up being, who got in the Bible and is
proclaimed and taught all around the world.
He was not much of a teacher in his life
in this world, yet in his death he has taught all of us.
[and he went with Jesus in Paradise in the
multi-level marketing? more like a
hierarchy where you can move up by moving down
you've got to deal with integrity issues
thinking wrong / independently/non imitating ly
lacking acknowledgment of real value / lacking real love
you can't do the fulfillment of the law, which is love, if
you are far from being full of love yourself to overflow with the fulfillment
of the law coming out of your mouth
[6/20/24-6/22/24]; 6/23/24
Anyone at various times could be a do
The Biblical point about a do teacher is
not its restrictiveness, but it's openness and availability for anyone to grab
such greatness
The Biblical idea is not that a do teacher
is limited to an elite group, but rather, the Bible emphasizes the openness and
availability of the position, as long as God has energized someone to teach
perfect obedience.
The Sermon on the Mount had a particular
context of apostles being trained amongst a group of lots of different people,
but the extended context throughout the Bible is that anyone can be one, from
Paul or the other apostles, all the way to Naomi, a poor humbled widow --
anyone humbled and zealous for righteousness can start being and becoming an
obey all do teacher, and whoever does this to whatever degree, it Is So
glorious that it's worthy of begging for Truth from them
So on one hand, church people are indeed
completely morally bankrupt and greatly disqualified from ever even reaching to
be a do teacher, but on the other hand, it's not just that they simply can't be
one, but more so rather, that they don't even want to be one or even care to
take an interest in acknowledging and being saved from their desolation
Rth_1:15-17 – Ruth begs Naomi
See: BSSm
(on www.TrueConnection.org)
Dan_11:33 – The wise will instruct many book of Daniel
"Those who are wise will instruct many,
though for a time they will fall by the sword or be burned or captured or
Brenton: "And the intelligent of the people
shall understand much: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, and by
captivity, and by spoil of many days."
Rom_10:14-17 – how will they believe unless they hear… one who is sent?
· Rom_10:15, Isa_52:7 – "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!"
· Rom_10:16 – "Lord, who has believed our report?"
BSSm Examples
This is not to say that the climax of the
first 20 verses of the Sermon on the Mount is about a do teacher particularly
and specifically, but the climax is actually rather about "you"
obtaining surpassing righteousness that gets you into the kingdom of heaven.
This is to say that the do teacher is
involved in the process in verse 19, and that this do teacher is a huge
element, or "great" part, which is included by Jesus as a significant
part of you obtaining the surpassing righteousness which gets you into heaven.
And while the do teacher is not the
particular climax of the Sermon on the Mount, he is an important element which
Jesus included, which church people are distinctly excluding, forgetting,
ignoring, bypassing, and denying, and you're not allowed to remove this vital
element which Jesus included in getting you the surpassing righteousness which
gets you into the kingdom of heaven
If you just pretend to "beg God"
for salvation, righteousness, and entrance into the kingdom, that is an
inconsistent, hypocritical attitude which is not obeying the consistent
integrity, and spirit or "attitude" of begging which Jesus says gets
you to have the kingdom of heaven.
To have a consistent spirit and attitude
of poor crouching begging (Mat_5:3,
Mat_5:6) for the surpassing righteousness that gets heaven (Mat_5:20), you need to beg the right Jesus including the do
teachers which He has included in the process of transferring the information
you don't know to you, through discipleship, so you can have a changed heart
through this Divine message and get surpassing righteousness, more than the
religious leaders, and enter into and inherit the kingdom of heaven.
We need to repent of being egocentric and
devaluing the workers of the good message by forgetting to recognize them and
honor them as being great like Jesus said they were in Mat_5:19, by confusing and blurring the line between you getting
the surpassing righteousness in Mat_5:20
Who are these teachers? they are the ones
who are practicing what they preach and are doing every detail of the law, and
as teachers, they are teaching other people how to do every detail of the law,
and the Bible calls those learning people whom they teach, disciples
We see the New Testament filled with
disciples, and then all the sudden if you fast forward to today, where are
those same disciples? instead in their place we see church people saying they
don't need "any man" to teach them or to disciple them.
That's very contrary to the original
context of the Bible where they are accustomed to dropping everything to follow
a teacher to apprentice them in a way of righteousness.
we've got to get rid of our egocentric
attitude, and get over our own ridiculousness, and cultural superiority trip,
and get back into a Biblical worldview and a Biblical mindset to attain the
original idea and morality and virtues and ideals and rules that the Bible was
getting at.
when we read that we're supposed to get
surpassing righteousness to enter the kingdom in Mat_5:20 we have such an egocentric tendency that we automatically
assume that we are the very same people being talked about in Mat_5:19 who are the do teachers that are considered great in God's
when we miss the distinction and erase the
particularity we end up stroking our own egocentric concepts of ourself, and we
end up demeaning diminishing neglecting disrespecting devaluing the do teachers
which Jesus said were great and implied that we should honor and recognize into
our lives as great so that we could learn about the surpassing righteousness to
go into heaven in Mat_5:20
when we're egocentric we end up devaluing
the one whom Jesus called great (the do teacher).
and the church person protests and says,
I'm not devaluing them!
but if you consider them great like Jesus
said they were then you would want to be around them, learn from them, forsake all
to follow them, and in fact you would be begging them for the surpassing
righteousness which you are hungry and thirsty for and desperate to learn about
from them like Jesus ordained in The Sermon on the Mount to teach you all of
the details of the law, to fulfill the law, so you can know how to obtain a
changed heart and get surpassing righteousness to enter the kingdom.
the gospel message or real good message of
the Kingdom which Jesus was preaching in Matthew 4 is a message that you do not
know about on your own, and it is powerful and divinely inspired from Heaven to
change you with the surpassing righteousness you need for heaven.
Jesus ordained for you to hear about this
real gospel and it's righteousness by these special teachers who teach how to
obey every detail of the law, down to the iotas and the karias, and this is the
gospel of the Kingdom which Jesus preached in Matthew 4, which he has ordained
and passed on to those delegates of his in Matthew 5 through 7, which are
called "great" "do" "teach[ers]", which are
responsible and empowered to give you this Divine special message transform
your heart and get the knowledge and righteousness necessary for heaven.
what is a teacher? it's not you,
especially not at first! your job is to be the beggar who is one of the men or
people who is listening and learning from the new teacher to hear the message
you don't already have to get the righteousness from Heaven you don't already
have to enter into the kingdom you have never known before.
it's true that Jesus is enticing all
disciples with the potential of becoming great by being do teachers, but we
can't skip the first step of begging, listening, learning, being taught, and we
can't ignore the fact that we first got to learn from a do teacher (by default)
to get the initial surpassing heavenly righteousness, and then as we press
forward we also can be ambitious within our apprenticeship to eventually become
do teachers ourselves as well, to whatever degree God will give us the gifts of
faith and favor.
so we can and should indeed be ambitious
to become great in God's kingdom through teaching fulfilled obedience to all
the details of God's law, as much as we possibly can, but if we mistakenly
think that that's what Jesus is initially primarily talking about up front for
us, then the fruit of that egocentrism is that we end up devaluing those who
are currently, actively do teachers, instead of considering them great like
Jesus said in Mat_5:19.
what Jesus is actually teaching us to do,
as righteous disciples who get Heaven, is to get a consistent and
unhypocritical spirit and attitude of poor crouching begging, which includes
hungering and thirsting for righteousness, which includes fulfilling the law,
which includes a do teacher who is involved in teaching us all of the details
of obeying all of the law, so that we can inherit the Kingdom.
we are being taught to consider such new
teachers as great in the Kingdom, so that we are begging and hungry and
thirsting to be around them and get the this saving heavenly surpassing
righteousness from the good message which they are teaching.
You Need A Do Teacher
-- Under Construction --
Jesus & His mission
Law & Prophets
Loose vs. Fulfill
Heaven & Earth
Iotas & Keriahs
Law & Acomplishment
Looser-Teacher vs. Do-Teacher
Least vs Greatest
Your righteousness vs. Writer-scribes
& Pharisees
If you obey every
Bible verse that applies to a do teacher in The Sermon on the Mount, then as a
result, you are compelled toward a very detailed and specific conclusion that
you need to hunger and thirst and beg for surpassing righteousness to enter
God's Kingdom, and you're not only need to beg from God, but also from a do
teacher who is involved in this as well, as mentioned in Mat_5:17-20
Trying to
independently preach the gospel to yourself when you don't even know the real
Biblical gospel, and you're not yet qualified as a do teacher sufficient to
preach salvation to yourself, will do you know good except to land you into
understanding what this passage is actually saying we need to consider
Linguistic factors by accurately translating the actual words of the
The entire Bible's usage of special terminology
The specific context of the Gospel of Matthew and of The Sermon on the
Mount in particular, including both Matthew 5 - 7 and Luke 6
We need to obey the fundamental hungering, thirsting, and begging for
surpassing righteousness that is required for entering into the kingdom of
We need to obey Bible verse that teaches us about teachers and the good
message, maintaining that salvation comes by someone preaching the Good message
to us (as the default idea for the New Covenant)
The Point: We
have to obey rules when reading about a do-teacher. We can’t just freely make
up our own individual ideas and flaot where ever a spirit blows us.
What we believe
and think about do-teachers has to submit to the Truth of what Jesus says about
them, and that is very specific.
if we're going
to be Bible obedient worshipers of logic then we need to very carefully
consider the constraining and defining factors of logic that compel us toward
some very specific conclusions from this passage...
12 apostles
came to Jesus at the beginning of the SOM
The mixed
multitude gathered around at some point thereafter
The beatitudes
reflect an initial communication with the apostles and an eventual restatement
to the multitudes
Jesus initially
teaches his 12 apostles and then transitions into calling the mixed multitude
to join the Kingdom of Heaven
Jesus is seeking
to establish the apostles as leaders and urging the mixed multitude to come in
and be His people.
As a result
Jesus is urging the mixed multitude to embrace poor begging and hungering and
and not be the
woefully cursed "already full" luxurious ones
Jesus does not
need to entice Himself by teaching you about potential rewards of greatness for
good law teachers, but instead He teaches all of us about the greatness of the
teachers who will come after Him and motivates Us by the reward of greatness
for those among his mixed multitude who will raise up as being called and
enabled to teach obedience to every detail of the Bible.
Jesus is
seeking to build a leadership of apostles and the community of people for the
kingdom of heaven from the mixed multitude
We need to keep
this sermon in its original context that Jesus was setting up other due
teachers like himself among this mixed multitude potential community of the
Kingdom of Heaven: his apostles would be the new teachers that come after him
and would carry this mixed multitude community forward, as many as responded to
his invitation to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven by begging
Point: The original context of the SOM is one that has people and distinct
leaders being trained to be do-teachers.
Any other
context contrary to this, like independence and not believing the do-teachers
are great, is rebellion and has nothing to do with the SOM’s proclamation!
If you get
great without teaching, you do so by cooperating and receiving Truth through
someone who is great by teaching, by default.
Greatness is
primarily accomplished through humility and faith in the New Covenant, as
taught by Jesus and His apostles.
You do not need
to teach to enter into the kingdom or to be great in it.
He mixed
multitude evidently included lots of illiterate people, besides women typically
being illiterate at that time.
The Kingdom of
Heaven belongs to such as children who come to Jesus, and it's not likely they'll
be teaching anyone, especially about the details of Hebrew and Greek behind
Moses's law.
It is unlikely
that the majority of the mixed multitude or of the women among them or the
children among them would be achieving greatness through teaching particularly,
especially the Hebrew and Greek details of the Law. They would be obtaining greatness through
humility - being pressed down and coming to Jesus by faith.
However there
is a particular greatness in the specific context of the Law of Moses, which is
apprehended by teaching others to obey it.
The Particular Greatness of a Do-Teacher serves to identify a DO-teacher, not make greatness exclusive to him. It does not at all imply that Do-teaching the only aspect and/or path to greatness -- Jesus is keeping the hyper-context principle, and that’s why He stays focused on the do-teacher’s greatness, but He also addresses everyone else’s entrence into the kingdom.
If you can't
obtain greatness by teaching obedience to every Hebrew and Greek detail of the
law, that would imply that the righteous begging hungering members of this
mixed multitude would need to get taught from someone who was sufficiently
literate in Hebrew and in Greek and did have the virtuous capacity to transfer
surpassing righteousness of these law-teaching details to them.
As an
illustration of this, I spent four or five years as a sheer beggar of Truth
seeking to learn as much as I could to enter into the kingdom of heaven, and
only after that I began to carefully teach
Heb_5:12-14 – by the time you ought to be teachers *
yet at the same
Jam_3:1 – don't let many of you be teachers *
* NKJV Quoted
Heb_5:12-14 NKJV For
though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need
someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles
of God; and you have come to need milk and not solid food. 13 For everyone who
partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a
babe. 14 But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those
who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.
Don’t disobey
the fundamental Truth that “you need someone to teach
you”, especially at the beginning, and replace it for syaing you
don’t need a do-teacher!
Jam_3:1 NKJV My brethren, let not many
of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment.
You don't
necessarily need to be a great teacher of every detail of Truth to get into
God's Kingdom, but as part of obeying all, you do need to urgently get around
those who are do teaching every detail of God's law, zealously and urgently
seeking to attain surpassing righteousness from such righteousness teachers in
order to get into God's Kingdom
-- Under Construction --
Starting Small as a DO-Teacher -- Start Getting
This Greatness
If you seek to
do whatever you can to teach your children or your friends as many of the details
of the law as you possibly can, you do well, and this is a valid reapplication,
and it may end up resulting in you becoming a full-fledged fulfilled-law
teacher, especially as a New Covenant, fulfilled, good message proclamer.
We can reach
strive to eventually obtain greatness through teaching as much of the details
of the law as possible, but we have to be careful not to skip over and forget
the initial crying need to be a beggar who hungers and thirsts for
righteousness among the mixed multitude of those pressing to get into the
kingdom of heaven who is humble and submissive and desperate and begging enough
to cry out and plead a new teacher among Jesus's community to transfer the
knowledge and Truth necessary to them to get the surpassing righteousness to
get into God's Kingdom...
When we
automatically think of ourselves as supposing to skip straight to the
discipleship stage, as if we don’t need a do-teacher in the SOM, then we're
missing the entire point of entering into the Kingdom of Heaven by begging and
hungry and thirsting for the righteousness that The Sermon on the Mount starts
off with.
Getting the
surpassing righteousness which gets you into God's kingdom is directly
underneath the governing context of do teachers which are transferring the
righteousness of every detail of the law, and while you're not required to be
one of those teachers to enter in, you are required to reverently consider them
great conduits and vital tools to transfer the truth to you as you enter into
the kingdom of heaven and listen to the good message being preached to you...
There's an
important sense in which this is following a very consistent pattern of Jesus's
very biblical style of teaching:
When you're
unsure of what the principles of Truth are, take it to the extreme find out
what the principles and Truth are in a particular application and then you can
conclude and know for sure that the same principles apply even when it is less
The most
extreme righteousness and unrighteousness regarding the teaching of the law is
whether you break and teach or do and teach every detail of the law - this is
indeed The very extreme righteousness and unrighteousness regarding the law,
and it can be applied in less extreme with those who are not yet teaching it,
and yet they still need overflowing righteousness beyond The bad teachers in
order to even enter into the kingdom of heaven.
When You're Begging,
You don't already know and have what you're begging for!
You don't
already know the Gospel therefore you don't already know the knowledge you need
to obtain the surpassing righteousness to go beyond the elite religious leaders
of Jesus' day, or even today.
The very
fundamental idea of the 'good message that saves you' is that you don't already
have this information in and of yourself but you need to obtain it from someone
teaching the Truth of the real good message, and you're being required to distinguish
a right teacher you're supposed to be listening to from a bad teacher you're
not supposed to be listening to.
This is not a
matter of trusting in your sincerity or good intentions, this is a matter of
being a righteous poor crouching hungry and thirsting begger who gets the
gospel that they don't know themselves and takes in information outside of
their default capacity and nature in order to enter into a supernatural New
You need the
good message, Biblical Gospel taught to you just like Jesus was teaching it in
When Jesus
ascends into heaven you don't change this pattern and pretend like you yourself
can teach the gospel to yourself, but instead you consider the due teachers
among Jesus's community to be great like he said they were, and you acknowledge
their included participation in this obtaining of overflowing righteousness -
you keep your need to obtain overflowing righteousness in the original context
Jesus stated it in which includes an acknowledgment of the greatness of the
effective and vitally necessary service of do teachers
Now that Jesus
is no longer physically here with us on Earth preaching the Good message, He
has commended do teachers unto us, so that they should mimic and imitate this
same role that he himself modeled for them, so that we should listen to those
He has sent like we were supposed to be listening to Him when He was here on
Romans 10 says
you need a preacher to have the saving faith from hearing the good message (Rom_10:14-17) - you don't have this or know this by yourself,
even if you have lots of Bible verses that talk about these things.
The Bible does
not replace the preachers whom it has commissioned to proclaim its message. the
Bible itself requires these proclaimers to transfer the good message to you to
enter into the kingdom of the heavens.
Don’t be a denier!
It is very
important for you to carefully consider that the identifying of a do teacher
has nothing to do with any of our personal subjective interpretations, which
are illegal in the Bible, but rather by considering the authoritative and
involved preceding and following context of The Sermon on the Mount and the way
the Bible discusses the Gospel, we are required to end up with these
conclusions about do teachers because everything else disobeys Bible verses
Identifying do
teachers in this orthodox literal submissive way from The Sermon on the Mount
is not an interpretation of an individual with an agenda, but it is a submissive
obedience to every Bible verse that compels and constrains and focuses us
toward these inevitable conclusions.
If you put
forward alternative and contradictory ways to look at this passage, you would
have to do so without disobeying any of the other Bible verses that compelled
us to come to these conclusions to begin with, and no one has been able to do
If you say that
people are hungring and thirsting for righteousness (Matthew_5:6) by begging God alone (which is not in the Bible), then you are
disobeying the fact that do teachers (Matthew_5:19) are involved in obtaining the surpassing "righteousness"
that gets people to enter into God's Kingdom (Matthew_5:20)
Jam_3:1 – don't let many of you be teachers (quoted above)
You're also
ignoring the fact that the real Biblical Gospel is something you don't know at
first, and something you need to beg someone to transfer to you. Just as Jesus
was giving people the knowledge of salvation through the Good Message which He
was preaching in Matthew_4:23, so also you
need to have this information transferred to you through the do teachers he has
praised as being great and left us with after His ascension.
If you want God
to transfer surpassing righteousness to you so that you can enter into the
Kingdom of heaven, then don't ignore the fact that He has ordained and
commissioned do teachers to be a part of this process of transferring the Good
Message of salvation to you - and because of this, you are responsible for
judging which teachers are bad, and responsible for believing and embracing
what teachers are good, and are giving you the message of obedience that you do
not know yourself, that you need to hear and obey in order to obtain surpassing
righteousness - don't ignore that do teachers are included in the context of
obtaining this surpassive righteousness.
Are Not Co-extensive
If you say that
the people obtaining the surpassing righteousness are exactly the same group as
those doing and teaching every detail of the Law of Moses you are disobeying
the fact that most of the crowd is not supposed to be teachers
If you say that
the group of people who are responding to God's Kingdom and getting the
surpassing righteousness are one and the same as the group of people who are
doing and teaching, with no distinction, you are erasing the fact that people
are beggars who are hungry and thirsting for righteousness in need of the
Gospel that they don't have and they need to obtain from someone who does
already have the gospel, which in this case is a do teacher that enables people
to obey every Hebrew and Greek detail of the law - this great minority
specialty position of do-teaching cannot simultaniously be the defining
identity of those seeking to initially enter into the kingdom of heaven, even
if they be children or illiterate women or even illiterate men among the mixed
multitude who have no occasion to teach people to obey every detail of the Law.
If you erase
the particularities between the do teacher and those from the mixed multitude
who are obtaining surpassing righteousness from their teaching, then your
diobeynig begging, and you make these Matthew 5 passages without distinct
meaning, and sabotage its particular relationship with Matthew 7 - you're
disobeying the repeated themes of testing teachers which is being echoed and
even more explicitly reinforced in Matthew 7.
Don't forget or
neglect that this Matthew 5 realization about the Learners and teachers that
are implied in Matthew 5 fits perfectly with the exact same situation in
Matthew 7 which you are supposed to be combining Matthew 5 with
When you first
enter the kingdom of heaven you can only do so as one hungering, and thirsting
and begging for surpassing righteousness. you are not a teacher when you are
initially entering into God's Kingdom, but rather you need to test the teachers
and see if they're following in the same moral perfection as Jesus did when He
first taught them the good message that they didn't know already, which could
save them, especially since He anticipated and enticed those who would come
after Him with the potential of becoming great teachers in God's Kingdom.
Don’t Skip
When you skip
straight to the teacher stage and think that everyone is supposed to start out
at the end of their spiritual maturity then you're missing the entire point of
the entrance into the kingdom by hungring, thirsting, and begging for
surpassing righteousness, and your neglecting the fact that there's a do
teacher sitting there who has been appointed by Jesus, like the apostles among
this mixed multitude gathering, who is supposed to teach you this surpassing
righteousness through the greatness of teaching Truth.
everyone from this mixed multitude was expected to beg, and hunger, and thirst
and reach to eventually become do-teachers, at least at whatever capacity they
might could obtain, but they start off with begging hungry and thirsting to
enter the kingdom with surpassing righteousness, not teaching.
We don't need
to say that the do teacher and those who are obtaining surpassing righteousness
are a totally separate group of people, we just need to keep the distinct
positions in mind when Jesus is actually teaching this mixed multitude.
Various people
from the mixed multitude May One Day become do teachers but at first they are
primarily simply hungry, thirsting, and begging to enter in to begin with.
Remember that
Jesus is focusing on the extreme case scenarios of bad and good teachers of the
In our
particular context we could get confused and forget the factors that are not
directly being discussed and mentioned here:
You could
theoretically obtain a certain amount of righteousness by simply begging God as
an ignorant gentile who's doing their best to please God and conform their life
toward a monotheistic posture.
If this were
your context you could obtain a righteousness like Cornelius in Acts 10, in the
best case scenario. this is indeed a certain level of righteousness which
pleases God, but it is not words by which he must hear and be saved from needing
to go down into hell.
Acts 10 and
Romans 10 teach us this very vital necessity of someone teaching truth to
actually save them into the kingdom of heaven.
We're not just
talking about righteousness, we're talking about overflowing surpassing
righteousness that fulfills every detail of the law and carries it forward with
a new fullness of the New Covenant.
this New Covenant fulfilled righteousness includes things like turning the
other cheek, loving ones enemies, and proclaiming a standard higher than anyone
has ever heard of before in their basic acquisitions of righteousness.
world-shaking righteousness especially requires teaching.
righteousness included teaching but New Covenant righteousness is absolutely
absorbed in teaching...
The old
Covenant said: teach
The New Covenant
says teach, teach, teach!
Therefore a
do-teacher is absolutely necessary and fundamental for everything Jesus sets
out to do in announcing and enagurating the real Gospel of the New Covenant.
Initial Acknowledgement of the Do-Teacher
So is hell part of the kingdom of heaven?
Rev_22:14 Blessed are those who do his commandments, that they may
have the right to the tree of life, and may enter in by the gates into the
city. 15 Outside are the dogs, the sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the
murderers, the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.
So the scribes and Pharisees are pretty
religious so how do you go beyond a religious leader?
Private question: The other folks don't
have an avenue to ask questions here. If it's QnA time/the floor is open for
questions, should we open it up for the Ty/phone people to ask questions also?
Isnt 'whoever breaks the least
commandment' also in singular form?
Can you be called great if you're not a
Sir was flaming
It was challenging for me to even take much
notes today because he was blazing so fast. My fingers got stunned.
I'm glad Im allowed to think he's dreamy 🥰
I hope Ty gets gripped, and gives over a
reasonable response at some point, and just can't go back to churchianity the
Some Notes: Sermon on the Mount series
The Sermon on the Mount is about finding
and entering into a real, spiritual, invisible Kingdom.
The Truth is counterintuitive to the
flesh, BUT it is NEVER illogical
Psalm 119 open my eyes to wonderful things
in your law. This means that by nature, eyes are closed and can't see spiritual
things naturally. You need supernatural help!
Luke 24 the Lord opened the scriptures to
the eyes of the disciples on the road to Emmaus
Mat 23 religious leaders had the "key
of knowledge", which means that by default the doors are locked to the
natural common person
You're desperate, desolate, and in danger
of not entering in the Kingdom if you dont get help. No room for independence-
The Sermon on the Mount is telling you
where Truth is at.
The Truth has got a kingdom, a king,
subjects, and laws.
Church people want miracles and
sensationalism (something intuitive, agreeable, compatible, and impressive to
the flesh). Protestantism has always followed impressive preaching (and
squakers). But the Sermon on the Mount is telling you how to think differently
and what to look for, and how to identify God's kingdom and people.
The New Covenant is a betrothal, it's a
covenant, it's a marriage!
When you're talking about something as
serious as a marriage then there is no space for wiggle room here. And the
Sermon on the Mount is a marriage proposal of the New Covenant
The Spirit AND THE BRIDE say Come! Do you love
Jesus' voice? You will regard his words through his Bride as
well...(authoritative, divinly inspired, virgin bride with his lamp in her
hands and his fire in her eyes)...when you fall in the love with the real Jesus
then this duo of God & his people will be an "and" in your heart,
verses a protestant "God alone" thing
The preaching of the new covenant and
apprehending that preaching (i.e. salvation) is about taking the Bible serious
enough to where you connect to its Author.
If the world would praise you for it then
hide it (Mat 6)
If they would persecuted you for it then
shine it (Mat 5)
Yay! We did a SOM
bible study! Thanks for bringing out exciting Truths today great Sir.
Sun 8:05pm
Yeah I look
forward to continuing our series
Thank you for your zealous passionate
Bible Study Great Sir. I'm encouraged to cry out to be one of the mega great
ones in the kingdom of the heavens.
I included verses 17-20 because I would
appreciate going over those again. Over dinner last night I had mentioned that out
of all the things Sir went over yesterday, the one thing that I'm still seeking
to wrap my mind around is the do-teacher concept; singular mega great teacher
verses plural doers who are getting righteousness through that singular
teacher... I was struggling with the potential risk of reading too much into
the text or interpreting more than it is actually directly saying.
So far, the following is a summary thought
I had after our dinner discussion. I'm wondering if this is what the Lord was
primarily wanting his hearers to walk away understanding about Mat_5:18-20? Feedback/clarifications/corrections appreciated:
The cultural context: the Lord was
addressing an audience that included his primary male apostles (who were being
apprenticed to teach), and his other non apostolic disciples which probably
involved many illiterate woman. So when the Lord mentions things like 'you
can't break a yota or keriah' then it probably would have triggered thoughts in
his audience such, "oh, then I really need to know all the yotas and
keriahs, and the only way to do that in our culture/context is to study under
one of the sages so that I can know what not to break. If I don't have the
ability, like one of the apostles, to leave everything and go be apprenticed
& thoroughly trained to take up the trade of a reputable teacher then I
need to at least have the law read to me on a regular basis by someone who is
going to tell me what the law really says. Either way (or whatever the case),
attaining to not breaking a single yota or keriah in our day & age of
antiquity starts with learning from another what those yotas and keriahs
Similarly, when the Lord proceeded to say
that your righteousness needs to exceed the scribes and the Pharisees, that
probably could have triggered thoughts in his audience such as, "How can I
do that? Well, I know that Psalm 51, for example, mentions sacrifice and
offerings you are not pleased with. And the elitist leaders seem to do those
type of offerings all the time and God is not happy with them because they are
still grossely breaking his rules. But rather, the psalm says that what God is
pleased with is a broken and crushed spirit. So I need to at least start with
poor in spirit like the Lord testified to in the opening of his sermon. Surely
a broken and humble and poor and begging spirit is the beginning of being more
righteous than the religious leaders of our day. But I can't just walk around
like a broken mess in life, all day 24/7. I need to fill up more than the
starting point of brokenness & empty poverty. I need to actually know what
to do with myself in life, and how to move forward and function in
righteousness. I need understanding of the law! And how can I proceed and
continue to keep all the law even better than the sages whom he is unhappy
with? Well, I guess it goes back to what the Lord just said about a mega great
teacher who will teach me how to actually keep all the yotas and keriahs".
By the way, at dinner last night Sir
mentioned and reinforced that you don't necessarily need to be a teacher to be
great in God's kingdom. The Lord mentioning a do-teacher being mega great is
not an exclusive statement. Maybe it's more of a factual/observational
statement to say that someone who does and teaches the law is mega great. That
doesn't say that they are the only people who are mega great in the kingdom.
Hence, the other statements in the scriptures such as 'whoever wants to be
great let him be the least'. So, the least is the greatest in the kingdom. This
is the main foundational measuring tool for greatness.
I do consider though that often those who
are least seem to end up being those who are serving truth (the most important
resource in life) to others in a pastoral sense (shepherding the flock of
anointed one, his prized possession). The pastoral task requires teaching &
reproducing the doctrines of the Lord; and it takes a lot of subjection,
lowliness, meekness, and a long term patient service to men to accomplish it.
Thanks for the thoughts :+) I'm still
thinking through them...
*Correction: We are supposed to walk
around 24/7 in virtues such as begging for spirituals, meekness, cleanness in
heart, etc
lawless Pharisees are called legalism -
and they're described by church people in the exact opposite of the way the
Bible condemns religious rule breakers
-- Under Construction --
church people pretend like Jesus fulfilled
the law on our behalf so we don't have to
what are some examples of Christian teachers
that say Jesus fulfill the law on our behalf so that we don't have to keep all
of its rules
(A) Vulgate
Mat_5:48 Vulgate
estote ergo vos perfecti
sicut et Pater vester caelestis perfectus
Mat_5:48 Eng Vulgate Be
you therefore perfect, as also your heavenly
Father is perfect.
(B) Luther
Mat_5:48 Luther
Darumb solt jr volkomen
sein / gleich wie ewer Vater im Himel volkomen ist. Leui. 19; Leui. 26.
≈ Therefore/Because
"volkomen" ≈ Perfect or
flawless …similar to "utterly" or "absolutely" in
The English equivalents of "volkomen" include "completely", "entirely", "perfectly", "utterly", and "absolutely
Rom_10:4 finis enim legis Christus ad
iustitiam omni credenti
"finis" = End or conclusion -- PPX: This is the primary and most
literal meaning
“End, limit,
border; territory”
(B) "Enim" = "for,"
"indeed," or "in fact." (GPT)
(C) “Legis” = "of the law" or "of a law" (GPT)
Rom_10:4 LUTHER Denn Christus ist des Gesetzes ende / Wer an Den gleubet / der ist
Translate: For Christ is the end of the law
Luther knew
Greek, which said Perfect [τέλος], but Luther seems
to be playing off of the Vulgate “finis” instead of what the Bible actually
“the spirit reigneth, rejoiceth and is saved by this passive and Christian righteousness, because it knoweth that it hath a Lord in heaven at the right hand of the Father, who hath abolished the law, sin, death, and hath trodden under his feet all evils, led them captive and triumphed over them in himself (Colossians_2:15)”
But now cometh the Gospel, and preacheth unto thee remission of sins by Jesus Christ, who hath abolished the law, and hath destroyed sin and death; believe in him, and so shalt thou be delivered from the curse of the law, and from the tyranny of sin and death; thou shalt be righteous and have eternal life.
Even so, the law is abolished when I am not subject unto it, the law is dead when I am dead unto it, and yet remaineth still
>> the mind of the flesh!!!!!
Thus a faithful man by faith only in Christ, may raise up himself, and conceive such sure and sound consolation, that he shall not need to fear the devil, sin, death, or any evils. And although the devil set upon him with all might and main, and go about with all the terrors of the world to oppress him, yet he conceiveth good hope even in the midst thereof, and thus he saith: Sir Devil, I fear not thy threatenings and terrors, for there is one whose name is Jesus Christ, in whom I believe; he hath abolished the law, condemned sin, vanquished death, and destroyed hell; and he is thy tormentor, O Satan, for he hath bound thee and holdeth thee captive, to the end that thou shouldest no more hurt me, or any that believeth in him.
For in that he suffered the law to accuse him, sin to condemn him, and death to devour him, he abolished the law, he condemned sin, he destroyed death, he justified and saved me. So is Christ the poison of the law, sin and death, and the remedy for the obtaining of liberty, righteousness and everlasting life.
Now Christ living in me abolisheth the law, condemneth sin and destroyeth death; for it cannot be, but at his presence all these must needs vanish away.
Forasmuch then as Christ liveth in me, it followeth that as there must needs be present with him, grace, righteousness, life and eternal salvation; so the law, sin, and death must needs be absent: yea the law must be crucified, swallowed up and abolished of the law, sin of sin, death of death, the devil of the devil.
Let us learn therefore to give a true definition of Christ, not as the school-divines and meritmongers do, which make him a new lawgiver, who abolishing the old law hath established a new.
Get more quotes!! \/\/\/
-Martin Luther,
the Protestant Reformer, stated: "The law is abolished,
and the whole of Deuteronomy is repealed.
Christ is the end of the law."
-John Calvin,
another key Reformation figure, wrote: "We are no more under the law, but
under grace."
Spurgeon, the influential 19th century Baptist preacher, declared: "The
old covenant is gone, and its laws are obsolete."
-Billy Graham,
the renowned 20th century evangelist, explained: "The Old Testament law
has been fulfilled in Christ. We are
now under the law of Christ, which is love."
“As such times we are to believe in Christ as if there were no Law or sin anywhere, but only Christ. We ought to say to the Law: “Mister Law, I do not get you. You stutter so much. I don’t think that you have anything to say to me.”
Luther further adds: “The Law is of no comfort to a stricken conscience. Therefore it should not be allowed to rule in our conscience, particularly in view of the fact that Christ paid so great a price to deliver the conscience from the tyranny of the Law. Let us understand that the Law and Christ are impossible bedfellows.”- Martin Luther
“We should throw the epistle of James out of this school [i.e. Wittenburg], for it doesn’t amount to much. It contains not a syllable about Christ. Not once does it mention Christ, except at the beginning. I maintain that some Jew wrote it who probably heard about Christian people but never encountered any. Since he heard that Christians place great weight on faith in Christ, he thought, ‘Wait a moment! I’ll oppose them and urge works alone.’ This he did. (Luther’s Works 54, 424).
The Heretical thegospelcoalition Says:
Luther’s close associate Philip Melanchthon will say more directly, “All of Scripture is either Law or Gospel.”
Melanchthon too can say that “the entire Law has been abolished.”[6] Luther holds to the same view.
Between legalism and antinomianism lies Luther’s Gospel of grace because he rightly discerned the basic pattern that Paul and the Scriptural authors taught. Scripture, the Law of Moses, has authority over the Christian under the terms of the New Covenant. And under this covenant, Christ sets us free from this law or any human law as a yoke over us.
He fulfills what the law pointed to as a good pedagogue “until Christ came” (Gal_3:24). Now that he has come and now that we have the promised Spirit (Gal_3:14), we can serve our Lord Jesus Christ as free men and women.
Luther Criticises Anabaptists
Then what do the Papists, monks, nuns, priests, Mahometists, Anabaptists, and all such as trust in their works, which will abolish and overcome sin by their own traditions, works preparative, satisfactions, etc.? Here forthwith we judge all those sects to be wicked and pernicious; whereby the glory of God and of Christ is not only defaced, but also utterly taken away, and our own advanced and established.
What's the worse thing/impact of thinking
the law no longer applies?
"pragmatically"? - maybe people
tend to feel justified in believing that you dont have to focus on the details
of the law because JC did all the work to focus on that stuff. Now, all we're
responsible for is fluffy love, and just doing what convicts you if you have
to, but again make sure you avoid being legalistic by getting preoccupied with
all the details.
Thinking law no longer applies =
permission or leverage or a license to be loose and undirected and uncontrolled
by a Law in your life
Psa_2:3 Let us break their bonds in pieces and cast away their
cords from us
Jdg_21:25 In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did
what was right in his own eyes
Application examples:
-Rules of menstruation
-blaspheming the patriarchs (ex Leslie
Mcfall said "praise God Moses is dead...now we have jc"
-head coverings were just a cultural
practice; not required or mandatory now
"woman thou art loosed" from
your veil
-jc nailed the law to the cross and moved
it out of our way (i.e. obedience and failure thereof kept us from God)
-misquote of Act_15:10 don't put a yoke on the neck of the gentile disciples by
making them obey all the law, cuz neither our fathers nor we have been able to
keep everything
Thanks for the rich blessings!
Nugget: Anointed One fulfilled the law so
we should overflow in it (unless your righteousness surpasses the scribes and
@Al thanks for your kind prayers today as
well. I greatly appreciated it.
I really appreciate God loving us so much
that He gave us our Overseer. Thank you Overseer for telling us truth that
nobody else has and actually trying to save us from all the pitfalls of
churchianity. And yes, I want to agree with your prayers and pray also that
these words would bear fruit in us.
Thanks Happy :+)
Yay = -)
(wanting to find keyboard characters to
use in order to depict pictures and emojis and such. Sir says keyboard
characters degrade more gracefully with historical/archived content)
SOM Conference Notes -- from
Overseer’s Wife
Whenever you read the Bible, and if there
is something that makes you feel uncomfortable then that's often what you need the
most. Embrace it and don't let it go cuz your salvation is there!
Dont "divide and conquer" the
Bible. Rather combine and obey it!
The Sermon on the Mount is (1) teaching
how to identify the right people, because He is going to prioritize the right people,
and then (2) the laws of the kingdom, and then again (3) the right people
As you read the SOM you should be
constantly asking yourself, "how do I get in"?
Mat_12:33 either make the tree good or bad
After heaven and earth pass away, then
we'll be governed by a moral universe, instead of an immoral physics universe.
Don't walk around rejoicing (and boasting) that the law is abolished, unless
you have also gone crazy and are convinced that the heavens and earth are no
longer around.
Mat_5:19 Jesus is pointing forward to the commands that he is about
to expound on. I.e. He says "whoever breaks one of the least of THESE
Mat_7:24, Mat_7:26 Jesus is pointing backward to all the commands he just
expounded on when he says "everyone who hears that of THESE my words"
Thus, Jesus is making his words synonymous
with the law & commandments
Mat_24:35 heaven and earth will pass away but my words will by no
means pass away
Mat_5:18 Jesus came to fulfil (fill up in) the law, and
it/everything won't be completely finished until the next age, when
"heaven & earth pass away"
Jesus, by his spirit, fills up in the law,
and overflows into and through his servants. Rom_8:4
and Rom_3:31 The righteousness of the law is fulfilled in us... We
uphold the law and cause it to stand
(my tablet battery was dying. Didn't
finish my notes today)
I appreciate going through The Sermon on
the Mount. It seems really important for us as a group to get thoroughly
solidified and established (in a summarized way) as to who we are, what we
believe & represent, what makes us different, and how we can beckon the
nations to "Come" through sizzling intros to the Kingdom and with a
new covenant marriage proposal.
@Hd Is Psalm 41 a part of your SOM Psalms?
Psa_41:1-3 LOGOS
1 A Psalm of David. Blessed is the man who
thinks on the poor and needy; the Lord shall deliver him in an evil day.
2 May the Lord preserve him and keep him
alive, and bless him on the earth, and not deliver him into the hands of his
3 May the Lord help him upon the bed of
his pain; You have made all his bed in his sickness.
I'm still pondering on what is considered
a SOM Psalm...
Sidenote, verse 3 is very interesting.
What does all that mean?
A lot of heresy is advanced by many bible
mistranslations and tones of ignorance.
But even still, we shouldn’t be so bold in
our evil as to promote and teach that the law has passed away when Jesus
absolutely demanded that we were not allowed to think that way.
We should at least be pausing and
grappling with the issues of the law and hesitating before boldly declaring something
contrary to another Bible verse.
And this is much of the problem: church
people are very willing to disobey some Bible verses that they feel are “small”
as long as they have at least one Bible verse that they can feel like supports,
allows, and or tolerates their lawlessness.
Jesus said this perverted God-hating
attitude would throw your soul in hell.
People are very eager and willing to NOT
be simultaneously obeying ALL the Bible, and this is the root heresy and
rebellious apostasy that so clearly proves that church people are in love with
1Co_11:19 – There must be heresies among you so that approved may be
This takes on an even more particular
essence in our days of apostasy
There are so many mistranslations out
there trying to promote heresy and lies against the Truth
If someone comes along and FINALLY starts
teaching obedience to every detail of the Bible this is quite a sign and wonder
to pay attention to
When someone teaches obey all, this is how
the darkened backdrop of church has increased in sinful poison and heresy so
that the obey all teachers can be shown to be approved in striking contrast that
is clearer than ever…
e-Sword search list
G4137 G1603 G4130 G4134 G4138 G378 G466 G659 G1705 G1781 G2880 G3325 G4845 G5055
Just Fill (Green removed):
G4137 G1603 G4130 G4134 G4138 G378 G466 G659 G1705 G2880 G3325 G4845
Words to always exclude: G3784
Note: Can you can help us find more words/strong’s numbers?
1. 4137 πληρόω (pléroó): to fill, fulfill, complete
2. 1603 ἐκπληρόω (ekpléroó): to fill full, fulfill completely
3. 4130 πλήθω (pléthó): to fill
4. 4134 πλήρης (plérés): full, complete
5. 4138 πλήρωμα (pléróma): fullness, completion
6. 378 ἀναπληρόω (anaplēroō): to fill up, complete
7. 466 ἀνταναπληρόω (antanaplēroō): to fill up in turn
8. 659 ἀποπληρόω
(apoplēroō): to fill completely → they got the wrong number!
9. 1705 ἐμπίπλημι (empiplēmi): to fill up, satisfy
10. 1781 ἐντελλω
(entellomai): to enjoin, command (related to fulfilling
commands) → i.e. complete-in/perfect-in
11. 2880 κορέννυμι (korennumi): to satiate, fill
12. 3325 μεστόω (mestoō): to fill, make full
13. 4845 συμπληρόω (symplēroō): to fill completely
14. 5055 τελέω
(teleō): to complete, fulfill,
finish →
I highlighted in Green the words that don’t actually, technically, litterally mean “fill”.
I also formated and corrected these results to reflect a more morally and literally accurate correctness.
1,000+ -- Searching the whole Bible for “fill” & “perfection” words results in over 1,000 results (1052 in ABP, for example).
630 -- when excluding the perfection words, we still have 630 results to consider.
General Linguistic Examples throughout the rest of the Bible that show that the Bible does NOT use fulfill to mean end, by default.
Fulfill is much like “completely perfect” -- it can only end a noune which is already pregnant with a bult-in expiration date, unlike the law.
The rest of the Bible explicetly teaches YOU are required to fulfill -- boasitng in antichrist’s supposed “fulfillment” is vane and useless.
It is a forgone conclusion that you are supposed to be Doing fulfillment
You’re not allowed to pretend like it is logical, lawful, permissable, tollerable to say “he fulfilled for me so I don’t have to”
Vicarious fulfillment is illegal and Bible-disobedient.
Jam_2:8 – if you fulfill the royal law
Gal_6:2 – carry one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of
anointed one
Do you see the rainbow in the sky?
You can't say the (written) Old Testament
has passed away and disrespect God’s promise to Noah if the rainbow is still
Disciple Question:
How can you die to the law and
also fulfill it?
Overseer Quick Answer:
In the law there are curses, definitions
of being evil, stiff neck and disgusting to God. You can die to these
definitions and turn from your wicked ways and be righteous. If you do this
then those curses no longer apply to you and you fulfill the law and surpass
the Scribes and Pharisees
Acts 15 -- Overseer’s
Wife’s Question
Overseer’s Wife Asked:
Some of the Pharisees who were also
believers seemed to want to promote 'NOT abolishing the law' and they were
wanting to be convinced that the gentiles need to be circumcised and keep the
law of Moses to be saved. Peter stood up and said don't put a yoke on the neck
of the disciples that "neither our fathers nor we were able to bear".
To confirm, Peter wasnt saying that no one
in history was able to keep the law, but that no one was able to be saved by
refining their flesh enough?
I think people really get tripped up by Act_15:10-11 and it seems that they greatly misunderstand Peter
Keep = do what it says, without reference to if you do MORE than what it says.
Trying to Keep can (sometimes) = trying to do it independent of Jesus fulfilling it
Keep = do what it says
Fulfill = Do what Jesus filled it up to say
Keep ≠ salvation
Fulfill = salvation
Moses Law did not save, by itself, but Jesus’ fulfillment did.
