Love Lowliness

Josiahs Scott,,


These are unpublished personal notes for our community.

Like usual, in cases like this, you should contact us so that we can teach you all of these exciting and helpful things.


Submitted Suffering

Love Rebuke:

·        EasilyPersuaded

·        Disarrangements


Deal With Your Attractions, Quick!:

Domestic Discipline

No Social Shame:


Monetary Lowliness

Poor Scriptures List

Recompiled: 6/28/12

Note: Viewing this resource as a webpage requires JavaScript to be “Enabled” in order to display important links

What To Do When God Testifies Against You:



Loving Trials




Luxury Reading

>> Lux Filtered

>> Additions/ TODO!




These are personal notes that are still being compiled from numerous Bible studies over many years that we hope to finish one day so that they can be more beneficial to many people in loving the glory and honor of weakness in this life to gain truth from God.



Josiahs Scott 1

Loving Trials. 4

Get Romantic Toward God When Going Through Trials. 4

Defining Romance & Her Enemies. 4

Some Ways God Reveals His Romance. 5

It Is Time For Romantic Justice! – God’s Extravagant Love vs. Our Imperative Ambition. 6

I am Tired of Romantic Injustice! 7

God Withdraws To Wait For Justice. 7

Don't Go Crazy. 8

Paul Tells us How to Stay Sane in Trial 8

Job's Different "Friends". 8

The “Friends” that Make You Crazy or Sane. 8

How To Win by Romance. 9

Making Someone Happy is What Romance Obligations Are All About 9

Faithful Romance is The Way to Win. 9

FollowUps. 9

Be Happy & Feminine. 10

List things you can do to make God happy: 10

--------------- 10

Being Willing to Receive Evil 10

Dealing with Drama. 11

Persecution. 11

Flee Persecutions. 11

Love Disciplin. 12

Domestic Discipline of the Righteous. 12

Josiahs Scott 12

Examples of things that might call for a spanking. 13

Romantic Trails – That’s what God Really Want in Place of Shallow Complacency and Limited Romance. 14

The Element Of Anger In Discipline. 14

The Righteous Management of Sorrow.. 15

DD & Discernment 15

Domestic Discipline is Not Just A Little Romantic, it Is Downright Erotic. 15

Things to Look Up. 16

WebLinks. 17 17 17 17 17 17

A Man’s Authoritative Charge. 17

Terms of Punishment Prerogative – I Command You to Fear Me and Love Me For Disciplining You! 17

Approach the Consuming Fire Throne with Favor, Boldness, and Fear 18

Retaliating in the Form of Temper Tantrums Opposes Favor 18

A Spiritual Woman’s Passionate and Amazing Romantic Response. 19

Discovering Domestic Discipline – A Dramatic Poem.. 19

Signed Plaque on the Wall 20

Excerpts From Salvation Marriage. 21

Will Your Salvation Marriage Mean Comfort and/or Discipline?. 21

What Happens when a Salvation Marriage Means Discipline & Correction?. 21

Side Spiritual Notes – How We Ended Up in This Bible Study. 23

The Background Nature of 24

Women made to Teat Their Husbands As New Fathers. 24

Why you need to write Poetry to your Wife. 24

Probation. 25

Initial Probation. 25

Faithfulness During Probation. 26

The Integrity of Isolation. 26

Only Argue if You Have (1) Wisdom and or (2) The Spirit 26

Self-Quarantine. 26

The Point: How to Respond & Know Your Probation. 27

Accountability for Those Still In Probation. 27

Opening the Window - Follow Up. 28

--------------- 28

Arpox. 29

Absolute Humility that Snuffs Out all Chance of Arpox. 29 31

Confronting The Observer 35

--------------- 35

What to Do When God Testifies Against You. 39

Naomi Says, 'God has Testified Against Me' 39

4 Levels / Scenarios of Opposing Testimony. 40

(1) I Like You, But You Still Need To Go Through Bad Feelings. 40

(2) I Like You, But You Are WRONG.. 41

(3) I Do Not Like You (Currently), and You Are Wrong -- I am Rejecting You / and Testifying Against You. 41

(4) Unforgivable State of Absolute Rejection. 41

Understanding the Difference & the Boundaries of Application. 42

The Terrifying Oblivion of Insensitivity to God’s Rebuke. 43

What if You Do Not Perceive chastening?. 43

Conscious Being Seared. 43

Samson Did Not Realize that God had Left Him.. 43

Cain Refused Tender Appeals – CAB, WEB, Greek. 43

Judas Not Openly Exposed/Confronted At First 44

Judas Betrays Jesus. 44

Don't Defend Yourself! – Don’t Avoid Bad Feelings. 45

Bad Feelings Superior to Good Feelings. 46

Love the Healthy Times of Bad Feelings. 46

Arpox Criminals Flatter Themselves. 47

Judge Your Selves! 47

Introductory Warnings. 47

Doing Good, But Rebuked. 47

God Speaks, But Not As Quickly As You Think -- When People Are Still Under Probation. 48

Modern Examples of Busted Bubbles. 49

Worship Music Example. 49

“god Told me…”. 49

Tragedy = Reality. 49

Moments of Intensity. 49

Handling Trials. 50

Primary Biblical Examples of Receiving Opposition from Heaven. 50

Jonah’s Example. 51

Moses. 51

Post-Crucifixion Disciples. 51

Saul of Bengamine. 51

Job says, 'God has Testified Against me' 51

Jesus says, 'God has Testified against me' 52

Eli Agreed with Samuel, but Still Remained Evil Inside. 52

Notes About Eli 53

David –  Bringing the Ark back. 53

David – Waiting Under Persecution – David Gloriously Lets God Testify Against Him.. 54

Endure Chastisement Like a Son! 54

Peter Receive Correction Many Times. 54

Paul 54

Other Notes. 54

Humility -- Love Lowliness. 55

Fake Poverty. 55

Deal With Your Attractions, QUICK! 56

(1) Romance: Falling in Love. 57

Define: Falling in Lust 57 57 57

Premarital Love Examples. 57

Biblical Romantic Infatuation is Based on Prophecy, Not Feeling. 58

Compatibility Issues Are a Myth from Hell 58

Confronting Pagan Romantic Feeling Worship. 59

The Bible Commands En-mighty-ing Self-Control 59

Applying Romantic Foolishness to Spiritual Things. 60

What if You Have an Evil Lot of Lusting for Evil?. 60

I am not Convicted About That 61

Hard Necked, Fleshly Lusters. 61

The Absurd Myth of Feeling-Dependent Faithfulness. 61

Jesus Did Not Say Fall in Love With Your Neighbor as Yourself!!! 62

Examples of Attraction for Good and Lust for Evil 62

Jesus Is Attractive. 62

Change Your Lusts. 62

What you Boast and Rejoice Is in, is the attraction you worship. 63

1Co_10: 63

Conclusion – The Poor Always Have Healthy Attractions. 64

No Social Shame. 64

Prayers Against Social Shame. 64

Basic Facts About Shame That Most People Have No Clue About Today. 65

·        Despising bad shame. 65

1. Faith-fulness Courageously Defies Social Shame in Lusting After Righteousness! 66

Esther Getting Ready To Make A Decision About Going Before The King. 66

Heb 12 – Jesus “Despised The Shame”. 66

2. Sin Avoids Truth for Fear of Social Shame. 67

Saul Yields to Personal, Independent Religion That Pleases the Masses Rather than Patiently Honoring Truth. 67

Jesus Rebukes the Disciples Corporately. 69

Jesus Rebukes Peter Publically. 69

Rough Communication is Better than Hardened Silence. 71

3. How to Embrace Faith-fulness and Shun the Sinful Fear of Social Shame. 71

Wearing Someone Out by Faith is Better than Being Killed by Social Complacency. 71

Give Me Bread! – and Save Me from Social Shame! 72

Mary Anointing Jesus at Bethany – Something Infinitely More Important than Your Shame. 72

Digging Through a Roof 73

Blind Bartimaeus. 73

Many Other Examples. 73

Let Love Be Without Hypocrisy. 74

Love Is Only Straitened In Our Own Sin. 74

Additional 74

- 75

Submitted Suffering. 75

Follow Jesus in Suffering. 75

Because it’s the Path to Heaven. 75

Poverty Reading Compilation. 76

G4432 G4433 G4434 √. 76

G3993 G3998 -- Excluding Previous. 76

poor poverty destitut needy meek humble humilliat lowly. 76

-- not incl previous: 76

-- CAB: 76

WEBA.. 77

G1729. 77

Already Read. 77

Fully Compiled. 78

Poverty Reading – Filtered. 78

Luxury Reading. 82

English Results -- KJV+ WEB + CAB + ABP = 532 Refs. 82

Strong’s Number Results -- KJV+ ABP+ = 429 Refs. 82

English and Strong’s Refs Compiled = 638 Refs. 83

Lux Filtered -- Previous Poverty Refs Filtered = 567 Refs (~351 After Being Condensed) 84

--------------- 86

General Poverty / General Humility Verses. 86

Jesus was Poor 86

Bad Poverty. 87



Begging Poverty


Poor in spirit is not a recognition, it is a response to a recognition.


Bad Zeal = Already Full


see Gal, ZEL, etc.

1Co13: love is not zealous

Gal: by Love slave serve




Pearl and Putrid?

12/9/23-12/10/23 (Problems Solved); 12/17/23


We go through trials


Key question:

What is your Pearl and what is your Putrid?


What makes you sick and what do you forsake all to get?

If you are not sick at the appropriate things you are still vulnerable to end times apostasy and being deceived by this world.

If you are not lusting after the right things you are complacent and in danger of drawing back


Watch out for your desires!


We need to increase our distaste for evil and exponentially increase our lust and while craving for good truth...

Then indeed we will really fulfill biblical begging



Mat_13:44-46 – Hidden Treasure & Pearl of Great Value


Heb_10:39 – we are not of those drawing back




Reminders from SRM:

NT More Severe

Heb_2:2-3 – every rule breaking was brought into Justice... how can we escape if we are careless of a salvation such as this

Heb_10:28-30 – how much (more) severe punishment for breaking NT?



Heb_6:12 – imitation of those who inherit the promises

(like Abraham, v13)

Heb_13:7 – mimic the faith of word speakers




If we look at good things in the wrong way then we are going to lack faith and favor, and we are going to be continually shooting ourselves in the foot and creating a non-favored life for ourselves with unending moral problems issues sins and unrestrained disconnection from the Truth.


This is why we are looking at canonical and inspired obedience -- it is the hidden unappreciated treasure and pearl that no one else is forsaking all to get… so how about you?



The Problems Solved By the Favor of Begging



Consider how these two ideas are tied into each other…


Many of the problems and stressors you are feeling/facing from lacking God’s favor are due to not begging Biblically enough.

What percent of your problems is from not begging enough?


Problems and solutions both occur in the realm of what you admire.


This is why repenting away from assumptions and into a Biblical view of inspiration is so important.


We need to base all of our knowledge and achieve all of our perception based on established knowledge, not assumptions and irrational blasphemies, and heretical lovelessnesses.





