SOM Memorization Poster

Memorize the Overviews & Moral Summaries of “The Sermon on the Mount” (Matthew 5 – 7 with Luke 6)

Updated: 9/5/2024 (see Revision History);; © Josiahs Scott & (All rights reserved. No derivative works allowed)


Mat 5     94SLRASCE

Mat 6     MPFMW

Mat 7     JPA9C


Mat 5              94SLRASCE = 9 Blessed-s, [4 Woes], Salt & Light, Law Fulfilled, Relationships, Adultery, Swearing, Cheek, Enemies

·        9 Blessed-s of the “Beatitudes”: BMMHMHPP = Beg, Mourn, Meek, Hunger, Merciful, Heart, Peace, Persecuted........... (Mat_5:1-12)

·        [4 Woes: RFLW = Rich, Filled, Laughing, Well-Spoken........................................................... (Luk_6:24-26)]

·        Salt & Light........................................................................................................ (Mat_5:13-16)

·        Law Fulfilled -- by Detailed Obedience: FITR = Fulfill, Iota, Teacher, Righteousness................... (Mat_5:17-20)

·        Relationships -- Reconciliation & Restitution: MSA = Murder, Sacrifice, Adversary................... (Mat_5:21-26)

·        Visual          Adultery -- of the Heart................................................................... (Mat_5:27-30)

·        Remarriage  Adultery -- of Divorce..................................................................... (Mat_5:31-32)

·        No Swearing: OHEJHW = Oaths, Heaven, Earth, Jerusalem, Head, Word............................. (Mat_5:33-37)

·        Cheek; Mile; Give: CMG.................................................................................... (Mat_5:38-42)

·        Love Enemies: LSLOP = Love, Sun, Lovers, Overflowing, Perfect..................................... (Mat_5:43-48)


Mat 6              MPFMW = Mercy, Prayer, Fasting, Money, Worry                                          verses

·        Secret Mercy-Alms & Prayer: CTPRB = Caution, Trumpet, Pray, Room, Babble.............. (Mat_6:1-8)

·        Lord's Asking Prayer: HKWBFTE = Hol-ified, Kingdom, Will, Bread, Forgive, Temptation, Evil............. (Mat_6:9-15)

·        Secret Fasting: SAW = Sad, Anoint, Wash.................................................................. (Mat_6:16-18)

·        Hate Money: TEL = Treasuring, Eye Health, & Lords..................................................... (Mat_6:19-24)

·        Don't Worry: SBHCE = Soul, Birds, Height, Clothing, Eat............................................... (Mat_6:25-34)


Mat 7              JPA9C = Judge, [Parables], ASK, 9 Dos, Crowds                                               verses

·        Don't Judge: JSD = Judging, Speck, Dogs..................................................................... (Mat_7:1-6)

·        [SOM Parables: BTS = Blind, Teacher, Speck...................................................................... (Luk_6:39-42)]

·        ASK = Asking, Seeking, Knocking................................................................................ (Mat_7:7-12)

·        9 Dos of Hear & DO: GPTLH = Gates, Prophets, Trees, Lord, House............................... (Mat_7:13-27)

·        Crowds Amazed at Authority.............................................................................. (Mat_7:28-29)



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Revision History (for this Document) 

6/10/24…6/29/24; 8/20/24-8/24/24…9/5/24



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I’ve hidden word in heart to not sin


It’s the real Gospel!


Mat_4:17; Mat_4:23


Moral emphasis

Memorize the moral structure of the SOM



Note: This course costs on particular platforms, but it is freely available to TC Disciples

