Disciple Notes

Notes by TC Disciples


© Josiahs Scott & www.TrueConnection.org (All rights reserved. No derivative works allowed)



Intro Explanation


These are notes that TC Disciples have taken, and they are being preserved here for historical purposes to see the original versions of what they wrote at the moment they composed a teaching or writing before it was refined and fully incorporated into their various proper places and organizations.







Wife Notes Restitution



AlSun 5:25pm

(I wasn't able to jot down any Raca notes)


More SOM notes:


The new covenant is not about flattering religious people. It's about convicting religious rich people.

The old relationship with the Bible is disobeying it. So saying that JC came to fulfil the law therefore I don't have to is THE OLD RELATIONSHIP with the law & Bible.


So what can we say about the new covenant that is spiritual and not just easy for flesh balls to agree with? What can we say about the new relationship at hand?

Jesus came and brought the law into the fullness of the New Covenant so that he could tell us how to be saved and non fleshly with the law, which only energizes saved people and has zero tolerance for flesh anymore. This wonderful summary is NOT against the law; it is totally in line with the law. And it glorifies God by emphasizing his groaning against the flesh.


Mat 5:18 loosing 1 yota or keriah, or verse 19 loosing 1 commandment = You're going to lose.

There is no room for the flesh! Jesus was serious. He wasn't laughing, and no we are not interpreting. Therefore run!

Jesus does not tie looser; he ties tighter. So whatever you do, you have to tighten up! There's no ambiguity or wiggle room around this. There is no tolerance for the flesh. Everytime you see someone loosing, that's the flesh and that's the old relationship with the Bible.

Mat 5:20 flesh = hell


Why is it that the law and the prophets need to be fulfilled? Because they are talking to lost, hard hearted, fleshly Israelites and unsaved people. The Bible says the law was weakened THROUGH the flesh. The flesh was weak and not strong enough to keep the law. The law was not fulfilled through fleshiness. The law was not lacking; the people were!

The law does not have an expiration date; but the disobedient sinners who had been authorized to carry it out, they do have an expiration date!


Moses could not motivate the wicked Israelites to behave themselves by fear of heavens judgment because that would have required faith in what's invisible, and they did not have faith!

That's exactly why Paul says "the law is not of faith"

It's good for Moses to try and stop them from being so evil, but the weakness is that they are, after all, still evil, so Moses could do but so much.

The problem is through THEM. The problem is not Moses or God.

Fleshballs say that the law is like a tyrant and bully, tormenting us what to do but never empowering us to do it. Excuse me, if you read the Bible, who were the ones wanting to stone Moses and Aaron? So who are the really bullies? The fleshly people! Not Moses & the Law!


You really need a new relationship with what God said, so that you can obey it.


1.Are the following verses from the old testament?

2.Is Jesus tightening or is he loosening?

3.Is He filling up something internally?


Mat 5:21-22 relationship restitution reconciliation

1 yes old testament -Don't murder (the 10 commandments) and being judged in the courts of Israel. Jesus quotes not only the old testament law but also their applications of the law.

2 tightening

3 filling up in not being angry internally to avoid the heavenly judgment and gehenna


Jesus is able to legislate on an attitude hidden inside of your heart because there is no tolerance for the flesh, and faith is demanded to fear God concerning the judgment to come, and this fills up a law that could only previously address external circumstances.

Jesus is talking about what YOU have to do. He is not saying 'i fulfilled so that you don't have to, no law no law, no law'. He is saying, 'I fulfilled the law so that you are without excuse, and you too can take up your cross and follow me, cuz YOU DO HAVE TO fulfil the truth to make it!


Disciple Notes Restitution


Zero tolerance for flesh is the real New Covenant

7/28/24; 8/10/24


The beatitude is not as simple as you think. The beatitudes define who the right people are and then it keeps repeating it throughout the Sermon on the Mount


Example: Blessed are the poor in the spirit – this includes begging, which would completely overthrow what we know in churhianity.


The new covenant is not about flattering religious people it is about convicting them


The dispensationalist says JC replaced the law/fulfill the law so I DON’T have to, but that is the old relationship with the Bible (that the Israelites had). Israelites disobeyed the Bible because they were hard hearted and apostate, then church people come along and disobey the Bible because they are hard hearted and apostate.


The thing that dispensationalist and jewishizers are not saying is that Jesus came to bring the law into its fullness into the new covenant that only energizes saved people and has zero tolerance for the flesh anymore.


There is intolerance for the flesh in the New Covenant promotes heart purifying righteous faith


Notice in verse 19 that loosening one commandment or in verse 18 loosening one iota and keriah horn means you lose – no tolerance for flesh


Whenever you see someone loosening:

- that is the old covenant

- that is the flesh

- that is the old relationship with the Bible.


What we see is that flesh = hell in verse 20


Why is it the law and the prophets needs to be fulfilled? Because they are talking to lost hard hearted unsaved people


The law doesn’t have an expiration date but the disobedient sinners who were authorized to carry it out do have an expiration date.


We need to labor and we need to hurt to produce truth to save people out from churchianity


Verse 21 and onwards we are going to ask

- are these from the Old Testament / law and prophets

- is he tightening or loosening?

- is he filling up something internally?




Don’t murder or you will be judged = the law / 10 commandments


Judgment = the court of Israel


What’s the contrast?

