Bible Summaries


Josiahs Scott,,

* 6/19/09; 9/10/09 (* Exodus); 9/10/09-9/11/09; 1/18/10; 3/30/10-4/9/10 (Exodus); 5/1-5/2/10; 5/15- 5/18/10; 6/26-7/4/10; 8/27/10; 10/8/10; 10/22/10; 11/28/10; 12/26/10; 12/29/10; 2/6/11; 5/8/11 (Timothy); 8/15/11; 4/26/12; 8/7/13 (fixed Word Vand); 8/8/13 (Genesis 1-9); 9/16/13; 10/16/13; Acts 10: 10/20/13-10/21/13; 10/31/13; 11/2/13; 1/14/14; 12/28/14; 5/28/16; other date(s) (some of which are seen below?); 8/4/18; 7/11/20 (Judges, Days of Creation)



·        Romans 2

·        Hebrews

·        12 Prophets

·        Hosea



Torah Summary. 3

Hidden/Encrypted Torah Codes. 3

Genesis. 4

Days of Creation. 4

Genesis – Chapter Summaries. 4

Age Anomalies in Genesis. 5

Day Summaries. 6

Gen_1:2 – Abyss. 7

Gen_1:6 – Firmament: H7549 / Heaven: H8064. 7

Gen_1:14 – zodiac?. 8

Reflections On Creation. 8

Exodus. 8

Chapter Summaries -- General Passages. 8

Exodus 29 – Fill Hands & Perfect Consecration. 11

Exo 7-15 – Plagues and Passover 13

Mount Horeb, Sini, & the Mountain of God. 17

Sovereign Hardening! 19

Cross References – There was a Passover, There will Be a Judgment 21

Abominations of Egypt 21

Resources (Use With Caution) 21

Leviticus. 22

Leviticus Overview.. 22

Leviticus Chapter Summaries. 22

Numbers. 24

Locations & Travels Summary. 24

1-10 – Sinai 24

10-12 – Travel 24

13-19 – Paran. 24

20-21 – Travel 24

22-36 – Moab. 25

Num 16 – Background. 25

Korah’s Rebellion. 25

Deuteronomy. 29

12 Judges of Israel 29

(1) Othniel 29

(2) Ehud. 30

(3) Shamgar 30

(4) Debora. 30

(5) Gideon. 30

[Abimelech, son of Gideon -- Illegal King] 30

(6) Tola of Issachar 30

(7) Jair the Gileadite. 30

(8) Jephthah. 30

(9) Ibzan from Bethlehem.. 31

(10) Elon the Zebulunite. 31

(11) Abdon the Pirathonite. 31

(12) Samson. 31

1-2 Samuel – Samuel, Saul, David. 31

1Samuel – From Judge Samuel to King Saul, & David Too. 31

2Samuel – From King Saul to King David. 31

1-2 Kings. 31

1 Kings. 31

1-2 Kings – Elijah & Elisha. 32

2 Kings. 32

Chronicles. 32

1Chronicles. 32

2Chronicles – Kings Living in Jerusalem.. 32

Jeremiah. 32

Jer 7 – Judgment 33

Jer 22 – Jeconiah to go into Captivity. 33

Jer 23 – False Prophets. 33

Jer 24 – Blessed Exiles, Cursed Residents. 33

Jer 25 – The Message of the Real Prophets. 34

Jer 26 – Jeremiah’s Prophesied Temple Destruction – Application of Real Message to Church People: God will Destroy your Religious House  34

Temple Destruction Prophesied By many Others – How Many Times Does this have to happen before someone catches on?  35

Jer 27 – Make Yokes & Warn the People! 36

Jer 28 – The Prophetic Showdown. 37

12 Prophets. 37

Hosea – Hacks Israel 37

Joel 40

Amos. 40

Obadiah. 41

Jonah. 41

Micah. 41

Nahum.. 41

Habakkuk. 41

Zephaniah. 41

Haggai 41

Zechariah. 41

Malachi 41

Matthew.. 41

The Sermon on the Mount, and in the Plain. 41

Mat 23. 41

John. 41

John 4. 41

John 5. 42

John 6. 42

John 7. 42

John 8. 42

John 14. 43

John 17 Summary. 43

Acts. 43

Acts 10. 43

Romans. 45

Romans 1-16 – Chapter Summaries. 45

Romans 3-4 – Favor Instead of Our Works. 46

1 Timothy. 46

1st Timothy Summary. 46

1Tim 1. 46

1Tim 2. 46

1Tim 3. 46

1Tim 4. 47

“Some” Explanation. 47

1Tim 5. 47

1Tim 6. 47

2nd Timothy. 48

2nd Timothy Summary. 48

2Tim 1. 48

Philemon. 48

2nd Peter. 48

2Peter 2. 48

Jude. 49

Revelation. 49

Rev 17. 49

Rev 18. 49

Rev 19. 49

Larger Summaries. 50

Hebrews. 50

Review.. 50

Heb_10:36 – Promises/Firm Pronounced Messages. 50

Heb_11:11 – Sarah's Leading into Faith. 50

Heb_11:11 – Many Children. 50

Heb_11:11 – Targums & Youth Renewal for Pregnancy. 50

Heb_11:11 – Sarah's Laughing & Faith. 51

1/13/14 Response. 53

Heb_11:17-18 – Circumcision > Seed. 53

The Sons of Joseph. 53

Heb_11:23 - A City Child?. 53

Heb_11:26 – Moses Loved 'the name Reproaches' of the Anointed One. 54

Heb_11:27 < --- > Exo_2:14-15 – MOSES Forsook Egypt, Not Israel 54

We Got to our Main Answer Last Time. 54

Moses "Not Fearing"???. 54

NT Had More Info/ Scriptures than we Have. 55

Why NOT Fearing is Morally Important 55

Side Note: Tamar Was also Righteous. 56

Heb_11:37 – Wandered. 56

MT: Gen_20:13. 56

Heb_11:37 – Sawn in Two. 57

Will I be Standing Behind?. 57



Torah Summary


Hidden/Encrypted Torah Codes

Other date(s); 7/11/20


Genesis: Torah

Exodus: Torah

Leviticus: YEHWE

Numbers: Torah (reversed)

Deuteronomy: Torah (reversed)


Original order:

Deuteronomy [Torah →] Numbers [Torah →] Leviticus [YEHWE] Exodus [← Torah] Genesis [← Torah]


Note: These are equidistant Hebrew codes based on counting by an interval of every 50th letter.




Days of Creation

Other date(s); 7/11/20-7/12/20; 10/24/21


(1)4 Beginning, Heaven, Earth, Light (Wind/Spirit, day-night boundaries)

(2)5 Atmosphere+ & Water Separation

(3)6 Land & Plants


(4)1 Sun, Moon, Stars

(5)2 Water Animals & Flying Animals

(6)3 Land Animals & Man


(7) Sabbath – Holy Rest


Day Correlations and charts

Note: Days 1-3 parallel 4-6 (as indicated by the superscripted numbers)


(A) Vertical Day-Correlation Chart










(B) Horizontal Day-Correlation Chart










Genesis – Chapter Summaries

Other date(s);…10/24/21


Gen_1:1 – Creation

Gen_2:1 – Marriage (v 18)

Gen_3:1 – Sin

Gen_4:1 – Murder

Gen_5:1 – Genealogy: From Adam to Noah

Gen_6:1 – Pre-Flood (Noah)

Gen_7:1 – Flood

Gen_8:1 – Post Flood

Gen_8:20-22Gen_9:1-17Noahic Covenant [the Seven? Universal Noahide Laws]

·        Altar (made Monotheistic-ally)

·        Rules for humanity (no murder, no eating blood, etc.)


Gen_9:1-18-27   Cannon cursed; Shem Blessed; Japheth Dwells

Gen_9:1-28-29 – Noah dies at 950


10 – Genealogy of Noah

11 – Tower of Babble, Genealogy, Abraham

12 – Marriage adventures in Egypt

13 – Lot Division

14 – Melchisadek

15 – Covenant Vision

16 – Hagar & Ishmael

17 – Circumcision

18 – 3 Men

19 – Sodom Destroyed

20 – Marriage adventures with Abimalech

21 – Isack Born, Abimalech Covenant

22 – Isack Offered

23 – Sarah Dies

24 – Isack Marries Rebekah

25 – Abraham's Additional Wives, then Dies, Jacob Gets Esau's Birthright

26 – Isaac's Marriage adventures, then Abimalech Covenant

27 – Jacob Gets Esau's Blessing

28 – Jacob's Ladder

29 – Jacob Gets Leah & Rachel

30 – Childbearing competitions, & Jacob's wages

31 – Jacob Returns with Laban Trials

32 – Jacob Returns with Esau Trials & Angel Wrestlings

33 – Jacob meets with Esau

34 – Dinah Defiled

35 – God appears, Jacob Moves, Rachel & other women die, Ruben does incest, Isaac dies

36 – Genealogies of Esau

37 – Joseph's Dreams and Exile

38 – Judah and Tamar

39 – Joseph Flees Adultery

40 – Explaining Dreams in Prison

41 – Explaining Dreams of Pharaoh

42 – Joseph Tests Brothers - Round 1

43 – Joseph Tests Brothers - Round 2

44 – Joseph Tests Brothers - Round 3

45 – Joseph Reveals Himself to Brothers

46 – Jacob/Israel goes Down into Egypt

47 – Jacob Speaks to Pharaoh, Joseph Buys Egypt for Pharaoh with Grain

48 – Jacob Blesses Joseph's Sons

49 – Jacob Prophesies over His own Sons, and Dies

50 – Joseph Buries Jacob, Joseph Dies



Age Anomalies in Genesis

Age Confusions in Genesis

6/24/16; 2/21/17 (recompiled)


Decent of lifetimes after the flood

Jacob: I have not lived up to the years of my forefathers




desireablness of Sarah at 90


Issac marrys late


Was Jacob 70-somthing when marrying?


Joseph called a boy several times by family and in Egypt


Joseph's "boys" between his knees... --

·        how old were they??

·        20-something


Day Summaries

12/31/15; 1/1/16; 1/6/16; 2/21/17 (recompiled)



>> Pop: BBSU




Day 1: Gen_1:3-5

heavens & earth


Night and Day


Day 2: Gen_1:6-8


Sky and Sea


Day 3: Gen_1:9-13

Land and Vegetation

dry ground and gathering the waters

vegetation (plants and trees).


Day 4: Gen_1:14-19

Sun, Moon, & Stars

sun, moon, and the stars


Day 5: Gen_1:20-23

Sea creatures,

fish, &,



Day 6: Gen_1:24-31

Animals and Mankind


man and woman (Adam and Eve)


Day 7:


ceased his work / making it holy






Other dates (2015-2016; See: Day Summaries); 2/21/17 (recompiled)



Joh_1:1, etc.;

Pro_8:22, etc.;


Eph_1:4; 1Pe_1:20


1Co_2:7; 2Ti_1:9









Mat_25:34, Joh_17:24, Act_15:18, 1Pe_1:20, Rev_13:8, Rev_17:8






Gen_1:2 – Abyss

Other dates (2015-2016; See: Day Summaries); 2/21/17 (recompiled)


Gen_1:2; Gen_7:11; Gen_8:2; Gen_49:25; Exo_15:5; Exo_15:8; Deu_8:7; Deu_33:13; Job_28:14; Job_38:16; Job_38:30; Job_41:32; Psa_33:7; Psa_36:6; Psa_42:7; Psa_71:20; Psa_77:16; Psa_78:15; Psa_104:6; Psa_106:9; Psa_107:26; Psa_135:6; Psa_148:7; Pro_3:20; Pro_8:24; Pro_8:27; Pro_8:28; Isa_51:10; Isa_63:13; Eze_26:19; Eze_31:4; Eze_31:15; Amo_7:4; Jon_2:5; Hab_3:10;


Gen_1:6 – Firmament: H7549 / Heaven: H8064

Other dates (2015-2016; See: Day Summaries); 2/21/17 (recompiled)


Gen_1:6; Gen_1:7; Gen_1:8; Gen_1:14; Gen_1:15; Gen_1:17; Gen_1:20; Psa_19:1; Psa_150:1; Eze_1:22-23; Eze_1:25; Eze_1:26; Eze_10:1; Dan_12:3;


Also comp: H8064





Gen_1:14 – zodiac?

Other dates (2015-2016; See: Day Summaries); 2/21/17 (recompiled)


The Bible also teaches that God arranged the stars into recognizable groups that we call constellations. The Bible mentions three of these: Orion, the Bear (Ursa Major), and “the crooked serpent” (most likely Draco) in Job_9:9; 26:13; 38:31-32; and Amo_5:8. The same passages also reference the star group Pleiades (the Seven Stars). God is the One Who “fastens the bands” of these constellations; He is the One who brings them forth, “each in its season.” In Job_38:32, God also points to the “Mazzaroth,” usually translated “constellations.” This is thought by many to be a reference to the twelve constellations of the zodiac.



Gen_37:9-10 (note: Gen_37:10 vs. Gen_35:18-19, etc. – Benjamin born, Rachel dies)

Rev_12:1, etc.




1Ti_4:3, etc.



>> vs. eating only vegitables...





Reflections On Creation

Other dates (2015-2016; See: Day Summaries); 2/21/17 (recompiled)









Chapter Summaries -- General Passages

12/10/16; 12/12/16-12/13/16; 12/17/16; 12/20/16


Exo_1 – Babies Threatened with Abortions

Exo_2 – Moses is Born, Flees, and gets married

Exo_3:1-22 – Burning Bush

Exo_4:1-31 – From Bush Miracles to Jews in Egypt

Exo_5:1-23 – Let my people go

Exo_6:1-30 – affirmation & details

Exo_7:1-25 – Staff into snake; pl. 1

Exo_8:1-32 – pl. 2-4

Exo_9:1-35 – pl. 5-7

Exo_10:1-29 – pl. 8-10

Exo_11:1-10 – pl. 10

Exo_12:1-51 – pl. 10, Passover, Exodus

Exo_13:1-22 – Passover, Exodus

Exo_14:1-31 – Crossing the Red Sea


15 -

16 -

17 -

18 -

19 -

20 -

21 -

22 -

23 -

24 -

25 -

26 -

27 -

28 -

29 -

30 -

31 -

32 -

33 -

34 -

35 -

36 -

37 -

38 -

39 -

40 -


Exo_15:23 (Marah H4785) - Rut_1:20 (Mara H4755) < H4751 < H4843


Moses Heals the Waters: Exo_15:25 -- Elisha healing: 2Ki_2:19-22

>> cleaning the pot of death

>> Sync: MAEbb | BBSum


Exo_20:22 vs. Heb_12:25 KJV


No idols:



>> Keep yourselves from idols


Exo_21: -- restitution

See: Rep


Exo_23:29 spw -- Rom_16:20; 1Pe_5:10


Self-imposed restitution -- What Heart-Purified New Covenant People do!



Exo_25:2 (MT: offering); 1Co_16:2


Mercy Seat

Exo_25:17; Exo_25:18; Exo_25:19; Exo_25:20; Exo_25:21; Exo_25:22; Exo_31:7; Exo_35:12; Exo_37:6; Exo_37:7; Exo_37:8; Exo_37:9; Exo_40:20; Lev_16:2; Lev_16:13; Lev_16:14; Lev_16:15; Num_7:89; 1Ch_28:11; Eze_43:14; Eze_43:17; Eze_43:20; Amo_9:1; Rom_3:25; Heb_9:5;

Also: 1Jo_2:2

>> he ever live to make intercession...


Exo_25:18 -- Eze_28:14, etc.


Exo_25:20 -- 1Co_11:10


Exo_25:32 -- I am the vine you are the branches


Exo_29:2 vs. Num_5:1


Drink Offering

Exo_30:9 -- Phi_2:17 2Ti_4:6

Isa_53:12 – comp: Jesus poured out His soul blood


Exo_30:18 (λουτηραG3066.1) -- Eph_5:26 (λουτρωG3067)


Exo_31:18 -- Exo_24:12


Exo_32:1 – make us gods: MT: "אלהים" (H430); LXX: θεούςG2316 N-APM



Exo_31:18 -- MT: "אלהים׃"(H430) -- LXX: τῷ δακτύλῳ τοῦ θεοῦG2316 N-GSM


Exo_32:4 -- γραφίδι


Exo_32:4 -- Calf: MT: "עגל" H5695; LXX: μόσχον


Exo_32:4 -- "These are your gods" -- MT: "אלהH428 These  אלהיךH430 thy gods" -- LXX: ΟὗτοιG3778 D-NPM οἱG3588 T-NPM θεοίG2316 N-NPM σου


Exo_32:5 -- "feast to Yahweh."

>> now we ghave idolatry and the Name in Vain


Exo_32:6 -- Pro_7:14 -- Hypocritical Sacrifices



Exo_32:14 KJV+  And the LORD repentedH5162

KJV+LB-GrV Gen_5:29; Gen_6:6; Gen_6:7; Gen_24:67; Gen_27:42; Gen_37:35; Gen_38:12; Gen_50:21; Exo_13:17; Exo_32:12; Exo_32:14; Num_23:19; Deu_32:36; Jdg_2:18; Jdg_21:6; Jdg_21:15; Rth_2:13; 1Sa_15:11; 1Sa_15:29; 1Sa_15:35; 2Sa_10:2; 2Sa_10:3; 2Sa_12:24; 2Sa_13:39; 2Sa_24:16; 1Ch_7:22; 1Ch_19:2; 1Ch_19:3; 1Ch_21:15; Job_2:11; Job_7:13; Job_16:2; Job_21:34; Job_29:25; Job_42:6; Job_42:11; Psa_23:4; Psa_69:20; Psa_71:21; Psa_77:2; Psa_86:17; Psa_90:13; Psa_106:45; Psa_110:4; Psa_119:52; Psa_119:76; Psa_119:82; Psa_135:14; Ecc_4:1; Isa_1:24; Isa_12:1; Isa_22:4; Isa_40:1; Isa_49:13; Isa_51:3; Isa_51:12; Isa_51:19; Isa_52:9; Isa_54:11; Isa_57:6; Isa_61:2; Isa_66:13; Jer_4:28; Jer_8:6; Jer_15:6; Jer_16:7; Jer_18:8; Jer_18:10; Jer_20:16; Jer_26:3; Jer_26:13; Jer_26:19; Jer_31:13; Jer_31:15; Jer_31:19; Jer_42:10; Lam_1:2; Lam_1:9; Lam_1:16; Lam_1:17; Lam_1:21; Lam_2:13; Eze_5:13; Eze_14:22; Eze_14:23; Eze_16:54; Eze_24:14; Eze_31:16; Eze_32:31; Joe_2:13; Joe_2:14; Amo_7:3; Amo_7:6; Jon_3:9; Jon_3:10; Jon_4:2; Nah_3:7; Zec_1:17; Zec_8:14; Zec_10:2;


Exo_33:11 -- Pulpit: "as we read in Num_12:8 but not under any visible form (see vers. Exo_33:20, Exo_33:23, and compare. (Deu_4:12, Deu_4:15)"



Exo_34:29-35 -- 2Co_3:1-13




Exodus 29 – Fill Hands & Perfect Consecration

1/6/17; 1/10/17-1/11/17


Exo_28:41 WEB  You shall put them on Aaron your brother, and on his sons with him, and shall anoint them, and consecrateH4390 (H853) H3027 them, and sanctify them, that they may minister to me in the priest's office.

Exo_28:41 CAB  And you shall put them on Aaron your brother, and his sons with him, and you shall anoint them and fill their hands; and you shall sanctify them, that they may minister to Me in the priest's office.

Exo_28:41 ABP+  AndG2532 you shall putG1746 them on G1473 AaronG* G3588 your brother,G80 G1473 andG2532 G3588 his sonsG5207 G1473 withG3326 him.G1473 AndG2532 you shall anointG5548 them,G1473 andG2532 you shall fillG1705 theirG1473 G3588 hands.G5495 AndG2532 you shall sanctifyG37 themG1473 thatG2443 they should officiate as priestsG2407 to me.G1473

Exo_28:41 Greek  καὶ ἐνδύσεις αὐτὰ Ααρων τὸν ἀδελφόν σου καὶ τοὺς υἱοὺς αὐτοῦ μετ᾿ αὐτοῦ· καὶ χρίσεις αὐτοὺς καὶ ἐμπλήσεις αὐτῶν τὰς χεῖρας καὶ ἁγιάσεις αὐτούς, ἵνα ἱερατεύωσίν μοι.