Summary of Storng’s Numbers
G1615 G2005 G4931 G5046 G5047 G5048 G5049 G5050 G5051 G5052 G5053 G5054 G5055 G5056 G5057 G5058
Root = G5056
Only version used for dying = G5053
I had to add numerous additional numbers (in red) beside what the initial search pulled up:
WS makes some distonctions on G5055
“teleióō (G5048), to complete, accomplish, consecrate, perfect. Although teléō and teleióō have much the same meaning, to carry through, complete, reach the end, yet between them there is at times a slight difference. Teléō signifies the reaching of an end or goal meaning to finish or accomplish a task, to terminate a course (Mat_10:23; Mat_11:1; Mat_13:53; Mat_19:1; Mat_26:1; Act_13:29; 2Ti_4:7; Jas_2:8). Teleióō, however, speaks of the continued realization of a purpose throughout the performance of a task. The former word has in view the point of termination. The latter word has in view the entire process. The two verbs are expressive of télos, goal, purpose.”
Perplexity SEARCH
list every Greek word In the
Bible for perfect, including words that are derived from the root word for
perfect, also giving the strong Greek number for each word that contains the
root word for perfect
(teleios) - Strong's G5046
Meaning: complete, perfect, mature
(teleiotēs) - Strong's G5047
Meaning: completeness, perfection
(teleioō) - Strong's G5048
Meaning: to complete, perfect, bring to an end
(teleiōs) - Strong's G5049
Meaning: perfectly, completely
(teleiōsis) - Strong's G5050
Meaning: completion, perfection, consummation
(teleiōtēs) - Strong's G5051
Meaning: perfecter, finisher
(teleos) - Strong's G5045 -- wrong number
Meaning: complete, perfect (a variant of teleios)
(epiteleō) - Strong's G2005
Meaning: to complete, accomplish, perfect
Sun_Churchianity has been trying to push & establish one of the same things for thousands of years, namely that you can live in sin and go to heaven
You have to (and can only) connect to the real God through virtue (2Pe_1:3). You can't just be a sinful person and connect to the right God.
Virtue - the moral strength to do what is right
Romans 2 and SOM Parallels:
- Rom_2:1-3 You who judge another condemn yourself by doing the same things (i.e. plank in eye)
- Rom_2:4 Do you despise God's useful kindness towards sinners? It's meant to lead them to repentance (i.e. God causes his sun to shine on the good and evil, and rain to come upon them as well)
- Rom_2:13 The doers of the law will be justified (i.e. those who hear and do that of My Words)
- Rom_2:21/22 committing theft and adultery in unobvious ways
- Rom_2:27 The gentiles fulfil and perfect the law, NOT abolishing it (every yota, keriah, and all the words of Jesus "that of these my Words)
- Rom_2:29 'whose praise is not of men but of God's (ex your Father who sees in secret will reward openly)
Romans_6:21 if you complete the shame in death then you do not cease from shame, you continue bearing your shame FOREVER
Telios is not ending the shame in death
You don't stop being holy after obtaining eternal life
The complete perfection of holiness is not it's termination
You will continue in holiness, worshipping God and blending your voice with the angels who cry out holy holy holy!
Churchianity has been trying to teach the same overt/covert sin that you can live in sin and go to heaven. This has been going on fot the last 1700 plus years
Even sincere people like Paul Washer who say you can’t live a life characterized by sin still say “when” you sin when talking about 1 John instead if “IF” we sin
If you would just obey it, you would be relevant to when he says something that refers to evry heartbeat of obediedience when you will perk up because it is vivid to you
There is lust in this world and those who are lusting are decaying. The only way to escape is to go through a portal of virtues and on the other side of this portal is God’s divinity (Divine Nature). Divine Nature does not sin, which you can take ahold of
You got to connect to God through virtures
Glory and virture
When you preach “faith alone” you do Not know God
The 2 most abuse chaters in the Bivble ar Romans 2 and Romans 7. In chapter 2 when they are talking about a righteous peopn they say he is talking about the unrighteous person. Tin Chapter 7 when they are ta
Rom_2: The doers of the law is righteous
Hypocritical Jews are
When Paul is using /talking about perfecting the law he is not talking about ending it.
Hell and Heaven
Telios is not ending!
When you are holy, you are never going to stop being holy and righteous!
In hell you are going to be ashamed of what you did, you never stop be ashamed
ABP+ Rom_2:27; Rom_6:21; Rom_6:22; Rom_9:28; Rom_10:4; Rom_12:2; Rom_13:6; Rom_13:7; Rom_15:28.
Rom_2:27 ABP+ andG2532 [8shall judgeG2919 1the oneG3588 2byG1537 3natureG5449 4uncircumcisedG203 6theG3588 7lawG3551 5fulfilling]G5055 you,G1473 the oneG3588 withG1223 contractG1121 andG2532 circumcisionG4061 a violatorG3848 of the law?G3551
Rom_6:21 ABP+ WhatG5100 fruit thereforeG3767 G2590 had youG2192 then,G5119 in the things in whichG1909 G3739 nowG3568 you are
ashamed?G1870 For
theG3588 G1063 endG5056 of those things G1565 is death.G2288
Rom_6:22 ABP+ But nowG3568 G1161 having been set
freeG1659 fromG575 theG3588 sin,G266 and having been
enslavedG1402 G1161 to G3588 God,G2316 you haveG2192 G3588 your fruitG2590 G1473 untoG1519 sanctification,G38 and theG3588 G1161 end --G5056 lifeG2222 eternal.G166
Rom_9:28 ABP+ [3a reckoningG3056 1forG1063 2completing],G4931 andG2532 rendering it conciseG4932 inG1722 righteousness;G1343 thatG3754 [4reckoningG3056 3a conciseG4932 2will makeG4160 1 the Lord]G2962 uponG1909 theG3588 earth.G1093
Rom_10:4 ABP+ [3 is the endG5056 1ForG1063 6of the lawG3551 2ChristG5547 4forG1519 5righteousness]G1343 to every oneG3956 G3588 trusting.G4100
Rom_12:2 ABP+ AndG2532 be notG3361 conformedG4964 to G3588 this eon,G165 G3778 butG235 be transformedG3339 in theG3588 renewalG342 G3588 of your mind,G3563 G1473 inG1519 theG3588 trying of
yourselves,G1381 G1473 in whatG5100 is theG3588 [6willG2307 G3588 7of GodG2316 G3588 1goodG18 2andG2532 3well-pleasingG2101 4andG2532 5perfect]!G5046
Rom_13:6 ABP+ [2on account ofG1223 3thisG3778 1For]G1063 alsoG2532 [2 paying the tributeG5411 1fulfill]!G5055 [3ministersG3011 1forG1063 4of GodG2316 2they are]G1510.2.6 inG1519 this same thing G1473 G3778 attending to
Rom_13:7 ABP+ RenderG591 thenG3767 to allG3956 theG3588 debts!G3782 to the oneG3588 for theG3588 tribute --G5411 theG3588 tribute;G5411 to the oneG3588 for theG3588 tax --G5056 theG3588 tax;G5056 to the oneG3588 G3588 commanding fear --G5401 theG3588 fear;G5401 to the oneG3588 G3588 commanding honor --G5092 theG3588 honor.G5092
Rom_15:28 ABP+ ThisG3778 thenG3767 completing,G2005 andG2532 having sealedG4972 to themG1473 G3588 this fruit,G2590 G3778 I will go forthG565 byG1223 youG1473 intoG1519 G3588 Spain.G*
Rom_1:1 – Good Message
Rom_1:2 – For/Pre-message-announced upon through that of his fore speaking prophets
Rom_1:3 –
Rom_1:4 –
Rom_1:5 –
Rom_1:6 –
Rom_1:7 –
Rom_1:8 – Faith message down
Rom_1:9 – Paul serves good message
Rom_1:10 –
Rom_1:11 –
Rom_1:12 –
Rom_1:13 –
Rom_1:14 –
Rom_1:15 – toward hot breathing to do good message announcement
Rom_1:16 – Good message announcement = God’s powerful ability into salvation for believers/faithers
Rom_1:17 – Faith does righteousness, believing good message
· In it/in
· Righteousness of good message is a mystery that has to be revealed
Rom_1:18 – God’s wrath bring out from hiddenness ≈ good messages righteousness brought out from hiddenness
· Message = wrath = truth not goof
Rom_1:19 –
Rom_1:20 –
Rom_1:22 –
Rom_1:23 –
Rom_1:14 –
-- Under Construction --
-- Under Construction --
Rom_2:4 kind usefulness waiting for sinners to repent ~ kind
useful to unfavorably unthankful
Rom_2:1/Mat_567:1 –
Rom_2:2/Mat_567:1 –
Rom_2:3/Mat_567:1 –
Rom_2:4/Mat_567:1 –
Rom_2:5/Mat_567:1 –
Rom_2:6/Mat_567:1 –
Rom_2:7/Mat_567:1 –
Rom_2:8/Mat_567:1 –
Rom_2:9/Mat_567:1 –
Rom_2:10/Mat_567:1 –
Rom_2:11/Mat_567:1 –
Rom_2:12/Mat_567:1 –
Rom_2:13/Mat_567:1 –
Rom_2:14/Mat_567:1 –
Rom_2:15/Mat_567:1 –
Rom_2:16/Mat_567:1 –
Rom_2:17/Mat_567:1 –
Rom_2:18/Mat_567:1 –
Rom_2:19/Mat_567:1 –
Rom_2:20/Mat_567:1 –
Rom_2:21/Mat_567:1 –
Rom_2:22/Mat_567:1 –
Rom_2:23/Mat_567:1 –
Rom_2:24/Mat_567:1 –
Rom_2:25/Mat_567:1 –
Rom_2:26/Mat_567:1 –
Rom_2:27/Mat_567:1 –
Rom_2:28/Mat_567:1 –
Rom_2:29/Mat_567:1 –
treasuring wrath/riches
treasuring is a generic vocabulary
correlation between The Sermon on the Mount in Romans 2, and these types of
vocabulary correlations can happen when someone is already in the posture of
making repeated references to another text. the isolated fact that there is a
word that correlates between two texts does not tell us much, but the fact that
it is in a series of references to that other text does make it significant and
dis-allows us to ignore it.
at first treasuring wrath and money might
seem like a drastic difference between Romans 2 and The Sermon on the Mount,
but it is not that different when you consider it more carefully
Jam_5:5 – Fattening Your Heart as in a Day of Slaughter
Jam_5:5 NKJV You have lived on the earth in pleasure and luxury; you have fattened your hearts as in a day of slaughter.
ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς καὶ
ἐσπαταλήσατε· ἐθρέψατε
τὰς καρδίας ὑμῶν
ὡς ἐν ἡμέρᾳ
Rom_2 Compared with Mat_5
– 7
· Rom 2 uses a lot of language from the SOM
· Greek = more explicet; English Versions blure through inconsistency
· See: Rom 2 in SUM for critical SOM references and notes
· These Rom 2 critical notes are also being incorporated into the Mat_5 – 7 Summaries: Mat5Summaries | Mat6Summaries | Mat7Summaries
Rom_2:12 CAB
For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law,
and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law
Rom_2:12 ὅσοι
γὰρ ἀνόμως ἥμαρτον,
ἀνόμως καὶ
καὶ ὅσοι ἐν
νόμῳ ἥμαρτον,
διὰ νόμου
Rom_2:13 (for not the hearers of the law are righteous
with God, but the doers of the law shall be justified;
Rom_2:13 οὐ γὰρ
οἱ ἀκροαταὶ
τοῦ νόμου
δίκαιοι παρὰ
τῷ Θεῷ, ἀλλ᾿
οἱ ποιηταὶ
τοῦ νόμου
Rom_2:13 ου
γαρ οι
ακροαται TSBτου
νομου δικαιοι
παρα Aτω TSBτω θεω αλλ
οι ποιηται TSBτου νομου
Rom_2:14 for whenever Gentiles, who do not have
the law, by nature do the things of the law, these, not having the law, are a
law unto themselves,
Rom_2:14 ὅταν
γὰρ ἔθνη τὰ
μὴ νόμον ἔχοντα
φύσει τὰ τοῦ
νόμου ποιῇ
οὗτοι νόμον
μὴ ἔχοντες ἑαυτοῖς
εἰσι νόμος,
οταν γαρ εθνη
τα μη νομον
εχοντα φυσει
τα του νομου Aποιωσιν TSBποιη ουτοι
νομον μη
εαυτοις εισιν
Rom_2:15 who
show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience witnessing
with them, and among themselves their thoughts accuse or even defend them),
Rom_2:15 οἵτινες
τὸ ἔργον τοῦ
γραπτὸν ἐν
καρδίαις αὐτῶν,
αὐτῶν τῆς
καὶ μεταξὺ ἀλλήλων
τῶν λογισμῶν
ἢ καὶ ἀπολογουμένων,
Rom_2:16 in the day when God shall judge the
secrets of men according to my gospel through Jesus Christ.
Rom_2:16 ἐν ἡμέρᾳ
ὅτε κρινεῖ ὁ
Θεὸς τὰ
κρυπτὰ τῶν ἀνθρώπων
κατὰ τὸ εὐαγγέλιόν
μου διὰ ᾿Ιησοῦ
Rom_2:16 εν
ημερα οτε
κρινει ο θεος
τα κρυπτα των
ανθρωπων κατα
το ευαγγελιον
μου δια TSBιησου
χριστου Aιησου
Rom_2:17 Behold, you are called a Jew, and rest on
the law, and boast in God,
Rom_2:17 ῎Ιδε σὺ ᾿Ιουδαῖος
καὶ ἐπαναπαύῃ
τῷ νόμῳ,
καὶ καυχᾶσαι
ἐν Θεῷ,
Rom_2:17 Aει Aδε TSBιδε συ
επονομαζη και
επαναπαυη TSBτω νομω και
καυχασαι εν
Rom_2:18 and know His will, and approve the
things that are more excellent, being instructed out of the law,
Rom_2:18 καὶ
γινώσκεις τὸ
θέλημα, καὶ
ἐκ τοῦ
Rom_2:19 and are persuaded that you are a guide
to the blind, a light to those in darkness,
τε σεαυτὸν ὁδηγὸν
εἶναι τυφλῶν,
φῶς τῶν ἐν
Rom_2:20 an instructor of the foolish, a teacher
of babes, having the form of knowledge and of the truth in the law.
Rom_2:20 παιδευτὴν
νηπίων, ἔχοντα
τὴν μόρφωσιν
τῆς γνώσεως
καὶ τῆς ἀληθείας
ἐν τῷ νόμῳ·
Rom_2:21 You, therefore, who teach another, do
you not teach yourself? You who preach that a man should not steal, do you
Rom_2:21 ὁ οὖν
διδάσκων ἕτερον
σεαυτὸν οὐ
διδάσκεις; ὁ
κηρύσσων μὴ
Rom_2:22 You who say, "Do not commit
adultery," do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you commit
Rom_2:22 ὁ
λέγων μὴ
μοιχεύεις; ὁ
τὰ εἴδωλα ἱεροσυλεῖς;
Rom_2:23 You who boast in the law, do you
dishonor God through the transgression of the law?
Rom_2:23 ὃς ἐν
νόμῳ καυχᾶσαι,
διὰ τῆς
τοῦ νόμου
τὸν Θεὸν ἀτιμάζεις;
Rom_2:24 For "The name of God is blasphemed
among the Gentiles through you," just as it is written.
Rom_2:24 τὸ γὰρ ὄνομα
τοῦ Θεοῦ δι᾿
ἐν τοῖς ἔθνεσι,
Rom_2:25 For indeed circumcision profits if you keep
the law; but if you are a transgressor of the law, your circumcision has
become uncircumcision.
μὲν γὰρ ὠφελεῖ,
ἐὰν νόμον
πράσσῃς· ἐὰν
δὲ παραβάτης
νόμου ᾖς, ἡ
περιτομή σου
Rom_2:26 Therefore, if a Gentile keeps the
righteous requirements of the law [τὰ
τοῦ νόμου
φυλάσσῃ], will not his uncircumcision be counted
for circumcision?
Rom_2:26 ἐὰν οὖν
ἡ ἀκροβυστία
τοῦ νόμου
φυλάσσῃ, οὐχὶ
ἡ ἀκροβυστία
αὐτοῦ εἰς
εαν ουν η
ακροβυστια τα
δικαιωματα του
νομου φυλασση Aουχ TSBουχι η
αυτου εις
Rom_2:27 And will not the
physically uncircumcised, who fulfills [τελοῦσα
– completely perfects]
the law, judge you along with your
written code
and circumcision, a transgressor of the law?
Rom_2:27 καὶ
κρινεῖ ἡ ἐκ
φύσεως ἀκροβυστία,
τὸν νόμον
τελοῦσα, σὲ
τὸν διὰ
καὶ περιτομῆς
Rom_2:28 For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly
[ἐν τῷ
φανερῷ = SOM – in the appearance /
visible light], nor is circumcision that which is outward [ἐν τῷ
φανερῷ] in flesh [ἐν
Rom_2:28 οὐ γὰρ
ὁ ἐν τῷ
φανερῷ ᾿Ιουδαῖός
ἐστιν, οὐδὲ
ἡ ἐν τῷ
φανερῷ ἐν
Rom_2:29 but he is a Jew that is one inwardly [ἐν τῷ
κρυπτῷ – secret-hiddeness = SOM]; and circumcision is of the heart, in
spirit, not in letter, whose praise is not of men but of God.
Rom_2:29 ἀλλ᾿ ὁ
ἐν τῷ
κρυπτῷ ᾿Ιουδαῖος,
καὶ περιτομὴ
καρδίας ἐν
πνεύματι, οὐ
γράμματι, οὗ ὁ
ἔπαινος οὐκ ἐξ
ἀνθρώπων, ἀλλ᾿
ἐκ τοῦ Θεοῦ.
Rom_3:29 CAB Or
is He the God of the Jews only? But is He not also the God of the Gentiles?
Yes, also of Gentiles,
Rom_3:29 ἢ ᾿Ιουδαίων
ὁ Θεὸς
μόνον; οὐχὶ
δὲ καὶ ἐθνῶν;
ναὶ καὶ ἐθνῶν,
Rom_3:29 η
ιουδαιων ο
θεος μονον
ουχι TSBδε και
εθνων ναι και
Rom_3:30 since there is one God who will justify
the circumcision by faith, and the uncircumcised through faith.
Rom_3:30 ἐπείπερ
εἷς ὁ Θεός ὃς
περιτομὴν ἐκ
πίστεως καὶ
διὰ τῆς
Rom_3:30 Aειπερ TSBεπειπερ
εις ο θεος ος
περιτομην εκ
πιστεως και
δια της
Rom_3:31 Therefore do we nullify the law through
faith? Certainly not! On the contrary, we establish the law.
νόμον οὖν
διὰ τῆς
πίστεως; μὴ
γένοιτο· ἀλλὰ
νόμον ἱστῶμεν
Rom_3:31 νομον
δια της
πιστεως μη γενοιτο
αλλα νομον Aιστανομεν
Gal_3:21 CAB
Therefore, is the law against the promises of God? Certainly not! For if a law had been
given which was able to give life, truly righteousness would have been by the
Gal_3:21 ὁ οὖν
νόμος κατὰ
τῶν ἐπαγγελιῶν
τοῦ Θεοῦ;
μὴ γένοιτο.
εἰ γὰρ ἐδόθη
νόμος ὁ
δυνάμενος ζῳοποιῆσαι,
ὄντως ἂν ἐκ
νόμου ἦν ἡ
Gal_3:21 ο
ουν νομος κατα
των επαγγελιων
Aτου TSBτου Aθεου TSBθεου μη
γενοιτο ει γαρ
εδοθη νομος ο
δυναμενος ζωοποιησαι
οντως TSBαν εκ
νομου Aαν ην η
Gal_3:22 But the Scripture has confined all under
sin, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who
Gal_3:22 ἀλλὰ
συνέκλεισεν ἡ
γραφὴ τὰ
πάντα ὑπὸ ἁμαρτίαν,
ἵνα ἡ ἐπαγγελία
ἐκ πίστεως ᾿Ιησοῦ
Χριστοῦ δοθῇ
You’re not allowed to interpret this as if Paul were simply being poetical and philosophical when he says faith doesn’t destroy the law!
This is a real and morally mechnical statement.
Yes, that is what the Bible is actually saying: “καταργοῦμεν” is a mechanical term, and it is being applied in a moral context, therefore it is a morally mechanical and solid, and real, and practically realized reality that the law is still here and working!
Rom_8:4 CAB
so that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled
[πληρωθη] in us who do not walk according to the
flesh but according to the Spirit.
Rom_8:4 ινα το
δικαιωμα του
νομου πληρωθη
εν ημιν τοις μη
κατα σαρκα
αλλα κατα
Consider the heresy:
Rom_10:4 CAB
For Christ is the end * [τέλος – complete-perfection
(fulfillment WEB GW; culmination NIV)]
of the law for
righteousness to everyone that believes.
Rom_10:4 τέλος
γὰρ νόμου
Χριστὸς εἰς
παντὶ τῷ
πιστεύοντι. GNT-V √
* “end” mistranslations:
~Vul (finis) ~Tyndale/Luther (ende) Wycliffe KJV NKJV ASV NASB NRS LEB YLT
HCS ESV LSV CAB ABP -- shocking in numeric apostasy!
WS on G5056
“(VII) In Rom_10:4 it means either termination or goal. Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness to everyone who believes. This means that the Law as a demanded obligation has come to an end because Jesus has fulfilled its demands and imparted His righteousness to those who believe. Christ has freed believers from its tyranny. The standards of righteousness come to us now not from without by imposition, but from within by the Spirit who writes the Law upon our hearts. See Sept.: Ecc_12:13.”
Anyone want to hear Truth today?
The world boasts about antichrist by saying:
“For Christ is the END* of the law”
(* misquotes of Rom_10:4 as “end” = by ~Tyndale/Luther (“ende”) Wycliffe KJV NKJV ASV NASB NRS LEB YLT HCS ESV LSV CAB ABP, etc.)
We know that this is antichrist because the real Jesus says the exact opposite: Mat_5:17-20
And the Real Bible Says:
Rom_10:4 RTA because anointed one is a complete-perfection of law into righteousness to all those believing [i.e. everyone who believes]
This is the same word and Truth repeated in 1st Timothy:
1Ti_1:5 CAB
Now the goal [τέλος
– complete-perfection] of the commandment [παραγγελίας] is love out of a pure heart
καρδίας], from a good conscience [συνειδήσεως
ἀγαθῆς], and from sincere [ἀνυποκρίτου] faith,
1Ti_1:5 τὸ δὲ
τέλος τῆς
παραγγελίας ἐστὶν
ἀγάπη ἐκ
καρδίας καὶ
συνειδήσεως ἀγαθῆς
καὶ πίστεως
The Point: “τέλος” = “complete-perfection”, NOT “End”
(There is no indication at all of an “end” to the law in this text, or in its context.)
Antichrist claims to have fulfilled the
law, but the real Jesus continues to (live and continues to) fulfill the law
Antichrist says it's finished, but the
real Jesus says He continues working on fulfilling it until He destroys the
heavens and the Earth.
the Bible parallels Heaven and Earth being
destroyed in judgment with all things being generated
church people Miss associate and fake a
parallel of antichrist's finished fulfillment of the law with 'all things being
generated', which they rename as 'all things being fulfilled' in order to
maintain their deceptive forgery.
details of the
Rom_11:11 CAB
I say then, have they stumbled that they should fall? Certainly not! But
by their transgression, salvation has come to the Gentiles, to provoke them to
Λέγω οὖν, μὴ ἔπταισαν
ἵνα πέσωσιν;
μὴ γένοιτο·
ἀλλὰ τῷ αὐτῶν
παραπτώματι ἡ
σωτηρία τοῖς
ἔθνεσιν, εἰς
τὸ παραζηλῶσαι
But if their transgression is the riches of the world, and their defeat
is the riches of the Gentiles, how much more their
fullness [τὸ
πλήρωμα αὐτῶν]!
Rom_11:12 εἰ δὲ
τὸ παράπτωμα
αὐτῶν πλοῦτος
κόσμου καὶ
τὸ ἥττημα αὐτῶν
πλοῦτος ἐθνῶν,
πόσῳ μᾶλλον
τὸ πλήρωμα
Fulfillment doesn’t imply making Israel deminish or go away, but actually, it speaks of them coming back again to bigger hights than ever before!
This is the way Paul is speaking with these words in the book of Romans.
Rom_11:25 CAB
For I do not desire you to be ignorant, brothers, of this mystery, lest
you be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to
Israel until the fullness
of the Gentiles [τὸ
πλήρωμα τῶν
ἐθνῶν] has come in.
Rom_11:25 Οὐ γὰρ
θέλω ὑμᾶς ἀγνοεῖν,
ἀδελφοί, τὸ
μυστήριον τοῦτο,
ἵνα μὴ ἦτε παρ᾿
φρόνιμοι, ὅτι
πώρωσις ἀπὸ
μέρους τῷ ᾿Ισραὴλ
γέγονεν ἄχρις
οὗ τὸ
πλήρωμα τῶν
ἐθνῶν εἰσέλθῃ,
Rom_11:25 ου
γαρ θελω υμας αγνοειν
αδελφοι το
τουτο ινα μη
ητε Aπαρ TSBπαρ
φρονιμοι οτι
πωρωσις απο
μερους τω ισραηλ
γεγονεν Aαχρι TSBαχρις ου το
πληρωμα των
εθνων εισελθη
Rom_11:26 And so all Israel shall be saved, as it
is written: "The Deliverer shall come out of Zion, and He shall turn away
ungodliness from Jacob;
Rom_11:26 καὶ οὕτω
πᾶς ᾿Ισραὴλ
γέγραπται· ἥξει
ἐκ Σιὼν ὁ ῥυόμενος
TSBκαι ἀποστρέψει
ἀσεβείας ἀπὸ
“the fullness of the Gentiles” says no more gentiles will be added, but it does not say anything about the gentiles being eliminated, erased, stopped, deminished, or sent away. Fullness says that all the number is complete, and these glorious ones will live forever rejoicing with Israel and never pass away.
Rom_13:8 CAB
Owe nothing to no one, except to love one another, for he who loves
one another has fulfilled the law
Rom_13:8 Μηδενὶ
μηδὲν ὀφείλετε
εἰ μὴ τὸ ἀγαπᾶν
ἀλλήλους· ὁ
γὰρ ἀγαπῶν
τὸν ἕτερον
μηδενι μηδεν
οφειλετε ει μη
το TSBαγαπαν
αλληλους Aαγαπαν
ο γαρ αγαπων
τον ετερον
Rom_13:9 For, "You shall not commit
adultery," "You shall not kill," "You shall not
steal," "You shall not covet," and if there is any other commandment, in this
word it is summed up, namely, "You shall love your neighbor as
Rom_13:9 τὸ γὰρ
φονεύσεις, οὐ
κλέψεις, οὐκ
καὶ εἴ τις ἑτέρα
ἐντολή, ἐν
τούτῳ τῷ
λόγῳ ἀνακεφαλαιοῦται,
ἐν τῷ ἀγαπήσεις
τὸν πλησίον
σου ὡς
Rom_13:9 το
γαρ ου
μοιχευσεις ου
φονευσεις ου
κλεψεις Bου TSου Bψευδομαρτυρησεις TSψευδομαρτυρησεις
και ει τις ετερα
εντολη εν TSBτουτω
τω λογω Aτουτω
Aεν TSBεν Aτω TSBτω
αγαπησεις τον
πλησιον σου ως BAσεαυτον TSεαυτον
Rom_13:10 [the] Love does [ἐργάζεται
– works] no harm [κακὸν
– nasty damage] to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of
the law [πλήρωμα
οὖν νόμου ἡ ἀγάπη].
Rom_13:10 ἡ ἀγάπη
τῷ πλησίον
κακὸν οὐκ ἐργάζεται·
οὖν νόμου ἡ ἀγάπη.
Beheading is in
direct contrast with Heading-up-again summarizing it
Rom_15:13 CAB Now may the God of hope fill you with
all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the
Holy Spirit.
Rom_15:13 ὁ δὲ
Θεὸς τῆς ἐλπίδος
πληρώσαι ὑμᾶς
πάσης χαρᾶς
καὶ εἰρήνης
ἐν τῷ
πιστεύειν, εἰς
περισσεύειν ὑμᾶς
ἐν τῇ ἐλπίδι
ἐν δυνάμει
Πνεύματος ῾Αγίου.
Rom_15:14 CAB Now I myself am confident concerning
you, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, having been filled
with all knowledge, able also to admonish others.
δέ, ἀδελφοί
μου, καὶ αὐτὸς
ἐγὼ περὶ ὑμῶν,
ὅτι καὶ αὐτοὶ
μεστοί ἐστε
γνώσεως, δυνάμενοι
καὶ ἀλλήλους
πεπεισμαι δε
αδελφοι μου
και αυτος εγω
περι υμων οτι
και αυτοι
μεστοι εστε
πεπληρωμενοι πασης
Aτης γνωσεως
δυναμενοι και Bαλλους
Rom_15:18 CAB For I will not dare to speak of any of
those things which Christ did not work out through me, in word and deed, for
the obedience of the Gentiles--
Rom_15:18 οὐ γὰρ
τολμήσω λαλεῖν
τι ὧν οὐ
Χριστὸς δι᾿ ἐμοῦ
εἰς ὑπακοὴν
ἐθνῶν λόγῳ
καὶ ἔργῳ,
Rom_15:18 ου
γαρ τολμησω TSBλαλειν τι Aλαλειν ων
χριστος δι
εμου εις υπακοην
εθνων λογω και
in mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God, so that
from Jerusalem and as far as Illyricum I have fully preached the gospel of
Rom_15:19 ἐν
σημείων καὶ
τεράτων, ἐν
Θεοῦ, ὥστε με ἀπὸ
καὶ κύκλῳ
μέχρι τοῦ ᾿Ιλλυρικοῦ
τὸ εὐαγγέλιον
τοῦ Χριστοῦ,
Rom_15:19 εν
σημειων και
τερατων εν
πνευματος Aθεου TSBθεου
ωστε με απο
ιερουσαλημ και
κυκλω μεχρι
του ιλλυρικου
το ευαγγελιον
του χριστου
Rom_15:20 And so eagerly striving to evangelize
not where Christ was named, lest I should build upon the foundation of another,
Rom_15:20 οὕτω δὲ
οὐχ ὅπου ὠνομάσθη
Χριστός, ἵνα
μὴ ἐπ᾿ ἀλλότριον
θεμέλιον οἰκοδομῶ
Rom_15:24 CAB whenever I travel to Spain, I shall come
to you. For I hope while traveling through to see you, and to be sent forward there by you, if I
may be filled in part from you first.
Rom_15:24 ὡς ἐὰν
πορεύωμαι εἰς
τὴν Σπανίαν,
πρὸς ὑμᾶς·
ἐλπίζω γὰρ
θεάσασθαι ὑμᾶς
καὶ ὑφ᾿ ὑμῶν
ἐκεῖ, ἐὰν ὑμῶν
πρῶτον ἀπὸ
μέρους ἐμπλησθῶ.
Rom_15:24 ως Aαν TSBεαν
πορευωμαι εις
την σπανιαν TSBελευσομαι
TSBπρος TSBυμας
ελπιζω γαρ
θεασασθαι υμας
και υφ υμων
εκει εαν υμων
πρωτον απο
7/7/24; 8/10/24-8/11/24
(F) You have to
(I) every Iota
& keriah of the law
(T) through a
(R) to
apprehend surpassing Righteousness in order to get into God's kingdom
Rom_3:28 Luther inserted the word "alone" so that the verse says that
a man is justified by faith alone
Rom_10:4 Luther translated the Greek word "perfect" as
"end". Though he knew Greek, and though he knew how to easily
translate the Greek word telios as perfect (cuz he did this in Mat_5:48), yet when it came to Rom_10:4 he conveniently translated perfect as "end" to further his
demonic agenda- "christ is the end of the law"
But did Paul
follow the FITR example that we see in the SOM?
Rom_10:4 Anointed One is the perfection of the law INTO righteousness for all
those believing
Rom_8:4 so that the righteousness of the law might be FULFILLED (filled up) in
Rom_3:31 we make the law to stand & to be established (through faith in
Anointed One who is the perfection of the law in Rom_10:4. And thus, the righteous orthodox loop continues).
Rom_11:12 when the Jews get the FULLNESS of Jesus' salvation
then that obviously doesn't mean that the Lord will assassinate & terminate
them. Quite the opposite!
Rom_13:8-10 he who loves one another has FULFILLED the law
If Christ
fulfilled & ended the law then what are you doing going around trying to
fulfill it also by claiming to "love"?
You need to be
consistent - Real, obedient, and concrete love is the FULFILLMENT of the law
You don't fill
up a cup and then throw it away. Illogical! Jesus did not do this (Mat_5:17).
Neither do you
break the cup (I.e. abolish the law) and then fil it with water. Illogical! We
don't practice this ourselves (Rom_13:8, etc).
When you fill
up a pot, the substance conforms to the shape. Jesus did not come to rebel
against his Father. He came to submit to his Father. He did not come to undue.
He came to fulfill the shape of Moses. Hint: What is Jesus doing in the
wilderness to fortify himself against the devil? He is quoting Deuteronomy!
"All you
need to do is focus on love"..."You don't need any of those thou
shalt nots", says the church person.
But what did
Paul actually say in Rom_13:9?
Love is
fulfilling the law
Love is
summarizing the law
The law is
headed up again in love
The substance
of the law goes up into a head (or summary) of love
You don't
behead (decapitate) the law! You head up the law
fulfilling means that you overflow
Paul blesses
them- may God fulfill so that you overflow
Rom_15:19 Paul "fully preached" does not mean that
he stopped preaching or terminated his preaching. It doesn't mean the gospel
has passed away, or Jerusalem, or Illyricum, or the people he preached to
passed away...It doesn't mean that anything passed away!
From beginning
to end, when Paul talks about fulfillment, and fulfilling, and fullness...zero
percent of the time he does [he]
not speak of
terminating or ending or annihilating that which was filled up in.
Paul is a good
guy, completely compatible with FITR logic.
Ecc_12: if you break a water pitcher, then the water leaks out
If you break
the law, it makes no sense to go around trying to fill it up!
Right after
Paul says anointed one perfected the law, if it meant to “end” it, then why is
Paul quoting from Deu_30: a few
verses later???
See: LOB on www.TrueConnection.org
Rom_15:13 - not to END your joy!
Col_1:25 - not END the Word of God!
Mat_5:17-20 - not END the law!
Col_2:16 CAB
Therefore do not let anyone judge you in food or in drink, or regarding
a festival or of a new moon or of sabbaths,
Col_2:16 Μὴ οὖν
τις ὑμᾶς
κρινέτω ἐν
βρώσει ἢ ἐν
πόσει ἢ ἐν
μέρει ἑορτῆς
ἢ νεομηνίας ἢ
Col_2:16 μη
ουν τις υμας
κρινετω εν
βρωσει Aκαι TSBη εν ποσει η
εν μερει
εορτης η Aνεομηνιας
TSBνουμηνιας η
Col_2:17 which are a shadow of things to come,
but the body is of Christ.
Col_2:17 ἅ ἐστι
σκιὰ τῶν
τὸ δὲ σῶμα
τοῦ Χριστοῦ.
Col_2:17 α εστιν σκια των μελλοντων το δε σωμα TSAτου χριστου
Eph_1:19 CAB and what is the immeasurable greatness of His power
toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power
Eph_1:19 και τι
το υπερβαλλον
μεγεθος της
δυναμεως αυτου
εις ημας τους
κατα την
ενεργειαν του
κρατους της
ισχυος αυτου
Eph_1:20 which He worked in Christ, having raised Him from
the dead, and seated Him at His right hand
in the heavenlies,
Eph_1:20 ην
ενηργησεν εν
τω χριστω
εγειρας αυτον
εκ Bτων
νεκρων και Aκαθισας
εν δεξια αυτου
εν τοις
Eph_1:21 above every ruler and authority and power and
dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but
also in the coming age.
πασης αρχης
και εξουσιας
και δυναμεως
και κυριοτητος
και παντος
ου μονον εν τω
αιωνι τουτω
αλλα και εν τω
Eph_1:22 And He subjected all things under His feet, and
gave Him to be head over all things [εδωκεν
κεφαλην υπερ
παντα τη
εκκλησια] to the church [τη
Eph_1:22 και
παντα υπεταξεν
υπο τους ποδας
αυτου και
αυτον εδωκεν
κεφαλην υπερ
παντα τη
Eph_1:23 which is His body, the fullness [πληρωμα] of Him filling all things in all [το
πληρωμα του BAτα
παντα εν πασιν
Eph_1:23 ητις
εστιν το σωμα
αυτου το
πληρωμα του BAτα
παντα εν πασιν
Do we need to pass away when we are His fullness??
Has Sat Down – Rewarded After Hurting
Heb_12:1 CAB So therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great
a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every impediment, and the sin which so
easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before
και ημεις
εχοντες περικειμενον
ημιν νεφος
μαρτυρων ογκον
παντα και την
αμαρτιαν δι υπομονης
τρεχωμεν τον
ημιν αγωνα
Heb_12:2 looking unto Jesus, the author and
perfecter [τελειωτην] of [the] faith [της
πιστεως], who for the joy that was set
before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the
right hand of the throne of God.
εις τον της
αρχηγον και
ιησουν ος αντι
αυτω χαρας
καταφρονησας εν
δεξια τε του
θρονου του
θεου BAκεκαθικεν
Interceder – Saving, Always Living, High Priest,
Higher than the Heavens
Heb_7:25 CAB Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost
[παντελες] those ·coming to [προσερχομενους] God through Him, since He
always lives to make intercession for them [παντοτε
ζων εις το
υπερ αυτων].
Heb_7:25 οθεν
και σωζειν εις
το παντελες
δυναται τους
δι αυτου τω θεω
παντοτε ζων εις
το εντυγχανειν
υπερ αυτων
Heb_7:26 For such a High Priest was fitting for us, who is
holy, innocent, undefiled, having been separated from sinners, and has become higher
than the heavens;
τοιουτος γαρ
ημιν Aκαι
οσιος ακακος
αμιαντος κεχωρισμενος
απο των
αμαρτωλων και
υψηλοτερος των
Do we and our salvation need to pass away when we are perfected by Him??
· This passage shows how the New Covenant updates the old Covenant
· Personal righteousness is never decreased, but always increased
· You're not allowed to change this construct into a different way that the New Covenant abolishes were abrogates the old president, or diminishes his removes or takes away any rule of strictness or righteousness
· It's got nothing to do with gentiles observing Jewish rules
· Dispensationalism is explicitly excluded and forbidden absolutely forever until Heaven and Earth pass away before any theologian (re) interpreted Paul's writings
· Red letter Christianity has been specifically excluded before any liberal ever hit the pages of the Bible
· Jesus has included the value of the Old Testament and requirement to obey its every smallest detail within the teachings and commands of His own Words
· You cannot obey Jesus as His disciple while disobeying the Old Testament
What Updates Happened?
What is this Update About?
· Thinking and Doing; theology and practice are both commanded in the Sermon on the Mount
· Unchanging ethnicities, not over ruling time periods / dispensations
· Church people tend to think OT and NT laws are divided by changing times
· Jesus and the NT teach that the OT & NT laws are divided by unchanging ethnicities,
· and variously upgraded by spiritual requirements
· OT authorized applications were changed
· OT laws of personal righteousness were never removed, but only changed to upgrade into more strict higher standards
Mat_11:10-15 CAB For this is he about whom it is written: 'Behold, I send My messenger before Your face, who will prepare Your way before You.' 11 "Assuredly I say to you, among those born of women there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist; but he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. 12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and violent men seize it. 13 For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John. 14 And if you are willing to receive it, he is Elijah, the one who is about to come. 15 He who has ears to hear, let him hear!
Luk_16:16-17 CAB The law and the prophets were until John. Since that time the kingdom of God has been preached, and everyone enters forcibly into it. 17 And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one tittle of the law to fail.
Even with the announcement of the Kingdom Of Heaven, in no way does the Law pass away.
9/20/14; 10/28/14
shortly before Jesus mentions the iotas and kerias, we see in Mat 4 that He similarly quoted that man lives on every spoken flowing Word of God! Every word and every detail counts and produces life that is more stable than your own soul at judgement! Better be building your house on words of rock that will support you!
“Every Word of God” specifically includes and target the OT, which Jesus was quoting from, because the NT wasn’t even written yet!
The heretic, Leslie McFall, blasphiemes and contradicts Jesus’ teaching by saying,
“The credit goes to Jesus for being the only rabbi in history to recognise the temporary nature of the Torah, and the Mosaic dispensation. When He had fulfilled the Torah, He abolished it, and He took His followers back to the teaching that preceded the giving of the Torah”
· If some say “predestination” and you say “freewill” then they are more Biblical, that is, righteous, than you are
· If they say god is a “wrathful god obsessed with justice” and you try to tone god down by saying he is merciful, then they have more righteousness than you do in their view of god.
· If they say god is a “wrathful god obsessed with justice” and you act like he is “less wrathful” then that is not “surpassing” but actually coming behind with less than the Scribes and Pharisees!
· Anything that is true in the Bible, you have to be more extreme than religious people in order to go to heaven.
· Jesus is very clear: if you don’t get more Biblical/righteous than religious people, then “you will not in no way in going into, enter into the Kingdom of the heavens”
6/18/24; 6/23/24
People say that you are 'adding to JC', or
adding to the gospel, or preaching another gospel when you start teaching that
you have to keep rules to inherit eternal life, but they almost never consider
that that's the way Jesus taught in Matthew 19; Mark 10, and Luke 18 to the
rich ruler.
So somehow teaching the gospel just like
Jesus taught it is apparently "adding to the gospel" about Jesus by
talking just like Jesus, according to church people.
By this point the word gospel has become a
dirty word in the mouth of church people, and they should no longer be allowed
to speak such profanity in the ears of vulnerable and honorable people.
We've got to recover from this outrageous
absurdity and blasphemous heretical apostasy!
Notice that we are again dealing with the
outrageous mindless heresy idea that you can treat the gospels like they're not
the gospel. People are looking for the heresy that they have methodically and blasphemously remapped the
book of Romans to say. if you don't say "death, burial, and
resurrection", and use those ideas "alone" (i.e. Protestant-ly)
people think that you're not talking about the gospel, because they've never
heard or believed the actual gospel in the gospels.
Keith Green correctly pointed out that
'you can't take something out of the Gospel that Jesus included in it'. He was
the exception to the rule among churchianity…
Col_2:16-17 – the law is a shadow but the body is anointed one
Col_2:16-17 NKJV So let no one
judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or
sabbaths, which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ.
The Point: Jesus is Fulfilled
Law -- So we need to teach the Real Jesus!
Notice that Jesus is the fulfillment of the law, not the destruction of it.
Therefore teaching fulfilled law is teaching the identity of the real Biblical Jesus!
7/31/24; 8/2/24
Very unlike the lawless (antinomian) foundations of Protestantism, the early church knew how to agree with Jesus and NOT abolish the law!
Irenaeus -- Law Fulfilled!
As He
does Himself declare: Unless your righteousness shall exceed that of the
scribes and Pharisees, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. For what
meant exceed (that of the scribes and Pharisees) referred to? In the first
place, [we must] believe not only in the Father, but also in His Son now
revealed; for He it is who leads man into fellowship and unity with God. In the
next place, [we must] not only say, but we must do; for they said, but did not.
And [we must] not only abstain from evil deeds, but even from the desires after
them. Now He did not teach us these things as being
opposed to the law, but as fulfilling the law, and implanting in us the varied
righteousness of the law.
(A.D. 180) Ante-Nicene Fathers vol.1 pg.477
for this reason did the Lord, instead of that [commandment], You shall not
commit adultery, forbid even concupiscence; and instead of that which runs
thus, You shall not kill, He prohibited anger; and instead of the law
commanding the giving of tithes, [He told us] to share all our possessions with
the poor; and not to love our neighbors only, but even our enemies; and not
merely to be liberal givers and bestowers, but even that we should present a
gratuitous gift to those who take away our goods. For to him that takes away
your coat, He says, give to him your cloak also; and from him that takes away
your goods, ask them not again; and as you would that men should do unto you,
do you unto them: so that we may not grieve as those who are unwilling to be
defrauded, but may rejoice as those who have given willingly, and as rather
conferring a favor upon our neighbors than yielding to necessity. And if any
one, He says, shall compel you [to go] a mile, go with him twain; so that you
may not follow him as a slave, but may as a free man go before him, showing
yourself in all things kindly disposed and useful to your neighbor, not
regarding their evil intentions, but performing your kind offices, assimilating
yourself to the Father, who makes His sun to rise upon the evil and the good,
and sends rain upon the just and unjust. Now all these
[precepts], as I have already observed, were not the injunctions of one doing away with the
law, but of one fulfilling, extending, and widening it among us.
