Josiahs' Ministry Experiences

Ministry "Résumé" for Those Interested in Josiahs as a Pastor/Preacher


Josiahs Scott, (352) 222-5471,,

Updated: 11/6/2023 (see Revision History)


Purpose:  Bible-Obedience proclaimer & overseer, laboring tirelessly for 26<< years decades,
                 in search of disciples & churches hungry to finally HEAR & OBEY Truth!

Goal Objective Ambition Aspiration



Experience – At a Glance. 1

Qualifications – Summary. 1

An Exclusive Proclamation – Like No Other 1

Leadership Experience – in Ministry. 2

Missions Work – USA & Overseas. 3

Proclamation – Churches, Open Air, & Internet 3

Clean Spiritual Gifts – That Produce Obedience! 4

Education – Hebrew & Greek Bible-Obedience, Not Seminary (Cemetery) 4

Resource Links – Further Reading. 5

Footnotes – Youth Ministry, Church Attendance, & More. 5


Experience – At a Glance

·        2010 – Pastor of House Church (ongoing*)

·        2008 – Youth Pastor (after many years of youth leadership)

·        2007 – Overseer of persecuted disciples (incl. teaching them Greek, Bible obedience, etc.)

·        2005 – Learned Greek

·        2003 – Proclaiming/Preaching from church to church

·        2002 – Led & taught several/numerous small groups & Sunday Schools

·        2000* – Engaged in Numerous Missions, overseas & throughout the US

·        1997 – Began obeying the Bible (repented of modern Christianity)


* Alternatively: 2000 – Went on / Traveled on Missions Trips overseas & throughout the US


Qualifications – Summary

·        Clean Spiritual Gifts – since 1997

·        Powerful revelation to proclaim Bible-Obedience to all men – since 2002

·        Years of leadership in conventional churches – 2000-2009

·        Missions Work – since 2000

·        Counseled all age groups & all kinds / various types of situations: Marriage, Parenting, Relationships, Seniors, College, Youth, Kids, Lust, Addictions, Emotional Trauma, Depression/Suicide, Career/Success, etc. – since 2001

·        Overseer/Pastor of House Church – since 2007/2010 (as seen above)

·        A Proclamation Like No Other (as seen below)


>> more Bible obedience than any known preacher

Counseling All age groups and [all types of] situations since 2001: marriage, parenting, relationships, lust, addictions, suicide, etc.

, how to be free from worldliness

Biblical gender roles

Empowered with Clean Spiritual Gifts and supernatural power  powerful revelation to proclaim Bible-Obedience to all men, after many years of leadership in conventional churches and even missions work, I have been training persecuted disciples since 2007 and leading house church since 2010, and now I pray wishing to bring Truth to your church group too!


An Exclusive Proclamation – Like No Other

(ALT: Unique/Matchless)

Modern Christianity has been apostate and liberalizing for way too long, and we can all very easily see it spreading sin and death everywhere.


Now’s Your Chance to Bring...

·        Truth • Holiness • Purity • Chastity • Repentance

·        Humility that Begs • Discipleship • Biblical Prophecy/Inspiration/Divine Knowledge

·        Clean Hardcore Fiery Zeal

·        Perfect Love that Actually Accomplishes Righteousness (Real Justice)

·        Zero Tolerance for Sin &

·        Full Obedience to all God says your congregation!


If THE BIBLE and obeying what God actually says really is your top/real/serious goal and serious/top priority, then contact me so I can come help as soon as possible!

GPT: If following the teachings of the Bible and being obedient to God's word is your top priority, please contact me as soon as possible so I can come and help.

If making sure you are following the Bible and God's instructions is your top priority, please contact me so I can assist you right away.

Convict Sin. Demand/Require / Insist on Obedience. Bring the Truth!


Alternate Truth Themes:

Serious Humility (Poor Begging in Spirit)


Spiritual Begging (Real Humility)

Hating Money,

No Worldliness

conviction of sin

demanding Full Obedience to all God says

Clean Zeal,

(if we could find a way to include them w out much explanation)

Serious Monotheism, Being Righteously Spiritual, SOM, TOC, Perfect Love, , BOND / Real Salvation from Sin, Hope of Greatness,


Leadership Experience – in Ministry

& Ministries that Josiahs Has Been Involved In


Pastor & Overseer of House Church with Persecuted Disciples

    Pastor Since 2010: The disciples and I started officially doing house church on Sundays. This has been the first real/Biblical Assembly of Bible-obeying disciples I have led, seen, or ever been a part of.

