Help the Mission of

How to Help The Discipleship Labors and The Restorative Scribal Missions of the TrueConnection Team

How to Help the Mission of

Josiahs Scott,,

4/18/11; 4/22/11; 4/25/11; 5/7/11; 5/9/11-5/13/11; 5/16/11; 5/29/11-5/31/11; 7/13/11; 8/1/11-8/2/11; 8/11/11; 8/15/11; 10/10/11; 10/21/11; 11/19/11; 1/10/12; 4/20/12; 4/25/12; 7/10/12; 7/12/12; 12/4/12; 10/24/13; 11/16/13-11/17/13; 12/10/13; 1/26/14; 1/31/14; 2/3/14; 2/9/14; 3/6/14-3/8/14; 3/18/14; 8/9/15 [video proclamations: 4/07/16; 6/16/17; 1/10/18 (below); 1/16/18; 4/9/18; 11/1/18]; 3/16/20 (Video Proclamation additions recompiled here); 4/21/20

This webpage is located at

Help for Free

See: Video Proclamations of the Righteous

>> Help page: not just for dar, but also for premarital and extra marital purity, modesty, and calling a lost church to repent and obey the scriptures. The need is greate. We want to call the church to repent and disciple Jesus' bride.



Numerous times people have asked how they might be able to help us in our mission. This webpage is specifically written to help those who are interested to help in this way.


QuickLinks to Help

·        Give funds directly to us


let us know what ways you might be able to help



QuickLinks to Help. 1

Simple Intro: Giving to The TrueConnection Team.. 1

(1) Meet The TrueConnection Team.. 1

(2) The Mission. 2

(3) Funding Needed. 2

(4) How to Help. 3

(5) Only Clean Donations, Please. 3

Discipleship And Restorative Scribal Missions – Current and Future Goals. 3

Goal 1 – Help Disciples in Need. 3

Goal 2 – Get the Divorce And Remarriage Book Finished and Printed. 3

Goal 3 – Setup a Discipleship Training Apprenticeship Base (DTA Base) 4

Goal 4 – Develop Many Other Resources. 4

Ways to Help. 5

(1) Obedience. 5

(2) Proof Readers. 5

(3) Housing. 5

(4) Giving Financial Help. 5

(5) Passing Out My Résumé – Tell Influential People in Big Companies about My Business. 6

(6) Help us Get “Referral Credit”. 6

(7) We Need Backlinks. 7

Understanding the Mission of 7

Car Analogy. 7

--------------- 8

we have labored long. 8

--------------- 9

The Building Blocks of our Mission. 9

The Very REAL Cost of Proclamation! 10

Financial Help. 10

Help For “Free” -- Ways you can help without spending a dime. 11



Simple Intro: Giving to The TrueConnection Team

Giving to The TrueConnection Team (Simple Intro)

(only if you believe you need what they have to inherit heaven)




(1) Meet The TrueConnection Team



The TC team is a family of hardcore disciples who have forsaken and left all of their sin and success in this life to rebirth the revolutionary world-shaking Truth of Bible obedience upon the Earth again!


The TC family includes people like Sharon who used to commit horrible crimes with her body but now is a redeemed, head covering, modest, clean virgin female serving the Truth and shining purity to disciple other women.


and meet Cathy who used to go to clubs and was so steeped in sin that she was suicidal, but now she only sings pure songs and creates clean dances with other clean disciples to glorify the God of Clean Bible Obedience Truth!


All of this salvation from sin and righteous obedience happened to them because they heard transforming Truth and got discipled by TrueConnection's proclamation.


(2) The Mission


The TC team is on a mission to create lots of vital, high quality media resources like free videos to empower hungry searching souls to finally obey all the Bible.


They study Hebrew, Greek, history, and lots more, and they translate and labor countless hours, because they are very zealous and eager to share what they've learned because of how much it has saved them from sin and transformed them into righteous Truth.


Such sacred content that produces serious obedience to everything the Bible says can only be produced by such rare disciples like the TC team, who Beg to Obey-all the Bible with No-sin Discipleship (BOND).