Compare: Exo_32:29


Exo_29:9 WEB  You shall dress them with belts, Aaron and his sons, and bind headbands on them: and they shall have the priesthood by a perpetual statute: and you shall consecrateH4390 H3027 Aaron and his sons.

Exo_29:9 ABP+  AndG2532 you shall tie aroundG2224 themG1473 theG3588 belts,G2223 andG2532 shall put onG4060 themG1473 theG3588 turbans,G2787.1 andG2532 it will beG1510.8.3 for themG1473 a priesthoodG2405 to meG1699 intoG1519 theG3588 eon.G165 AndG2532 you shall perfectG5048 theG3588 handsG5495 [CAB: you shall fill the hands] of Aaron,G* andG2532 theG3588 handsG5495 G3588 of his sons.G5207 G1473

Exo_29:9 Greek  καὶ ζώσεις αὐτοὺς ταῖς ζώναις καὶ περιθήσεις αὐτοῖς τὰς κιδάρεις, καὶ ἔσται αὐτοῖς ἱερατεία ἐμοὶ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα. καὶ τελειώσεις τὰς χεῖρας Ααρων καὶ τὰς χεῖρας τῶν υἱῶν αὐτοῦ.


Exo_29:22 ἔστιν γὰρ τελείωσις αὕτη


Exo_29:27 τοῦ κριοῦ τῆς τελειώσεως


Exo_29:29 WEB  "The holy garments of Aaron shall be for his sons after him, to be anointed in them, and to be consecratedH4390 (H853) H3027 in them.

Exo_29:29 ABP+  AndG2532 theG3588 apparelG4749 of theG3588 holy placeG39 whichG3739 isG1510.2.3 Aaron's,G* shall beG1510.8.3 to G3588 his sons'G5207 G1473 afterG3326 him,G1473 for them to be anointedG5548 G1473 inG1722 them,G1473 andG2532 to perfectG5048 G3588 their hands.G5495 G1473

Exo_29:29 Greek  καὶ ἡ στολὴ τοῦ ἁγίου, ἥ ἐστιν Ααρων, ἔσται τοῖς υἱοῖς αὐτοῦ μετ᾿ αὐτόν, χρισθῆναι αὐτοὺς ἐν αὐτοῖς καὶ τελειῶσαι τὰς χεῖρας αὐτῶν.




Exo_29:33 WEB  They shall eat those things with which atonement was made, to consecrateH4390 (H853) H3027 and sanctify them: but a stranger shall not eat of it, because they are holy.

Exo_29:33 ABP+  They shall eatG2068 the offerings G1473 withG1722 whichG3739 they were sanctifiedG37 byG1722 them,G1473 to perfectG5048 G3588 their hands,G5495 G1473 to sanctifyG37 them.G1473 AndG2532 a foreignerG241 shall notG3756 eatG2068 fromG575 them,G1473 for it isG1510.2.3 G1063 holy.G39

Exo_29:33 Greek  ἔδονται αὐτά, ἐν οἷς ἡγιάσθησαν ἐν αὐτοῖς τελειῶσαι τὰς χεῖρας αὐτῶν ἁγιάσαι αὐτούς, καὶ ἀλλογενὴς οὐκ ἔδεται ἀπ᾿ αὐτῶν· ἔστιν γὰρ ἅγια.


Exo_29:35 WEB  "You shall do so to Aaron, and to his sons, according to all that I have commanded you. You shall consecrateH4390 H3027 them seven days.

Exo_29:35 ABP+  AndG2532 you shall doG4160 for AaronG* andG2532 G3588 his sonsG5207 G1473 thusG3779 according toG2596 allG3956 as much asG3745 I gave chargeG1781 to you.G1473 SevenG2033 daysG2250 you shall perfectG5048 G3588 their hands.G5495 G1473

Exo_29:35 Greek  καὶ ποιήσεις Ααρων καὶ τοῖς υἱοῖς αὐτοῦ οὕτως κατὰ πάντα, ὅσα ἐνετειλάμην σοι· ἑπτὰ ἡμέρας τελειώσεις αὐτῶν τὰς χεῖρας.


ABP+ Heb_2:10; Heb_5:9; Heb_5:14; Heb_6:1; Heb_7:11; Heb_7:19; Heb_7:28; Heb_9:9; Heb_9:11; Heb_10:1; Heb_10:14; Heb_11:40; Heb_12:2; Heb_12:23;






Exo 7-15 – Plagues and Passover

Other dates (~2009-2011, etc.); 12/10/16; 12/12/16-12/13/16; 12/17/16; 12/20/16; 1/28/17


Length of the Plagues

Talk Righteous

Passover-Exodus Notes


See: e-Sword: Bible Atlas: 029 - The Rout of the Exodus



Exo_12:1-51 – pl. 10, Passover, Exodus

Exo_13:1-22 – Passover, Exodus


Exo_12:25 WEB – when you have come to the land…you shall keep this service.


Exo_13:5 when Yahweh shall bring you into the land… you shall keep this service in this month.


Num_9:1-14 – 1ST Annual Passover Celebrated (before promised land)




Exo_7:9-13 – Rod into Snake (“δράκων” dragon)

1. Exo_7:13-25 – Water into blood (Rev_16:3-7; also: water into bitterness)

2. Exo_8:1-15 – Frogs

3. Exo_8:16-19 – Lice

4. Exo_8:20-32 – Dog-Fly [Greek: “κυνομυιαν”; Hebrew: “הערבH6157” (ārōḇ)]

Brenton/CAB/NETS/ALS p. 344: dog-fly;

KJV: “swarmsH6157 of flies

κυνομυιαν – “κυν” means dog

5. Exo_9:1-7 – Cattle Died (Hos_4:1-3)

6. Exo_9:8-12 [Exo_9:10: ἕλκηG1668, φλυκτίδες ἀναζέουσαι… Exo_9:11: ἕλκηG1668] – Boils; (Rev_16:2: ἕλκοςG1668)

7. Exo_9:13-35 – Hail (Rev_16:21)

8. Exo_10:1-20 – Locusts (Rev_9:3)

9. Exo_10:21-23 – Darkness that can be felt (Rev_16:10)

10. Exo_10:24-29Exo_11:1-10 – Death of the Firstborn

Exo_12:26-41 – Death Angel and exodus


Ipuwer Papyrus

C:\Files\Bookshelf\Bible History\Ipuwer-Papyrus




Exo_12:1-2 – Beginning of the year

Exo_12:3-510th of the month, take Passover lamb into your house

Exo_12:6 – Kill Lamb on the 14th (that is, the 14th of Nisan)

Exo_12:7 – Put blood on doorposts where lamb is eaten

Exo_12:8 – Eat: lamb roasted with fire, unleavened bread (Matza), bitter herbs

Exo_12:9 – ALL of the lamb roasted together


No Bones Broken

Exo_12:10 – Let none remain till morning; LXX has: “…You shall not break a bone of it…”

Exo_12:46 – Both MT (Hebrew) and LXX (Greek) have: “…You shall not break a bone of it…”

Num_9:12 – Don’t break a bone of it

Psa_34:19-20 KJV  Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.  20  He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken.

Joh_19:36 KJV  For these things were done, that the scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of him shall not be broken.

(see all of: Joh_19:31-36)


Rest of Passover Instructions

Exo_12:12-13 – Blood will protect, when Egyptians killed

Exo_12:14 – Keep feast forever

Exo_12:15-16 – 7 days: 1st day no leaven, holy day; 7th day, Holy

Exo_12:18-20 – No leaven, or death

Exo_12:21-25 – Kill the lamb, blood on door posts

Exo_12:26Q1: “what is this service”?

(A) Jews say this son is bad because he does not include himself in the question; see KJV: “What mean ye by this service?”

(B) Compare: Deu_6:7, Deu_11:19, Deu_32:7; Jos_4:6, Jos_4:7, Jos_4:21-24; Psa_78:3-6; Psa_145:4; Isa_38:19; Eph_6:4

Exo_12:41 – They came out by night

Exo_12:42 – A watch kept (as in, “watch and pray” and originally, a “prayer vigil”)

Exo_12:43 – Not for strangers

Exo_12:44 – Only for the circumcised (see below)

Exo_12:45 – Not for strangers

Exo_12:46 – One house only, no broken bones

Exo_12:48-49 – A Jewish Proselyte had to be circumcised to participate

For real (NT) Circumcision, see: Gal_5:1-6; 1Co_7:18-20; Php_3:2-3; Deu_10:16, Deu_30:6; Jer_4:4, Jer_9:26; Rom_2:25-29, Rom_4:11, Rom_4:12; Col_2:11

Exo_13:2 – Firstborn

Exo_13:3 – Remember this day... no leaven

Exo_13:6-7 – Seven unleavened bread... seventh day, a feast (no leaven in all territory)

Exo_13:8-9Q2: Jews say the child is too young to ask

Exo_13:9 – shall be for a sign unto thee upon [your] hand, and for a memorial between [your] eyes, that the LORD'S law may be in thy mouth...

Exo_13:11-14 – first born

Exo_13:14-15Q3: “what is this”? (Pharaoh explained)

Exo_13:16 – token upon hand

Exo_13:17-18 – Avoiding the Philistines

Exo_13:19 – bones of Joseph


Crossing the Red Sea

Exo_14:1-4 – God told them: "...encamp by the sea" (Exo_14:2) (I will harden Pharaoh's heart)

Exo_14:8 – "the LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh"...children of Israel went out with an high hand

Exo_14:9 – chariots of Pharaoh... overtook them encamping by the sea

Exo_14:10-12 – Israel afraid & complaining harshly

Exo_14:13-14 – stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD

Exo_14:15-16 – rod over sea

Exo_14:17-18 – I will harden the heart of Pharaoh and of all the Egyptians

Exo_14:19-20 – Cloud protects

Exo_14:21 – Moses... hand over... sea, and the Lord carried back the sea with a strong south wind all the night...

Exo_14:22/ Exo_14:29 – water was a wall on right & left

Exo_14:23 – Egyptians pursued them

Exo_14:24-25 – ...the Lord looked [out] on the camp of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and cloud...

Exo_14:26-28 – water closes

Exo_14:30 – Egyptians dead by the shore of the sea

Exo_15:1-19 – Moses sings

Exo_15:3 – Lord is a man of war

Exo_15:14 – from peoples to Palestina

Exo_15:15 – Leaders of Edom and Moab...inhabitants of Canaan

Exo_15:20-21 – Miriam singing with timbrel

Communion Passages (instituted during Passover)

Mat_26:1-75; Mar_14:1-31; Luk_22:1-40; Joh_11:2; Joh_12:1-11; Joh_13:1-31;


Then the master rose up and took another cup, before the lamb was tasted. After supper, he took a thin loaf or cake, which he broke and divided to all at the table, and likewise the cup, usually called the cup of thanksgiving, of which he drank first, and then all the guests. It was this bread and this cup which our Lord consecrated to be a standing memorial of his death.” (WEN on Mat_26)


Notable Greek

Exo_6:9 – “…they hearkened not [εἰσήκουσαν] to Moses, on account of their faint-heartedness [ὀλιγοψυχίας], and for their hard tasks. [τῶν ἔργων τῶν σκληρῶν]” (CAB)

Exo_7:9“…take your rod and cast it upon the ground before Pharaoh, and before his servants, and it shall become a serpent [δράκων]…”

Exo_7:12 – “And they cast down each his rod, and they became serpents [δράκοντες]…


Mount Horeb, Sini, & the Mountain of God





Burnt Mountain









Sinai -- 31 Verses in the Law, Mostly Throughout Exodus through Numbers -- only 1 in Deuteronomy

CAB [Horeb: Exo_3:1 – MT: God's mountain] Exo_16:1 (1st occurance of Sini / H5514 -- WEB, CAB, ABP, KJV+); [Horeb: Exo_17:6] [Exo_17:8 CAB And Amalek came and fought with Israel in Rephidim] Exo_19:1; Exo_19:2; Exo_19:11; Exo_19:16; Exo_19:18; Exo_19:20; Exo_19:23; Exo_24:16; Exo_31:18; [Horeb: Exo_33:6] Exo_34:2; Exo_34:4; Exo_34:32; Lev_7:38; Lev_25:1; Lev_26:46; Lev_27:34; Num_1:1; Num_1:19; Num_3:1; Num_3:4; Num_3:14; Num_9:1; Num_9:5; Num_10:12; Num_26:61; Num_26:64; Num_28:6; Num_33:15; Num_33:16; Deu_33:2

[1Ki_19:8 – MT: Mount of God]


Horeb -- 12 Verses in the Law, Mostly in Deuteronomy

Exo_3:1; Exo_17:6; Exo_33:6; Deu_1:2; Deu_1:6; Deu_1:19; Deu_4:10; Deu_4:15; Deu_5:2; Deu_9:8; Deu_18:16; Deu_29:1.



Mountain of God / God's mountain

Exo_3:1 (MT: God's mountain/Horeb; LXX: Horeb);

Exo_4:27 (MT & LXX: God's mountain -- Aaron meets Moses);

Exo_18:5 (MT & LXX: Jethro at Mountain of God, also: Exo_18:12);

Exo_19:3 (MT & LXX);

Exo_24:13 (MT & LXX);

1Ki_19:8 (MT: God's mountain/Horeb; LXX: Horeb);

Eze_28:14 (MT & LXX: the holy mount of God);

Eze_28:16 (MT & LXX: the mountain of God)


[MT: Horeb = the "Mountain of God": Exo_3:1; 1Ki_19:8]



The Fearful Mountain

Exo_19:12-13 (Exo_19:23) - Deu_9:19 - Heb_12:20-21

TSK: Moses: Exo_19:16, Exo_19:19, Psa_119:120, Isa_6:3-5, Dan_10:8, Dan_10:17, Rev_1:17 (1Co_2:3)



Exo_24:13 WEB  Moses rose up with Joshua, his servant, and Moses went up onto God's Mountain.

Exo_24:13 CAB  And Moses rose up and Joshua his attendant, and they went up into the mount of God.

Exo_24:13  καὶ ἀναστὰς Μωυσῆς καὶ Ἰησοῦς ὁ παρεστηκὼς αὐτῷ ἀνέβησαν εἰς τὸ ὄρος τοῦ θεοῦ·


Exo_24:16 WEB  The glory of Yahweh settled on Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days. The seventh day he called to Moses out of the midst of the cloud.

Exo_24:16 CAB  And the glory of God came down upon Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days; and the Lord called Moses on the seventh day out of the midst of the cloud.

Exo_24:16  καὶ κατέβη ἡ δόξα τοῦ θεοῦ ἐπὶ τὸ ὄρος τὸ Σινα, καὶ ἐκάλυψεν αὐτὸ ἡ νεφέλη ἓξ ἡμέρας· καὶ ἐκάλεσεν κύριος τὸν Μωυσῆν τῇ ἡμέρᾳ τῇ ἑβδόμῃ ἐκ μέσου τῆς νεφέλης.




Sovereign Hardening!


Exo_4:21  And the Lord said to Moses… all the miracles I have charged you with, you shall work before Pharaoh. And I will harden his heart


Exo_7:3  …And I will harden the heart of Pharaoh…


Exo_7:13  …And the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, and he hearkened not to them, as the Lord charged them.


Exo_7:14  And the Lord said to Moses, The heart of Pharaoh is made hard


Exo_7:22  …and the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, and he did not hearken to them, even as the Lord said.


Exo_8:15 – “And when Pharaoh saw that there was relief, his heart was hardened, and he did not hearken to them, as the Lord said.”


Exo_8:19  “So the charmers said to Pharaoh, This is the finger of God. But the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, and he did not listen to them, as the Lord said.”


Exo_8:32  And Pharaoh hardened his heart, even on this occasion, and he would not send the people away.


Exo_9:7  And when Pharaoh saw that of all the livestock of the children of Israel, that not one died, the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, and he did not let the people go.


Exo_9:12  And the Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart, and he hearkened not to them, as the Lord appointed.


Exo_9:13-17 CAB  13  And the Lord said to Moses, Rise up early in the morning, and stand before Pharaoh; and you shall say to him, Thus says the Lord God of the Hebrews: Let My people go, that they may serve Me.  14  For at this present time I will send forth all My plagues into your heart, and the heart of your servants and of your people; that you may know that there is not another such as I in all the earth.  15  For now I will stretch forth My hand and smite you and kill your people, and you shall be consumed from off the earth.  16  And for this purpose have you been preserved, that I might display My strength in you, and that My name might be published in all the earth.  17  Do you then yet exert yourself to hinder My people, so as not to let them go?


Exo_9:34-35And when Pharaoh saw that the rain and the hail and the thunders had ceased, he continued to sin; and he hardened his heart, and the heart of his servants.  And the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, and he did not send forth the children of Israel, as the Lord said to Moses.


Exo_10:1-2  And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, Go in to Pharaoh; for I have hardened his heart and the heart of his servants, that these signs may come upon them; in order  2  that you may relate in the ears of your children, and to your children's children, in how many things I have mocked the Egyptians…


Exo_10:3  And Moses and Aaron went in before Pharaoh, and they said to him, Thus says the Lord God of the Hebrews: How long do you refuse to reverence Me? Let My people go, that they may serve Me.


Exo_10:20  And the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he did not send away the children of Israel.


Exo_10:27  But the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he would not let them go.


Exo_11:10  And Moses and Aaron did all these signs and wonders in the land of Egypt before Pharaoh; and the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he did not hearken to send forth the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt.


Exo_13:15 And when Pharaoh hardened his heart so as not to send us away, He slew every firstborn in the land of Egypt, both the firstborn of man and the firstborn of beast; therefore I sacrifice every offspring that opens the womb, the males to the Lord, and every firstborn of my sons I will redeem.


Exo_14:4  And I will harden the heart of Pharaoh, and he shall pursue after them; and I will be glorified in Pharaoh, and in all his army, and all the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord. And they did so.


Exo_14:8  And the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and of his servants, and he pursued after the children of Israel; and the children of Israel went forth with a high hand.


Exo_14:17  And behold, I will harden the heart of Pharaoh and of all the Egyptians, and they shall go in after them; and I will be glorified upon Pharaoh, and upon all his army, and on his chariots and his horses.


Exo_14:17-18 CAB  And behold, I will harden the heart of Pharaoh and of all the Egyptians, and they shall go in after them; and I will be glorified upon Pharaoh, and upon all his army, and on his chariots and his horses.  18  And all the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord, when I am glorified upon Pharaoh and upon his chariots and his horses.

Cross References – There was a Passover, There will Be a Judgment


Rom_11:22 CAB  Behold then the kindness and severity of God: upon those that fell, severity; but upon you, kindness, if you continue in His kindness. Otherwise you also shall be cut off.


2Pe_3:9-14 CAB  The Lord does not delay concerning His promise, as some reckon slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.  10  But the day of the Lord shall come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens shall pass away with a rushing noise, and the elements, burning with heat, shall be dissolved, both the earth and the works that are in it shall be burned up.  11  Therefore, seeing that all these things shall be dissolved, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness,  12  looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens, being set of fire, shall be dissolved, and the elements, burning with heat, shall melt?  13  But according to His promise, we look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.  14  Therefore, beloved, looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot or blemish;


Heb_3:15-19 CAB  while it is said: "Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion."  16  For some, having heard, did provoke: but not all who came out of Egypt through Moses.  17  And with whom was He indignant forty years? Was it not with those who sinned, whose carcasses fell in the wilderness?  18  And to whom did He swear that they would not enter into His rest, except to those who disobeyed?  19  And we see that they were not able to enter on account of unbelief.


Heb_11:24-26 CAB  By faith Moses, when he was grown up, refused to be called a son of Pharaoh's daughter,  25  choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to have the temporary pleasure of sin26  regarding the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt; for he was looking to the reward.


Jud_1:5 CAB  But I want to remind you, though you once knew this, that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those who did not believe.


Rev_11:7-8 CAB  And when they finish their testimony, the Beast who ascends out of the bottomless pit will make war with them, and will overcome them, and will kill them.  8  And their corpse will lie on the street of the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified.