    Overseer Since 2007: I continue to lead intensive discipleship Bible studies for persecuted disciples consisting mostly of college students and college graduates, and they usually last for many hours, and sometimes almost all day.

    House Church Accomplishments: • Turned disciples away from sin & suicide • Turned harlots into virgins • Made college students obedient to all the Bible • Studied and created thousands of hardcore Bible obedience teachings and resources (as partly seen on our website) • Saw clean miracles • Increased the Word of God upon the Earth! • See:

Testimonials? -- Real answers, no DAR, coming out of fornication, turning from suicide, level headed


Youth Ministry Leadership

·        2008 – Youth Pastor 1 of Fireball Youth (Flemington Assembly of God)

·        2006 – Youth Leader 2 at The UpRising Youth Group (First United Methodist)

·        2002-2006 – Teacher 3 of High School Sunday School (First Assembly of God & First United Methodist)

·        2001-2004 – Youth Leader & Intern 4 at Sweat Youth Group (First Assembly of God)

·        Results: Lots of experience & leadership

·        Background: 15+ years in youth groups with 9+ youth pastors


(Note: See the footnotes at the end of this document to read the stories about these youth ministry leadership experiences.)


2002-2004 – Small Group Leadership at First Assembly of God

·        (1) First small group: I was going to a small group, and the leader was soon promoted to youth pastor, so he asked me to take over the small group because of my influential involvement.

·        (2) Second small group: I was asked to lead a small group by a parent of a student from my Sunday School class.


2000-2004 – Ministry Internship – “Gainesville Outreach Internship”

The Ministry Internship was made up of mostly college students seeking what God wanted to do with their lives in ministry, done through First Assembly of God. I was unofficially involved with the internship for about three years (with two summers being official) until I went full-time the fourth year.  The fourth year of the internship I went “full-time” and moved into a low-income neighborhood (ghetto) with the interns for a year to preach, do outreaches, including kid’s church (children’s ministry), prayer walking, and much more, as we prayed for the neighborhood to be changed.

    During these four years we also did on-the-road “event-outreaches” (called SURGE), 6:00 am Morning Prayer at the church, Intensive Devotional and “Pragmatic” Teachings, Training, Bible Projects, Meditation Assignments, Scripture Memory, Accountability and much more.

    The fourth year was also the year that I had leadership responsibilities. I assigned, assessed, and graded Bible Projects, Scripture Memory, Devotionals, and a few other things mostly involving Bible training.

    Internship Accomplishments: • Decreased crime rate in Ghetto (according to police) • Leadership experience • Learned about how prayer and discipleship can work best in community • Lots of “behind-the-scenes” exposure to numerous “successful” pastors, ministries, and the inner-working dynamics, pragmatics, and politics of how big, progressive, modern churches operate (incl. celebrity pastors and ministries).

>> Outcomes? Persecution?

>> I was voted most likely to cause a revival


College Ministry Leadership – Chi Alpha, Santa Fe College, Gainesville, FL

·        1999-2003: I was a part of Chi Alpha (“XA” in Greek), a christian club on college campus.

·        I preached at campus outreach events, served as President, Student Government Rep, and Treasurer at different times throughout my four years with them.


Other Leadership

See my computer résumé for other leadership experience (in the workplace, etc.).


Missions Work – USA & Overseas


USA Missions Work – Summary

·        FL, AL, NJ, TX, OK, CO, IL

·        South FL: Miami, the Keys, etc.

·        (Briefly: OH, GA, PA, NC, Puerto Rico, and more)


Overseas Missions Work – Summary

·        Venezuela

·        Mexico


USA Missions

I have traveled both overseas and around the US on numerous teams and trips for decades, since about 2000. Some of my missions work has lasted 6 months to even a year, always seeking to preach, teach and pour out my life to evangelize the church and help disciple serious beggars to finally know how to obey all the Bible.


Venezuela – 2003, July 4th - 14th

Six of us went through parts of Venezuela, and the whole part of an Island (off the mainland) called “Las Isla de Margarita” (The Island of Margarita). Up to that point, it was the best overseas mission trip that I’d ever been on, that was originally going to be a vacation for my friend. 

