Under Construction


Josiahs Scott, Josiahs@trueconnection.org, www.TrueConnection.org



When our productions are Under Construction that means we are working on them.


You can get involved by helping us complete them and you can also get discipled to hear them in the meantime in person.






Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: TrueConnection.org – free Bible studies


Copyright © Josiahs Scott, All rights reserved (see below)


The only reason I put this here is to avoid people misusing this work with bad motives. This is officially copyrighted to protect it from those with money in mind, and to preserve it for free distribution, especially in the unlikely event that someone might think to make money off of it rather than maximizing its distribution. You are permitted and encouraged to freely copy and redistribute this work in its entirety, via standard copy machine or electronic documentation as long as you make no money off of it. If you wish to reproduce this work on any larger scale, please contact me at Josiahs@trueconnection.org. You may also quote this document, by citing the reference as:


“[Name of Bible Study]” By Josiahs Scott, www.TrueConnection.org




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