Abominations of Egypt

Ezr_9:1 (MT)




Jos: today I have removed the reproach of egypt



Resources (Use With Caution)




3/21/17-3/25/17; 4/16/17



Leviticus Overview



(A) Sacrifices/Food -- for Priests & People

(B) Priest Consecration

(C) People Purity

(D) Day of Atonement & Sacrificial Rules

(C) People Purity

(B) Priest Requirements

(A) Sacrifices/Food/Feasts




Leviticus Chapter Summaries

Other dates (seen above); 4/16/17


Lev_1:1 – Animal/livestock Sacrifices / Burnt Offerings: livestock/cattle, herd (unblemished male)/oxen, & flock/sheep

Lev_2:1 – Grain/wheat/fine flour/meal offering + oil + frankincense

Lev_3:1 – Salvation/“Peace” offerings [LXX: θυσία σωτηρίου] & no eating fat

Lev_4:1 – unintentional / ignorant sins: Priest (Lev_4:3), congregation (Lev_4:13), ruler (Lev_4:22), common people (Lev_4:27)

Lev_5:1 – voice of adjuration + unwitting/trespass offering + Discovering unknown sin + alternative if they are poor + restitution / compensation


Lev_6:1 – Various Sacrifice Rules

restitution offerings (Lev_6:1-7),

keep fire burning on sacrificial alter: burnt, peace/salvation (Lev_6:8-13)

meal, burnt, sin, trespass (offering) for Levites (Lev_6:14-18)

offering of Aaron and of his sons (completely burnt), no eating sin (offering)???


Lev_7:1, etc. – more various sacrifice rules, incl. no fat


Lev_8:1 – Priestly Consecrations & Sacrifices – Moses perfectly-consecrates Aaron & his sons and the tent by washings, anointings, and offering sacrifices


Lev_9:1 – 8th Day of Priestly Consecrations, Sacrifices for Priest(s) & People

Lev_10:1 – Nadab and Abihu -- Strange Fire

Lev_11:1 – Clean & unclean animals

Lev_12:1 – Birthing Separations & Sacrifices


Lev_13: – Lev_14: -- Leprosy, itch, garment, cleansing leper, house…

Lev_13:1 – leprosy & Itches in skin, forehead, and Clothes (Lev_13:47, etc.)

Lev_14:1 – leper’s cleansing, house, house cleansing

Lev_15:1 –

>> God’s tabernacle in the mist of them << one of the main points of Lev


Lev_16:1 – The Day of Atonement (Leviticus_23:27-28)

Scape goats


Entering into the Most Holy Place inside the veil

the beginning of the Center of the book


Lev 16:16 WEB  and he shall make atonement for the Holy Place, because of the uncleanness of the children of Israel, and because of their transgressions, even all their sins; and so he shall do for the Tent of Meeting, that dwells with them in the midst of their uncleanness.

Lev 16:16 LB  And he shall make atonement for the sanctuary on account of the uncleanness of the children of Israel, and for their trespasses in the matter of all their sins; and thus shall he do to the tabernacle of witness established among them in the midst of their uncleanness.

Lev 16:16  καὶ ἐξιλάσεται τὸ ἅγιον ἀπὸ τῶν ἀκαθαρσιῶν τῶν υἱῶν Ισραηλ καὶ ἀπὸ τῶν ἀδικημάτων αὐτῶν περὶ πασῶν τῶν ἁμαρτιῶν αὐτῶν· καὶ οὕτω ποιήσει τῇ σκηνῇ τοῦ μαρτυρίου τῇ ἐκτισμένῃ ἐν αὐτοῖς ἐν μέσῳ τῆς ἀκαθαρσίας αὐτῶν.


Lev 16:19 WEB  He shall sprinkle some of the blood on it with his finger seven times, and cleanse it, and make it holy from the uncleanness of the children of Israel.

Lev 16:19 And he shall sprinkle some of the blood upon it seven times with his finger, and shall purge it, and hallow it from the uncleanness of the children of Israel.

Lev 16:19  καὶ ῥανεῖ ἐπ᾿ αὐτοῦ ἀπὸ τοῦ αἵματος τῷ δακτύλῳ ἑπτάκις καὶ καθαριεῖ αὐτὸ καὶ ἁγιάσει αὐτὸ ἀπὸ τῶν ἀκαθαρσιῶν τῶν υἱῶν Ισραηλ.




Lev 16:30 WEB  for on this day shall atonement be made for you, to cleanse you; from all your sins you shall be clean before Yahweh.

Lev 16:30 LB  For in this day he shall make an atonement for you, to cleanse you from all your sins before the Lord, and you shall be purged.

Lev 16:30  ἐν γὰρ τῇ ἡμέρᾳ ταύτῃ ἐξιλάσεται περὶ ὑμῶν καθαρίσαι ὑμᾶς ἀπὸ πασῶν τῶν ἁμαρτιῶν ὑμῶν ἔναντι κυρίου, καὶ καθαρισθήσεσθε.


Lev 16:34 WEB  "This shall be an everlasting statute for you, to make atonement for the children of Israel once in the year because of all their sins." It was done as Yahweh commanded Moses.

Lev 16:34 LB  And this shall be to you a perpetual statute to make atonement for the children of Israel for all their sins: it shall be done once in the year,” as the Lord commanded Moses.

Lev 16:34  καὶ ἔσται τοῦτο ὑμῖν νόμιμον αἰώνιον ἐξιλάσκεσθαι περὶ τῶν υἱῶν Ισραηλ ἀπὸ πασῶν τῶν ἁμαρτιῶν αὐτῶν· ἅπαξ τοῦ ἐνιαυτοῦ ποιηθήσεται, καθάπερ συνέταξεν κύριος τῷ Μωυσῇ.



Lev_17:1 –

Lev_18:1 –

Lev_19:1 –

Lev_20:1 –

Lev_21:1 –

Lev_22:1 –

Lev_23:1 –

Lev_24:1 –

Lev_25:1 –





Locations & Travels Summary
















Now let’s look at Numbers Chapter Summaries:


1-10 – Sinai

Census (i.e. Numbers)

Organizing encampments

Purity laws

Num_5 – lepers out of camp; Adultery test of bitter waters

Num_6 – Nazarite Request



10-12 – Travel

Cloud moves


12 – Miriam & Aaron Speak against Moses



13-19 – Paran

Spies sent out

16 – Kora’s Rebellion


20-21 – Travel


Water out of the rock -- round 2



22-36 – Moab




Battles won


Moses gears up for final speech



>>>>>>>>> Get update \/\/\/

Num 16Background


Moses had preached that they were hard-hearted:

--------------- from DivRem teaching ---------------

Exo_32:9-10; Exo_33:2-5; Deu_9:4-8, Deu_9:13, Deu_9:24; Deu_31:26-27; Deu_32:20; 2Ch_30:8; Psa_78:8; Isa_48:4; Act_7:51-53


Exo_32:9; Deu_31:27; Act_7:51; Psa_78:8; Neh_9:16; Jer_17:23; Zec_7:11-12; Isa_6:10; Mat_13:13-15; Deu_32:28-29; Eph_4:18; Isa_44:18-20; Rom_1:21, Rom_1:28


Num_12:1-15 - Miriam & Aaron Criticize Moses


Korah’s Rebellion

Num_16:1-2 - Korah rebels (with 250 leaders)

Num_16:3 - “all the congregation is holy”/ ‘why do you exalt yourself?’

“Ye take too much upon you” (KJV)

“Let it be enough for you” (CAB)

Ἐχέτω [echetō] ὑμῖν” (LXX): “vb pres act impv 3rd pers sg” (p. 254 ALS)

Num_16:4 - Moses falls on his face

Num_16:5 - ‘God has already shown who are holy’ (LXX)

the LORD will shew who are his, and who is holy” (KJV)

Num_16:6 - Take censors

Num_16:7 - “the man whom the Lord has chosen, he shall be holy” (CAB) (as opposed to verse Num_16:3)

let it be enough for you” (CAB) - “ἱκανούσθω ὑμῖν” (LXX): that is, ‘let this be proof as to who should qualify to offer as priest before God’

Num_16:8 - “listen…you sons of Levi”

Num_16:10 - “do you seek to be priests also?” (CAB)

Num_16:11 - ‘You are all gathered together against God’ / Moses defends Aaron

Num_16:12 - (Summary verse)/ Dathan and Abiram refuse to go up

Num_16:13-15 - False Accusations/ Refuse to go up

v. Num_16:13 - Called Egypt “a land of Milk and honey”; and accused Moses of trying to kill them, and completely ruling over them

v. Num_16:14 - …as a prince; not given them the Promised Land; “Would you have put out the eyes of those men” (CAB)

Num_16:16 - Moses Angry

Num_16:16-17 - Moses calls them to be ready again (250 vs. Aaron – Who/ How many are holy?)

Num_16:18-19 - They all show up at the tabernacle (Korah/Dathan/Abiram +250 vs. Aaron/Moses)

Num_16:19-22 - God shows up: separate yourself and I will destroy the whole nation at once!

Judgment - Num_16:23-35

Num_16:23-27 - Run Away from Korah & his men!

v. Num_16:27 - “And they stood aloof from the tent of Korah round about; and Dathan and Abiram” (CAB)

Num_16:28-30 - If earth opens up, then God has sent Moses

Num_16:31-34 - Ground opens up (Destroyed: Korah/ Dathan/ Abiram + the people with them)

Num_16:35 - Fire devours the 250 men

Num_16:36-40 - Pick up the censors (long-term summary)

v. Num_16:38/ Num_16:40 - A Sign/ Memorial

Num_16:41 - next day: “You have killed the people of the Lord!

v. Num_16:42 - KJV: “they looked toward”; CAB/LXX: “they ran impetuously* to the tabernacle” [impetuously: ὥρμησανG3729 (hōrmēsan; Lexiacal: ὁρμάω - hormaō)]

Num_16:42-43 - God shows up again

Num_16:44-45 - Get away and I will destroy the nation at once

Num_16:46 - Make atonement for the sin to stop the plague

Num_16:47-48 - Stood between the dead and the living



>>>>>>>>> Get update /\/\/\


Num_17   Aaron’s Rod that budded


Num_18: – Aaron gets prophecy-answers

·        Keep other Israelites from being plagued (Num_18:22)

·        the priests are responsible for tabernacle

·        priests portions of sacrifices

·        Levites don’t inherit land

·        Tithe of the tithe given to Priests


Num_19: – Red Heifer, Mandatory Sprinkling purifications


Num_22: – Balaam


Num 23:23  -- Lev_19:26 -- no socery in Israel


Sequential Reversals -- Reverse Chronological Order

[5/12/17]?; 4/8/22; 6/26/24 (Samn)

TAGS: Reverse chronology



Num_22:2 – Balak the son of Zippor

Num_22:3   Moab was upset

Num_22:4 a – Moab elders plotted with Midian against Israel

Num_22:4 b – btw: Balak = king of Moab


Num 23:7 WEB  He took up his parable, and said, From Aram has Balak brought me, The king of Moab from the mountains of the East: Come, curse me Jacob, Come, defy Israel.

Num 23:7 And he took up his parable, and said, “Balak king of Moab sent for me out of Mesopotamia, out of the mountains of the east, saying, ‘Come, curse Jacob for me, and come, call for a curse upon Israel for me.’

Num 23:7  καὶ ἐγενήθη πνεῦμα θεοῦ ἐπ᾿ αὐτῷ, καὶ ἀναλαβὼν τὴν παραβολὴν αὐτοῦ εἶπεν Ἐκ Μεσοποταμίας μετεπέμψατό με Βαλακ, βασιλεὺς Μωαβ ἐξ ὀρέων ἀπ᾿ ἀνατολῶν λέγων Δεῦρο ἄρασαί μοι τὸν Ιακωβ καὶ δεῦρο ἐπικατάρασαί μοι τὸν Ισραηλ.



Num_22:20 – God tell Balaam to go with the delegation

Should Balaam not have asked the second time?

Num_22:21 – Balaam goes

Num_22:22-21 – God is angry with Balaam for going


Num_22:32-33 – Angel says Balaam’s way was perverse [LXX: ἀστεία]


NT: Balaam loved the wages of unrighteousness

>> at first: even if the king gave me his house full of silver and gold… I can’t disobey God… but later: he “loved” the wages…


Num 22:40 WEB  Balak sacrificed… but to whom?

Num 22:41 WEB  Balak took Balaam… up into the high places of Baal



Num 24:14 WEB  Now, behold, I go to my people: come, and I will inform you what this people shall do to your people in the latter days.

Num 24:14 LB  And now, behold, I return to my place; come, I will advise you of what this people shall do to your people in the last days.”

Num 24:14  καὶ νῦν ἰδοὺ ἀποτρέχω εἰς τὸν τόπον μου· δεῦρο συμβουλεύσω σοι, τί ποιήσει ὁ λαὸς οὗτος τὸν λαόν σου ἐπ᾿ ἐσχάτου τῶν ἡμερῶν.


Num 24:25 WEB  Balaam rose up, and went and returned to his place; and Balak also went his way.

Num 24:25 LB  And Balaam rose up and departed and returned to his place, and Balak went to his own home.

Num 24:25  καὶ ἀναστὰς Βαλααμ ἀπῆλθεν ἀποστραφεὶς εἰς τὸν τόπον αὐτοῦ, καὶ Βαλακ ἀπῆλθεν πρὸς ἑαυτόν.


Num 25:6 WEB  Behold, one of the children of Israel came and brought to his brothers a Midianite woman in the sight of Moses, and in the sight of all the congregation of the children of Israel, while they were weeping at the door of the Tent of Meeting.

Num 25:6 And behold, a man of the children of Israel came and brought his brother to a Midianite woman before Moses, and before all the congregation of the children of Israel; and they were weeping at the door of the tabernacle of witness.

Num 25:6  Καὶ ἰδοὺ ἄνθρωπος τῶν υἱῶν Ισραηλ ἐλθὼν προσήγαγεν τὸν ἀδελφὸν αὐτοῦ πρὸς τὴν Μαδιανῖτιν ἐναντίον Μωυσῆ καὶ ἔναντι πάσης συναγωγῆς υἱῶν Ισραηλ, αὐτοὶ δὲ ἔκλαιον παρὰ τὴν θύραν τῆς σκηνῆς τοῦ μαρτυρίου.


Num 25:8 WEB  and he went after the man of Israel into the pavilion, and thrust both of them through, the man of Israel, and the woman through her body. So the plague was stayed from the children of Israel.

Num 25:8 and went in after the Israelite man into the chamber, and pierced them both through, both the Israelite man and the woman through her womb; and the plague was stopped from the children of Israel.

Num 25:8  εἰσῆλθεν ὀπίσω τοῦ ἀνθρώπου τοῦ Ισραηλίτου εἰς τὴν κάμινον καὶ ἀπεκέντησεν ἀμφοτέρους, τόν τε ἄνθρωπον τὸν Ισραηλίτην καὶ τὴν γυναῖκα διὰ τῆς μήτρας αὐτῆς· καὶ ἐπαύσατο ἡ πληγὴ ἀπὸ υἱῶν Ισραηλ.

Num 25:9 WEB  Those who died by the plague were twenty-four thousand.

Num 25:9 And those that died in the plague were twenty-four thousand.

Num 25:9  καὶ ἐγένοντο οἱ τεθνηκότες ἐν τῇ πληγῇ τέσσαρες καὶ εἴκοσι χιλιάδες.


Num 31:8 WEB  They killed the kings of Midian with the rest of their slain: Evi, and Rekem, and Zur, and Hur, and Reba, the five kings of Midian: Balaam also the son of Beor they killed with the sword.

Num 31:8 And they killed the kings of Midian together with their slain subjects; even Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur, and Reba, the five kings of Midian; and they killed with the sword Balaam the son of Beor with their other slain.

Num 31:8  καὶ τοὺς βασιλεῖς Μαδιαν ἀπέκτειναν ἅμα τοῖς τραυματίαις αὐτῶν, καὶ τὸν Ευιν καὶ τὸν Σουρ καὶ τὸν Ροκομ καὶ τὸν Ουρ καὶ τὸν Ροβοκ, πέντε βασιλεῖς Μαδιαν· καὶ τὸν Βαλααμ υἱὸν Βεωρ ἀπέκτειναν ἐν ῥομφαίᾳ σὺν τοῖς τραυματίαις αὐτῶν.


Num 31:14 And Moses was angry with the captains of the army, the heads of thousands and the heads of hundreds who came from the battle array.

Num 31:14  καὶ ὠργίσθη Μωυσῆς ἐπὶ τοῖς ἐπισκόποις τῆς δυνάμεως, χιλιάρχοις καὶ ἑκατοντάρχοις τοῖς ἐρχομένοις ἐκ τῆς παρατάξεως τοῦ πολέμου,

Num 31:15 WEB  Moses said to them, Have you saved all the women alive?

Num 31:15 And Moses said to them, “Why have you saved every female alive?

Num 31:15  καὶ εἶπεν αὐτοῖς Μωυσῆς Ἵνα τί ἐζωγρήσατε πᾶν θῆλυ;

Num 31:16 WEB  Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against Yahweh in the matter of Peor, and so the plague was among the congregation of Yahweh.

Num 31:16 For they were the occasion to the children of Israel by the word of Balaam of their revolting and despising the word of the Lord, because of Peor, and there was a plague in the congregation of the Lord.

Num 31:16  αὗται γὰρ ἦσαν τοῖς υἱοῖς Ισραηλ κατὰ τὸ ῥῆμα Βαλααμ τοῦ ἀποστῆσαι καὶ ὑπεριδεῖν τὸ ῥῆμα κυρίου ἕνεκεν Φογωρ, καὶ ἐγένετο ἡ πληγὴ ἐν τῇ συναγωγῇ κυρίου.

Num 31:17 WEB  Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known man by lying with him.

Num 31:17 Now then, kill every male in all the spoil, kill every woman who has known a man intimately.

Num 31:17  καὶ νῦν ἀποκτείνατε πᾶν ἀρσενικὸν ἐν πάσῃ τῇ ἀπαρτίᾳ, καὶ πᾶσαν γυναῖκα, ἥτις ἔγνωκεν κοίτην ἄρσενος, ἀποκτείνατε·

Num 31:18 WEB  But all the girls, who have not known man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

Num 31:18 And as for all the captivity of women who have not known a man intimately, keep them alive.

Num 31:18  πᾶσαν τὴν ἀπαρτίαν τῶν γυναικῶν, ἥτις οὐκ οἶδεν κοίτην ἄρσενος, ζωγρήσατε αὐτάς.


Num 33:4 WEB  while the Egyptians were burying all their firstborn, whom Yahweh had struck among them: on their gods also Yahweh executed judgments.

Num 33:4 And the Egyptians buried those that died of them, even all that the Lord struck, every firstborn in the land of Egypt; also the Lord executed vengeance on their gods.

Num 33:4  καὶ οἱ Αἰγύπτιοι ἔθαπτον ἐξ αὑτῶν τοὺς τεθνηκότας πάντας, οὓς ἐπάταξεν κύριος, πᾶν πρωτότοκον ἐν γῇ Αἰγύπτῳ, καὶ ἐν τοῖς θεοῖς αὐτῶν ἐποίησεν τὴν ἐκδίκησιν κύριος.








Now (later on) we learn about how Levites live among the Israelites


Deu_18:6 WEB  If a Levite comes from any of your gates out of all Israel, where he lives as a foreigner, and comes with all the desire of his soul to the place which Yahweh shall choose;

Deu_18:6 LB  And if a Levite should come from one of the cities of all the children of Israel, where he himself dwells, accordingly as his mind desires, to the place which he shall have chosen,

Deu_18:6  ἐὰν δὲ παραγένηται ὁ Λευίτης ἐκ μιᾶς τῶν πόλεων ὑμῶν ἐκ πάντων τῶν υἱῶν Ισραηλ, οὗ αὐτὸς παροικεῖ, καθότι ἐπιθυμεῖ ἡ ψυχὴ αὐτοῦ, εἰς τὸν τόπον, ὃν ἂν ἐκλέξηται κύριος,




Other Examples of Reversed Chronology


1Sa_17:54, 1Sa_17:57-58



Mind Changing Themes

Num 23:17 WEB  He came to him, and behold, he was standing by his burnt offering, and the princes of Moab with him. Balak said to him, What has Yahweh spoken?

Num 23:17 And he returned to him. And there he was, standing by his whole burnt sacrifice, and all the princes of Moab with him. And Balak said to him, “What has the Lord spoken?”

Num 23:17  καὶ ἀπεστράφη πρὸς αὐτόν, καὶ ὅδε ἐφειστήκει ἐπὶ τῆς ὁλοκαυτώσεως αὐτοῦ, καὶ πάντες οἱ ἄρχοντες Μωαβ μετ᾿ αὐτοῦ. καὶ εἶπεν αὐτῷ Βαλακ Τί ἐλάλησεν κύριος;


>> God does not repent




Deu_4:20 -- see: Everett Summary


Deuteronomy 5


Deu_5:1 [Deu_5:27] – Hear…DO

·        Same “Hear…DO” Greek as SOM (Mat_7, etc.)