    We preached in an Assembly of God church, two churches each on opposite sides of a profoundly dark prison, and many other places.  Many things happened, but the pervading aspect that really made it the best mission trip, was that God’s kindness was toward us many times throughout the trip, answering prayers, and even performing miracles.


Miami, FL – about 2002

Inner-city Outreach with local Missionaries. We witnessed on the infamous “South Beach,” seeking to shine light in one of the most dark and morally corrupt areas in Miami.  We also put on a bilingual (Spanish-English) evangelistic event (“SURGE”).


Gainesville Outreach, Gainesville, FL – 2000-2003

The Ministry Internship I was a part of conducted an annual city-wide outreach and this outreach sought to reach the city of in Gainesville Florida.  I was a part of it for four years in a row with various leadership roles, including preaching, and the last two years I led ministry groups (about 15-20 people) on outreaches to low-income neighborhoods.

    Gainesville Outreach Accomplishments & Key Takeaways: • Evangelized missionaries; Saw (very potently) first hand: • You got to save the "missionaries" before sending them to the mission field. • It is vain and futile to unite the church together and motivate them to be on mission without insisting that they first actually repent, get saved from all sin, and obey all the Bible. • Unifying churchianity around the "simple gospel" only makes converts who are 'twice as much the sons of hell' (Mat_23:15).

One of these years, I oversaw and trained the entire outreach team (hundreds of short-term missionaries) to learn a drama called “Redeemer.”


Mexico – 2000

Through YWAM, we went to the Yucatan Peninsula, first landing in Cancun to do inner-city outreach, and then we went to the tribes, especially “Las Mayas” (the Mayans / Mayan Tribes), with real huts, witchcraft and voodoo, and other considerable demonic activity to fight darkness and shine light as much as possible with preaching, witnessing, and evangelistic events.


Proclamation – Churches, Open Air, & Internet

See: An Exclusive Proclamation Like No Other


Preaching from church to church – Since 2003

Since 2003 I have sometimes had the honor of proclaiming Obedience to the Clean Jesus to a number of churches across the US and overseas. Some of these preaching engagements have been made available under “Free MP3 Sermons” on our website (as seen & described below).


Open Air Preaching – Since 2003

Street Preaching Bible Reading

I seek to do focused witnessing often, but especially when I get to proclaim the Word of God on college campuses in Gainesville, Florida at Santa Fe College (where I graduated) as well as the University of Florida (where I worked for a year), where I read the Bible out loud and project my voice across the campus calling people to obedience to the Truth.  When I am in a season where God lets me do open air preaching, I typically make it out to an open public place as frequently as I can about every other week to proclaim God's Truth for hours, and pour out my life to see people saved from sin.  The experiences and stories that I get from this are numerous and invaluable.


Website – Since 2006 is the first real website proclaiming full Bible-obedience as far as we have discovered so far. Our website primarily proclaims Truth through the Bible studies we’ve done and the proclamations we’ve recorded and been able to publish.

I am excited to offer the Truths that God has given me to the world.

I continually work on these resources to serve people with desperately needed Truth, for free.


Clean Spiritual Gifts – That Produce Obedience!

·        Discerning of spirits (1Co_12:10) [διακρίσεις πνευμάτων – thorough-judgings/judgements of spirits]

·        Prophecy, sometimes<< (1Co_12:10, 1Co_12:28; Rom_12:6; Eph_4:11)

·        Words of Knowledge, often<< (1Co_12:8)

·        Wisdom (1Co_12:8; 2Pe_3:15, etc.)

·        Teaching, Preaching, Evangelizing (1Co_12:8, 1Co_12:28-29; 1Co_14:26; Rom_12:7-8; Eph_4:11)

·        Feeding/Shepherding/Pastoring (Eph_4:11) [ποιμένας – herdsmen; i.e. “רעה” – (watchful/friendly) feeder / tender / grazer)]

·        Languages (Biblical tongues* – 1Co_12:10, 1Co_12:28-30)
(* Not to be confused with Pentecostal “tongues”)

·        (Apostleship? – At least I hope so one day: 1Co_12:28-29; 2Co_12:12; Eph_4:11 etc.; Compare what I wrote on “Apostles<<<).