Beg God and Obeyers



I can pretty much predict the misunderstanding and blasphemy that church people are going to slander us with:


outsiders virtually always misunderstand the Bible, and are naturally going to our message asa result (by default) as though we are saying believers should only beg obeyers, but what the Bible is actually teaching and saying is that believers Beg God and Obeyers.


on an initial simple level you can already see the teaching of begging, that includes being obeyers, right there in there actual words of The sermon on the Mount...


if there remained any question or doubt in your heart you should be fully persuaded when you consider all of the other examples all throughout the Bible of believers actually begging obeyers in direct obedience to this eager soft-hearted faithful righteous virtue posture - the Bible is on to something and it's about time we finally caught up with it




>> Scrip:

they first gave themselves to the Lord and then to us according to the will of God


everyone who has been discipled by the father comes to me


whoever is on the Lord's side let him come to me


the spirit and the bride say come



this is part of "the doctrine of us" that essentially everyone is ignoring and wickedly treacherously pretending like it doesn't exist, because they are so foreign to the concept of Biblical poverty begging, and so busy contradicting virtually every foundation of the soft heart of the New Covenant that they can't even relate to the first principles of the Truth...


see LO:

God Defines Himself with His Bride


God is in so much control of our entire existence that He planted a revelation of Who He Is even in the things that He created (rom1) and it is His total sovereign prerogative to draw out a revelation of His identity in the most glorifying Divine ways as He exalts His Bride into divinity to shine out with His own glory and declare His own identity which He planted in her before the world began inside of the Word of God...







They actually fraudulently insert their absurd blasphemies into their apostate bible per-versions!


 GOD'S WORD Translation

3 "Blessed are those who recognize they are spiritually helpless. The kingdom of heaven belongs to them.


Auto Beg



as said to apostate James: "why do I have to tell you that you need to beg? why isn't it already written on your heart like Rom2 says? ...but instead you ridicule the very idea that you should beg..."

Rom 2

>> TSK

Mat18 just for yourselves what is right

>> TSK




Pressed Down Begging Is Commanded



key question:

how should we urge people to beg?


press down and being poor are synonyms in the Bible.

>> Scrip:


pushing yourself and downward direction toward humility and the resulting posture of crouching are two synonymous words describing the same phenomena from different perspectives.


we may or may not notice this in English as much depending on how carefully we think about the Scriptures because only some of it is transparent enough to be as noticeable, however it is much more concrete and directional in Greek.


in English you might possibly notice the two words being used somewhat interchangeably when they are both used together in particular passages, but in Greek you don't necessarily require a passage to put them together before you can already inherently linguistically know that the two words are related from the basic essence of what they are describing.


Monotheist care a lot about these critical themes that have been carefully explored and revealed throughout the Scriptures.


>> Scrip:

poor pressed down


be pressed down


the Bible clearly commands you to have a press down mentality / attitude, so this is essentially already commanding you to be a poor beggar by paralleling the two terms.


Furthermore, the Bible directly commands you to imitate those who by faith and endurance inherit the promises - and this commanded imitation would always include the righteous who are always poor crouching beggars that inherit God's kingdom by lot and by law...


so we can very clearly see that you are commanded to be pressed down / humble and we can see that your commanded imitate people who inherit the blessings of poor crouching beggars.


↓↓ see: Poor IN Spirit? (below) ↓↓


Begging Obeyers is Included in the SOM & Rest of the Bible (Proof)

12/11/23; 12/17/23

>> LLO | LO


Obeying Scientific Details is NOT Interpreting.


Whenever obeyers point out the begging in 5-7 and 28 that believers do to obeyers,

it is of course inevitable that disobeyers are going to blasphemously accuse obeyers of "interpreting" the passage and inserting the idea of people begging other people into the text, and disobeyers will pretend like horizontal begging is not originally there in the text, as if it were possible for obeyers to just make up and insert that idea and interpretation on into the text.

this is hard and blasphemously absurd and illogical and willfully ignorant.

disobeyers are "ignorant because they ignore it".

disobeyers are so preoccupied with disobedience and breaking God's rules that of course they don't feel the constraint or obligation to obey the text when it is unlocked and opened up...


But a soft-hearted eager faithful righteous soul is obligated to true information, and cannot turn back once the Scriptures have been opened - they are bound and obligated to obey the Truth of the light shining out of the Scriptures, especially once they have been unlocked and opened, and made so plain that a Bible lover can't help but Love and obey the Truth that is being expounded.


We've already seen and established that the Bible directly forbids anyone to interpret the Bible, and Bible obeyers are the furthest people in the universe from such sick crimes as interpreting the Bible, and the irony is that when they are so bound to obeying the Bible, they have to even obey the subtle parts of the Bible that tell you to put two and two together and which obligate you to obey such understanding that results from this.

obeyers are so preoccupied with obedience that they are absolutely required and bound to keep every small piece of the Scriptures, even when they tell us to combine these pieces and gain understanding and be bound to obedience to such resulting understanding...


Disobeyers are going to pretend like people begging people is not already there as a preset feature within the text, and this is simply because when the Bible keeps on telling us these things they pass over these commands and rules and don't constantly change in order to be prepared for when they are reinforced and repeated later on in the text of Bible.


But a Bible aware has read the preceding authoritative governing context and has already adjusted himself to embrace the truth that he's about to receive once he comes upon a new text which invokes these same rules again and when a new text prompts the conclusions of obedient begging, the obeyer readily responds having been prepared as good soil and an eager heart of loving righteous soft-hearted faith, but the disobeyer groans and darkness and accuses able of doing something wrong when he offers the pleasing obedient God blessed sacrifice of horizontal begging just exactly like the Bible has constantly been teaching us and disobeyers have been blasphemously warring against and ignoring.


Superficiality has absolutely nothing to do with obeying the Bible much less does it ever unlock its mysteries much less does it ever have a working functional clean good conscience to obey the implications of such obedience.


Button of air is diligent and perceptive toward detail and insists that every Yoda and every Korea must be obeyed just like Jesus teaches in this very same passage, so when there is a repetition of the word righteous then righteous affairs pay attention to correlation is that naturally connect to text together and when an obeyer is keeping every Yoda and Korea he notices the double emphatic features that correlate two passages together,


And when he sees that the themes and vocabulary words and moral teachings correlate in Matthew 5-7 and 28 he has no problem putting them together and cooperating with the natural inevitable conclusions of obedience that begging includes vertical as well as horizontal elements in cooperating in the entire process that is described in discipleship and salvation.


The details of grammar and double emphaticness and repetition of words all link passages together in The sermon on the Mount and in the Great commission.


From the grammar and the details and the context and the moral teachings, it is absolutely clear that the do teacher (m5) is thematically morally linguistically linked with the here do disciples (m7) which is confirmed in Matthew 28.


There is a righteousness that is hungered and thirsted for in Matthew 5:6 and this righteousness is being taught by a do teacher in Matthew 5:17-20. There is a very clear correlation that the righteousness which a beggar in Matthew 5:3 is hungering and thirsting for in Matthew 5:3 and in Matthew 5:6 is accomplished through a do teacher in Matthew 5:17-20. there is no reason to ignore this correlation and exclude the do teacher from the virtue of begging and hungry and thirsting when Jesus has included as a tool through whom the righteousness is given and unto whom the righteous beggar begs for truth and discipleship.


Two Stages of Begging



the two stages of begging include a recognition and even more so a realization of your state of desolation.


this does not mean that being poor in spirit means you recognize you're already poor in spirit like so many mindless sloppy crazy church people try to pollute the Bible as though it were endorsing such a wicked and confused useless illogical circular saying...


you don't recognize that you're already poor in spirit, because you're not and that's just the problem that makes you desolate...


you need to realize you're desolation and state of condemnation on your way to hell and then you need to respond and take action by begging with an attitude or Spirit of poverty in order to inherit heaven.


so you realize that you're desolate and on your way to hell and in response to that desolation and take action to beg - these are the two stages and they're not at all synonymous to be confused with each other.


to obey the Bible you have to recognize that:

poor begging is not "recognizing you're already poor begging" but poor begging is a response to the realization of your desolation - the state you're already in sends you to hell, but your poor begging response to it sends you to heaven, and you shouldn't be pretending that you're already on your way to heaven like church people confuse, because that's exactly the luxury that sends you to hell in the name of being "poor in spirit".






the first step is to get church people to get the word for poor begging correct, which is actually in the minority, but nonetheless, I was able to find more than I expected in videos where they mentioned the word begging in English (which is really the best word to use).


if you can just get the right word down pat on your way to at least using the right vocabulary for The sermon on the Mount and the blessed people that inherit heaven.


but then, even if you get the word right there still remains the even more important aspect of how to apply the begging...


if you can get the academic aspect of the word poor correct there still remains a seemingly small yet vitally important detail that 'separates the sheep from the goats' and the Bible obeyers from the apostate church people...


Bible obeyers inherently have God's Word written on their heart because of the New Covenant (Jeremiah, Romans 2, etc), so when you talk about begging they automatically know by nature how to obey this missing detail...


but when church people talk about poor in spirit, and even if they finally get to the point where some of them talk about begging, they still stop short of obeying everything the Bible is saying because they insert an unbiblical heresy and imagine that the begging is somehow artificially limited to begging "God alone".


all the people in the Bible and all those who obey the Bible never come up with such a wicked disgusting evil heresy default idea...


a small minority of people get the right word for begging correct, but no one in church gets the right morality of begging the whole counsel of God like the Bible constantly affirms including in the sermon on the mount.


when righteous people face the need to beg they have no problem naturally begging God and all those who represent any aspect of Him in their lives, but wicked perverted church people are so busy assuming non-inspiration and living uninspired sub Divine wicked dirty sinful lives that they can't admit that they're supposed to include God's delegates in His kingdom as part of the righteous posture of begging that God has called all of us to embrace and obey...





Lowliness Favor

Dec 2023

Php_2 (comp. 1 – 4)



>> search: joy, rejoice

Php_2:1-18, Php_2:28-29


Php_4:4, Php_4:10, Php_4:23

>> TSK


Poor IN Spirit?



>> Search: G4151 N-DSN in WEB-LB-Grv


1Ki 18:45 WEB  It happened in a little while, that the sky grew black with clouds and wind, and there was a great rain. Ahab rode, and went to Jezreel.

1Ki 18:45 LB  And it came to pass in the meanwhile, that the heavens grew black with clouds and wind, and there was a great rain. And Ahab wept, and went to Jezreel.

1Ki 18:45  καὶ ἐγένετο ἕως ὧδε καὶ ὧδε καὶ ὁ οὐρανὸς συνεσκότασεν νεφέλαις καὶ πνεύματιG4151 N-DSN, καὶ ἐγένετο ὑετὸς μέγας· καὶ ἔκλαιεν καὶ ἐπορεύετο Αχααβ εἰς Ιεζραελ.



1Ki 19:11 WEB  He said, Go forth, and stand on the mountain before Yahweh. Behold, Yahweh passed by, and a great and strong wind tore the mountains, and broke in pieces the rocks before Yahweh; but Yahweh was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but Yahweh was not in the earthquake:

1Ki 19:11 LB  And He said, “You shall go forth tomorrow, and shall stand before the Lord in the mount; and behold, the Lord will pass by.” And a great and strong wind tore into the mountains, and crushed the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind. And after the wind there was an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake.