The earthly judgment verses the judgment to come

The first judgment is social the second judgment is heavenly


Moses could not motive the Israelites to behave themselves from the fear of the judgment to come because that would require faith and they didn’t have faith!!


That’s exactly why Paul says ‘The Law is not of Faith’


Gal_3:12 NKJV  "Yet the law is not of faith, but 'the man who does them shall live by them.

Gal_3:12 KJV  And the law is not of faith: but, The man that doeth them shall live in them


It is good for Moses to try to stop them from being evil but the weakness is that they are still evil


The wicked apostate Israelites are the bully trying to throw rocks at the law writers


Jesus is able to legislate on an attitude hidden inside of your heart because there is no tolerance for flesh, and faith is demanded to fear God concerning the judgment to come. This fulfill/fills up that previously could only address external circumstances. Do you understand the law and how it is being fulfilled yet?


He is not saying I fulfill so you don’t have to, he is saying I fulfilled the law so you do have to live in fulfillment of the law.


We desperately need a moral dictionary because all of our words are twisted. That is what the devil wants because where confusion is there deception thrives.


He is quoting the OT as it is applied, he is tightening it up the law and he is filling up in a way that is filling up the heart.

It is not what you don’t have to do, it is what you DO have to do


Raka Rules

·        V21-22 is that the 2nd is lighter than the 1st

·        Raka is harsher than fool in their linguist

·        Raka is closely associated/partly parallel with wrath

·        Raka could potentially be partly like profanity/cursing

·        “I can see how rejecting and considering your brother worthless is worse than calling him a fool.”

·        Raka is so bad it has social consequences, whereas the word fool requires faith to fear God in the metaphysical consequences

·        Evil unsaved people knew that raka was taboo

·        Fool was not bad enough to have social consequences

·        Evil people did not know how to punish saying fool

·        You may not think through all these rules but if you do you have to admit that these rules are required



Extra biblically it is always about taking away value from someone by saying they are empty of something valuable


The real point of raka is that you actually need to fear God about saying fool to your brother


Zero Flesh Tolerance: you can’t even say “fool”, and be morally lazy just because it is a socially tolerated sin.

Sinful Israelites had tolerated the flesh saying some bad things but Jesus’ New Covenant does not tolerate any flesh saying even “littler” bad things to one’s brother.


We would say murder gets capital punishment of social judgment parallels with raka that gets judgment of the Sanhedrins


Being made wrathful gets the heavenly punishment of eternal judgment, and parallels with fool that requires faith to fear God about Gehenna fire to avoid even saying a lighter insult to your brother.


Disciple Notes: Restitution ↓




Once you have established your axioms these are the things you have to ask:


How do these tie in to the beatitudes/ 9 blessings

Difficulties: List the difficulties most people face with these passages ie. What is he talking about? How to obey this?

How does overthrow churchianity


Don’t translate difficulties into disobedience


Overseer’s Wife

AlSun 3:02pm


I'm repasting my questions from the other week:

Btw, at some point soon I would really like Matthew 5: 22 to be addressed - being angry with a brother.

TSB is the source text that includes the word "lightly", but other source texts don't even give that exception. So what exactly is the Lord getting at?


don't be passively allowing yourself to become wrathful towards a brother at all. Or,

don't be passively allowing yourself to become wrathful towards a brother without a good reason (I.e. without a cause, or don't be angry lightly)

If the Lord meant to not get wrathful at all then why does Paul seem to say that if you do get wrathful then don't let the sun go down on that. So, don't STAY wrathful


If the Lord meant don't get wrathful lightly then does that imply that you can be wrathful towards a brother in a spiritual way in this covenant?

Mat 5:25 Agreeing with your "anti-justice". I assume that according to the context, your anti-justice person is a brother in the assembly. Is that correct? Is it also correct to say that an anti-justice person does not include an outsider unbeliever, such as the one mentioned later who might force you to go one mile, or take your tunic from you? Your anti-justice brother actually has something righteous against you (where you need to find a way to quickly humble yourself and agree with them), versus an outsider who is just persecuting you. You don't have to "agree with" the persecutor correct, even though you still might go two miles or give them your himatian?




Disciple Notes: Do-Teacher Introduced

Initial Acknowledgement of the Do-Teacher

(Presented & Recorded)



haSun 4:24pm

Entering into a personal relationship with Jesus


haSun 4:45pm



AlSun 4:52pm

Could you mention Phineas as a real peace example?


haSun 5:06pm

So would that be the talmud?


haSun 5:11pm

So is hell part of the kingdom of heaven?


AlSun 5:16pm

Rev 22:14 Blessed are those who do his commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter in by the gates into the city. 15 Outside are the dogs, the sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.


haSun 5:18pm

So the scribes and Pharisees are pretty religious so how do you go beyond a religious leader?


AySun 5:19pm(edited)

Private question: The other folks don't have an avenue to ask questions here. If it's QnA time/the floor is open for questions, should we open it up for the Ty/phone people to ask questions also?


AlSun 5:42pm

Isnt 'whoever breaks the least commandment' also in singular form?

Can you be called great if you're not a teacher?


AlSun 6:16pm(edited)

Sir was flaming

It was challenging for me to even take much notes today because he was blazing so fast. My fingers got stunned.

I'm glad Im allowed to think he's dreamy 🥰

I hope Ty gets gripped, and gives over a reasonable response at some point, and just can't go back to churchianity the same...