There are a lot of church people who talk a lot about “spiritual gifts” but they produce nothing at all that is Biblical, Perfectly Loving, or True with them. When any of our disciples talk about Clean Spiritual Gifts we are only boasting in what is Truly of God’s Favor<Greek<< to clearly obey and help others obey more of the Bible (which is clearly True, good, and undeniably orthodox, Biblical “fruit”).

    These Bible-obedience Favors (“gifts”) are what make our Proclamation Like No Other, and have made our disciples obey the Bible more than anyone else, and they have been the core fuel, powerful ability, and motivation of every Divine Mission (“ministry”) I have ever been involved with.



* Just like the free gift of righteousness itself, I don't consider wisdom to be anything that I or anyone else has of themselves. I describe my relationship with wisdom as a Love-obsession with a source far outside of me in heaven, yet the word of Truth proclaimed through me is essentially powerful, effective, perfect, supernatural, and Biblically Divine and canonical whenever I am mercied to hear and agree and repeat any Divinity from above.



I have been called to preach repentance to the church as we know it.  My life Goal is, “To call the modern church to repent and obey Jesus, and to somehow be involved with the purification and calling out of the Bride of Christ from “The End Times Prostitute,” to meet Her soon-coming Husband in the air. (see: Mat 23, and Rev 17-19)” I live, eat, breath, sleep, to be connected and to connect others to Jesus.  I deeply want to see real disciples made. I'm living for God's revolution. The time is far spent, and the time has long passed… it is time we raised up Disciples instead of looking for converts to crowd our church buildings.


Education – Hebrew & Greek Bible-Obedience, Not Seminary (Cemetery)


(A) Advanced Bible Study

·        Read through the entire Greek New Testament

·        Constantly studying and translating the Scriptures

·        Constantly studying & writing Bible Studies to teach Bible-obedience

·        High-tech Biblical resource development 1

·        Extensively Studied…

·        Source text variations

·        Bible versions

·        Ancient history 2

·        Church history 2

·        Numerous theologies/heresies, etc.


[(1) Bible modules, Windows App development, automation code for Bible content creation, Bible website development, etc.]

[(2) Ancient Texts (esp. Jewish texts), Apostolic Fathers, Ante, Nicene, & Post-Nicene Church Fathers, Reformation, Evangelicalism, Denominations, etc.]


(B) Forsaking Bible School to Obey God Instead

·         At first I wanted to go to Bible School because I wanted to proclaim Truth and I knew there was a lot I needed to learn, and I wanted the (worldly) credentials for people to take me seriously and let me preach, but I was told not to go.

·         I obediently forsook bible school, by faith, to actually OBEY all the Bible (everything God says) instead.

·        My sacrifice and faith were not in vain, but I was taught immeasurably more than any cemetery (seminary) has ever taught anyone, and this Truth I obtained even produced disciples that obey the Bible immeasurably more than every other pastor you’ve ever met.
(If anyone can please show me otherwise I would be happy to update this summary.)

·         Since the powerful effectiveness of my proclamation is from heaven, it goes without saying that I did not and cannot ‘receive it from men’ (Gal_1:12).

·        The only point of “hearing” and learning about the Scriptures is to obey them*.
[* Deu_12:25, Deu_12:28, Deu_12:32, Deu_13:18; Mat_7:21, Mat_7:24; Jas_1:22-27; etc.]

·         If our obedience has far surpassed all cemeteries and churches, then we have Biblically canonical proof that we have far surpassed the childish learning of men.

·         Indeed, Bible obedience is the Bible incarnate, which all men should be diligently eager and desperate to hear and learn in order to inherit eternal life.

·         Bible schools should be begging to learn & imitate Bible OBEDIENCE from our disciples, not the other way around!

·         It goes without saying that it would be sick and perverted to suggest that we at all should be trained by them.

·         Since God has promised to teach me everything and raise me up, and has followed through miraculously and worked more powerful Bible obedience proclamation than all other known preachers, I am happy to have forsaken and refrained from going to any bible school or cemetery (seminary), all in obedience to what I was told in prayer.

·         See:

·         What disciples say about my teaching:


(C) Other Education

See my computer résumé for college degree (in Graphic Design) and other professional skills and education.