·        Also Notice the “Hear” parallel with the Shema in Deu_6:1, etc.

·        Deu_5:1 is the authoritative preceding governing context to the Deu_6:1 Shema

·        The authoritative precedent of hear includes DO, therefore when hear is in 6 it includes the DO of 5

·        You can’t claim to “Love God and Love people” unless you surpass these monotheistic standards

·        Notice that church people have no clue that Letteral “Hear…DO” obedience is part of the greatest commandment and the Gospel, so they’re much worse off than apostate Israelites.

·        Notice that hear and DO includes learning the rules of monotheism from teachers, just like it does in Mat_5:17-20

·        Notice when truth is being spoken to you, you are to be listening and not blabbing your month

Deu_5:2 – Covenant made in Horeb

Deu_5:3 – Past is applied to present generation

·        We are commanded to look for ways to apply the Bible not for way it doesn’t apply

Deu_5:4 – God spoke out of fire

Deu_5:5 [Deu_5:25] – Israel Afraid of Fire, Moses Mediates

·        Moses transmits words not paraphrase

·        Apostate religious people are afraid of God’s fiery words and they don’t feel comfortable with it

Deu_5:6-21 – 10 Words / 10 Commandments

Deu_5:12 – observe sabbath

Deu_5:13 – six days of work

Deu_5:14 – no one works on 7th day

Deu_5:15 Israelites commanded to keep Sabbath because they were enslaved in Egypt

– remember you were a servant in Egypt that why you are commanded to

·        Israel specific commands gentiles were not enslaved in Egypt













Deu_5:22 – God’s Words spoken out of Fire onto Stone Tablets

·        that of these spoken-flowing LXX words. -- Double emphatic Greek & Hebrew

·        Tablet of stone given to me (Moses)

·        Stone = unsaved Israelites

·        Tablets of stove versus tablets of heart (2Co_3:1)

Deu_5:23 – [MT: delegation of] leaders & elders came

·        MT shows delegation is successful [LXX grammar partly compatible?]

Deu_5:24 – God Speaks, Man Lives

·        This is even more remarkable for unspiritual “men” (as seen below)

·        shows delegation is successful

·        Deu_5:23-24 – They heard the voice

Deu_5:24 – Heard 

Deu_5:25 [Deu_5:5] – Voice is lethal

·        Unsaved people afraid of dying

Deu_5:26 – What Flesh Hears God & Lives?

·        “Flesh” (Deu_5:26) paralleled with “men” (Deu_5:24)

·        Note: they’re afraid of lethal voice (Deu_5:25) because they are flesh (Deu_5:26) / “men” (Deu_5:24)

Deu_5:27 [Deu_5:1] – You/Moses go and Hear and They Will Hear Do

·        Hear and DO is monotheistic formula even known by fleshly Israelites

·        Church people are not as accurate as apostate Israelite

·        Literal Hebrew & Greek = and-Hear and-DO

·        When people are saying faith alone they are saying hear alone. They are not being monotheistic even with apostate standards.

·        Notice the relationship being established:

·        One person hears and brings the Word, and then the people “hear and do” – in one sense this is specialized mediating, but in another sense this is the same type of general pattern as taught in Mat_5:17-20 & 7:13-27!

Deu_5:28 – They have spoken well/orthodox/straight [sigh]

·        Even fleshly people can talk straight sometime (not that they keep talking straight)

·        church people don’t even talk straight at all.

·        Apostate Israelites saw the fire, but church people are about as blinder as they can be.

·        V 28 raises the question of how good and or useful are there words

·        V 29 filters and specifies the limits of their ‘good’ words…

Deu_5:29 – Heart is still insufficient to obey all commands/days LXX

·        Good commandment-obedient heart craved by God

·        Even though a reader might wonder what is “good” about what Israel said, yet all texts make it clear in v 29 that there is a filter applies here on the usefulness of what they said

Deu_5:30 – Return to your houses

Deu_5:31 – You (Moses) stand here by Me [wow]

·        ALL the commands…teachDO them

·        DO the commands in the land

Deu_5:32 – Guard, DO commandment, no turning to right or left

·        No variation in either direction when obeying His commands

·        Obedience is prescribed: “as”/the type-of way LXX He commanded, not however you want to

·        He tells you what, and He also tells you how (literally)

·        You must take personal responsibility to letterally Obey All

Deu_5:33 – Walk in ALL commandments

·        Walk ≈ obey

·        Notice the links between these concepts that define letteral obedience: “Hear…DO” + “obey ALL” + “No Interpretation” = Love God with ALL
















Deuteronomy 6


Deu_6:1 – Teach to DO commands

·        Teach, DO, Inherit land = Matt 5

·        This is exactly the same as Mat_5:17-20

·        He didn’t say when you sin (as other times) he said teach to DO (because now we are talking about the soft heart of real obedience

·        Teaching to DO is the expectation of new covenant hope – purified with all loving heart

·        The Israelites are inheriting land, Jesus says the Meek will inherit land

·        Inherit land (by lot and by law)

·        Three types of rules: (A) perfected-in LXX commandments [mitsvah MT], (B) decisions/establishments/appointments/prescriptions/enactments MT | righteous-ments LXX, (C) judgments,

·        Statues and ordinances in English are replacing decisions / righteous-ments, and or judgments

·        WEB: replaces decisions with statues and judgment with ordinances

·        ABP: replaces righteous-ments/decisions with ordinances

Deu_6:2 – Fear God, guard ALL decisions/righteous-ments & commandments, teach sons

·        Fear God = Obedience

·        Fear God = Obey ALL

·        MT: your God; LXX: our God

·        All days of your life

·        Previous versus says to teach to DO, and this verse says ALL = teach to do ALL

·        Fearing God = teaching children and grandchildren to obey ALL

·        Prolonging your days is a shared new covenant goal (OT quoted in NT numerous times like this)

Deu_6:3 – Hear and watch/guard to DO, increase in land

·        Hear Israel to DO is the preceding governing content of the shema

·        No hear DO obey all = no heaven/“promise land” (their promise land =our heaven in Hebrews)

·        Success depends on hear DO obey ALL

·        Fear to hear and watch out to DO obedience to ALL is a community and multi-generational effort/zeal

Deu_6:4 – Shema: hear God is |being LXX| One (oh Israel)

·        Hear is repeated again tying verse 4 into verse 3, and chapter 5

·        Monotheism starts with hearing in a way that does obedience to all of God’s commandments

·        (remember this is the greatest commandment)

·        Greek (OT & NT) draws out the word “being” from monotheistic Lord’s Hebrew name

Deu_6:5 – Love God with everything

·        In MT | out of LXX

·        Knowledge mind added later (Joshua, Jeremiah, New Covenant)

·        Notice that loving God with everything = hear DO obey ALL

Deu_6:6 – Words on heart |and soul LXX|

·        Words, not interpretation

·        words (Deu_6:6) = commandments (Deu_6:1-3, Deu_6:6)

·        [LXX = spoken flowing word]

·        Double emphatic: that of these words (MT and LXX) = Mat_5; 7

·        He is still talking about commands, so loving God with everything (v.5) is sandwiched between hear DO obeying ALL commandments

·        Fear Hear DO obey ALL = loving God with everything = Having God’s words on your heart = New Covenant

Deu_6:7 – always teaching: sit, walk, lay, get up

·        Out of the overflow heart mouth speaks, therefore…

·        Loving God with everything (v.5) = His words on your heart (v.6) = always overflowing out of your mouth (v.7)

·        ‘always talking about them’ = Truth Obsession – this is what is prescribed/commanded for righteous believing monotheists

·        Obsessing over God’s commands is loving Him with everything

·        ‘This is the love of God: to keep his commandments’ (1 John)

·        This is why shema is 3 times per day, including night time shema for Jews

·        Notice you have to ALWAYS be talking and meditating/thinking about them to obey ALL

·        It is not uniform application (you will talk about them…) or limited to shema although that is a good place to start

Deu_6:8 – tie on hand symbol between eyes

·        Bible box came from this

·        Hand and forehead = mark of monotheism as seen in Revelation

·        direct contrast with mark of the beast

·        Writing for all in verse 8-9

·        (this better than jewelry)

Deu_6:9 – Write on door post and gates

·        Treating commands more important than the aesthetics of your house

·        You are always talking about obeying ALL and you are always/keep writing about obeying ALL

·        Saying you will write enforces a universal literacy among Jewish men

·        Universal education began as a Jewish idea not a liberal/pagan/hard nose/secular value

·        Jewish society is to declare obey ALL monotheism to everyone who comes in their realm

Deu_6:10 – When he brings you in and gives you lots of stuff…

·        Fulfilling promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

Deu_6:11 – houses, wells, vineyards, and eating unto fullness

·        You obey ALL right and get full of all good

·        In the Bible you generally should work really hard for everything good that you get

·        Whoever doesn’t work doesn’t eat

·        If you obey ALL it is okay to get lots of stuff you didn’t work for (although you have to fight for it sometimes)

·        This is the much better Biblical alternative to winning the lottery

·        Its ok to being full after doing everything God says

·        At the same time, beware of woe to being “already full” as in Luke 6: 1Co_4:8

Deu_6:12 – Beware to not forget

·        Freedom from Egypt = Jewish focus

·        Watch out for the kickback after every victory have caution to not be side swiped by the retaliation of your enemy

·        Never get lazy complacent

·        Ezekiel says when God says to the righteous they will live, never get lazy and trust in your righteousness or you’ll actually die

·        For gentiles don’t forget if God brings you out of sin

·        The apostating Israelites try to remember Egypt as if it was a good thing but we have to remember sin as a bad thing

·        The God who leads out of Egypt/sin is the real God of the Israelites/monotheism

·        The identity of the real God can be recognized this way which proofs churchianity doesn’t have him

Deu_6:13 – Fear, Serve, |stick to LXX| Swear

·        Jesus appears to quote (at least some text of the) LXX “Him only you will serve” (Deu_6; Mat_4; Luk_4)

Deu_6:14 – No other gods

·        Not hearing and doing to obey all from a DO teacher = other gods

Deu_6:15 – Avoid being jealously destroyed

·        Church people don’t have God in their midst because they are not ‘hear doing to obey all’ and thus have ‘other gods’, and yet their wrath is delayed




Deuteronomy 12



Deu_12:1 – DO


Deu_12:3-2 – idolatry / false gods is the opposite

Deu_12:4 – DO




Deu_12:8  DO

Deu_12:11-14 – future prophecy predicted again /\

Deu_12:14 – DO

Deu_12:18 – future prophecy

Deu_12:19 – watch out repeated again /\

Deu_12:21 – LXX: gave charge to you

Deu_12:25 – DO

Deu_12:28 – ...hear and DO

Deu_12:30 – gods of paganism

Deu_12:31 – bad DOing

Deu_12:32 – DO every WORD -- no adding or subtracting -- interpretation is outlawed!



Deuteronomy 13





















Deuteronomy 16























Deuteronomy 17





















Deuteronomy 18























12 Judges of Israel

Other date(s) by JS then Sewer; 7/11/20 (Revised & recompiled by JS); 3/25/23


(1) Othniel of Ephraim

·        Younger brother of Caleb

·        Defeated Cushan-rishathaim king of Syria

·        Got Caleb's daughter (his niece) as a prize wife.

·        The land had peace 40 years.


(2) Ehud of Benjamin

·        Left-handed/(ambidextrous)

·        Thrust a sword using his left hand into the stomach of King Eglon of Moab.

·        (They oppressed Israel 18 years)

·        King Eglon's fat engulfed the sword and he died.

·        Land quiet for 18 years


(3) Shamgar

·        Son of Anath

·        600 killed with ox goad / plowshare
struck Philistines (like Samson) 600 men by the plowshare and delivered Israel (by himself)


(4) Debora

·        Incl. Barak & Jael

·        Jael killed Sisera head of the army of Jabin King of Canaan

·        (They oppressed Israel 20 years)


(5) Gideon


[Abimelech, son of Gideon -- Illegal King]

·        1st Unauthorized/un-anointed King of Israel

·        Both the Law as well as Gideon had disqualified Abimelech as King


(6) Tola of Issachar

·        23 years

·        Dwelt in Shamir in Mount Ephraim

·        Entombed in Shamir


(7) Jair the Gileadite

·        22 years

·        30 sons upon

·        30 foals

·        30 cities – called properties of Jair


(8) Jephthah

·        Born of a prostitute

·        Kicked out by his brothers

·        Called upon to save Israel from the Ammorites

·        Made leader over Israel

·        His only child daughter dies by a request/commitment he made

·        Defeated Hot-headed Ephraimites


(9) Ibzan of Bethlehem

·        30 sons and 30 daughters

·        He brought in 30 wives for his sons.

·        30 daughters he sent out

·        Judge 7 years


(10) Elon the Zebulunite

·        Judge 10 years

·        Entombed in Aijalon in Zebulun


(11) Abdon the Pirathonite

·        Ephraim

·        40 sons and 30 sons/newphew/grandsons, upon…

·        70 foals

·        Judged 8 years

·        Entombed in Pirathonite, Ephraim Mount of Amelek


(12) Samson


1-2 Samuel – Samuel, Saul, David







1Samuel – From Judge Samuel to King Saul, & David Too

1Samuel 16 – Samuel Anoints David


2Samuel – From King Saul to King David



1-2 Kings

9/10/17; 9/13/17


1 Kings

1-2 – David to Solomon


1-11 – Solomon

·        5-8 – Solomon & Temple

·        9-11 – Solomon Rise & Eventual Corruption


12-16 – Rehoboam and Jeroboam -- Split Kingdom


1-2 Kings – Elijah & Elisha

1Kings 17 – 2 Kings 8 – Elijah & Elisha

At the center of the book of the Kings


2 Kings


9-17 – Jehu

17 – Assyrian captivity


18-25 – Lone southern Kingdom


18? – Hezekiah

Assyrians threaten


King Manasseh



·        Jeremiah was around during this time

·        Jeremiah: you all have not returned in heart (despite Josiah’s righteousness)


Jehoahaz / Shallum (younger brother)


Jehoiakim / Eliakim


24-25 – Babylonian Exile (King Nebuchadnezzar)

2Ki_24:1; 2Ch_36:6; Dan_1:1-2





1-9 – Genealogies, esp. of Juda & Levites


10-29 – David Stories

22-27 – temple & quire prep (not in Kings)

28-… – plans  for building the temple (not in Kings)


No dessert years

No repeat account of adultery


2Chronicles – Kings Living in Jerusalem




-- Under Construction --


Psalm 24, Psalm 34, Psalm 37

See: SOMPsalms in the SOM





Jer 7 – Judgment

Jer_7:8-34 - Judgments

Jer_7:12-14 - Temple destroyed as Shiloh was

Jer_7:16 - Do not pray for this people, because I will not hear

Jer_7:20 - Anger will be poured out as fire

Jer_7:25-28 - Prophets rising early


Jer 22Jeconiah to go into Captivity

Jer_22:1-2 - Go to king of Judah (that is, Jeconiah)

Jer_22:3-4 – Do justice = reward

Jer_22:5-9 – If not, king’s house destroyed (etc.)

Woes of Exile - Jer_22:10-23

Jer_22:10-12 – Exile

Jer_22:11-12 - Shallum (Josiah’s son) will remain in exile till he dies

Jer_22:13-17 - Woe to house built with injustice

Jer_22:18-19Jehoiakim: will die a shameful death (outside the gate of Jerusalem)

Jer_22:20-23 - Woe to Lebanon

Woe to Jeconiah - Jer_22:24-30

Jer_22:24-27 - Jeconiah son of Jehoiakim: even if a ring, still would be exiled… “And I will cast you out, and your mother that bore you, into a land where you were not born; and there you shall die.” (Jer_22:26 CAB); They in no way will return (Jer_22:27)

Jer_22:28 - Worthless Jeconiah will be thrown out into captivity

(Fulfilled: Jer_24:1; Jer_29:2; 2Ki_24:12-16; 2Ch_36:10; and Compare: Eze_19:1-14)

[Compare with the lie recorded in Jer_28:3-4]

Jer_22:29-30 – write this man down as childless


Jer 23 – False Prophets

Jer_23:1-4 – Woe to present pastors (leaders)

Jer_23:5-8 - Future promise of restoration

Jer_23:9-11 - Priest and Prophet defiled

Jer_23:14 – their adultery makes them like Sodom to God

Jer_23:15 – defilement comes from the prophets

Jer_23:16-18 – False prophet’s message is: peace for those who do not obey God’s Words

Jer_23:19-20 – but God will actually do wrath

Jer_23:21 - I did not send the prophets, but they went anyway

Jer_23:22 - If they would have listened they would have preached repentance

Jer_23:23-24 – God can reward

Jer_23:25-27 – How long prophesy from own heart??

Jer_23:28-29 – Let the real Prophet rise – isn’t this completely different from the false prophets??

Jer_23:28-40 – Presumptuous Prophecies


Jer 24 – Blessed Exiles, Cursed Residents

Jer_24:1 - Jeconiah went into Captivity (see Jer_22:28 and notes given previously)

Jer_24:2-7 - Future promise of restoration to Babylonian exiles (changed hearts!)

Jer_24:8-10 - Zedekiah, present king of Judah, & his people will be cursed & consumed into Egypt, & then everywhere else


Jer 25 – The Message of the Real Prophets

Jer_25:1-2 - Before Jehoiakim went into captivity

Jer_25:3-4 - Prophets have been sent to people, rising early

Jer_25:5-6 – “Turn, everyone of you, from his evil way, and from your evil practices” [that is, you are not saved]

Jer_25:7-8 – But you did not listen

Jer_25:9 - Because of this, I will bring judgment

Jer_25:10-18 – I will remove all joy, & bring judgment

Jer_25:11 – Captivity will last for 70 yrs

Jer_25:14 – Not in LXX

Jer_25:19-26 – List of nations to be judged

Jer_25:27 – Described & Enforced Judgment…

Jer_25:29 - “I am calling a sword upon all that dwell upon the earth” (CAB)

Jer_25:33 - A lot of people Killed

Jer_25:34-37 – Especially Pastors (leaders)

Jer_25:37-38 – Everything destroyed


Jer 26 – Jeremiah’s Prophesied Temple Destruction – Application of Real Message to Church People: God will Destroy your Religious House

At times, people can tolerate it when you talk about “those sinful people out there,” but what happens when you actually personally apply the real message from God to church people’s actual lives?

>> somehow add Micah before this…?


Initial Proclamation

Jer_26:1 – In the beginning of reign of Jehoiakim

Jer_26:2 – Speak, & “do not leave out one word” (CAB)

Jer_26:3 – “Perhaps they will listen, and turn from their evil ways; then I will cease from the evils which I purpose to do to them, because of their evil practices.” (CAB)

Jer_26:4-5 – if you will not listen… to prophets I sent early in the morning…

Jer_26:6 – …then judgment: I will destroy the temple

Church People Persecute - Jer_26:7-24

Jer_26:8Main Opposition: priests, false prophets and all the people

Jer_26:9 – Life threatened for speaking against the Temple

– “all the people assembled* against Jeremiah” (CAB) [Also: Jer_26:17 (συναγωγῇ); ]

Greek: “ἐξεκκλησιάσθη” that is, ex (out) + ekklēsiaG1577 (Assembly): to call (out) an assembly together. This word ekklēsia is what we usually translate as “Church,” and the passive voice here shows that the people in the temple where the primary culprits (see “V-FPI-3S” in RMAC and or, p. 202 ALS)];

So: All the people where (called to be) “churched”/ “assembled” together against Jeremiah

TSK: Mat_27:20; Mar_15:11; Act_13:50, Act_16:19-22, Act_17:5-8, Act_19:24-32, Act_21:30; Act_22:22

Also Compare: Psa_2:1-4; Act_21:30; Act_4:5-21, Act_4:23-31 (especially:  Act_4:6; Act_4:25-26)

Jer_26:12 – Jeremiah says: “The Lord sent me to prophesy against this house and against this city” (CAB)

Jer_26:13 – And now, amend your ways so God won’t punish you this way

Jer_26:14 – Kill if you will, but…

Jer_26:15 – It would be innocent blood “for in truth the Lord has sent me to you to speak all these words in your ears” (CAB)


Jeremiah Defended, Urijah Martyred

Jer_26:16 – Secular people knew better than the church people

Jer_26:17-19 – It is like the Elders said: Wait a minute, haven’t we seen this before??