But there's a problem...


(3) Funding Needed


The TC disciples need to eat, survive, and grow, and things break in the meantime!

And the TC family is very eager to help the truest poor of the Earth, and all of this costs money.

The TC disciples hate money and all luxury like Jesus commanded, but they still have to gather it anyway to pay the bills.


Vital/Key content creators like the overseer and other disciples have had to leave full-time labor on the Word of God to go generate money so the disciples can eat, and that makes them sad, because then they can't make important revolutionary resources like high quality Bible Proclamation videos like they so eagerly want to do!


But there are solutions...


(4) How to Help


Faithful disciples can give sacrificially to pay for all of the hungry mouths so that the TC team can work more on Bible proclamation, and the more that serious disciples help, the more the TC team can come together and work collaboratively on these scarce extraordinary unique revolutionary Truth resources.


Successfully producing these high quality Truth videos has the potential to make desperate and hungry people very happy when they finally get saved and righteousified by the serious real Truth of obeying all the Bible.


Giving has the potential to make high quality lifesaving videos, but we're not all the way there yet...


You can join in and help in lots of ways to restart the revolution of our age upon the earth again!


There's lots of ways to give and there's lots of ways to help, even if you don't have any money:


[see the video notes and/or <<this web link>>]


But, there's one very important qualification / prerequisite before giving...


(5) Only Clean Donations, Please


None of the disciples at TrueConnection want dirty money because they understand that unfaithful giving can have defiling consequences.


So, only give to the TrueConnection Team if you believe that you and others need Bible Obedience to inherit heaven.

So, only give to the True Connection team if you believe that you and others need what they have to inherit heaven.

So, you're only allowed to give if you believe that you & others need what the TrueConnection team has in order to inherit heaven.



Older Summary: How You Can Help Us Call The Church to Repentance

On this page you will find a list of many of the major goals we have for producing Bible Resources to call the church to repentance (our Restorative Scribal Missions), and what you can do to help.  In light of our current financial needs (which are more pressing than usual at this season) one of the very best ways you can help without spending a dime is to pass out my résumé to businesses anywhere in the US (as seen below), or alternatively, there are several ways you can give funds directly to us if you are able. Beyond this, you can let us know if you have any ideas to help with some urgent needs for housing, or if you are willing to help proof read for some of our Bible projects. (There are also a few other small ways that you might be able to help which are listed below.)


After possibly reading through any of these things, please let us know what ways you might be able to help.


>> Add: Intro !!!

Important Quick Summary: What We Are Doing and What You can Do to Help


These are the things we want to do for free, and this is what we need to accomplish this


Our Two Main Needs: Housing & Income

Our two main pragmatic needs are: (1) An Income – so we can afford to give ourselves to completing these vital Bible needs, and ultimately, (2) An economic place to live so we can escape high rental costs that quickly drain our resources.



Discipleship And Restorative Scribal Missions – Current and Future Goals


Goal 1 – Help Disciples in Need


I Need My Spiritual Children To Be Provided For

We have humble and eager disciples with great needs. If they have these needs met, they are ready to work on Bible studies and volunteer to help our mission. I deeply need them to be in a safe place both for their sake (because I care for their souls) and because they are a vital asset to our mission and I need them to be able to help. This financial need is probably one of the primary limiting factors that I have as to how much I can get done, because the need is so great. My primary financial need is not supplying my own finances, but helping those of my learners who co-labor with me in truth.


What We Need to Complete These Missions

With all of the critical goals listed below,

The main thing we need to complete our Scribal Missions is uninterrupted time in an appropriate environment with everyone’s basic needs met. So far I have been juggling these urgent spiritual Biblical needs with meeting the financial needs of our disciples, and we are holding out hope that we will be helped from heaven to have our needs consistently met at some point so we can chop away and labor over the Scriptures to bring the revolution that is so desperately needed at this time in history.


Goal 2 – Get the Divorce And Remarriage Book Finished and Printed

We are aiming to print 1,000 (or more?) copies of “Divorce and Remarriage Repentance Revolution” (1st printing).