Resource Links – Further Reading

·        Our Website: (MP3 Sermons, Bible studies, and more)

·        More about Josiahs:

·        Josiahs’ Testimony:

·        Letters of Recommendation:

·        If You Are Interested in Josiahs as a Pastor:


Footnotes – Youth Ministry, Church Attendance, & More


Footnote Contents

·          (A) Youth Ministry Footnotes & Stories

·          (B) Church Attendance Timeline

·          (C) Revision History (for this Document)


(A) Youth Ministry Footnotes & Stories


~1990-2006 – Youth Groups in General

For over fifteen years, with at least nine youth pastors, I gained lots of experience in youth groups.  This has culminated in years of youth leadership roles (as seen below) including becoming a youth pastor myself in 2008.


(1) 2008 – Youth Pastor (“Director”) of Fireball Youth, Flemington Assembly of God, Flemington, NJ

In 2008 I was privileged to move up to New Jersey to be a missionary youth pastor.

I stayed at the church from morning till evening almost every day I was there, and I often stayed all night there, usually by myself, always praying and laboring endlessly to prepare Truth to save souls from sin and always seeking to make real disciples.

(Technical Note: Although it was called a “youth pastor position” and I served as a youth pastor and much more, they couldn’t call me that due to Assembly of God politics. – People can make a big deal about not going to cemetery (seminary) and being denominationally “ordained” in AG churches.)


Also see this short sermon: – “Beware of the Lawless End-Times Prostitute!”


(2) 2006 – The UpRising Youth Group, First United Methodist, High Springs, FL

In 2006, I helped a youth pastor and dear friend at his youth group for about a year with preaching, events, and youth trips.



(3) 2002-2004, 2006 – High School Sunday School, First Assembly of God & First United Methodist

(A) I led Sunday School at First Assembly of God for about three years (2002-2004) working mostly with high school students and sometimes middle school and college students as well.  I gained a small-scale taste of what it was like to be a pastor, facing disappointments as well as encouragements as I intensely studied the Scriptures, sometimes staying up almost all night to pour out my life to testify and call people to become serious disciples.

(B) Eventually, I also taught High School Sunday School at the First United Methodist church for a while (2006).


(4) 1999-2004 – Sweat Youth Group, First Assembly of God, Gainesville, FL

The first youth group in which I was a leader was Sweat: I started attending just as I was graduating from high school in 1999, and I was so involved that I became one of the youth leaders from about 2002 to 2004.



[Return to Youth Ministry Leadership]


(B) Church Attendance Timeline

Before 1997: churches I was raised in

After 1997: churches I sought to evangelize


1980 – Dauphin Way Baptist Church

3661 Dauphin Street,

Mobile, AL 36608
(251) 342-3456


1981 – Spring Hill Baptist Church

2 McGregor Avenue South,

Mobile, AL 36608
(251) 342-5320


1983 – North Central Baptist Church

8001 Northwest 23rd Avenue,

Gainesville, FL 32606
(352) 373-2887


1990 – Ridgeview Baptist Church

3508 Northwest 19th Street,

Gainesville, FL 32605

(352) 376-9007


1994 – Westside Baptist Church

10000 West Newberry Road,

Gainesville, FL 32606
(352) 333-7700


1997 – One Ministries International

Nondenominational house-church

Gainesville, FL


1999 – First Assembly of God

2925 Northwest 39th Avenue,

Gainesville, FL 32605
(352) 376-6992


2005 – Grace Baptist Church

7100 Northwest 39th Avenue,

Gainesville, FL 32606
(352) 374-4748


2006 – First United Methodist

PO Box 911 32655

High Springs, FL 32655

(386) 454-1255


2006 – Union Baptist Church

6259 SE 75th Ave

Newberry, FL 32669

(352) 472-3845


2008 – Flemington Assembly of God

434 US Highway 202

Flemington, NJ  08822-6020

(908) 782-5232


2009 – Santa Fe Mennonite Church

Lake Butler, FL

(386) 496-4616


2010 – House Church

With persecuted disciples


[Return to Youth Ministry Leadership]


(C) Revision History (for this Document)

Originally developed: 2005-2008; revised: 11/23/10; 12/24/10; 2/14/11; 5/9/11; (8/8/11); 5/14/12; 6/1/22-7/23/22; 2/2/23-2/3/23; 6/23/23…6/26/23


[Return to TOP]


For questions, see my FAQs or Contact me


Doctrinal Debates

I’ve been a key speaker in two church-wide “friendly” doctrinal debates.  I consider this “ministry” because I was defending what the Bible says in front of the congregation.