1Ki 19:11  καὶ εἶπεν Ἐξελεύσῃ αὔριον καὶ στήσῃ ἐνώπιον κυρίου ἐν τῷ ὄρει· ἰδοὺ παρελεύσεται κύριος. καὶ πνεῦμα μέγα κραταιὸν διαλῦον ὄρη καὶ συντρῖβον πέτρας ἐνώπιον κυρίου, οὐκ ἐν τῷ πνεύματι κύριος· καὶ μετὰ τὸ πνεῦμα συσσεισμός, οὐκ ἐν τῷ συσσεισμῷ κύριος·


1Ch 28:12 WEB  and the pattern of all that he had by the Spirit, for the courts of the house of Yahweh, and for all the surrounding rooms, for the treasuries of the house of God, and for the treasuries of the dedicated things;

1Ch 28:12 LB  and the plan which he had in his mind of the courts of the house of the Lord, and of all the chambers round about, designed for the treasuries of the house of God, and of the treasuries of the holy things, and of the chambers for resting;

1Ch 28:12  καὶ τὸ παράδειγμα, ὃ εἶχεν ἐν πνεύματι αὐτοῦ, τῶν αὐλῶν οἴκου κυρίου καὶ πάντων τῶν παστοφορίων τῶν κύκλῳ τῶν εἰς τὰς ἀποθήκας οἴκου κυρίου καὶ τῶν ἀποθηκῶν τῶν ἁγίων


“Job Prays for Relief”

Job 17:1 WEB  "My spirit is consumed. My days are extinct, And the grave is ready for me.

Job 17:1 LB  “I perish, carried away by the wind, and I seek for burial, and do not obtain it.

Job 17:1  ὀλέκομαι πνεύματι φερόμενος, δέομαι δὲ ταφῆς καὶ οὐ τυγχάνω.

>> comp NETS, etc.


Psa 34:18 WEB  Yahweh is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves those who have a crushed spirit.

Psa 34:18 LB  The Lord is near to them that are of a contrite heart; and will save the lowly in spirit.

Psa 34:18  (33:19) ἐγγὺς κύριος τοῖς συντετριμμένοις τὴν καρδίαν καὶ τοὺς ταπεινοὺς τῷ πνεύματι σώσει.


Psa 51:12 WEB  Restore to me the joy of your salvation. Uphold me with a willing spirit.

Psa 51:12 LB  Restore to me the joy of Your salvation; establish me with Your directing Spirit.

Psa 51:12  (50:14) ἀπόδος μοι τὴν ἀγαλλίασιν τοῦ σωτηρίου σου καὶ πνεύματι ἡγεμονικῷ στήρισόν με.

Psa_51:12  [50:14] αποδοςG591 V-AAD-2S μοιG1473 P-DS τηνG3588 T-ASF αγαλλιασινG20 N-ASF τουG3588 T-GSN σωτηριουG4992 N-GSN σουG4771 P-GS καιG2532 CONJ πνευματιG4151 N-DSN ηγεμονικωA-DSN στηρισονG4741 V-AAD-2S μεG1473 P-AS 

>> comp NETS, etc.


Psa 51:17 WEB  The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit. A broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.

Psa 51:17 LB  Sacrifice to God is a broken spirit; a broken and humbled heart God will not despise.

Psa 51:17  (50:19) θυσία τῷ θεῷ πνεῦμα συντετριμμένον, καρδίαν συντετριμμένην καὶ τεταπεινωμένην ὁ θεὸς οὐκ ἐξ ουθενώσει.


Ecc 7:8 WEB  Better is the end of a thing than its beginning. The patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.

Ecc 7:8 LB  The end of a matter is better than the beginning thereof; the patient is better than the high-minded.

Ecc 7:8  ἀγαθὴ ἐσχάτη λόγων ὑπὲρ ἀρχὴν αὐτοῦ, ἀγαθὸν μακρόθυμος ὑπὲρ ὑψηλὸν πνεύματι.

Ecc_7:8  αγαθηG18 A-NSF εσχατηG2078 A-NSF λογωνG3056 N-GPM υπερG5228 PREP αρχηνG746 N-ASF αυτουG846 D-GSM αγαθονG18 A-NSN μακροθυμοςG3116 A-NSM υπερG5228 PREP υψηλονG5308 A-ASM πνευματιG4151 N-DSN 

Ecc 7:9 WEB  Don't be hasty in your spirit to be angry, for anger rests in the bosom of fools.

Ecc 7:9 LB  Do not be hasty in your spirit to be angry; for anger will rest in the bosom of fools.

Ecc 7:9  μὴ σπεύσῃς ἐν πνεύματί σου τοῦ θυμοῦσθαι, ὅτι θυμὸς ἐν κόλπῳ ἀφρόνων ἀναπαύσεται.

Ecc_7:9  μηG3165 ADV σπευσηςG4692 V-AAS-2S ενG1722 PREP πνευματιG4151 N-DSN σουG4771 P-GS τουG3588 T-GSN θυμουσθαιG2373 V-PMN οτιG3754 CONJ θυμοςG2372 N-NSM ενG1722 PREP κολπωG2859 N-DSM αφρονωνG878 A-GPM αναπαυσεταιG373 V-FMI-3S 


Poverty & Fruit

12/6/23; 12/10/23


Poor Crouching Begging Defined

is about being needy impoverished awareness of need and desperation enough to take action and apprehend salvation and solve problems by pressed down lowly begging


Fruit Defined

fruit is about producing results, proof, fulfilling the initial essence of the roots

finishing our and fulfilling the nature of who you are deep down inside as a tree or a person



Definition Of Poor Begging



There are some very common confusions that happen up front when trying to define what it means to be poor in spirit:

·        some people think that the blessed are different groups of people, but you can't logically think that way - you have to conclude that these are overlapping virtues describing the same group of people, mainly, the disciples coming toward him who are getting the kingdom of heaven as well as seeing God - and these cannot be a different group or subgroup of people

·        most church people confuse being poor in spirit with a recognition, when it is in fact a response to a recognition.

·        most inevitably and essentially unanimously church people wrongly assume that , whatever poverty and spirit means, it always is only directed toward God and excludes his bride and people - and this is the most fatal deadly error and moral heresy and blasphemy...



Recognition or Response?



over and over again way too many people habitually obsessively bizarrely keep compulsively saying that 'being poor in spirit is a recognition that you're poor in spirit'.


at first this can seem to be a minor inconvenient illogical quirk about the religious human race or about church people's tendencies to be a logical, but by starting off on a strange and obsessively compulsive illogical statement then people can often proceed to make staggeringly incorrect conclusions.


in linguistics you're not allowed to define a word by using it in the definition, but this is essentially what they're doing when they say being poor in spirit is defined as recognizing your already poor. - you can't result in being something by recognizing that you are already that same something before you recognized it.

this illogical absurdity error makes being poor in spirit a recognition or passive acknowledgment admitting something, whereas the actual scriptures describe it as a noun which implys virtuous action.


when we say that being poor in spirit is a recognition that were poor in spirit, then this illogical quirkiness that church people almost unanimously keep compulsively repeating from their illogical nature, then out of this confusion we tend to miss the entire point of being a poor beggar.


recognition is the prerequisite and being a poor beggar is actually the response.


as a prerequisite you indeed need to recognize more particularly that you are desolate and destitute of all good cleanness and all saving truth - this is the real honest recognition that the Bible tells you to have, and know this is not what it means to be poor in spirit, this is just the prerequisite and first stage of those who end up being blessed.


but for those who are actually poor beggars in the spirit they have not only surpassed the prerequisite of recognizing their desolate and unsaved state but they have moved on to take action on it.


being poor in spirit is not a re-recognition of what you already recognized before getting to this point, but rather, being a poor beggar is an action that you take in response to your awareness of desolation and unsavedness...


a few people indeed do seem to sort of figure it out that there needs to be begging action involved somewhere, but we need to set the record straight up front for the sake of those who get confused and so that we can know for all clarity and assurance what it actually means in the first place to be foreign spirit.



Rich church people are fond of mentioning that being 'poor in spirit' supposedly has nothing to do with your circumstances of not having money, however when it comes to defining what it does mean they still seem to want to define it as recognizing your circumstance of supposedly needing g-d - both of these circumstantial ideas are wrong...


being poor in spirit is not a reference to your physical circumstances of lacking money, although it can be radically associated with that, but it is much more not about recognizing your need for g-d... the point is it's not circumstantial or recognizing your circumstances, but it is giving over a reasonable righteous response overflowing from the right attitude or "spirit".






remember that the law leads us to anointed one. the law shows us that we are desolate, but this acknowledgment of desolation doesn't save us but it is the righteousness of Faith responding to the Good Hope in front of us that can save us.


recognition is what many church people like to harp on, but recognition of desolation, even if we take it in the accurate sense that we're not saved, is only stage 1, is only the first step and there's nothing in the works of the law that are of faith, therefore it cannot be said that those who "recognize"or "acknowledge" their desolation are blessed because they are saved and go to heaven...


but rather instead the long needs us to Anointed One, and therefore it is not the recognizers or acknowledges that are saved and seen in Romans 7 where the unsaved Paul is fully acknowledging his desolation and it did nothing of itself to make him a blessed inheritor of God's Kingdom, but rather instead, when we see the Pearl we sell everything to get it. We are not looking at our desolation when Jesus blesses our begging, we are looking at the Pearl and telling everything and begging to obtain his kingdom of overflowing righteousness that we are hungry and thirsty for in order to be saved...


this is the real Biblical orthodox idea of the blessedness which David describes:




saying very clearly, despite all of his material glory and possessions:


this poor man cried and the Lord answered him and saved him


that is biblical saving attitude or Spirit of being poor and being blessed with a Salvation of inheriting God's Kingdom.



these are some of the important elementary linguistic and moral and biblical principles of being poor in spirit, and in some sense we would be happy if we could get church people to just get directed on these basic facts, since they are indeed profound, but we can't even stop with these basic simple facts because after getting the basic foundation established we have to also move on to the even bigger problem how church people get begging wrong:



WHO to Beg?



in generic theory, almost no one in churches today really disagrees that you need to beg God. You need to beg the right God for salvation and righteousness and virtue and His One Spirit so you can inherit His kingdom.


indeed, even if they fumble over the previous points and confused poverty with recognition, somehow they might still be able to sort out this secondary point that being poor in spirit includes having the right attitude of neediness toward God.


but church people very quickly and sharply start disagreeing when God speaks of Who He Is, and defines Himself along with His Bride and includes His servants along with Himself when He is seated in glory on His throne...