AlSun 6:35pm(edited)

Some Notes: Sermon on the Mount series


The Sermon on the Mount is about finding and entering into a real, spiritual, invisible Kingdom.

The Truth is counterintuitive to the flesh, BUT it is NEVER illogical

Psalm 119 open my eyes to wonderful things in your law. This means that by nature, eyes are closed and can't see spiritual things naturally. You need supernatural help!

Luke 24 the Lord opened the scriptures to the eyes of the disciples on the road to Emmaus

Mat 23 religious leaders had the "key of knowledge", which means that by default the doors are locked to the natural common person


You're desperate, desolate, and in danger of not entering in the Kingdom if you dont get help. No room for independence- insanity!


The Sermon on the Mount is telling you where Truth is at.

The Truth has got a kingdom, a king, subjects, and laws.

Church people want miracles and sensationalism (something intuitive, agreeable, compatible, and impressive to the flesh). Protestantism has always followed impressive preaching (and squakers). But the Sermon on the Mount is telling you how to think differently and what to look for, and how to identify God's kingdom and people.


The New Covenant is a betrothal, it's a covenant, it's a marriage!

When you're talking about something as serious as a marriage then there is no space for wiggle room here. And the Sermon on the Mount is a marriage proposal of the New Covenant


The Spirit AND THE BRIDE say Come! Do you love Jesus' voice? You will regard his words through his Bride as well...(authoritative, divinly inspired, virgin bride with his lamp in her hands and his fire in her eyes)...when you fall in the love with the real Jesus then this duo of God & his people will be an "and" in your heart, verses a protestant "God alone" thing


The preaching of the new covenant and apprehending that preaching (i.e. salvation) is about taking the Bible serious enough to where you connect to its Author.


If the world would praise you for it then hide it (Mat 6)

If they would persecuted you for it then shine it (Mat 5)


------note taking service interrupted by  flames ---------




AySun 7:42pm(edited)

Yay! We did a SOM bible study! Thanks for bringing out exciting Truths today great Sir.


AlSun 8:05pm

Yeah I look forward to continuing our series




VcSun 10:42pm

Thank you for your zealous passionate Bible Study Great Sir. I'm encouraged to cry out to be one of the mega great ones in the kingdom of the heavens.





AlMon 1:13pm(edited)

I included verses 17-20 because I would appreciate going over those again. Over dinner last night I had mentioned that out of all the things Sir went over yesterday, the one thing that I'm still seeking to wrap my mind around is the do-teacher concept; singular mega great teacher verses plural doers who are getting righteousness through that singular teacher... I was struggling with the potential risk of reading too much into the text or interpreting more than it is actually directly saying.


So far, the following is a summary thought I had after our dinner discussion. I'm wondering if this is what the Lord was primarily wanting his hearers to walk away understanding about Matt 5:18-20? Feedback/clarifications/corrections appreciated:


The cultural context: the Lord was addressing an audience that included his primary male apostles (who were being apprenticed to teach), and his other non apostolic disciples which probably involved many illiterate woman. So when the Lord mentions things like 'you can't break a yota or keriah' then it probably would have triggered thoughts in his audience such, "oh, then I really need to know all the yotas and keriahs, and the only way to do that in our culture/context is to study under one of the sages so that I can know what not to break. If I don't have the ability, like one of the apostles, to leave everything and go be apprenticed & thoroughly trained to take up the trade of a reputable teacher then I need to at least have the law read to me on a regular basis by someone who is going to tell me what the law really says. Either way (or whatever the case), attaining to not breaking a single yota or keriah in our day & age of antiquity starts with learning from another what those yotas and keriahs are".


Similarly, when the Lord proceeded to say that your righteousness needs to exceed the scribes and the Pharisees, that probably could have triggered thoughts in his audience such as, "How can I do that? Well, I know that Psalm 51, for example, mentions sacrifice and offerings you are not pleased with. And the elitist leaders seem to do those type of offerings all the time and God is not happy with them because they are still grossely breaking his rules. But rather, the psalm says that what God is pleased with is a broken and crushed spirit. So I need to at least start with poor in spirit like the Lord testified to in the opening of his sermon. Surely a broken and humble and poor and begging spirit is the beginning of being more righteous than the religious leaders of our day. But I can't just walk around like a broken mess in life, all day 24/7. I need to fill up more than the starting point of brokenness & empty poverty. I need to actually know what to do with myself in life, and how to move forward and function in righteousness. I need understanding of the law! And how can I proceed and continue to keep all the law even better than the sages whom he is unhappy with? Well, I guess it goes back to what the Lord just said about a mega great teacher who will teach me how to actually keep all the yotas and keriahs".


AlMon 1:43pm(edited)


By the way, at dinner last night Sir mentioned and reinforced that you don't necessarily need to be a teacher to be great in God's kingdom. The Lord mentioning a do-teacher being mega great is not an exclusive statement. Maybe it's more of a factual/observational statement to say that someone who does and teaches the law is mega great. That doesn't say that they are the only people who are mega great in the kingdom. Hence, the other statements in the scriptures such as 'whoever wants to be great let him be the least'. So, the least is the greatest in the kingdom. This is the main foundational measuring tool for greatness.