Original title:

Josiahs' Ministry Résumé


Key Books I Have Read

1. The Bible (over and over and over...) 2. The “Apocrypha” (Deuterocanonical Books) 3. Still Reading The Ante-Nicene Fathers (the writings of the early Church) 4. True Discipleship 5. Till Death Do us Part?


Since 1997: Continual, intensive, daily Bible study. I study even more to teach these things to hungry disciples. Favorite subjects include…Real Grace/Salvation, Absolute Truth, Discernment, Premarital Purity, Divorce and Remarriage, Predestination and Freewill, Biblical Background and Church History, Biblical Inerrancy, Authority, The End Times and God’s Coming Revolution…



Degree (compare Occupational Résumé)

Graphic Design Technology, Santa Fe Community College, Gainesville Florida

Other Education

Intro. to Old Testament, Some Biblical Geography, Basic Greek I, five years of (often intensive) discipleship under the pastor of First Assembly of God, with about four of these years specifically involved with the internship.



Skills – Creativity/Art, writing, Music (piano), Spanish, Greek, Computer Media (and computers in general), etc.

(For more please see my Occupational Résumé)

>> sometimes I am able to use these as David did the harp


Marriages for life (2006)

I helped film this entire conference. Compare:



, and did a short bilingual presentation (that included the Bible in Spanish and English) in a totally worldly bar


My Church History

Generally: Before 1997: churches I was raised in; After 1997: churches I sought to evangelize


Dauphin Way Baptist Church

3661 Dauphin Street,

Mobile, AL 36608
(251) 342-3456


Spring Hill Baptist Church

2 McGregor Avenue South,

Mobile, AL 36608
(251) 342-5320


North Central Baptist Church

8001 Northwest 23rd Avenue,

Gainesville, FL 32606
(352) 373-2887


Ridgeview Baptist Church

3508 Northwest 19th Street,

Gainesville, FL 32605
(352) 376-9007


Westside Baptist Church

10000 West Newberry Road,

Gainesville, FL 32606
(352) 333-7700


One Ministries International

Nondenominational house-church


First Assembly of God

2925 Northwest 39th Avenue,

Gainesville, FL 32605
(352) 376-6992


Grace Baptist Church

7100 Northwest 39th Avenue,

Gainesville, FL 32606
(352) 374-4748


First United Methodist

PO Box 911 32655

High Springs, FL 32655

(386) 454-1255


Union Baptist Church

6259 SE 75th Ave

Newberry, FL 32669

(352) 472-3845


Flemington Assembly of God

434 US Highway 202

Flemington, NJ  08822-6020

(908) 782-5232


Santa Fe Mennonite Church

Lake Butler, FL

(386) 496-4616


House Church

With persecuted disciples

For questions, see my FAQs or Contact me




Jason Davis (Faithful friend and supporter in ministry)

7474 NW 120th LN Alachua, FL 32615

Cell: (352) 246-5352

Home: (386) 418-0015


Travis Moody (Pastor)

Office: (352) 472-3845

Home: (352) 490-7408

Cell: (352) 354-5131


“Professional”/ “Secular” work references (from my Occupational Résumé):


Jayne Grant (Instructor)

Santa Fe Community College

3000 NW 83rd St. #M160 Gainesville, FL 32606

(352) 395-5464


Wayne Rilko

University of Florida Faculty

(352) 745-2509


To get other references, including references from people I minister to, please email me:

432 SW 143rd St. Newberry FL 32669; Check for updates at:


I repented of modern christianity and began going after Jesus around early 1997 and have continued to zealously run after Him from that time on (as seen in my testimony).  Here are some of the things which God has prepared me with and used me in to preach His Truth.




(Click the footnote links above to read the stories & get more details about these youth ministry leadership experiences, and click the church names above to get more info about the churches where I had these opportunities.)


Isn't it righteous to beg God to bring...


* until this day / Up to this day / Up till today



    House Church Accomplishments: (A) Turned disciples away from sin & suicide (B) Turned harlots into virgins (C) Made college students obedient to all the Bible (D) Studied and created thousands of hardcore Bible obedience teachings and resources (as partly seen on our website) (E) Saw clean miracles, and, (F) Increased the Word of God upon the Earth! See:


    Internship Accomplishments: (A) Leadership experience (B) Learned about how prayer and discipleship can work best in community (C) Lots of “behind-the-scenes” exposure to numerous “successful” pastors, ministries, and the inner-working dynamics and pragmatics of how churches operate (incl. celebrity pastors and ministries).