This includes the various costs of producing the book, as well as the final cost of printing it.


[Note: We are already set up with a printer at a very good rate]


Goal 3 – Setup a Discipleship Training Apprenticeship Base (DTA Base)


(1) Purpose

Home base to work on Bible studies, books and resources to call the modern church to repentance and salvation from sin by actually obeying all the Bible. Ultimately we would like to have long-term and short-term Discipleship Training Communities where people can come get discipled.


(2) Leaders & People

We have already got a team of faithful and approved volunteers ready to help whenever God may provide some kind of a “home base” in this way.


Setting up a discipleship training base is fundamentally one of our greatest aspirations, needs, and goals.


Goal 4 – Develop Many Other Resources

Long-Term Goals That We Yearn To Complete If We Are At All Permitted…


(1) Possible Bible Studies & Books God May Allow us to Complete at some point

·        Obey The Sermon on the Mount” – This thrilling Bible study/ proclamation will be one of the most important elements of calling the church to repent and preparing a saved bride for Jesus to return and marry.

·        Purity Proclamation – This thrilling Bible study/book is at the very core of the truth proclamation we represent, but still has lots of work left before it is ready for the website. The unfinished track that goes along with this is called, “The No Dating Scriptures Battle List”, and it is already available on

·        The Biblical Dress Code – We are extremely excited about this modesty teaching, but this may take many years of work before it is made available

·        Repent of Modern Christianity – The main call of repentance to the modern church to completely repent, and finely obey Jesus, and get really saved from sin. (We do not necessarily have a final title for this yet)


There are many other Bible studies and books that we could mention, but these are currently the first and most urgent ones that continually burn in our hearts to complete.


(2) YouTube

Would you be tantalized if perfect truth was finally published on YouTube?  We long for this day to come…


(3) A Real Bible Translation – Righteous Translation Analysis

We do not know for sure if God would ever let us take on such an enormous project, but we do know for sure that such a thing is definitely needed.  With many hundreds of years of English translations, no major version has ever come out that simply put exactly what God said, and helped explain the Hebrew and Greek for the English reader, and we groan for someone to do a version with real integrity that will make what God actually said accessible to English readers.  Whether it is by our team, or some other group that really cares about truth, may God have mercy on the human race that speaks English and finally give us a thorough representation with integrity that actually shows what God said!


This is a summary I am still developing for what I have put together so far for this great need:


(4) Tracts & Other Resources

Not surprisingly, there are many tracks and much preaching trying to tell “the world out there” that they ought to become proselytes of christendom, but there are much fewer tracks that actually tell the church to repent, even though they are clearly more lost than the rest of the world out there who do not even attend church! Some churches have the hypocrisy to post signs as you are leaving their parking lot that say, “You are Now Entering the Mission Field,” but it is about time someone turned these signs around and finally saved the most unsaved group ever!


We are laboring for this honorable ambition for the sake of truth. May God help us develop such resources and participate in this great call to see the modern church repent.

The Modern church should have been the very first people group that we were urgent to call to repentance., since it says,


1Pe_4:17 CAB   For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God…


Ways to Help

If you can help in any of these ways (whether a lot or a little) please let me know.


(1) Obedience

By far our greatest need is for you to truly be hungry for real truth and obey the Bible, by real faith in the Biblical Jesus. Our prayer is that the resources we provide will promote this in people’s lives.


(2) Proof Readers

This is one of our biggest needs. You do not need to be “good” at anything, you just need to be available to help and tell us if what we wrote make sense to you as a reader. Update (7/10/12): We are currently mobilizing and beginning our efforts to set up collaboration for proof reading the book. Please let us know if you’re available.

>> put letter here | revision instructions



(3) Housing

Sometimes we need places for people to live, whether that is for (A) missionary work or (B) when repentant people want to get their lives right and get away from sinful situations. Finding safe places for people to live is quite often a very important and pressing need we have.  If you could possibly help to some degree in this way (no matter what location in the world) then let us know to what capacity you can help so we can have a running list.