(A.D. 180) Ante-Nicene Fathers vol.1 pg. 477
Why, then, did
the Lord not form the covenant for the fathers? Because "the law was not
established for righteous men." But the righteous fathers had the meaning
of the Decalogue written in their hearts and souls, that is, they loved the God
who made them, and did no injury to their neighbor.
Irenaeus (A.D.
180) Ante-Nicene Fathers vol.1 pg.481
you're required to combine m5 & m7
or at least have faith & understanding
when someone combines them
it was included as an element in the SOM,
even if it is somewhat in passing
we have to emphasize this much more
because of our age
this was easy for them to realize an
Topial Summary of Matthew 5
Linked with Matthew 7
Blessed x9 (5:3-11) Do x9 (7:17-26; [5:9, 19]) Emphatic Greek (5:19, 7:24,
26, 28) Beg (5:3, 6; 7:7-12)
for Righteousness (5:6, 10, 19-20; A6:1, 33)
Chronological Summary of Matthew
5 Linked with Matthew 7
5:3-11 (Blessed
x9), 31, 61, 2,
94, 102, 193,4-202; A6:12,
332; 7:7-121,
17-26 (Do x9), 243, 263,
283 [1. Beg 2. Righteousness 3. Emphatic
Greek 4. Do]
Blessed x9 (5:3-11); Do x9 (7:17-26; i.e. 5:9, 19);
Beg (5:3, 6; 7:7-12)
Righeousness (5:6, 10, 20; 6:1A,
Double-Emphatic Greek (5:19, 7:24, 26, 28)
Double-Emphatic (5:19 τῶν
τούτων τῶν; Mat_7:24, 26, 28 τοὺς
Heaven x19 + 6:33
Hell (
two paths
serious obedience
M5:10 Prophets ↔ M7:15 False
More sensitive conscience vs. apox
M12:L Make a tree good > works when linking
M5 (root) & 7 (fruit)
Note: What makes sweet and sour/rotten bitter
to God? (in M7)
Mat_5:27-30 fire…gehena ↔ 7:19 thrown into Fire
Mat_5:17-20 ↔ 7:21 entering heaven
5:10 persecuted on account of Him ↔ 7:22
lawlessness in His name
M5 much in heaven ↔ much on earth
5:3-11 μακάριοι x9, 3 πτωχοὶ…οὐρανῶν, 6 δικαιοσύνην, 9 εἰρηνοποιοί, 10 οὐρανῶν, 19-20 ποιήσῃ…δικαιοσύνη…οὐρανῶν; 7:17-26 ποιέω x9, 21 οὐρανῶν
Mat_5:3-11 (μακάριοι x9)
5:3 (πτωχοὶ
βασιλεία τῶν
οὐρανῶν), 5:6
καὶ διψῶντες
Mat_5:9 (εἰρηνοποιοί)
ἡ δικαιοσύνη
ὑμῶν πλεῖον…τῇ
βασιλείᾳ τῶν
Mat_5:27-30 gehena
M6: good works <> M7: lawless works
7:13-27 (ζωήν)
Mat_7:19 (πῦρ)
Mat_7:21 (εἰσελεύσεται
εἰς τὴν
βασιλείαν τῶν
It’s in the Continual tense -- not a one-time problem
Murder = short-term crime
Continued wrath = long-term crime, …which ends in Murder
KJV: Raca; CAB: 'Empty-head!'; LSV: Stupid; ABP: Worthless!
ABP = closest to Heb/Gr
Hebrew & Greek
H7324 (רוּק, rûq; rook) → H7386 (רק ריק, rêyq, rêq; rake, rake) → "Aramaic rēqā’ (not found in OT)" (WS) → G4469 (ρακά) ≈ (literally) κενούς G2756 / μάταια G3152 (although, without sinful emotions required, as in Jas_2:20)
“Ac: Draw, Spit Co: Grass, Thin, Green Ab:
“Qr” (R-Q) = “Thin green blades of grass that are drawn out of
the soil”
WS on H7324
רוּק rûq, ריק
riyq: A verb meaning to empty, to pour out, to draw out. It is used of Abraham drawing out, leading forth his military men (Gen_14:4); or, more literally, it indicates emptying out one's sacks (Gen_42:35). It means to draw a sword, to empty its sheath (Exo_15:9; Lev_26:33). It describes the emptying of the heavens, pouring down rain (Ecc_11:3; Mal_3:10). It is used metaphorically of Moab not being emptied out (Jer_48:11). To cause persons to be empty is to cause them to be unfed (Isa_32:6).
WS on H7386
ֵריק rēyq, ֵרק
rēq: An adjective meaning empty,
worthless, vain. It indicates something that has nothing in it, evacuated,
e.g., a pit (Gen_37:24); a pitcher (Jdg_7:16); vessels (2Ki_4:3); a pot (Eze_24:11; see v. 6). It indicates that an animal is lean, skinny
(Gen_41:27). It indicates idle or trifling when describing what
God's Word is not (Deu_32:47). It describes people as worthless as to moral character
(Jdg_9:4; Jdg_11:3; 2Sa_6:20; 2Ch_13:7). It is used in a parable to mean removed, taken away (Neh_5:13). Used by itself, it means vain things (Pro_12:11). It indicates being hungry, empty (Isa_29:8).
WS on G4469
“(Mat_5:22; see Jdg_9:4; 2Sa_6:20; 2Ch_13:7; Pro_12:11; Pro_28:19). Utter contempt, equivalent to the Gr. kenós (G2756)”
≈ κενοὺς Jdg_9:4
≈ μάταια
in Pro_12:11
We read in Tanit 20. a:
נזדמן לו אדם אחד שהיה מכוער ביותר אמר לו שלום עליך רבי ולא החזיר לו אמר לו ריקה כמה מכוער אותו האיש שמא כל בני עירך מכוערין כמותך אמר לו איני יודע אלא לך ואמור לאומן שעשאני כמה מכוער כלי זה שעשית כיון שידע בעצמו שחטא ירד מן החמור ונשתטח לפניו ואמר לו נעניתי לך מחול לי אמר לו איני מוחל לך עד שתלך לאומן שעשאני ואמור לו כמה מכוער כלי זה שעשית
happened upon an exceedingly ugly person, who said to him: Greetings to you, my
rabbi, but Rabbi Elazar did not return his greeting. Instead, Rabbi Elazar said
to him: Worthless [ריקה] person, how ugly is
that man. Are all the people of your city as ugly as you? The man said to him:
I do not know, but you should go and say to the Craftsman Who made me: How ugly
is the vessel you made. When Rabbi Elazar realized that he had sinned and
insulted this man merely on account of his appearance, he descended from his donkey
and prostrated himself before him, and he said to the man: I have sinned
against you; forgive me. The man said to him: I will not forgive you go until
you go to the Craftsman Who made me and say: How ugly is the vessel you made.
See: OT examples above
Jas_2:20 – faith without works =
empty boaster
How do these tie in to the beatitudes/ 9 blessings
Difficulties: List the difficulties most people face with these
passages ie. What is he talking about? How to obey this?
How does overthrow churchianity
Don’t translate difficulties into disobedience
Overseer’s Wife
Sun 3:02pm
I'm repasting my questions from the other week:
Btw, at some point soon I would really like Matthew 5: 22 to be
addressed - being angry with a brother.
TSB is the source text that includes the word "lightly", but
other source texts don't even give that exception. So what exactly is the Lord
getting at?
don't be passively allowing yourself to become wrathful towards a
brother at all. Or,
don't be passively allowing yourself to become wrathful towards a
brother without a good reason (I.e. without a cause, or don't be angry lightly)
If the Lord meant to not get wrathful at all then why does Paul seem to
say that if you do get wrathful then don't let the sun go down on that. So,
don't STAY wrathful
If the Lord meant don't get wrathful lightly then does that imply that
you can be wrathful towards a brother in a spiritual way in this covenant?
Mat_5:25 Agreeing with your
"anti-justice". I assume that according to the context, your
anti-justice person is a brother in the assembly. Is that correct? Is it also
correct to say that an anti-justice person does not include an outsider
unbeliever, such as the one mentioned later who might force you to go one mile,
or take your tunic from you? Your anti-justice brother actually has something
righteous against you (where you need to find a way to quickly humble yourself
and agree with them), versus an outsider who is just persecuting you. You don't
have to "agree with" the persecutor correct, even though you still
might go two miles or give them your himatian?
Restitution Reconciliation = Required
“Peace doer” is now being expanded
“Peace doer” sounds nice to people now days, until you start
holding them accountable to the Restitution debts they owe horizontally.
Comp. SRP > Restitution
1st John 1 talks about forgiveness,
however it is preceded by sharing reciprocation fellowship as a necessary vital
prerequisite element before obtaining forgiveness, just like The Sermon on the
Mount teaches us to get our horizontal relationships right before thinking to
make much progress getting somewhere before God
· 10 Commandments/Words Said: Don’t Steel (Exo_20: Deu_5:)
Rest of the Law Said: Restore/Restitute if you steel, plus Interest (Exo_22; Lev_6:1-7; Num_5:7-8, etc.)
· Jesus Said: Don’t even let your sins go to court before you do restitution (Mat_5:21-26, etc.)
(A) Earthly Crime &
Mat_5:21 –
(B) Heavenly Crime &
Mat_5:22 a –
Being made wrathful/angry…judgment
(A) Earthly Crime &
Mat_5:22 b –
(B) Heavenly Crime &
Mat_5:22 c –
Fool!…the Gehenna of
the fire
(A) Early Parallels
Murder ≈ Raca
Judgment (on earth) ≈ Sanhedrin
(Jewish leaders in society)
And (in contrast)…
(B) Heavenly Parallels
Being made wrathful/angry ≈ “Fool!”
Judgment (from heaven) ≈ the Gehenna of the fire
Desolation Recognition is a fundamental
requirement for Jesus’ New Covenant Kingdom salvation SOM Gospel propagation.
Not being as impressed with your own
desolation as you are with your privileges
This luxury of tolerating and advancing
and growing desolation of your flesh is not a theoretical danger but a very
real and present one.
Peace-Doing is Part of Restitution
· When you've not seen enough evil and when you're not tired of sinning yet, then you avoid restitution and reconcilation
· When you're a peace doer you create peace and all forgiveness and reconciliation to knock out all sin
· You're the first to recognize your own faults
· This fulfills and far surpasses the mosaic laws of restitution because you don't even get to the judge to enforce the laws of paying back
When Obeyers pray they actually have their
sins forgiven, after passing by the sacrifice, and make it into the real Holy
of Holies, and this is the real orthodox actual accomplishment at hand for us
if we Obey-all, unlike all of other churches
Forgiving everyone and reconciling with
everyone by coming clean with all things that you've done wrong is a profound
potency that guarantees you forgiveness and freedom from tormenters
unforgiveness and un-repentance
(impenitence) are the two most common culprits for keeping you stuck
Overseer’s Wife’s Question
Overseer’s Wife Asked:
Btw, at some point soon I would
really like Matthew 5: 22 to be addressed - being angry with a brother.
TSB is the source text that
includes the word "lightly", but other source texts don't even give
that exception. So what exactly is the Lord getting at?
1. don't be passively allowing
yourself to become wrathful towards a brother at all. Or,
2. don't be passively allowing
yourself to become wrathful towards a brother without a good reason (I.e.
without a cause, or don't be angry lightly)
If the Lord meant to not get
wrathful at all then why does Paul seem to say that if you do get wrathful then
don't let the sun go down on that. So, don't STAY wrathful
If the Lord meant don't get
wrathful lightly then does that imply that you can be wrathful towards a
brother in a spiritual way in this covenant?
Previous Crime: You are angry at a brother
Next Crime: You’ve said or done something
wrong, and now they have something against you.
See: Sensitive Conscience
law is knowledge of sin
fulfilling law means getting rid of all
you never get done with fighting sin until
heaven & Earth pass away
law's knowledge of sin is to make people
more sensitive, and in turn, more perceptive
Make The Children Of Israel To
Know Their Uncleanness
Lev_15:31 NKJV Thus
you shall separate the children of Israel from their uncleanness, lest they die
in their uncleanness when they defile My tabernacle that is among them
Unknown: “'You must keep
the Israelites separate from
things that make them unclean, so
they will not die in their uncleanness for defiling my dwelling
place, which is ...
Eze_44:23 NKJV And they shall
teach My people the difference between the holy and the unholy, and cause them
to discern between the unclean and the clean.
διδάξουσιν τὸν
λαόν μου
διαστελεῖν ἀνὰ
μέσον ἁγίου καὶ
βεβήλου καὶ ἀναμέσον
ἀκαθάρτου καὶ
γνωρίσουσιν αὐτοῖς.
PPX: (related to making Israel know their
Mal_3:18 NKJV Then you shall again discern between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve Him.
Rom_3:20 – by the law is the knowledge of sin
Rom_3:20 NKJV Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in His sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin.
διότι ἐξ ἔργων
νόμου οὐ
πᾶσα σὰρξ ἐνώπιον
αὐτοῦ· διὰ γὰρ
νόμου ἐπίγνωσις
we see that the law is about
"admitting that you're a sinner", which church people mistake for the
Romans road,
the law is not there getting rid of all
sin, so that we can have the no-sin posture of the New Covenant, nor is the law
revealing all favor, Truth, and righteousness (since they still lied to their
enemies, for example), but it does make humans more perceptive about the
knowledge of sin...
the law is the form of Truth (Rom_2:20) but it's fullness brings about real righteousness and a
posture of defeating all sin.
Rom_2:20 NKJV An instructor
of the foolish, a teacher of babes, having the form of
knowledge and truth in the law.
τῆς γνώσεως καὶ
τῆς ἀληθείας
what follows fulfilling the law in The
Sermon on the Mount is guilt in relationships
relationship liabilities due to you having
your conscience is supposed to be more
sensitive from The Sermon on the Mount and fulfilling the law by this point
we need to be more sensitive, perceptive,
convicted, and doing more restitution
do horizontal restitution for your own
sins against the relationships and make sure you forgive others less you be
thrown in prison and or be given over to the tormentors (Mat_18:34-35)
a desensitized conscience thinks it's only
wrong when it's happy at another's hurt, and even more desensitized is
approaching narcissism where you don't even feel bad about that.
getting in more sensitive conscience
doesn't just mean that you feel more guilty when you've been happy at another
person's hurt, but it means you feel convicted even when you were also hurt...
Gal_2:20 - crucifying flesh with hurts
oftentimes when you feel unconvicted and victimized
you still need to have a more sensitive conscience to repent and do restitution
to save your soul
7/13/18; 7/27/24
-- Under Construction --
“Heald-in” = main Greek word for Liability in the Bible, incl. the SOM
If you are “held=in-toward” what
you did, then you are being heald liable or accountable for what you did.
(ABP+) Gen_26:11; Exo_22:3; Exo_34:7; Lev_20:9; Lev_20:11; Lev_20:12; Lev_20:13; Lev_20:16; Lev_20:27; Num_14:18; Num_35:27; Num_35:31; Deu_19:10; Jos_2:19; Job_15:5; Job_40:24; Job_41:6; Isa_54:17; Mat_5:21; Mat_5:22; Mat_26:66; Mar_3:29; Mar_14:64; 1Co_11:27; Heb_2:15; Jas_2:10.
“Unforgivablness” in the Old Testament = Executed (incl. Stoned, etc.)
Exo_34:7 / Num_14:18 - Liable Sinners = Uncleanable (unforgivable liability)
Lev_20:9 - Father & Mother, unforgivable cursing
Lev_20:11-12 - unlawful marriage
Num_35:27 - slaying: liable and not liable
Num_35:31 / Mat_5:21 - unforgivable slaying
Mar_3:28-29 -- One Spirit, Unforgivable Blasphemy
'has not forgiveness into the eon, but is liable to eternal judgment' (Mar_3:28-29 ABP) ≈ 'Gehenna Fire' (Mat_5:22)?
1Co_11:27 -- Communion, body blood of Lord
Heb_2:15 -- Being changed-from/freed-from held-In liability to fear death
Jas_2:10-13, etc. -- every
stumble = liable... therefore liable =
unavoidably forgivable
Note: the last 2 “heald-in” refs in Bible are forgivable
Act_13:39 – Forgiven of all
things you were not able in the Law of Moses
Big Question: How should we understand the liability of being “held-in”
to sins in the SOM?
Is forgiveness implied?
Besides Acts 13, Romans 2 and especially James 2 are our best answers
for this cryptic text.
And even more than this, keep reading the SOM to find Jesus’ New Covenant solution to liability.
at the beginning of the sermon on the
Mount he mentions the cleaning the heart.
elsewhere he mentions the redemptive
you can look forward into chapter 6 to
find out what redemptively merciful people look like.
he also mentions the peacemakers which you
can look forward to the end of chapter 5 to get a partial explanation for what
they look like.
in the exact same way when you're looking
for cleanliness of heart you can look forward into Mat_5:27 onward to see that he is talking about not sending with
visual adultery or remarriage adultery in order to be free of adultery in your
the case the primary and clearly taught
example of heart cleanliness is a heart that is free from adultery both
visually as well as remarriage adultery.
so stop talking liberal smack about your
heart being here and your eyes are full of hypocritical adultery just like the
Bible warns us about the apostate in times perverts.
it is already illegal for you to add your
interpretation to anything Bible says, and it is even further beyond all
absurdity to add something contradictory to the very example that he gave of his
own teachings...
every pervert declares their own
cleanliness, and they are all the other like a wicked child molester who
refuses to own his guilt or acknowledge the damage of his perversion.
-- Under Construction --
Was Jesus serious or joking and/or using hyperboly when He talked about cutting off body parts?
"in the loss of the eye that pried into forbidden secrets"
Zec_11:17 CAB Alas for the vain shepherds that have forsaken the sheep! The sword shall be upon the arms of such a one, and upon his right eye; his arm shall be completely withered, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.
See: when the pagan king talked about plucking out their right eyes
(partly omitted passage in MT, but included in LXX & DSS)
Because the Jews know that the “right” eye or hand is always the strongest and best. Even if your best member causes you to live in fallen sin, cut even the best off to save your whole body from eternal hell.
Teachnical Translation semantics
-- Under Construction ---
There is a lot that our bodies do habitually.
Jesus teaches us to overcome and take control over the habbits of our bodies.
Wicked church brats teach that…
· The heart is the only problem and physical mutalation is pointless, even though Jesus pointed to it
· cutting off a hand does not change the heart
The fact that the heart is the root problem does NOT erase the fact that external circumstances and objects can and do serve as stumbling blocks to expose and trip us up from the sin in our hearts.
The Bible says we should avoid and run away from temptation.
Saying that cutting out physical things does no good is the same moral failure as thinking that fleeing temptation is useless and worthless.
Running away and shunning sin DOES accomplish righteousness in the hearts of obeyers.
But sacrifices DO actually change the heart -- lazy disobedient church brats have not experienced this, which is why they discount this Biblical principle & reality that all obeyers can freely confirm
The faithful and courageous sacrifice of cutting anything out of our lives to avoid sin does in fact do wonders to the hearts of righteous beliving faithful obeyers.
The snake has always been bewitching foolish ang gullable humans by saying: “did god really say?” -- cross-examining God’s Words as though an Angel or even a human has any authority to overul the litteral words of the King of the universe…
Perverts and blind, foolish and liberal, mindless and freethinking…
They’ve never known righteousness therefore they trespass into the things they have not seen and blaspheme the holy things they have no knowledge of
The Moral Success & Effectiveness of “Cutting
Off A Hand” to Actually/Truly Get Rid of Sin
Physically cutting off a hand or foot is
the same principal and mental act as logically putting your members to death
with your mouth.
and that is exactly what Colossians 3
commands is to do with our fornicating members.
Now we really are dealing with the Bible
verses the church person, because Jesus said to cut off body parts and did not
limit in what way that would be carried out, and Paul says that you can also do
that logically to stop sin.
If you take away jesus's words physically
you are not even ready to take them logically and you are disobeying the Bible
which explains these things in lots of different ways.
If you take jesus's words and hijack them
as a joke as though they're not literal, then you have already disqualified
yourself altogether with your apostate rebellion and you will not be successful
at logically crucifying your body parts against sin like Colossians 3 says to.
If we need to physically or just logically
die to a TV, phone, computer, appliance, luxury, or even body part, all of
these are completely appropriate and biblical when they won't stop causing you
to sin.
Despite the lying Apostate hypocrite, you
actually do need to die to your hand, food, or any other certain body part that
these examples lead a man to think about when resisting lust.
It is very appropriate for Jesus to use
examples as implied potential euphemisms (or replacement examples) and to talk
this way in a co-ed environment without having to bring up the verbal language
of the very thing that people are secretly struggling with.
Cutting off body parts really does apply
in every area of life where sin is present and temptation is overwhelming and
cannot be defeated otherwise. (like 18) and when you apply this repeated saying
to lust it is not hard to conclude how to apply these examples more
specifically when struggling in this way actually could biologically be
radically changed by cutting off a body part.
Men who take Jesus' words seriously get
the point of what body parts might need to be cut off, it's just a matter of
how to carry this out and if there is a logical way to do this to stop the sin
before it gets so bad that you have to carry it out physically to permanently
seal your commitment to physical, life-long sexual crucifixion.
Therefore cutting off a hand by faith is
actually morally successful, weather all the way physically or just logically.
Overseer’s Wife’s Question
Mat_5:32 if you divorce on the grounds of anything except a word of
fornication then you cause the other person to later commit adultery with
someone else... Does that mean if you divorce because of fornication during
betrothal then if the other person later gets remarried or something then you
didn't cause that adultery? But every other case of you divorcing causes the
other person to commit adultery with someone else? Just wanting to make sure I
understand that
And you're going to be liable on judgment
for the adultery that was committed on account of your divorcing?
Other dates (~2012?); 3/19/17; 8/20/17; 4/1/18; 9/10/19; 1/4/21;
Deu_6:13 WEB
You shall fear Yahweh your God; and you shall serve him, and shall swear
by his name.
Deu_6:13 CAB
You shall fear the Lord your God, and Him only * shall you serve; and you shall cleave to
Him, and by His name you shall swear.
Deu_6:13 κύριον τὸν
θεόν σου φοβηθήσῃ
καὶ αὐτῷ λατρεύσεις
καὶ πρὸς αὐτὸν
κολληθήσῃ καὶ
τῷ ὀνόματι αὐτοῦ
Deu_6:14 WEB
You shall not go after other gods, of the gods of the peoples who are
around you;
Deu_6:14 Do not go after other gods, of the gods
of the nations that are around you,
Deu_6:14 οὐ πορεύσεσθε
ὀπίσω θεῶν ἑτέρων
ἀπὸ τῶν θεῶν τῶν
ἐθνῶν τῶν
περικύκλῳ ὑμῶν,
* Only
"and Him only [αυτω μονω] shall you serve" = Septuagint, Coptic, Vulgate (illi soli), and Anglo-Saxon; Mat_4:10; Luk_4:8
TSK on Deu_6:13
swear: Lev_19:12, Jos_2:12, Psa_15:4, Psa_63:11, Isa_45:23, Isa_65:16, Jer_4:2, Jer_5:2, Jer_5:7, Jer_12:16
Reciprocal: Gen_21:23 - swear Gen_24:3 - swear Gen_31:53 - fear Gen_42:15 - By the life Exo_23:25 - And ye Deu_5:11 - General Deu_28:58 - fear this glorious 1Sa_7:3 - serve him 1Sa_20:3 - sware 1Ki_8:40 - fear thee 2Ki_17:36 - him shall ye fear 2Ch_30:8 - serve Neh_13:25 - made them Isa_48:1 - which swear
TSK Reciprocal (on Jam_5:12):
Gen_42:15 - By the life
Exo_20:7 - take
Lev_19:12 - ye shall
Deu_5:11 - General
Zec_5:3 - sweareth
Mal_3:5 - against those
Lev_19:12 you shall not swear falsely by my name, profaning the name of your God: I am the Lord God” (See also Exo_20:7)
NOT the same Word, but a similar Principle says:
Deu_23:22 WEB
But if you shall forbear to vow, it shall be no sin in you.
Deu_23:22 LB But if you should be unwilling to vow,
it is not sin to you.
Deu_23:22 (23:23) ἐὰν δὲ
μὴ θέλῃς εὔξασθαι,
οὐκ ἔστιν ἐν σοὶ
Isa_66:1 WEB Thus says Yahweh, "Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: what manner of house will you build to me? and what place shall be my rest?
Isa_66:1 True Worship and False Thus says the Lord: “Heaven is My throne, and the earth is My footstool; what kind of a house will you build for Me? And of what kind is to be the place of My rest?
Isa_66:1 Οὕτως λέγει
κύριος Ὁ οὐρανός
μοι θρόνος, ἡ δὲ
γῆ ὑποπόδιον τῶν
ποδῶν μου· ποῖον
οἶκον οἰκοδομήσετέ
μοι; ἢ ποῖος τόπος
τῆς καταπαύσεώς
“No Swearing” OBEYED by The Early Church
Preview Summary
H. Meyer (ironically) says,
“Anabaptists and Quakers are wrong in rejecting an oath without any exception, as was already done by Justin, Irenaeus, Clement, Origen, Chrysostom, Jerome, and other Fathers.”
Gnomon Says,
“Many of the ancient Christians received this command simply and literally, and so much the more readily declined the heathen oaths which they were commanded to take.”
Early Church Quotes
See and consider the abundant quotes from
the early church that simply agree with and obey the absolute command not to
“the Lord…not even to swear at all” enjoined them not only not to swear falsely, but
Against Heresies: Book II
(HTML); Chapter XXXII.—Further exposure of the
wicked and blasphemous doctrines of the heretics
And as the Early Church Dictionary simplifies this quote:
“He commanded them not only not to swear falsely, but not even to swear at all”
p. 480, A Dictionary of Early
Christian Beliefs
“the Son… who truly is God …says: “Swear not at all; neither by heaven, for it is God’s throne; nor by the earth, for it is His footstool; neither by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King.”
Against Heresies: Book IV;
Chapter IV. [etc.]
Justin, Clement of Alexandria, & Tertullian
See: https://earlychristiandictionary.com/Oaths.html
(for some reason the previous Irenaeus quote is missing on this website, but it has others…)
And with regard to our not swearing
at all, and always speaking the truth, He commanded as follows: "Swear not
at all; but let your yea be yea, and your nay, nay; for whatsoever is more than
these comes of evil." Justin Martyr
(A.D. 160) Ante-Nicene Fathers vol.1 pg.168
Clement of Alexandria
The man of proved
character in such piety is far from being apt to lie and to swear. For an oath
is a decisive affirmation, with the taking of the divine name. For how can he,
that is once faithful, show himself unfaithful, so as to require an oath; and
so that his life may not be a sure and decisive oath? He lives, and walks, and
shows the trustworthiness of his affirmation in an unwavering and sure life and
speech. Clement of Alexandria (A.D. 195)
Ante-Nicene Fathers vol.2 pg.537
But he does not
even swear, preferring to make averment, in affirmation by "yea," and
in denial by "nay." For it is an oath to swear, or to produce
anything from the mind in the way of confirmation in the shape of an oath. It
suffices, then, with him, to add to an affirmation or denial the expression
"I say truly," for confirmation to those who do not perceive the
certainty of his answer. For he ought, I think, to maintain a life calculated
to inspire confidence towards those without, so that an oath may not even be
asked; and towards himself and those with whom he associates? Good feeling,
which is voluntary righteousness. Clement of
Alexandria (A.D. 195) Ante-Nicene Fathers vol.2 pg.537
Where, then, is the
necessity for an oath to him who lives in accordance with the extreme of truth?
He, then, that does not even swear will be far from perjuring himself… And so
he swears not even when asked for his oath; nor does he ever deny, so as to
speak falsehood, though he should die by tortures. Clement of Alexandria (A.D. 195) Ante-Nicene Fathers vol.2 pg.537-538
In borrowing money
from heathens under pledged securities, Christians give a guarantee under oath,
and deny themselves to have done so… .Christ prescribes that there is to be no
swearing. Tertullian (A.D. 198) Ante-Nicene
Fathers vol.3 pg. 75
Of perjury I am
silent since even swearing is not lawful. Tertullian
(A.D. 198) Ante-Nicene Fathers vol.3 pg. 67
This very strong 3-fold confirmation of unity and conformaty with very different writers like Justin, Clement of Alexandria, and Tertullian, as ancient general descriptions and solid historical confirmations of original Christianity.
When these three agree with the Bible and churchianity today is disobeying it, you can be pretty certain the original church was unified, consistent, and right on these matters and modern church today is dead wrong!
Mas Church rebellion
Jesus said ‘ don’t swear completely’ (Mat_5:34)
James said not to swear at all, even ‘by any certain other oath’ (Jam_5:12)
Jesus & James said NONE, not at all!
As H. Meyer says,
“Mat_5:34-36. Μὴ ὀμόσαι ὅλως] to swear not at all (the adverb placed emphatically at the end, compare Mat_2:10)” -- i.e. none, not at all!
And he continues…
“interdicts all kinds of swearing
in general;[415] not merely that of common life, which is at variance with reverence for God
(Luther, Calvin, Calovius, Bengel, Fritzsche, Ewald, Tholuck, Harless,
Hilgenfeld, Keim, and others), nor even merely oaths regarded “ex Judaeorum sensu” (thus Matthaei, doctrina Christi de jurejur. Hal. 1847).
The simple prohibition,—given, however, to the disciples, and for the life of
fellowship of true believers,—and in so far not less ideal than the requirements that have preceded, appears from
the words themselves (comp. Jam_5:12), and also
from Mat_5:37. Christianity
as it should be according to the
will of Christ, should know no oath at all:
τὸ μὴ ὀμνύειν ὅλως ἐπιτείνει μάλιστα τὴν εὐσέβειαν, Euth. Zigabenus. To the consciousness of the Christian, God
should always be so vividly present, that, to him and others in the Christian
community, his yea and nay are, in point of reliability, equivalent to an oath.
His yea and nay are oath enough. Comp. on ὅλως, prorsus (= παντελῶς, Hesychius), Xen. Mem.
i. 2. 35: προαγορεύομεν τοῖς νέοις ὅλως μὴ διαλέγεσθαι, Oecon.”
What do Church people say?
After clearly expounding how absolutely Jesus forbids swearing H. Meyer continues to say,
“Accordingly, it is only in the incomplete temporal condition of Christianity, as well as in the relation to the world in which it is placed, and to the existing relations of the department of public law, to which it conforms itself, that the oath has its necessary, indeed (comp. Heb_6:16), but conditional and temporary existence. Christ Himself has sworn (Mat_26:63 f.); Paul has frequently sworn (Rom_1:9; 2Co_1:23; 2Co_11:3 f.; Gal_2:20; Php_1:8); nay, God swears to His own people (Gen_22:16; Gen_26:3; Num_14:23; Isa_45:23; Luk_1:73; Act_7:17; Heb_6:13). Therefore Anabaptists and Quakers are wrong in rejecting an oath without any exception, as was already done by Justin, Irenaeus, Clement, Origen, Chrysostom, Jerome, and other Fathers.”
Here H. Meyer totally loses his mind and thrashes back in unthinkable rebellion, herest, and even blasphemy.
Mat_26:63-64 – Jesus Avoided Swearing -- Meyer lies about Jesus in the very passage where Jesus avoided it
Meyer lies about Paul by listing examples were Paul calls on God as his witness and replaces that as if it were swearing!
Meyer rejects the Anabaptists and early church for doing exactly what Meyer himself says that Jesus actually said!
He condemns them for not obeying the exact words of Jesus like original disciples have done from the beginning!
“this prohibition to swearing truly as well as falsely: it does not, however, universally prohibit all true swearing. The right employment of oaths is not only like divorce permitted but clearly established by the law, nor is it here abolished by Christ; see Mat_5:17. But the abuse of oaths was extremely frequent with the Jews of that age, to the destruction of their legitimate use, as is clear from the forms of swearing cited in this passage; nor did they think him guilty of perjury who called only creatures to witness in his oath, however falsely he might swear…There is clearly, however, a prohibition, whilst the prevalent[216] abuse of oaths is forbidden, and their true use restored. Many of the ancient Christians received this command simply and literally, and so much the more readily declined the heathen oaths which they were commanded to take.”
Mormons Disobey Searing Prohibition
The Point: The Bible clearly says No Swearing At All; Apostate Heretical Pervert Church people say it is ok to swear in court, so we all know church today is going to hell.
Jesus & James, and the early church, all clearly teach absolutely no swaering at all
You’re not allowed to be perverted and illogical and say that “some” swaeirng is ok when then Bible said “all” swearing, beyong “yes, yes” and “no, no”, is from the perverted evil one.
Mat_26:63 LB
But Jesus kept silent. And the high priest answered and said to Him,
"I adjure You by the living God: Tell us if You are the Christ, the Son of
Mat_26:63 ο
δε ιησους εσιωπα
και TSBαποκριθεις
ο αρχιερευς
ειπεν αυτω
εξορκιζω σε κατα
του θεου του
ζωντος ινα
ημιν ειπης ει
συ ει ο χριστος
ο υιος του θεου
Mat_26:64 Jesus said to him, "You said it.
Nevertheless, I say to you, from now on, you will see the Son of Man sitting at
the right hand of the Power, and coming on the clouds of heaven."
Mat_26:64 λεγει
αυτω ο ιησους
συ ειπας πλην
λεγω υμιν απ
αρτι οψεσθε
τον υιον του
καθημενον εκ
δεξιων της
δυναμεως και
ερχομενον επι
των νεφελων
του ουρανου
Watch out!
the next time
you turn around to confirm something you might be unknowingly in danger of
hellfire and condemnation from disobeying the Bible - the Book of James and
even The Sermon on the Mount itself ....
taking an oath, vowing a vow, making a promise, given your word, affirming the
this issue is
way more complex than most people are willing to admit and is filled with the
cobwebs of heresy conspiracy and perverted satanic rebellion...
everywhere are in Mass delusion and Madden by overt outrageous perverted
irrational blind miserable insanities and demonic illiteracy...
everywhere hate Jesus and are willing to outright disobey even the Words they
have in English not to mention the ignorance they suffer from the liars who
heretically Miss translate the Scriptures from Hebrew and Greek...
To fully answer this command is extremely complicated…
Anyone who says otherwise is lying.
The great disturbing majority of people are vastly ignorant, and even worse, virtuallly everyone is caught up in a downright conspiracy.
It is shocking and disturbing how many people I’ve even met and heard who pervertedly act like they are completely illiterate in English, not to mention Hebrew and Greek.
Yes, Yes ≈ Amen, Amen ≈ Generate, let-it-be-Generated (Num_5:)
Jdg_15:13 WEB They spoke to him, saying, No; but we will bind you fast, and deliver you into their hand: but surely we will not kill you. They bound him with two new ropes, and brought him up from the rock.
Jdg_15:13 LB And they spoke to him, saying, “No, but we will only bind you securely [ἢ δεσμῷ δήσομέν], and deliver you into their hand, and will by no means kill you [καὶ θανάτῳ οὐ θανατώσομέν σε].” And they bound him with two new ropes, and brought him from that rock.
Jdg_15:13 καὶ εἶπον
αὐτῷ λέγοντες
Οὐχί, ὅτι ἀλλ᾿ ἢ
δεσμῷ δήσομέν
σε καὶ παραδώσομέν
σε ἐν χειρὶ αὐτῶν
καὶ θανάτῳ οὐ
σε· καὶ ἔδησαν
αὐτὸν ἐν δυσὶ
καινοῖς καὶ ἀνήνεγκαν
αὐτὸν ἀπὸ τῆς
πέτρας ἐκείνης.
There are so many more examples of this
all throughout the Bible…
It shows repetition for emphasis.
The Point: Emphatic repetition as an alternative
for swearing in the SOM
Therefore swearing is still wrong and
explicitly forbiden/prohibited by the SOM.
numbers 30 and
the end of James are two important passages that use a lot of these key
vocabulary words together...
The prohabition in the SOM and James is specifically with “swearing”.
In Hebrew “swearing” (verb) and “oath” (noun) are essentially the same root word: sevens
In Greek these two words are thematically linked but semantically distinct.
Paul “Oathing” for letters to be read -- but no Swear-“saying togetgher” at all.
7 afirmations vs 2
But still: no swearing in any kind of oath…(James)
Remember: Jesus deflected the oath of the high priest , and He is our example.
Initially on a
very very simplistic and even over simplified level the contrast could
initially simplistically include the aspect of repeating something 7 times
versus only being allowed to repeat it twice for the purpose of affirmation.
this is a very
concrete and a very practical and a very valid aspect of what is being said in
The Sermon on the Mount, but there are so many anti biblical people (especially
in church) and they are fighting against total obedience to the Bible, and of
course these persons often try to contextualize the scriptures right out of the
just because
this seven verses to aspect is a very concrete and a very practical and a very
real element, that does not mean the New testament stops at this as its
boundary and complete definition of new behavior...
James not only
forbids the seven repetition form of swearing an oath, but he furthermore
specifies that we should not swear all together completely in any kind of oath
In general, I welcome as many considerations and feedback as possible in order to obey this command and its essential purposeses.
Along these various shade of meaning and potential meaning and significance is the general overall consideration that:
· Swearing is a bold declaration of the mouth with words that strong men like to employee, and after the change of the Kingdom from earth to heaven, we are no longer allowed to be as established here, and a softer conscience is required and more self-denial is demanded and a citizenship that separates us from this world is here that alianates us from some of the basic functions of society by a higher standard of the Truth…
· Swearing loyalty is required for many public offices within societ -- from presedent to police to even generally receiving public funds!
· courtroom story
· I have gotten discriminated and terminated because of the truth -- because you cann’t discriminate against anyones religion or faith except the Bible…
but I can at least especially capitalise on a few things that are even more certain and concrete…
· Lying was sometimes allowed in OT
· Oaths had their place for Monotheists, because lying might otherwise sometimes be permissible
· Only Truth allowed in NC
· If you lie you die -- the new standard of real disciples
Since the undeniable revolution of Anointed One has now come, even suggesting that we are still allowed to lie or agreeing with it by swearing “is out of the evil one”…
It was not so, but now that Jesus changed the whole universe, man is no longer allowed to lie to add more afirmation to the truth than is already said by repeating.
Sinanims count to:
Amen, Amen I say to you…
One heretic temporarily opposed me by saying “truly truly” was like a promise, but this is synonomis and morally equivalent with “Yes, yes”.
Just as we see from Jesus’ own example of deflecting to swear to an oath, we also see from His example that different dialects and synonims are lawful, valid, and morally successful in obeying the Truth.
2Co_1:17-20, etc.
Jas_4:13-17; 5:12, in contrast with
εὐχὴ in Jas_5:15-16, etc.
Lev_5:1 WEB " 'If anyone sins, in that he hears the voice of adjuration, he being a witness, whether he has seen or known, if he doesn't report it, then he shall bear his iniquity.
Lev_5:1 LB ‘And if a soul sin, and hear the voice of swearing, and he is a witness or has seen or been conscious, if he does not report it, he shall bear his iniquity.
Lev_5:1 Ἐὰν δὲ
ψυχὴ ἁμάρτῃ καὶ
ἀκούσῃ φωνὴν ὁρκισμοῦ
καὶ οὗτος μάρτυς
(ἢ ἑώρακεν ἢ σύνοιδεν),
ἐὰν μὴ ἀπαγγείλῃ,
λήμψεται τὴν ἁμαρτίαν·
Big Question: is this “adjuration” / “Oath-ing” / “swearing” responding to the demands of a high priest (or maybe a king or judge) or is it referring to “swearing” in the sense of cursing. Both possibilities have at least partial Biblical examples.
2Ch_18:14 WEB When he was come to the king, the king said to him, Micaiah, shall we go to Ramoth Gilead to battle, or shall I forbear? He said, Go up, and prosper; and they shall be delivered into your hand.
2Ch_18:14 LB And he came to the king, and the king said to him, “Micaiah, shall I go up to Ramoth Gilead to battle, or shall I refrain?” And he said, “Go up, and you shall prosper, and they shall be given into your hands.”
2Ch_18:14 καὶ ἦλθεν
πρὸς τὸν βασιλέα,
καὶ εἶπεν αὐτῷ ὁ
Μιχαια, εἰ
πορευθῶ εἰς
Ραμωθ Γαλααδ εἰς
πόλεμον ἢ ἐπίσχω;
καὶ εἶπεν Ἀνάβαινε
καὶ εὐοδώσεις,
καὶ δοθήσονται
εἰς χεῖρας ὑμῶν.
2Ch_18:15 WEB The king said to him, How many times shall I adjure you that you speak to me nothing but the truth in the name of Yahweh?
2Ch_18:15 And the king said to him, “How often shall I solemnly charge [ὁρκίζω (same as SOM)] you that you speak to me nothing but truth in the name of the Lord?”
2Ch_18:15 καὶ εἶπεν
αὐτῷ ὁ βασιλεύς
Ποσάκις ὁρκίζω
σε ἵνα μὴ λαλήσῃς
πρός με πλὴν ἀλήθειαν
ἐν ὀνόματι κυρίου;
2Ch_18:16 WEB He said, I saw all Israel scattered on the mountains, as sheep that have no shepherd: and Yahweh said, These have no master; let them return every man to his house in peace.
2Ch_18:16 And he said, “I saw Israel scattered on the mountains, as sheep without a shepherd. And the Lord said, ‘These have no commander; let each return to his home in peace.’”
2Ch_18:16 καὶ εἶπεν
Εἶδον τὸν
ἐν τοῖς ὄρεσιν ὡς
πρόβατα οἷς οὐκ
ἔστιν ποιμήν,
καὶ εἶπεν κύριος
Οὐκ ἔχουσιν ἡγούμενον,
ἕκαστος εἰς τὸν
οἶκον αὐτοῦ ἐν
2Ch_18:17 WEB The king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, Didn't I tell you that he would not prophesy good concerning me, but evil?
2Ch_18:17 And the king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, “See, did I not say to you that he would not prophesy good concerning me, but evil?”
2Ch_18:17 καὶ εἶπεν
ὁ βασιλεὺς
Ισραηλ πρὸς
Ιωσαφατ Οὐκ εἶπά
σοι ὅτι οὐ
περὶ ἐμοῦ ἀγαθά,
ἀλλ᾿ ἢ κακά;
Mat_26:62 And standing up the high priest said to Him, "Do You answer nothing? What is it these men are testifying against You?"
Mat_26:62 και
αναστας ο
ειπεν αυτω
ουδεν αποκρινη
τι ουτοι σου
Mat_26:62 But Jesus kept silent. And the high priest answered and said to Him, "I adjure You by the living God: Tell us if You are the Christ, the Son of God!"
Mat_26:63 ο δε ιησους
εσιωπα και TSBαποκριθεις
ο αρχιερευς
ειπεν αυτω
εξορκιζω σε κατα
του θεου του
ζωντος ινα
ημιν ειπης ει
συ ει ο χριστος
ο υιος του θεου
Mat_26:69 Now Peter sat outside in the courtyard. And a servant girl came to him, saying, "You also were with Jesus of Galilee."
Mat_26:69 ο δε πετρος TSBεξω
εκαθητο Aεξω εν τη
αυλη και
προσηλθεν αυτω
μια παιδισκη
λεγουσα και συ
ησθα μετα
ιησου του
Mat_26:70 But he denied it before them all, saying, "I do not know what you are saying."
Mat_26:70 ο δε
εμπροσθεν Bαυτων
παντων λεγων
ουκ οιδα τι
Mat_26:71 And when he had gone out to the gateway, another girl saw him and said to them there, "This man was with Jesus the Nazarene."
Mat_26:71 εξελθοντα
δε TSBαυτον εις
τον πυλωνα
ειδεν αυτον
αλλη και λεγει Bαυτοις
TSAτοις εκει TSBκαι
ουτος ην μετα
ιησου του
Mat_26:72 But again he denied with an oath, "I do not know the Man!"