I do consider though that often those who are least seem to end up being those who are serving truth (the most important resource in life) to others in a pastoral sense (shepherding the flock of anointed one, his prized possession). The pastoral task requires teaching & reproducing the doctrines of the Lord; and it takes a lot of subjection, lowliness, meekness, and a long term patient service to men to accomplish it.


HdMon 2:31pm

Thanks for the thoughts :+) I'm still thinking through them...


AlMon 6:54pm

*Correction: We are supposed to walk around 24/7 in virtues such as begging for spirituals, meekness, cleanness in heart, etc



Disciple Notes: Law Abolitionists



AySun 4:14pm

What's the worse thing/impact of thinking the law no longer applies?



AlSun 4:18pm(edited)

"pragmatically"? - maybe people tend to feel justified in believing that you dont have to focus on the details of the law because JC did all the work to focus on that stuff. Now, all we're responsible for is fluffy love, and just doing what convicts you if you have to, but again make sure you avoid being legalistic by getting preoccupied with all the details.


AlSun 4:24pm(edited)

Thinking law no longer applies = permission or leverage or a license to be loose and undirected and uncontrolled by a Law in your life

Psalm 2:3 Let us break their bonds in pieces and cast away their cords from us

Judges 21:25 In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes


AySun 4:33pm



AlSun 4:39pm(edited)

Application examples:

-Rules of menstruation

-blaspheming the patriarchs (ex Leslie Mcfall said "praise God Moses is dead...now we have jc"

-head coverings were just a cultural practice; not required or mandatory now

"woman thou art loosed" from your veil


-jc nailed the law to the cross and moved it out of our way (i.e. obedience and failure thereof kept us from God)

-misquote of Acts 15:10 don't put a yoke on the neck of the gentile disciples by making them obey all the law, cuz neither our fathers nor we have been able to keep everything


AySun 5:34pm

Thanks for the rich blessings!


haSun 5:36pm



AySun 5:37pm

Nugget: Anointed One fulfilled the law so we should overflow in it (unless your righteousness surpasses the scribes and pharasees...).

@Al thanks for your kind prayers today as well. I greatly appreciated it.


VcSun 6:58pm

I really appreciate God loving us so much that He gave us our Overseer. Thank you Overseer for telling us truth that nobody else has and actually trying to save us from all the pitfalls of churchianity. And yes, I want to agree with your prayers and pray also that these words would bear fruit in us.


HdSun 6:58pm

Thanks Happy :+)


AlSun 9:06pm

Yay = -)



(wanting to find keyboard characters to use in order to depict pictures and emojis and such. Sir says keyboard characters degrade more gracefully with historical/archived content)


SOM Conference Notes -- from Overseer’s Wife


AlSun 9:11pm(edited)


Whenever you read the Bible, and if there is something that makes you feel uncomfortable then that's often what you need the most. Embrace it and don't let it go cuz your salvation is there!


Dont "divide and conquer" the Bible. Rather combine and obey it!


The Sermon on the Mount is (1) teaching how to identify the right people, because He is going to prioritize the right people, and then (2) the laws of the kingdom, and then again (3) the right people


As you read the SOM you should be constantly asking yourself, "how do I get in"?

Mat 12:33 either make the tree good or bad



After heaven and earth pass away, then we'll be governed by a moral universe, instead of an immoral physics universe. Don't walk around rejoicing (and boasting) that the law is abolished, unless you have also gone crazy and are convinced that the heavens and earth are no longer around.


Mat 5:19 Jesus is pointing forward to the commands that he is about to expound on. I.e. He says "whoever breaks one of the least of THESE commandments..."

Mat 7:24, 26 Jesus is pointing backward to all the commands he just expounded on when he says "everyone who hears that of THESE my words"

Thus, Jesus is making his words synonymous with the law & commandments

Mat 24:35 heaven and earth will pass away but my words will by no means pass away


Mat 5:18 Jesus came to fulfil (fill up in) the law, and it/everything won't be completely finished until the next age, when "heaven & earth pass away"

Jesus, by his spirit, fills up in the law, and overflows into and through his servants. Rom 8:4 and Rom 3:31 The righteousness of the law is fulfilled in us... We uphold the law and cause it to stand

(my tablet battery was dying. Didn't finish my notes today)


AlSun 10:29pm

I appreciate going through The Sermon on the Mount. It seems really important for us as a group to get thoroughly solidified and established (in a summarized way) as to who we are, what we believe & represent, what makes us different, and how we can beckon the nations to "Come" through sizzling intros to the Kingdom and with a new covenant marriage proposal.




AlSun 10:53pm(edited)


@Hd Is Psalm 41 a part of your SOM Psalms?

Psa 41:1-3 LOGOS

1 A Psalm of David. Blessed is the man who thinks on the poor and needy; the Lord shall deliver him in an evil day.

2 May the Lord preserve him and keep him alive, and bless him on the earth, and not deliver him into the hands of his enemy.

3 May the Lord help him upon the bed of his pain; You have made all his bed in his sickness.

I'm still pondering on what is considered a SOM Psalm...

Sidenote, verse 3 is very interesting. What does all that mean?



7/21/24 (Acts 15, Rainbow, Die & Fulfill)


Disciple Notes

VcSun 5:48pm

Do you see the  rainbow in the sky?

You can't say the old testament has passed away and disrespect God in his promise to Noah if the rainbow is still there!

Die to & Fulfill The Law

7/21/24 (Acts 15, Rainbow, Die & Fulfill)


Disciple Notes

VcSun 5:48pm

How can you die to the law and also fulfill it?