>> Scrip:

we are seated together with anointed one in heavenly places

the spirit and the bride say come


church people are fine with you saying you need to be needy toward God, but when you start repeating and teaching what He says about begging the righteous then they start blaspheming and contradicting and opposing the Scriptures.


the scripture is actually didn't mean to make a gigantic point about begging righteous people since they were already accustomed to doing this from ancient times and this was no New concept for them but was a foreground conclusion for everyone who is begging...


but for us you have to yell and scream it at church people since they are so dull of hearing and obstinate and rebellious and self glorifying and prideful



with Biblical people it is so foundational to their basic and simple orthodoxy because they have examples in front of their eyes like Ruth begging Naomi for her God, and therefore when the New Covenant comes along and talks about begging for truth it goes without saying and is totally clear and easily established that of course begging includes those through whom God is taught and transmitted.


and while it goes without saying as a basic tenant of month using and has already been so easily established the examples of people like Ruth, yet for us we have to reverse translate their basic tendency in order to get on the first principles of monotheism and get over our Protestant American modern hangups and prideful obstinate detesting of begging other people...


but indeed we can and even must reverse translate the basic tenets of their monotheistic faith:


Matthew 5:3

Matthew 5:6


so stop reading the Bible like it is speaking to your modern prideful independent selfish self-expressive egocentric culture and start reading the Bible obediently like an authoritative monotheistic revelation of serious clean righteousness that you have to obey in order to inherit heaven.


because if you don't need do teachers for overflowing righteousness, then you're not those hungry and thirsting for this very same righteousness, and as a consequence we see that you're not the one begging, hungry and thirsting for this righteousness, and as a consequence you are not even related to those inheriting Kingdom of Heaven.





Loving Trials

2/7/16 (recompiled); 11/3/16



Still True Through Trials

Season Updates / Reminders




Despite trials, everything is still consistent w what we have already heard... (from heaven and through exhortations)

it is not that everything changed, it is that we have lacked opportunity and strategy and endurance...

What have been experiencing is not reality.

I am not persuaded by such trials.

Now I just need each of you to be faithful, and not be amazed by such trials either.

Always remember the temporary nature of such pains, and the eternal nature of the Truth.


the Creator thoroughly “tries out” the children of men so that they may come out as gold.

Temporarily Distance yourself from your trail and feelings: what am I going to do with this soul of mine?


Most of our feelings of worthlessness/apathy/something died are due to our lack of “devotions” at this season.

Return to the first works.

Forage -- We need to get scientific until we find out what pleases...

Get scientific until we solve this problem with knowledge.


the ball is in our court to obey and remain faithful and be bound to get somewhere

Very soon after you rediscover how to put these things back in place again, you can spring back up and live


the winter is past. let's Spring to life again!



in the meantime, before we feel like we have to give up and fail, let is firmly remember or Divine origins and even the Divine origins of this stage - lest we act like crazy people...




Content Remaining Within Trials

~Dec 2017; 1/7/18


1Co_7:20-24; 1Pe_2:18-25 – Content to be slaves

Heb_13:5-6 -- be content


Act_14:22 -- much tribulation enter the kingdom


Act_14:21 CAB  And having preached the gospel to that city and having made many disciples, they returned to Lystra, and Iconium, and Antioch,

Act_14:21  Εὐαγγελισάμενοί τε τὴν πόλιν ἐκείνην καὶ μαθητεύσαντες ἱκανοὺς ὑπέστρεψαν εἰς τὴν Λύστραν καὶ |Aεις| ᾿Ικόνιον καὶ |Aεις| ᾿Αντιόχειαν,

Act_14:22 CAB strengthening [ἐπιστηρίζοντεςV-PAP-NPM] the souls [τὰς ψυχὰς] of the disciples, urging them [παρακαλοῦντεςV-PAP-NPM] ·to continue [ἐμμένεινV-PAN – be remaining (present tense)] in the faith, ·saying, "[καὶ ὅτι – and that: “]Through many tribulations [διὰ πολλῶν θλίψεων] we ·must [δεῖV-PAI-3S] · [(in) going into] enter into [εἰσελθεῖν V-2AAN εἰς PREP] ·the kingdom of [the] God [τὴν βασιλείαν τοῦ Θεοῦ]."

Act_14:22  ἐπιστηρίζοντεςV-PAP-NPM τὰς ψυχὰς τῶν μαθητῶν, παρακαλοῦντες ἐμμένειν τῇ πίστει, καὶ ὅτι διὰ πολλῶν θλίψεων δεῖ ἡμᾶς εἰσελθεῖν εἰς τὴν βασιλείαν τοῦ Θεοῦ.

Act_14:23 And having chosen elders for them in every church, and having prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord in whom they had believed.

Act_14:23  χειροτονήσαντες δὲ αὐτοῖς TSBπρεσβυτέρους κατ᾿ ἐκκλησίαν |Aπρεσβυτερους|, προσευξάμενοι μετὰ νηστειῶν παρέθεντο αὐτοὺς τῷ Κυρίῳ εἰς ὃν πεπιστεύκασι.

>> Sync: SPI | LLO | Dis



>> Trials ultimately draw out the best or worst from us.

>> either way they bring things to the surface and finally get things to be where they truly are.

>> cooperate with the process

>> even if you long to be together




Rev_2:5, etc. – First works




Ultimate love separation


Love The Offence, And you Will be Free From Fear of Persecution!

Be enraptured with inoculating infatuation with the truth, and then no other fear will ever be attractive to you

Other dates: mostly somewhere between: ~ 2010-2012 (as seen in Spiritual Interface > Defeat Fear); 2/13/17 (recompiled)




Why do we sometimes lack motivation to undergo persecution for the unpopular and ostracizing commands of the Bible? Why is it hard for us to look weird and be misunderstood?


Partial Answer

Fear sets in when it comes to the reproach of Christ (the offense of the cross) when we do not see the strangeness of the cross as an attractive thing


Are You “Offended” at the “Scandal”?

Note: “Offended” is the KJV version of the actual word: “scandal” or “fall”


1Pe_2:8 KJV  And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence [σκανδάλου – lit. scandal], even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.


From: Isa_8:12-14 (MT, not LXX); Isa_57:14

Quoted exactly the same in: Rom_9:32-33; 1Co_1:23; 2Co_2:16


In the mean time, this tribal fear kills us secretly from within and manifests itself in panic and fears that compulse us to unfaithfulness to true and right things. This is one more major reason why the world (including the church) is full of scandals. We all know these things are dreadfully wrong, but fear kills us from doing even what we all know is right, and blocks us from knowing and acting on what is obviously true. Fear blurs the mind from rationality, and things that seemed clear before become impossibly obscure in times of pressure.


We have just got to do something about this death of evil, treacherous fear!


There is a “Call to Action”

- It is time to have integrity;

- It is time to defeat fear and renounce all of our leagues with it;

- You Can Winn!!: There is no more room in a person’s life to accommodate and entertain fear when they have already hurt from crucifixion!


1Pe_4:1-2 KJV  Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin;  2  That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.


The Reproach and the Offense

The main passages for this point


Heb_11:24-26 CAB By faith Moses, when he was grown up, refused to be called a son of Pharaoh's daughter,  25  choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to have the temporary pleasure of sin,  26  regarding the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt; for he was looking to the reward.


[TSK: Heb_10:32-35, Heb_13:13; Psa_69:7, Psa_69:20, Psa_89:50, Psa_89:51; Isa_51:7; Act_5:41; 2Co_12:10; 2Co_12:10]


Gal_5:11 CAB And I, brothers, if I still preach circumcision, why am I still persecuted? In that case the offense [scandal] of the cross has been done away with.


Mat_11:6 CAB And blessed is the one who is not offended because of Me."


[TSK: Isa_8:14; Rom_9:32, Rom_9:33; Luk_6:22; 1Co_1:18, 1Co_1:23; 1Pe_2:8, 1Pe_2:9]


Gal_1:10 CAB  For do I just now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ.


The Offense Of The Cross

- it never makes sense to a fleshly mind to die willingly!

- In a literal "pictorial" sense they were constantly misunderstanding and mis-quoting Jesus as He was crucified

- 'He is calling for Elijah' (sounds closer in Greek)

- You who would destroy the temple...

- 'Let God rescue you from the cross' – as though that were His goal

Side note: judging someone based on your distortion of their motives is perverted, unstable, unsound, irrational, unreasoning, unjust, and a scandal of integrity, from a hating and wicked heart that only wants to sin in folloy and care nothing for truth)


For us, we must Love the Offense!

- defeat fear & hurt (& "having to do" things) asap - never leave it festering (Peter denied because of this)

- Love Jesus' scandal, so that you will never scandal from integrity of loving the offense of the cross!


Freedom from the fear of Paganism means the life of the cross

- dwell before Him without fear

- you may indeed have Paul's situations:


2Co_7:5 CAB For indeed, when we came to Macedonia, our flesh had no rest, but we were afflicted on every side; outside were fightings, inside were fears.


- but the question is if you are going to act like the fear is reasonable and cooperate with it... (as said previously)


2Co_1:8-11 CAB For we do not desire you to be ignorant, brothers, concerning our affliction which happened to us in Asia: that we were burdened beyond measure, beyond our strength, so that we despaired even of life.  9  Yes, we have had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves but in God who raises the dead,  10  who delivered us from so great a death, and is delivering us; in whom we trust that He will still deliver us,  11  you also laboring together for us in prayer, that thanks may be given by many persons on your behalf for the gift given to us through many.




Jer15 – God Saves Great People in the Midst of their Persecution


Jer's Legitimate Associated With God & Persecution

Jer_15:15 – Jer's persecution

(Jer_15:16 – MT: I ate Your Words... / LXX: Consume them...)

Jer_15:17 – no siting / rejoicing w them


Jer's Cry

Jer_15:18 – Jer's Persistent wound (LXX: 'Why do they that grieve me prevail against me?')

>> See: Sometimes It takes Time


God's Motivating Answer with Conditions of Faith

Jer_15:19 – (1) Return / Purify Mouth (2) God Helps / Jer will Be God's Mouth (...then they return, not you)

>> (comp: Mat_12:36-37 – by words condemned or justified)


Jer_15:20 – they shall by no means prevail against you


Jer_15:21 – God is there to rescue [LXX: ἐξαιρεῖσθαί...λυτρώσομαί...]


Monothiestic real prophecy leaves you weak, it does not make your flesh strong (Paul said ...strivings without and fears within). It is anti-christ that makes you bullet proof. On demand prophecy is false. Real prophecy does not take trials away. Jeremiah felt an unresolve about/ after prophecying Elijah felt unresolve about/ after prophecying.

God is not phased at working out inspiration thru his great people, while at the same time saving his great people.


Being perfect is not that far away as we set it out to be. If you do what you know to do then God will do what you cannot do.

The big answer as to how to win is to be mindful of the words you speak.




Jer_1:18, Jer_1:19


God is true. If God tells you to do something and it does not work, he will tell you to do it again. YOU are the variable Not Him. Be reverent, wait, soften your heart, believe what he said was the answer and some day your eyes will pop open and it will happen when you do it perfectly.

If you find a perpetual problem, and God gave a simply answer it is you, Not Him. It is that true and it is that good. If it doesn't seem to work there is some where that needs more revernce. Pause, Fear(God), Search.

God takes every moment of thinking about reverencing God, as reverencing God, and God considers every moment of this precious





"What I have found is that if I can generally avoid speaking I come pretty close to being just about perfect (see Jas_3:2).




Sometimes It takes Time when Crying for Help

2Sa_6:7-12 , 1Ch_15:11-15 - Like David bring the ark in


It does not delight God when you begrudgingly do what he was wanting the most to begin with (ie hate the process of waiting and hurting while searching for reverence) 

make sure you don't do begrudgingly what God was eagerly waiting for you to do from the begining


Hos_6:1-2 - In three days He will Revive / I will revive you...