(4) Giving Financial Help



Some have offered to help in this way, and if it happens that you also are able to do this and would like to help in this way it is deeply appreciated.


You can generally give funds to our mission by

(1) going to a bank,

(2) sending a check in the mail, or even,

(3) online through PayPal.


(1) Bank – Go to Any Wells Fargo Bank in Your Area

Generally speaking, you can go into any Wells Fargo (or Wachovia) Bank in the USA, ask them to look up “Josiahs Scott,” (from Gainesville/ “Newberry,” FL) and put funds into my account.

[Note: If you have any complications attempting to do this, please call or email me.]


(2) You can also give us funds over the internet through PayPal.


(3) Help by Mail

You can send cash or check (US currency) to:


[For now, make any checks out to “Josiahs Scott”]


Please indicate in your letter if you would like to give generally or specifically. If you give generally then we can generally direct these funds to the most urgent needs so we can focus on our mission. If you give specifically then we can reserve these funds for the particular purpose you specify (for example, to the production and printing of the book or to disciples in need).


(5) Passing Out My Résumé – Tell Influential People in Big Companies about My Business

If you could possibly think of any way to get my résumé in the hands of big businesses anywhere in the US (or overseas?), and convince them to pay me to come and help them with all of their computer training needs, that could help us out a lot. (Note: I have no intention to go around asking people for money, but if people can help me get work, then they might end up helping me without paying a dime):


(A) My Résumé


(B) My Computer Consulting Business Website:


This is very big way you can help us financially without giving a dime.

A very quick and easy and free way that you can help us out financially without paying a dime, is to tell people in big companies that they ought to hire me to come and help with their computer needs:

Financial Need: If you know anyone who works at a business anywhere in the USA (or possibly overseas) with a number of employees that need computer help/software training, please let me know. -- Im am looking for a way to suport...

(6) Help us Get “Referral Credit”


Some Quick Explanations

Why would we want people to use our “Referral Links”?

·        Free online storage really helps us efficiently Sync our content and collaborate on our many important projects – it can be very helpful.

·        A really quick, easy, and free thing you can do to help us is to sign up for free online accounts that give us ‘referral credits’ for each new account that people make with our link.

·        This gives us more free online storage for all the projects we need to collaborate on, and referral links like this also give you more free online storage for using our link, than if you simply went to the website and signed up by yourself).

·        We get free storage and so do you when you use our referral links


Important Note: in most cases you have to sign up for an account & Download & Install the free software in order for both of us to get the free bonus storage.

(If you have any complications or concerns about any of these things, please contact us. I am happy to help it work out well for you and your computer.)


(A) Our Official Dropbox Referral Link


Note: we need all the free, online storage we can get with this referral link


(B) Our Official Referral Link


Note: This link gives you the most free storage for your effort


(7) We Need Backlinks

As long as you have a useful website, getting an advantage on the internet ultimately boils down to a very simple principle:


The more sites that link to our three websites, the more internet traffic we get, and the more our message can get a chance to influence more people. You might be able to see how generating links throughout the internet could potentially make a large impact. Not only do more people find out about websites on blogs this way, but overall, Google and other search engines think a sight is more “authoritative” the more authoritative links it has. Very Simply put: Google basically sends the most people to websites that have the most links pointing to them.


If you think that what we offer is useful, we deeply appreciate any help you might be able give in “getting the word out” for our websites.


Although this can take a lot of concentrated time and work in posting on blogs and writing emails to various websites to link to us, this is a very effective way that people can significantly help us without paying a dime. And what can you do to get started? Simply try Googling, “Link Building Strategies”, and if you need more ideas feel free to contact me.


(Note: please DO NOT ever pay anyone for any “paid links” or any other “secret online success tricks” or “SEO” training of any kind! If you pay for any of these things, you will nearly always sin greatly under their deception in the process.)