Mat_26:72 και παλιν
ηρνησατο Aμετα TSBμεθ
ορκου οτι ουκ
οιδα τον
Mat_26:73 And after a little while, those standing by came up and said to Peter, "Surely you also are one of them, for your accent gives you away."
Mat_26:73 μετα
μικρον δε
οι εστωτες
ειπον τω πετρω
αληθως και συ
εξ αυτων ει και
γαρ η λαλια σου
δηλον σε ποιει
Mat_26:74 Then he began to curse and swear, saying, "I do not know the Man!" And immediately a rooster crowed.
Mat_26:74 τοτε
ηρξατο BAκαταθεματιζειν
και ομνυειν
οτι ουκ οιδα
τον ανθρωπον
και ευθεως
Mat_26:75 And Peter remembered the word of Jesus which He said to him, "Before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times." And going out, he wept bitterly.
Mat_26:75 και
εμνησθη ο
πετρος του
ρηματος TSBτου ιησου
ειρηκοτος TSBαυτω
οτι πριν
φωνησαι τρις
απαρνηση με και
εξελθων εξω
Luk_22:61 CAB And the Lord turned and looked at Peter. And Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how He had said to him, "Before a rooster crows, you will deny Me three times."
Luk_22:61 και
στραφεις ο
ενεβλεψεν τω
πετρω και υπεμνησθη
ο πετρος του Aρηματος
TSBλογου του
κυριου ως
ειπεν αυτω οτι
πριν αλεκτορα φωνησαι
απαρνηση με
Hebrew Disobedience Does Not Overrule Greek Truth
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. So when Jesus preached, by default it was towards a
variety of audiences. Thus, sometimes you might use more Hebrew rooted phrases
such as "Amen Amen" I say to you, especially when he's addressing the
smaller crowd of his disciples, and in other places on The Sermon on the Mount
he might say something more generic and universally understood, with a more
universal dialect such as "Yes Yes, No No".)
Mal_1:14 WEB "But the deceiver is cursed, who has in his flock a male, and vows, and sacrifices to the Lord a blemished thing; for I am a great King," says Yahweh of Armies, "and my name is awesome among the nations."
See the Turning the Other Cheek Bible study
See: SRP (on www.TrueConnection.org)
Luk_6:37: "ἀπολύετε Release, V-PAM-2P
καὶ And CONJ ἀπολυθήσεσθε·
Ye Shall Be Released. V-FPI-2P"
Side Note on Marriage
The problem with applying this
to marriage: you cannot forgive your
spouse for the obligation they owe God to remain with you, or you owe to God to
remain with them.
When Jesus uses this word for
marital situations, obviously He is talking about a different dismissal, which
He swiftly prohibits with charges of adultery if remarriage results.
Can you carry a gun on you, even
if you don't use it? Jesus told his disciples to bring a sword. They especially
want to know if bringing a gun around is okay in places where people are beast
like, and if they see you with a gun they are more likely to leave you alone.
For example walking around with your wife in a place where other men are beast
Would you intimidate others?
Then Don’t.
Would you be tempted to use it like Peter?
Then Don’t.
When it says give to them that
ask in Matt 5 does that mean you have to give right away or for what they ask?
Or if they ask for something that is not appropriate for them to have them what
do you do about that?
How do you keep your charitable
deeds secret when you need to be transparent with funds. Example: where did the
business money go, or where did the church funds go and to what cause. Is this
verse talking about all charitable deeds secret or just some. Also is it
talking About keeping it completely secret or just guard against boosting. If
someone ask you what you did with funds, are you allowed to explain?
Repent of modern snobbery
Thinking that modern cultures are so far advanced and beyond ancient superior monotheistic cultures
Lev_19: says you are not allowed to detest/hate your neighbor but you are allowed to rebuke them…that is the preceding context to loving your neighbor as yourself
The gentiles were not in that kind of relationship with Israel
Gentiles were not under a law of righteousness and could not be appealed to by logical objective convictions of righteousness
Then the questions becomes, Are they a righteous and commendable son of Noah that admires Israel and are at peace with them or are they an apostate barbaric son of Noah who is then at odds and hostile with Israel?
There is a very big national communal aspect to that concept and obviously that applies to Israel as well because an Israelite could apostate but they could be executed
There is this idea that an apostate Israelite would be cut off from his people which includes social excommunication and ultimately execution
If you made society righteous and someone does evil and perversion then you would seek out their downfall
David said I will get up early and seek how to cut off the sinner from the land
You cannot do that and save people. This posture is there to preserve society not individual man.
David was turning the other cheek way before its time, but at the end of his life he was planning how to assassinate/execute the death of the fleshball because he knows that was the best for the ultimate good of society
When the Law of Moses is working you need to love your neighbor as yourself, if they apostate they get cut off and treated like a gentile. Although they do mourn because Israel is reduced
The idea of Jewish excommunication and being cut off from your people still allows you to go to the temple but you are kept outside in the courts of the gentiles and you can’t offer sacrifice.
On an individual level when the law was broken in society, this is a dreadful prophesy
A man’s enemies will be those of his own household
It’s a horrifying prophesy of gloom and doom when the law is broken
And here we go thinking we are better when it is normal for a man’s enemies to be of his own household because teenagers and children rebel against their own parents and it is remarkable and surprising when they don’t and it is hypocritical snobbery to think we are better than Israel
Where does hating your enemies come into play? When a nation is threatening the prosperity of Israel
That’s almost a literal application of law which says to annihilate the remaining descendants of Canaan
It is not a genocide it is a geocide
Perverts don’t have rights
The descendants of Canaan are commanded to leave or be annihilated
Don’t spare young or old, male or female you don’t spare anyone. Don’t spare anyone trying to defend their perverted rights.
You could theoretically hate your enemies because they were against what God was doing at that time. It was a practical and valid application of exterminating
When God’s kingdom is on earth and that is what he is doing then you fight for God because that is what he is doing
Find out what God is doing right now and throw your whole life at it. This is how you escape boredom and monotony
Don’t wait for sensational… but doing some justice with what you….
Sensationality is hypocritical because you are focus on what God can do for you instead of doing something for God
Israel killing a Palestinian is socially righteous, but then again should they? If they obey and listen to their supernatural leader/King he would fight for them
Everything that God does including a rebuke is nourishing and leading you to righteous if you obey it
If you do the last thing you were told then you can expect more
You don’t get to ask about God’s concealed will when you haven’t done his revealed will
Israel military rules including hating your enemy is based of theocracy where God is your king
God used their sin for our salvation. God keeps extending the story to save more people. God is always doing redemption
Israel should not try to focus on societal Israel right now but instead be focusing on what God is doing right now which is being morally clean
God is not saving society He is saving people and these two concepts directly compete against each other
Saving individuals is at the sacrifice of letting society “fall to pieces with moral failures”
When Jesus says love your enemies he is predicting that he is not going to be king at that time.
The moral salvation and the physical salvation go hand in hand for Israel.
Rom_11: All Israel will be saved
As soon as they crown their king he will give them salvation
They have rejected their king and savior which God sent
When Jesus comes back and is crowned king, that is called a theocracy
We will have judges as the first which would at least include the two witnesses, in as much they are saviors to Israel but they are not kings they are judges. Sinful Israel cries out and then Judges are raised up and save them
Talk about peace doing, you repent of your sins and then you love your enemies. This is above the call of duty, talk about extremes
We are focus on giving up our lives to save people to speed up the day when our king will save His people.
Wife Notes -- Simultaneously taken
SOM Neighbors and Enemies
You've heard it said, "love your neighbor and hate your enemy"
Who is considered an enemy?
Traditionally, fundamentally, those who were locally nearby Israel was considered a physical "neighbor". And if you were able to freely reason with that "neighbor", and hold them accountable to social laws and human reasonableness, and convict them when needed, then that would be a true neighbor. If you were not able to freely talk to your nearby fellow man, due to any animosity or distrust or irrationality etc, then that person would be considered an enemy.
If the nearby "neighbor" was a gentile and if they were a righteous son of Noah who admired Israel then they would be considered at peace with Israel. And they too would be considered a neighbor. But if they were a hostile, barbaric, illogical, apostate son of Noah who was at odds and enmity with Israel, then they would be considered an enemy.
So the question is largely national. There is a very big communal aspect to this concept.
On a societal level, if the Law of Moses is working well then you could love your neighbor as yourself. But if there are apostates (i.e. theologically liberal people) and if they were not able to be socially executed, then the Jews would excommunicat them. But interestingly enough they would still be allowed to go to the temple. BUT they were not allowed to offer sacrifices, and they would need to stay in the courts of the gentiles until/unless they repent.
On an individual level, when the Law was broken among society then this is a dreadful prophecy of a deranged society. And the Law also predicts that a man's enemies would be those of his own household. Tragically, this is normal in America now (ex for children to rebel against their parents). And we have this audacious, boastful snobbery to think that we are better off than ancient the Israel legislation and their societal practices.
By default, enemies = the enemies of Israel. When a nation is threatening the prosperity of Israel then this is a perverted enemy.
Prime example- if you are a descendent of Cannon and if you are a pervert then you are commanded to leave Israel or be annailated.
Under the law of Moses you do not have authorization to just go out and kill someone. That was given to the judges and kings and those who sit in authority to make that call.
When God's kingdom is on earth then you fight for God's Kingdom.
So what is God doing right now? Whatever God is doing you need to throw your whole life into it (btw, that's how you escape bordem and the monotony of this life).
Focus on doing some justice that makes sense with what God is doing right now.
Sensationalism is hypocritical because it focuses on how God will reward you when you are not concerned about how you are rewarding God.
If Israel kills their Hamas enemies then it would sorta be socially "righteous". But if they want to come to the Truth and follow Jesus then they would need to listen to their Messiah who came already (whom Moses said to watch out for and listen to the One coming) and they would need to heed the upgraded terms of the Covenant. They would need to turn the other cheek, for example, until their Messiah comes back and brings his kingdom on earth again, and THEN they will be able to physically fight and kill again.
As it is now, if the Jews were really keeping their law then they would be admitting to their liberalness and disobedience. The law doesn't tell Israel to fight their enemies when they themselves are breaking the law. They need to submit to the spanking and yield their necks under a yoke. If then if they would become truly obedient to the Law then they wouldn't even need to fight cuz their Messiah would bust through and fight for them (as the Scriptures declares and prophesies).
AlSun 5:29pm(edited)
Israel's military rules, including hating your enemy, is based on a theocracy, which is a form of government where God is reigning as king. When Jesus said love your enemies, he was predicting something that no one could have foreseen. When he said love your enemies he was predicting that Israel would not have God as their king on earth for a time. Cuz when God is king on the earth then people will be annailated.
Right now, you have to choose what you're going to primarily prioritize. Prioritize either preserving society, or prioritize saving people's souls. You have to ask yourself what is God wanting to do now, and with whom does he want to do it through.
There are two ways which Jews can validly fight for their land right now - either they (1) obey the Law and then their Messiah starts doing supernatural activity to help them which will ultimately end in Him coming back and establishing a Theocracy again, OR (2) God raises up a "judge" to help them fight their battles. Example - woman who runs in the wilderness and gets provided for in the book of Revelation, and this is simultaneously in contrast to those who hold the testimony of Jesus (so the woman who runs in the wilderness seems to be a remnant of the Jewish people). And all of this is also simultaneously happening when the two witnesses are on the scene. The 2 witnesses are types of judges. Btw, judges are saviors of Israel who are not kings.
Talk about peace doing, when you repent of your sins and then you also go and love your enemies. This is above and beyond, abundant, and really extreme.
Jewish Excommunication
Listener Email
8/12/2024 11:40 AM
What is an example of a way a Jew could have sinned
in a way that he could not be executed but was segregated to the court of the
gentiles? And was this a hopeless situation or was there any way that he could
have been reconciled?
God himself will seek out to blot out that man
After they threw the blind man out Jesus found him
They will put you out of their synagogues
29:18 lest there should be among you man, or woman, or family, or tribe,
whose heart turns away this day from Yahweh our God, to go to serve the gods of
those nations; lest there should be among you a root that bears gall and
29:18 Lest there be among you man, or woman, or family, or tribe, whose heart
has turned aside from the Lord your God, having gone to serve the gods of these
nations; lest there be in you a root springing up with gall and bitterness.
Deu 29:18
(29:17) μή τίς ἐστιν
ἐν ὑμῖν ἀνὴρ ἢ
γυνὴ ἢ πατριὰ ἢ
φυλή, τίνος ἡ διάνοια
ἐξέκλινεν ἀπὸ
κυρίου τοῦ θεοῦ
ὑμῶν πορεύεσθαι
λατρεύειν τοῖς
θεοῖς τῶν ἐθνῶν
ἐκείνων; μή τίς
ἐστιν ἐν ὑμῖν ῥίζα
ἄνω φύουσα ἐν
χολῇ καὶ πικρίᾳ;
29:19 and it happen, when he hears the words of this curse, that he bless
himself in his heart, saying, I shall have peace, though I walk in the
stubbornness of my heart, to destroy the moist with the dry.
29:19 And it shall be if one shall hear the words of this curse, and shall
flatter himself in his heart, saying, Let good happen to me, for I will walk in
the error of my heart, lest the sinner destroy the guiltless with him:
Deu 29:19
(29:18) καὶ ἔσται ἐὰν
ἀκούσῃ τὰ ῥήματα
τῆς ἀρᾶς ταύτης
καὶ ἐπιφημίσηται
ἐν τῇ καρδίᾳ αὐτοῦ
λέγων Ὅσιά μοι
γένοιτο ὅτι ἐν
τῇ ἀποπλανήσει
τῆς καρδίας
μου πορεύσομαι,
ἵνα μὴ συναπολέσῃ
ὁ ἁμαρτωλὸς τὸν
29:20 Yahweh will not pardon him, but then the anger of Yahweh and his
jealousy will smoke against that man, and all the curse that is written in this
book shall lie on him, and Yahweh will blot out his name from under the sky.
29:20 God shall by no means be willing to pardon him, but then the wrath of
the Lord and His jealousy shall flame out against that man; and all the curses
of this covenant shall attach themselves to him, which are written in this
book, and the Lord shall blot out his name from under heaven.
Deu 29:20
(29:19) οὐ μὴ θελήσῃ
ὁ θεὸς εὐιλατεῦσαι
αὐτῷ, ἀλλ᾿ ἢ τότε
ἐκκαυθήσεται ὀργὴ
κυρίου καὶ ὁ ζῆλος
αὐτοῦ ἐν τῷ ἀνθρώπῳ
ἐκείνῳ, καὶ
ἐν αὐτῷ πᾶσαι αἱ
ἀραὶ τῆς διαθήκης
ταύτης αἱ
γεγραμμέναι ἐν
τῷ βιβλίῳ τοῦ νόμου
τούτου, καὶ ἐξαλείψει
κύριος τὸ ὄνομα
αὐτοῦ ἐκ τῆς ὑπὸ
τὸν οὐρανόν·
29:21 Yahweh will set him apart to evil out of all the tribes of Israel,
according to all the curses of the covenant that is written in this book of the
29:21 And the Lord shall separate that man for evil of all the children of
Israel, according to all the curses of the covenant that are written in the
book of this law.
Deu 29:21
(29:20) καὶ
διαστελεῖ αὐτὸν
κύριος εἰς κακὰ
ἐκ πάντων τῶν υἱῶν
Ισραηλ κατὰ πάσας
τὰς ἀρὰς τῆς
διαθήκης τὰς
γεγραμμένας ἐν
τῷ βιβλίῳ τοῦ νόμου
The rule that the Rabbis had summarize as love your neighbor hate yourself were social national rules first before they trickled down to individual applications
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Other dates (2007-2009; Compiled 11/19/09 -- See: ROW: Cursing and
Profanity); 2/15/17 (Recompiled into SOM & enhanced)
Rom_12:14 CAB Bless those that persecute you; bless and do not curse.
(Also see Rom_12:17-21)
Tit_3:2 - (βλασφημειν:
blasphēmeō) - Prohibition of “evilly speaking” (blasphemy), not
simply “speaking evil of…” in confronting sin.
Gal_5:12 – lit.: that they would cut themselves
Gal_2:11-14 (context: Act_21:20-25)
1Co_5:1-13 - 1Co_6:1-20
Deu_24:13 WEB you shall
surely restore to him the pledge when the sun goes down, that he may sleep in
his garment, and bless you: and it shall be righteousness to you before Yahweh
your God.
Deu_24:13 LB You shall
surely restore his pledge at sunset, and he shall sleep in his own cloak, and
he shall bless you; and it shall be mercy to you before the Lord your God.
Deu_24:13 ἀποδόσει
ἀποδώσεις τὸ ἐνέχυρον
αὐτοῦ περὶ
δυσμὰς ἡλίου,
καὶ κοιμηθήσεται
ἐν τῷ ἱματίῳ αὐτοῦ
καὶ εὐλογήσει
σε, καὶ ἔσται
σοι ἐλεημοσύνη
ἐναντίον κυρίου
τοῦ θεοῦ σου.
[8/26/24-8/27/24; 9/6/24 (see: Mercy vs. Favor)]; 9/6/24
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The Lord’s Asking Prayer
Compare: Shema
10/9/20-10/10/20; 10/18/20;
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Obeying the Requests of the Lord’s Prayer
Lord's Prayer
is about successful connection to the right God
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The weakest
link in the chain is all too often your horizontal relationships with others
Do justice to
the poor beggars to whom you’ve sinned against (far beyond number/quantifying)!
Lord's Prayer
is not a Passive Request but a Proactive Obedience
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Requesting God’s Will means being willing to DO IT!
When you pray for God's will to be done in Matthew 6, this “request”
includes your proactive involvement and submissive willingness to be the
actions upon the earth/land that actually carry out the deeds
of His will being done from Heaven to Earth in Matthew 26.
· Matthew 6 and Luke 11 are The Lord’s Prayer .
· The Lord’s Asking Prayer is what Obeyer’s often call it (more specifically).
· Matthew 6 Structure: 3+1+3=7 – 3 Requests for spiritual positives, 1 Request for practical needs to be met, and 3 requests to avoid spiritual negatives.
· After this numerical “asking” framework, the Lord’s Prayer traditionally ends with a responsive praise in the TSB of Matthew (which is not in the Alexandrian or Vulgate), and most of this response is quoted in the Didache (as seen below) - which is dated very early by most.
· There are 7 distinct requests in the Matthew 6 prayer, and at the structural core (#4) is “asking” for bread, which agrees with the extended context of “asking” for all kinds of basic needs to be met throughout this chapter (and on into the next).
The “asking” context extends far
beyond the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6 on into the first part of Matthew 7*, as
it also does in the general “asking” parallels in Luke 6*, and this “asking”
context also follows the Lord’s Prayer in Luke 11.
[* Matthew
5-7 is the Sermon on the Mount and Luke 6 is the Sermon on the Plain. Both passages discuss “asking”. Unlike
Matthew, Luke puts the Lord’s Prayer
later on in Luke 11.]
· In Luke 11 we are commanded to “say” the Words of the Lord’s Prayer (Luk_11:2) but in Matthew 6 Jesus did not simply say “pray this” but rather “Pray like this” (Mat_6:9 -- or in such a way: Οὕτως οὖν προσεύχεσθε ὑμεῖς).
Despite thousands of years of
traditional repetition by Catholics and Protestants, the actual command in
Matthew is to “pray like this”.
(And furthermore, tragically, almost all church people have even abused the
Lord’s Prayer to be the very hypocritical and pagan “vain repetitions” it sets
out to contradict in Mat_6:5-9. Why hypocritically, vainly, and repeatedly ask
for your debts to be forgiven when you won’t even admit that your hypocritical
faith is sin?)
· Repetition of The Lord’s Asking Prayer is a good first step for the Righteous (Luk_11:2), but mere repetition does not fulfill the command in Matthew to pray “like this” (Mat_6:9).
· Jesus Himself later demonstrates that we should pray “like” His own asking prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane prayers (as referenced below)
· Jesus prayed “like” His own asking prayer and this “likeness” is a remarkable point in this case because we don’t even hear of Him explicitly repeating it.
· As commanded in Matthew 7 we not only got to “hear” (or “repeat”) this prayer, but even more also we got to obey and DO it (“Pray like this”). (Also see Luke 6 and Romans 2.)
Note: this is dealing w social fasting – which is done twice a week, while living among society (i.e. using “oil” to “not appear” before men)
So… Minimize it – as a socially small thing to fast… (think: we have only done our duty)
Hope in it – as a secret thing to be rewarded by a righteous God who notices everything, and is not unrighteous to forget
when the bridegroom is taken away then they will fast
>> TSK
Mat_6:24 NKJV No one can
serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else
he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and
οὐδεὶς δύναται
δυσὶ κυρίοις
δουλεύειν· ἢ γὰρ
τὸν ἕνα μισήσει
καὶ τὸν ἕτερον ἀγαπήσει,
ἢ ἑνὸς ἀνθέξεται
καὶ τοῦ ἑτέρου
οὐ δύνασθε θεῷ
δουλεύειν καὶ
See: RiFi → Hate Money
See: RiFi (Righteous Finances) > Evil Eye
Ask us about the Defeat Fear Bible study
(1) Mat_6:1-4 – Do Alms/Mercies (repetitions of Mat_5)
(2) Mat_6:5-13 – Pray Right (incl. in secret)
(3) Mat_6:14-15 – Forgive (repetitions of Mat_5)
(4) Mat_6:16-18 – Fast Right (in secret)
Famine is Included in Supernatural Provision
Rom_8:35 NKJV Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
Rom_8:35 τίς ἡμᾶς
χωρίσει ἀπὸ τῆς
ἀγάπης τοῦ
Χριστοῦ; θλῖψις
ἢ στενοχωρία ἢ
διωγμὸς ἢ λιμὸς
ἢ γυμνότης ἢ
κίνδυνος ἢ
He opens his hand and they are glad. He
closes it and they are troubled
Note: The lack from famine & nakedness are included in waiting for “daily bread” (Mat_6:11/Luk_11:3) and believing for all things to be provided for.
How does the sermon on the mount work?
other date(s); 6/22/24
Jesus says that God would rather clothe you (Mat_6), but Paul says that the apostles are going without sufficient clothing (1Co_4)!
Jesus says that God would rather clothe you then the grass, and feed you rather than the birds
But consider that Birds do indeed go without seasons of food!
Psa: you
close your hand and they are troubled…
You open it again and they are glad…
Psa_104:27-28 NKJV
27 These all wait for You, that You may give them their food in due season.
28 What You give them they gather in; You open Your hand, they are filled with good.
29 You hide Your face, they are troubled; You take away their breath, they die and return to their dust.
30 You send forth Your Spirit, they are created; and You renew the face of the earth.
And is Jesus saying that we will not ever go through cycles of hunger and seasons of being filled in this same way?
Is He promising constant fullness, or is He teaching us to embrace cycles and seasons of hunger and joyful rewards of being filled – just like the animals and even the grass of the field?
Doesn’t Jesus start out the sermon on the mount by saying, blessed are those who hunger now because they will grase and be filld!
It seems like Jesus is partly, somewhat saying that we should intentionally get “reconnected with nature again”, and live simply as creation lives, by constantly depending on God to feed us.
It is only in Revelation where it says they will hunger no more, and they will thirst no more…
Maybe we are just living in so much luxury, and we are maintaining such a constant “fullness” so that we are almost never experiencing the repeated reality of being filled by God
What if we are more like a harlot in Revelation, who lives in constant pleasures, and we are very much and not like the innocence of animals and the rest of creation which work like they’re supposed to work and constantly wait and trust for God to feed them and maintain their substance
And what about the apostles? What ever happened to them? Did Paul trust God to feed him, and yet he was left in rags without food?
Actually, we are told that Paul was eventually filled! -- Php_4:12
Php_4:10-20 CAB But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now once again you have revived your mindfulness on my behalf, inasmuch as indeed you were mindful, but you lacked opportunity. 11 Not that I am speaking with respect to need, for I have learned to be content in whatever state I am. 12 I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. In every place and in all circumstances I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to be in need. 13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. 14 Nevertheless you have done well that you shared in my affliction. 15 Now you Philippians also know that in the beginning of the gospel, when I went out from Macedonia, no church shared with me in an accounting of giving and receiving except you only. 16 Because even in Thessalonica, both once and again you sent for my need. 17 Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit which is increasing to your account. 18 And I have all things and abound. I have been made full, having received from Epaphroditus the things sent from you, a fragrant aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well pleasing to God. 19 And my God will supply all your need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. 20 Now to our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen.
But what serious and sobering warning does Paul leave us with in his example?
1Co_4:8-14 CAB You are already full! You are already rich! You have reigned as kings without us; and I wish that indeed you did reign, in order that we also might reign with you! 9 For I think that God has displayed us, the apostles, last, as men appointed to death; for we became a spectacle to the world, both to angels and to men. 10 We are fools for Christ's sake, but you are wise in Christ! We are weak, but you are strong! You are distinguished, but we are despised! 11 Even unto this present hour we both hunger and thirst, and we are naked, and beaten, and homeless. 12 And we labor, working with our own hands. Being reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we endure; 13 being defamed, we encourage; we have become as the sweepings of the world, the offscouring of all things until now. 14 I do not write these things to shame you, but as my beloved children I admonish you.
(1) Mat_6:19
– Don’t treasure to yourself on earth *
(2) Mat_6:20
– Do Treasure to yourself in heaven
(3) Mat_6:25 – Don’t divide up cares for (A) soul or (B) body
(4) Mat_6:26 – Look to the birds
(5) Mat_6:31
– Don’t speak worry / lit. divided cares for food & clothing
(6) Mat_6:33 – Seek first Kingdom
(7) Mat_6:34 – Don’t divide up cares for tomorrow
[* Incl. Mat_6:24 – Hate Money (implied by
Numbering Matthew 6
There are different ways to
categorize the Instructions Against Luxury & Worry
in Matthew 6.
· There are 7 to 9 depending on how you count them.
· If you focus on and only count/enumerate the commands, then you get 7.
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(1) Mat_6:25 – Surpassing-ness: beyond-ness of soul & body (Luk_12:22-23)
(2) Mat_6:26 – Birds (Luk_12:24)
(3) Mat_6:27 – Statue/Height Not Increased (Luk_12:5)
(4) Mat_6:28-30 – Grass Grows (Luk_12:27 a)
(5) Mat_6:29 – Solomon's Less Glorious Clothes (Luk_12:27 b)
(6) Mat_6:30-32 – Paganism: Nations are seeking
(7) Mat_6:32 – Reward: Father God has seen
(8) Mat_6:34 a – Self-Care: Autonomous self-worry of each day
(9) Mat_6:34 b – Enough Evil: Everyday has enough evil for itself
These are the Arguments Against Worry in this section in Matthew 6.
There are more Commands and Arguments in Matthew 7.
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Lev_19:23 WEB " 'When you come into the land, and have planted all kinds of trees for food, then you shall count their fruit as forbidden. Three years shall they be forbidden to you. It shall not be eaten.
Lev_19:23 LB ‘And whenever you shall enter into the land which the Lord your God gives you, and shall plant any fruit tree, then shall you purge away its uncleanness; its fruit shall be unclean to you for three years; it shall not be eaten.
Lev_19:23 Ὅταν δὲ
εἰσέλθητε εἰς
τὴν γῆν, ἣν κύριος
ὁ θεὸς ὑμῶν δίδωσιν
ὑμῖν, καὶ
πᾶν ξύλον βρώσιμον
τὴν ἀκαθαρσίαν
αὐτοῦ· ὁ καρπὸς
αὐτοῦ τρία ἔτη ἔσται
ὑμῖν ἀπερικάθαρτος,
οὐ βρωθήσεται·
Lev_19:24 WEB But in the fourth year all its fruit shall be holy, for giving praise to Yahweh.
Lev_19:24 And in the fourth year all its fruit shall be holy, a subject of praise to the Lord.
Lev_19:24 καὶ τῷ ἔτει τῷ τετάρτῳ ἔσται πᾶς ὁ καρπὸς αὐτοῦ ἅγιος αἰνετὸς τῷ κυρίῳ·
Lev_19:25 WEB In the fifth year you shall eat its fruit, that it may yield its increase to you. I am Yahweh your God.
Lev_19:25 And in the fifth year you shall eat the fruit, its produce is an increase to you. I am the Lord your God.
Lev_19:25 ἐν δὲ τῷ ἔτει
τῷ πέμπτῳ φάγεσθε
τὸν καρπόν, πρόσθεμα
ὑμῖν τὰ γενήματα
αὐτοῦ· ἐγώ εἰμι
κύριος ὁ θεὸς ὑμῶν.
Planting trees = long-term investment for food in your land
Psa_147:9 WEB He provides food for the livestock, and for the young ravens when they call.
Psa_147:9 LB and gives cattle their food, and to the young ravens that call upon Him.
Psa_147:9 (146:9) διδόντι
τοῖς κτήνεσι
τροφὴν αὐτῶν καὶ
τοῖς νεοσσοῖς
τῶν κοράκων τοῖς
Psa_34:9 KJV+ O fearH3372 (H853) the LORD,H3068 ye his saints:H6918 forH3588 there is noH369 wantH4270 to them that fearH3373 him.
Psa_34:9 Fear the Lord, all you His saints; for there is no lack to them that fear Him.
Psa_34:9 (33:10) φοβήθητε τὸν κύριον, οἱ ἅγιοι αὐτοῦ, ὅτι οὐκ ἔστιν ὑστέρημα τοῖς φοβουμένοις αὐτόν.
Psa_34:10 KJV+ The young lionsH3715 do lack,H7326 and suffer hunger:H7456 but they that seekH1875 the LORDH3068 shall notH3808 wantH2637 anyH3605 goodH2896 thing.
Psa_34:10 The rich have become poor and hungry; but they that seek the Lord diligently shall not lack any good thing. Selah.
(33:11) πλούσιοι ἐπτώχευσαν
καὶ ἐπείνασαν,
οἱ δὲ ἐκζητοῦντες
τὸν κύριον οὐκ ἐλαττωθήσονται
παντὸς ἀγαθοῦ.
Deu_8:2 WEB You shall remember all the way which Yahweh your God has led you these forty years in the wilderness, that he might humble you, to prove you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep his commandments, or not.
Deu_8:2 LB And you shall remember all the way which the Lord your God has led you in the wilderness, that He might afflict you, and try you, and that the things in your heart might be made manifest, whether you would keep His commandments or not.
Deu_8:2 καὶ
μνησθήσῃ πᾶσαν
τὴν ὁδόν, ἣν ἤγαγέν
σε κύριος ὁ θεός
σου ἐν τῇ ἐρήμῳ,
ὅπως ἂν κακώσῃ
σε καὶ ἐκπειράσῃ
σε καὶ
διαγνωσθῇ τὰ ἐν
τῇ καρδίᾳ σου, εἰ
φυλάξῃ τὰς ἐντολὰς
αὐτοῦ ἢ οὔ.
Deu_8:3 WEB He humbled you, and allowed you to hunger, and fed you with manna, which you didn't know, neither did your fathers know; that he might make you know that man does not live by bread only, but by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of Yahweh does man live.
Deu_8:3 And He afflicted you and let you hunger, and fed you with manna, which your fathers knew not; that He might teach you that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God shall man live.
Deu_8:3 καὶ ἐκάκωσέν
σε καὶ ἐλιμαγχόνησέν
σε καὶ ἐψώμισέν
σε τὸ μαννα, ὃ οὐκ
εἴδησαν οἱ πατέρες
σου, ἵνα ἀναγγείλῃ
σοι ὅτι οὐκ ἐπ᾿
ἄρτῳ μόνῳ ζήσεται
ὁ ἄνθρωπος, ἀλλ᾿
ἐπὶ παντὶ ῥήματι
τῷ ἐκπορευομένῳ
διὰ στόματος θεοῦ
ζήσεται ὁ ἄνθρωπος.
Deu_8:4 WEB Your clothing didn't grow old on you, neither did your foot swell, these forty years.
Deu_8:4 Your garments did not grow old from off you, your shoes were not worn from off you, your feet were not painfully hardened, behold, for these forty years!
Deu_8:4 τὰ ἱμάτιά
σου οὐ κατετρίβη
ἀπὸ σοῦ, οἱ πόδες
σου οὐκ ἐτυλώθησαν,
ἰδοὺ τεσσαράκοντα
Deu_8:5 WEB You shall consider in your heart that as a man chastens his son, so Yahweh your God chastens you.
Deu_8:5 And you shall know in your heart, that as if any man should chasten his son, so the Lord your God will chasten you.
Deu_8:5 καὶ γνώσῃ
τῇ καρδίᾳ σου ὅτι
ὡς εἴ τις παιδεύσαι
ἄνθρωπος τὸν υἱὸν
αὐτοῦ, οὕτως κύριος
ὁ θεός σου
παιδεύσει σε,
Deu_8:6 WEB You shall keep the commandments of Yahweh your God, to walk in his ways, and to fear him.
Deu_8:6 And you shall keep the commands of the Lord your God, to walk in His ways, and to fear Him.
Deu_8:6 καὶ φυλάξῃ
τὰς ἐντολὰς
κυρίου τοῦ θεοῦ
σου πορεύεσθαι
ἐν ταῖς ὁδοῖς αὐτοῦ
καὶ φοβεῖσθαι
See: all of Deu_8:2-6, etc.
Wilderness will
blossom / supernatural provision in wilderness / be willing to hunger to obey
Ironically, there
is almost a representation of the kingdom of heaven when clothes do not get
moth eaten or wear out…
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The most abused verse in the bible
Every hypocrite likes to try to reapply this verse, because he feels like you can keep hiding his hypocrisy!
He blatantly ignores that this verse speaks of hidden things, whereas the rest of the chapter commands us to judge his deeds / fruit!
“The same measure that ye mete withal, it shall be measured to you again - The same words we find in the Jerusalem Targum on Gen_38:26. Our Lord therefore lays down a maxim which themselves allowed.”
“[And Jehuda recognised the three witnesses, and arose
upon his feet and said, I pray you, my brethren, and ye men of the house of my
fathers, to hear me. With the measure that a
man measureth shall it be measured to him; whether good measure or evil;
and blessed is every man who confesseth his works. Because I took the coat of
Joseph my brother and dipped it into the blood of a goat, and brought it before
the feet of my father and said to him, Know now whether this be thy son's coat
or not, the measure is according to the measure, and
the rule to the rule. Better is it for me blush in this world
than to blush in the world to come; better to burn with a fire that goes out,
than to burn in the fire devouring fire. Let Tamar my daughterin-law be spared.
She hath not conceived a child by fornication, but because I did not give to
her Shela my son.”
“of all these methods used in measuring, we have instances in their writings; which may serve to illustrate this passage: it is said of (a) one, that
"he measured,
כתושה, "with measure pressed
down"; and therefore they measured to him, with measure pressed down.''
Some of their measures they heaped, and some they did not: they say (b);
"all the measures which were in the sanctuary, נגדושות "were heaped", except the high
priest's, and his heap was contained in it.''
And elsewhere they observe (c)
"there were two decimaries (or tithing vessels) in the sanctuary, one
was גדוש, "heaped", and the other was מחוק, "stricken": with that which was
heaped they measured all the fine flour for the meat offerings, and with the stricken,
that which was for the cakes of the high priest.''
With respect to this distinction of measures, they say it is a tradition of
the Rabbins (d),
that they do not "strike" in the place where
"they "heap", nor heap in the place where, they strike.''
Between these two measures there was another, which was full measure and
just, and right, without heaping or striking (e), R. Papa inquired, whether the handful
"(of sweet incense the high priest took on the day of atonement) which
is spoken of Lev_16:12 was of
"stricken" or "heaped" measure; R. Abba said to R. Ase,
come, hear, the handful spoken of, is neither of stricken nor heaped measure, אלא
טפופות, "but of equal measure";''
sufficiently full, and no more. Dr. Lightfoot reads it, מצופות, "flowing over"; by what
authority I cannot say; though the gloss says, the word signifies,
"flowing over, by reason of its height,''
But flowing or running over measure, was the same with that which was
heaped, as appears from the following instance (f):
"all those that המשפיעין
במדה גסה "cause to abound", or run over with the great
"measure", it is lawful for them to sell that, of which it is doubted
whether it has been tithed or not; and these are they, that "cause to run
over", or "heap" with the great measure, as corn factors and
(a) T. Bab. Yebamot, fol. 107. 2. T. Hieros. Yebamot, fol. 13. 3. (b) Misn. Menachot, c. 9. sect. 5. (c) T. Bab. Menachot, fol. 37. 1, 2. (d) T. Bab. Bava Bathra, fol. 89. 1. (e) T. Bab. Yoma, fol. 48. 1. (f) Misn. Demai, c. 2. sect. 4. (g) Maimon. & Bartenora in ib. (h) T. Bab. Erubin, fol. 14. 2. Vid Targum, Jarchi, Kimchi, & R. Levi ben Getshorn, in 1 Kings vii. 26. Bemidbar Rabba, sect. 11. fol. 204. 3.”
“The fold of the wide upper garment bound by the girdle made a pocket in common use (Exo_4:6; Pro_6:27; Psa_79:12; Isa_65:6.; Jer_32:18). So Isa_65:7 : I will measure their former work unto their bosom.
“Ver. 38. Into your bosom] The Jews wore large and loose garments, so that they could bear away much in their bosoms. Hence this expression.”
Many people find it hard to reconcile the extreme statements of Jesus with the “freedom” teachings given through Paul.
I even had a family member say that Jesus made it out like salvation was all up to us and it was based all about our own works!
But I answered my family member as I answer here: Jesus did not leave Himself without a perfect testimony, because before He gives the climax of His hardcore proclamation, just like Paul, Jesus told you to ask and you would receive! – with this simple and pure “asking” and this “receiving”, wouldn’t we be right to call this “faith”? Isn’t it honest and sane to demand that this is the exact same saving faith that Paul proclaims? Otherwise, how could you resist such cleanest and truth? And although Jesus is still this innocent and pure in His proclamation of righteous-ifying faith, He immediately proceeds from this to violently cut off the hypocrites demanding complete an absolute hard-core obedience as the answer to salvation!
With the righteousness and living fire obtained by the energizing of faith, in asking in receiving, we are to courageously and zealously put our hand to the plow and strive foreword on into life…
Jesus commands us to just believe and it will work!
Jesus commands us to believe, but ends with what He began with: when it all comes down to it, the final, authoritative determinant for whether or not people make it and are received into life at his coming is if they do what he told them to do!
He says, “seek and you will find”
Then he says, “enter in the narrow gate”
Both of these are summarized in Luke 13 when he says “strive to enter into the narrow gate… Many will seek to enter in and will not be able to”
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See: Letteral Obedience
Other dates
(~20014-2015?); 10/20/16
“effortless spirituality”
If It's
Free, Why Would Anyone Need to Strive to Enter? by Bob Wilkin:
“We who believe in the freeness of the Gospel may be uncomfortable with this verse. At least we should be unless we've considered carefully what it is saying.
After all, if salvation is a free gift which we receive merely by believing in Jesus Christ, why would anyone need to strive to obtain it?
As might be expected, Lordship Salvation teachers love this verse.”
“In Acts_17:27 Paul told the Athenian philosophers that God has set up mankind "so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us." ”
“Strive to enter by the narrow gate? You bet! (Of course, once you've entered, you no longer need to seek the gate anymore! You've found it!)”
8/31/24 (recompiled)…9/2/24
The Primary Resources for Memorizing the SOM are:
· SOM Memorization Poster: www.TrueConnection.org#SOMMP
· The Summaries Above: Mat5Summaries | Mat6Summaries | Mat7Summaries | Luke6Summaries
Our SOM Memorization Poster is the best overall way to memorize the SOM, especially when used with some of the following memory tools (“mnemonic devices”) to hopefully help make each section and acronym a lot easier for you to remember.