In the law there are curses, definitions of being evil, stiff neck and disgusting to God. You can die to these definitions and turn from your wicked ways and be righteous. If you do this then those curses no longer apply to you and you fulfill the law and surpass the Scribes and Pharisees


Keeping a Law Yoke is Too Much for Salvation?




Acts 15 -- Overseer’s Wife’s Question

7/21/24 (Acts 15, Rainbow, Die & Fulfill)

Overseer’s Wife Asked:

AlSun 5:01pm

Some of the Pharisees who were also believers seemed to want to promote 'NOT abolishing the law' and they were wanting to be convinced that the gentiles need to be circumcised and keep the law of Moses to be saved. Peter stood up and said don't put a yoke on the neck of the disciples that "neither our fathers nor we were able to bear".

To confirm, Peter wasnt saying that no one in history was able to keep the law, but that no one was able to be saved by refining their flesh enough?


I think people really get tripped up by Acts 15:10-11 and it seems that they greatly misunderstand Peter


HdSun 5:37pm

Good point


Overseer’s Wife’s Notes: Romans Perfection




AlSun 7:51pm

Churchianity has been trying to push & establish one of the same things for thousands of years, namely that you can live in sin and go to heaven


You have to (and can only) connect to the real God through virtue (2Pe 1:3). You can't just be a sinful person and connect to the right God.

Virtue - the moral strength to do what is right


Romans 2 and SOM Parallels:

-Romans 2:1-3 You who judge another condemn yourself by doing the same things (i.e. plank in eye)

-v4 Do you despise God's useful kindness towards sinners? It's meant to lead them to repentance (i.e. God causes his sun to shine on the good and evil, and rain to come upon them as well)

-v13 The doers of the law will be justified (i.e. those who hear and do that of My Words)

-v21/22 committing theft and adultery in unobvious ways

-v27 The gentiles fulfil and perfect the law, NOT abolishing it (every yota, keriah, and all the words of Jesus "that of these my Words)

-v29 'whose praise is not of men but of God's (ex your Father who sees in secret will reward openly)


Romans 6:21 if you complete the shame in death then you do not cease from shame, you continue bearing your shame FOREVER

Telios is not ending the shame in death


Romans 6:22

You don't stop being holy after obtaining eternal life

The complete perfection of holiness is not it's termination

You will continue in holiness, worshipping God and blending your voice with the angels who cry out holy holy holy!


Disciple Notes: Romans Perfection





Churchianity has been trying to teach the same overt/covert sin that you can live in sin and go to heaven. This has been going on fot the last 1700 plus years

Even sincere people like Paul Washer who say you can’t live a life characterized by sin still say “when” you sin when talking about 1 John instead if “IF” we sin


If you would just obey it, you would be relevant to when he says something that refers to evry heartbeat of obediedience when you will perk up because it is vivid to you



There is lust in this world and those who are lusting are decaying. The only way to escape is to go through a portal of virtues and on the other side of this portal is God’s divinity (Divine Nature). Divine Nature does not sin, which you can take ahold of


You got to connect to God through virtures


Glory and virture

When you preach “faith alone” you do Not know God



The 2 most abuse chaters in the Bivble ar Romans 2 and Romans 7. In chapter 2 when they are talking about  a righteous peopn they say he is talking about the unrighteous person. Tin Chapter 7 when they are ta


Rom_2: The doers of the law is righteous


Hypocritical Jews are


When Paul is using /talking about perfecting the law he is not talking about ending it.


Hell and Heaven
Telios is not ending!
When you are holy, you are never going to stop being holy and righteous!

In hell you are going to be ashamed of what you did, you never stop be ashamed


Disciple Notes FITR vs Law Abolitionists




AlSun 5:46pm(edited)



(F) You have to Fulfill

(I) every Iota & keriah of the law

(T) through a do-Teacher

(R) to apprehend surpassing Righteousness in order to get into God's kingdom


Luther Propaganda

Romans 3:28 Luther inserted the word "alone" so that the verse says that a man is justified by faith alone


Rom 10:4 Luther translated the Greek word "perfect" as "end". Though he knew Greek, and though he knew how to easily translate the Greek word telios as perfect (cuz he did this in Mat 5:48), yet when it came to Romans 10:4 he conveniently translated perfect as "end" to further his demonic agenda- "christ is the end of the law"


But did Paul follow the FITR example that we see in the SOM?

Rom 10:4 Anointed One is the perfection of the law INTO righteousness for all those believing

Rom 8:4 so that the righteousness of the law might be FULFILLED (filled up) in us

Rom 3:31 we make the law to stand & to be established (through faith in Anointed One who is the perfection of the law in Rom 10:4. And thus, the righteous orthodox loop continues).


Rom 11:12 when the Jews get the FULLNESS of Jesus' salvation then that obviously doesn't mean that the Lord will assassinate & terminate them. Quite the opposite!


Rom 13:8-10 he who loves one another has FULFILLED the law

If Christ fulfilled & ended the law then what are you doing going around trying to fulfill it also by claiming to "love"?

You need to be consistent - Real, obedient, and concrete love is the FULFILLMENT of the law


You don't fill up a cup and then throw it away. Illogical! Jesus did not do this (Mat 5:17).