2Ki_20:5 - On the third day Hezekiah will go up to the house of the Lord

Mar_10:34 - On the 3rd day He will rise again


Job's example

Jas_5: Job > Our Help


Mat_21:19; Mar_11:12-25 – Fig Tree




Psalm-Like Cry – Venting Perfect Words in Faith

Psa_41:11 – I know you are for me when you do not let my adversarys triumph over me


IT is a legitimate reason to ask if God is delighting in you but it is not a legitmate reason to doubt or give up and blame God for any failures


If you hav clean zeal that is faith but if your tainted some how it degrades to plain ole blasphemy. If it is tainted, if there is uncleanness, religious hypocrisy is going on, you do not have clean zeal you should fear to open your mouth.

Complainting is almost the same thing as cursing.

Sometimes you need to vent but other times you just need to get your act together and make some good confessions.

Orthodox statements/good confessions go along way. Somethings it is a time to vent but a lot of times you just need to make some good confessions. And you better learn the difference or you will be hurting for a long time.


If you are not clean and you are venting your are just complaining and blaspheming.

Venting is for clean and spiritual faith.

It is clean and cherished by God.

It shows you feel like he does, and makes Him more urgent to do what He already wants to do...


Venting without faith is just 'sancified blasphemy' and ends in judgement.


Don't let the flesh be bold and vent all its dirty doubt, but crucifie it and make Orthodox confessions so you might live.


Good confessions

Pas_32:3 - don't keep silent...


God to Abraham: Be Perfect Before Me...



Gen_17:1 – God told Abraham, 'Be perfect' even after he had visions

>> See: BBsum


How about Moses when he thought God was going to save the children of Isreal by him and had to wait 40 years


Mat5: Be Perfect... Luk 6: Be Merciful... – Refining Your Words and Judgements Toward Others

>> (This also belongs in 'Bible diffaculties' & 'Divine Mistakes')


You know the child because the child takes on the nature of the father. 




Remove from your words every

If you want to purify your words- you have to purge out your words from non-compassionate statements.


Mat_5:48 – Be perfect as Father...

Luk_6:36 – Be compassionate as Father...

>> See: context

>> both are saying that mercy is the way to being perfect

>> think: refusing to assign guilt to those whom you do not own --

>> Rom_14:4 – who are you to judge another man's servant?

>> New Covenant: Paul even insists that you forgive Onesimus (Phm_1:8-21)

>> and we have seen that 'being perfect' is the way to finally win




How to not have your enemies triumph over you - be more perfect

How to be perfect - purify your words

How to purify your words - remove every unmerciful statement




2Ki_22:11, 2Ki_22:18-20 – Josiah quickly pricked when truth finally hit him

Persueing truth is wanting to benfit others, because you are not even beginning to persue truth if you don't want save yourself and your hearers.

A way to save other people is defeating your enemies including other people's demons you are trying to save.


The Hope

Isa_49:19-21 – Who has born these to me?

>> Isa_49:26 – your enemies will no longer win against you...'

Israel was supposed to be 'a city on a hill' (Mat_5:14-15 – i.e. Like Jerusalem)




Watch Out for a Kick Back After Great Victories

3/29/15; 3/30/15 (revising God's original instructions)

Noah with the wine

Lot with his daughters

Gedeon with the vest


Peter with walking on water, then sinking

Peter with saying who Anointed One is, but then shortly thereafter, speaking by satan


this esp. happens after revising God's original instructions

Gen_19:19-21 – Lot


Moses asked for helpers, and they were later part of the rebellion

Moses asked for a speaker subsitute, and then Arron, even though he was good, made a golden calf


Abraham ask for Ishmiel, and he became an ememy to Abraham's inheritance




Get Romantic Toward God When Going Through Trials

Some Ways To Get Romantic Toward God

3/6/16 (1st written & Presented); 12/9/23

>> Comp (Pop): llo Trials; Love people; Marriage chamber;


James & 2Co_12:

Take pleasure in trials that make you weak, so that God’s power can come on you!


Defining Romance & Her Enemies

·        Romance is the passionate love, pursuit, and experience of intimacy.

·        Being romantic is loving intimacy, and the most perfect form of it is being passionately zealous to do anything it takes to get it.

·        Romantic people confer extreme value upon others so that they are energetically and enthusiastically motivated and obsessively driven to relate to them.

·        Getting romantic has a lot to do with a combination of responding to, and especially initiating, pursuits of intimacy.

·        By the way, one person said that appreciating other people, and successfully communicating it, will result in intimacy.

·        Doorknobs (for example) do not give over a reasonable response to the affection shown to them.

·        “Foxes” (Son_2:15) compete with romance so that intimacy is somehow made sour, not desirable, unappealing, and not exciting.

·        A beautiful, attractive, appealing, important, valuable, enthralling, mysterious person can be made “ugly” and uninteresting / unexciting in the eyes of a ruined and worthless-hearted doorknob.

·        “Foxes” turn functioning people into doorknobs so that the most appealing and delicious people in all existence (David and or God, for examples) are repulsive to the perverted and evil tongue and to the stomach of one captured by the foxes of satan / the devil / thorough accusation thrower.

·        Repeated Example: Michal against David

·        Note/reminder: it is always the fault of the one offended & non-romantic & doing the despising.

·        God is always infinitely hot and romantic, and humans are usually shallow, boring, and apathetic.

·        God made us for the value of intimacy – both human and Divine, and even the Hybrid combination thereof!

·        We are commanded to never be complacent or take a rest from romance.

·        God demands that we are always hot, and never lukewarm.

·        What are you going to do to stay romantic, esp. toward God & His people?


Some Ways God Reveals His Romance


Rom_5:8 – God stands together a demonstration of his own love for us in this


Pro_15:8 The prayer of the upright is his MT: delight H7522; LXX: acceptable (CAB) [δεκται]


Strong on H7522

רצן    רצון

râtsôn  râtsôn

raw-tsone', raw-tsone'

From H7521; delight: - (be) acceptable (-ance, -ed), delight, desire, favour, (good) pleasure, (own, self, voluntary) will, as . . . (what) would.


WS on H7522


rāṣôn, ָרֹצן

raṣōn: A masculine noun meaning pleasure, delight, desire, will, favor, acceptance. This term is ascribed both to human agents and to God. For humans, the word often described what the heart was set on having or doing, whether for good or evil (Gen_49:6; 2Ch_15:15; Neh_9:24, Neh_9:37; Est_1:8; Psa_145:16, Psa_145:19; Dan_8:4; Dan_11:3). When attributed to God, the term expresses the divine goodwill which He extends to humanity as He sees fit (Deu_33:16, Deu_33:23; Psa_5:12 [13]; Psa_69:13 [14]; Psa_106:4; Pro_12:2; Pro_18:22; Isa_49:8; Isa_60:10; Isa_61:2). In passages pertaining to the offering of sacrifices, offerings, or fasting in worship, the word designates the favorable reception of the worshipers (and thus their worship) by the Lord (Exo_28:38; Lev_1:3; Lev_19:5; Lev_22:19-21, Lev_22:29; Lev_23:11; Isa_56:7; Isa_58:5; Isa_60:7; Jer_6:20). On a few occasions, the word denotes anything that is pleasing to God (i.e., His will [lit., His pleasure]; Psa_40:8 [9]; Psa_103:21; Psa_143:10). This noun is derived from the verb rāsāh (H7521).


Examples from DAP (Chat):



Hd: All: Home work / Conf. Prep / Class participation: Name some ways God makes romantic moves toward us

Hd: feel free to type here in chat and or at the top of the QNAs doc

Hd: pls participate

h: having a proclaimer tell us truth so that we can know Him

Hd: :+)

h: letting us hear the bible read to us and interpretted and even.hearing greek and hebrew read to us. hearing the bible in the original language is warming to me

h: allowing us to find life and hope and resolve in prayer

h: having an open door policy: you can come to him and repent at any moment, you cam cast your cares on him all the time, there is mercy available all the time

v: wow what an exciting homework topic!. I am really warmed by the Lord's jealousies over me, like when He says to come to him first and don't delay

v: I really like it when the Lord corrects my former misconceptions of things, and it is so relieving to do the new found truth I found our

v: *out

v: for example finding out that women should get beat if they don't submit to their man is so romantic and relieving to me.

A: =-) lol

A: When the Lord sings together with you, making songs of favor.

A: The Lord being welcoming to you anytime you choose to believe at any moment.

A: The command to 'not delay in turning to the Lord' (you don't have to snowball or have downward spiral crashes).

A: He's always awake, and doesn’t slumber, and thus always there to hear you pray; He has the wherewithal to always be engaged and He’s always awake and zealous to wrestle with you when needed.


He ‘chastens’ those he loves
Yet he doesn’t do phantom guilts; but he always gives a way/solution to be righteous


He defends his own- Love always covers and protects, and doesn’t do shame
Ex when outsiders sought to find fault with the disciples for not washing their hands or for picking grain on the Sabbath, the Lord knew how to “speak for his accused ones on their behalf, and even turn the spotlight back on the accusers. I love the Manliness of the Lord when he speaks on behalf of Truth and his vulnerable ones, and when he draws out the greater guilt of hypocrites.

Aye: Wow, what a neat homework/conference prep and responses

A: Yeah...and all the girls get provoked!

Aye: He gives us commandments and solid things to go by. He tells us what to do so we don't have to be unstable.

Aye: He's willing to hold our hands (you seive my right hand with your counsel you guide me Psa_73) and help us to get it right and be perfect

Aye: He goes before us with goodness: he's willing to make people great before they realize what greatness is (ex. our Mom).

Aye: He's willing to overthrow the whole earth just to exalt his salvation and save you (then the earth shook and quaked the foundations of the earth were distrubed and were shaken because my God was angry with them (psa_18), holding the sun still, etc.

Aye: he gets really mad because of his jealousy.

Aye: oh my blood pressure and heart rating going up. <<


Like H also mentioned- the command to cast all our cares upon Him...
He's not intimidated by our "luggage", nor is he easily discouraged. He's knows how to bear the weight of these things, and He has the "muscles", wherewithal, resolve, and confidence to do it.

A: Another romantic move: In general, the Lord has already told us about all our trials ahead of time (and things have even been written in the Scriptures to call next to us unto hope). He has dealt soberly, honestly, concerningly, and lovingly towards us so that we don't stagger in shock, thinking things are "strange", and end up losing our minds in the midst of trials. He has told us ahead of time so that we might believe (Joh_14:29), and have no excuse.


Oh that He is so consistent and not a flickle human, oh his consistency and faithfulness is very attractive.
He is manily, courageous, and brave enough to die for his woman. That's very warming that the Lord actuallyy died for us, and its not just a whole bunch of talk with no action either, he actually did it already. And found a way to protect and have his bride when its all said and done. He's better than any gangster I have every known.
He can and has out done us in everything and with every feeling. Therefore, if I feel like I'm just bursting at the seams with love for God, that's because He felt that way and more towards me before hand. Another example would be the Lord dancing for/over me in more exciting and swavvy ways than I could do for Him. =)-K






It Is Time For Romantic Justice! – God’s Extravagant Love vs. Our Imperative Ambition

·        It is all good and everything when God shows that He loves us, but it is not good if we are unreasonably and disproportionately complacent and apathetic toward His awesome kindness toward us who are already unworthy in ourselves.