See: Mic_3:10-11

Hard to follow break in story line:

Jer_26:20-23Urijah also prophesied the same thing… then killed

Jer_26:24 – But “Ahikam son of Shaphan” protected Jeremiah


Temple Destruction – Prophesied By many Others

How Many Times Does this have to happen before someone catches on?

Many Other date(s); 5/5/20


1Ki_8:1-66Solomon – Solomon’s Sobering Foundational Message

Mic_3:10-11 - Micah

Jeremiah: as seen above


Jesus’ Temple Destruction Prophecies
Mat_24:1-51 (& Mat_25:1-46); Mar_13:1-37; (Luk_19:43-4); Luk_21:5-36

>>>> See: LOV for summaries!!!


False Accusation:

Mar_14:58 - we hear him say he would destroy!

But real testimony:

Luk_19:43-45 - Enemies will build embankment... No stacked stones remaining

>> Sync: LOV | BSU

Luk_21:5-7 - Temple Specifically



Act_6:8 - Stephen

Act_6:10 - Could not withstand wisdom & Spirit by which he spoke

Act_6:11 - Bad guys

Act_6:12 - stirred up people

Act_6:13-14 - he speaks against this holy place!

Also See

Psa_79:1 - Lamentation




Paul was accused of being “against the people and the Law and this place” (Act_21:28 CAB)

Act_21:28 CAB  crying out, "Men, Israelites, help! This is the man who is teaching all people everywhere; and furthermore he has brought Greeks into the temple and has defiled this holy place."

against the people” – Religious Rebellion Language

the Law” – Conveniently tagged on

this place” – How many times is this going to happen?


Other Examples

Compare Ark: 1Sa_4:10-12, 1Sa_4:19-22;

And others: Isa_43:28

God relented for a season when He saw brokenness:

2Ki_22:19 – The Prophetess to King Josiah


2Ki_22:19 WEB  because your heart was tender, and you humbled yourself before Yahweh, when you heard what I spoke against this place, and against its inhabitants, that they should become a desolation and a curse, and have torn your clothes, and wept before me; I also have heard you, says Yahweh.

2Ki_22:19 LB  because your heart was tender, and you were humbled before Me, when you heard all that I spoke against this place, and against the inhabitants of it, that it should be utterly destroyed and accursed, and you tore your clothes, and wept before Me; I also have heard, says the Lord.

2Ki_22:19  ἀνθ᾿ ὧν ὅτι ἡπαλύνθη ἡ καρδία σου καὶ ἐνετράπης ἀπὸ προσώπου κυρίου, ὡς ἤκουσας ὅσα ἐλάλησα ἐπὶ τὸν τόπον τοῦτον καὶ ἐπὶ τοὺς ἐνοικοῦντας αὐτὸν τοῦ εἶναι εἰς ἀφανισμὸν καὶ εἰς κατάραν, καὶ διέρρηξας τὰ ἱμάτιά σου καὶ ἔκλαυσας ἐνώπιον ἐμοῦ, καί γε ἐγὼ ἤκουσα, λέγει κύριος.

>> Heb: Grave

2Ki_22:20 WEB  Therefore, behold, I will gather you to your fathers, and you shall be gathered to your grave [?] in peace, neither shall your eyes see all the evil which I will bring on this place. They brought the king word again.

2Ki_22:20 LB  It shall not be so. Therefore, behold, I will add you to your fathers, and you shall be gathered to your tomb [τάφον] in peace, and your eyes shall not see any among all the evils which I bring upon this place.”’”

2Ki_22:20  οὐχ οὕτως· ἰδοὺ ἐγὼ προστίθημί σε πρὸς τοὺς πατέρας σου, καὶ συναχθήσῃ εἰς τὸν τάφον σου ἐν εἰρήνῃ, καὶ οὐκ ὀφθήσεται ἐν τοῖς ὀφθαλμοῖς σου ἐν πᾶσιν τοῖς κακοῖς, οἷς ἐγώ εἰμι ἐπάγω ἐπὶ τὸν τόπον τοῦτον. καὶ ἐπέστρεψαν τῷ βασιλεῖ τὸ ῥῆμα.

>> Sync: LUX | BBSU


Jer 27 – Make Yokes & Warn the People!

Commission to Make Yokes & Initial Explanation & Proclamation

Other date(s); 2/15/19


Jer_27:2-3 - Make yokes, send to nations that come to Jerusalem

Jer_27:6 - Earth / animals given to Nebuchadnezzar

Jer_27:8-22 - Submit to Babylon, Reject False Prophets

Jer_27:8 - Nations punished if not submitted to the king of Babylon

Jer_27:9 - " not listen to your false prophets..." (CAB)

Jer_27:10 - "for they prophesy lies to you, to remove you far from your land." (CAB)

Jer_27:11 - Submission to yoke = get to stay in your own land and serve

Jer_27:12 - Zedekiah king of Judah warned to put his neck in and serve

[v. Jer_27:13 - omitted]

Jer_27:14 - they prophesy unrighteous[ly]

Jer_27:15 - 'I did not send them' 'they prophesy unrighteously to kill you & those who prophesy lies to you'

Jer_27:16 - to people/priests: Don't listen to prophets that say vessels will return from Babylon...

Jer_27:17 - 'I did not send them'

Jer_27:19-22 - Remaining vessels will go into Babylon as with Jeconiah when he was taken


Jer 28 – The Prophetic Showdown

Jer_28:1 - Hananiah H2608 / Ananias G367


Jer_28:2-4 - False prophecy – Part 1

·        Jer_28:2 – broken yoke

·        Jer_28:3 – vessels will return

·        Jer_28:4 – Jeconiah will return, will break yoke


Jer_28:5-9 - Jeremiah's Response

·        Jer_28:6 - ‘may it be’

·        Jer_28:8-9 - real prophets: spoke against


Jer_28:10-11 - False prophecy – Part 2

·        Parable (physical) yoke broken

·        will break yoke


Jer_28:12-17 - Jeremiah's Prophecy against Hananiah




12 Prophets

Twelve Prophets – The Book of the Twelve – “Minor Prophets”



Hebrew: שנים עשר, Shneim Asar

Greek: δωδεκαπρόφητον


Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi


HoseaHacks Israel


Hosea son of Beeri Marries Gomer (Daughter of Diblaim)


Quick Book Summary: Marry a Prostitute; Love an Adulteress; Prophesy against Israel


CH 1 to 3 – Jezreel: place of judgment & renewal/blessing


Hos 1:2, etc. – Wife & Children of Prostitution

Hos 1:3-9, etc. – Prophetically naming children


Hos 2:2 – Not her Husband

Hos 2:7 – Return to 1st Husband


Betrothal Covenant

·        Hos 2:18 – Covenant

·        Hos 2:19 – Betroth

·        Hos_3:2 – so I bought her

·        Hos_6:7 – ‘like men they have transgressed the covenant’ (NKJV)


Hos 3 -- Go again and Love adulteress

·        Monogamy begins/renewed


Hos_5:4 – spirit of prostitution


Hos_6:1-2 – Return initiated by Hosea


Hos_6:3 – Former & Latter Rain


Hos_6:4 – Fading Faithfulness


Hos_14:1, etc. – Return



Key Passages


Marry a Prostitute

Hos 1:2  WEB  When Yahweh spoke at first by Hosea, Yahweh said to Hosea, "Go, take for yourself a wife of prostitution and children of unfaithfulness; for the land commits great adultery, forsaking Yahweh."

Hos 1:2 CAB  The beginning of the word of the Lord by Hosea. And the Lord said to Hosea, Go, take to yourself a wife of fornication [πορνείας], and children of fornication [πορνείας]: for the land will surely go a-whoring [ἐκπορνεύουσα – prostituting-out] in departing from the Lord.

Hos 1:2  Ἀρχὴ λόγου κυρίου πρὸς Ωσηε· καὶ εἶπεν κύριος πρὸς Ωσηε Βάδιζε λαβὲ σεαυτῷ γυναῖκα πορνείας καὶ τέκνα πορνείας, διότι ἐκπορνεύουσα ἐκπορνεύσει ἡ γῆ ἀπὸ ὄπισθεν τοῦ κυρίου.


Love an Adulteress; Teach Profound Monogamy

Hos 3:1 Yahweh said to me, "Go again, love a woman loved by another, and an adulteress, even as Yahweh loves the children of Israel, though they turn to other gods, and love cakes of raisins."

Hos 3:1 And the Lord said to me, Go yet, and love [ἀγάπησον] a woman that loves [ἀγαπῶσαν] evil things [πονηρὰ], an adulteress [μοιχαλίν], even as the Lord loves the children of Israel, and they have respect to strange gods, and love cakes of dried grapes.

Hos 3:1  Καὶ εἶπεν κύριος πρός με Ἔτι πορεύθητι καὶ ἀγάπησον γυναῖκα ἀγαπῶσαν πονηρὰ καὶ μοιχαλίν, καθὼς ἀγαπᾷ ὁ θεὸς τοὺς υἱοὺς Ισραηλ καὶ αὐτοὶ ἀποβλέπουσιν ἐπὶ θεοὺς ἀλλοτρίους καὶ φιλοῦσιν πέμματα μετὰ σταφίδων

Hos 3:2 So I bought her for myself for fifteen pieces of silver and a homer and a half of barley.

Hos 3:2 So I hired her [ἐμισθωσάμην] to myself for fifteen pieces of silver, and a homer of barley, and a flagon of wine.

Hos 3:2  καὶ ἐμισθωσάμην ἐμαυτῷ πεντεκαίδεκα ἀργυρίου καὶ γομορ κριθῶν καὶ νεβελ οἴνου

Hos 3:3 I said to her, "You shall stay* with me many days. You shall not play the prostitute, and you shall not be with any other man. I will also be so toward you."

Hos 3:3 And I said unto her, You shall wait* [καθήσῃ] for me many days; and ·you shall not [οὐ μὴ] ·commit fornication [πορνεύσῃς], neither shall you be for another man [οὐδὲ μὴ γένῃ ἀνδρὶ ἑτέρῳ]; and I will be for you.

Hos 3:3  καὶ εἶπα πρὸς αὐτήν Ἡμέρας πολλὰς καθήσῃ ἐπ᾿ ἐμοὶ καὶ οὐ μὴ πορνεύσῃς οὐδὲ μὴ γένῃ ἀνδρὶ ἑτέρῳ, καὶ ἐγὼ ἐπὶ σοί.

* Stay/wait = Sit = cohabit


Betrothal Divorce

Hos 9:14 Give them--Yahweh what will you give? Give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts.

Hos 9:14 Give them, O Lord: what will you give them? A miscarrying womb, and dry breasts.

Hos 9:14  δὸς αὐτοῖς, κύριε· τί δώσεις αὐτοῖς; δὸς αὐτοῖς μήτραν ἀτεκνοῦσαν καὶ μαστοὺς ξηρούς.

Hos 9:15 "All their wickedness is in Gilgal; for there I hated them. Because of the wickedness of their deeds I will drive them out of my house! I will love them no more. All their princes are rebels.

Hos 9:15 All their wickedness is in Gilgal. For there I hated them; because of the wickedness [κακίας] of their practices, I will cast them out of My house, I will not love them anymore; all their princes are disobedient.

Hos 9:15  πᾶσαι αἱ κακίαι αὐτῶν εἰς Γαλγαλ, ὅτι ἐκεῖ αὐτοὺς ἐμίσησα· διὰ τὰς κακίας τῶν ἐπιτηδευμάτων αὐτῶν ἐκ τοῦ οἴκου μου ἐκβαλῶ αὐτούς, οὐ μὴ προσθήσω τοῦ ἀγαπῆσαι αὐτούς· πάντες οἱ ἄρχοντες αὐτῶν ἀπειθοῦντες.


God Relents…

Hos 11:8 "How can I give you up, Ephraim? How can I hand you over, Israel? How can I make you like Admah? How can I make you like Zeboiim? My heart is turned within me, my compassion is aroused.

Hos 11:8 How shall I deal with you, O Ephraim? How shall I protect you, O Israel? What shall I do with you? I will make you as Adamah, and as Zeboiim; My heart is turned at once, My repentance [μετεστράφη] is powerfully excited.

Hos 11:8  τί σε διαθῶ, Εφραιμ; ὑπερασπιῶ σου, Ισραηλ; τί σε διαθῶ; ὡς Αδαμα θήσομαί σε καὶ ὡς Σεβωιμ; μετεστράφη ἡ καρδία μου ἐν τῷ αὐτῷ, συνεταράχθη ἡ μεταμέλειά μου.

Hos 11:9 I will not execute the fierceness of my anger. I will not return to destroy Ephraim: for I am God, and not man; the Holy One in the midst of you; and I will not come in wrath.

Hos 11:9 I will not act according to the fury of My wrath, I will not abandon [ἐξαλειφθῆναι] Ephraim to be utterly destroyed: for I am God, and not man; the Holy One in your midst; and I will not enter into the city.

Hos 11:9  οὐ μὴ ποιήσω κατὰ τὴν ὀργὴν τοῦ θυμοῦ μου, οὐ μὴ ἐγκαταλίπω τοῦ ἐξαλειφθῆναι τὸν Εφραιμ· διότι θεὸς ἐγώ εἰμι καὶ οὐκ ἄνθρωπος· ἐν σοὶ ἅγιος, καὶ οὐκ εἰσελεύσομαι εἰς πόλιν.


Crying Prayer that Wins

Hos 12:3 In the womb he took his brother by the heel; and in his manhood he contended with God.

Hos 12:3 He took his brother by the heel in the womb, and in his labors he had power with God.

Hos 12:3  (12:4) ἐν τῇ κοιλίᾳ ἐπτέρνισεν τὸν ἀδελφὸν αὐτοῦ καὶ ἐν κόποις αὐτοῦ ἐνίσχυσεν πρὸς θεὸν

Hos 12:4 Indeed, he struggled with the angel, and prevailed; he wept, and made supplication to him. He found him at Bethel, and there he spoke with us,

Hos 12:4 And he prevailed with the Angel and was strong. They wept, and entreated Me: they found Me in the house of On, and there a word was spoken to them.

Hos 12:4  (12:5) καὶ ἐνίσχυσεν μετὰ ἀγγέλου καὶ ἠδυνάσθη· ἔκλαυσαν καὶ ἐδεήθησάν μου, ἐν τῷ οἴκῳ Ων εὕροσάν με, καὶ ἐκεῖ ἐλαλήθη πρὸς αὐτόν.


Monotheism – The Point of Monogamy

Hos_13:4 "Yet I am Yahweh your God from the land of Egypt; and you shall acknowledge no god but me, and besides me there is no savior.

Hos_13:4 But I am the Lord your God that establishes the heavens, and creates the earth, whose hands have framed the whole host of heaven. But I showed them not to you, that you should go after them; and I brought you up out of the land of Egypt, and you shall know no God but Me; and there is no Saviour beside Me.

Hos_13:4  ἐγὼ δὲ κύριος ὁ θεός σου στερεῶν οὐρανὸν καὶ κτίζων γῆν, οὗ αἱ χεῖρες ἔκτισαν πᾶσαν τὴν στρατιὰν τοῦ οὐρανοῦ, καὶ οὐ παρέδειξά σοι αὐτὰ τοῦ πορεύεσθαι ὀπίσω αὐτῶν· καὶ ἐγὼ ἀνήγαγόν σε ἐκ γῆς Αἰγύπτου, καὶ θεὸν πλὴν ἐμοῦ οὐ γνώσῃ, καὶ σῴζων οὐκ ἔστιν πάρεξ ἐμοῦ.


Final Redemption – Take Words, Return, Get Loved & Healed, & Have No More Idols

Hos_14:1 Israel, return to Yahweh your God; for you have fallen because of your sin.

Hos_14:1 Return, O Israel, to the Lord your God; for the people have fallen through your iniquities.

Hos_14:1  (14:2) Ἐπιστράφητι, Ισραηλ, πρὸς κύριον τὸν θεόν σου, διότι ἠσθένησας ἐν ταῖς ἀδικίαις σου.

Hos_14:2 Take words with you, and return to Yahweh. Tell him, "Forgive all our sins, and accept that which is good: so we offer our lips like bulls.

Hos_14:2 Take with you words, and turn to the Lord your God. Speak to Him, that you may not receive the reward of unrighteousness, but that you may receive good things; and we will render in return the fruit of our lips.

Hos_14:2  (14:3) λάβετε μεθ᾿ ἑαυτῶν λόγους καὶ ἐπιστράφητε πρὸς κύριον τὸν θεὸν ὑμῶν· εἴπατε αὐτῷ ὅπως μὴ λάβητε ἀδικίαν καὶ λάβητε ἀγαθά, καὶ ἀνταποδώσομεν καρπὸν χειλέων ἡμῶν.

Hos_14:4 "I will heal their waywardness. I will love them freely; for my anger is turned away from him.

Hos_14:4 I will restore their dwellings, I will love them truly: for he has turned away My wrath from him.

Hos_14:4  (14:5) ἰάσομαι τὰς κατοικίας αὐτῶν, ἀγαπήσω αὐτοὺς ὁμολόγως, ὅτι ἀπέστρεψεν ἡ ὀργή μου ἀπ᾿ αὐτῶν.

Hos_14:8 Ephraim, what have I to do any more with idols? I answer, and will take care of him. I am like a green fir tree; from me your fruit is found."

Hos_14:8 What has he [Ephraim (v.8 MT; v.7 LXX)] to do anymore with idols? I have afflicted him, and I will strengthen him. I am as a leafy juniper tree. From Me is your fruit found.

Hos_14:8  (14:9) τῷ Εφραιμ, τί αὐτῷ ἔτι καὶ εἰδώλοις; ἐγὼ ἐταπείνωσα αὐτόν, καὶ ἐγὼ κατισχύσω αὐτόν· ἐγὼ ὡς ἄρκευθος πυκάζουσα, ἐξ ἐμοῦ ὁ καρπός σου εὕρηται.



Joel – Judges Judah

Amos – Aims at Israel


Expose the profanity of the monumental places of the patriarchs



Obadiah – Opposes Edom


Jonah – Notifies Nineveh

Jonah – Warns Nineveh

Micah – Mashes Everyone

Nahum – Nukes Nineveh

Habakkuk – Halts Over Judah

Zephaniah – Zaps Judah???

Haggai – Helps House-build the Temple

With Zechariah

Zechariah – Zealous-ifies Zerubbabel?

Malachi – Mistrusts Monotheists’ Motives





The Sermon on the Mount, and in the Plain

>> See: oSOM







Mat 10

See: Lov (or wherever else this might move?)


Mat 23

See: The Bible is True



See/ compare: John Reading[TTS files]


John Chapters

Joh_4:1-42; Joh_5:17-47; Joh_6:1-71; Joh_7:1-53; Joh_8:12-59; Joh_9:35-41; Joh_10:1-42;


John 4


Joh_4:10-15 – Living Water (esp. v. Joh_4:10-11)

Joh_4:16-19 – Go call husband

Joh_4:20-24 – Worship in Spirit and Truth

Joh_4:31-38 – Real Food (esp. v. Joh_4:31-34)


John 5

Joh_5:19-20 – I only do what I see the Father do

Joh_5:21-27All judgment given to the Son (Father judges no one– partitioned nature)

Joh_5:23 – Delegated honor (dishonor goes back to the Father)

Joh_5:24 – People are being saved who here/believe Jesus

Joh_5:30 – I do nothing of myself (also see Joh 7 & Joh 14 below, and also see “Exclusivity” in the “Repent of Words” Bible study)

Joh_5:33-36 - John the Burning & shining Lamp

Joh_5:36-38 - Why aren’t you listening to The Father?

Joh_5:39-40 - Search Scriptures… think you have eternal life

Joh_5:41-42 - I know you… no Love of God in selves

Joh_5:43 - Glory from men vs. Glory from God

Joh_5:44-47 - Moses accuses you!