Neither do you break the cup (I.e. abolish the law) and then fil it with water. Illogical! We don't practice this ourselves (Rom 13:8, etc).


When you fill up a pot, the substance conforms to the shape. Jesus did not come to rebel against his Father. He came to submit to his Father. He did not come to undue. He came to fulfill the shape of Moses. Hint: What is Jesus doing in the wilderness to fortify himself against the devil? He is quoting Deuteronomy!


"All you need to do is focus on love"..."You don't need any of those thou shalt nots", says the church person.

But what did Paul actually say in Rom 13:9?

Love is fulfilling the law

Love is summarizing the law

The law is headed up again in love

The substance of the law goes up into a head (or summary) of love

You don't behead (decapitate) the law! You head up the law


Rom 15:13

Jesus fulfilling means that you overflow

Paul blesses them- may God fulfill so that you overflow


Rom 15:19 Paul "fully preached" does not mean that he stopped preaching or terminated his preaching. It doesn't mean the gospel has passed away, or Jerusalem, or Illyricum, or the people he preached to passed away...It doesn't mean that anything passed away!


From beginning to end, when Paul talks about fulfillment, and fulfilling, and fullness...zero percent of the time he does [he]

not speak of terminating or ending or annihilating that which was filled up in.

Paul is a good guy, completely compatible with FITR logic.



zero percent of the time he does [he]


Ecc_12: if you break a water pitcher, then the water leaks out


If you break the law, it makes no sense to go around trying to fill it up!


Right after Paul says anointed one perfected the law, if it meant to “end” it, then why is Paul quoting from Deu_30: a few verses later???


Oath Rules

Hebrew Disobedience Does Not Overrule Greek Truth

The Change from OT to Matthew 26


1/4/21; 6/7/24


-- Under Construction --


Wife’s Notes

Oath Rules -- Overseer’s Wife’s Notes

AlMon Jan 4 at 1:43pm

Here are some notes from Bible reading today:


Sir and I have been listening to this Karite Jew named Nehemiah Gordan.


We appreciate his thoughtfulness beyond many Christian pastors. But in the matter concerning Oaths:


Nehemiah says that the Hebrew Jesus of the NT does not put an absolute prohibition on making Oaths, but rather that you shouldn't swear FALSELY. Because after all, Jer_12:16 says that the Nations need to be able to swear by the name of YHWY so that they can be built up with His people.


[and yet, it is geographically, ethnically, and chronologically limited to Israel’s Evil, seducing, Baal-worshiping neighbors. We don’t know when these prophecies were fulfilled, and furthermore it is not implied that these blessings are directly linked to the other nations who are not Israel’s neighbors.]


Our current position:

Matthew 5 in the Hebrew text that Nehemiah Gordan is using does indeed say don't swear falsely. But the Greek text, along with the corroboration of the rest of the NT Greek texts, including the famous James 5 passage, does communicate an absolute prohibition of swearing at all, and anything more than an emphatic yes or no is out of the evil one.


Yes, out of all the New Testament books we know that the Book of Matthew has an original writing in Hebrew before it was translated into the Greek. But we can't confirm that the Hebrew text Nehemiah Gordon is using is original and legit. Mainly because if we were to use that text then it would contradict & usurp the rest of the NT that uses Greek source texts, which texts are unparalleled in agreement beyond any body of written work in all antiquity. The overall compilation of Greek accounts that make up the New Testament that we have are accurate, impressive in overall agreement, and reliable. If we were to accept the Hebrew manuscript of Matthew that Nehemiah Gordon is using than it would in effect put into question the Greek manuscripts used for the rest of the New Testament, and cause them to become pending sources upon which we cannot yet base much of anything on. This pending posture would be contrary to what the early church did.


So, back to swearing:

Our current posture is an absolute prohibition against swearing in this Covenant.


Mat_5 says let you word be yes yes, no no.

(The Sermon on the Mount seemed to be an event that took place over the span of a number of days [Luk_6]. So when Jesus preached, by default it was towards a variety of audiences. Thus, sometimes you might use more Hebrew rooted phrases such as "Amen Amen" I say to you, especially when he's addressing the smaller crowd of his disciples, and in other places on The Sermon on the Mount he might say something more generic and universally understood, with a more universal dialect such as "Yes Yes, No No".)


Amen Amen and Yes Yes are in essence the same thing, just with different verbage or dialects. Both phrases are the same response, following the same moral principle of emphasizing/reinforcing the Truth (as opposed to emphasizing "7 times" with an oath).



Speaking of dialect, Sir also mentioned that the Bible uses different dialects all the time. So if an disobeyer said "well JC said Truly truly/Verly verly/Amen amen and that's not yes yes, therefore I can say/swear whatever I want", this is incorrect because these are examples are yes yes-ing in a different dialect


As a fiery preacher you become all things to all men so you may save some (this includes their dialect) but as a receiver of the written Bible you learn to accept whatever dialect the Bible is given in to you.


I hope I transferred that correctly]


[the example of Jesus constantly reinforces His Prohabition on swearing: by His own two-fold Amen afirmations as well as His brilliant oath avoidance before the high priest.]


Why a change in the NT? Why was it okay to swear in the Old Testament but now all of a sudden it's of the evil one in the New Testament?

We might need to go into a whole nother Bible study to thoroughly address that, but suffice it to say for now it is worth considering the aspect that the change probably has something to do with LYING.