    Gainesville Outreach Accomplishments & Key Takeaways: (A) Evangelized missionaries; Saw (very potently) first hand: (B) You got to save the "missionaries" before sending them to the mission field (C) It is vain and futile to unite the church together and motivate them to be on mission without insisting that they first actually repent, get saved from all sin, and obey all the Bible. (D) Unifying churchianity around the "simple gospel" only makes converts who are 'twice as much the sons of hell' (Mat_23:15).



Pastor, Campus Pastor, Chaplain, Christian Camping, Christian Education, Christian Teacher, Church Developer, Church Planter, Church Staff, College Pastor, Combo Positions, Counseling, Discipleship Pastor, Evangelism Pastor, Executive Pastor, Family Pastor, Interim Pastor, Men's Pastor, Missions Pastor, Other, Other Pastor, Outreach, Para-church Ministries, Pastoral Care Pastor, Senior Pastor, Single Adult Pastor, Small Group Pastor, Teaching Pastor, Young Adult Pastor, Youth Pastor


Anglican, Assemblies of God, Baptist, Baptist -- American, Baptist --SBC, Bible Church, Brethren, Calvary Chapel, Catholic, Christian Church, Christian Missionary Alliance, Church of Christ, Church of God -- Anderson, Church of God -- Cleveland, Church of the Nazarene, Congregational, Disciples of Christ, Episcopal, Evangelical Covenant, Evangelical Free, Foursquare, Free Methodist, Grace Brethren, Lutheran, Mennonite, Missionary Church, Non-Denominational, Not Applicable, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Presbyterian -- PCA, Presbyterian -- PCUSA, Reformed, Salvation Army, United Brethren, United Methodist, Unknown, Vineyard, Wesleyan


OBJECTIVE: Repentance Pastor


I am here to help call your church to repent of living in sin, and to obey all the Bible.


If you are tired of modern and postmodern churchianity, living in sin, and hypocritical religious "faith", then I am here to help TRUTH finally come to your congregation.


You can see much more at the following link:


Josiahs Scott




Full Résumé:


Josiahs Scott



Purpose: Bible-Obedience proclaimer & overseer, laboring tirelessly for 25+ years,
               in search of disciples & churches hungry to finally HEAR & OBEY Truth!


Experience – At a Glance

• 2010 – Pastor of House Church (to date)

• 2008 – Youth Pastor (after many years of youth leadership)

• 2007 – Overseer of persecuted disciples

• 2003 – Proclaiming/Preaching from church to church

• 2002 – Led & taught numerous small groups & Sunday Schools

• 2000 – Numerous Missions, overseas & throughout the US

• 1997 – Began obeying the Bible (repented of modern Christianity)


Qualifications – Summary

• Clean Spiritual Gifts – since 1997

• Powerful revelation to proclaim Bible-Obedience to all men – since 2002

• Years of leadership in conventional churches – 2000-2009

• Missions Work – since 2000

• Counseled all age groups & all kinds of situations: Marriage, Parenting, Relationships, Lust, Addictions, Emotional Trauma, Depression/Suicide, Career/Success, etc. – since 2001

• Overseer/Pastor of House Church – since 2007/2010 (as seen above)

• A Proclamation Like No Other (as seen below)


An Exclusive Proclamation – Like No Other

Modern Christianity has been apostate and liberalizing for way too long, and we can all very easily see it spreading sin and death everywhere.


Now’s Your Chance to Bring...

• Truth • Holiness • Purity • Chastity • Repentance

• Humility that Begs • Discipleship • Biblical Prophecy

• Clean Hardcore Fiery Zeal

• Perfect Love that Actually Accomplishes Righteousness (Real Justice)

• Zero Tolerance for Sin &

• Full Obedience to all God says your congregation!


Convict Sin. Insist on Obedience. Bring the Truth! 


Full Résumé:


Josiahs Scott

(352) 222-5471



Any ideas how to write this better write this?


If THE BIBLE and obeying what God actually says really is your top priority, then contact me so I can come help as soon as possible!