·        God loves us more than we love Him, but we should at least seek to out-do His expression of Love back to Him (i.e. returning favor to God in felt ways).

·        God loves us more than we love Him, even though we are infinitely less worthy of Love, but,

·        Justice happens when we finally realize this and get up and get zealous to set the record straight and seek to make a bigger deal about Loving God than His current expression of Love to us.

·        One of God’s biggest occupations among men is declaring His immeasurable love for us.

·        One of our biggest obligations to God is to make Him “feel” love from us, as the only reasonable response.

·        It is proper for unfaithful people to be punished (possibly even without warm affectionate love), no matter how much they may be loved (objectively).

·        The more faithful someone is, the more worthy they are to constantly feel and be shown the value of warm love.

·        “Showing” the value of love (making someone feel it) is properly reserved unto the one who is most faithful.

·        Since God is way more faithful than us, we should be the ones going around as urgently as we can to do love to God as much as possible with our deeds and felt expressions, even if we ourselves are still not worthy/perfected/ready/completed in faithfulness enough for God to make us “feel” His Love for us as much as we crave.


I am Tired of Romantic Injustice!

·        I for one am extremely tired of seeing God be so much more worthy than humans, and yet seeing humans be so nauseatingly complacent toward God.

·        I am tired of seeing the Worthy One ignored and all of His advances considered unexciting.

·        People are not emotional rocks! -- When are we ever going to learn this??

·        Much less is God emotionally like a lifeless rock.

·        God’s mighty strength and infinite power are like a rock, but His passion and soul and love is an unquenchable and blazing fire.

·        It is our job (our imperative ambition) to keep God motivated and hot toward us with urgent romantic appeals.

·        If we don't, He will ultimately work out salvation by Himself with His own right arm*, and His intimacy will go to others who are more worthy, because they will entreat His justice.


* (Isa_41:28; Isa_50:2); (Isa_51:9 - awake!); Isa_59:16-17, etc.; Isa_63:5, etc. (Joh_16:32 – even great people temporarily left Jesus Alone)

TSK: mine own: Isa_40:10, ...Isa_52:10, Psa_44:3, Psa_98:1, Hos_1:7, 1Co_1:24, Heb_2:14, Heb_2:15


God Withdraws To Wait For Justice

Gen_4:26 – In Enosh's day, men began to seek God...

Gen_6:3 – God said: my spirit will not always remain with mankind because he is flesh


·        Among many other things, one of the big reasons that God withdraws Himself from humans is because justice is pending.

·        God waits for people to come and do some faithfulness/romance, without being satiated with even more pleasures on top of pleasures (gratification and pampering) before being motivated to action/excitement.

·        It is extremely romantic from Heaven's perspective to look down and see a human sitting in dust and ashes and hurting without physical consolation, yet being passionate to set the record straight, and look up in the heaven and to love God without any external feelings of happiness and goodness.

·        It is time to happily sing in prison with Paul and Silas

·        It is extremely romantic from God's perspective to look down and see a human who finally wants to love His intimacy.


The Romantic God Who Can Seem Like an Unjust Judge

Luk_18:1, etc. – Jesus told the parable that man ought to always pray...


·        We should consider praying even when God feels like an unjust judge who is personally indifferent to us. -- this is the real God, that fleshly church people do not know.

·        Endurance is extremely scarce and endangered and hard to come by today, because people do not know the real God.





Don't Go Crazy

2/21/16; 3/6/16


Paul Tells us How to Stay Sane in Trial

2Th_2:2, etc. – don't fall from your mind

2Co_1:9 – we had the sentence of death in ourselves


Job's Different "Friends"

Job_2:11 – Job's three friends

Job_42:10-12, etc., esp. v. Job_42:11 – brothers, sisters, and former acquaintances


·        When the rest of Job's (more helpful) family & friends finally came (40 chapters later), he was finally comforted after all of his sorrow.

·        They came and ate, and brought him money, and comforted him.


The “Friends” that Make You Crazy or Sane

·        It is amazing how what you hear affects your perception of reality.

·        If you listen to demons, don't be surprised if you go absolutely crazy.

·        If you listen to pessimistic people, be sure to speak some faithful words in your ears in a debriefing to recover your sanity whenever needed.


How To Win by Romance


Making Someone Happy is What Romance Obligations Are All About


Being Pleasing vs. Being Hated

Exo_21:8 MT: "IF DYSFUNCTIONAL in~EYE~s2 LORD~s~her" (MechTr); LXX: ἐὰν μὴ εὐαρεστήσῃ τῷ κυρίῳ αὐτῆς

Deu_21:11-14, esp. Deu_21:14 (MT: H2654; LXX: μὴ θέλῃς αὐτήν)

Gen_28:8, (Jdg_14:3), 1Sa_8:6, (1Sa_18:8,)


WS on H2654


ḥāp̱ēṣ, ָחַפץ

ḥāp̱aṣ: A verb meaning to delight in, to have pleasure, to have favor, to be pleased. Shechem took delight in Dinah (Gen_34:19); King Ahasuerus also took delight in Esther (Est_2:14). This word describes Solomon's pleasure in building the Temple (1Ki_9:1). The Lord is described as taking pleasure in His people Israel (Isa_62:4). He is also pleased with those who practice justice and righteousness (Jer_9:24 [23])."



Deu_24:1-4 -- in a bad sense

Hos_9:14-15 -- in a righteous sense

TSK: I hated: Lev_26:30, Eze_23:18 [God’s mind/soul alienated from her], Zec_11:8

TSK: I will drive: Hos_9:3, Hos_9:17, Hos_1:6, Hos_1:9, Hos_3:4, 1Ki_9:7-9, 2Ki_17:17-20, Psa_78:60, Jer_3:8, Jer_11:15, Jer_33:24-26, Amo_5:27


Rom_9:13 – Jacob loved, Esau hated


[1Co_7 – spouses being mutually pleasing to each other]


Make God Happy

·        In many ways, the sum total answer for obediently loving in all romance is to make God happy.

·        Consider all the ways that God makes humans happy: food, spiritual food and truth, etc.

·        When are we going to get up with Phineas (despite apathetic temptations, depressions, etc.) and make God happy?

·        Neither people nor God are an emotional rock

·        Make worthy people & God happy -- if your goal is romance.


Faithful Romance is The Way to Win

·        If you are faithful and remember what God said, you will be exceedingly pleasing though you go through many trials and discouragements.

·        Though you may bear bad feelings now, you will bear God's adoration and inherit His intimacy in the end.






Be Happy & Feminine

It is not romantic or feminine to not be happy.


List things you can do to make God happy:



Smile toward God

Make poor people happy!

Do what is the desire & tendency of proclaimer / righteous assembly...





Being Willing to Receive Evil


Being Willing In Your Orthodox Theology to Receive Good And Evil From God

1/17/16 (first written & presented); 2/11/16



>> since ancient times, Job’s friends have assumed that ‘bad stuff is not supposed to happen to good people…’

>> people still think this today in their fairytale religious fabrications of what it should be like to hear god’s voice, be supernaturally and miraculously lead by him…

>> not that the world has any idea what it is even saying, but that if someone truly is good, Jesus said that ‘persecutions’ where actually supposed to happen (almost as a reward) to those who forsake all and follow truth…


Moses was humiliated without miracles for many years before being especially empowered


At First, Jesus…

·        grew in favor

·        Was not publically called out by demons

·        Did not know good from evil

·        Allowed his earthly father to die


Job_2:9-10 – Will we receive good from the lord and not evil

TSK: shall we receive: Job_1:1-3, Job_1:10, Job_1:21, 2Sa_19:28, Lam_3:38-41, Joh_18:11, Rom_12:12, Heb_12:9-11, Jam_5:10

Gen_12:7-10, esp. v. Gen_12:10; Gen_26:1-6 – Abraham & Isaac have to relocate because there is a famine in the land of promise.

(Abraham has to go down to Egypt because there is a famine in the land of promise)

Rth_1:19-21 – I went out full, but I came back empty

TSK: and the: 1Sa_2:7-8, Job_1:21

(TSK: the Lord: Job_10:17, Job_13:26, Job_16:8, Mal_3:5)

1Sa_25:1, etc. – David seeks help from Nabal >> Get the specific verse I am referring to

>> TSK/other examples like this

2Sa_19:31-39 (esp. 2Sa_19:34-39) – Barzillai stayed back and King David blessed him

Luk_16:20-22, etc. -- a beggar who died

TSK: that: Job_3:13-19, Isa_57:1, Isa_57:2, Rev_14:13


Al: Original

Job_2:10, etc. – Will we receive good from the lord and not evil

Rth_1:21, etc. – I went out full, but I came back empty

2Sa_19:34-39 – Barzillai stayed back and King David blessed him

Luk_16:20 -- a beggar who died



Jacob’s wife dies after obeying God!



Notice Jesus’ acceptance of Lazarus’ death as being perfectly in the will of God - Luk_16:19-25

Joh_11:4 Lazarus (brother of Mary and Martha)

Don’t fear only believe… - Luk_8:50

Paul said he left someone somewhere sick – 2Ti_4:20

Eternal weight of reward – 2Co_4:17



When the worst things happen, we need a theology like Jesus that doesn’t see these things as unorthodox

Learn an orthodox theology on how to wait


Dealing with Drama

Moving mountains,

Sacrificing Issac

You need special commissioning to forgo your responsibilities





See: LUX


See: MVP > Strike the Monotheists!



Flee Persecutions



Mat_10:23 LB But whenever they persecute you in this city, flee to another. For assuredly I say to you, by no means will you have gone through the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes.

Mat_10:23  οταν δε διωκωσιν υμας εν τη πολει ταυτη φευγετε εις την Aετεραν TSBαλλην αμην γαρ λεγω υμιν ου μη τελεσητε τας πολεις του ισραηλ εως αν ελθη ο υιος του ανθρωπου


TSK: Mat_2:13, Mat_4:12, Mat_12:14, Mat_12:15, Luk_4:29-31, Joh_7:1, Joh_10:39-42, Joh_11:53, Joh_11:54, Act_8:1, Act_9:24, Act_9:25, Act_13:50, Act_13:51, Act_14:6, Act_14:7, Act_14:19, Act_14:20, Act_17:10, Act_17:14, Act_20:1


Pro_22:3 WEB A prudent man sees danger, and hides himself; but the simple pass on, and suffer for it.

Pro_22:3 CAB An intelligent man seeing a bad man severely punished is himself instructed, but fools pass by and are punished.

Pro_22:3  πανοῦργος ἰδὼν πονηρὸν τιμωρούμενον κραταιῶς αὐτὸς παιδεύεται, οἱ δὲ ἄφρονες παρελθόντες ἐζημιώθησαν.


TSK: prudent: Pro_14:16, Pro_27:12, Exo_9:20, Exo_9:21, Isa_26:20, Isa_26:21, Mat_24:15-18, 1Th_5:2-6, Heb_6:18, Heb_11:7




Love Disciplin

4/28/16; 11/4/16

>> where is the main compilation of this teaching?


We have a group of a majority of spanking-less people.