It was okay to lie in the Old Testament (and for valid reasons that we won't go into here), but now there is an absolute prohibition against lying.



[all favor and Truth came by Jesus]


Let's use a great example to depict these things:

1Ki_22:16, 2Ch_18:15

King Ahab, the king of Israel, called for the prophet Micaiah to be brought out of prison and to stand before him and to testify what will happen in the battle. The prophet, knowing that he was despised and that the king didn't really care about the truth, went on to tell the king what the king wanted to hear - that the king would win if he went to war. The king, knowing that this wasn't the truth, went on to say, 'how many times must I put you under oath to tell me the truth?'. Once the king did that then the prophet was obliged to respond in a way that would benefit the king (i.e. to tell him the Truth), and he told him the truth that the king would indeed lose the battle.


Under this Covenant we are not allowed to lie anymore. We must benefit our enemies even if it kills us. So, there is no need for us to swear at all in order to showcase that we really are telling the truth this time. Now under this Covenant let our words be true, Yes or No.


Jesus himself splendidly displayed & reinforced an obedience to his own commandment.

In both the Hebrew and Greek accounts of Mat_26:63-64, the High Priest, similar to King Ahab, put an oath on the Lord to tell them the truth if he was the Son of God or not. The Lord was silent up until that point. Once the oath was put upon him, he, like the prophet Micaiah, responded. But through sheer wisdom Jesus' ingenious answer avoided the swearing. He managed to answer without agreeing with being oath-ed to do so. He said, 'you have said it', thus putting the implications of taking an oath upon the unbeliever. But Jesus also answered their question and affirmed the Truth by going on to say that he was the Son of Man who was going to come in power upon the clouds.


[He precisely avoided the actual Word for Swearing]


VcMon Jan 4 at 1:49pm

@Al Thank you for taking notes! =)-K

I really appreciate that because I am not able to take notes when changing diapers


AyMon Jan 4 at 1:51pm

Notes? She wrote a whole paper! Thanks for all the details .


AyMon Jan 4 at 1:52pm

It's like I was there in person.


Love or Hate Enemies -- National Communal Perspective



Repent of modern snobbery

Thinking that modern cultures are so far advanced and beyond ancient superior monotheistic cultures

Lev_19: says you are not allowed to detest/hate your neighbor but you are allowed to rebuke them…that is the preceding context to loving your neighbor as yourself

The gentiles were not in that kind of relationship with Israel

Gentiles were not under a law of righteousness and could not be appealed to by logical objective convictions of righteousness

Then the questions becomes, Are they a righteous and commendable son of Noah that admires Israel and are at peace with them or are they an apostate barbaric son of Noah who is then at odds and hostile with Israel?

There is a very big national communal aspect to that concept and obviously that applies to Israel as well because an Israelite could apostate but they could be executed

There is this idea that an apostate Israelite would be cut off from his people which includes social excommunication and ultimately execution


If you made society righteous and someone does evil and perversion then you would seek out their downfall



David said I will get up early and seek how to cut off the sinner from the land


You cannot do that and save people. This posture is there to preserve society not individual man.


David was turning the other cheek way before its time, but at the end of his life he was planning how to assassinate/execute the death of the fleshball because he knows that was the best for the ultimate good of society


When the Law of Moses is working you need to love your neighbor as yourself, if they apostate they get cut off and treated like a gentile. Although they do mourn because Israel is reduced


The idea of Jewish excommunication and being cut off from your people still allows you to go to the temple but you are kept outside in the courts of the gentiles and you can’t offer sacrifice.


On an individual level when the law was broken in society, this is a dreadful prophesy



A man’s enemies will be those of his own household


It’s a horrifying prophesy of gloom and doom when the law is broken

And here we go thinking we are better when it is normal for a man’s enemies to be of his own household because teenagers and children rebel against their own parents and it is remarkable and surprising when they don’t and it is hypocritical snobbery to think we are better than Israel


Where does hating your enemies come into play? When a nation is threatening the prosperity of Israel


That’s almost a literal application of law which says to annihilate the remaining descendants of Canaan


It is not a genocide it is a geocide

Perverts don’t have rights

The descendants of Canaan are commanded to leave or be annihilated


Don’t spare young or old, male or female you don’t spare anyone. Don’t spare anyone trying to defend their perverted rights.


You could theoretically hate your enemies because they were against what God was doing at that time. It was a practical and valid application of exterminating


When God’s kingdom is on earth and that is what he is doing then you fight for God because that is what he is doing


Find out what God is doing right now and throw your whole life at it. This is how you escape boredom and monotony


Don’t wait for sensational… but doing some justice with what you….

Sensationality is hypocritical because you are focus on what God can do for you instead of doing something for God


Israel killing a Palestinian is socially righteous, but then again should they? If they obey and listen to their supernatural leader/King he would fight for them


Everything that God does including a rebuke is nourishing and leading you to righteous if you obey it


If you do the last thing you were told then you can expect more


You don’t get to ask about God’s concealed will when you haven’t done his revealed will


Israel military rules including hating your enemy is based of theocracy where God is your king


God used their sin for our salvation. God keeps extending the story to save more people. God is always doing redemption


Israel should not try to focus on societal Israel right now but instead be focusing on what God is doing right now which is being morally clean


God is not saving society He is saving people and these two concepts directly compete against each other

Saving individuals is at the sacrifice of letting society “fall to pieces with moral failures”


When Jesus says love your enemies he is predicting that he is not going to be king at that time.