Virtually everything you really need is free. Learn from what you find, but if you pay for more, you can pretty much count on being tricked


Understanding the Mission of

How to help the mission of

…[4/07/16; 6/16/17; 1/10/18 (below); 1/16/18; 4/9/18; 11/1/18]; 3/16/20 (recompiled here)


>> make videos focused on how to help us make more videos

>> SPI & RiFi -- Esther passage (SPI) and other righteous finances references and teachings



Car Analogy



suppose we are on a great Mission and we can only go as far as we have gas in our vehicle to drive.


in this case the survival of the entire human race depends upon the truth happening on the Earth again...

our mission is of monumental importance and no one else can do what we have been bound to do...

doing the things that we do has a real expense and a big investment in a big cost

quality content does not appear out of nowhere by accident or by winning it like a lot of people who get on YouTube

if we're going to do this thing right and set the record straight for the first time in our generation in this way, we need some serious labor and focus and intentionality and fuel...


we have a growing number of disciples and they all have mouths to feed...

expenses include primarily food, electricity, equipment, any medical bills any supplements any other basic needs for survival, housing, Automotive Maintenance, education materials, printing, and anything else that is necessary in this Society

 and when you put food in good fruit comes out...




Housing for disciples who want to leave adultery or are kicked out of their house...

housing for a discipleship training base

Van? RV?


if you really were a poor and eager disciple and faithful to the truth, you would want to do whatever you possibly could to amplify and multiply the proclamation of Truth to as many people as possible...



multiple times we have sent back paychecks and turn down money and returned money from those who have become Heretics and blasphemed the Bible


if we are going to finally somehow For the First Time In Our Generation preach the truth on the earth, then we actually have to be some of the first people who have ever obeyed it...


which means we absolutely have to be hoping everything Jesus said including obeying his example and treating money just like he treated money...


> include all of the implications of The Parables here


>> Scrip:

it was known (at least at some point) that Judas Iscariot stole money, and yet Jesus didn't set his heart on even the money that was given to him...

over and over again in the gospels we see Jesus giving us an example of hating money and not holding on to it or protecting it or keeping it


we have labored long

BTW, we TOC, so we have been set back greatly

one of the reasons that we don't have as much money as other people and might not be as successful as other people is that we believe that you have to obey The Sermon on the Mount to go to heaven... so we don't lust after money or store up Treasures and people have stolen from us... we bare all these hurts and damages and losses and struggle to survive hoping in a different city from heaven... knowing that if we have any hope of actually finally preaching the truth on the earth For the First Time In Our Generation it can only be done if we ourselves actually obey all these things that everyone else is disobeying and ignoring

we have a growing number of months to feed

we help the truly poor disciples

we barely survive

love on bare minimum

we do financial accountability to any & all of our disciples

financial reports

We had numerous people fall away

our house was stolen

Landlord stool extra month of rent when we had no income after people fell away

I have had to wait tables... and not just tables, constantly running errands and buying food and reading medical needs... and mowing lawns, and not just waiting on tables but fixing toilets and bathtubs and piping, as Paul says, we work hard with our hands, and I have disgusting water poured down my arm when fixing broken pipes, after crawling in the dirt I'm fighting off spiders bugs and ants, all to try to provide for the needs of our Dwelling Places so that disciples can dwell and and live in peace

after people despised me and thought I was not willing to sacrifice... people proudly and ignorantly blasphemous without any evidence or testimony...


done nothing but hurt and sacrifice, working in tears and pain... persecuted & kicked and insulted when we were down

been generous when I had funds (as righteous Job says)

lived in all good conscience too this day


as true yet being regarded as false...

we go around in Affliction being destitute very frequently in danger and threats, being exposed to sickness and discomfort and trials and hurts and insults and emotional turmoil and physical exhaustion and missing much sleep

when I was working for my client he asked me about my manner of life and said that such things must keep you up at night, and I said yes I was up all the previous night, and he said he could tell because he could see it in my eyes...






See: insp - naming all of the pending Bible studies that we could save the world with, and bemoaning people's lack of help


If you would like to see more videos like this, then jump in and get involved and help us.

Get involved and support/promote/like/share this proclamation and strengthen the arms of Moses so this truth can go all throughout the earth...