·        Mir and other said their parents did not spank them


These concerns still affect us today.

We still face trial and temptations and vulnerabilities from not being spanked sufficiently.


Jer_46:28 WEB  Don't be afraid you, O Jacob my servant, says Yahweh; for I am with you: for I will make a full end of all the nations where I have driven you; but I will not make a full end of you, but I will correct you in measure, and will in no way leave you unpunished.

Jer_46:28 CAB  Fear not, My servant Jacob, says the Lord; for I am with you. She that was without fear and in luxury, has been delivered up; for I will make a full end of every nation among whom I have thrust you forth. But I will not cause you to fail. Yet will I chastise you in the way of judgment, and will not hold you entirely guiltless.

Jer_46:28  (26:28) μὴ φοβοῦ, παῖς μου Ιακωβ, λέγει κύριος, ὅτι μετὰ σοῦ ἐγώ εἰμι· ὅτι ποιήσω συντέλειαν ἐν παντὶ ἔθνει, εἰς οὓς ἐξῶσά σε ἐκεῖ, σὲ δὲ οὐ μὴ ποιήσω ἐκλιπεῖν· καὶ παιδεύσω σε εἰς κρίμα καὶ ἀθῷον οὐκ ἀθῳώσω σε.



Domestic Discipline of the Righteous


Josiahs Scott,,

6/4/15; 6/9/15; 6/10/15 (recompiled); 6/11/15 (Not A Little Romantic, Downright Erotic); 6/18/15; 7/9/15; 8/13/15; 9/15/15 (< pre-marriage); 4/28/16 (post-marriage; recompiled)

Disallow: /BibleStudies/domestic-discipline-of-the-righteous.htm







Deu_8:5 KJV+  Thou shalt also considerH3045 inH5973 thine heart,H3824 that,H3588 asH834 a manH376 chastenethH3256 (H853) his son,H1121 so the LORDH3068 thy GodH430 chastenethH3256 thee.

Deu_8:5 And you shall know in your heart, that as if any man should chasten his son, so the Lord your God will chasten you.

Deu_8:5  καὶ γνώσῃ τῇ καρδίᾳ σου ὅτι ὡς εἴ τις παιδεύσαι ἄνθρωπος τὸν υἱὸν αὐτοῦ, οὕτως κύριος ὁ θεός σου παιδεύσει σε,


Lev_26:43 WEB The land also will be left by them, and will enjoy its sabbaths while it lies desolate without them: and they will accept the punishment of their iniquity; because, even because they rejected my ordinances, and their soul abhorred my statutes.

Lev_26:43 CAB And I will remember the land, and the land shall be left of them; then the land shall enjoy her Sabbaths, when it is deserted through them; and they shall accept the punishment of their iniquities, because they neglected My judgments, and in their soul loathed My ordinances.

Lev_26:43  καὶ ἡ γῆ ἐγκαταλειφθήσεται ὑπ᾿ αὐτῶν· τότε προσδέξεται ἡ γῆ τὰ σάββατα αὐτῆς ἐν τῷ ἐρημωθῆναι αὐτὴν δι᾿ αὐτούς, καὶ αὐτοὶ προσδέξονται τὰς αὐτῶν ἀνομίας, ἀνθ᾿ ὧν τὰ κρίματά μου ὑπερεῖδον καὶ τοῖς προστάγμασίν μου προσώχθισαν τῇ ψυχῇ αὐτῶν.

Lev_26:44 Yet for all that, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not reject them, neither will I abhor them, to destroy them utterly, and to break my covenant with them; for I am Yahweh their God;

Lev_26:44 And yet not even thus, while they were in the land of their enemies, did I overlook them, nor did I loathe them so as to consume them, to break My covenant made with them; for I am the Lord their God.

Lev_26:44  καὶ οὐδ᾿ ὧς ὄντων αὐτῶν ἐν τῇ γῇ τῶν ἐχθρῶν αὐτῶν οὐχ ὑπερεῖδον αὐτοὺς οὐδὲ προσώχθισα αὐτοῖς ὥστε ἐξαναλῶσαι αὐτοὺς τοῦ διασκεδάσαι τὴν διαθήκην μου τὴν πρὸς αὐτούς· ὅτι ἐγώ εἰμι κύριος ὁ θεὸς αὐτῶν.

>> TSK



Examples of things that might call for a spanking


Abating man's courage

Finding ways to not be able to quickly respond to man's directives

Finding exceptions and problems so that man cannot lead

Not being sequential

Everything Suggesting Indebted mind reading

Guilt / liabilities for not mind reading

Not communicating & then blaming the leader for not mind reading

'Fire proof'/femenist/jump up to please the woman/delighting much in the man being forced to 'learn' and change...




Paul: trembling


Guard cam trambling before Paul



Like a woman fearing before a man streaching and shaking his hand/arm...


They will fear as women...


Abigal's bowing seems consistent with this


As God is enticed and enthrawled by trembling, so a man is overwhelmingly provoked by a fearing woman.



Although it says and overseer must be blameless in rulling his own house, in the most spiritual ambition Paul says, 'let the husband see that he loves his wife' and "let the woman see that she fears her man" -- so let a woman chase her own soul down for fearing her man before her husband even get a chance to lay a finger on her



Bbs: mk ppt or .ai file for DDD play!




Romantic Trails – That’s what God Really Want in Place of Shallow Complacency and Limited Romance

Divine romance does not "pop" when difficulties arrise. God does not stop thinking romantically, so niether should we. Since the truth of God's romantic sentiments are in the heavens, they do not truly stop even when we have gotten distracted.

Johna ran away partly to see if God would 'let him off the hook', but on God's end the romance was unstoppable. -- The fluctuating feminine emotions of our humanity feels like things rise or fall with the seasonal shifting of our unstable soul, but God's solidity is apprehended by those with unmoved faith in His logos.



The Element Of Anger In Discipline



Anger does not sabotage romance.

If anger seems to quench love, then you are not really doing love.


God burned with Anger at the burning bush

God made a storm for Jonah


Both of these examples had to do with God’s burning jealousy over demanding that His prophets be made great. -- that is the very heart pumping essence of romance -- burning jealousy, and hot passion, demanding control, manipulative forcefulness, overshadowing rape (snatching) into greatness…



Anger does not stop romance, it proves that hot romance is there, else they would be cool and possibly indifferent towards you!

Romance that cannot withstand the heat of jealousy is shallow and worth not much more than the highest aspirations of this life.


Control shows dominant mastership -- without which you cannot have romance.

Even displeasure shows ownership and kingship and dependence and zeal to define you, and solidifys vulnerability -- this is all very romantic


Sometime: What better opportunity to strike deeply with pleasure, and break a bone with a gentle tongue, or to humble yourself with adoration and prove consistent love…?


It is more blessed to give than to receive

Isn’t there a blessedness in enduring and proving selfless love and consistent good bowel in all things?

When does selflessness come in?

and you can change a lot by example





The Righteous Management of Sorrow


Morning righteously means managing your sorrow in faith

No morn as those who have no hope

Worldly sorrow

For the present, All punishment is not joyful, but...

Leap for joy

Paul and Silas

No one will be able to take away your favorable rejoicing

Being called a dog




Endurance  And Reward

10/29/15; 10/31/15; 11/19/16 (recompiled)


The Treachery of Loving Murder

People want investment before being proven faithful.

this is a deep evil, and perverse trechary.




Loving to Be Tested

The whole point of the word "tested and approved" (all throughout the Bible) is that you would be treated with contempt and held at a distence until you have been shown worthy to approach holy and true clean things...



Esther 'enduring' and waiting a year in oils and preprarations, and hoping to be choosen by the king.

          you got to endure and wait to be choosen

          don't sabatage all your waiting so that you have to start over


farmer waits patiently for fruit...

endure to the end


David's sin with Bathsheba: God does 'change' plans and directions (although not predestination) based on your sin...


Job's loving venting vs. uggly and hatable unfaithful mourning...

          ever notice that God's favorites seem to 'get away' with things that others are destroied for


after having done the will of God you may take care of the reward


big point: you got to wait and endure helplessly for who knows how long for God to mysteriously and soverignly choose you...


we often complain about how long we wait, but it is often us foolishly making ourselves wait unnessesarily longer for  no reason... it is our own vain foolishness that shoots ourselves in the foot and causes needless grief, playing foolish games, dancing around foolishly with embarased failure for no reason...


God always seems to think you need to wait longer than you think because He actually cares about reverence and notices all the good and justice you are oblivous to.

He makes you wait longer than you wanted, but He also makes you rewarded deeper than you ever concieved.

) reward excedingly and abundantly more than we ask or think

) present sufferings not worthy to be compared w glory to be revealed in us


often the goal is to just remain no matter what with out explanation for starteling suffering and rejection...




if you will stop starting over, and playing the fool with your own needs for salvation, then in enduring and remaining you can eventually catch gusts of wind and get on a winning streak, and eventually even suddenly jump to new hights...

his always works because God absolutely has to be faithful and reward you big time for what good you do...

He always rewards us according to our works, and so often and in so many ways, the only 'work' He wants from you is to just believe and simply endure in that faith without apostacy...

story: at my darkest hours i did not feel like God wanted me at all, but i knew that if i endured that eventually He would just have to reward me because 'He cannot deny Himself' and would absolutely have to burst through because of my 'continual comming' and the stored up petitions would have to burst forth...



Love Discipline







Even when it feels like the master has drawn Himself away from us after we stalled to respond, in reality He is found in the vineyard -- He is planning more secret romance than you could think of, and when you feel hurt and rejected by his correction, He is actually thinking and secretly planning way more romance than you were.



DD & Discernment

Dd has a lot to do with discernment because discernment happens when you are always happy about every single thing God says, even if it is harsh or a rebuke against you or someone else. That's being faithful in all God's house, when God can finally find someone who will agree with Him in everything and do Him the Justice of always Justifying Him and agreeing with His more excelent ways.




Using the framework of this life to train someone up is definitely part of what that would mean

It is not just the act of “spanking someone” but the entire posture of fear, reverence…


God does not have to punish you in order for you to move with quick and deep fear before Him and reverencing his hand over you to do all faith and love into Him


Domestic Discipline is Not Just A Little Romantic, it Is Downright Erotic



DD is not just incidently a little romantic; it does not just happen to have a few side effects and implications and consequences that go along with it; DD is not just incidently a little romantic, it is foundationally and fundamentally passionate and wounding-ly errotic. It is profoundly romantic and addictively motivating, and burning in truth, and overwhelming in proclamations, and deep in testimony, and loving in truth, and absolutely defining in gender, doing extreme and absolute justice in the parable of marriage, overwhelming a husband with her fear and reverence, inciting courage, singing of majestic parables, unbearable burning, unshakable fear and motivation, preaching to the whole world to unconditionally run to fear and submit to and be married under the awesome authority of God.


A wife that is urgently moved with terror and fear before her husband's presence provokes and forces out all firey burning, passionate motivation, love and respect, uncontrolable and overwhelming romance, deep and passionate motivation, profound and intense sticking, maximum explosions of hormones (with all of its surprising and exciting parabolic implications)...