John 6

Joh_6:1-15 - Multiplying bread and Fish

Joh_6:16-21 - Walking on water

Joh_6:22-25 - Crowds Re-gather

Joh_6:26-36 (etc.) - Get the real Bread

Joh_6:32 - Ultra-Spiritual Transition

Joh_6:37-46 - The Father must draw (also Joh_6:65)

Joh_6:47-59 - Bread of life

Joh_6:60-71 - Got to be Spiritual

Joh_6:63 - It is The Spirit that makes alive


John 7

Joh_7:16-18 –. My doctrine is not my own


John 8

Joh_8:1-11 – The woman taken in Adultery


Joh_8:12-19 – Pharisees vs. Jesus’ & the Father’s Testimony

Joh_8:12 – Light

Joh_8:13 – Pharisees challenge

Joh_8:15 – You judge according to the flesh

Joh_8:18 – the Father …testifies about Me


Joh_8:20 – Treasury

Joh_8:21/ Joh_8:24 – you will…die in your sin.

Joh_8:23 – Origins contrasted: Heaven vs. Earth

Joh_8:26 – I have many things to say and to judge concerning you…

Joh_8:28-29 …from Myself I do nothing… ‘but from the Father…’


Joh_8:30 – …many believed


>> (Joh_15:15-16 – fruit that remains)


Joh_8:33 – We have never been any one's slaves...


Joh_8:41 – religious reference to Mal_2:10




If you Don't Believe Yourself, Then You Don't Have to Sin



John 8

Joh_8:33 – We have never been any one's slaves...

>> don't ever trust your own perception of yourself

>> don't be shallow

>> don't ever be sad when you hear truth

>> don't be rich





1Ti_1:15 – orthodox view of yourself

>> never justify yourself / give yourself any credit of being anywhere... wait till God shows things objectively

>> don't ever just say you are good, DO good and prove your spiritual reality

>> once you have been proven under truth, then you and others may rejoice


Joh_1:12 – As many as recieved Him...



V: If you are not in utter bliss at my words, you do not love me. If you don't have room in yourself/heart for my words you don't love me.


V: Loving words is how you be a discipline. That includes loving truth. This is not for my sake but for your sake.


V: Peter loves- "but you have the words of life." Eve - Zoho? - life



V: After Adam was with his wife he named her Life


John 14

Joh_14:10 - not my own Words


John 17 Summary

See: Perfect Love Bible study





Acts 10


(A) Acts_10:1-35 – Peter Receives Cornelius

Significance: Gentiles are Now Equal with Jews, Especially When Righteousness Rushes in by Jesus


v. Act_10:26 – Peter: ‘I myself am also a man-countenanced[ωπός]-one’ – κἀγὼ αὐτὸς ἄνθρωπός εἰμι

v. Act_10:34 No Prejudice A – “God is no receiver (to himself) toward countenances” [προσωπολήπτης] (i.e. v. Act_10:26) – the ‘no bowing’ had to do with the potential difference and superiority* of Jews (i.e. Peter) over Gentiles (i.e. Cornelius), which God now did not recognize when faith was happening into Jesus.

[* περισσὸν (Rom_3:1) – lit. (made)-overflowing-all-around-ness]

v. Act_10:34 No Prejudice B – ‘I take hold of [καταλαμβάνομαι] [the fact that] God does not take hold of countenances ροσωπολήπτης]…’ καταλαμβάνομαι ὅτι οὐκ ἔστι προσωπολήπτης ὁ Θεός – “λαμβ-” and “λήπ-” are actually the same root in Greek (even though this can be very challenging for English readers to perceive from English.)

v. Act_10:35Fear God + Work Righteousness = Accepted by God (Even before faith in Jesus – just as Peter directly applied it Cornelius)


(B) Acts_10:36-48 – Cornelius & Company Are Saved & Filled When Peter Proclaims Jewish Monotheism to Gentiles

Significance: God Demonstrates this New Cleansing by Anointing the Uncircumcised Nations


Peter’s Proclamation: Jewish Jesus: (1) [nation of] Israel/country of the [Monotheistic] Jews (v. Act_10:36/ v. Act_10:39) > (2) [Northern region of] Galilee [Liberal region of the nations] (v. Act_10:37) > (3) [specific city of] Nazareth (v. Act_10:38) > [the Southern region of*] Judea [conservative] (v. Act_10:37) > (4) [city of] Jerusalem itself – Crucifixion (v. Act_10:39)

[* Judea is called a “region”: Mat_19:1; Mar_10:1; Act_26:20;]


v. Act_10:36[here is] the good-message-announced, peaceful Word [τὸν λόγον], through Jesus Anointed One [Χριστοῦ (v. Act_10:38)] (Lord of all), stationed (sent) away, from God, to Israel (i.e.  The Monotheistic God chose to proclaim this life of Jesus to the Monotheistic nation of Israel):

v. Act_10:37·remember [ὑμεῖς οἴδατε] the ·spoken flowing word [ῥῆμα] from [region of] Galilee down [καθ᾿] through all [ὅλης] of [the region of*] Judea [the conservative region of Monotheistic Israel] that came after the immersion proclaimed by John:

v. Act_10:38·The God [ὁ Θεὸς] was with Jesus and ·anointed/christened/christ-ified [ἔχρισεν (v. Act_10:36)] the [τὸν] Jesus [the historical one] from Nazareth [not the polytheistic one you may have “invited into your heart”] with a (the) holy (clean/monotheistic) spirit and power [δυνάμει] to do good/heal oppressed people under the devil coming down on them with (polytheistic) power [καταδυναστευομένους (same root word)]. [Note: “doing good” = overthrowing polytheism/personal guidance spirits]

v. Act_10:39 – Peter & company* witnessed the miracles from the (general) ·country of the [Monotheistic] Jews [ἔν τε τῇ χώρᾳ τῶν ᾿Ιουδαίων] all the way to Jerusalem itself [the capital of all Monotheism], where they killed Jesus on a tree.

[* esp. the stationed/sent away apostles?]

v. Act_10:40 – God resurrected Jesus ·in visible/public light [ἐμφανῆ γενέσθαι]

v. Act_10:41 – …exclusively displaying Him to ·the pre-hand-picked [τοῖς προκεχειροτονημένοις] witnesses (Peter & company)

[Important Note to Liberal/Independent Americans: God demands that your faith in Jesus’ saving resurrection is absolutely dependent on your continued faith in the Words/testimony of those He sends!]

v. Act_10:42Jesus = JUDGE (of living and dead) – Jesus: ·message-announced next to [παρήγγειλεν] for them to proclaim [κηρύξαι] & ·thoroughly testify/witness [διαμαρτύρασθαι] that Jesus ·has been marked out by a horizon [ὡρισμένος] (Rom_1:4) as a judge of living and dead

v. Act_10:43Prophesied Forgiveness Through Faith in His Name – All fore-speakers/prophets testify/witness: ·Actively take hold of [λαβεῖν V-2AAN (v. Act_10:47)] forgiveness/sending away of sins through believing into His name

v. Act_10:44Holy Spirit Falls·the Spirit the one that is Holy [τὸ Πνεῦμα τὸ ῞Αγιον] / Falls in [ἐπὶ (v. Act_10:45, Act_10:48)] Midst of Spoken/Flowing Words [ τὰ ῥήματα summarized as τὸν λόγον]

v. Act_10:45 – (B) Gift [ἡ δωρεὰ] of the Holy Spirit ·poured out [ἐκκέχυται] upon [ἐπὶ (v. Act_10:44, Act_10:48)] Nations/Gentiles/(former) pagans/polytheists (A) Jews/Circumcision εριτομῆς πιστοὶ] ·standing out of themselves (ecstasy-ed) in amazement [ἐξέστησαν (v. 10)]

v. Act_10:46 – (A) Audible Proof of Filling: - ·speaking in tongues/languages [λαλούντων γλώσσαις]·Mega-ifying/magnifying [μεγαλυνόντων] ·the (one) God [τὸν Θεόν][i.e. ethnic polytheists (i.e. those pagan by birth) are now having a clearly monotheistic spiritual filling/encounter (with the one God) which is always very unusual!] (B) Peter responds…

v. Act_10:47No stopping [κωλῦσαι] immersion/baptism [βαπτισθῆναι] in water [ὕδωρ] when the filled nations have taken a hold of [(v. Act_10:43)] ·the one (Jewish, Monotheistic) spirit, the one that is holy [τὸ Πνεῦμα τὸ ῞Αγιον] 

v. Act_10:48 – (A) Nations immersed*, in the name of… TSB-texts: “the lord” [τοῦ Κυρίου]; A-texts: “Jesus anointed one” [Ἰησοῦ χριστοῦ] (B) Peter & company stay with [ἐπιμεῖναι – lit remained upon (Act_10:44-45)] them some days

[* under Peter’s arranged-toward command/instruction: προσέταξε]




Other dates; 2016 (Rom 1 – 16); 2024 (Rom 2)


Romans 1 – 16 – Quick Chapter Summaries

Other dates; 6/2/16; 6/10/16; 7/11/24-7/12/24


Rom 1

The nations are under sin and just condemnation

Rom 2

Jews are also under sin

(Paul says ‘we Jews really are right’, as Jesus speaks on behalf of Jews this way in Joh_4:20, Joh_4:22)

Rom 3

Everyone is under sin

Rom 4

Salvation must be by favor

Rom 5

Now that you are saved, this is what it looks like

Rom 6

Just because the nations were freely forgiven by Jesus from past sins without the law, does not mean they can lawlessly continue in present sins and be Christians.

BIG Transition:

Freely forgiven from past, but not free to Continue in Present

Though you nations were freely forgiven from your past sins by faith in Jesus without even having the law, this does not mean that you can freely continue in present lawlessness and sins and be saved.

Rom 7

Nor Can Jewish Christians continue in the sins of being under the law

Rom 8

When we were saved we were set free from sin, and we have to live this way hoping in predestination to make it to heaven

Rom 9

Present-day Israel is an example of People Not Predestined for heaven

Rom 10

This is how salvation actually work in contrast to present-day Israel’s example

Rom 11

But Don’t forget, because of Predestination, one day all Israel will be saved (Rom_11:26)

Rom 12

In light of the fact that you nations are now the ones who are saved, I charge you how you must follow Jesus

Rom 13

Submit to authority (etc.)

Rom 14-15a

Don’t be foolish and fleshly and abuse your “Freedom” – Actually Love people and seek their benefit

Rom 14-15b

This is why the Gentiles are saved



Rom 16


Rom_16:1-2 – Phebe, the female deaconess “διάκονον” G1249 (diákonon)


Romans 2

July 2024; 7/7/24; 7/11/24-7/12/24


Rom_2:1 – Bad Judging, by Doing The Same

·        Without a word to give over from yourself in legal defense

·        The potential Jew is being described as a non-Jew with the word "man", because his judgment is disobeying the law, and therefore his circumcision has become uncircumcision (Rom_2:25)

·        Rom_2: Rom-SOM: No judging & doing the same (Mat_7:1-6/Luk_6:37, etc. & Rom_2:1-6)

Rom_2:2 – God's True Judgment Upon Bad Practices

Rom_2:3 – Hypocritical Judges Won't Escape Judgement

·        Being logical is the healthy solution to hypocritical inconsistency

·        "Fleeing out" will not be successful

·        PRACTICE in verse 1 is being paralleled would DO in verse 3

Rom_2:4 – Kindness to Repentance

·        Holding up - God is practicing self-restraint... by the abundant riches of His kind usefulness

·        Liberals love to tolerate disarrangement and chaotic destruction and hateful crimes, but God is patient, without tolerance, and has the passionate zeal of hot breathing which causes him to have an occasion to display his patience

·        Liberal tolerance festers epidemical disease, but God's kindness and patience leads to repentance

·        Religious spirits despise God continuing to show kind usefulness to more overt sinners, because they don't love salvation and repentance and redemption like God does...

·        They despise down with their mind what God foresees & loves as valuable

·        Religion is agnostic / ignorant / doesn't have knowledge

·        The religious person doesn't realize that they themselves need to be led to repentance from watching God's kindness lead more overt sinners to come closer to redemption

·        SOM: God = Kind-useful to the un-favorably-thankful

·        Mat_5:45Sun & Rain On Good And Bad

Rom_2:5 – Unrepentance Treasures up Wrath

·        The real justice/righteousness of the real God is hidden and in need of being brought out from hiddenness

·        Real Justice is not intuitive to evil and perverted flesh, like piggish gentile pagan even pseudo-Justice

·        Righteous-judgment is being compounded as one word here

·        SOM: Treasuring up wrath

Rom_2:6 – Judged by Works

·        SOM: Matthew 7 and Romans 2 reinforce the same standard of being judged by the deeds of your works

·        Paul Agrees with Jesus/SOM in Rom_2:6-13, etc.

·        Paul ≠ “Apostle of grace” -- grace-alone, etc.

·        Paul = “Apostle of Favor” -- which includes the fruit of works

Rom_2:7 – Eternal Life to those Seeking and Working Good

Rom_2:8 – Wrath to those Unpersuaded to the Truth

·        Argumentative, unpersuaded, but persuaded by Injustice

Rom_2:9 – Tribulation for Nasty Workers

·        Getting knocked with tribulation and constrained narrowness for working down the chaotic destructive anti-life of nastiness

·        Every soul of MAN is held accountable, unlike the animals

·        The gift of logic creates an indebted requirement for giving over (intensely working down) productive life for the souls inside bodies with a human brain

·        Jew is most responsible for giving over logic, and thereafter the Greek / gentile

Rom_2:10 – Value/honor and Peace to Good Workers

·        Jew, then Greek

Rom_2:11 – No 'Respect of Persons' Next to the God

·        Taking toward countenances

Rom_2:12 – Sinning & Perishing; Sinning & Judgment

·        Sinning and being judged through law

·        SOM/BOND: Obey + No-Sin

·        SRP: Sinner go to hell

Rom_2:13 – Here + Do = Righteous

·        SOM: Here + Do ! (Mat_7:24-27/Luk_6:47-49: 2 Houses; 2 Foundations)

·        This is an explicit reference back to The Sermon on the Mount and it's monotheistic here do heritage

Rom_2:14 – Nations Doing Law Autonomously

·        Autonomy only happens when you're doing God's law from your own accord

·        by nature ~ doing autonomously oneself

·        DO!

·        Being a New Covenant heart purifying autonomous law obeying gentile is described socially from an external perspective as 'not having law'

·        Therefore, Gentiles don't have the law of Moses specified particularly to them, and they are left as being without a law given to them specifically and particularly, yet the New Covenant makes them lawful by nature unlike those who received a law specifically and particularly to themselves

Rom_2:15 – Law Written on Hearts

·        You're not allowed to be a Maddened, crazed, foaming at the mouth, insane Bible commentator and supposedly theologian, and act like Paul is talking about something other than the New Covenant!

·        New Covenant: Jer_31:33; Heb_8:10; Heb_10:16 (I will put/write my laws in their minds and on their hearts)

·        A heart that knows how to logically accuse a category of guilt and to apologetically defend the innocent is the only valid trained conscience that is canonical enough to be trusted for judgment

·        Saying you don't feel convicted about something is a pagan heathen perverted gentile mindless sloppy evil rebellious hypocritical intentionally perverted raging rebellious war apostate mentality

·        A logical conscience that knows how to categorize as guilty and as blessed innocent is the canonical conscience and heart which has the law written on it - this is so canonical it lasts through judgment

·        Written in heart is directly contradistinguished from being an imposter toward an external document

·        Together testifying and together perceiving are being dynamically put together and playing off of each other

·        The canonical conscience which has the law of God, the Holy inspired scriptures written on it, testifies in perfectly inspired agreement between other / one another, consciences of those perfectly inspired in their hearts with canonical consciences

·        Church people's conscience conveniently knows how to receive flatteries, but knows nothing of ever feeling convicted by nature from those things actually having been written in the Bible

·        Canonical hearts can actually demonstrate that their consciences have been canonically inspired and written upon by God's law in their hearts

·        This is a scientific demonstration, not a subjective privatization

Rom_2:16 – Secrets Judged in Judgment Day, According to Paul's Gospel

·        Secret motives are off limits for unlawful judging here in Romans 2 just like they are prohibited in 1st Corinthians 4

·        Bad judging is being linked from Matthew 7 and Luke 6 in The Sermon on the Mount with here in Romans 2, which in turn links it to 1st Corinthians 4 -- you have to be linking all of these judgment passages together to be obeying all the Bible, and they themselves are reinforcing this stated reality that obliges you to combine

·        Gospel ≠ Good News

·        The real Gospel says secrets of men will be judged on Judgment Day by God - the Real Good Message is sad news for those continuing in sin, like the hypocritical Jews coming against in Romans 2

·        SOM JudgementRom_2:16 Judgement

·        Rom_2:13-16 = Written on hearts; autonomously Doing; New Covenant; lasts through judgement ≈ SOM: Mat_7:21-27 / Luk_6:46 (Lord, Lord…House…Fell)

Rom_2:17 – Religious Jew rests on Law and Boasts in God

·        Religious hypocrites like to 'pause up again', and repose, kicking their feet up on a lazy boy, reading upon A certain idea and not challenge themselves to keep on thinking and applying the integrity of critical thinking against one's own heart

·        Religious boasting about God will get you into hell

·        They are named a Jew / called a Jew, but this is not impressing Paul in this inspired Scripture

·        Boast-rejoicing can be bad here in Romans 2, just like it is bad among the apostate Corinthians

·        Jew in name, resting to(ward) law, boasting in God

·        Anti-Hypocrisy: Mat_6:1-8; Rom_2:17-29 (no fake resting in the law); -- consistent, just like with Judging (Mat_7)

·        Hypocrisy = not true in the SECRET: Mat_6:4-6, Mat_6:18;  Rom_2:29

Rom_2:18 – Knowing The Will, and Testing-s and Approving-s, of that Thorough-carrying

·        Catechized out of the law

Rom_2:19 – Persuaded that You’re a Light

·        A way leader to blind ones, light to those in darkness

·        This is exactly what church people do when they sing that they will "let their little light shine"

·        Fake Light: Mat_6:23 (SOM: Dark light); Rom_2:19 (Hypocritical light)

·        Blind Leading Blind: esp. Rom_2:19; Luk_6:39; [Isa_9:16; Isa_56:10; Mat_15:14; Mat_23:16-26; Luk_6:39; Rom_2:19; 1Ti_6:3-5; 2Ti_3:13]
>> Sync: SOM | SUM

Rom_2:20 – Law's Shape / Form used to Train Children

·        Mindless ones are conceived as those who don't have the instruction of law

·        Paul consents that the law is in the shape of knowledge & Truth

·        Shape/form (Rom_2:20); Shadow (Colossians & Hebrews: Col_2:17; Heb_8:5; Heb_10:1); (exterior) container to Fill Up (SOM: Mat_5:17-20)

Rom_2:21 – Teaching Others, and Yourself, Not to Steal

·        Rom_2:21-23 – Heart-crimes of stealing, adultery, & idolatry = Law breaking
>> Sync: SOM | SUM

Rom_2:22 – Adulterer Teaching No Adultery

·        SOM: visual adultery of the heart is clearly in view in Romans 2:22, and in Matthew 5:27-30

·        Idols & temples

·        Making idols stinky, yet stealing from temple places

Rom_2:23 – Boasting & Breaking Law = Dishonoring God

·        Greek: …παραβάσεως τοῦ νόμου τὸν Θεὸν ἀτιμάζεις;

·        Loosing & Not fulfilling the Law & Prophets with overflowing righteousness (Mat_5:17; Mat_5:20) ≈ breaking “least” commandments & teaching (Mat_5:19) ≈ Not Doing the law & the prophets (Mat_7:12) ≈ Lawlessness [οἱ ἐργαζόμενοι τὴν ἀνομίαν] (Mat_7:23) ≈ Hearing & Not DOING (Mat_7:13-27) ≈ Breaking law [παραβάσεως τοῦ νόμου] (Document-Orientation) (Rom_2:23, Rom_2:27) ≈ not practicing law (Rom_2:25) ≈ not keeping law (Rom_2:26)
[Mat_7:12: οὕτω καὶ ὑμεῖς ποιεῖτε αὐτοῖς· οὗτος γάρ ἐστιν ὁ νόμος καὶ οἱ προφῆται]
>> Sync: SOM | SUM

Rom_2:24 – Jew Causes Blasphemy Among Gentiles

·        God's name blasphemed among nations through hypocritical Jew

·        They are not a light to the Gentiles in the darkness (Rom_2:19) when they are causing these very Nations to blaspheme God (Rom_2:24) through their examples of religious Jewish hypocrisy

Rom_2:25 – Circumcision Only Profits Law Practicers

·        The profitableness of circumcision excludes the blasphemous results of the Nations watching hypocritical apostate Jews - hypocrisy and profaning God's name among the nations are not a profitable result of being circumcised as a Jew

Rom_2:26 – Righteousness of the Law Kept by Gentile (Worded-Circumcised)

·        Paul explicitly and clearly teaches that the Gentiles are supposed to be keeping the morality/righteousness of the law - this takes almost all of the "guess work" out of which rules Gentiles are supposed to be responsible for keeping

·        Paul is explicitly reaffirming the God-fearing rules for the sons of Noah, just like the Acts 15 Jerusalem council ruled

·        Nowhere is Paul an antinomian, that's only apostate church people in the heritage of Martin Luther and similar villains

·        Guarding/keeping the law, here, is being paralleled with doing and practicing it, as mentioned previously

·        Logical circumcision (Romans 2) and logical crucifixion (Romans 6) are morally successful and approved accomplishments that save at judgment

·        Physical systems have an observable potential, just like logical systems are also observable realities that are real and even tangible in various ways throughout the observable universe

·        Both physical and logical realities are part of the observable universe, neither of which are to be confused with allegorical ideas and hopeful Truths which are not directly part of the observable universe.