Perplexity Ideas for BMMH MHPP
Brave Men Must Have Mighty Hearts, Perseverance Prevails
Blue Monkeys Munch Happily, Making Hippos Particularly Perplexed
Busy Moms Manage Households, Mastering Hectic Parenting Practices
Brilliant Minds Make History, Helping
Humanity Progress Profoundly
Brave Mariners Must Handle Mighty Hurricanes, Persevering Past Perils
Brave Mountaineers Must Handle Many Hazards, Pushing Past Peril
Brave Miners Must Have Mighty Hammers, Penetrating Powerful Pillars
Brave Mountaineers Must Handle Mighty Heights, Pushing Past Precipices
Big Mammals Make Huge Meals Here, People Panic
Beautiful Melodies Move Hearts, Harmonizing Melancholic People's Perspectives
Bright Mornings Make Humans Happy, Motivating Positive Productivity
Baking Muffins Means Having Mouthwatering, Heavenly Pastry Perfection
Boisterous Mermaids Make Huge Mischief, Harassing Passing Pirates
Brilliant Musicians Master Harmonies, Making Heavenly Performances Possible
Busy Bees Make Honey, Helping Humans Have Plentiful Provisions
Bouncing Balls Make Happy Memories, Helping People Play
Burly Men Move Heavy Machinery, Handling Powerful Pneumatic Pumps
Brilliant Mathematicians Make Hypotheses, Helping Humanity Progress Phenomenally
Blooming Magnolias Make Homes More Hospitable, Providing Pleasant Perfumes
Busy Markets Make Hustling Merchants Happy, Promoting Profitable Purchases
Beautiful Butterflies Make Harmonious Migrations, Highlighting Nature's Perfect Patterns
Bouncing Marsupials Make Huge Hops, Performing Powerful Pounces
Brilliant Mentors Make Helpful Methods, Honing Pupils' Potential Perfectly
Bustling Metropolises Make Hectic Mornings, Hurrying People's Pace
Bountiful Meals Make Happy Mouths, Helping People Prosper
Brilliant Musicians Make Harmonious Melodies, Helping People Pause
Busy Beavers Make Homes, Manipulating Habitats, Producing Ponds
Beautiful Murals Make Homes More Hospitable, Promoting Positive Perspectives
Brave Marines Must Have Mighty Hearts, Protecting People Persistently
Busy Bees Make Honey, Helping Humans Have Plentiful Provisions
Brave Firefighters Must Handle Many Hazards, Protecting People Persistently
Beautiful Music Makes Hearts Melt, Helping People Pause
Bouncing Balls Make Happy Memories, Helping People Play
Beautiful Moonlight Makes Hearts Merry, Helping People Ponder
Brilliant Mathematicians Make Hypotheses, Helping Mankind Have Powerful Proofs
Brilliant Minds Make History, Helping Mankind Have Purposeful Progress
Brave Explorers Must Handle Many Hardships, Pushing Past Perils
Busy Chefs Make Hearty Meals, Helping People Prosper
Beautiful Melodies Make Hearts Harmonize, Promoting Peaceful Perspectives
Brave Soldiers Must Have Mighty Hearts, Protecting People Persistently
Bountiful Gardens Make Homes More Hospitable, Providing Plentiful Produce
Brave Leaders Must Have Mighty Hearts, Helping People Persevere
GPT’s Ideas for BMMHMHPP
Brilliant Minds Make Helpful Machines, Powerful People Plan
Big Melons Make Healthy Meals, Happy People Please
Bears Might Make Huge Meals, People Hug Penguins
Blue Mice Make Hot Milk, People Pet Pups
Bright Minds Make Honest Moves, People Help Progress
Big Monsters May Hunt More, Heroes Protect People
Brave Mice Must Have More Honey, Pretty Pets Play
Bouncing Monkeys Make Happy Moments, People Play Peacefully
Blue Mountains Make Hiking More Happy, Pleasant Paths
Bright Moons Make Happy Moments, Pretty Paintings Please
Bold Moves Make Huge Marks, People Heal Pain
Brave Mothers Make Happy Memories, Peace Protects People
Big Mountains Make Harder Moves, People Push Past
Bright Marbles Make Happy Music, Peaceful People Play
Bold Marmots Make Homes More Happy, People Protect Places
Brave Miners Make Hard Money, People Help Push
Blue Marbles Make Hearts Melt, People Play Positively
Brave Men Make Hard Missions, People Help Progress
Big Markets Make Huge Moves, Peace Protects Profits
Bright Magazines Make Happy Moments, People Pursue Peace
Bold Marksmen Make Huge Hits, People Protect Positivity
Brave Marines Make Hard Maneuvers, People Help Push
Brave Mentors Make Hard Minds, People Push Progress
Bold Melodies Make Hearts Move, People Protect Peace
Bright Meadows Make Happy Homes, Peaceful People Plant
Big Memories Make Huge Happiness, People Help Peace
Brave Mountaineers Make Hard Moves, People Persevere Positively
Bold Masters Make Huge Marvels, People Protect Progress
Brilliant Minds Make Happy Moments, Peaceful People Paint
Big Majesties Make Heroic Moves, People Push Progress
Bold Motions Make Huge Marks, People Protect Places
Bright Masks Make Happy Moments, People Play Positively
Big Masters Make Huge Moves, People Pursue Progress
Bold Mothers Make Healthy Meals, People Protect Peace
Bright Moves Make Huge Hopes, People Pursue Peace
Big Messes Make Hard Mornings, People Help Push
Brave Musicians Make Happy Music, People Protect Peace
Bold Monuments Make Huge Memories, People Pursue Progress
Big Mysteries Make Huge Headlines, People Pursue Positivity
Bright Machines Make Happy Moments, People Pursue Progress
Big Messes Make Huge Headaches, People Help Positivity
Meta’s Ideas for BMMHMHPP
Big Monsters Make Huge Mistakes Helping People Play
Bright Minds Master Hard Material Helping Pupils Pass
Big Men Make Huge Mistakes Helping People Progress
Be More Mindful Helping Manage Huge Problems Playfully
Bright Minds Make History Making Huge Progress Playfully
Be More Mindful Helping Manage Huge Problems Playfully
Bright Minds Master Hard Material Helping Pupils Pass
Big Men Make Huge Mistakes Helping People Progress
Be More Mindful Helping Manage Huge Problems Playfully
Bright Minds Make History Making Huge Progress Playfully
Big Monsters Make Huge Mistakes Helping People Play
Be More Mindful Helping Manage Huge Problems Playfully
Bright Minds Master Hard Material Helping Pupils Pass
Better Memorize More Helpful Mnemonics Help People Play
Big Men Make Huge Mistakes Helping People Progress
Be More Mindful Helping Manage Huge Problems Playfully
Bright Minds Make History Making Huge Progress Playfully
Big Monsters Make Huge Mistakes Helping People Play
JS Reaction to Gemini’s (Insufficient) Ideas
Be My Mysterious Holy Mountain Hidden Prayer Place
Rich Find Little Water
Perplexity Ideas for RFLW
Fight Lions Wildly - A brave rabbit challenges a lion in the
Fast, Lions Win - A race between lions and other animals,
where the lions take the lead
Foxes Love Watermelons - A quirky fox with a passion for summer
Find Lost Waffles - A group of raccoons on a treasure hunt for
Frogs Leap Water - Frogs on lily pads compete in a
high-jumping contest
Frolic in Lavender Woods - A picturesque scene of
playful rabbits in a beautiful lavender field
Fly Low, Watching - Clever ravens observing the world from
Find Lost Whistles - A team of reindeer searches for their
missing musical instruments
Fearlessly Leap Windows - Adventurous rats
exploring the big city from rooftops
Fly Long Ways - A migration story of robins traveling great
Foxes Love Wilderness - Foxes thriving in their natural habitats
Fear Losing Water - A tale of rabbits facing drought and
finding water
Fumble with Leftovers - Mischievous raccoons rummaging through
Falcons, Lions Roar - A majestic scene of falcons soaring above
roaring lions
Fear Losing Warmth - A story about reptiles basking in the sun
to stay warm
Find Lush Wilderness - Raccoons discovering a hidden paradise in the
Fish Leap Waves - A whimsical image of fish jumping through
ocean waves
Follow Little Whales - A curious rabbit following a pod of
friendly whales
Fix Little Widgets - A factory where robots are busy repairing
Foxes Leap Wisely - Foxes navigating through tricky terrain
with cleverness
Feast on Luscious Watermelons - A picnic scene with
rabbits enjoying summer treats
Fly Low, Winging - Ravens gliding gracefully through the air
Frogs Leap Wildly - Frogs competing in a wild jumping contest
Find Lost Wallets - Clever raccoons helping humans recover lost
Felines Love Wilderness - Wild cats thriving in
their natural environment
Frolic, Laughter Wins - A joyful day in the meadow filled with
Falcons, Lions Watch - Falcons soaring while lions keep an eye on
their territory
Fear Losing Waffles - A funny scene where raccoons protect their
Fly, Leaving Worries - Robins soaring high, leaving their troubles
Find Lush Woods - A discovery of a beautiful forest filled
with food
Foxes Leap Wisely - Foxes using their smarts to navigate
Fish Leap Water - A whimsical image of fish jumping through
ocean waves
Frolic, Laughing Wildly - Raccoons having a fun
day playing together
Flamingos, Laughing Wildly - Flamingos having a fun
time on a beach
Follow Lightly Whiskers - A story of rabbits
following a wise elder
Foxes Love Warmth - Foxes seeking warmth in the chilly forest
Frogs Leap Wisely - Frogs making smart jumps to avoid danger
Fly, Leaving Worries - A tale of robins soaring high and carefree
Foxes Leap Wisely - Clever foxes navigating tricky landscapes
Feast on Luscious Watermelons - A picnic scene with
rabbits enjoying summer treats
Falcons, Lions Roar - A majestic scene of falcons soaring above
roaring lions
Fear Losing Waffles - A funny scene where raccoons protect their
Felines Love Wilderness - Wild cats thriving in
their natural environment
Frolic, Laughter Wins - A joyful day in the meadow filled with
Falcons, Lions Watch - Falcons soaring while lions keep an eye on their
Foxes Leap Wisely - Foxes using their smarts to navigate
GPT’s Ideas for RFLW
Rabbits Fly Low Westward
Red Foxes Leap Wildly
Rain Falls Lightly on Water
Raccoons Find Lost Walnuts
Roosters Follow Lively Winds
Running Frogs Leap Wildly
Red Fireflies Light the Woods
Ravens Fly Long Winters
Rabbits Find Little Watermelons
Raging Flames Lick Wood
Rats Find Lost Worms
Racing Ferries Leave Waves
Roaring Fires Light the Way
Robins Fly Light Winds
Running Foxes Leave Whispers
Rainbows Fall Like Waterfalls
Red Flowers Line Walkways
Roaring Lions Frighten Wolves
Ravens Find Lost Winds
Rabbits Fly Low in Winter
Raccoons Find Leftover Water
Roosters Fly Low When Running
Rabbits Feast on Little Watermelons
Rabbits Follow Lost Wolves
Racing Frogs Leap Westward
Raging Fireflies Light the Woods
Roaring Fire Leaves Warmth
Rain Falls Lightly on Windows
Running Foxes Love Water
Red Foxes Lurk in Woods
Raccoons Find Leftovers in the Woods
Racing Falcons Love Wind
Rats Find Lost Waffles
Roaring Fires Light Winter Nights
Red Flowers Lean Westward
Rabbits Fly Low with Wings
Running Frogs Leap West
Roosters Find Lost Worms
Rainbows Follow Light Winds
Ravens Fly Low in Winter
Rabbits Find Little Walnuts
Raging Fires Light the World
Rabbits Find Leaves in Winter
Roaring Flames Lick Water
Rain Falls Like Whispers
Red Frogs Leap Wildly
Running Fireflies Light Woods
Robins Fly Low, Whistling
Raccoons Find Little Waffles
Meta’s Ideas for RFLW
Running Fast Likes Winning (for athletes)
Robin Feeds Little Worms (animal story)
Remember Friends Love Wine (social)
Read Funny Lines While (for book lovers)
Running Foxes Love Water (animal story)
Ready For Life's Wonders (inspirational)
Recipe For Lovely Waffles (foodie)
Resilient Friends Lift Weights (fitness)
Rad Foxes Learn Wisdom (animal story)
Right Foot Leads Way
Running From Lazy Wolves
Remember Fun Lessons Well
Rise For Life's Wonders
Running Fast Likes Winning
Robin Feeds Little Worms
Read Funny Lines While
Running Foxes Love Water
Ready For Life's Wonders
Recipe For Lovely Waffles
Resilient Friends Lift Weights
Rad Foxes Learn Wisdom
Right Foot Leads Way
Running From Lazy Wolves
Remember Fun Lessons Well
Rise For Life's Wonders
Running Fast Likes Winning
Robin Feeds Little Worms
Read Funny Lines While
Running Foxes Love Water
Ready For Life's Wonders
Recipe For Lovely Waffles
Resilient Friends Lift Weights
Rad Foxes Learn Wisdom
Running From Lazy Wolves
Remember Fun Lessons Well
Rise For Life's Wonders
Running Fast Likes Winning
Robin Feeds Little Worms
Read Funny Lines While
Gemini’s Ideas for RFLW
Rainbow Forest Lake Waterfall
Read Fun Literature With
Red Fox Loves Wandering
Roaring Fireplace Lighting Windows
Rippling Fountain Lake Water
Rabbit Finding Little Water
Raccoon Foraging Lake Water
Rocket Flying Low With
River Fox Loves Wandering
Rainbow Fish Living Water
Ruby Found Lost Watch
Ricky Found Lost Wallet
Robin Flew Low With
Perplexity Ideas for FITR
Fasting Improves Total Resilience
Fasting Improves Toxin Removal
Friendship Is Truly Rewarding
Frantic Inventors Test Robots
Friends In The Rain
Frogs Investigate Tiny Rivers
Fantastic Ideas Transform Reality
Foxes In Tall Reeds
Figs Inspire Tasty Recipes
Flying Is Tremendously Relaxing
Farmers Irrigate Their Radishes
Felines Ignore Territorial Rules
Fireworks Illuminate The Riverbank
Flowers Inspire Tender Reflections
Fierce Iguanas Terrify Rodents
Flamingos Investigate Tidal Regions
Fiddlers Improvise Tunes Rapidly
Frozen Ice Thaws Rapidly
Ferns Invade Tropical Rainforests
Fireflies Illuminate The Redwoods
Farmers Invest Time Responsibly
Fables Inspire Timeless Reflections
Falcons Investigate Thermal Rises
Friendly Insects Traverse Roses
Fierce Intensity Transforms Rookies
Fluttering In The Rafters
Fishermen Investigate Tidal Rhythms
Frosty Ice Transforms Rivers
Felines Instinctively Track Rodents
Fragrant Incense Transforms Rooms
Firefighters Investigate Troubling Reports
Fiddling Improves Technical Rhythm
Focused Intention Transforms Reality
Floating In Tranquil Rivers
Farmers Irrigate Thirsty Radishes
Friendly Interactions Trigger Relationships
Fierce Intensity Transforms Results
Flipping In The Ring
Frogs Investigate Tiny Ripples
Faithful Investments Typically Return
Flowers Inspire Tender Responses
Fantastic Ideas Transform Rapidly
Felines Inspect Their Realm
Friendship Is Truly Remarkable
Fireworks Illuminate The Rooftops
Frosty Icicles Thaw Rapidly
Perplexity Ideas for MSA
Make Sandwiches Always
Monkeys Swing Actively
Mighty Ships Arrive
Merry Sailors Anchor
Majestic Stars Align
Moms Sing Aloud
Mango Smoothies Awaken
Mysterious Sounds Amplify
Marvelous Stories Amaze
Moonlight Shines Above
Merry Students Applaud
Magnificent Sunsets Astound
Mellow Songs Attract
Marshmallows Soften Automatically
Mighty Storms Approach
Merry Sailors Adventure
Misty Skies Appear
Moose Swim Across
Muffins Smell Appetizing
Majestic Swans Arrive
Merry Songbirds Announce
Mysterious Shadows Advance
Marvelous Sights Await
Melodies Soothe Anxiety
Majestic Sunflowers Arise
Misty Shores Appear
Magnificent Stallions Accelerate
Mellow Sunshine Abounds
Mischievous Squirrels Acrobat
Marvelous Surprises Await
Misty Streams Amble
Moose Silently Approach
Perplexity Ideas for CMG
Cats Meow Gently
Caring Midwives Guide
Colorful Marbles Gleam
Careful Managers Guide
Crispy Mozzarella Grills
Curious Monkeys Gather
Calm Minds Grow
Cozy Mittens Glisten
Cheerful Music Gladdens
Crunchy Mangoes Gratify
Caring Mothers Glow
Cautious Mice Glide
Creamy Milkshakes Gurgle
Courageous Marines Guard
Chilly Mist Gathers
Curious Minds Generate
Colorful Markers Glide
Cozy Moments Glow
Crisp Mountain Glaciers
Careful Measurements Guarantee
Chirping Mockingbirds Greet
Clumsy Moose Galumph
Clever Mathematicians Generate
Crunchy Mustard Greens
Caring Mentors Guide
Cheerful Melodies Grow
Curious Meerkats Gaze
Calm Meadows Gleam
Crafty Magpies Gather
Cozy Mittens Guard
Crispy Mushrooms Grill
Cautious Mariners Guide
Charming Manners Gratify
Clever Mechanics Gear
Colorful Murals Glow
Chilly Mornings Greet
Courageous Mountaineers Grip
Creamy Marshmallows Goo
Curious Minds Grow
Cheerful Melodies Gladden
Perplexity Ideas for LSLOP
Lazy Sloths Love Oranges Passionately
Little Squirrels Leap Over Puddles
Loud Sirens Light Our Path
Lovely Sunflowers Lean On Poles
Lonely Snails Leave Oily Paths
Lemon Slices Liven Our Punch
Leaping Salmon Love Open Pools
Luscious Strawberries Lure Optimistic Pickers
Lavender Scents Lull Our Perceptions
Lively Squirrels Leap Over Picnics
Loud Speakers Liven Our Party
Lazy Sunday Lounging On Porches
Little Sparrows Land On Powerlines
Lumberjacks Saw Logs Of Pine
Lively Salsa Livens Our Parties
Lovely Sunsets Light Our Patio
Lingering Smoke Leaves Our Pipes
Lush Scenery Lifts Our Perspectives
Leaping Leopards Love Open Plains
Lonely Sailors Long Over Ports
Lively Symphonies Lift Our Spirits
Little Seedlings Lean On Poles
Luscious Sauces Liven Our Pasta
Lazy Summer Lounging On Poolsides
Lingering Scents Leave Our Perfumes
Leaping Salmon Like Open Passages
Lush Seaweed Lines Ocean Floors
Little Snails Leave Opalescent Paths
Loud Storms Lash Our Ports
Lovely Sunrises Light Our Paths
Lively Stallions Leap Over Pastures
Lingering Snowflakes Land On Pines
Luscious Smoothies Lift Our Palates
Leaping Squirrels Love Oak Perches
Lovely Swans Swim On Ponds
Lively Saxophones Lead Our Performances
Little Stars Light Our Path
Laughing Schoolkids Love Our Playgrounds
Perplexity Ideas for CTPRB
Cats Tiptoeing Past Resting Bears
Calm Thoughts Produce Relaxed Breathing
Careful Thinking Prevents Rash Behavior
Creative Thinkers Produce Revolutionary Breakthroughs
Crunchy Tacos Please Ravenous Bellies
Curious Teens Ponder Real-world Basics
Colorful Tulips Produce Radiant Blooms
Chefs Taste Perfectly Roasted Beef
Curious Toddlers Play Rambunctiously Barefoot
Climbing Trees Provides Relaxing Breaks
Clever Turtles Paddle Rivers Bravely
Cheerful Teachers Praise Responsible Behavior
Crisp Tomatoes Perfectly Ripen Beautifully
Caring Therapists Provide Reliable Breakthroughs
Crafty Tailors Produce Remarkable Blazers
Cautious Travelers Pack Reliable Backpacks
Clever Technicians Prevent Robotic Breakdowns
Cheerful Tunes Promote Rhythmic Bouncing
Careful Timing Produces Remarkable Breakthroughs
Crisp Temperatures Precede Rainy Breezes
Cunning Thieves Pilfer Rare Baubles
Clever Tricks Perplex Rational Brains
Cozy Throws Provide Relaxing Bliss
Curious Tourists Photograph Rustic Barns
Cautious Trekkers Prepare Robust Breakfasts
Charming Towns Preserve Rustic Beauty
Colorful Toucans Perch Regally Branches
Cautious Travelers Pack Reliable Belongings
Crunchy Toast Pleases Ravenous Breakfasters
Curious Tigers Prowl Rugged Bushlands
Cheerful Tunes Promote Rhythmic Bouncing
Perplexity Ideas for HKWBFTE
Hungry Kittens Wait By Food Trays Expectantly
Honest Kittens Won't Betray Feline Trust Ever
Hungry Kangaroos Wander Busily Finding Tasty Eats
Helpful Kindness Wins Better Friendships Than Envy
Heroic Kindness Wins Better Friends Than Enemies
Humble Kindness Warms Better Friendships Than Extravagance
Helpful Kindergarteners Write Big Friendly Thank-you Emails
Honest Knowledge Wins Better Future Than Exaggeration
Hiking Keeps Walkers Breathing Fresh Trail Excitement
Harmonious Keyboards Weave Beautiful Flowing Tonal Experiences
Hardworking Knitters Weave Beautiful Fabric Through Effort
Healthy Kale Welcomes Beneficial Flavors To Eat
Hardworking Keepers Watch Big Felines Tirelessly Everyday
Harmonious Kitchens Welcome Bakers Frying Tasty Entrees
Healthy Kale Welcomes Beneficial Flavors To Eat
Healthy Kale Wraps Bring Flavorful Tasty Enjoyment
Hardworking Knitters Weave Beautiful Fabric Through Effort
Perplexity Ideas for SAW
Sailing Across Water
Sailing Around Waves
[Sailing Across Waves]
Sailing Adventures Await
Snakes And Worms
Spiders And Webs
Snowflakes Are White
Sunscreen And Water
Sweets And Waffles
Sweets And Watermelons
Singing And Whistling
Socks Are Warm
Perplexity Ideas for TEL
Teachers Encourage Learning
Tigers Enjoy Lunch
Tall Elephants Leap
Tigers Eat Lunch
Turtles Explore Lakes
Turtles Enjoy Life
Tropical Exotic Landscapes
Tasty Edible Leaves
Tasty Eggplant Lasagna
Tropical Exotic Locations
Tropical Evening Lights
Perplexity Ideas for JSD
Just Some Dreams
Jellyfish Swim Deep
Juicy Fruits Delight
Juicy Strawberries Delight
Juicy Steaks Delight
Jellybeans Shine Delightfully
Journeying Sailors Discover
Jumpy Kangaroos Spring
Jumpy Dolphins Surf
Jumpy Lizards Dash
Joyful Hearts Dance
JS Ideas
Beginners Try Studying
Perplexity Ideas for BTS
Brilliant Teachers Shine
Bakers Toast Sandwiches
Bakers Taste Sweets
Bunnies Tickle Snakes
Bright Stars Shine
Butterflies Transform Slowly
Brilliant Thinkers Solve
Brave Souls Triumph
Birds Take Shelter
Butterflies Tread Softly
Bears Taste Sweetness
Brave Turtles Swim
Bouncy Turtles Swim
Books Teach Students
Books Tell Stories
Boys Tackle Challenges
Boys Travel Safely
Boys Train Steadily
Bicycles Take Shortcuts
Perplexity Ideas for ASK
Apples Stay Crunchy
Artists Sketch Kites
Aunties Serve Kale
Aunties Share Kisses
Ants Share Kindness
Ants Keep Secrets
Ants Keep Searching
Adventurers Seek Kingdoms
Astronauts Study Knowledge
Amazed Spectators Clap
Perplexity Ideas for GPTLH
Giant Pandas Tackle [tickle] Laughing Hippos
Graceful Peacocks Twirl Like Hummingbirds
Green Parrots Talk Loudly, Hilariously
Gentle Puppies Tug Leashes Happily
Gentle Puppies Try Licking Hands
Gigantic Pineapples Taste Like Honey
Galloping Ponies Take Long Hikes
Glowing Planets Traverse Lonely Heavens
94SLRASCE = 9 Blessed-s, [4 Woes], Salt & Light, Law Fulfilled, Relationships, Adultery, Swearing, Cheek, Enemies
Josiahs’ Idea for
Remembering 94SLRASCE
≈ In ‘94 Someone
Lost [their] Responsibilities AS Chief Executive [Chief Executive
Perplexity’s Ideas for Remembering 94SLRASCE
94 Smart Learners Read And
Study Complex Equations
94 Skilled Logicians
Reason And Solve Complex Equations
94 Savvy Linguists
Rapidly Acquire Sophisticated Communication Expertise
94 Skilled Lawyers
Rapidly Analyze Supreme Court Edicts
94 Sassy Llamas Regularly Annoy
Sleeping Camels Endlessly
94 Slender Logs
Roll Across Swift Currents Easily
94 Shiny Locomotives
Race Across Scenic Countryside Effortlessly
94 Smooth Lullabies
Relax Anxious Souls Calmly Everywhere
94 Sparkling Lights
Reveal A Spectacular Celestial Event
94 Sleepy Leopards
Rarely Attempt Scaling Cliff Edges
See: “Lawful”
Memorization: FITR (above)
See: NoSwearingSum
OCHEJHW = Oaths, Heaven, Earth, Jerusalem, Head, Word
Josiahs’ Idea for
Remembering OHEJHW
Simply think about how Oaths zoom in from Heaven (or outer space), to Earth, to the Holy City of Jerusalem, to your Head, and then to your mouth and the only Word(s) your supposed to give as commitment (“Yes, Yes; No, No”).
Perplexity’s Ideas for Remembering OHEJHW
(A) Fun Stories
Our Heroic
Explorers Journey Happily Westward
Overachieving Horses Easily Jump
High Walls
Odd Hippos
Enjoy Juggling Heavy Watermelons
Heroes Encourage Justice, Honesty, Wisdom
Honeymooners Explore Jamaican Hideaways Willingly
Olive Harvest Ensures Joyful, Happy
Octopuses Have Eight Jiggling, Hilarious
Oranges Help Energize Jumping Hungry
Ostriches Hurriedly Escape Jaguars' Hungry
Obedient Hounds Eagerly Jump, Happily
Wagging [their tails]
Ornate Harps
Emit Joyous, Harmonious Wavelengths
Overjoyed Hikers Explore Jungle Habitats
Oblivious Hikers Encounter Jumpy, Hostile
Optimistic Healers Encourage Joyful,
Healthy Wellness
Overworked Hamsters Enjoy Jogging Happily
Overzealous Hikers Encounter Jumpy,
Hostile Wildlife
Optimistic Hermits Embrace Joyful Human
Oscillating Helicopters Evade Jet Hunters
(A) Specific to Oaths and Promoises
Obligations Heavily Entangle; Just
Hesitate Wisely
Oaths Hastily Expressed Just Harm Wise
Oaths Hurt Everyone; Just Hold
Wise silence
Overpromising Hurts; Evade Jeopardizing
Honest Work
Overcommitting Hinders Enjoyment; Just
Hold Warily
Oaths Haunt Endlessly; Judiciously
Hold Words
Overextending Harms Everyone; Just
Hold Words
Overeager Humans Endanger Judgement;
Hesitate Wisely
Overcommitting Hinders Excellence; Just
Hold Wait
Overconfident Humans Easily Jump Headfirst,
See: Mat_6
Memorization above
See: DontWorrySum
Perplexity’s Ideas for Remembering SBHCE
Sunny Beaches Have Calm Evenings
Smart Bears Hibernate Cozily Every winter
Silly Bunnies Hop Cheerfully Everywhere
Strong Bones Help Children Excel
Salty Breezes Heighten Coastal Experiences
Sleepy Babies Hate Crying Excessively
Shiny Bicycles Have Chrome Embellishments
Savvy Businesspeople Have Clever Enterprises
Sweet Berries Have Colorful Exteriors
Stubborn Bulls Hardly Change Ever
Soft Blankets Help Comfort Everyone
Skilled Bakers Have Creative Edges
Smooth Butter Helps Cakes Expand
Speedy Boats Have Capable Engines
Sassy Birds Happily Chirp Endlessly
Sturdy Bridges Help Cities Expand
Soothing Baths Help Calm Emotions
Spicy Burritos Have Cheese Everywhere
Stylish Boots Have Comfortable Edges
Smart Brains Have Countless Experiences
Shimmering Bubbles Have Colorful Exteriors
Sleek Buildings Have Clean Entrances
Salty Bacon Helps Cure Exhaustion
Sincere Believers Have Committed Expressions
Sparkling Beaches Have Crystal Edges
Strict Bosses Have Clear Expectations
Soft Breezes Help Cool Evenings
Shy Butterflies Have Colorful Elegance
Skilled Barbers Have Careful Eyes
Sharp Blades Help Chefs Excel
Sunny Balconies Have Cheerful Environments
Smooth Ballads Have Calming Effects
Sturdy Backpacks Have Convenient Extras
Sour Berries Have Concentrated Essences
Shiny Bells Have Clear Echoes
Skilled Boxers Have Calculated Evasions
Silky Blankets Have Comforting Embraces
Smart Businesses Have Contingency Exits
Sassy Bartenders Have Clever Expressions
Speedy Bullets Have Considerable Energy
Soft Breezes Help Calm Emotions
Shimmering Bubbles Have Captivating Effects
Strong Beliefs Help Create Empathy
Savvy Buyers Have Careful Eyes
Salty Brines Help Cure Edibles
Smooth Ballads Have Calming Endings
Sturdy Boots Have Comfortable Edges
Skilled Bakers Have Creative Expertise
Sweet Berries Have Concentrated Essences
Sunny Beaches Have Captivating Environments
Perplexity’s Specific Ideas About “Not Worrying” to
Remember SBHCE
Stay Breezy; Happiness Comes Easily
Silly Bunnies Hop Carefree Everywhere
Savor Bliss; Happiness Creates Ease
Stop Breathing Hard; Calmness Eases
Smile Brightly; Hope Conquers Everything
Soothe Breaths; Happiness Creates Ease
Stay Balanced; Happiness Comes Effortlessly
Shed Burdens; Happiness Can Emerge
Stay Bold; Hope Changes Everything
Simplicity Brings Harmony; Choose Ease
Stop Bothering; Happiness Comes Easily
Savor Beauty; Happiness Can Emerge
Stay Brave; Hope Can Empower
Soothe Breaths; Happiness Creates Ease
Silly Beliefs Hinder Calmness Easily
Stop Biting; Hope Can Emerge
Savor Bliss; Hope Calms Everything
Stay Bright; Hope Can Elevate
Soothe Body; Happiness Can Emerge
Silly Beliefs Hinder Calm Emotions
Stay Bold; Hope Can Energize
Savor Breaths; Happiness Creates Energy
Stop Blaming; Happiness Comes Easily
Silly Bumps Have Calm Exits
Savor Breaths; Hope Calms Everything
Stay Balanced; Hope Creates Ease
Soothe Breaths; Happiness Can Emerge
Silly Bubbles Help Calm Emotions
Stop Bothering; Happiness Comes Easily
Savor Bliss; Hope Changes Everything
Stay Bright; Hope Can Elevate
Soothe Body; Happiness Can Emerge
Silly Beliefs Hinder Calm Emotions
Savor Beauty; Happiness Can Emerge
Stay Brave; Hope Can Empower
Soothe Breaths; Happiness Creates Ease
Stop Biting; Hope Can Emerge
Silly Bumps Have Calm Exits
Savor Breaths; Happiness Creates Energy
Stay Balanced; Happiness Comes Effortlessly
Silly Bunnies Help Calm Everyone
Stop Blaming; Happiness Comes Easily
Savor Bliss; Hope Can Elevate
Stay Bold; Hope Can Energize
Soothe Body; Happiness Can Emerge
Silly Beliefs Hinder Calm Emotions
Savor Beauty; Happiness Can Emerge
Stay Bright; Hope Can Elevate
Stop Bothering; Happiness Comes Easily
Silly Bubbles Help Calm Emotions
Josiahs’ Idea for
Remembering JPA9C
The Judge
Privately Asked 9 Cops (i.e. for their testimony/explanation)
i.e. the court
case got complicated so the Judge asked the offers to step aside and explain
Perplexity’s Ideas for Remembering JPA9C
Jumpy Puppies And 9 Cats
Just Playfully Admiring
9 Clouds
Juicy Pineapples
Are 9 Colors
Jasmine Plants Are
9 Colors
Mat_5:1-48 IGNT-TRi - Grm
1 Ἰδὼν G1492 V-2AAP-NSM δὲ But Seeing G1161 CONJ τοὺς The G3588 T-APM ὄχλους Crowds, G3793 N-APM ἀνέβη He Went Up G305 V-2AAI-3S εἰς Into G1519 PREP τὸ The G3588 T-ASN ὄρος Mountain; G3735 N-ASN καὶ And G2532 CONJ καθίσαντος Having Sat Down G2523 V-AAP-GSM αὐτοῦ He, G846 P-GSM TSBπροσῆλθον [Aπροσηλθαν] Came G4334 V-AAI-3P αὐτῷ To Him G846 P-DSM οἱ G3588 T-NPM μαθηταὶ G3101 N-NPM αὐτοῦ· His Disciples. G846 P-GSM
2 καὶ And G2532 CONJ ἀνοίξας Having Opened G455 V-AAP-NSM τὸ G3588 T-ASN στόμα G4750 N-ASN αὐτοῦ His Mouth G846 P-GSM ἐδίδασκεν He Taught G1321 V-IAI-3S αὐτοὺς Them, G846 P-APM λέγων Saying, G3004 V-PAP-NSM
3 Μακάριοι
Blessed Are G3107 A-NPM
οἱ The G3588 T-NPM
πτωχοὶ Poor G4434 A-NPM
τῷ G3588 T-DSN
πνεύματι In Spirit; G4151 N-DSN ὅτι
For G3754 CONJ
αὐτῶν Theirs G846 P-GPM ἐστιν
Is G2076 V-PXI-3S ἡ
The G3588 T-NSF
βασιλεία Kingdom G932 N-NSF
τῶν Of The G3588 T-GPM οὐρανῶν
Heavens. G3772 N-GPM
4 μακάριοι Blessed G3107 A-NPM οἱ They Who G3588 T-NPM πενθοῦντες Mourn; G3996 V-PAP-NPM ὅτι For G3754 CONJ αὐτοὶ They G846 P-NPM παρακληθήσονται Shall Be Comforted. G3870 V-FPI-3P
5 μακάριοι Blessed G3107 A-NPM οἱ The G3588 T-NPM πραεῖς Meek; G4239 A-NPM ὅτι For G3754 CONJ αὐτοὶ They G846 P-NPM κληρονομήσουσιν Shall Inherit G2816 V-FAI-3P τὴν The G3588 T-ASF γῆν Earth. G1093 N-ASF
6 μακάριοι Blessed G3107 A-NPM οἱ They Who G3588 T-NPM πεινῶντες Hunger G3983 V-PAP-NPM [peinwntej rell || pinwntej CP] καὶ And G2532 CONJ διψῶντες Thirst After G1372 V-PAP-NPM τὴν G3588 T-ASF δικαιοσύνην Righteousness; G1343 N-ASF ὅτι For G3754 CONJ αὐτοὶ They G846 P-NPM χορτασθήσονται Shall Be Filled. G5526 V-FPI-3P
7 μακάριοι Blessed G3107 A-NPM οἱ The G3588 T-NPM ἐλεήμονες Merciful; G1655 A-NPM ὅτι For G3754 CONJ αὐτοὶ They G846 P-NPM ἐλεηθήσονται Shall Find Mercy. G1653 V-FPI-3P
8 μακάριοι Blessed G3107 A-NPM οἱ The G3588 T-NPM καθαροὶ Pure G2513 A-NPM τῇ G3588 T-DSF καρδίᾳ In Heart; G2588 N-DSF ὅτι For G3754 CONJ αὐτοὶ They G846 P-NPM τὸν G3588 T-ASM θεὸν God G2316 N-ASM ὄψονται Shall See. G3700 V-FDI-3P
9 μακάριοι Blessed G3107 A-NPM οἱ The G3588 T-NPM εἰρηνοποιοί Peacemakers; G1518 A-NPM ὅτι For G3754 CONJ αὐτοὶ They G846 P-NPM υἱοὶ Sons G5207 N-NPM θεοῦ Of God G2316 N-GSM κληθήσονται Shall Be Called. G2564 V-FPI-3P
10 μακάριοι Blessed G3107 A-NPM οἱ They Who G3588 T-NPM δεδιωγμένοι Have Been Persecuted G1377 V-RPP-NPM ἕνεκεν On Account G1752 ADV δικαιοσύνης Of Righteousness; G1343 N-GSF ὅτι For G3754 CONJ αὐτῶν Theirs G846 P-GPM ἐστιν Is G2076 V-PXI-3S ἡ The G3588 T-NSF βασιλεία Kingdom G932 N-NSF τῶν Of The G3588 T-GPM οὐρανῶν Heavens. G3772 N-GPM
11 μακάριοί Blessed G3107 A-NPM ἐστε Are Ye G2075 V-PXI-2P ὅταν When G3752 CONJ ὀνειδίσωσιν They Shall Reproach G3679 V-AAS-3P ὑμᾶς You, G5209 P-2AP καὶ And G2532 CONJ διώξωσιν Shall Persecute, G1377 V-AAS-3P καὶ And G2532 CONJ εἴπωσιν Shall Say G2036 V-2AAS-3P πᾶν Every G3956 A-ASN πονηρὸν Wicked G4190 A-ASN TSB(99.8%)ῥῆμα Word G4487 N-ASN [omit?: ℵB(D)NU] καθ' Against G2596 PREP ὑμῶν You, G5216 P-2GP TSB(99.9%)ψευδόμενοι [Aψευδομενοι (incl.: ℵB…[NU], etc.; omit: D)] Lying, G5574 V-PEP-NPM ἕνεκεν On Account G1752 ADV ἐμοῦ Of Me. G1700 P-1GS [rhma f35 C,W (99.8%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- ℵB(D)NU] [yeudomenoi f35 ℵB,C [99.9%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- D]
12 χαίρετε Rejoice G5463 V-PAM-2P καὶ And G2532 CONJ ἀγαλλιᾶσθε Exult, G21 V-PNM-2P ὅτι For G3754 CONJ ὁ G3588 T-NSM μισθὸς G3408 N-NSM ὑμῶν Your Reward Is G5216 P-2GP πολὺς Great G4183 A-NSM ἐν In G1722 PREP τοῖς The G3588 T-DPM οὐρανοῖς· Heavens; G3772 N-DPM οὕτως G3779 ADV γὰρ For Thus G1063 CONJ ἐδίωξαν They Persecuted G1377 V-AAI-3P τοὺς The G3588 T-APM προφήτας Prophets G4396 N-APM τοὺς Who Were G3588 T-APM πρὸ Before G4253 PREP ὑμῶν You. G5216 P-2GP
13 Ὑμεῖς Ye G5210 P-2NP ἐστε Are G2075 V-PXI-2P τὸ The G3588 T-NSN ἅλας Salt G217 N-NSN τῆς Of The G3588 T-GSF γῆς· Earth : G1093 N-GSF ἐὰν G1437 COND δὲ But If G1161 CONJ τὸ The G3588 T-NSN ἅλας Salt G217 N-NSN μωρανθῇ Become Tasteless, G3471 V-APS-3S ἐν With G1722 PREP τίνι What G5101 I-DSN ἁλισθήσεται Shall It Be Salted? G233 V-FPI-3S εἰς For G1519 PREP οὐδὲν Nothing Has G3762 A-ASN ἰσχύει It Strength G2480 V-PAI-3S ἔτι G2089 ADV εἰ Any Longer, G1487 COND μὴ But G3361 PRT-N TSB(99%)βληθῆναι [Aβληθεν (1%])] To Be Cast G906 V-APN ἔξω Out, G1854 ADV TSBκαὶ And G2532 CONJ καταπατεῖσθαι To Be Trampled Upon G2662 V-PPN ὑπὸ By G5259 PREP τῶν G3588 T-GPM ἀνθρώπων Men. G444 N-GPM [blhqhnai exw kai f35 D,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || blhqen _ {NA26: βληθὲν ἔξω} 2 ℵB,C [1%] NU]
14 Ὑμεῖς Ye G5210 P-2NP ἐστε Are G2075 V-PXI-2P τὸ The G3588 T-NSN φῶς Light G5457 N-NSN τοῦ Of The G3588 T-GSM κόσμου World, G2889 N-GSM οὐ G3756 PRT-N δύναται Cannot G1410 V-PNI-3S πόλις A City G4172 N-NSF κρυβῆναι Be Hid G2928 V-2APN ἐπάνω On G1883 ADV ὄρους A Mountain G3735 N-GSN κειμένη· Situated. G2749 V-PNP-NSF
15 οὐδὲ Nor G3761 ADV καίουσιν Do They Light G2545 V-PAI-3P λύχνον A Lamp G3088 N-ASF καὶ And G2532 CONJ τιθέασιν Put G5087 V-PAI-3P αὐτὸν It G846 P-ASM ὑπὸ Under G5259 PREP τὸν The G3588 T-ASM μόδιον Corn Measure, G3426 N-ASM ἀλλ' But G235 CONJ ἐπὶ Upon G1909 PREP τὴν The G3588 T-ASF λυχνίαν Lampstand; G3087 N-ASF καὶ And G2532 CONJ λάμπει It Shines G2989 V-PAI-3S πᾶσιν For All G3956 A-DPM τοῖς Who G3588 T-DPM ἐν Are In G1722 PREP τῇ The G3588 T-DSF οἰκίᾳ House. G3614 N-DSF
16 οὕτως Thus G3779 ADV λαμψάτω Let Shine G2989 V-AAM-3S τὸ G3588 T-NSN φῶς G5457 N-NSN ὑμῶν Your Light G5216 P-2GP ἔμπροσθεν Before G1715 PREP τῶν G3588 T-GPM ἀνθρώπων Men, G444 N-GPM ὅπως So That G3704 ADV ἴδωσιν They May See G1492 V-2AAS-3P ὑμῶν Your G5216 P-2GP τὰ G3588 T-APN καλὰ Good G2570 A-APN ἔργα Works, G2041 N-APN καὶ And G2532 CONJ δοξάσωσιν May Glorify G1392 V-AAS-3P τὸν G3588 T-ASM πατέρα G3962 N-ASM ὑμῶν Your Father G5216 P-2GP τὸν Who Is G3588 T-ASM ἐν In G1722 PREP τοῖς The G3588 T-DPM οὐρανοῖς Heavens. G3772 N-DPM
17 Μὴ G3361 PRT-N νομίσητε Think Not G3543 V-AAS-2P [nomishte rell || nomhshte [5%] CP] ὅτι That G3754 CONJ ἦλθον I Came G2064 V-2AAI-1S καταλῦσαι To Abolish G2647 V-AAN τὸν The G3588 T-ASM νόμον Law G3551 N-ASM ἢ Or G2228 PRT τοὺς The G3588 T-APM προφήτας· Prophets : G4396 N-APM οὐκ G3756 PRT-N ἦλθον I Came Not G2064 V-2AAI-1S καταλῦσαι To Abolish, G2647 V-AAN ἀλλὰ But G235 CONJ πληρῶσαι To Fulfil. G4137 V-AAN
18 ἀμὴν G281 HEB γὰρ For Verily G1063 CONJ λέγω I Say G3004 V-PAI-1S ὑμῖν· To You, G5213 P-2DP ἕως G2193 CONJ ἂν Until G302 PRT παρέλθῃ Shall Pass Away G3928 V-2AAS-3S ὁ The G3588 T-NSM οὐρανὸς Heaven G3772 N-NSM καὶ And G2532 CONJ ἡ The G3588 T-NSF γῆ Earth, G1093 N-NSF ἰῶτα Iota G2503 N-LI ἓν One G1520 A-NSN ἢ Or G2228 PRT μία G1520 A-NSF κεραία Tittle G2762 N-NSF οὐ G3756 PRT-N μὴ In No Wise G3361 PRT-N παρέλθῃ Shall Pass Away G3928 V-2AAS-3S ἀπὸ From G575 PREP τοῦ The G3588 T-GSM νόμου Law G3551 N-GSM ἕως G2193 CONJ ἂν Until G302 PRT πάντα All G3956 A-NPN γένηται Come To Pass. G1096 V-2ADS-3S
19 ὃς G3739 R-NSM ἐὰν Whoever G1437 COND οὖν Then G3767 CONJ λύσῃ Shall Break G3089 V-AAS-3S μίαν One G1520 A-ASF τῶν G3588 T-GPF ἐντολῶν G1785 N-GPF τούτων Of These Commandments G5130 D-GPF τῶν The G3588 T-GPF ἐλαχίστων Least, G1646 A-GPF καὶ And G2532 CONJ διδάξῃ Shall Teach G1321 V-AAS-3S [didaxh rell || didaxei CP] οὕτως So G3779 ADV τοὺς G3588 T-APM ἀνθρώπους Men, G444 N-APM ἐλάχιστος Least G1646 A-NSM κληθήσεται Shall Be Called G2564 V-FPI-3S ἐν In G1722 PREP τῇ The G3588 T-DSF βασιλείᾳ Kingdom G932 N-DSF τῶν Of The G3588 T-GPM οὐρανῶν· Heavens; G3772 N-GPM ὃς G3739 R-NSM δ' G1161 CONJ ἂν But Whoever G302 PRT ποιήσῃ Shall Practise G4160 V-AAS-3S καὶ And G2532 CONJ διδάξῃ Shall Teach Them, G1321 V-AAS-3S οὗτος This One G3778 D-NSM μέγας Great G3173 A-NSM κληθήσεται Shall Be Called G2564 V-FPI-3S ἐν In G1722 PREP τῇ The G3588 T-DSF βασιλείᾳ Kingdom G932 N-DSF τῶν Of The G3588 T-GPM οὐρανῶν Heavens. G3772 N-GPM
20 λέγω G3004 V-PAI-1S γὰρ For I Say G1063 CONJ ὑμῖν To You, G5213 P-2DP ὅτι That G3754 CONJ ἐὰν G1437 COND μὴ Unless G3361 PRT-N περισσεύσῃ Shall Abound G4052 V-AAS-3S [Aυμων] ἡ G3588 T-NSF δικαιοσύνη Righteousness G1343 N-NSF TSBὑμῶν Your G5216 P-2GP πλεῖον Above That G4119 A-ASN-C τῶν Of The G3588 T-GPM γραμματέων Scribes G1122 N-GPM καὶ And G2532 CONJ Φαρισαίων Pharisees, G5330 N-GPM οὐ G3756 PRT-N μὴ In No Wise G3361 PRT-N εἰσέλθητε Shall Ye Enter G1525 V-2AAS-2P εἰς Into G1519 PREP τὴν The G3588 T-ASF βασιλείαν Kingdom G932 N-ASF τῶν Of The G3588 T-GPM οὐρανῶν Heavens. G3772 N-GPM [ h dikaiosunh umwn f35 [70%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 312 ℵB,W [30%] NU {NA26: ἡ δικαιοσύνη _} || one other variant (D omits verse 20; C is missing)]
21 Ἠκούσατε Ye Have Heard G191 V-AAI-2P ὅτι That G3754 CONJ ἐρρέθη It Was Said G4483 V-API-3S τοῖς To The G3588 T-DPM ἀρχαίοις Ancients, G744 A-DPM Οὐ G3756 PRT-N φονεύσεις· Thou Shalt Not Commit Murder; G5407 V-FAI-2S ὃς G3739 R-NSM δ' G1161 CONJ ἂν But Whoever G302 PRT φονεύσῃ Shall Commit Murder, G5407 V-AAS-3S ἔνοχος Liable G1777 A-NSM ἔσται Shall Be G2071 V-FXI-3S τῇ To The G3588 T-DSF κρίσει Judgment. G2920 N-DSF [erreqh rell || errhqh B,D [15%] (Wherever the word occurs a number of MSS will have the variant, but never more than 15%.)]