The moral salvation and the physical salvation go hand in hand for Israel.

Rom_11: All Israel will be saved


As soon as they crown their king he will give them salvation

They have rejected their king and savior which God sent


When Jesus comes back and is crowned king, that is called a theocracy


We will have judges as the first which would at least include the two witnesses, in as much they are saviors to Israel but they are not kings they are judges. Sinful Israel cries out and then Judges are raised up and save them


Talk about peace doing, you repent of your sins and then you love your enemies. This is above the call of duty, talk about extremes


We are focus on giving up our lives to save people to speed up the day when our king will save His people.


Wife Notes -- Simultaneously taken


AlSun 5:29pm(edited)


SOM Neighbors and Enemies


You've heard it said, "love your neighbor and hate your enemy"

Who is considered an enemy?


Traditionally, fundamentally, those who were locally nearby Israel was considered a physical "neighbor". And if you were able to freely reason with that "neighbor", and hold them accountable to social laws and human reasonableness, and convict them when needed, then that would be a true neighbor. If you were not able to freely talk to your nearby fellow man, due to any animosity or distrust or irrationality etc, then that person would be considered an enemy.


If the nearby "neighbor" was a gentile and if they were a righteous son of Noah who admired Israel then they would be considered at peace with Israel. And they too would be considered a neighbor. But if they were a hostile, barbaric, illogical, apostate son of Noah who was at odds and enmity with Israel, then they would be considered an enemy.


So the question is largely national. There is a very big communal aspect to this concept.


On a societal level, if the Law of Moses is working well then you could love your neighbor as yourself. But if there are apostates (i.e. theologically liberal people) and if they were not able to be socially executed, then the Jews would excommunicat them. But interestingly enough they would still be allowed to go to the temple. BUT they were not allowed to offer sacrifices, and they would need to stay in the courts of the gentiles until/unless they repent.


On an individual level, when the Law was broken among society then this is a dreadful prophecy of a deranged society. And the Law also predicts that a man's enemies would be those of his own household. Tragically, this is normal in America now (ex for children to rebel against their parents). And we have this audacious, boastful snobbery to think that we are better off than ancient the Israel legislation and their societal practices.


By default, enemies = the enemies of Israel. When a nation is threatening the prosperity of Israel then this is a perverted enemy.

Prime example- if you are a descendent of Cannon and if you are a pervert then you are commanded to leave Israel or be annailated.


Under the law of Moses you do not have authorization to just go out and kill someone. That was given to the judges and kings and those who sit in authority to make that call.

When God's kingdom is on earth then you fight for God's Kingdom.

So what is God doing right now? Whatever God is doing you need to throw your whole life into it (btw, that's how you escape bordem and the monotony of this life).

Focus on doing some justice that makes sense with what God is doing right now.

Sensationalism is hypocritical because it focuses on how God will reward you when you are not concerned about how you are rewarding God.


If Israel kills their Hamas enemies then it would sorta be socially "righteous". But if they want to come to the Truth and follow Jesus then they would need to listen to their Messiah who came already (whom Moses said to watch out for and listen to the One coming) and they would need to heed the upgraded terms of the Covenant. They would need to turn the other cheek, for example, until their Messiah comes back and brings his kingdom on earth again, and THEN they will be able to physically fight and kill again.


As it is now, if the Jews were really keeping their law then they would be admitting to their liberalness and disobedience. The law doesn't tell Israel to fight their enemies when they themselves are breaking the law. They need to submit to the spanking and yield their necks under a yoke. If then if they would become truly obedient to the Law then they wouldn't even need to fight cuz their Messiah would bust through and fight for them (as the Scriptures declares and prophesies).


AlSun 5:29pm(edited)

Israel's military rules, including hating your enemy, is based on a theocracy, which is a form of government where God is reigning as king. When Jesus said love your enemies, he was predicting something that no one could have foreseen. When he said love your enemies he was predicting that Israel would not have God as their king on earth for a time. Cuz when God is king on the earth then people will be annailated.


Right now, you have to choose what you're going to primarily prioritize. Prioritize either preserving society, or prioritize saving people's souls. You have to ask yourself what is God wanting to do now, and with whom does he want to do it through.


There are two ways which Jews can validly fight for their land right now - either they (1) obey the Law and then their Messiah starts doing supernatural activity to help them which will ultimately end in Him coming back and establishing a Theocracy again, OR (2) God raises up a "judge" to help them fight their battles. Example - woman who runs in the wilderness and gets provided for in the book of Revelation, and this is simultaneously in contrast to those who hold the testimony of Jesus (so the woman who runs in the wilderness seems to be a remnant of the Jewish people). And all of this is also simultaneously happening when the two witnesses are on the scene. The 2 witnesses are types of judges. Btw, judges are saviors of Israel who are not kings.


Talk about peace doing, when you repent of your sins and then you also go and love your enemies. This is above and beyond, abundant, and really extreme.


Jewish Excommunication



Listener Email

Mir, Mon 8/12/2024 11:40 AM

What is an example of a way a Jew could have sinned in a way that he could not be executed but was segregated to the court of the gentiles? And was this a hopeless situation or was there any way that he could have been reconciled?



God himself will seek out to blot out that man

After they threw the blind man out Jesus found him

They will put you out of their synagogues









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