·        Allegories and parables are things that are inherently different and often morally impotent and ineffective which have to be literally thrown together with a moral reality to take on significance and meaning and effectiveness - this is NOT the case with logical realities!

·        When Paul talks about logical circumcision and parallels it with logical crucifixion, these tangible and solid realities themselves accomplish moral effectiveness without the need to be compared with something else in order to gain meaning and potent accomplishment

·        This is the same and perfectly consistent with logical circumcision, crucifixion, and the reality of potent righteousness which God logically infuses into those who believe, and you're not allowed as a logical creature to pretend like logic is not a real and effective and potent concrete truth that is actually happening in reality!

·        Keeping the real righteousness of the real law is being logically counted and computed as logical circumcision since this logical circumcision is accomplishing actual real righteousness in reality - this is the real potency of The logical righteousness which God gives us and it is abomination to suggest that logic is less tangible and real than physics when it is established upon the righteous morality of the law itself

Rom_2:27 – Uncircumcised Completely Perfects Law, & Judges Hypocrite

·        When you're rotting in hell forever under the judgment of someone's logical circumcision and perfected righteousness, you will never be able to raise your ugly head again and say it was just figurative!

·        Paul keeps reaffirming that religious hypocrisy breaks the rules of the law, not that it zealously (righteously) keeps them like church people mindlessly keep parroting/repeating

·        Document-Orientation = breaking law [σὲ τὸν διὰ γράμματος καὶ περιτομῆς παραβάτην νόμου]

Rom_2:28 – Apparent Jew is Not Real

·        Greek: SOM = Rom_2…

·        SOM: Mat_6:4-18 and Rom_2:28-29 -- (external) appearance vs. hidden righteousness

·        SOM-Rom: Appearance vs. Secret-hiddenness

·        SOM-Rom Variant: “In the Appearance/Light” = TSB & Rom_2:28

·        Words are universally parallel; specific phrase has textual variation in Mat_6, which is repeated in Rom_2:28 without variation, implying it apparently belongs somewhere in the SOM as evidenced by Paul

·        Appearance ([Mat_6:2], TSB Mat_6:4, Mat_6:5, TSB Mat_6:6, Mat_6:16, TSBMat_6:18; Rom_2:28) vs. Secret-hiddenness (Mat_6:4, Mat_6:6, at_6:18; Rom_2:29)
[TSB|Mat_6:4, Mat_6:6, Mat_6:18| / Rom_2:28: ἐν τῷ φανερῷ vs.  / Rom_2:29: ἐν τῷ κρυπτῷ ]
[Rom_2:28: …
᾿Ιουδαῖός ἐστιν…ἐν σαρκὶ περιτομή]
>> Sync: SOM | SUM

·        Appearance of flesh ≠ (real) Jew or circumcision

·        SOM: Paul links the Obedience of Mat_5: & 7 with being Spiritual [περιτομὴ καρδίας ἐν πνεύματι] in Mat_6:

·        Rom_9:6-7 – not all Israel who are of Israel… nor all produced-children [τέκν] because they are the seed [σπέρμα] of Abraham [οὐδ᾿ ὅτι εἰσὶ σπέρμα ᾿Αβραάμ, πάντες τέκν]

·        Joh_8:37-39 – they are Abraham’s seed/descendants [σπέρμα] vs. Abraham’s produced-children [τέκνα]

Rom_2:29 – Real Jew of Secret Heart Spirit

·        Secret = real righteousness/Truth/Jewishness

·        SOM: Mat_6: reward ≈ Luk_6: Favor ≈ Rom_2: Praise from God [οὗ ὁ ἔπαινος οὐκ ἐξ ἀνθρώπων, ἀλλ᾿ ἐκ τοῦ Θεοῦ]



Romans 3-4 – Favor Instead of Our Works

See Romans 3-4 in Favor of God Bible study


Rom 4 And James

Paul is saying that forgiveness of past sins is not obtained by works, but by stopping works: 'to him who does not work...'

When you have faith, you are justified by omition.

James is saying that now that you have a forgiven life, your a candidate for being approved for living a new life for Jesus. James never addreses the need to cleans a defiled past, but Paul captitalises on it. 

You were justifyed from your past commisions of sin when you stopped them all by faith (including the ones that try to make up for the past). Now you need to walk this walk and work the works of faith so that you are justified by not presently omitting righteousness.

Your past is cleaned by stopping your own works, while your future is secured by doing God's works.

Paul is inviting you to go in the door, and James is inspecting you when you pass through. (Mat_22:8-13)


1st Corinthians

Reasons to obey headcovering includes:

If your life is in danger and someone says they like something you would do what they says

Therefore it is hypocritical to demand that someone prove a command from the Bible before you do what the Bible likes

You are blocking a command in numbers 5 if you don’t cover her head

Hebrews says to imitate therefore you are not allowed to demand a command before you obey imitation

1st Corinthians 11 actually does give a command for her to be covered


Psalm 34 you should be like David, rejoice with David’s faith that means you have got to be meek

2. Be meek

If you are not meek you can’t be apart of this kingdom


The Meek in 4 parallel with poor begging Dad

The beggar is begging (cried)



Poor are saved from all affliction




1 Timothy

The Structure and highlights of the epistles to Timothy


1st Timothy Summary

Timothy’s Mission (Ch 1) > Care for the world (Ch 2) >  Order the Church (Ch 2) >  Church leadership (Ch 3) >  Church Preaching (Ch 4) >  Church People (Ch 5 and Ch 6)


1Tim 1

1Ti_1:3-20Timothy’s Charge and mission (esp. 1Ti_1:3-4; 1Ti_1:18; as also in: 1Ti_3:14-15; 1Ti_4:13-16 > 2Ti_1:6; [1Ti_1:18 – prophecies; also compare: “Keep clean”]; 1Ti_6:20)

1Ti_1:3-11 – This is how you can teach to fulfill the charge

1Ti_1:12-17 – Paul’s Testimony is an example of this (esp. 1Ti_1:16)

1Ti_1:18-20 – Paul really wants Timothy to make it (not like those who have fallen in v. 1Ti_1:20; this leads into the next chapter)


1Tim 2

1Ti_2:1-7 – How to Live in Ephesus (pray for salvation)

1Ti_2:8-15 – How to order the Church (Men: 1Ti_2:8; Women: 1Ti_2:9-15; esp. )


1Tim 3

1Ti_3:1-16 – How to Take Care of Church leadership

1Ti_3:1-7Overseers (“bishops”)

1Ti_3:8-13Servants of the Church (“deacons”)

1Ti_3:11Female servants of the Church (“deaconesses”); (cannot be a “devil”/ slanderer: Joh_6:70; 2Ti_3:3; Tit_2:3)

1Ti_3:14-15 – Back to the mission

1Ti_3:14-16 – The praise in light of all this

1Ti_3:14-161Ti_4:1-11 – Got to Oppose Flesh-based righteousness!


1Tim 4

1Ti_4:1-16 – Preach in light of the End Times (2Ti_3:1-17)

1Ti_4:1 – “some[τινες (tines)] will depart from the Faith (i.e. “some” is an unspecified amount, which is in fact, the majority as seen in 2Pe_2:2).

1Ti_4:13-16 - The solution is truth


“Some” Explanation

In this case, Peter shows us that where Paul refers to “some,” [τινες (tines)] this includes the majority; “Some” very clearly refers to the majority in the following passages:

Heb_3:16 (Heb_3:15-19); 1Co_10:10; Rom_3:3; Rom_11:17 (Clearly the majority: Rom_11:1-5; Rom_11:7-32; Rom_11:19-21; Rom_11:32; the word some is used in verses: Rom_11:14, Rom_11:17; also remember: Rom_3:3)

(I would say that this “some” majority dynamic also applies to: Mat_16:28/ Luk_9:27; 1Co_6:11; 2Co_3:1) also compare: Php_1:15


1Tim 5

1Ti_5:1-25 – How  to deal with Different people – A

1Ti_5:1 – Older men (Elders), younger men

1Ti_5: Older women (Female Elders), Younger women “as sisters, with all purity.

Widows and Leaders - How and who to compensate

1Ti_5:3-16Widows (Determine which ones are REAL Widows: 1Ti_5:3; 1Ti_5:5)

1Ti_5:4; 1Ti_5:8; 1Ti_5:16 - Relatives should provide for them

1Ti_5:17-21Elders (called “overseers” in 1Tim 3)

1Ti_5:22-25 – Keep clean from other people's sins


1Tim 6

1Ti_6:1-21“How to deal with Different people” - B

1Ti_6:1-2 – Servants

1Ti_6:3-10 – False teachers [money-liking teachers that do not teach according to good-fear (reverence)]

1Ti_6:11-16 – How flee from this, and preach truth instead

1Ti_6:17-19 – Rich people

1Ti_6:20 – Reminder of Timothy’s Mission

1Ti_6:20-21 – How to avoid corruption


2nd Timothy

The Structure and highlights of the epistles to Timothy


2nd Timothy Summary

Paul’s final written exhortation to Timothy to be faithful

1 You have been faithful, now keep being faithful

2 Here is how to live out faithfulness

3 Live out faithfulness in light of the end times

4 So keep faithfully proclaiming, because most will turn away in the end times, just like they have now turned away from me at the end of my life


2Tim 1

>> Make this consistent with above summary:

Give yourself faithfully to the favor of God by being faithful to the truth and favor in others who are real Christians

1Ti_1:1-18 – Paul’s  relationship with Timothy (& then others)

1Ti_1:3-5 – Paul likes Timothy a lot with God’s Love

1Ti_1:6-8 - He wants Timothy to be a man of God and Love him back

1Ti_1:9-10 – Real Christians should be excited about Loving each other because God’s favor is all over them!

1Ti_1:11-14 – Paul’s commission and Timothy’s charge in all of this

1Ti_1:15-18 – The faithful and the unfaithful (examples)…


2Tim 2

1Ti_2:1 – So Timothy should be faithful to favor because of this

/\ Make this consistent with what is said in summary above







2Tim 3



2Tim 4




See: Perfect Love Bible study


2nd Peter


2Peter 2



2Pe_2:1 - there will be false teachers... (Jud_1:4)

2Pe_2:2Many will follow them… the way of truth will be blasphemed

2Pe_2:3 - covetousness

2Pe_2:4 - angels (Jude-like section begins)

2Pe_2:12 - non-speaking natural animals

2Pe_2:13 - revel in the daytime... spots and blemishes...

2Pe_2:14  - having eyes full of adultery...

2Pe_2:17-18 - false promises/ lusts of the flesh

2Pe_2:19 - promising to them freedom...

2Pe_2:20-22 - better to have never been saved

(Compare 2Pe_1:9-11)






:1 – bond slave not liberal

Brother of James/Jacob but apparently half-brother of Jesus

Jud_1:3 – doing all speedy diligence to write

He is agonizing upon doing = letteral obedience to the traditions/transmissions.

Once for all = can’t change the Bible /Faith (same as Jesus’ once for all sacrifice in Hebrews)

The once traditioned (canonical faith) was given to and is defined by holy ones

Bent up again need can be somewhat predictive of end times like 1 cor7

The faith which holy ones have is the standard canonical faith to fight for

contend for the faith

Jud_1:4 - [have] crept in unawares (2Pe_2:1)

Jud_1:5 - saved people can be destroyed

Jud_1:6-7 – angels vs. Sodom & Gomorrah

Jud_1:8 - dreamers

Jud_1:10 - what they know naturally, as brute beasts (illogical)

Jud_1:11Korah’s rebellion

Jud_1:12-13 - spots...

Jud_1:14-15 - Enoch...

Jud_1:16 -complainers... respect of persons

Jud_1:17-18 - remember apostles! (Jud_1:4 / 2Pe_2:1)

Jud_1:19 - soul-based divisions (see: Jas_3:15)










Rev 17

Rev_17:1-2 -  the great prostitute... many waters (Rev_17:15; Rev_18:3)

Rev_17:3 - scarlet-colored animal

Rev_17:4 - ritch!

Rev_17:5 – MYSTERY (Remember 2Th ?)

Rev_17:6 - blood of the saints (Rev_18:24)

Rev_17:6-7 - Why did you Marvel G2296 ?

Rev_17:9-18 - interpretation

Rev_17:16-17 - burn her with fire (Rev_18:7-8;  Rev_18:18; Rev_18:20-21)

>> neciasarily talking about the church

Eze_16:37-44 - Jerusalem

Lev_21:9 - daughter of priest burned


Rev 18

Rev_18:2 - Babylon the great is fallen

Rev_18:3 - all nations... (Rev_17:1-2; Rev_17:15)

Rev_18:4-5 - Come Out!! (Mat_25:6)

Rev_18:7-8 - "god doesn't want his children to suffer"

Rev_18:18 - smoke of her burning

Rev_18:20-21 - Rejoice over her


Rev 19

Rev_19:1-6 - Praise God for Judging her!




Larger Summaries




2013-2014 (seen below); (< BBS; Summary >) 8/15/22-8/16/22


Hebrews 1

Heb_1:3 – quotes Deuterocanonicals

Heb_1:4 – Jesus is better than the angels.

Heb_1:6 – Angels worship first born when brought into world (pre-incarnate Divine emphasis)

Heb_1:7 – messengers of fire

Heb_1:9 – Love unrighteousness, hate unrighteousness

Heb_1:9 – Anointed with oil of gladness

Heb_1:13 – Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool


Hebrews 2

Heb_2:2-3 – The New Testament is more important than the Old Testament

·        Word-based, not paraphrase

·        EVERY rule breaking is punished

·        Neglecting great salvation is even worse

Heb_2:5, Heb_2:16 – angels continued (still talking about them)

Heb_2:7 – Made a little lower than the angels

Heb_2:14 – Through death he might destroy him who had the power of death

Heb_2:18 – He suffered and able to help those being tempted


Hebrews 3

Heb_3:1, Heb_3:3-6 – Jesus = God

Heb_3:3 – Being faithful like Moses

Heb_3:6 – Whose house we are if we hold fast …until the end

Heb_3:12 – Beware of evil-hearted unbelief in your heart like those in the wilderness (“Numbers”)

Heb_3:15, etc. – Do not harden your heart

Heb_3:13 – exhort || Don’t forsake assembling: Heb_10:2?

Heb_3:14 – beginning to the end


Hebrews 4

Heb_4:1-11 – Enter into His rest (esp. v. 10)

Heb_4:10, etc. – Cease from your own work

Heb_4:12-13 – Word of God living & powerful

Heb_4:14 – We have a great High Priest

Heb_4:16 – We can come to that great High Priest to obtain mercy [?] and favor in time of need


Hebrews 5

Heb_5:1-3 – Compassionate (priest) for ignorant sins

Heb_5:4-6 – Melchizedek

Heb_5:7-8 – strong crying

Heb_5:8-9 – learned obedience by suffering & made perfect/consecrated

Heb_5:10-11 – Dell hearing hard to understand Melchizedek mysteries

Heb_5:12 – You should be teachers by now and yet you still have need for milk

Heb_5:13 – You need experience in righteously fighting for God’s Words

Heb_5:14 – Solid food belongs to those having experiences to discern/judge/percieve between good and evil


Hebrews 6

Heb_6:1-3 – Move on from the elementary principles

Heb_6:4-8 – Impossible to taste of heavenly things and fall away to be restored

Heb_6:9 – better things for you

Heb_6:10 – God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of Love

Heb_6:11-17 – Mimic those that through faith and patience inherit the promises

Heb_6:18 – fled for hopeful refuge

Heb_6:19 – Anker for the soul

Heb_6:19-20 – Melchizedek-ian entrance into Holy of Holies



Hebrews 7

Heb_7:3, Heb_7:6 – Melchizedek without genealogy

Heb_7:4 – Abraham gave him a 10th

Heb_7:5, Heb_7:18 – a command to take tithes… which (application) is disarranged (with the priesthood)

Heb_7:7 – less blessed by greater

Heb_7:12 – change of the priesthood & law is required

Heb_7:18 – a disarrangement of the previously leading command

·        (for Leviticus priesthood to take tithes: Heb_7:5)

·        Heb_10:28 – disarrangement requires death

Heb_7:25 (Heb_7:28) – save to the thorough carrying

Heb_7:26 – separate from sinners





Hebrews 8

Heb_8:1 – sum: we have such a high priest

Heb_8:5 – shadow

Heb_8:6 – better covenant & promises

Heb_8:7-8 – finding fault with them









Hebrews 9

Heb_9:5 – There are still mysteries of the Ark of the Covenant

Heb_9:7 – Priest entered only once a year to cover for the yearly sin

Heb_9:9 – Not able to make him who is serving to be perfect in regard to the conscience





Hebrews 10

Heb_10:1 – Law having a shadow. Never able to make perfect those coming near

Heb_10:8 – Sacrifice and offering you did not desire

Heb_10:9 – He takes away the first so he can establish the second


Heb_10: – Not forsaking the assembling together

Heb_10: – Fearful to fall into the hands of the Living God

Heb_10: – Patience so that after you may take of the promises


Hebrews 11

-- See Below!!--


Hebrews 12

Heb_12:1 – surrounded by such a great cloud of witness…lets run the race

Heb_12:2-3 – looking to Jesus

Heb_12:4 – not resisting sin to the shedding of blood



Heb_12:5-11 – Disciple is sorrowful but afterwards peaceable fruit of righteousness

Heb_12:14 – no holiness no heaven

Heb_12:15 – Failing God’s favor

Heb_12:15-17 – fornicator like Esau…not finding repentance with tears

Heb_12:18-21 – The terror of Mount Sinai

Heb_12:22-24 – Songs of Ascend





Hebrews 13









Hebrews 11 Summary and Bible Study

12/8/13; 12/13/13; 12/15/13; 12/29/13; 1/2/14; 1/5/14; (other dates); 1/10/14-1/12/14



Heb_1:3, etc. (Jesus = the standing under foundation)

Heb_3:6, etc. (Heb_3:9 - they perceived God's works, but did not remember them by faith)

Heb_3:12 - departing from living God

Heb_3:14 - hold down the standing under



Heb_10:24 onward...