22 ἐγὼ G1473 P-1NS δὲ But I G1161 CONJ
λέγω Say G3004 V-PAI-1S ὑμῖν
To You, G5213 P-2DP ὅτι
That G3754 CONJ
πᾶς Every One G3956 A-NSM ὁ
Who G3588 T-NSM ὀργιζόμενος
Is Angry G3710 V-PPP-NSM
τῷ G3588 T-DSM ἀδελφῷ
G80 N-DSM αὐτοῦ With His Brother G846 P-GSM TSBεἰκῆ
Lightly G1500 ADV ἔνοχος
Liable G1777 A-NSM ἔσται
Shall Be G2071 V-FXI-3S
τῇ To The G3588 T-DSF
κρίσει· Judgment : G2920 N-DSF ὃς
G3739 R-NSM δ' G1161 CONJ ἂν
But Whoever G302 PRT
εἴπῃ Shall Say G2036 V-2AAS-3S
τῷ G3588 T-DSM ἀδελφῷ
G80 N-DSM αὐτοῦ To His Brother, G846 P-GSM Ῥακά
Raca, G4469 ARAM ἔνοχος
Liable G1777 A-NSM ἔσται
Shall Be G2071 V-FXI-3S
τῷ To The G3588 T-DSN
συνεδρίῳ· Sanhedrim : G4892 N-DSN ὃς
G3739 R-NSM δ' G1161 CONJ ἂν
But Whoever G302 PRT
εἴπῃ Shall Say, G2036 V-2AAS-3S
Μωρέ Fool, G3474 A-VSM ἔνοχος
Liable G1777 A-NSM ἔσται
Shall Be G2071 V-FXI-3S
εἰς To G1519 PREP τὴν The G3588 T-ASF
γέενναν Gehenna G1067 N-ASF
τοῦ G3588 T-GSN
πυρός Of Fire. G4442 N-GSN
[eikh f35
D,W (96.2%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- P64ℵB (1.9%) NU || a long omission
[homoioteleuton] (1.9%)] [geennan rell || geenan [5%] CP]
23 ἐὰν If G1437 COND οὖν Therefore G3767 CONJ προσφέρῃς Thou Shalt Offer G4374 V-PAS-2S τὸ G3588 T-ASN δῶρόν G1435 N-ASN σου Thy Gift G4675 P-2GS ἐπὶ At G1909 PREP τὸ The G3588 T-ASN θυσιαστήριον Altar, G2379 N-ASN [ B(80%)και B(80%)εκει / TSA(20%)κἀκεῖ And There G2546 ADV-C] μνησθῇς Shalt Remember G3415 V-APS-2S ὅτι That G3754 CONJ ὁ G3588 T-NSM ἀδελφός G80 N-NSM σου Thy Brother G4675 P-2GS ἔχει Has G2192 V-PAI-3S τι Something G5100 X-ASN κατὰ Against G2596 PREP σοῦ Thee, G4675 P-2GS [kai ekei f35 D [80%] RP,HF,CP || kakei ℵB,W [20%] OC,TR,NU]
24 ἄφες Leave G863 V-2AAM-2S ἐκεῖ There G1563 ADV τὸ G3588 T-ASN δῶρόν Gift G1435 N-ASN σου Thy G4675 P-2GS ἔμπροσθεν Before G1715 PREP τοῦ The G3588 T-GSN θυσιαστηρίου Altar, G2379 N-GSN καὶ And G2532 CONJ ὕπαγε Go Away, G5217 V-PAM-2S πρῶτον First G4412 ADV διαλλάγηθι Be Reconciled G1259 V-2APM-2S τῷ G3588 T-DSM ἀδελφῷ G80 N-DSM σου To Thy Brother, G4675 P-2GS καὶ And G2532 CONJ τότε Then G5119 ADV ἐλθὼν Having Come G2064 V-2AAP-NSM πρόσφερε Offer G4374 V-PAM-2S τὸ G3588 T-ASN δῶρόν Gift G1435 N-ASN σου Thy. G4675 P-2GS
25 ἴσθι Be G2468 V-PXM-2S εὐνοῶν Agreeing G2132 V-PAP-NSM τῷ G3588 T-DSM ἀντιδίκῳ G476 N-DSM σου With Thine Adverse Party G4675 P-2GS ταχὺ Quickly, G5035 ADV ἕως G2193 CONJ ὅτου Whilst G3755 R-GSN-ATT εἶ Thou Art G1488 V-PXI-2S [Aμετ Aαυτου (3%)] ἐν In G1722 PREP τῇ The G3588 T-DSF ὁδῷ Way G3598 N-DSF TSB(97%)μετ' With G3326 PREP TSB(97%)αὐτοῦ Him, G846 P-GSM μήποτέ Lest G3379 ADV σε Thee G4571 P-2AS παραδῷ Deliver G3860 V-2AAS-3S ὁ The G3588 T-NSM ἀντίδικος Adverse Party G476 N-NSM τῷ To The G3588 T-DSM κριτῇ Judge, G2923 N-DSM καὶ And G2532 CONJ ὁ The G3588 T-NSM κριτὴς Judge G2923 N-NSM ·TSB(97%)σε Thee G4571 P-2AS TSB(97%)παραδῷ Deliver G3860 V-2AAS-3S [omit: 3%] τῷ To The G3588 T-DSM ὑπηρέτῃ Officer, G5257 N-DSM καὶ And G2532 CONJ εἰς Into G1519 PREP φυλακὴν Prison G5438 N-ASF βληθήσῃ· Thou Be Cast. G906 V-FPI-2S [en th odw met autou {in this order?} f35 [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 45123 ℵB,D,W [3%] NU] [se paradw f35 (D)W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- P64vℵB [3%] NU]
26 ἀμὴν Verily G281 HEB λέγω I Say G3004 V-PAI-1S σοι To Thee, G4671 P-2DS οὐ G3756 PRT-N μὴ In No Wise G3361 PRT-N ἐξέλθῃς Shalt Thou Come Out G1831 V-2AAS-2S ἐκεῖθεν Thence, G1564 ADV ἕως G2193 CONJ ἂν Until G302 PRT [ an rell || ou W [3%] OC || --- [2%]] ἀποδῷς Thou Pay G591 V-2AAS-2S τὸν The G3588 T-ASM ἔσχατον Last G2078 A-ASM κοδράντην Kodrantes. G2835 N-ASM
27 Ἠκούσατε Ye Have Heard G191 V-AAI-2P ὅτι That G3754 CONJ ·ἐρρέθη It Was Said G4483 V-API-3S [TSτοῖς To The G3588 T-DPM TSἀρχαίοις, Ancients, G744 A-DPM] [ erreqh _ f35 ℵB,D,W [90%] RP,HF,CP,NU || 1 toij arcaioij [10%] OC,TR] Οὐ G3756 PRT-N μοιχεύσεις Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery : G3431 V-FAI-2S
28 ἐγὼ G1473 P-1NS δὲ But I G1161 CONJ λέγω Say G3004 V-PAI-1S ὑμῖν To You, G5213 P-2DP ὅτι That G3754 CONJ πᾶς Every One G3956 A-NSM ὁ That G3588 T-NSM βλέπων Looks Upon G991 V-PAP-NSM γυναῖκα A Woman G1135 N-ASF πρὸς To G4314 PREP τὸ G3588 T-ASN ἐπιθυμῆσαι Lust After G1937 V-AAN [ BAαυτην [90%] / TSαὐτῆς [10%] Her, G846 P-GSF] ἤδη Already G2235 ADV ἐμοίχευσεν Has Committed Adultery With G3431 V-AAI-3S αὐτὴν Her G846 P-ASF ἐν In G1722 PREP τῇ G3588 T-DSF καρδίᾳ Heart G2588 N-DSF αὐτοῦ His. G846 P-GSM [ authn f35 B,D,W [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU || authj [10%] TR || --- ℵ]
29 εἰ G1487 COND δὲ But If G1161 CONJ ὁ G3588 T-NSM ὀφθαλμός G3788 N-NSM σου Thine Eye, G4675 P-2GS ὁ The G3588 T-NSM δεξιὸς Right, G1188 A-NSM σκανδαλίζει Cause To Offend G4624 V-PAI-3S σε Thee, G4571 P-2AS ἔξελε Pluck Out G1807 V-2AAM-2S αὐτὸν It G846 P-ASM καὶ And G2532 CONJ βάλε Cast It G906 V-2AAM-2S ἀπὸ From G575 PREP σοῦ· Thee : G4675 P-2GS συμφέρει G4851 V-PAI-3S γάρ For It Is Profitable G1063 CONJ σοι For Thee G4671 P-2DS ἵνα That G2443 CONJ ἀπόληται Should Perish G622 V-2AMS-3S ἓν One G1520 A-ASN τῶν G3588 T-GPN μελῶν G3196 N-GPN σου Of Thy Members, G4675 P-2GS καὶ And G2532 CONJ μὴ Not G3361 PRT-N ὅλον Whole G3650 A-NSN τὸ G3588 T-NSN σῶμά G4983 N-NSN σου Thy Body G4675 P-2GS βληθῇ Be Cast G906 V-APS-3S εἰς Into G1519 PREP γέενναν Gehenna. G1067 N-ASF
30 καὶ And G2532 CONJ εἰ If G1487 COND ἡ G3588 T-NSF δεξιά G1188 A-NSF σου Thy Right G4675 P-2GS χεὶρ Hand G5495 N-NSF σκανδαλίζει Cause To Offend G4624 V-PAI-3S σε Thee, G4571 P-2AS ἔκκοψον Cut Off G1581 V-AAM-2S αὐτὴν It G846 P-ASF καὶ And G2532 CONJ βάλε Cast It G906 V-2AAM-2S ἀπὸ From G575 PREP σοῦ· Thee : G4675 P-2GS συμφέρει G4851 V-PAI-3S γάρ For It Is Profitable G1063 CONJ σοι For Thee G4671 P-2DS ἵνα That G2443 CONJ ἀπόληται Should Perish G622 V-2AMS-3S ἓν One G1520 A-ASN τῶν G3588 T-GPN μελῶν G3196 N-GPN σου Of Thy Members, G4675 P-2GS καὶ And G2532 CONJ μὴ Not G3361 PRT-N ὅλον Whole G3650 A-NSN τὸ G3588 T-NSN σῶμά G4983 N-NSN σου Thy Body G4675 P-2GS TSBβληθῇ Be Cast G906 V-APS-3S εἰς Into G1519 PREP γέενναν Gehenna. G1067 N-ASF [Aαπελθη] [blhqh eij geennan f35 W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 23 apelqh ℵB [2%] NU (D omits verse 30)]
31 Ἐρρέθη* It Was Said G4483 V-API-3S δέ* Also G1161 CONJ TSBὅτι* That G3754 CONJ Ὃς G3739 R-NSM ἂν Whoever G302 PRT ἀπολύσῃ Shall Put Away G630 V-AAS-3S τὴν G3588 T-ASF γυναῖκα G1135 N-ASF αὐτοῦ His Wife, G846 P-GSM δότω Let Him Give To G1325 V-2AAM-3S αὐτῇ Her G846 P-DSF ἀποστάσιον A Letter Of Divorce : G647 N-ASN [ * erreqh _ f35 ℵ [30%] || 1 de B,D,W [70%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU] [oti f35 W [97%] RP,HF,CP,TR || --- ℵB,D [3%] OC,NU] [Deu_24 LXX: δώσειV-FAI-3S; Mat_5:31: δότωV-2AAM-3S – changed from Future Active Indicative -storytelling- to 2nd Aorist Active Imperative -a command-. – in doing so, this omits an iota/ἰῶτα (and more): δώσει to δότω – as just prohibited in v. Mat_5:18]
32 ἐγὼ G1473 P-1NS δὲ But I G1161 CONJ λέγω Say G3004 V-PAI-1S ὑμῖν To You G5213 P-2DP ὅτι That G3754 CONJ ·TSBὃς G3739 R-NSM TSBἂν Whoever G302 PRT TSBἀπολύσῃ Shall Put Away [Aπας Aο Aαπολυων] G630 V-AAS-3S τὴν G3588 T-ASF γυναῖκα G1135 N-ASF αὐτοῦ His Wife, G846 P-GSM παρεκτὸς Except G3924 ADV λόγου On Account G3056 N-GSM πορνείας Of Fornication, G4202 N-GSF ποιεῖ Causes G4160 V-PAI-3S αὐτὴν Her G846 P-ASF TSBμοιχᾶσθαι, To Commit Adultery; G3429 V-PNN [Aμοιχευθηναι] καὶ And G2532 CONJ ὃς G3739 R-NSM ἐὰν Whoever G1437 COND ἀπολελυμένην Her Who Has Been Put Away G630 V-RPP-ASF γαμήσῃ Shall Marry, G1060 V-AAS-3S μοιχᾶται Commits Adultery. G3429 V-PNI-3S [oj an apolush f35 D [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || paj o apoluwn ℵB,W [10%] NU] [18 moicasqai f35 [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || moiceuqhnai ℵB,D,W [3%] NU]
33 Πάλιν Again, G3825 ADV ἠκούσατε Ye Have Heard G191 V-AAI-2P ὅτι That G3754 CONJ ἐρρέθη It Was Said G4483 V-API-3S τοῖς To The G3588 T-DPM ἀρχαίοις Ancients, G744 A-DPM Οὐκ G3756 PRT-N ἐπιορκήσεις Thou Shalt Not Forswear Thyself, G1964 V-FAI-2S ἀποδώσεις G591 V-FAI-2S δὲ But Thou Shalt Render G1161 CONJ τῷ To The G3588 T-DSM κυρίῳ Lord G2962 N-DSM τοὺς G3588 T-APM ὅρκους G3727 N-APM σου Thine Oaths. G4675 P-2GS
34 ἐγὼ I G1473 P-1NS δὲ But G1161 CONJ λέγω Say G3004 V-PAI-1S ὑμῖν To You G5213 P-2DP μὴ Not G3361 PRT-N ὀμόσαι To Swear G3660 V-AAN ὅλως· At All, G3654 ADV μήτε Neither G3383 CONJ ἐν By G1722 PREP τῷ The G3588 T-DSM οὐρανῷ Heaven, G3772 N-DSM ὅτι Because G3754 CONJ θρόνος The Throne G2362 N-NSM ἐστὶν It Is G2076 V-PXI-3S τοῦ G3588 T-GSM θεοῦ Of God; G2316 N-GSM
35 μήτε Nor G3383 CONJ ἐν By G1722 PREP τῇ The G3588 T-DSF γῇ Earth, G1093 N-DSF ὅτι Because G3754 CONJ ὑποπόδιόν The Footstool G5286 N-NSN ἐστιν It Is G2076 V-PXI-3S τῶν G3588 T-GPM ποδῶν G4228 N-GPM αὐτοῦ Of His Feet : G846 P-GSM μήτε Nor G3383 CONJ εἰς By G1519 PREP Ἱεροσόλυμα Jerusalem, G2414 N-ASF ὅτι Because G3754 CONJ πόλις The City G4172 N-NSF ἐστὶν It Is G2076 V-PXI-3S τοῦ Of The G3588 T-GSM μεγάλου Great G3173 A-GSM βασιλέως King. G935 N-GSM
36 μήτε Neither G3383 CONJ ἐν By G1722 PREP τῇ G3588 T-DSF κεφαλῇ G2776 N-DSF σου Thy Head G4675 P-2GS ὀμόσῃς Shalt Thou Swear, G3660 V-AAS-2S ὅτι Because G3754 CONJ οὐ G3756 PRT-N δύνασαι Thou Art Not Able G1410 V-PNI-2S μίαν G1520 A-ASF τρίχα Hair G2359 N-ASF λευκὴν White G3022 A-ASF [Aποιησαι] ἢ Or G2228 PRT μέλαιναν Black G3189 A-ASF TSBποιῆσαι To Make. G4160 V-AAN [mian trica leukhn h melainan poihsai f35 [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 123645 (ℵ)B(W) [1%] NU || ~ 612345 [0.5%] || ~ 126345 [0.5%] || two other variants D]
37 ἔστω Let Be G2077 V-PXM-3S δὲ But G1161 CONJ ὁ G3588 T-NSM λόγος G3056 N-NSM ὑμῶν Your Word, G5216 P-2GP ναὶ Yea, G3483 PRT ναί Yea; G3483 PRT οὒ Nay, G3756 PRT-N οὔ· Nay : G3756 PRT-N τὸ G3588 T-NSN δὲ But What G1161 CONJ περισσὸν Is More G4053 A-NSN τούτων Than These G5130 D-GPM ἐκ From G1537 PREP τοῦ G3588 T-GSM πονηροῦ Evil G4190 A-GSM ἐστιν Is. G2076 V-PXI-3S
38 Ἠκούσατε Ye Have Heard G191 V-AAI-2P ὅτι That G3754 CONJ ἐρρέθη It Was Said, G4483 V-API-3S Ὀφθαλμὸν Eye G3788 N-ASM ἀντὶ For G473 PREP ὀφθαλμοῦ Eye, G3788 N-GSM καὶ And G2532 CONJ ὀδόντα Tooth G3599 N-ASM ἀντὶ For G473 PREP ὀδόντος Tooth; G3599 N-GSM
39 ἐγὼ G1473 P-1NS δὲ But I G1161 CONJ λέγω Say G3004 V-PAI-1S ὑμῖν To You G5213 P-2DP μὴ Not G3361 PRT-N ἀντιστῆναι To Resist G436 V-2AAN τῷ G3588 T-DSM πονηρῷ· Evil; G4190 A-DSM ἀλλ' But G235 CONJ ὅστις Whosoever G3748 R-NSM σε Thee G4571 P-2AS ·TSB(98%, f35)ῥαπίσει Shall Strike G4474 V-FAI-3S [A(2%)ῥαπίζει] TSB(96%, f35)ἐπί On G1909 PREP [A(4%)εἰς] τὴν G3588 T-ASF δεξιὰν G1188 A-ASF TSσου [Bσου – incl.: 35%; not: 65% (f35)] Thy Right G4675 P-2GS σιαγόνα Cheek, G4600 N-ASF [Aσου] [σει TSBἐπὶ τὴν δεξιὰν (35%: σου) σιαγόνα Majority: TSBῥαπί_; NA26: Aῥαπίζει Aεἰς τὴν δεξιὰν _ σιαγόνα Aσου (marks and emphasis added, but italics = original)] στρέψον Turn G4762 V-AAM-2S αὐτῷ To Him G846 P-DSM καὶ Also G2532 CONJ τὴν The G3588 T-ASF ἄλλην· Other; G243 A-ASF [Original “Pickering” Numbering: r`apisei2 epi3… siagona(4] [2 rapisei f35 D [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || rapizei ℵB,W [2%] NU] [3 epi f35 D [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || eij ℵB,W [4%] NU] [4 dexian siagona f35 ℵW [65%] RP,OC || 1 sou 2 [35%] HF,CP,TR || 12 sou B[NU] || 2 sou D]
40 καὶ And G2532 CONJ τῷ To Him G3588 T-DSM θέλοντί Who Would G2309 V-PAP-DSM σοι With Thee G4671 P-2DS κριθῆναι Go To Law G2919 V-APN καὶ And G2532 CONJ τὸν G3588 T-ASM χιτῶνά G5509 N-ASM σου Thy Tunic G4675 P-2GS λαβεῖν Take, G2983 V-2AAN ἄφες Yield G863 V-2AAM-2S αὐτῷ To Him G846 P-DSM καὶ Also G2532 CONJ τὸ G3588 T-ASN ἱμάτιον· Thy Cloak; G2440 N-ASN
41 καὶ And G2532 CONJ ὅστις Whosoever G3748 R-NSM σε Thee G4571 P-2AS ἀγγαρεύσει Will Compel To Go G29 V-FAI-3S μίλιον Mile G3400 N-ASN ἕν One, G1520 A-ASN ὕπαγε Go G5217 V-PAM-2S μετ' With G3326 PREP αὐτοῦ Him G846 P-GSM δύο Two. G1417 A-NUI
42 τῷ To Him Who G3588 T-DSM αἰτοῦντί Asks Of G154 V-PAP-DSM σε Thee G4571 P-2AS TSB(98.5%)δίδου· Give; G1325 V-PAM-2S [A(1.5%)δος] καὶ And G2532 CONJ τὸν G3588 T-ASM θέλοντα Him That Wishes G2309 V-PAP-ASM ἀπὸ From G575 PREP σοῦ Thee G4675 P-2GS TSBδανείσασθαι G1155 V-AMN [Aδανισασθαι] μὴ To Borrow G3361 PRT-N ἀποστραφῇς Thou Shalt Not Turn Away From. G654 V-2APS-2S [Original Numbering: didou(5 kai ton qelonta apo sou daneisasqai6] [5 didou f35 [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || doj ℵB,D,W [1.5%] NU] [6 daneisasqai f35 [97.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || danisasqai ℵB,D,W [1.5%] NU || danhsasqai [1%] || one other variant]
43 Ἠκούσατε Ye Have Heard G191 V-AAI-2P ὅτι That G3754 CONJ ἐρρέθη It Was Said, G4483 V-API-3S Ἀγαπήσεις Thou Shalt Love G25 V-FAI-2S τὸν G3588 T-ASM πλησίον G4139 ADV σου Thy Neighbour G4675 P-2GS καὶ And G2532 CONJ μισήσεις Hate G3404 V-FAI-2S τὸν G3588 T-ASM ἐχθρόν G2190 A-ASM σου Thine Enemy. G4675 P-2GS
44 ἐγὼ G1473 P-1NS δὲ But I G1161 CONJ
λέγω Say G3004 V-PAI-1S ὑμῖν
To You, G5213 P-2DP ἀγαπᾶτε
Love G25 V-PAM-2P
τοὺς G3588 T-APM ἐχθροὺς
Enemies G2190 A-APM ὑμῶν
Your, G5216 P-2GP ·TSBεὐλογειτε
Bless G2127 V-PAM-2P TSBτοὺς Those Who G3588 T-APM TSBκαταρωμένους
Curse G2672 V-PNP-APM TSBὑμᾶς You, G5209 P-2AP TSBκαλῶς Well G2573 ADV TSBποιεῖτε
Do G4160 V-PAM-2P [ B(f35)τοις
/ TSτοὺς To Those Who G3588 T-APM TSμισοῦντας
Hate G3404 V-PAP-APM] TSBὑμᾶς, You, G5209 P-2AP ·καὶ And G2532 CONJ
προσεύχεσθε Pray G4336 V-PNM-2P ὑπὲρ
For G5228 PREP
τῶν Those Who G3588 T-GPM TSBἐπηρεαζόντων
Use G1908 V-PAP-GPM TSBὑμᾶς, You G5209 P-2AP TSBκαὶ And G2532 CONJ
διωκόντων Persecute G1377 V-PAP-GPM ὑμᾶς, You; G5209 P-2AP [A: καὶ προσεύχεσθε
ὑπὲρ τῶν διωκόντων
ὑμᾶς (NA26, etc.)]
[Original Numbering: u`maj(7
kai proseucesqe u`per twn ephreazontwn u`maj kai8]
[7 eulogeite touj katarwmenouj umaj kalwj poieite toij
misousin (touj misountaj 1.1% TR) umaj f35 W
(91.2%) RP,HF,OC,CP(TR) || ten minor variations on this D (1.9%) || 1234 (4.2%)
|| 56789 (0.9%) || ~ 5-9,1-4 (0.6%) || five further partial variants (0.3%) ||
--- ℵB (0.8%) NU]
[8 ephreazontwn umaj kai f35 W
(94.3%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 12 (2.8%) || 13 (D) (1.8%) || --- ℵB (0.8%) NU || longer omission (0.3%)]
45 ὅπως So That G3704 ADV γένησθε Ye May Be G1096 V-2ADS-2P υἱοὶ Sons G5207 N-NPM τοῦ G3588 T-GSM πατρὸς G3962 N-GSM ὑμῶν Of Your Father G5216 P-2GP τοῦ Who G3588 T-GSM ἐν Is In G1722 PREP B(f35)τοις οὐρανοῖς The Heavens : G3772 N-DPM ὅτι For G3754 CONJ τὸν G3588 T-ASM ἥλιον G2246 N-ASM αὐτοῦ His Sun G846 P-GSM ἀνατέλλει He Causes To Rise G393 V-PAI-3S ἐπὶ On G1909 PREP πονηροὺς Evil G4190 A-APM καὶ And G2532 CONJ ἀγαθοὺς Good, G18 A-APM καὶ And G2532 CONJ βρέχει Sends Rain G1026 V-PAI-3S ἐπὶ On G1909 PREP δικαίους Just G1342 A-APM καὶ And G2532 CONJ ἀδίκους Unjust. G94 A-APM [toij f35 [80%] RP,HF,CP || --- ℵB,D,W [20%] OC,TR,NU]
46 ἐὰν G1437 COND γὰρ For If G1063 CONJ ἀγαπήσητε Ye Love G25 V-AAS-2P τοὺς Those Who G3588 T-APM ἀγαπῶντας Love G25 V-PAP-APM ὑμᾶς You, G5209 P-2AP τίνα What G5101 I-ASM μισθὸν Reward G3408 N-ASM ἔχετε Have Ye? G2192 V-PAI-2P οὐχὶ Not G3780 PRT-I καὶ Also G2532 CONJ οἱ The G3588 T-NPM τελῶναι Tax Gatherers G5057 N-NPM τὸ The G3588 T-ASN αὐτὸ Same G846 P-ASN ποιοῦσιν Do? G4160 V-PAI-3P
47 καὶ And G2532 CONJ ἐὰν
If G1437 COND ἀσπάσησθε
Ye Salute G782 V-ADS-2P
τοὺς G3588 T-APM [B(f35)φιλους / TSAἀδελφοὺς
G80 N-APM] ὑμῶν
Your Brethren G5216 P-2GP
μόνον Only, G3440 ADV
τί What G5101 I-ASN
περισσὸν Extraordinary G4053 A-ASN
ποιεῖτε Do Ye? G4160 V-PAI-2P οὐχὶ Not G3780 PRT-I
καὶ Also G2532 CONJ οἱ The G3588 T-NPM ·TSBτελῶναι
Tax Gatherers G5057 N-NPM TSBοὕτως
[A: Aεθνικοι
Aτο Aαυτο] So G3779 ADV ποιοῦσιν
Do? G4160 V-PAI-3P
[Original Numbering: filouj10
u`mwn monon( ti, perisson poieite? Ouci kai oi` telwnai11
ou`twj12 poiousin?]
[10 filouj f35 W [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP || adelfouj ℵB,D [3.5%] TR,NU || two other variants
[11 telwnai f35 W (91.4%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR
|| eqnikoi ℵB,D (7.3%) NU || long omissions
[12 outwj f35 (80.2%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR ||
to auto ℵB,D,W (17%) NU || touto (1.5%) || long
omissions (1.3%)]
48 Ἔσεσθε Shall Be G2071 V-FXI-2P οὖν Therefore G3767 CONJ ὑμεῖς
Ye G5210 P-2NP
τέλειοι Perfect, G5046 A-NPM TSBὡσπερ
[Aως] Even As G5618 ADV ὁ
G3588 T-NSM πατὴρ G3962 N-NSM ὑμῶν Your Father G5216 P-2GP ὁ
Who Is G3588 T-NSM TSBἐν
In G1722 PREP TSBτοῖς
The G3588 T-DPM TSBοὐρανοῖς
Heavens G3772 N-DPM
τέλειός Perfect G5046 A-NSM ἐστιν
Is. G2076 V-PXI-3S
[Original Numbering: Esesqe
oun u`meij teleioi w`sper13
o` Pathr u`mwn o` en toij ouranoij14]
[13 wsper f35
D,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || wj ℵB [3%] NU]
[14 en toij ouranoij f35
[85%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ouranioj ℵB,W [15%] NU || 13 D]
You have
heard that it was said to the Ancient Beginning Ones…
Mat_5:21 – Murder: ᾿Ηκούσατε ὅτι ἐρρέθη τοῖς ἀρχαίοις
Mat_5:27 – Adultery: ᾿Ηκούσατε ὅτι ἐρρέθη TSτοῖς TSἀρχαίοις
Mat_5:31 – Divorce: ᾿Ερρέθη δέ· TSBοτι
Mat_5:33 – Oaths: Πάλιν ἠκούσατε ὅτι ἐρρέθη τοῖς ἀρχαίοις
Mat_5:38 – Eye for Eye: ᾿Ηκούσατε ὅτι ἐρρέθη
Mat_5:43 – Love Enemy: ᾿Ηκούσατε ὅτι ἐρρέθη
Mat_6:1-34 IGNT-TRi - Grm
1 Προσέχετε Beware G4337 V-PAM-2P [Aδε] τὴν G3588 T-ASF TSBἐλεημοσύνην G1654 N-ASF [Aδικαιοσυνην] ὑμῶν Your Alms G5216 P-2GP μὴ Not G3361 PRT-N ποιεῖν To Do G4160 V-PAN ἔμπροσθεν Before G1715 PREP τῶν G3588 T-GPM ἀνθρώπων G444 N-GPM πρὸς Men, G4314 PREP τὸ G3588 T-ASN θεαθῆναι In Order To Be Seen G2300 V-APN αὐτοῖς· G846 P-DPM εἰ G1487 COND δὲ By Them : G1161 CONJ TSBμήγε [Aμη Aγε], Otherwise G3361 PRT-N μισθὸν Reward G3408 N-ASM οὐκ G3756 PRT-N ἔχετε Ye Have Not G2192 V-PAI-2P παρὰ With G3844 PREP τῷ G3588 T-DSM πατρὶ G3962 N-DSM ὑμῶν Your Father G5216 P-2GP τῷ Who Is G3588 T-DSM ἐν In G1722 PREP τοῖς The G3588 T-DPM οὐρανοῖς Heavens. G3772 N-DPM
2 Ὅταν When G3752 CONJ οὖν Therefore G3767 CONJ ποιῇς Thou Doest G4160 V-PAS-2S ἐλεημοσύνην G1654 N-ASF μὴ Alms, G3361 PRT-N σαλπίσῃς Do Not Sound A Trumpet G4537 V-AAS-2S ἔμπροσθέν Before G1715 PREP σου Thee, G4675 P-2GS ὥσπερ As G5618 ADV οἱ The G3588 T-NPM ὑποκριταὶ Hypocrites G5273 N-NPM ποιοῦσιν Do G4160 V-PAI-3P ἐν In G1722 PREP ταῖς The G3588 T-DPF συναγωγαῖς Synagogues G4864 N-DPF καὶ And G2532 CONJ ἐν In G1722 PREP ταῖς The G3588 T-DPF ῥύμαις Streets, G4505 N-DPF ὅπως That G3704 ADV δοξασθῶσιν They May Have Glory G1392 V-APS-3P ὑπὸ From G5259 PREP τῶν G3588 T-GPM ἀνθρώπων· Men. G444 N-GPM ἀμὴν Verily G281 HEB λέγω I Say G3004 V-PAI-1S ὑμῖν To You, G5213 P-2DP ἀπέχουσιν They Have G568 V-PAI-3P τὸν G3588 T-ASM μισθὸν G3408 N-ASM αὐτῶν Their Reward. G846 P-GPM
3 σοῦ G4675 P-2GS δὲ But Thou G1161 CONJ ποιοῦντος Doing G4160 V-PAP-GSM ἐλεημοσύνην G1654 N-ASF μὴ Alms, G3361 PRT-N γνώτω Let Not Know G1097 V-2AAM-3S ἡ G3588 T-NSF ἀριστερά G710 A-NSF σου Thy Left Hand G4675 P-2GS τί What G5101 I-ASN ποιεῖ Does G4160 V-PAI-3S ἡ G3588 T-NSF δεξιά G1188 A-NSF σου Thy Right Hand, G4675 P-2GS
4 ὅπως So That G3704 ADV ᾖ May Be G5600 V-PXS-3S σου Thine G4675 P-2GS ἡ G3588 T-NSF ἐλεημοσύνη Alms G1654 N-NSF ἐν In G1722 PREP τῷ G3588 T-DSN κρυπτῷ· Secret : G2927 A-DSN καὶ And G2532 CONJ ὁ G3588 T-NSM πατήρ G3962 N-NSM σου Thy Father G4675 P-2GS ὁ Who G3588 T-NSM βλέπων Sees G991 V-PAP-NSM ἐν In G1722 PREP τῷ G3588 T-DSN κρυπτῷ Secret G2927 A-DSN TSBαὑτὸς, Himself G846 P-NSM ἀποδώσει Shall Render G591 V-FAI-3S σοι G4671 P-2DS [TSBἐν To Thee G1722 PREP TSBτῷ G3588 T-DSN TSBφανερῷ Openly. G5318 A-DSN]
5 Καὶ And G2532 CONJ ὅταν When G3752 CONJ TSBπροσεύχῃ, Thou Prayest, G4336 V-PNS-2S [Aπροσευχησθε] οὐκ G3756 PRT-N TSBἔσῃ Thou Shalt Not Be G2071 V-FXI-2S [Aεσεσθε] TSBὥσπερ As G5618 ADV [Aως] οἱ The G3588 T-NPM ὑποκριταί Hypocrites, G5273 N-NPM ὅτι For G3754 CONJ φιλοῦσιν They Love G5368 V-PAI-3P ἐν In G1722 PREP ταῖς The G3588 T-DPF συναγωγαῖς Synagogues G4864 N-DPF καὶ And G2532 CONJ ἐν In G1722 PREP ταῖς The G3588 T-DPF γωνίαις Corners G1137 N-DPF τῶν Of The G3588 T-GPF πλατειῶν Streets G4113 N-GPF ἑστῶτες Standing G2476 V-RAP-NPM προσεύχεσθαι To Pray, G4336 V-PNN ὅπως G3704 ADV TSBἂν So That G302 PRT φανῶσιν They May Appear G5316 V-2APS-3P τοῖς G3588 T-DPM ἀνθρώποις· To Men. G444 N-DPM ἀμὴν Verily G281 HEB λέγω I Say G3004 V-PAI-1S ὑμῖν To You, G5213 P-2DP TSBὅτι That G3754 CONJ ἀπέχουσιν They Have G568 V-PAI-3P τὸν G3588 T-ASM μισθὸν Reward G3408 N-ASM αὐτῶν Their. G846 P-GPM
6 σὺ G4771 P-2NS δὲ But Thou, G1161 CONJ ὅταν When G3752 CONJ προσεύχῃ Thou Prayest, G4336 V-PNS-2S εἴσελθε Enter G1525 V-2AAM-2S εἰς Into G1519 PREP τὸ G3588 T-ASN TSBταμιεῖόν G5009 N-NSN inner (stuffed-away) room [Aταμειον] σου Thy G4675 P-2GS καὶ And G2532 CONJ κλείσας Having Shut G2808 V-AAP-NSM τὴν G3588 T-ASF θύραν G2374 N-ASF σου Thy Door, G4675 P-2GS πρόσευξαι Pray G4336 V-ADM-2S τῷ G3588 T-DSM πατρί G3962 N-DSM σου To Thy Father G4675 P-2GS τῷ Who Is G3588 T-DSM ἐν In G1722 PREP τῷ G3588 T-DSN κρυπτῷ· Secret; G2927 A-DSN καὶ And G2532 CONJ ὁ G3588 T-NSM πατήρ G3962 N-NSM σου Thy Father G4675 P-2GS ὁ Who G3588 T-NSM βλέπων Sees G991 V-PAP-NSM ἐν In G1722 PREP τῷ G3588 T-DSN κρυπτῷ Secret G2927 A-DSN ἀποδώσει Will Render G591 V-FAI-3S σοι G4671 P-2DS [TSBἐν To Thee G1722 PREP TSBτῷ G3588 T-DSN TSBφανερῷ Openly. G5318 A-DSN]
7 Προσευχόμενοι G4336 V-PNP-NPM δὲ G1161 CONJ μὴ But When Ye Pray G3361 PRT-N TSBβαττολογήσητε, Do Not Use Vain Repetitions, G945 V-AAS-2P [Aβατταλογησητε] ὥσπερ As G5618 ADV οἱ The G3588 T-NPM ἐθνικοί Heathens : G1482 A-NPM δοκοῦσιν G1380 V-PAI-3P γὰρ For They Think G1063 CONJ ὅτι That G3754 CONJ ἐν In G1722 PREP τῇ G3588 T-DSF πολυλογίᾳ Much Speaking G4180 N-DSF αὐτῶν Their G846 P-GPM εἰσακουσθήσονται They Shall Be Heard. G1522 V-FPI-3P
8 μὴ Not G3361 PRT-N οὖν Therefore G3767 CONJ ὁμοιωθῆτε Be Like G3666 V-APS-2P αὐτοῖς· To Them : G846 P-DPM οἶδεν G1492 V-RAI-3S γὰρ For Knows G1063 CONJ ὁ G3588 T-NSM πατὴρ G3962 N-NSM ὑμῶν Your Father G5216 P-2GP ὧν Of What Things G3739 R-GPN χρείαν Need G5532 N-ASF ἔχετε Ye Have G2192 V-PAI-2P πρὸ Before G4253 PREP τοῦ G3588 T-GSM ὑμᾶς Ye G5209 P-2AP αἰτῆσαι Ask G154 V-AAN αὐτόν Him. G846 P-ASM
9 Οὕτως Thus G3779 ADV οὖν Therefore G3767 CONJ προσεύχεσθε Pray G4336 V-PNM-2P ὑμεῖς· Ye : G5210 P-2NP Πάτερ G3962 N-VSM ἡμῶν Our Father G2257 P-1GP ὁ Who Art G3588 T-NSM ἐν In G1722 PREP τοῖς The G3588 T-DPM οὐρανοῖς Heavens, G3772 N-DPM ἁγιασθήτω Sanctified Be G37 V-APM-3S τὸ G3588 T-NSN ὄνομά G3686 N-NSN σου· Thy Name; G4675 P-2GS
10 ἐλθέτω Let Come G2064 V-2AAM-3S ἡ G3588 T-NSF βασιλεία G932 N-NSF σου· Thy Kingdom; G4675 P-2GS γενηθήτω Let Be Done G1096 V-AOM-3S τὸ G3588 T-NSN θέλημά G2307 N-NSN σου Thy Will G4675 P-2GS ὡς As G5613 ADV ἐν In G1722 PREP οὐρανῷ Heaven, So G3772 N-DSM καὶ Also G2532 CONJ ἐπὶ Upon G1909 PREP TSBτῆς The G3588 T-GSF γῆς· Earth; G1093 N-GSF
11 Τὸν G3588 T-ASM ἄρτον G740 N-ASM ἡμῶν Our Bread G2257 P-1GP τὸν The G3588 T-ASM ἐπιούσιον Needed G1967 A-ASM δὸς Give G1325 V-2AAM-2S ἡμῖν Us G2254 P-1DP σήμερον· Today; G4594 ADV
12 καὶ And G2532 CONJ ἄφες Forgive G863 V-2AAM-2S ἡμῖν Us G2254 P-1DP τὰ G3588 T-APN ὀφειλήματα G3783 N-APN ἡμῶν Our Debts, G2257 P-1GP ὡς As G5613 ADV καὶ Also G2532 CONJ ἡμεῖς We G2249 P-1NP ἀφίεμεν Forgive G863 V-PAI-1P τοῖς G3588 T-DPM ὀφειλέταις G3781 N-DPM ἡμῶν· Our Debtors; G2257 P-1GP
13 καὶ G2532 CONJ μὴ And G3361 PRT-N εἰσενέγκῃς Lead Not G1533 V-AAS-2S ἡμᾶς Us G2248 P-1AP εἰς Into G1519 PREP πειρασμόν, Temptation, G3986 N-ASM ἀλλὰ But G235 CONJ ῥῦσαι Deliver G4506 V-ADM-2S ἡμᾶς Us G2248 P-1AP ἀπὸ From G575 PREP τοῦ G3588 T-GSM πονηροῦ Evil. G4190 A-GSM [TSBὅτι For G3754 CONJ TSBσοῦ Thine G4675 P-2GS TSBἐστιν Is G2076 V-PXI-3S TSBἡ The G3588 T-NSF TSBβασιλεία Kingdom G932 N-NSF TSBκαὶ And G2532 CONJ TSBἡ The G3588 T-NSF TSBδύναμις Power G1411 N-NSF TSBκαὶ And G2532 CONJ TSBἡ The G3588 T-NSF TSBδόξα Glory G1391 N-NSF TSBεἰς To G1519 PREP TSBτοῦς The G3588 T-APM TSBαἰῶνας Ages. G165 N-APM TSBἀμήν Amen. G281 HEB]
14 Ἐὰν G1437 COND γὰρ For If G1063 CONJ ἀφῆτε Ye Forgive G863 V-2AAS-2P τοῖς G3588 T-DPM ἀνθρώποις Men G444 N-DPM τὰ G3588 T-APN παραπτώματα G3900 N-APN αὐτῶν Their Offences, G846 P-GPM ἀφήσει Will Forgive G863 V-FAI-3S καὶ Also G2532 CONJ ὑμῖν You G5213 P-2DP ὁ G3588 T-NSM πατὴρ G3962 N-NSM ὑμῶν Your Father G5216 P-2GP ὁ The G3588 T-NSM οὐράνιος· Heavenly. G3770 A-NSM
15 ἐὰν G1437 COND δὲ But If G1161 CONJ μὴ Not G3361 PRT-N ἀφῆτε Ye Forgive G863 V-2AAS-2P τοῖς G3588 T-DPM ἀνθρώποις Men G444 N-DPM [TSBτὰ G3588 T-APN TSBπαραπτώματα G3900 N-APN TSBαὐτῶν, Their Offences, G846 P-GPM] οὐδὲ Neither G3761 ADV ὁ G3588 T-NSM πατὴρ Father G3962 N-NSM ὑμῶν Your G5216 P-2GP ἀφήσει Will Forgive G863 V-FAI-3S τὰ G3588 T-APN παραπτώματα G3900 N-APN ὑμῶν Your Offences. G5216 P-2GP
16 Ὅταν G3752 CONJ δὲ And When G1161 CONJ νηστεύητε G3522 V-PAS-2P μὴ Ye Fast, G3361 PRT-N γίνεσθε Be Not G1096 V-PNM-2P TSBὡσπερ As G5618 ADV [Aως] οἱ The G3588 T-NPM ὑποκριταὶ Hypocrites, G5273 N-NPM σκυθρωποί Downcast In Countenance; G4659 A-NPM ἀφανίζουσιν G853 V-PAI-3P γὰρ For They Disfigure G1063 CONJ τὰ G3588 T-APN πρόσωπα G4383 N-APN αὐτῶν Their Faces, G846 P-GPM ὅπως So That G3704 ADV φανῶσιν They May Appear G5316 V-2APS-3P τοῖς G3588 T-DPM ἀνθρώποις To Men G444 N-DPM νηστεύοντες· Fasting. G3522 V-PAP-NPM ἀμὴν Verily G281 HEB λέγω I Say G3004 V-PAI-1S ὑμῖν To You, G5213 P-2DP TSBὅτι That G3754 CONJ ἀπέχουσιν They Have G568 V-PAI-3P τὸν G3588 T-ASM μισθὸν G3408 N-ASM αὐτῶν Their Reward. G846 P-GPM
17 σὺ G4771 P-2NS δὲ But Thou, G1161 CONJ νηστεύων Fasting, G3522 V-PAP-NSM ἄλειψαί Anoint G218 V-AMM-2S σου Thy G4675 P-2GS τὴν G3588 T-ASF κεφαλὴν Head, G2776 N-ASF καὶ And G2532 CONJ τὸ G3588 T-ASN πρόσωπόν G4383 N-ASN σου Thy Face G4675 P-2GS νίψαι Wash, G3538 V-AMM-2S