Disclaimer/Clarifier: Of course, if you're a fleshball, a religious hypocrite, someone living in sin and claiming to be a Christian, we don't want your money and we don't why you even viewing any of our videos or intruding on our labor of blameless perfection and loving truth.


The Building Blocks of our Mission

1/7/18; 2/9/18; 4/9/18; 11/29/18

TAGS: Levels of Projects


What we have done, and are still doing, and want to do much more of…


discipleship, Bible resources... Videos, & more


here are some of the Practical building blocks of our mission and what we actually produce when people help us....


·        Bible Schools / discipleship training centers / planting churches

·        More Discipleships

·        Videos! / proclamation in general

·        Books       

·        powerful and condensed tracks, posters, & more

·        Bible studies

·        (RTA)

·        Bible text / e-Sword modules / HTML

·        Feed Core Disciples


The Result: Actually real and still living true disciples who actually truly obey all of the Bible, and even go out and proclaim the real good announcement upon the Earth again for the first times in Our Generations


Note: the bottom of this list is our foundation / starting point, and the top of this list represents our ultimate goal.


>>What sets us apart?

What are we doing that no one else can even dream of doing

>> Stories


The Very REAL Cost of Proclamation!

To generate this level of quality you really can't just do it on the side as a hobby in your spare free time. (we don't have any! Always laboring to survive...)

You really need to labor on these things fulltime to meet all of the serious scribal needs...

When we actually live these things out, it becomes so overly obvious why the Levites were supported in the old testament and the apostles and overseers  and leaders were supported in the new testament


>>> see: RiFi

Act: The Word of God and prayer



we actually have real mouths to feed in order to accomplish the things that we do. we are spending money to make these videos, and it means more than words can express when someone actually cares about the quality of the truth that we are producing.


believe it or not we actually want to make music videos, and not only that, but we also want to make animations of Truth illustrations. And these things take lots of time and investment and money and resources.


>> Obviously BIG Church does not like us and the system is never going to support us, so…

if you would like to give a little so we can have more time to make video proclamations like this [then click below]




Financial Help


Quick Giving

·        Patrion (crowd funding)

·        PayPal: Donation Button


Giving Without Fees

Especially For Larger Amounts and Consistent Giving

·        PayPal: Sending Funds

·        Direct Deposit (Bank to Bank)


Help For “Free” -- Ways you can help without spending a dime

If you don't have money and you still urgently and zealously want to help us then get serious and devote your time to being a promoter of righteous content.

if you can't help in certain ways then you can at least get the word out and others are very likely to be able to help in yet other ways in addition to what help you can give.


Jump on all of our videos on our channel and get involved by liking subscribing and commenting

Of course we have the links to our Channel and other resources which you can help spread all over the internet, and they are easily accessible in the video notes / video description


Connect us With Leads

·        Don't think employer-employee relationship

·        Think freelancer / consultant / independent contractor




Way to Help for Free

Way to Help Without Spending a Dime



>> BBS RTF!!! (recompile)


Give us testimonials

Give us reviews

Comment on videos







Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: – free Bible studies





Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Site Meter

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: unique visitors counter



> Produce


Utube videos


Ways We Can Help

Free counseling – male and female counselors


>> even if you want to move down here, let us know




We are not here to make money, but to benefit poor and humble people.

If you are hungry for truth, we are here to help.




Financial Commitments

Hate money love Jesus

Deny indulgence, Redeem perishable money for the purpose of truth

None of us watches TV, movies, or spends money on entertainment

With are committed to living stringent lives to advance truth



(C) Our Official SugarSync Referral Link


Note: SugarSync is the easiest option to use, but sometimes it does not want to show you how to get the “free” account. – please do not pay for SugarSync just because we gave this link. Nevertheless, if you install the software as a trial and then cancel and remove it, we still get to keep the free extra storage indefinitely, and who knows, maybe they will do what they are supposed to do and let you “downgrade” to a free account?


Others? – Not Yet

We might eventually add other additional referral links in the future to other free online services.


No Referrals for Google Drive or SkyDrive

"there is no referral system for Google Drive"

"SkyDrive doesn't offer a referral program"