Heb_10:36 – Promises/Firm Pronounced Messages


Heb_11:1 – Faith is a standing under hope for things a convincing prove of pragmatic matters not seen

Heb_11:3 – age is form

Heb_11:4 – Abel’s better sacrifice

Heb_11: – Enoch translated


Heb_11:8-10 – Abraham’s wondering

Heb_11:13(36) – died in faith without promises

Heb_11:14-16 – Better city

Heb_11:17-19 – Isaac offered (only kind generated one)

Heb_11:20 – Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau


Heb_11:21 – Joseph’s bone

Heb_11:23 – Moses hid

Heb_11:24 – Moses denies Egyptian son ship

Heb_11:25 – Afflicting soul

Heb_11:26 – anointed insult richer than Egypt’s treasures… he looked to the reward

Heb_11:27 – left Egypt seeing the invisible one

Heb_11:28 – Passover blood sprinkling, escaping firstborn destruction

Heb_11:29 – Passing through red sea

Heb_11:30 – Walls of Jericho fell


Heb_11:31Rabah saved

Heb_1132: – Gideon, Baric, Samson. Jephthah, David Samuel, Prophets etc

Heb_11: – Conquered kingdom, worked righteousness, obtain promises, stop lions mouths


Heb_11:34 – Quench the fire, sword, powerful from weakness, defeated foreigners

Heb_11:33-34 – (Daniel and his friends)

Heb_11:35 – Children resurrected, others tortured for better resurrection

Heb_11:36 – Trial, mocking, whipping, bonds, jails

Heb_11:37 – stoned, cut in two, tried, killed with the sword, animal skins, destitute, afflicted, abused

Heb_11:38 – world=not worthy…wondering in lots of places

Heb_11:39 – didn’t receive the promises

Heb_11:40 – They are made perfect with us




















[κομισησθεG2865 V-AMS-2P  τηνG3588 T-ASF  επαγγελιανG1860 N-ASF]

Heb_11:9 - Promised land

Heb_11:11 - Sara lead God's pronouncements to be faithful to her

Heb_11:13 - Did NOT recieve promises... [μηG3361 PRT-N  λαβοντεςG2983 V-2AAP-NPM  ταςG3588 T-APF  επαγγελιαςG1860 N-APF]

Heb_11:17 - he (Abraham) who had recieved them [οG3588 T-NSM  ταςG3588 T-APF  επαγγελιαςG1860 N-APF  αναδεξαμενοςG324 V-ADP-NSM]

(Heb_11:19 – καὶ ἐν παραβολῇ ἐκομίσατο. )

Heb_11:33 - DID Obtained them [επετυχονG2013 V-2AAI-3P  επαγγελιωνG1860 N-GPF]

Heb_11:39 - Did NOT recieve promises... [ουκG3756 PRT-N  εκομισαντοG2865 V-AMI-3P  τηνG3588 T-ASF  επαγγελιανG1860 N-ASF]









Heb_11:5-6 < Gen_5:22-24


Heb_11:11 – Sarah's Leading into Faith



Heb_11:11 – Many Children


Eze_19:10-11, 14



Heb_11:11Targums & Youth Renewal for Pregnancy

Targums have the idea of a woman being renewed as in the days of her youth...


"II. And Amram, a man of the tribe of Levi, went and returned to live in marriage with Jokeved his wife, whom he had put away on account of the decree of Pharoh. [JERUSALEM. And there went a man of the tribe of Levi and took Jokeved, who was beloved of him, (or, who was related to him,) to wife.] And she was the daughter of a hundred and thirty years when he returned to her; but a miracle was wrought in her, and she returned unto youth as she was, when in her minority she was called the daughter of Levi. And the woman conceived and bare a son at the end of six months"

(Pseudo-Jonathan on Exo_2:1, etc.)


" shall be revived, and, behold, Sarah thy wife shall have a son."

(Pseudo-Jonathan on Gen_18, etc.)

"JERUSALEM. And He said, Returning I will return to thee at that time, to revive you, and, behold, Sarah thy wife shall have a male child."

"But Abraham and Sarah were old, they had mounted (alu) in days, and with Sarah the way of women had ceased. And Sarah wondered in her heart, saying After that I am old shall I have conceptions, and my lord Abraham is old? [JERUSALEM. And Sarah derided in her heart, saying, After that I am old, is it possible to return to the days of my youth, for me to have conception, and Abraham old?] And the Lord said to Abraham, Why hath Sarah so laughed, saying, Can it be in truth that I shall bear, being old? Is it possible to hide anything from before the Lord? At the gracious time I will return to thee, in the time when you shall be revived, and Sarah shall have a son. And Sarah denied and said, I wondered not; for she was afraid. And the Angel said, Fear not: yet in truth thou didst laugh."

"XXI. And the Lord remembered Sarah according to that which He had said to her; and the Lord wrought a miracle for Sarah like to that for which Abraham had spoken in prayer for Abimelek. [JERUSALEM. And the Lord wrought miracles for Sarah, as He had spoken.] And she conceived, and Sarah bare to Abraham a son..."

"And Sarah said, The Lord hath done wondrously for me; all who hear will wonder at me. And she said, How faithful was the messenger who announced to Abraham, and said, Sarah will nurse children, for she shall bring forth a son in her old age! [JERUSALEM. And she said, What was the announcement which announced to my lord Abraham at the beginning, and said, It will be that she will give suck, because she shall bring forth a son in her old age?]"

"Hearken unto all that Sarah saith to thee, because she is a prophetess; for in Izhak shall sons be called unto thee..."


Heb_11:11 – Sarah's Laughing & Faith

Gen_17:17 – Abraham Laughed

Gen_18:12-15 - we focus on her laughing, but Peter focuses on her calling Abraham "lord" (see below)


>> Gen_12: at the beginning Sarai was taken by Pharaoh, but now that they are old, that kind thing had not happened in a long time



>> Review Gen_18 -- 20... (esp. how Sara had stopped being woman-ish)


>> maybe she laughed at first, but by the time she honored her husband (a few words later), God received her faith and repeated her righteousness as an example for us to imitate (or, at least it showed that she was in that righteous habit)

>> notice that God re-stated the promise after her laugh, and there is no more 'correction' given to sarah after that!

>> important principal: God does not do favorable miracles through doubting people, wether tha would be a "doubting Sarah", or a (temorarily) rebuked Zacharias... they have to come to faith before they can be favored.

>> since they ended up faithful, it is on you to carefully consider how they ended up that way

>> Carefully consider with fear and reverence, that they are of greater faith than you. If you get hung up on their relatively small issue that foolish you think you see, then your hypocrisy is your guilt.

>> by the time Sarah produced Isack (Gen_21:1-3) she had praise-worthy laughter (Gen_21:6-7/ MT: Psa_126:2) and was prophesying (Gen_21:9-11; Gal_4:30-31) so much so that GOD (and later Paul) agreed with Her (Gen_21:11-14) !!!!!

>> Sarah LEAD God into being faithful after her initial laughter, so you ought to imitate her



>> Do not say: "now that i understand i can agree with the NT" But instead insist that because I agreed w the NT first therefore I save my soul when reading the OT!!!!

>> The Bible is written in the context of those who OBEY IT!!! -- Therefore, as soon as you get in the posture of obying it, you pertain to understanding it, and eventually you might even teach it!




(Comp. Luk_1:18-20 – Zachariah vs. Luk_1:34-35 – Mary)


1Pe_3:6 CAB  as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, of whom you became children, when you do good and are not afraid of any terror.

1Pe_3:6 Greek  ὡς Σάρρα ὑπήκουσε τῷ ᾿Αβραάμ, κύριον αὐτὸν καλοῦσα· ἧς ἐγενήθητε τέκνα, ἀγαθοποιοῦσαι καὶ μὴ φοβούμεναι μηδεμίαν πτόησιν.


The Point: Sarah's Laughing is actually a repeated answer for how to read the Bible righteousltly:



Sir you said we're so prone towards an "evil eye and despising"- yes, i think i probably used to think that Sarah laughed out loud (i.e. to say, I even forgot that Sarah laughed IN HER HEART). It's probable that i used to hold her accountable to an external action when she DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING SOCIALLY
And also, I can see how she was encouraged to believe after the angel repeated himself; it seems that prophecy about things done in secret is really provocative =-D (Joh
_4:29 CAB Come, see a Man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Christ?"; 1Co_14:24-25 CAB But if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or an unlearned person comes in, he is reproved by all, he is discerned by all. 25 And so the secrets of his heart become clear; and so, falling down on his face, he will worship God, reporting that God is truly among you!)



Gen_18 – Sarah in the Tent Behind Abraham

V: [5:48:47 PM] Miranda: I saw this last week: at home depot, a muslim man and his wife walking in the parking lot. She was walking directly behind him about 6 ft the whole way to the car. It was counter-culture because couples usually walk side by side and I noticed it.


Sarah Regenerated, Hagar Sent Away

V: [6:38:18 PM] Miranda: were men in the OT one flesh with all their wives?? or just the first

V: God done did better than botox and all kind of facial surgery

V: [6:47:50 PM] Miranda: I understand that God made her regenerated into a 15 yr old again, but why if sarah was adequately covered could abimalech see what sarah looked like?? could he see her face and form in public?


1/13/14 Response


V: =)-K Hello to the wonderful proclaimer of truth. Thank you thank for being sooooo spiritual

V: my dazzling mommy said that your words yesterday made it easier for her to endure through her womanly issues yesterday.

V: by the end of the night she was standing up and happily praising you my lord

V: we were soooo impress with you justifying righteous Sarah

V: my lord you are the best lawyer I know. The day started out with the "evil eye/ American church" against Biblical Sarah. By the time you were done with your case, Righteous Sarah was carried out of the courtroom on the backs of the righteous as they praised and rejoiced over her righteousness. WOW Sarah is attractive indeed.



Heb_11:17-18 – Circumcision > Seed

Gen_17:10-12, etc.


The Sons of Joseph

Gen_48:5-6, etc.


Heb_11:23 - A City Child?






handsome, LXX Jud_3:17 (of Eglon)

honourably, πράττων LXX 2Ma_12:43



"The Greeks used to call the opposite of asteíos, the urban person, the agroíkos, the one who comes from agrós (G68), field or countryside. Therefore, asteíos came to be assumed as one who is fair to look on and attractive, a suggestion of beauty but not generally of a high character."

(WS on G791)


hoped against hope... believed w out seeing


Heb_11:26 – Moses Loved 'the name Reproaches' of the Anointed One


Bible Researcher Tries to Explain Away Moses' Mystery Suffering

When interpretive translators fail to indicate viable alternatives in the margin, they sometimes cause serious difficulties for teachers, even for those who are well versed in Scripture. I once visited an adult Bible class being taught by a young seminary-trained pastor, in which one woman asked a question about Hebrews_11:26, which says that Moses counted “the reproach of Christ” (τὸν ὀνειδισμὸν τοῦ Χριστοῦ) greater riches than the treasures of Egypt. Unfortunately everyone there was using the NIV, which states that Moses “regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt,” and she wanted to know how a determination to suffer “for the sake of Christ” could be attributed to Moses (even before the ministry of the prophets), and why the Old Testament failed to mention this motive in its account of Moses. The pastor was caught flat-footed by this excellent question, and began to stumble. He looked at me hopefully, but I could give no help, because I had never heard such a statement being quoted as Scripture, and I had no better version of the Bible with me to jog my memory of the verse. If Hebrews_11:26 had been quoted in a more literal form, I might have explained “the reproach of Christ” in the way that I have always understood it; but I could not explain the NIV’s “disgrace for the sake of Christ.” As happens far too often in modern versions, the NIV here imposes a very questionable interpretation on the text, currently favored in some circles, without providing readers with a note giving the more literal rendering, or in any way indicating the more likely traditional interpretation of the phrase. 15 In its defense, one might argue that it is just possible to interpret the simple genitive construction in this way, if we suppose that the author was being somewhat lax in his style; but it cannot be said that the Greek genitive ever expresses “for the sake of.” For that, a prepositional phrase is required, like δια with the accusative. The simple genitive construction τὸν ὀνειδισμὸν τοῦ Χριστοῦ is here more naturally understood as “the same reproach that fell upon Christ,” and this meaning is not hard to discern from a literal rendering like “the reproach of Christ” in this context. The question raised by the woman in my friend’s Bible class would not have been raised if it were not for the “helpful” NIV rendering, which made the true sense of the phrase virtually inaccessible to the class; and it would not have been hard to answer if a less interpretive rendering were given in the margin.




Heb_11:27 < --- > Exo_2:14-15 – MOSES Forsook Egypt, Not Israel

What is It Saying?

- Not the Exodus: (A) Only says "Moses", not Israel, (B) King was not in anger at the Exodus, (C) Exodus is out of chronological order (whereas the whole passage is distinctly chronological).




We Got to our Main Answer Last Time

- We are doing something terribly wrong when reading the Bible

- The fact that they are in the Bible obligates us to closely examine how they are righteous, and not reactionally look down on them (if we do that, then we cannot be trusted with sensitive/Holy spiritual things)


>> Yes, it's only human to be persuaded that Sarah's laughter is doubt for her whole legacy, but we are rebuked if we settle for that: See: Mere Men


Moses "Not Fearing"???

Heb_11:27 – Moses "not fearing"???

>> Exo_2:14

Heb_11:32 – Samson Praised??


- this is the same thing done in Heb_11:11

- The un-deniable point: we are reading the Bible wrong, beause we come up with different conclusions than the Bible does.


Al: Question: I thought we concluded from previous readings that even though Sarah laughed, she led her laughter into favorable joy; in the same way would it be wrong to conclude that Moses led his "fear" into faith like Sarah?


Al: Would this explanation for both paradox reactions happening to both people be a non-spiritual explanation?


Al: What would be incorrect for someone to say "Yes" to the question, "did Moses fear (negative)?' or did Moses have faith (positive)?"




>> Jas: LEAD it all into favorable joy...


- possibly: fearing temporarily, but then stopping fear before leaving

-- but in any case, we are assuming things that are just not stated, and are actually flat wrong/not true



NT Had More Info/ Scriptures than we Have


>> keep in mind that the Bible is actually a very brief summary of all the possible things to know about these events. We should be really reverent about what we think and say and teach.


- Moses: we should aslo consider that the NT has more info....

- sometimes i wonder if they have more than us (such as janas and jambries mentioned in the preceding chapter in the -unofficial- targum of Pseudo-Jonathan)


Exo_2:11 WEB  It happened in those days, when Moses had grown up, that he went out to his brothers, and looked at their burdens. He saw an Egyptian striking a Hebrew, one of his brothers.

Exo_2:11 CAB  And it came to pass in that length of time, that Moses, having grown, went out to his brothers, the sons of Israel. And having noticed their distress, he saw an Egyptian striking a certain Hebrew of his brothers, the children of Israel.

Exo_2:11 Greek  Ἐγένετο δὲ ἐν ταῖς ἡμέραις ταῖς πολλαῖς ἐκείναις μέγας γενόμενος Μωυσῆς ἐξήλθεν πρὸς τοὺς ἀδελφοὺς αὐτοῦ τοὺς υἱοὺς Ισραηλ. κατανοήσας δὲ τὸν πόνον αὐτῶν ὁρᾷ ἄνθρωπον Αἰγύπτιον τύπτοντά τινα Εβραῖον τῶν ἑαυτοῦ ἀδελφῶν τῶν υἱῶν Ισραηλ·


Act_7:23 CAB  Now when he had turned forty years old, it came into his heart to look upon his brothers, the sons of Israel.

Act_7:23 Greek  Ως δὲ ἐπληροῦτο αὐτῷ τεσσερακονταετὴς χρόνος, ἀνέβη ἐπὶ τὴν καρδίαν αὐτοῦ ἐπισκέψασθαι τοὺς ἀδελφοὺς αὐτοῦ τοὺς υἱοὺς ᾿Ισραήλ.


Also: the Martyrdom in Heb_11:37


Why NOT Fearing is Morally Important

- like father like son/ like mother like daughter -- Biblical


Side Note: Tamar Was also Righteous


[2:33:19 PM] Miranda: since tamar and moses and abraham were righteous...and what they did was not sinful...then were they always without what point did they become righteous, were they born righteous.

V: so they did sin sometimes, but the instances that we think are sin are not because the bible does not condemn them

V: [2:39:25 PM] Miranda: so they did sin sometimes, but the instances that we think are sin are not because the bible does not condemn them

V: [2:45:21 PM] Miranda: since david was righteous, then how did he sin?

V: [2:52:57 PM] Miranda: did tamar seduce judah and david eat the showbred knowing that they were doing right...or did they just do these things without thinking and were somehow overpowered by God


[3:01:08 PM] Miranda: so tamar was connected to God and she knew how to righteously solve her dilemma even though she may not have understood why she was to play a harlot

[3:06:14 PM] Miranda: I haven't heard that judah did owe her a child righteously?
[3:07:28 PM] Miranda: wow! this is great ...i never heard this for the first time I understand why she was not sinning!
[3:10:20 PM] Miranda: it was super depressing for me when I was a kid to go to church hear how people that I thought I should be worshiping were sinning

V: [3:21:49 PM] Miranda: believe it or not..i never in my life heard that it was important to obey the bible, before you. when i first started hearing "obey the bible" it seemed strange.

V: I agree my lord you were the first person to actually tell me that

V: [3:55:45 PM] Miranda: since mary was great, if she was here, we would want to bow before her in honor, then is it wrong to bow before a statue of Mary like catholics do?

V: Al says Wis_14:12

V: [4:02:28 PM] Miranda: did they think they were worshipping God by the golden calf

V: [4:05:31 PM] Miranda: they didn't have the 10 commandments yet,so did they know to not worship the "bull" in place of God

V: Wis_13:17? "lifeless object"?

V: I had said oral tradition


No Idolatry

Avoiding the patriarchs does not mean it ok to make idols and bow down to them





Heb_11:37 – Wandered

MT: Gen_20:13


Heb_11:37 – Sawn in Two

Conversely, see the good predecessor: 2Sa_12:31; 1Ch_20:3; Psa_21:9, Amo_1:3

>> I hate them who hate you…


2Sa_10:1-4; 1Sa_11:1-2


Will I be Standing Behind?

Heb_11:37 <> Psa_23:1 / Luk_22:35 – sent out preaching


Sounds like: “I will not in no way leave you; I will not in no way leave you behind”

Vs: “my God why have you forsaken me”?


Joh_2:3  AndG2532 lackingG5302 wine


Hab_2:3 – wait for God’s prophecy


Irony of wealth: Mat_19:20

1Co_1:7  so thatG5620 youG1473 be notG3361 lackingG5302 inG1722 not oneG3367 favor…

Heb_12:15 – oversight is there to watch and make sure of this


Php_4:12 – I know how to come behind


1Co_4:8-13 CAB  You are already full! You are already rich! You have reigned as kings without us; and I wish that indeed you did reign, in order that we also might reign with you!  9  For I think that God has displayed us, the apostles, last, as men appointed to death; for we became a spectacle to the world, both to angels and to men.  10  We are fools for Christ's sake, but you are wise in Christ! We are weak, but you are strong! You are distinguished, but we are despised!  11  Even unto this present hour we both hunger and thirst, and we are naked, and beaten, and homeless.  12  And we labor, working with our own hands. Being reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we endure;  13  being defamed, we encourage; we have become as the sweepings of the world, the offscouring of all things until now.

1Co_4:8-13 Greek  ἤδη κεκορεσμένοι ἐστέ. ἤδη ἐπλουτήσατε, χωρὶς ἡμῶν ἐβασιλεύσατε· καὶ ὄφελόν γε ἐβασιλεύσατε, ἵνα καὶ ἡμεῖς ὑμῖν συμβασιλεύσωμεν.  9  δοκῶ γάρ ὅτι ὁ Θεὸς ἡμᾶς τοὺς ἀποστόλους ἐσχάτους ἀπέδειξεν ὡς ἐπιθανατίους, ὅτι θέατρον ἐγενήθημεν τῷ κόσμῳ, καὶ ἀγγέλοις καὶ ἀνθρώποις.  10  ἡμεῖς μωροὶ διὰ Χριστόν, ὑμεῖς δὲ φρόνιμοι ἐν Χριστῷ· ἡμεῖς ἀσθενεῖς, ὑμεῖς δὲ ἰσχυροί· ὑμεῖς ἔνδοξοι, ἡμεῖς δὲ ἄτιμοι.  11  ἄχρι τῆς ἄρτι ὥρας καὶ πεινῶμεν καὶ διψῶμεν καὶ γυμνητεύομεν καὶ κολαφιζόμεθα καὶ ἀστατοῦμεν  12  καὶ κοπιῶμεν ἐργαζόμενοι ταῖς ἰδίαις χερσί· λοιδορούμενοι εὐλογοῦμεν, διωκόμενοι ἀνεχόμεθα,  13  δυσφημούμενοι παρακαλοῦμεν· ὡς περικαθάρματα τοῦ κόσμου ἐγενήθημεν, πάντων περίψημα ἕως ἄρτι.





Exodus 10-12 Summaries

-- Under Construction --

This part is not done yet. If you would like to help finish it, please let me know.

Exo 10

Exo_10:1 - I have hardened

Exo_10:2 - tell children

Exo_10:3 - you refuse?

Exo_10:4-6 - locusts

Exo_10: -

Exo_10: -

Exo_10: -

Exo_10: -

Exo_10: -

Exo_10: -       Exo 11

Exo_11: -

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Exo_11: -

Exo_11: -

Exo_11: -

Exo_11: -

Exo_11: -

Exo_11: -

Exo_11: -       Exo 12

Exo_11: -

Exo_11: -

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Exo_11: -

Exo_11: -

Exo_11: -

Exo_11: -

Exo_11: -

Exo_11: -

Exo_11: -











Jeremiah 27


Jeremiah 28



Here are all the web links to Repentance_Revolution