18 ὅπως G3704 ADV μὴ So That G3361 PRT-N φανῇς Thou Mayest Not Appear G5316 V-2APS-2S τοῖς G3588 T-DPM ἀνθρώποις To Men G444 N-DPM νηστεύων Fasting, G3522 V-PAP-NSM ἀλλὰ But G235 CONJ τῷ To G3588 T-DSM πατρί Father G3962 N-DSM σου Thy G4675 P-2GS τῷ Who Is G3588 T-DSM ἐν In G1722 PREP τῷ G3588 T-DSN TSBκρυπτῷ· Secret; G2927 A-DSN [Aκρυφαιω] καὶ And G2532 CONJ ὁ G3588 T-NSM πατήρ G3962 N-NSM σου Thy Father G4675 P-2GS ὁ Who G3588 T-NSM βλέπων Sees G991 V-PAP-NSM ἐν In G1722 PREP τῷ G3588 T-DSN TSBκρυπτῷ [Aκρυφαιω] Secret G2927 A-DSN ἀποδώσει Will Render G591 V-FAI-3S σοι G4671 P-2DS [TSἐν To Thee G1722 PREP TSτῷ G3588 T-DSN TSφανερῷ Openly. G5318 A-DSN]
19 Μὴ G3361 PRT-N θησαυρίζετε Treasure Not Up G2343 V-PAM-2P ὑμῖν For Yourselves G5213 P-2DP θησαυροὺς Treasures G2344 N-APM ἐπὶ Upon G1909 PREP τῆς The G3588 T-GSF γῆς Earth, G1093 N-GSF ὅπου Where G3699 ADV σὴς Moth G4597 N-NSM καὶ And G2532 CONJ βρῶσις Rust G1035 N-NSF ἀφανίζει Spoil, G853 V-PAI-3S καὶ And G2532 CONJ ὅπου Where G3699 ADV κλέπται Thieves G2812 N-NPM διορύσσουσιν Dig Through G1358 V-PAI-3P καὶ And G2532 CONJ κλέπτουσιν· Steal : G2813 V-PAI-3P
20 θησαυρίζετε G2343 V-PAM-2P δὲ But Treasure Up G1161 CONJ ὑμῖν For Yourselves G5213 P-2DP θησαυροὺς Treasures G2344 N-APM ἐν In G1722 PREP οὐρανῷ Heaven, G3772 N-DSM ὅπου Where G3699 ADV οὔτε Neither G3777 CONJ σὴς Moth G4597 N-NSM οὔτε Nor G3777 CONJ βρῶσις Rust G1035 N-NSF ἀφανίζει Spoils G853 V-PAI-3S καὶ And G2532 CONJ ὅπου Where G3699 ADV κλέπται Thieves G2812 N-NPM οὐ G3756 PRT-N διορύσσουσιν Do Not Dig Through G1358 V-PAI-3P οὐδὲ Nor G3761 ADV κλέπτουσιν· Steal : G2813 V-PAI-3P
21 ὅπου G3699 ADV γάρ For Where G1063 CONJ ἐστιν Is G2076 V-PXI-3S ὁ G3588 T-NSM θησαυρὸς Treasure G2344 N-NSM TSBὑμῶν, Your, G5216 P-2GP [Aσου] ἐκεῖ There G1563 ADV ἔσται Will Be G2071 V-FXI-3S καὶ Also G2532 CONJ ἡ G3588 T-NSF καρδία Heart G2588 N-NSF TSBὑμῶν Your. G5216 P-2GP [Aσου]
22 Ὁ The G3588 T-NSM λύχνος Lamp G3088 N-NSM τοῦ Of The G3588 T-GSN σώματός Body G4983 N-GSN ἐστιν Is G2076 V-PXI-3S ὁ The G3588 T-NSM ὀφθαλμός· Eye; G3788 N-NSM ἐὰν If G1437 COND οὖν Therefore G3767 CONJ ὁ G3588 T-NSM ὀφθαλμός G3788 N-NSM σου Thine Eye G4675 P-2GS ἁπλοῦς Single G573 A-NSM ᾖ Be, G5600 V-PXS-3S ὅλον Whole G3650 A-NSN τὸ G3588 T-NSN σῶμά G4983 N-NSN σου Thy Body G4675 P-2GS φωτεινὸν Light G5460 A-NSN ἔσται· Will Be. G2071 V-FXI-3S
23 ἐὰν G1437 COND δὲ But If G1161 CONJ [Aη] ὁ G3588 T-NSM ὀφθαλμός G3788 N-NSM σου Thine Eye G4675 P-2GS πονηρὸς Evil G4190 A-NSM TSBᾖ Be, G5600 V-PXS-3S ὅλον Whole G3650 A-NSN τὸ G3588 T-NSN σῶμά G4983 N-NSN σου Thy Body G4675 P-2GS σκοτεινὸν Dark G4652 A-NSN ἔσται· Will Be. G2071 V-FXI-3S εἰ If G1487 COND οὖν Therefore G3767 CONJ τὸ The G3588 T-NSN φῶς Light G5457 N-NSN τὸ That Is G3588 T-NSN ἐν In G1722 PREP σοὶ Thee G4671 P-2DS σκότος Darkness G4655 N-NSN ἐστίν, Is, G2076 V-PXI-3S τὸ The G3588 T-NSN σκότος Darkness G4655 N-NSN πόσον How Great. G4214 Q-NSN
24 Οὐδεὶς No One G3762 A-NSM δύναται Is Able G1410 V-PNI-3S δυσὶ Two G1417 A-DPM κυρίοις Lords G2962 N-DPM δουλεύειν· To Serve; G1398 V-PAN ἢ G2228 PRT γὰρ For Either G1063 CONJ τὸν The G3588 T-ASM ἕνα One G1520 A-ASM μισήσει He Will Hate, G3404 V-FAI-3S καὶ And G2532 CONJ τὸν The G3588 T-ASM ἕτερον Other G2087 A-ASM ἀγαπήσει He Will Love; G25 V-FAI-3S ἢ Or G2228 PRT ἑνὸς The One G1520 A-GSM ἀνθέξεται He Will Hold To, G472 V-FDI-3S καὶ And G2532 CONJ τοῦ The G3588 T-GSM ἑτέρου Other G2087 A-GSM καταφρονήσει· He Will Despise. G2706 V-FAI-3S οὐ G3756 PRT-N δύνασθε Ye Are Not Able G1410 V-PNI-2P θεῷ God G2316 N-DSM δουλεύειν To Serve G1398 V-PAN καὶ And G2532 CONJ [ BAμαμωνα / TSμαμμωνᾷ Mammon. G3126 N-DSN G3126 ARAM]
25 Διὰ Because G1223 PREP τοῦτο Of This G5124 D-ASN λέγω I Say G3004 V-PAI-1S ὑμῖν, G5213 P-2DP μὴ To You, G3361 PRT-N μεριμνᾶτε Be Not Careful G3309 V-PAM-2P τῇ G3588 T-DSF ψυχῇ G5590 N-DSF ὑμῶν, As To Your Life, G5216 P-2GP τί What G5101 I-ASN φάγητε Ye Should Eat G5315 V-2AAS-2P A[ TSBκαὶ And G2532 CONJ [Aη] τί What G5101 I-ASN πίητε, Ye Should Drink; G4095 V-2AAS-2P A] [GNT-V: Aη TSBκαι TSBπιητε; v 31: “τί πίωμεν”] τι Aπιητε μηδὲ Nor G3366 CONJ τῷ G3588 T-DSN σώματι G4983 N-DSlN ὑμῶν, As To Your Body G5216 P-2GP τί What G5101 I-ASN ἐνδύσησθε· Ye Should Put On. G1746 V-AMS-2P οὐχὶ Not G3780 PRT-I ἡ The G3588 T-NSF ψυχὴ Life G5590 N-NSF πλεῖόν More G4119 A-NSN-C ἐστιν Is G2076 V-PXI-3S τῆς Than The G3588 T-GSF τροφῆς Food G5160 N-GSF καὶ And G2532 CONJ τὸ The G3588 T-NSN σῶμα Body G4983 N-NSN τοῦ Than The G3588 T-GSN ἐνδύματος; Raiment? G1742 N-GSN [2 kai ti pihte f35 N [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || h 23 B,W [2%] [NU] || --- ℵ [1%]]
26 ἐμβλέψατε Look G1689 V-AAM-2P εἰς At G1519 PREP τὰ The G3588 T-APN πετεινὰ Birds G4071 N-APN τοῦ Of The G3588 T-GSM οὐρανοῦ Heaven, G3772 N-GSM ὅτι That G3754 CONJ οὐ G3756 PRT-N σπείρουσιν They Sow Not, G4687 V-PAI-3P οὐδὲ Nor G3761 ADV θερίζουσιν Do They Reap, G2325 V-PAI-3P οὐδὲ Nor G3761 ADV συνάγουσιν Do They Gather G4863 V-PAI-3P εἰς Into G1519 PREP ἀποθήκας Granaries, G596 N-APF καὶ And G2532 CONJ ὁ G3588 T-NSM πατὴρ G3962 N-NSM ὑμῶν Your Father G5216 P-2GP ὁ The G3588 T-NSM οὐράνιος Heavenly G3770 A-NSM τρέφει Feeds G5142 V-PAI-3S αὐτά· Them : G846 P-APN οὐχ Not G3756 PRT-N ὑμεῖς Ye G5210 P-2NP μᾶλλον Much G3123 ADV διαφέρετε Are Better G1308 V-PAI-2P αὐτῶν; Than They? G846 P-GPN
27 τίς
G5101 I-NSM δὲ But Which G1161 CONJ ἐξ
Out Of G1537 PREP ὑμῶν
You G5216 P-2GP
μεριμνῶν By Being Careful G3309 V-PAP-NSM
δύναται Is Able G1410 V-PNI-3S
προσθεῖναι To Add G4369 V-2AAN ἐπὶ
To G1909 PREP
τὴν G3588 T-ASF ἡλικίαν
G2244 N-ASF αὐτοῦ His Stature G846 P-GSM
πῆχυν Cubit G4083 N-ASM ἕνα;
One? G1520 A-ASM
28 καὶ And G2532 CONJ περὶ About G4012 PREP ἐνδύματος Raiment G1742 N-GSN τί Why G5101 I-ASN μεριμνᾶτε; Are Ye Careful? G3309 V-PAM-2P καταμάθετε Observe G2648 V-2AAM-2P τὰ The G3588 T-APN κρίνα Lilies G2918 N-APN τοῦ Of The G3588 T-GSM ἀγροῦ Field, G68 N-GSM πῶς How G4459 ADV TSBαὐξάνει· They Grow : G837 V-PAI-3S [Aαυξανουσιν] οὐ G3756 PRT-N TSBκοπιᾷ, They Labour Not G2872 V-PAI-3S [Aκοπιωσιν] οὐδὲ Nor G3761 ADV TSBνήθει· Do They Spin : G3514 V-PAI-3S [Aνηθουσιν]
29 λέγω I Say G3004 V-PAI-1S δὲ But G1161 CONJ ὑμῖν To You G5213 P-2DP ὅτι That G3754 CONJ οὐδὲ Not Even G3761 ADV Σολομὼν Solomon G4672 N-NSM ἐν In G1722 PREP πάσῃ All G3956 A-DSF τῇ G3588 T-DSF δόξῃ G1391 N-DSF αὐτοῦ His Glory G846 P-GSM περιεβάλετο Was Clothed G4016 V-2AMI-3S ὡς As G5613 ADV ἓν One G1520 A-ASN τούτων Of These. G5130 D-GPN
30 εἰ
G1487 COND δὲ But If G1161 CONJ
τὸν The G3588 T-ASM
χόρτον Grass G5528 N-ASM
τοῦ Of The G3588 T-GSM ἀγροῦ Field, G68 N-GSM
σήμερον To Day G4594 ADV ὄντα
Which Is G5607 V-PXP-ASM
καὶ And G2532 CONJ αὔριον
Tomorrow G839 ADV
εἰς Into G1519 PREP
κλίβανον Oven G2823 N-ASM
βαλλόμενον Is Cast, G906 V-PPP-ASM ὁ
G3588 T-NSM θεὸς God G2316 N-NSM
οὕτως Thus G3779 ADV ἀμφιέννυσιν
Arrays, G294 V-PAI-3S
οὐ Will He
Not G3756 PRT-N πολλῷ Much G4183 A-DSN
μᾶλλον Rather G3123 ADV ὑμᾶς,
You, G5209 P-2AP ὀλιγόπιστοι;
O Ye Of Little
Faith? G3640 A-VPM
31 μὴ
Not G3361 PRT-N
οὖν Therefore G3767 CONJ
μεριμνήσητε Be Careful, G3309 V-AAS-2P
λέγοντες, Saying, G3004 V-PAP-NPM
Τί What G5101 I-ASN
φάγωμεν; Shall We Eat? G5315 V-2AAS-1P ἤ, Or G2228 PRT Τί What G5101 I-ASN
πίωμεν; Shall We Drink? G4095 V-2AAS-1P [v. 25 Var:
“τί πίητε”] ἤ, Or G2228 PRT Τί With What G5101 I-ASN
Shall We Be
Clothed? G4016 V-2AMS-1P
32 πάντα G3956 A-APN γὰρ For All G1063 CONJ ταῦτα These Things G5023 D-APN τὰ The G3588 T-NPN ἔθνη Nations G1484 N-NPN TSBἐπιζητεῖ· Seek After. G1934 V-PAI-3S [Aεπιζητουσιν] οἶδεν G1492 V-RAI-3S γὰρ For Knows G1063 CONJ ὁ G3588 T-NSM πατὴρ G3962 N-NSM ὑμῶν Your Father G5216 P-2GP ὁ The G3588 T-NSM οὐράνιος Heavenly G3770 A-NSM ὅτι That G3754 CONJ χρῄζετε Ye Have Need G5535 V-PAI-2P τούτων Of These Things G5130 D-GPN ἁπάντων All. G537 A-GPN
33 ζητεῖτε G2212 V-PAM-2P δὲ But Seek Ye G1161 CONJ πρῶτον First G4412 ADV τὴν The G3588 T-ASF βασιλείαν Kingdom G932 N-ASF TSBA[ τοῦ G3588 T-GSM TSB] θεοῦ Of God G2316 N-GSM A] [GNT-V: Aτου TSBτου Aθεου TSBθεου; CGNT: A=[ του TSB=του A=θεου ] TSB=θεου] καὶ And G2532 CONJ τὴν G3588 T-ASF δικαιοσύνην G1343 N-ASF αὐτοῦ His Righteousness, G846 P-GSM καὶ And G2532 CONJ ταῦτα These Things G5023 D-NPN πάντα All G3956 A-NPN προστεθήσεται Shall Be Added G4369 V-FPI-3S ὑμῖν To You. G5213 P-2DP
34 μὴ Not G3361 PRT-N οὖν Therefore G3767 CONJ μεριμνήσητε Be Careful G3309 V-AAS-2P εἰς For G1519 PREP τὴν The G3588 T-ASF αὔριον Morrow : G839 ADV ἡ G3588 T-NSF γὰρ For The G1063 CONJ αὔριον Morrow G839 ADV μεριμνήσει Shall Be Careful About G3309 V-FAI-3S TSBτὰ The Things G3588 T-APN ἑαυτῆς· Of Itself. G1438 F-3GSF ἀρκετὸν Sufficient G713 A-NSN τῇ To The G3588 T-DSF ἡμέρᾳ Day G2250 N-DSF ἡ Is The G3588 T-NSF κακία Evil G2549 N-NSF αὐτῆς Of It. G846 P-GSF
Mat_7:1-29 IGNT-TRi - Grm
1 Μὴ G3361 don’t PRT-N κρίνετε Judge Not, G2919 V-PAM-2P ἵνα G2443 that CONJ μὴ not G3361 PRT-N κριθῆτε· Ye Not Be Judged : G2919 V-APS-2P
2 ἐν With G1722 PREP ᾧ What G3739 R-DSN γὰρ For G1063 CONJ κρίματι Judgment G2917 N-DSN κρίνετε Ye Judge, G2919 V-PAI-2P κριθήσεσθε Ye Shall Be Judged; G2919 V-FPI-2P καὶ And G2532 CONJ ἐν With G1722 PREP ᾧ What G3739 R-DSN μέτρῳ Measure G3358 N-DSN μετρεῖτε Ye Mete, G3354 V-PAI-2P [ TSἀντιμετρηθήσεται It Shall Be Measured Again G488 V-FPI-3S / BAμετρηθησεται] ὑμῖν To You. G5213 P-2DP
3 τί G5101 I-ASN δὲ But Why G1161 CONJ βλέπεις Lookest Thou G991 V-PAI-2S τὸ On The G3588 T-ASN κάρφος Mote G2595 N-ASN τὸ That Is G3588 T-ASN ἐν In G1722 PREP τῷ The G3588 T-DSM ὀφθαλμῷ Eye G3788 N-DSM τοῦ G3588 T-GSM ἀδελφοῦ G80 N-GSM σου Of Thy Brother, G4675 P-2GS τὴν G3588 T-ASF δὲ But The G1161 CONJ ἐν In G1722 PREP τῷ G3588 T-DSM σῷ Thine G4674 S-2DSM ὀφθαλμῷ Own Eye G3788 N-DSM δοκὸν Beam G1385 N-ASF οὐ G3756 PRT-N κατανοεῖς Perceivest Not? G2657 V-PAI-2S
4 ἢ Or G2228 PRT πῶς How G4459 ADV-I ἐρεῖς Wilt Thou Say G2046 V-FAI-2S τῷ G3588 T-DSM ἀδελφῷ G80 N-DSM σου To Thy Brother, G4675 P-2GS Ἄφες Suffer That G863 V-2AAM-2S ἐκβάλω I May Cast Out G1544 V-2AAS-1S τὸ The G3588 T-ASN κάρφος Mote G2595 N-ASN TSBἀπὸ From G575 PREP [Aεκ] τοῦ G3588 T-GSM ὀφθαλμοῦ G3788 N-GSM σου Thine Eye : G4675 P-2GS καὶ And G2532 CONJ ἰδού, Behold, G2400 V-2AAM-2S ἡ The G3588 T-NSF δοκὸς Beam G1385 N-NSF ἐν Is In G1722 PREP τῷ G3588 T-DSM ὀφθαλμῷ G3788 N-DSM σοῦ Thine Own Eye! G4675 P-2GS
5 ὑποκριτά, Hypocrite, G5273 N-VSM ἔκβαλε Cast Out G1544 V-2AAM-2S πρῶτον First G4412 ADV TSBτὴν The G3588 T-ASF TSBδοκὸν Beam G1385 N-ASF ἐκ Out Of G1537 PREP τοῦ G3588 T-GSM ὀφθαλμοῦ G3788 N-GSM σοῦ Thine Own Eye, G4675 P-2GS [Aτην Aδοκον] καὶ And G2532 CONJ τότε Then G5119 ADV διαβλέψεις Thou Wilt See Clearly G1227 V-FAI-2S ἐκβαλεῖν To Cast Out G1544 V-2AAN τὸ The G3588 T-ASN κάρφος Mote G2595 N-ASN ἐκ Out G1537 PREP τοῦ Of The G3588 T-GSM ὀφθαλμοῦ Eye G3788 N-GSM τοῦ G3588 T-GSM ἀδελφοῦ G80 N-GSM σου Of Thy Brother. G4675 P-2GS
6 Μὴ G3361 PRT-N δῶτε Give Not G1325 V-2AAS-2P τὸ That Which Is G3588 T-ASN ἅγιον Holy G40 A-ASN τοῖς To The G3588 T-DPM κυσίν, Dogs, G2965 N-DPM μηδὲ Nor G3366 CONJ βάλητε Cast G906 V-2AAS-2P τοὺς G3588 T-APM μαργαρίτας Pearls G3135 N-APM ὑμῶν Your G5216 P-2GP ἔμπροσθεν Before G1715 PREP τῶν The G3588 T-GPM χοίρων Swine, G5519 N-GPM μήποτε Lest G3379 ADV TSBκαταπατήσωσιν They Should Trample Upon G2662 V-AAS-3P [Aκαταπατησουσιν] αὐτοὺς Them G846 P-APM ἐν With G1722 PREP τοῖς G3588 T-DPM ποσὶν G4228 N-DPM αὐτῶν Their Feet, G846 P-GPM καὶ And G2532 CONJ στραφέντες Having Turned G4762 V-2APP-NPM ῥήξωσιν They Rend G4486 V-AAS-3P ὑμᾶς You. G5209 P-2AP
7 Αἰτεῖτε Ask, G154 V-PAM-2P καὶ And G2532 CONJ δοθήσεται It Shall Be Given G1325 V-FPI-3S ὑμῖν To You : G5213 P-2DP ζητεῖτε Seek, G2212 V-PAM-2P καὶ And G2532 CONJ εὑρήσετε Ye Shall Find : G2147 V-FAI-2P κρούετε Knock, G2925 V-PAM-2P καὶ And G2532 CONJ ἀνοιγήσεται It Shall Be Opened G455 V-2FPI-3S ὑμῖν· To You. G5213 P-2DP
8 πᾶς G3956 A-NSM γὰρ For Everyone G1063 CONJ ὁ That G3588 T-NSM αἰτῶν Asks G154 V-PAP-NSM λαμβάνει Receives, G2983 V-PAI-3S καὶ And G2532 CONJ ὁ He That G3588 T-NSM ζητῶν Seeks G2212 V-PAP-NSM εὑρίσκει Finds, G2147 V-PAI-3S καὶ And G2532 CONJ τῷ To Him That G3588 T-DSM κρούοντι Knocks G2925 V-PAP-DSM ἀνοιγήσεται It Shall Be Opened. G455 V-2FPI-3S
9 ἢ Or G2228 PRT τίς What G5101 I-NSM ἐστιν Is There G2076 V-PXI-3S ἐξ Of G1537 PREP ὑμῶν You G5216 P-2GP ἄνθρωπος Man G444 N-NSM ὃν Who G3739 R-ASM TSBἐὰν If G1437 COND TSBαἰτήσῃ Should Ask G154 V-AAS-3S [Aαιτησει] ὁ G3588 T-NSM υἱὸς Son G5207 N-NSM αὐτοῦ His G846 P-GSM ἄρτον G740 N-ASM μὴ Bread, G3361 PRT-N λίθον A Stone G3037 N-ASM ἐπιδώσει Will He Give G1929 V-FAI-3S αὐτῷ; Him? G846 P-DSM
10 ·[Aη] καὶ And G2532 CONJ TSBἐὰν If G1437 COND ἰχθὺν A Fish G2486 N-ASM TSBαἰτήσῃ [Aαιτησει], G154 V-AAS-3S He Should Ask, [NA26(remix): ἢ καὶ _ ἰχθὺν αἰτήσει; GNT-V(remix): Aη και TSBεαν ιχθυν TSBαιτηση Aαιτησει] μὴ He will not, G3361 PRT-N ὄφιν A Serpent G3789 N-ASM ἐπιδώσει Will He Give G1929 V-FAI-3S αὐτῷ Him {, will he}? G846 P-DSM
11 εἰ If G1487 COND οὖν Therefore G3767 CONJ ὑμεῖς Ye, G5210 P-2NP πονηροὶ Evil G4190 A-NPM ὄντες Being, G5607 V-PXP-NPM [X = no voice stated] / V-PAP-NPM οἴδατε Know How G1492 V-RAI-2P δόματα Gifts G1390 N-APN ἀγαθὰ Good G18 A-APN διδόναι To Give G1325 V-PAN τοῖς G3588 T-DPN τέκνοις G5043 N-DPN ὑμῶν To Your Children, G5216 P-2GP πόσῳ How Much G4214 Q-DSN μᾶλλον More G3123 ADV ὁ G3588 T-NSM πατὴρ G3962 N-NSM ὑμῶν Your Father G5216 P-2GP ὁ Who Is G3588 T-NSM ἐν In G1722 PREP τοῖς The G3588 T-DPM οὐρανοῖς Heavens G3772 N-DPM δώσει Will Give G1325 V-FAI-3S ἀγαθὰ Good Things G18 A-APN τοῖς To Them That G3588 T-DPM αἰτοῦσιν Ask G154 V-PAP-DPM αὐτόν Him? G846 P-ASM
12 Πάντα All Things G3956 A-APN οὖν Therefore G3767 CONJ ὅσα G3745 K-APN TSBἂν Whatever G302 PRT [Aεαν] θέλητε Ye Desire G2309 V-PAS-2P ἵνα That G2443 CONJ ποιῶσιν Should Do G4160 V-PAS-3P ὑμῖν To You G5213 P-2DP οἱ G3588 T-NPM ἄνθρωποι Men, G444 N-NPM οὕτως So G3779 ADV καὶ Also G2532 CONJ ὑμεῖς Ye G5210 P-2NP ποιεῖτε Do G4160 V-PAM-2P αὐτοῖς· To Them : G846 P-DPM οὗτος G3778 D-NSM γάρ For This G1063 CONJ ἐστιν Is G2076 V-PXI-3S ὁ The G3588 T-NSM νόμος Law G3551 N-NSM καὶ And G2532 CONJ οἱ The G3588 T-NPM προφῆται Prophets. G4396 N-NPM
13 TSBΕἰσέλθετε Enter In G1525 V-2AAM-2P [Aεισελθατε] διὰ Through G1223 PREP τῆς The G3588 T-GSF στενῆς Narrow G4728 A-GSF πύλης· Gate; G4439 N-GSF ὅτι For G3754 CONJ πλατεῖα Wide G4116 A-NSF ἡ The G3588 T-NSF πύλη Gate G4439 N-NSF καὶ And G2532 CONJ εὐρύχωρος Broad G2149 A-NSF ἡ The G3588 T-NSF ὁδὸς Way G3598 N-NSF ἡ That G3588 T-NSF ἀπάγουσα Leads G520 V-PAP-NSF εἰς To G1519 PREP τὴν G3588 T-ASF ἀπώλειαν Destruction, G684 N-ASF καὶ And G2532 CONJ πολλοί Many G4183 A-NPM εἰσιν Are G1526 V-PXI-3P οἱ They Who G3588 T-NPM εἰσερχόμενοι Enter G1525 V-PNP-NPM δι' Through G1223 PREP αὐτῆς· It : G846 P-GSF
14 [ TSὅτί For G3754 CONJ / BAτι] στενὴ Narrow G4728 A-NSF ἡ The G3588 T-NSF πύλη Gate G4439 N-NSF καὶ And G2532 CONJ τεθλιμμένη Straitened G2346 V-RPP-NSF ἡ The G3588 T-NSF ὁδὸς Way G3598 N-NSF ἡ That G3588 T-NSF ἀπάγουσα Leads G520 V-PAP-NSF εἰς To G1519 PREP τὴν G3588 T-ASF ζωήν, Life, G2222 N-ASF καὶ And G2532 CONJ ὀλίγοι Few G3641 A-NPM εἰσὶν Are G1526 V-PXI-3P οἱ They Who G3588 T-NPM εὑρίσκοντες Find G2147 V-PAP-NPM αὐτήν It. G846 P-ASF
15 Προσέχετε G4337 V-PAM-2P TSBδέ But Beware G1161 CONJ ἀπὸ Of G575 PREP τῶν The G3588 T-GPM ψευδοπροφητῶν False Prophets, G5578 N-GPM οἵτινες Who G3748 R-NPM ἔρχονται Come G2064 V-PNI-3P πρὸς To G4314 PREP ὑμᾶς You G5209 P-2AP ἐν In G1722 PREP ἐνδύμασιν Raiment G1742 N-DPN προβάτων Of Sheep, G4263 N-GPN ἔσωθεν G2081 ADV δὲ But Within G1161 CONJ εἰσιν Are G1526 V-PXI-3P λύκοι Wolves G3074 N-NPM ἅρπαγες Rapacious. G727 A-NPM
16 ἀπὸ By G575 PREP τῶν G3588 T-GPM καρπῶν G2590 N-GPM αὐτῶν Their Fruits G846 P-GPM ἐπιγνώσεσθε Ye Shall Know G1921 V-FDI-2P αὐτούς· G846 P-APM μήτι Them. G3385 PRT-I συλλέγουσιν Do They Gather G4816 V-PAI-3P ἀπὸ From G575 PREP ἀκανθῶν Thorns G173 N-GPF TSBσταφυλὴν, A Bunch Of Grapes, G4718 N-ASF [Aσταφυλας] ἢ Or G2228 PRT ἀπὸ From G575 PREP τριβόλων Thistles G5146 N-GPM σῦκα Figs? G4810 N-APN
17 οὕτως So G3779 ADV πᾶν Every G3956 A-NSN δένδρον Tree G1186 N-NSN ἀγαθὸν Good G18 A-NSN καρποὺς Fruits G2590 N-APM καλοὺς Good G2570 A-APM ποιεῖ Produces, G4160 V-PAI-3S τὸ G3588 T-NSN δὲ But The G1161 CONJ σαπρὸν Corrupt G4550 A-NSN δένδρον Tree G1186 N-NSN καρποὺς Fruits G2590 N-APM πονηροὺς Bad G4190 A-APM ποιεῖ Produces. G4160 V-PAI-3S
18 οὐ G3756 PRT-N δύναται Cannot G1410 V-PNI-3S δένδρον A Tree G1186 N-NSN ἀγαθὸν Good G18 A-NSN καρποὺς Fruits G2590 N-APM πονηροὺς Evil G4190 A-APM ποιεῖν Produce, G4160 V-PAN οὐδὲ Nor G3761 ADV δένδρον A Tree G1186 N-NSN σαπρὸν Corrupt G4550 A-NSN καρποὺς Fruits G2590 N-APM καλοὺς Good G2570 A-APM ποιεῖν Produce. G4160 V-PAN
19 πᾶν Every G3956 A-NSN δένδρον Tree G1186 N-NSN μὴ Not G3361 PRT-N ποιοῦν Producing G4160 V-PAP-NSN καρπὸν Fruit G2590 N-ASM καλὸν Good G2570 A-ASM ἐκκόπτεται Is Cut Down G1581 V-PPI-3S καὶ And G2532 CONJ εἰς Into G1519 PREP πῦρ Fire G4442 N-ASN βάλλεται Is Cast. G906 V-PPI-3S
20 TSBἄραγε Then Surely G686 PRT [Aαρα Aγε] ἀπὸ By G575 PREP τῶν G3588 T-GPM καρπῶν G2590 N-GPM αὐτῶν Their Fruits G846 P-GPM ἐπιγνώσεσθε Ye Shall Know G1921 V-FDI-2P αὐτούς Them. G846 P-APM
21 Οὐ Not G3756 PRT-N πᾶς Every One G3956 A-NSM ὁ Who G3588 T-NSM λέγων Says G3004 V-PAP-NSM μοι, To Me, G3427 P-1DS Κύριε Lord, G2962 N-VSM κύριε Lord, G2962 N-VSM εἰσελεύσεται Shall Enter G1525 V-FDI-3S εἰς Into G1519 PREP τὴν The G3588 T-ASF βασιλείαν Kingdom G932 N-ASF τῶν Of The G3588 T-GPM οὐρανῶν Heavens, G3772 N-GPM ἀλλ' But G235 CONJ ὁ He Who G3588 T-NSM ποιῶν Does G4160 V-PAP-NSM τὸ The G3588 T-ASN θέλημα Will G2307 N-ASN τοῦ G3588 T-GSM πατρός G3962 N-GSM μου Of My Father G3450 P-1GS τοῦ Who Is G3588 T-GSM ἐν In G1722 PREP [Aτοις] οὐρανοῖς The Heavens. G3772 N-DPM
22 πολλοὶ Many G4183 A-NPM ἐροῦσίν Will Say G2046 V-FAI-3P μοι To Me G3427 P-1DS ἐν In G1722 PREP ἐκείνῃ That G1565 D-DSF τῇ G3588 T-DSF ἡμέρᾳ Day, G2250 N-DSF Κύριε Lord, G2962 N-VSM κύριε Lord, G2962 N-VSM οὐ Not G3756 PRT-N τῷ G3588 T-DSM σῷ Through Thy G4674 S-2DSM ὀνόματι Name G3686 N-DSN TSBπροεφητεύσαμεν, Did We Prophesy, G4395 V-AAI-1P [Aεπροφητευσαμεν] καὶ And G2532 CONJ τῷ G3588 T-DSM σῷ Through Thy G4674 S-2DSM ὀνόματι Name G3686 N-DSN δαιμόνια Demons G1140 N-APN ἐξεβάλομεν Cast Out, G1544 V-2AAI-1P καὶ And G2532 CONJ τῷ G3588 T-DSM σῷ Through Thy G4674 S-2DSM ὀνόματι Name G3686 N-DSN δυνάμεις Works Of Power G1411 N-APF πολλὰς Many G4183 A-APF ἐποιήσαμεν Perform? G4160 V-AAI-1P
23 καὶ And G2532 CONJ τότε Then G5119 ADV ὁμολογήσω Will I Confess G3670 V-FAI-1S αὐτοῖς G846 P-DPM ὅτι To Them, G3754 CONJ Οὐδέποτε Never G3763 ADV ἔγνων Knew I G1097 V-2AAI-1S ὑμᾶς· You : G5209 P-2AP ἀποχωρεῖτε Depart Ye G672 V-PAM-2P ἀπ' From G575 PREP ἐμοῦ Me, G1700 P-1GS οἱ Who G3588 T-NPM ἐργαζόμενοι Work G2038 V-PNP-NPM τὴν G3588 T-ASF ἀνομίαν Lawlessness. G458 N-ASF
24 Πᾶς Every One G3956 A-NSM οὖν Therefore G3767 CONJ ὅστις Whosoever G3748 R-NSM ἀκούει Hears G191 V-PAI-3S μου My G3450 P-1GS τοὺς G3588 T-APM λόγους Words G3056 N-APM τούτους These, G5128 D-APM καὶ And G2532 CONJ ποιεῖ Does G4160 V-PAI-3S αὐτοὺς Them, G846 P-APM TSBὁμοιώσω I Will Liken G3666 V-FAI-1S [Aομοιωθησεται] TSBαὐτὸν Him G846 P-ASM ἀνδρὶ To A Man G435 N-DSM φρονίμῳ Prudent, G5429 A-DSM ὅστις Who G3748 R-NSM ᾠκοδόμησεν Built G3618 V-AAI-3S [Aαυτου] τὴν G3588 T-ASF οἰκίαν G3614 N-ASF TSBαὐτοῦ His House G846 P-GSM ἐπὶ Upon G1909 PREP τὴν The G3588 T-ASF πέτραν· Rock : G4073 N-ASF
25 καὶ And G2532 CONJ κατέβη Came Down G2597 V-2AAI-3S ἡ The G3588 T-NSF βροχὴ Rain, G1028 N-NSF καὶ And G2532 CONJ ἦλθον Came G2064 V-2AAI-3P οἱ The G3588 T-NPM ποταμοὶ Streams, G4215 N-NPM καὶ And G2532 CONJ ἔπνευσαν Blew G4154 V-AAI-3P οἱ The G3588 T-NPM ἄνεμοι Winds, G417 N-NPM καὶ And G2532 CONJ TSBπροσέπεσον Fell Upon G4363 V-2AAI-3P [Aπροσεπεσαν] τῇ G3588 T-DSF οἰκίᾳ G3614 N-DSF ἐκείνῃ That House, G1565 D-DSF καὶ And G2532 CONJ οὐκ G3756 PRT-N ἔπεσεν It Fell Not; G4098 V-2AAI-3S τεθεμελίωτο G2311 V-LPI-3S γὰρ For It Had Been Founded G1063 CONJ ἐπὶ Upon G1909 PREP τὴν The G3588 T-ASF πέτραν Rock. G4073 N-ASF
26 καὶ And G2532 CONJ πᾶς Everyone G3956 A-NSM ὁ Who G3588 T-NSM ἀκούων Hears G191 V-PAP-NSM μου My G3450 P-1GS τοὺς G3588 T-APM λόγους Words G3056 N-APM τούτους These G5128 D-APM καὶ G2532 CONJ μὴ And G3361 PRT-N ποιῶν Does Not Do G4160 V-PAP-NSM αὐτοὺς Them, G846 P-APM ὁμοιωθήσεται He Shall Be Likened G3666 V-FPI-3S ἀνδρὶ To A Man G435 N-DSM μωρῷ Foolish, G3474 A-DSM ὅστις Who G3748 R-NSM ᾠκοδόμησεν Built G3618 V-AAI-3S [Aαυτου] τὴν G3588 T-ASF οἰκίαν G3614 N-ASF TSBαὐτοῦ His House G846 P-GSM ἐπὶ Upon G1909 PREP τὴν The G3588 T-ASF ἄμμον· Sand : G285 N-ASF
27 καὶ And G2532 CONJ κατέβη Came Down G2597 V-2AAI-3S ἡ The G3588 T-NSF βροχὴ Rain, G1028 N-NSF καὶ And G2532 CONJ ἦλθον Came G2064 V-2AAI-3P οἱ The G3588 T-NPM ποταμοὶ Streams, G4215 N-NPM καὶ And G2532 CONJ ἔπνευσαν Blew G4154 V-AAI-3P οἱ The G3588 T-NPM ἄνεμοι Winds, G417 N-NPM καὶ And G2532 CONJ προσέκοψαν Beat Upon G4350 V-AAI-3P τῇ G3588 T-DSF οἰκίᾳ G3614 N-DSF ἐκείνῃ That House, G1565 D-DSF καὶ And G2532 CONJ ἔπεσεν It Fell, G4098 V-2AAI-3S καὶ And G2532 CONJ ἦν Was G2258 V-IXI-3S ἡ The G3588 T-NSF πτῶσις Fall G4431 N-NSF αὐτῆς Of It G846 P-GSF μεγάλη Great. G3173 A-NSF
28 Καὶ And G2532 CONJ ἐγένετο It Came To Pass G1096 V-2ADI-3S ὅτε When G3753 ADV TSBσυνετέλεσεν Had Finished G4931 V-AAI-3S [Aετελεσεν] ὁ G3588 T-NSM Ἰησοῦς Jesus G2424 N-NSM τοὺς G3588 T-APM λόγους Words G3056 N-APM τούτους These G5128 D-APM ἐξεπλήσσοντο Astonished Were G1605 V-IPI-3P οἱ The G3588 T-NPM ὄχλοι Crowds G3793 N-NPM ἐπὶ At G1909 PREP τῇ G3588 T-DSF διδαχῇ G1322 N-DSF αὐτοῦ· His Teaching : G846 P-GSM
29 ἦν He Was G2258 V-IXI-3S γὰρ For G1063 CONJ διδάσκων Teaching G1321 V-PAP-NSM αὐτοὺς Them G846 P-APM ὡς As G5613 ADV ἐξουσίαν Authority G1849 N-ASF ἔχων Having, G2192 V-PAP-NSM καὶ And G2532 CONJ οὐχ Not G3756 PRT-N ὡς As G5613 ADV οἱ The G3588 T-NPM γραμματεῖς Scribes. G1122 N-NPM [Aαυτων]
Luk_6:20-49 IGNT-TRi - Grm
20 Καὶ And G2532 CONJ αὐτὸς
He G846 P-NSM ἐπάρας
Lifting Up G1869 V-AAP-NSM τοὺς
G3588 T-APM ὀφθαλμοὺς
G3788 N-APM αὐτοῦ
His Eyes G846 P-GSM εἰς
Upon G1519 PREP τοὺς
G3588 T-APM
μαθητὰς Disciples G3101 N-APM αὐτοῦ
His G846 P-GSM ἔλεγεν
Said, G3004 V-IAI-3S
Μακάριοι Blessed Are G3107 A-NPM οἱ The G3588 T-NPM
πτωχοί Poor, G4434 A-NPM ὅτι
For G3754 CONJ ὑμετέρα
Yours G5212 S-2NPF ἐστὶν
Is G2076 V-PXI-3S ἡ The G3588 T-NSF
βασιλεία Kingdom G932 N-NSF τοῦ
G3588 T-GSM
θεοῦ Of God. G2316 N-GSM
20 και G2532 CONJ
αυτος G846 P-NSM
επαρας G1869 V-AAP-NSM
τους G3588 T-APM
οφθαλμους G3788 N-APM
αυτου G846 P-GSM
εις G1519 PREP
τους G3588 T-APM
μαθητας G3101 N-APM
αυτου G846 P-GSM
ελεγεν G3004 V-IAI-3S
μακαριοι G3107 A-NPM
οι G3588 T-NPM
πτωχοι G4434 A-NPM
οτι G3754 CONJ
υμετερα G5212 S-2NPF
εστιν G2076 V-PXI-3S
η G3588 T-NSF
βασιλεια G932 N-NSF
του G3588 T-GSM
θεου G2316 N-GSM
21 μακαριοι G3107 A-NPM
οι G3588 T-NPM
πεινωντες G3983 V-PAP-NPM
νυν G3568 ADV
οτι G3754 CONJ
χορτασθησεσθε G5526 V-FPI-2P
μακαριοι G3107 A-NPM
οι G3588 T-NPM
κλαιοντες G2799 V-PAP-NPM
νυν G3568 ADV
οτι G3754 CONJ
γελασετε G1070 V-FAI-2P
22 μακαριοι G3107 A-NPM
εστε G2075 V-PXI-2P
οταν G3752 CONJ
μισησωσιν G3404 V-AAS-3P
υμας G5209 P-2AP
οι G3588 T-NPM
ανθρωποι G444 N-NPM
και G2532 CONJ
οταν G3752 CONJ
αφορισωσιν G873 V-AAS-3P
υμας G5209 P-2AP
και G2532 CONJ
ονειδισωσιν G3679 V-AAS-3P
και G2532 CONJ
εκβαλωσιν G1544 V-2AAS-3P
το G3588 T-ASN
ονομα G3686 N-ASN
υμων G5216 P-2GP
ως G5613 ADV
πονηρον G4190 A-ASN
ενεκα G1752 ADV
του G3588 T-GSM
υιου G5207 N-GSM
του G3588 T-GSM
ανθρωπου G444 N-GSM
23 χαρητε G5463 V-2AOM-2Pαβ
χαιρετε G5463 V-PAM-2Pτσ
εν G1722 PREP
εκεινη G1565 D-DSF
τη G3588 T-DSF
ημερα G2250 N-DSF
και G2532 CONJ
σκιρτησατε G4640 V-AAM-2P
ιδου G2400 V-2AAM-2S
γαρ G1063 CONJ
ο G3588 T-NSM
μισθος G3408 N-NSM
υμων G5216 P-2GP
πολυς G4183 A-NSM
εν G1722 PREP
τω G3588 T-DSM
ουρανω G3772 N-DSM
κατα G2596 PREP
τα G3588 T-APNα
αυτα G846 P-APNα
ταυτα G5024 N-APN-C G5023 D-APNτσβ
γαρ G1063 CONJ
εποιουν G4160 V-IAI-3P
τοις G3588 T-DPM
προφηταις G4396 N-DPM
οι G3588 T-NPM
πατερες G3962 N-NPM
αυτων G846 P-GPM
24 πλην G4133 ADV
ουαι G3759 INJ
υμιν G5213 P-2DP
τοις G3588 T-DPM
πλουσιοις G4145 A-DPM
οτι G3754 CONJ
απεχετε G568 V-PAI-2P
την G3588 T-ASF
παρακλησιν G3874 N-ASF
υμων G5216 P-2GP
μακάριοι Blessed Ye G3107 A-NPM οἱ Who G3588 T-NPM
πεινῶντες Hunger G3983 V-PAP-NPM νῦν
Now, G3568 ADV ὅτι
For G3754 CONJ
Ye Shall Be Filled. G5526 V-FPI-2P
μακάριοι Blessed Ye G3107 A-NPM οἱ Who G3588 T-NPM
κλαίοντες Weep G2799 V-PAP-NPM νῦν
Now, G3568 ADV ὅτι
For G3754 CONJ
γελάσετε Ye Shall Laugh. G1070 V-FAI-2P
μακάριοί Blessed G3107 A-NPM ἐστε
Are Ye G2075 V-PXI-2P ὅταν
When G3752 CONJ
μισήσωσιν Shall Hate G3404 V-AAS-3P ὑμᾶς
You G5209 P-2AP οἱ G3588 T-NPM ἄνθρωποι
Men, G444 N-NPM καὶ
And G2532 CONJ ὅταν
When G3752 CONJ ἀφορίσωσιν
They Shall Cut Off G873 V-AAS-3P ὑμᾶς
You, G5209 P-2AP καὶ
And G2532 CONJ ὀνειδίσωσιν
Shall Reproach You, G3679 V-AAS-3P καὶ
And G2532 CONJ ἐκβάλωσιν
Cast Out G1544 V-2AAS-3P τὸ G3588 T-ASN ὄνομα
G3686 N-ASN ὑμῶν
Your Name G5216 P-2GP ὡς As G5613 ADV
πονηρὸν Wicked, G4190 A-ASN ἕνεκα
On Account Of G1752 ADV τοῦ
The G3588 T-GSM υἱοῦ
Son G5207 N-GSM τοῦ
G3588 T-GSM ἀνθρώπου·
Of Man : G444 N-GSM
23 [!TSχαίρετε
Rejoice G5463 V-PAM-2P / BAχαρητε V-2AOM-2P
(i.e. second Aorist, passive depOnent)] ἐν In G1722 PREP ἐκείνῃ
That G1565 D-DSF τῇ G3588 T-DSF ἡμέρᾳ
Day G2250 N-DSF καὶ
And G2532 CONJ
σκιρτήσατε Leap For Joy; G4640 V-AAM-2P ἰδού,
G2400 V-2AAM-2S γὰρ
For Lo, G1063 CONJ ὁ G3588 T-NSM
μισθὸς G3408 N-NSM ὑμῶν
Your Reward Is G5216 P-2GP
πολὺς Great G4183 A-NSM ἐν In G1722 PREP τῷ The G3588 T-DSM οὐρανῷ·
Heaven, G3772 N-DSM
κατὰ According To G2596 PREP TSBταῦτα These Things G5024 N-APN-C G5023 D-APN [Aτα Aαυτα] γὰρ
For G1063 CONJ ἐποίουν
Did G4160 V-IAI-3P τοῖς
To The G3588 T-DPM
προφήταις Prophets G4396 N-DPM οἱ G3588 T-NPM
πατέρες G3962 N-NPM αὐτῶν
Their Fathers. G846 P-GPM
24 Πλὴν But G4133 ADV οὐαὶ
Woe G3759 INJ ὑμῖν
To You G5213 P-2DP τοῖς
The G3588 T-DPM
πλουσίοις Rich, G4145 A-DPM ὅτι
For G3754 CONJ ἀπέχετε
Ye Are Receiving G568 V-PAI-2P τὴν
G3588 T-ASF
παράκλησιν G3874 N-ASF ὑμῶν
Your Consolation. G5216 P-2GP
25 οὐαὶ Woe G3759 INJ ὑμῖν
To You G5213 P-2DP οἱ Who G3588 T-NPM ἐμπεπλησμένοι
Have Been Filled, G1705 V-RPP-NPM [Aνυν] ὅτι
For G3754 CONJ
πεινάσετε Ye Shall Hunger.
G3983 V-FAI-2P οὐαί Woe G3759 INJ TSBὑμῖν, To You G5213 P-2DP οἱ Who G3588 T-NPM
γελῶντες Laugh G1070 V-PAP-NPM νῦν
Now, G3568 ADV ὅτι
For G3754 CONJ
πενθήσετε Ye Shall Mourn G3996 V-FAI-2P καὶ
And G2532 CONJ
κλαύσετε Weep. G2799 V-FAI-2P
26 οὐαὶ Woe G3759 INJ TSὑμῖν, To You G5213 P-2DP ὅταν
When G3752 CONJ TSBκαλῶς Well G2573 ADV ὑμᾶς
Of You G5209 P-2AP [Aκαλως] εἴπωσιν
Speak G2036 V-2AAS-3P TSAπάντες All G3956 A-NPM οἱ G3588 T-NPM ἄνθρωποι·
Men, G444 N-NPM
κατὰ According To G2596 PREP TSBταῦτα These Things G5024 N-APN-C G5023 D-APN [Aτα Aαυτα] γὰρ
For G1063 CONJ ἐποίουν
Did G4160 V-IAI-3P τοῖς
To The G3588 T-DPM
False Prophets G5578 N-DPM οἱ G3588 T-NPM
πατέρες G3962 N-NPM αὐτῶν
Their Fathers. G846 P-GPM
27 TSBἀλλ' But G235 CONJ [Aαλλα] ὑμῖν
To You G5213 P-2DP
λέγω I Say G3004 V-PAI-1S τοῖς
Who G3588 T-DPM ἀκούουσιν
Hear, G191 V-PAP-DPM ἀγαπᾶτε
Love G25 V-PAM-2P τοὺς
G3588 T-APM ἐχθροὺς
Enemies G2190 A-APM ὑμῶν
Your, G5216 P-2GP
καλῶς Well G2573 ADV
ποιεῖτε Do G4160 V-PAM-2P τοῖς
To Those Who G3588 T-DPM
μισοῦσιν Hate G3404 V-PAP-DPM ὑμᾶς
You, G5209 P-2AP
28 εὐλογεῖτε
Bless G2127 V-PAM-2P τοὺς
Those Who G3588 T-APM
Curse G2672 V-PNP-APM ·TSBὑμῖν You, G5213 P-2DP [Aυμας] TSκαὶ And G2532 CONJ
προσεύχεσθε Pray G4336 V-PNM-2P TSBὑπὲρ For G5228 PREP [Aπερι] [GNT-V(Remix):TSBυμιν
Aυμας TSκαι
προσευχεσθε TSBυπερ
Aπερι] τῶν Those Who G3588 T-GPM ἐπηρεαζόντων
Despitefully Use G1908 V-PAP-GPM ὑμᾶς
You. G5209 P-2AP
29 τῷ To Him Who G3588 T-DSM
τύπτοντί Strikes G5180 V-PAP-DSM σε Thee G4571 P-2AS ἐπὶ
On G1909 PREP τὴν
The G3588 T-ASF
σιαγόνα Cheek, G4600 N-ASF
πάρεχε Offer G3930 V-PAM-2S καὶ
Also G2532 CONJ τὴν
The G3588 T-ASF ἄλλην
Other; G243 A-ASF καὶ
And G2532 CONJ ἀπὸ
From G575 PREP τοῦ
Him Who G3588 T-GSM αἴροντός
Takes Away G142 V-PAP-GSM
σου Thy G4675 P-2GS τὸ G3588 T-ASN ἱμάτιον
Cloak, G2440 N-ASN καὶ
Also G2532 CONJ τὸν
The G3588 T-ASM
χιτῶνα G5509 N-ASM μὴ Tunic G3361 PRT-N
κωλύσῃς Do Not Forbid. G2967 V-AAS-2S
30 παντὶ To Every One G3956 A-DSM TSBδὲ And G1161 CONJ TSBτῷ Who G3588 T-DSM αἰτοῦντί
Asks G154 V-PAP-DSM σε Thee, G4571 P-2AS
δίδου Give; G1325 V-PAM-2S καὶ
And G2532 CONJ ἀπὸ
From G575 PREP τοῦ
Him Who G3588 T-GSM αἴροντος
Takes Away G142 V-PAP-GSM τὰ G3588 T-APN σὰ G4674 S-2APN μὴ What Is Thine, G3361 PRT-N ἀπαίτει
Ask It Not Back; G523 V-PAM-2S
31 καὶ And G2532 CONJ
καθὼς According As G2531 ADV
θέλετε Ye Desire G2309 V-PAI-2P ἵνα
That G2443 CONJ
ποιῶσιν Should Do G4160 V-PAS-3P ὑμῖν
To You G5213 P-2DP οἱ G3588 T-NPM ἄνθρωποι
Men, G444 N-NPM TSBκαὶ Also G2532 CONJ TSBὑμεῖς Ye G5210 P-2NP
ποιεῖτε Do G4160 V-PAM-2P αὐτοῖς
To Them G846 P-DPM ὁμοίως
In Like Manner. G3668 ADV
32 καὶ And G2532 CONJ εἰ If G1487 COND ἀγαπᾶτε
Ye Love G25 V-PAI-2P τοὺς
Those Who G3588 T-APM ἀγαπῶντας
Love G25 V-PAP-APM ὑμᾶς
You, G5209 P-2AP
ποία What G4169 I-NSF ὑμῖν
To You G5213 P-2DP
χάρις Thank G5485 N-NSF ἐστίν
Is It? G2076 V-PXI-3S καὶ G2532 CONJ γὰρ
For Even G1063 CONJ οἱ G3588 T-NPM ἁμαρτωλοὶ
Sinners G268 A-NPM τοὺς
Those Who G3588 T-APM ἀγαπῶντας
Love G25 V-PAP-APM αὐτοὺς
Them G846 P-APM ἀγαπῶσιν
Love. G25 V-PAI-3P
33 καὶ And G2532 CONJ [Aγαρ] ἐὰν
If G1437 COND ἀγαθοποιῆτε
Ye Do Good G15 V-PAS-2P τοὺς
To Those Who G3588 T-APM ἀγαθοποιοῦντας
Do Good To G15 V-PAP-APM ὑμᾶς
You, G5209 P-2AP
ποία What G4169 I-NSF ὑμῖν
To You G5213 P-2DP
χάρις Thank G5485 N-NSF ἐστίν
Is It? G2076 V-PXI-3S καὶ Even G2532 CONJ γὰρ
For G1063 CONJ οἱ G3588 T-NPM ἁμαρτωλοὶ
Sinners G268 A-NPM τὸ The G3588 T-ASN αὐτὸ
Same G846 P-ASN
ποιοῦσιν Do. G4160 V-PAI-3P
34 καὶ And G2532 CONJ ἐὰν
If G1437 COND TSBδανείζητε
Ye Lend To Those G1155 V-PAS-2P [Aδανισητε]
παρ' From G3844 PREP ὧν Whom G3739 R-GPM ἐλπίζετε
Ye Hope G1679 V-PAI-2P TSBἀπολαβεῖν, To Receive, G618 V-2AAN [Aλαβειν ]
ποία What G4169 I-NSF ὑμῖν
To You G5213 P-2DP
χάρις Thank G5485 N-NSF TSBἐστίν Is It? G2076 V-PXI-3S [Aεστιν] καὶ
Even G2532 CONJ TSBγὰρ For G1063 CONJ TSοἱ G3588 T-NPM ἁμαρτωλοὶ
Sinners G268 A-NPM ἁμαρτωλοῖς
To Sinners G268 A-DPM TSBδανείζουσιν
Lend, G1155 V-PAI-3P [Aδανιζουσιν] ἵνα
That G2443 CONJ ἀπολάβωσιν
They May Receive G618 V-2AAS-3P τὰ The G3588 T-APN ἴσα
Like. G2470 A-APN
35 πλὴν But G4133 ADV ἀγαπᾶτε
Love G25 V-PAM-2P τοὺς
G3588 T-APM ἐχθροὺς
G2190 A-APM ὑμῶν
Your Enemies, G5216 P-2GP καὶ
And G2532 CONJ ἀγαθοποιεῖτε
Do Good, G15 V-PAM-2P καὶ
And G2532 CONJ TSBδανείζετε
Lend, G1155 V-PAM-2P [Aδανιζετε]
μηδὲν Nothing G3367 A-ASN ἀπελπίζοντες·
Hoping For Again; G560 V-PAP-NPM καὶ
And G2532 CONJ ἔσται
Shall Be G2071 V-FXI-3S ὁ G3588 T-NSM
μισθὸς G3408 N-NSM ὑμῶν
Your Reward G5216 P-2GP
πολύς Great, G4183 A-NSM καὶ
And G2532 CONJ ἔσεσθε
Ye Shall Be G2071 V-FXI-2P υἱοὶ
Sons G5207 N-NPM TSτοῦ Of The G3588 T-GSM ὑψίστου
Highest; G5310 A-GSM ὅτι
For G3754 CONJ αὐτὸς
He G846 P-NSM
χρηστός kind / useful {Good?} G5543 A-NSM ἐστιν
Is G2076 V-PXI-3S ἐπὶ
To G1909 PREP τοὺς
The G3588 T-APM ἀχαρίστους
Unthankful G884 A-APM καὶ
And G2532 CONJ
πονηρούς Wicked. G4190 A-APM
36 Γίνεσθε Be Ye G1096 V-PNM-2P TSBοὖν Therefore G3767 CONJ οἰκτίρμονες
Compassionate, G3629 A-NPM
καθὼς As G2531 ADV TSBκαὶ Also G2532 CONJ [Aκαι] ὁ G3588 T-NSM
πατὴρ G3962 N-NSM ὑμῶν
Your Father G5216 P-2GP οἰκτίρμων
Compassionate G3629 A-NSM ἐστίν
Is. G2076 V-PXI-3S
37 TBAΚαὶ G2532 CONJ μὴ And G3361 PRT-N
κρίνετε Judge Not, G2919 V-PAM-2P καὶ
That G2532 CONJ οὐ G3756 PRT-N μὴ In No Wise G3361 PRT-N
κριθῆτε· G2919 V-APS-2P [Aκαι] μὴ Ye Be Judged; G3361 PRT-N
Condemn Not, G2613 V-PAM-2P καὶ
That G2532 CONJ οὐ G3756 PRT-N μὴ In No Wise G3361 PRT-N
Ye Be Condemned. G2613 V-APS-2P ἀπολύετε Release, G630 V-PAM-2P καὶ
And G2532 CONJ ἀπολυθήσεσθε·
Ye Shall Be Released. G630 V-FPI-2P
38 δίδοτε Give, G1325 V-PAM-2P καὶ
And G2532 CONJ
δοθήσεται It Shall Be Given G1325 V-FPI-3S ὑμῖν·
To You, G5213 P-2DP
μέτρον Measure G3358 N-ASN
καλὸν Good, G2570 A-ASN
πεπιεσμένον Pressed Down G4085 V-RPP-ASN TSBκαὶ And G2532 CONJ
Shaken Together G4531 V-RPP-ASN TSBκαὶ And G2532 CONJ TSBὑπερεκχυνόμενον
Running Over G5240 V-PPP-ASN [Aυπερεκχυννομενον]
δώσουσιν Shall They Give G1325 V-FAI-3P εἰς
Into G1519 PREP τὸν
G3588 T-ASM
κόλπον Bosom G2859 N-ASM ὑμῶν·
Your : G5216 P-2GP [TSBτᾧ With The G3588 T-DSN TSBγὰρ For G1063 CONJ TSBαὐτῷ Same G846 P-DSN TSBμέτρῳ Measure G3358 N-DSN] ᾧ With Which G3739 R-DSN [Aγαρ Aμετρω]
μετρεῖτε Ye Mete, G3354 V-PAI-2P ἀντιμετρηθήσεται
It Shall Be Measured Again G488 V-FPI-3S ὑμῖν
To You. G5213 P-2DP
39 Εἶπεν G2036 V-2AAI-3S δὲ And He Spoke G1161 CONJ [Aκαι] παραβολὴν
A Parable G3850 N-ASF αὐτοῖς·
G846 P-DPM
Μήτι To Them, G3385 PRT-I
δύναται Is Able G1410 V-PNI-3S
τυφλὸς A Blind Man G5185 A-NSM
τυφλὸν A Blind Man G5185 A-ASM ὁδηγεῖν
To Lead? G3594 V-PAN οὐχὶ Not G3780 PRT-I ἀμφότεροι
Both G297 A-NPM εἰς
Into G1519 PREP
βόθυνον A Pit G999 N-ASM TSBπεσοῦνται
Will Fall? G4098 V-FNI-3P [Aεμπεσουνται]
40 οὐκ Not G3756 PRT-N ἔστιν
Is G2076 V-PXI-3S
μαθητὴς A Disciple G3101 N-NSM ὑπὲρ
Above G5228 PREP τὸν
The G3588 T-ASM
διδάσκαλον· Teacher G1320 N-ASM TSBαὐτοῦ Of Him; G846 P-GSM
G2675 V-RPP-NSM δὲ But Perfected G1161 CONJ πᾶς
Every One G3956 A-NSM ἔσται
Shall Be G2071 V-FXI-3S ὡς As G5613 ADV ὁ G3588 T-NSM
διδάσκαλος Teacher G1320 N-NSM αὐτοῦ·
His. G846 P-GSM
41 Τί G5101 I-ASN δὲ But Why G1161 CONJ
βλέπεις Lookest Thou On G991 V-PAI-2S τὸ The G3588 T-ASN
κάρφος Mote G2595 N-ASN τὸ That Is G3588 T-ASN ἐν In G1722 PREP τῷ The G3588 T-DSM ὀφθαλμῷ
Eye G3788 N-DSM τοῦ
G3588 T-GSM ἀδελφοῦ
σου Of Thy Brother, G4675 P-2GS τὴν
G3588 T-ASF δὲ But The G1161 CONJ
δοκὸν Beam G1385 N-ASF τὴν
That Is G3588 T-ASF ἐν In G1722 PREP τῷ G3588 T-DSM ἰδίῳ
Thine Own G2398 A-DSM ὀφθαλμῷ
Eye G3788 N-DSM οὐ G3756 PRT-N
κατανοεῖς Perceivest Not? G2657 V-PAI-2S
42 TSBἤ Or G2228 PRT πῶς
How G4459 ADV-I
δύνασαι Art Thou Able G1410 V-PNI-2S
λέγειν To Say G3004 V-PAN τῷ G3588 T-DSM ἀδελφῷ
σου To Thy Brother, G4675 P-2GS Ἀδελφέ
Brother, G80 N-VSM ἄφες
Suffer That G863 V-2AAM-2S ἐκβάλω
I May Cast Out G1544 V-2AAS-1S τὸ The G3588 T-ASN
κάρφος Mote G2595 N-ASN τὸ That Is G3588 T-ASN ἐν In G1722 PREP τῷ G3588 T-DSM ὀφθαλμῷ
Eye G3788 N-DSM
σου Thine, G4675 P-2GS αὐτὸς
Thyself G846 P-NSM τὴν
The G3588 T-ASF ἐν In G1722 PREP τῷ G3588 T-DSM ὀφθαλμῷ
G3788 N-DSM σοῦ
Thine Own Eye G4675 P-2GS
δοκὸν Beam G1385 N-ASF οὐ Not G3756 PRT-N
βλέπων Seeing? G991 V-PAP-NSM ὑποκριτά
Hypocrite, G5273 N-VSM ἔκβαλε
Cast Out G1544 V-2AAM-2S πρῶτον
First G4412 ADV τὴν
The G3588 T-ASF
δοκὸν Beam G1385 N-ASF ἐκ Out Of G1537 PREP τοῦ
G3588 T-GSM ὀφθαλμοῦ
G3788 N-GSM σοῦ
Thine Own Eye, G4675 P-2GS καὶ
And G2532 CONJ
τότε Then G5119 ADV
διαβλέψεις Thou Wilt See Clearly G1227 V-FAI-2S TSB*ἐκβαλεῖν To Cast Out G1544 V-2AAN τὸ The G3588 T-ASN
κάρφος Mote G2595 N-ASN τὸ That Is G3588 T-ASN ἐν In G1722 PREP τῷ The G3588 T-DSM ὀφθαλμῷ
Eye G3788 N-DSM τοῦ
G3588 T-GSM ἀδελφοῦ
σου Of Thy Brother. G4675 P-2GS [A*εκβαλειν]
43 Οὐ G3756 PRT-N
γάρ For Not G1063 CONJ ἐστιν
There Is G2076 V-PXI-3S
δένδρον A Tree G1186 N-NSN
καλὸν Good G2570 A-NSN
ποιοῦν Producing G4160 V-PAP-NSN
καρπὸν Fruit G2590 N-ASM
σαπρόν Corrupt; G4550 A-ASM οὐδὲ
Nor G3761 ADV [Aπαλιν]
δένδρον A Tree G1186 N-NSN
σαπρὸν Corrupt G4550 A-NSN
ποιοῦν Producing G4160 V-PAP-NSN
καρπὸν Fruit G2590 N-ASM
καλόν Good; G2570 A-ASM
44 ἕκαστον G1538 A-NSN γὰρ
For Each G1063 CONJ
δένδρον Tree G1186 N-NSN ἐκ By G1537 PREP τοῦ
G3588 T-GSM ἰδίου
Its Own G2398 A-GSM
καρποῦ Fruit G2590 N-GSM
γινώσκεται· Is Known, G1097 V-PPI-3S οὐ G3756 PRT-N γὰρ
For Not G1063 CONJ ἐξ From G1537 PREP ἀκανθῶν
Thorns G173 N-GPF
συλλέγουσιν Do They Gather G4816 V-PAI-3P σῦκα
Figs, G4810 N-APN οὐδὲ
Nor G3761 ADV ἐκ From G1537 PREP
βάτου A Bramble G942 N-GSM TSB*τρυγῶσιν Gather They G5166 V-PAI-3P
σταφυλὴν A Bunch Of Grapes. G4718 N-ASF [A*τρυγωσιν]
45 ὁ The G3588 T-NSM ἀγαθὸς
Good G18 A-NSM ἄνθρωπος
Man G444 N-NSM ἐκ Out Of G1537 PREP τοῦ
The G3588 T-GSM ἀγαθοῦ
Good G18 A-GSM
θησαυροῦ Treasure G2344 N-GSM τῆς
G3588 T-GSF καρδίας G2588 N-GSF TSBαὐτοῦ Of His Heart G846 P-GSM
προφέρει Brings Forth G4393 V-PAI-3S τὸ That Which Is G3588 T-ASN ἀγαθόν
Good; G18 A-ASN καὶ
And G2532 CONJ ὁ The G3588 T-NSM
πονηρὸς Wicked G4190 A-NSM TSBἄνθρωπος Man G444 N-NSM ἐκ Out Of G1537 PREP τοῦ
The G3588 T-GSM
πονηροῦ Wicked G4190 A-GSM TSBθησαυροῦ Treasure G2344 N-GSM TSBτῆς G3588 T-GSF TSBκαρδίας Of Heart G2588 N-GSF TSBαὑτοῦ His G846 P-GSM
προφέρει Brings Forth G4393 V-PAI-3S τὸ That Which Is G3588 T-ASN
πονηρόν· Wicked; G4190 A-ASN ἐκ G1537 PREP γὰρ
For Out Of G1063 CONJ TSBτοῦ The G3588 T-GSN
Abundance G4051 N-GSN TSBτῆς Of The G3588 T-GSF
καρδίας Heart G2588 N-GSF
λαλεῖ Speaks G2980 V-PAI-3S τὸ G3588 T-NSN
στόμα G4750 N-NSN αὑτοῦ
His Mouth. G846 P-GSM
46 Τί G5101 I-NSN δέ And Why G1161 CONJ με Me G3165 P-1AS
καλεῖτε Do Ye Call G2564 V-PAI-2P
Κύριε Lord, G2962 N-VSM
κύριε Lord, G2962 N-VSM καὶ
And G2532 CONJ οὐ G3756 PRT-N
ποιεῖτε Do Not G4160 V-PAI-2P ἃ What G3739 R-APN
λέγω I Say? G3004 V-PAI-1S
47 πᾶς Every One G3956 A-NSM ὁ Who G3588 T-NSM ἐρχόμενος
Is Coming G2064 V-PNP-NSM
πρός To G4314 PREP με Me G3165 P-1AS καὶ
And G2532 CONJ ἀκούων
Hearing G191 V-PAP-NSM
μου My G3450 P-1GS τῶν
G3588 T-GPM
λόγων Words G3056 N-GPM καὶ
And G2532 CONJ
ποιῶν Doing G4160 V-PAP-NSM αὐτούς
Them, G846 P-APM ὑποδείξω
I Will Shew G5263 V-FAI-1S ὑμῖν
You G5213 P-2DP
τίνι To Whom G5101 I-DSM ἐστὶν
He Is G2076 V-PXI-3S ὅμοιος·
Like. G3664 A-NSM
48 ὅμοιός Like G3664 A-NSM ἐστιν
He Is G2076 V-PXI-3S ἀνθρώπῳ
To A Man G444 N-DSM οἰκοδομοῦντι
Building G3618 V-PAP-DSM οἰκίαν
A House, G3614 N-ASF ὃς Who G3739 R-NSM ἔσκαψεν
Dug G4626 V-AAI-3S καὶ
And G2532 CONJ ἐβάθυνεν
Deepened, G900 V-AAI-3S καὶ
And G2532 CONJ ἔθηκεν
Laid G5087 V-AAI-3S
θεμέλιον A Foundation G2310 N-ASM ἐπὶ
On G1909 PREP τὴν
The G3588 T-ASF
πέτραν· Rock; G4073 N-ASF TSBπλημμύρας
G4132 N-GSF [Aπλημμυρης] δὲ And A Flood G1161 CONJ
γενομένης Having Come G1096 V-2ADP-GSF TSBπροσέρρηξεν
Burst Upon G4366 V-AAI-3S [Aπροσερηξεν] ὁ The G3588 T-NSM
ποταμὸς Stream G4215 N-NSM τῇ G3588 T-DSF οἰκίᾳ
G3614 N-DSF ἐκείνῃ
That House, G1565 D-DSF καὶ
And G2532 CONJ οὐκ
G3756 PRT-N ἴσχυσεν
Could Not G2480 V-AAI-3S
σαλεῦσαι Shake G4531 V-AAN αὐτὴν
It, G846 P-ASF ·[TSBτεθεμελίωτο
G2311 V-LPI-3S TSBγὰρ For It Had Been Founded G1063 CONJ TSBἐπὶ Upon G1909 PREP TSBτὴν The G3588 T-ASF TSBπέτραν· Rock. G4073 N-ASF]
[NA26(remix): Aδιὰ Aτὸ Aκαλῶς
Aαὐτήν] [GNT-V: Aδια
Aτο TSBγαρ Aκαλως
TSBεπι Aοικοδομησθαι
TSBτην Aαυτην TSBπετραν]
49 ὁ G3588 T-NSM δὲ But He Who G1161 CONJ ἀκούσας
Heard G191 V-AAP-NSM καὶ
G2532 CONJ μὴ And G3361 PRT-N
ποιήσας Did Not G4160 V-AAP-NSM ὅμοιός
Like G3664 A-NSM ἐστιν
Is G2076 V-PXI-3S ἀνθρώπῳ
To A Man G444 N-DSM οἰκοδομήσαντι
Having Built G3618 V-AAP-DSM οἰκίαν
A House G3614 N-ASF ἐπὶ
On G1909 PREP τὴν
The G3588 T-ASF γῆν
Earth G1093 N-ASF
χωρὶς Without G5565 ADV
θεμελίου A Foundation; G2310 N-GSM ᾗ On Which G3739 R-DSF TSBπροσέρρηξεν
Burst G4366 V-AAI-3S [Aπροσερηξεν] ὁ The G3588 T-NSM
ποταμός Stream, G4215 N-NSM καὶ
And G2532 CONJ TSBεὐθὲως Immediately G2112 ADV [Aευθυς] TSBἔπεσεν It Fell, G4098 V-2AAI-3S [Aσυνεπεσεν] καὶ
And G2532 CONJ ἐγένετο
Was G1096 V-2ADI-3S τὸ The G3588 T-NSN ῥῆγμα
Ruin G4485 N-NSN τῆς
G3588 T-GSF οἰκίας
Of House G3614 N-GSF ἐκείνης
That G1565 D-GSF
μέγα Great. G3173 A-NSN
25 ουαι G3759 INJ
υμιν G5213 P-2DP
οι G3588 T-NPM
εμπεπλησμενοι G1705 V-RPP-NPM
νυν G3568 ADVα
οτι G3754 CONJ
πεινασετε G3983 V-FAI-2P
ουαι G3759 INJ
υμιν G5213 P-2DPτσβ
οι G3588 T-NPM
γελωντες G1070 V-PAP-NPM
νυν G3568 ADV
οτι G3754 CONJ
πενθησετε G3996 V-FAI-2P
και G2532 CONJ
κλαυσετε G2799 V-FAI-2P
26 ουαι G3759 INJ
υμιν G5213 P-2DPτσ
οταν G3752 CONJ
καλως G2573 ADVτσβ
υμας G5209 P-2AP
καλως G2570 ADVα
ειπωσιν G2036 V-2AAS-3P
παντες G3956 A-NPMατσ
οι G3588 T-NPM
ανθρωποι G444 N-NPM
κατα G2596 PREP
τα G3588 T-APNα
αυτα G846 P-APNα
ταυτα G5024 N-APN-C G5023 D-APNτσβ
γαρ G1063 CONJ
εποιουν G4160 V-IAI-3P
τοις G3588 T-DPM
ψευδοπροφηταις G5578 N-DPM
οι G3588 T-NPM
πατερες G3962 N-NPM
αυτων G846 P-GPM
27 αλλα G235 CONJα
αλλ G235 CONJτσβ
υμιν G5213 P-2DP
λεγω G3004 V-PAI-1S
τοις G3588 T-DPM
ακουουσιν G191 V-PAP-DPM
αγαπατε G25 V-PAM-2P
τους G3588 T-APM
εχθρους G2190 A-APM
υμων G5216 P-2GP
καλως G2573 ADV
ποιειτε G4160 V-PAM-2P
τοις G3588 T-DPM
μισουσιν G3404 V-PAP-DPM
υμας G5209 P-2AP
28 ευλογειτε G2127 V-PAM-2P
τους G3588 T-APM
καταρωμενους G2672 V-PNP-APM
υμας G5209 P-2APα
υμιν G5213 P-2DPτσβ
και G2532 CONJτσ
προσευχεσθε G4336 V-PNM-2P
περι G4012 PREPα
υπερ G5228 PREPτσβ
των G3588 T-GPM
επηρεαζοντων G1908 V-PAP-GPM
υμας G5209 P-2AP
29 τω G3588 T-DSM
τυπτοντι G5180 V-PAP-DSM
σε G4571 P-2AS
επι G1909 PREP
την G3588 T-ASF
σιαγονα G4600 N-ASF
παρεχε G3930 V-PAM-2S
και G2532 CONJ
την G3588 T-ASF
αλλην G243 A-ASF
και G2532 CONJ
απο G575 PREP
του G3588 T-GSM
αιροντος G142 V-PAP-GSM
σου G4675 P-2GS
το G3588 T-ASN
ιματιον G2440 N-ASN
και G2532 CONJ
τον G3588 T-ASM
χιτωνα G5509 N-ASM
μη G3361 PRT-N
κωλυσης G2967 V-AAS-2S
30 παντι G3956 A-DSM
δε G1161 CONJτσβ
τω G3588 T-DSMτσβ
αιτουντι G154 V-PAP-DSM
σε G4571 P-2AS
διδου G1325 V-PAM-2S
και G2532 CONJ
απο G575 PREP
του G3588 T-GSM
αιροντος G142 V-PAP-GSM
τα G3588 T-APN
σα G4674 S-2APN
μη G3361 PRT-N
απαιτει G523 V-PAM-2S
31 και G2532 CONJ
καθως G2531 ADV
θελετε G2309 V-PAI-2P
ινα G2443 CONJ
ποιωσιν G4160 V-PAS-3P
υμιν G5213 P-2DP
οι G3588 T-NPM
ανθρωποι G444 N-NPM
και G2532 CONJτσβ
υμεις G5210 P-2NPτσβ
ποιειτε G4160 V-PAM-2P
αυτοις G846 P-DPM
ομοιως G3668 ADV
32 και G2532 CONJ
ει G1487 COND
αγαπατε G25 V-PAI-2P
τους G3588 T-APM
αγαπωντας G25 V-PAP-APM
υμας G5209 P-2AP
ποια G4169 I-NSF
υμιν G5213 P-2DP
χαρις G5485 N-NSF
εστιν G2076 V-PXI-3S
και G2532 CONJ
γαρ G1063 CONJ
οι G3588 T-NPM
αμαρτωλοι G268 A-NPM
τους G3588 T-APM
αγαπωντας G25 V-PAP-APM
αυτους G846 P-APM
αγαπωσιν G25 V-PAI-3P
33 και G2532 CONJ
[γαρ] G1063 CONJα
εαν G1437 COND
αγαθοποιητε G15 V-PAS-2P
τους G3588 T-APM
αγαθοποιουντας G15 V-PAP-APM
υμας G5209 P-2AP
ποια G4169 I-NSF
υμιν G5213 P-2DP
χαρις G5485 N-NSF
εστιν G2076 V-PXI-3S
και G2532 CONJ
γαρ G1063 CONJτσβ
οι G3588 T-NPM
αμαρτωλοι G268 A-NPM
το G3588 T-ASN
αυτο G846 P-ASN
ποιουσιν G4160 V-PAI-3P
34 και G2532 CONJ
εαν G1437 COND
δανισητε G1155 V-AAS-2Pα
δανειζητε G1155 V-PAS-2Pτσβ
παρ G3844 PREP
ων G3739 R-GPM
ελπιζετε G1679 V-PAI-2P
λαβειν G2983 V-2AANα
απολαβειν G618 V-2AANτσβ
ποια G4169 I-NSF
υμιν G5213 P-2DP
χαρις G5485 N-NSF
[εστιν] G2076 V-PXI-3Sα
εστιν G2076 V-PXI-3Sτσβ
και G2532 CONJ
γαρ G1063 CONJτσβ
οι G3588 T-NPMτσ
αμαρτωλοι G268 A-NPM
αμαρτωλοις G268 A-DPM
δανιζουσιν G1155 V-PAI-3Pα
δανειζουσιν G1155 V-PAI-3Pτσβ
ινα G2443 CONJ
απολαβωσιν G618 V-2AAS-3P
τα G3588 T-APN
ισα G2470 A-APN
35 πλην G4133 ADV
αγαπατε G25 V-PAM-2P
τους G3588 T-APM
εχθρους G2190 A-APM
υμων G5216 P-2GP
και G2532 CONJ
αγαθοποιειτε G15 V-PAM-2P
και G2532 CONJ
δανιζετε G1155 V-PAM-2Pα
δανειζετε G1155 V-PAM-2Pτσβ
μηδεν G3367 A-ASN
απελπιζοντες G560 V-PAP-NPM
και G2532 CONJ
εσται G2071 V-FXI-3S
ο G3588 T-NSM
μισθος G3408 N-NSM
υμων G5216 P-2GP
πολυς G4183 A-NSM
και G2532 CONJ
εσεσθε G2071 V-FXI-2P
υιοι G5207 N-NPM
του G3588 T-GSMτσ
υψιστου G5310 A-GSM
οτι G3754 CONJ
αυτος G846 P-NSM
χρηστος G5543 A-NSM
εστιν G2076 V-PXI-3S
επι G1909 PREP
τους G3588 T-APM
αχαριστους G884 A-APM
και G2532 CONJ
πονηρους G4190 A-APM
36 γινεσθε G1096 V-PNM-2P
ουν G3767 CONJτσβ
οικτιρμονες G3629 A-NPM
καθως G2531 ADV
[και] G2532 CONJα
και G2532 CONJτσβ
ο G3588 T-NSM
πατηρ G3962 N-NSM
υμων G5216 P-2GP
οικτιρμων G3629 A-NSM
εστιν G2076 V-PXI-3S
37 και G2532 CONJαβτ
μη G3361 PRT-N
κρινετε G2919 V-PAM-2P
και G2532 CONJ
ου G3756 PRT-N
μη G3361 PRT-N
κριθητε G2919 V-APS-2P
και G2532 CONJα
μη G3361 PRT-N
καταδικαζετε G2613 V-PAM-2P
και G2532 CONJ
ου G3756 PRT-N
μη G3361 PRT-N
καταδικασθητε G2613 V-APS-2P
απολυετε G630 V-PAM-2P
και G2532 CONJ
απολυθησεσθε G630 V-FPI-2P
38 διδοτε G1325 V-PAM-2P
και G2532 CONJ
δοθησεται G1325 V-FPI-3S
υμιν G5213 P-2DP
μετρον G3358 N-ASN
καλον G2570 A-ASN
πεπιεσμενον G4085 V-RPP-ASN
και G2532 CONJτσβ
σεσαλευμενον G4531 V-RPP-ASN
υπερεκχυννομενον G5240 V-PPP-ASNα
και G2532 CONJτσβ
υπερεκχυνομενον G5240 V-PPP-ASNτσβ
δωσουσιν G1325 V-FAI-3P
εις G1519 PREP
τον G3588 T-ASM
κολπον G2859 N-ASM
υμων G5216 P-2GP
τω G3588 T-DSNτσβ
γαρ G1063 CONJτσβ
αυτω G846 P-DSNτσβ
μετρω G3358 N-DSNτσβ
ω G3739 R-DSN
γαρ G1063 CONJα
μετρω G3358 N-DSNα
μετρειτε G3354 V-PAI-2P
αντιμετρηθησεται G488 V-FPI-3S
υμιν G5213 P-2DP
39 ειπεν G2036 V-2AAI-3S
δε G1161 CONJ
και G2532 CONJα
παραβολην G3850 N-ASF
αυτοις G846 P-DPM
μητι G3385 PRT-I
δυναται G1410 V-PNI-3S
τυφλος G5185 A-NSM
τυφλον G5185 A-ASM
οδηγειν G3594 V-PAN
ουχι G3780 PRT-I
αμφοτεροι G297 A-NPM
εις G1519 PREP
βοθυνον G999 N-ASM
εμπεσουνται G1706 V-FDI-3Pα
πεσουνται G4098 V-FNI-3Pτσβ
40 ουκ G3756 PRT-N
εστιν G2076 V-PXI-3S
μαθητης G3101 N-NSM
υπερ G5228 PREP
τον G3588 T-ASM
διδασκαλον G1320 N-ASM
αυτου G846 P-GSMτσβ
κατηρτισμενος G2675 V-RPP-NSM
δε G1161 CONJ
πας G3956 A-NSM
εσται G2071 V-FXI-3S
ως G5613 ADV
ο G3588 T-NSM
διδασκαλος G1320 N-NSM
αυτου G846 P-GSM
41 τι G5101 I-ASN
δε G1161 CONJ
βλεπεις G991 V-PAI-2S
το G3588 T-ASN
καρφος G2595 N-ASN
το G3588 T-ASN
εν G1722 PREP
τω G3588 T-DSM
οφθαλμω G3788 N-DSM
του G3588 T-GSM
αδελφου G80 N-GSM
σου G4675 P-2GS
την G3588 T-ASF
δε G1161 CONJ
δοκον G1385 N-ASF
την G3588 T-ASF
εν G1722 PREP
τω G3588 T-DSM
ιδιω G2398 A-DSM
οφθαλμω G3788 N-DSM
ου G3756 PRT-N
κατανοεις G2657 V-PAI-2S
42 η G2228 PRTτσβ
πως G4459 ADV-I
δυνασαι G1410 V-PNI-2S
λεγειν G3004 V-PAN
τω G3588 T-DSM
αδελφω G80 N-DSM
σου G4675 P-2GS
αδελφε G80 N-VSM
αφες G863 V-2AAM-2S
εκβαλω G1544 V-2AAS-1S
το G3588 T-ASN
καρφος G2595 N-ASN
το G3588 T-ASN
εν G1722 PREP
τω G3588 T-DSM
οφθαλμω G3788 N-DSM
σου G4675 P-2GS
αυτος G846 P-NSM
την G3588 T-ASF
εν G1722 PREP
τω G3588 T-DSM
οφθαλμω G3788 N-DSM
σου G4675 P-2GS
δοκον G1385 N-ASF
ου G3756 PRT-N
βλεπων G991 V-PAP-NSM
υποκριτα G5273 N-VSM
εκβαλε G1544 V-2AAM-2S
πρωτον G4412 ADV
την G3588 T-ASF
δοκον G1385 N-ASF
εκ G1537 PREP
του G3588 T-GSM
οφθαλμου G3788 N-GSM
σου G4675 P-2GS
και G2532 CONJ
τοτε G5119 ADV
διαβλεψεις G1227 V-FAI-2S
εκβαλειν G1544 V-2AANτσβ
το G3588 T-ASN
καρφος G2595 N-ASN
το G3588 T-ASN
εν G1722 PREP
τω G3588 T-DSM
οφθαλμω G3788 N-DSM
του G3588 T-GSM
αδελφου G80 N-GSM
σου G4675 P-2GS
εκβαλειν G1544 V-2AANα
43 ου G3756 PRT-N
γαρ G1063 CONJ
εστιν G2076 V-PXI-3S
δενδρον G1186 N-NSN
καλον G2570 A-NSN
ποιουν G4160 V-PAP-NSN
καρπον G2590 N-ASM
σαπρον G4550 A-ASM
ουδε G3761 ADV
παλιν G3825 ADVα
δενδρον G1186 N-NSN
σαπρον G4550 A-NSN
ποιουν G4160 V-PAP-NSN
καρπον G2590 N-ASM
καλον G2570 A-ASM
44 εκαστον G1538 A-NSN
γαρ G1063 CONJ
δενδρον G1186 N-NSN
εκ G1537 PREP
του G3588 T-GSM
ιδιου G2398 A-GSM
καρπου G2590 N-GSM
γινωσκεται G1097 V-PPI-3S
ου G3756 PRT-N
γαρ G1063 CONJ
εξ G1537 PREP
ακανθων G173 N-GPF
συλλεγουσιν G4816 V-PAI-3P
συκα G4810 N-APN
ουδε G3761 ADV
εκ G1537 PREP
βατου G942 N-GSM
τρυγωσιν G5166 V-PAI-3Pτσβ
σταφυλην G4718 N-ASF
τρυγωσιν G5166 V-PAI-3Pα
45 ο G3588 T-NSM
αγαθος G18 A-NSM
ανθρωπος G444 N-NSM
εκ G1537 PREP
του G3588 T-GSM
αγαθου G18 A-GSM
θησαυρου G2344 N-GSM
της G3588 T-GSF
καρδιας G2588 N-GSF
αυτου G846 P-GSMτσβ
προφερει G4393 V-PAI-3S
το G3588 T-ASN
αγαθον G18 A-ASN
και G2532 CONJ
ο G3588 T-NSM
πονηρος G4190 A-NSM
ανθρωπος G444 N-NSMτσβ
εκ G1537 PREP
του G3588 T-GSM
πονηρου G4190 A-GSM
θησαυρου G2344 N-GSMτσβ
της G3588 T-GSFτσβ
καρδιας G2588 N-GSFτσβ
αυτου G846 P-GSMτσβ
προφερει G4393 V-PAI-3S
το G3588 T-ASN
πονηρον G4190 A-ASN
εκ G1537 PREP
γαρ G1063 CONJ
του G3588 T-GSNτσβ
περισσευματος G4051 N-GSN
της G3588 T-GSFτσβ
καρδιας G2588 N-GSF
λαλει G2980 V-PAI-3S
το G3588 T-NSN
στομα G4750 N-NSN
αυτου G846 P-GSM
46 τι G5101 I-NSN
δε G1161 CONJ
με G3165 P-1AS
καλειτε G2564 V-PAI-2P
κυριε G2962 N-VSM
κυριε G2962 N-VSM
και G2532 CONJ
ου G3756 PRT-N
ποιειτε G4160 V-PAI-2P
α G3739 R-APN
λεγω G3004 V-PAI-1S
47 πας G3956 A-NSM
ο G3588 T-NSM
ερχομενος G2064 V-PNP-NSM
προς G4314 PREP
με G3165 P-1AS
και G2532 CONJ
ακουων G191 V-PAP-NSM
μου G3450 P-1GS
των G3588 T-GPM
λογων G3056 N-GPM
και G2532 CONJ
ποιων G4160 V-PAP-NSM
αυτους G846 P-APM
υποδειξω G5263 V-FAI-1S
υμιν G5213 P-2DP
τινι G5101 I-DSM
εστιν G2076 V-PXI-3S
ομοιος G3664 A-NSM
48 ομοιος G3664 A-NSM
εστιν G2076 V-PXI-3S
ανθρωπω G444 N-DSM
οικοδομουντι G3618 V-PAP-DSM
οικιαν G3614 N-ASF
ος G3739 R-NSM
εσκαψεν G4626 V-AAI-3S
και G2532 CONJ
εβαθυνεν G900 V-AAI-3S
και G2532 CONJ
εθηκεν G5087 V-AAI-3S
θεμελιον G2310 N-ASM
επι G1909 PREP
την G3588 T-ASF
πετραν G4073 N-ASF
πλημμυρης G4132 N-GSFα
πλημμυρας G4132 N-GSFτσβ
δε G1161 CONJ
γενομενης G1096 V-2ADP-GSF
προσερηξεν G4366 V-AAI-3Sα
προσερρηξεν G4366 V-AAI-3Sτσβ
ο G3588 T-NSM
ποταμος G4215 N-NSM
τη G3588 T-DSF
οικια G3614 N-DSF
εκεινη G1565 D-DSF
και G2532 CONJ
ουκ G3756 PRT-N
ισχυσεν G2480 V-AAI-3S
σαλευσαι G4531 V-AAN
αυτην G846 P-ASF
δια G1223 PREPα
τεθεμελιωτο G2311 V-LPI-3Sτσβ
το G3588 T-ASNα
γαρ G1063 CONJτσβ
καλως G2570 ADVα
επι G1909 PREPτσβ
οικοδομησθαι G3618 V-RPNα
την G3588 T-ASFτσβ
αυτην G846 P-ASFα
πετραν G4073 N-ASFτσβ
49 ο G3588 T-NSM
δε G1161 CONJ
ακουσας G191 V-AAP-NSM
και G2532 CONJ
μη G3361 PRT-N
ποιησας G4160 V-AAP-NSM
ομοιος G3664 A-NSM
εστιν G2076 V-PXI-3S
ανθρωπω G444 N-DSM
οικοδομησαντι G3618 V-AAP-DSM
οικιαν G3614 N-ASF
επι G1909 PREP
την G3588 T-ASF
γην G1093 N-ASF
χωρις G5565 ADV
θεμελιου G2310 N-GSM
η G3739 R-DSF
προσερηξεν G4366 V-AAI-3Sα
προσερρηξεν G4366 V-AAI-3Sτσβ
ο G3588 T-NSM
ποταμος G4215 N-NSM
και G2532 CONJ
ευθυς G2117 ADVα
ευθεως G2112 ADVτσβ
συνεπεσεν G4842 V-2AAI-3Sα
επεσεν G4098 V-2AAI-3Sτσβ
και G2532 CONJ
εγενετο G1096 V-2ADI-3S
το G3588 T-NSN
ρηγμα G4485 N-NSN
της G3588 T-GSF
οικιας G3614 N-GSF
εκεινης G1565 D-GSF
μεγα G3173 A-NSN
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You may also quote this document, by citing the reference as:
“[Name of Bible Study]” By Josiahs Scott, www.TrueConnection.org
has both the Father and the Son.