She burns and sears with unbearble heat the love of her beautiful face upon his heart, and with tramatic memories and unbearable turnings of the piercing and shinning of reverent virtue, the fear and terror from the reverance of her lovable countenence, and her virtuous expressions of value and faith into his manliness immediately bypasses his will and goes right through his hands and chest and mightely, and even violently, grabs and apprehends the core sensitivenesses and intimacies of his heart, and will never let him go, and will repeatedly lead and thrust him back to her over and over again. He will not find the fulfillment of contentment until he is back at her side, and in her presence continually.



increased and excellerated loud truth,


Things to Look Up

An overseer must be blameless... Rulling his hose well...


If we would judge ourselves we would not be judged


No discipline at the time seems joyous...

If you are without discipline...


Put your feet into my feeters


Her collar will be a neclace, her fetters, braclets...


Isa: Shaking arm...

Jesus still disciplines His bride

·        I will kill her children with death


It is consistent with the romance we can see that God made


>get: love rebuke! -- see: llo



"Secondly, they need to focus on ending the violence, rather than on keeping families together"

"When women became pastors they found that much of their time became devoted to handling domestic abuse and other forms of violence against women; Their involvement included crisis intervention."


A Man’s Authoritative Charge


Terms of Punishment Prerogative – I Command You to Fear Me and Love Me For Disciplining You!

If ever punished, you will fearfully submit and even desperately beg to be chastened and hurt under me, and you will dependently cling to me for comfort afterward, and you will always give me all your best strength no matter how much I may hurt you, and you will even love me passionately for saving you through correcting you.


Like we always say: look at God, now look at the parable, now believe and be infinitely courageous to max it out of this world by faith.



Approach the Consuming Fire Throne with Favor, Boldness, and Fear

Heb_4:16 CAB  Therefore let us come boldly to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Heb_4:16 Greek  προσερχώμεθα οὖν μετὰ παρρησίας τῷ θρόνῳ τῆς χάριτος, ἵνα λάβωμεν ἔλεον καὶ χάριν εὕρωμεν εἰς εὔκαιρον βοήθειαν.


Heb_8:12 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I shall by no means remember anymore."

Heb_9:26 since it would have been necessary for Him to suffer often from the foundation of the world; but now, once at the consummation of the ages, He has been revealed for the removal of sin through the sacrifice of Himself.


Heb_10:38-39 CAB  But the just shall live by faith, and if he withdraws, My soul has no pleasure in him."  39  But we are not of those shrinking back to destruction, but of faith, to the saving of the soul.

Heb_10:39 Greek  ἡμεῖς δὲ οὐκ ἐσμὲν ὑποστολῆς εἰς ἀπώλειαν, ἀλλὰ πίστεως εἰς περιποίησιν ψυχῆς.


After saying ‘Don’t let your hands grow limp!’ he says…



Heb_12:28-29 CAB  Therefore, since we are receiving an unshakable kingdom, let us have grace [χάριν], through which we serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.  29  For our God is a consuming fire.

Heb_12:28-29 Greek  Διὸ βασιλείαν ἀσάλευτον παραλαμβάνοντες ἔχωμεν χάριν, δι᾿ ἧς λατρεύωμεν εὐαρέστως τῷ Θεῷ μετὰ αἰδοῦς καὶ εὐλαβείας·  29  καὶ γὰρ ὁ Θεὸς ἡμῶν πῦρ καταναλίσκον.



It takes a real MAN with lots of manly “nerve” to say: fear me with terrifying reverence and Love me with all your strength and don’t you dare run away from me because of my belt, and in fact you best run to my love quickly no matter how much I might discipline you…

So also women must give all their greatest strength to their men to love and fear them with trembling and run toward them with worshipful love, even if they might carry fearful discipline in their hand. -- talk about emotional dependence on an everything-dominant man.

By the way: the bad shrinking back fear / irreverent fear / unfaithful mourning has to be broken out of cats and humans…



Retaliating in the Form of Temper Tantrums Opposes Favor

how will I be comforted by those who I should receive comfort?


1Co_4:21 CAB  What do you desire? Shall I come to you with a rod, or in love, and a spirit of gentleness?



2Co_1:23-24 CAB  Moreover I call upon God as a witness against my soul, that in order to spare you, I came no more to Corinth.  24  Not that we lord it over your faith, but are fellow workers for your joy; for by faith you stand.



2Co_2:1-3 CAB  But I determined this within myself, that I would not come again to you in sorrow.  2  For if I make you sorrowful, then who is he who makes me glad if not the one which is made sorrowful by me?  3  And I wrote this very thing to you, lest when I came, I should have sorrow from those from whom I ought to have joy, having confidence in you all that my joy is the joy of you all.



2Co_13:10 CAB  Because of this I write these things being absent, in order that when I am present I may not deal sharply with you, according to the authority which the Lord gave me for edification and not for destruction.



You have loved Justice and truth when you beg for discipline and with a maxing and confounding faith, you energetically turn around with shocking faith and give the best of all you have to cheer on and encourage the strength of your savior husband.



When you stay uncorrected, you feel unloved as you contradict the authority of the rebuke. But when you break under faith and reverence for the chastisement and fear the good and rightness of what is being done to you, then you resolve well with the potant and zealous saltiness, and are deeply reverant and sacread and faithful, and after learning again to love justice, you are very easily made happy at the comfort and afirmation of the big and powerful authority, and you have a full set of consolation to move forward, because you really feel loved in the end of the process that someone has troubled themselves to give you truth and make you worth even more in righteousness.

Is it right what they are giving you?



A Spiritual Woman’s Passionate and Amazing Romantic Response


Discovering Domestic Discipline – A Dramatic Poem

Pensile Play: The Household of the Righteous DD

5/31/15-6/2/15; 6/4/15

Thou art too convicting for me my dove, too convicting, too convicting. I cannot bear thy virtues... I must flee away...

    Oh, but master, please help me, please discipline me, I run after thee!

    I thought we already corrected on that matter, oh innocent one...

    Oh please sir, I am sure we have not! I need your mighty chastisement over me...

    You have persuaded me my Dove with ravishments I cannot bear! If I must learn to do such fearful and shocking things (reverent/deep/ Potent / great / courageous deeds), I must first make it out to the woodshed for my own soul lest thy deeply romantic humility and burning subjection cause me to faint from convictions in this matter.

    Oh my master, return quickly to my salvation! What you learn for yourself don’t hold back from me! Teach me a lesson in the full strength of your courage, and tell me what is good. Order me, command me, make me fear with exciting reverence by shaking your thick, strong, impressive, muscular arm over me, thunder over me and make my insides quiver, tell me what I'll get if I don't obey you, and dominantly overshadow me as the authoritative, manly husband-God in the Scriptures! Then I will be overwhelmed and fall with ravishment under your manly strength and I will be happy in subjection with the deepest eager fear, reverence, respect and love for you! I will cleave and stick to you in dependence all of my days, and I will jump and respond to you quickly, and call you my Fearful Master, Courageous Lord, and Manly Husband. I lay here at the threshold of the door that you may not come back in without looking down upon my desperation and redirect my frame back to reverence as soon as you return...

    Oh my Dove, my hand shall be harder on me and softer on you, and my feet shall be yet even quicker to return into thy overwhelming loves, and truly, I will increase my strength over you until I am truly your man and you are truly my woman.



Signed Plaque on the Wall

Signed Plaque to put on the wall of the home (perhapse next to the belts or rod):

"I freely and whole-heartedly consent to, and rather moreso, I beg and plead for domestic discipline from my husband, my master and Lord, however and whenever he deems appropriate, at his own discression, with or without notice or warning, that I might at all times be subject to his fear at any instant.

Additionally, I perpetuallly herafter for the rest of our lives wave any supposed "rights" to be protected by the state and or federal governments or any agencies or individuals of any kind, and I even perpetuallly wave any rights to reverse this decision, and even moreso besides this, not only do I wave these imagined "rights", but I reject with disgust any notion of interference of any kind at all between my husband and me by any third party, with the only permited third party input being that they should tell me to return and submit even more furvently under my husband.

Of my own free will and preference and insistance, I perpetually surrender, wave, renounce, reject, and forbid any claimed "right" of mine or anyone else to seek to help me escape or be protected from any discipline from my husband, or diminish it at all whatsoever, unless God Himself says otherwise. And I furthermore reject and renounce in this same way any claimed "right" to change my mind later for the rest of our lives.

I shall be considered the exclusive private property of my husband, and if necessary, even at the expense of my citizenship and every right afforded to me by any government, and he shall be absolutely and perpetuallly sovereign over me in all matters, and I shall pertain to no one else's businesses except as much as he may permit me (in his own discression) to be among the community of the righteous.

We the undersigned to herby wholeheartedly and perpetually agree and confim and validate this legally and morally binding, perpetual, irreversable, unrevokable, involable, and life-long agreement for the rest of our lives

Master, Lord, Husband


Wife (Private property of said Master)








Note: if any lawyer would be willing to contribute to making this even more legally binding, please contact us and offer any helpful suggestions.




Excerpts From Salvation Marriage



Will Your Salvation Marriage Mean Comfort and/or Discipline?

Do You Get The Point of Salvation Marriage?

Do you really want to get saved in marriage to the degree and in the sense God is willing to save you?



In some cases it could be comfort, therapy, and consolation. In other cases it could mean salvation from potential sins and character flaws. -- This depends on how much and in what ways you have suffered/been disciplined before marriage.


After telling women how they ought to be submissive in marriage and even suffer wrongly (1Pe_3:1-6), Peter says,



1Pe_4:1 CAB  Therefore, since Christ [anointed one] suffered for us in the flesh, you also arm yourselves with the same mind, because he who suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin,

1Pe_4:1 Greek  Χριστοῦ οὖν παθόντος ὑπὲρ ὑμῶν σαρκὶ καὶ ὑμεῖς τὴν αὐτὴν ἔννοιαν ὁπλίσασθε, ὅτι ὁ παθὼν σαρκὶ πέπαυται ἁμαρτίας,


Note: suffering like Jesus did (even if you are innocent) makes you stop sinning!


What Happens when a Salvation Marriage Means Discipline & Correction?

We may already be well adjusted to rejoice in the hope of comforting marriages, but what happens when the salvation includes the zeal of correction?



For men it depends on courageously loving spiritual things above the strength of the flesh, and being a real man who is won over by the surpassing virtues of his amazing woman. I tell you, he will probably be making some trips out to the woodshed to get saved after facing his overwhelmingly convicting wife.


For women, it depends on loving/craving/hurting for/and even begging for discipline…

·        In this case, since a man is now finally back in the place of Adam, he can finally use this to be a spiritual Adam who saves his wife from sin

·        He can use his thundering and authoritative voice and rightful position to finally beat away that old serpent!

·        And if spiritual women are able to save men, how much more readily can the man, who is a savior by nature, save his own woman? (Just as Paul remarks about the “natural branches” being more efficiently grafted into their own olive tree in Rom_11:17-24)

·        How then can a woman run after greatness within such a salvation marriage as this?

·        You cannot be saved in marriage if you do not crave and beg for correction to change in great humility and virtue lust...

·        Crave being defined and changed by someone else’s substance

·        I want to see women following after their men and putting a belt in their hand and begging for truth, salvation, and life, and redemption (esp from the snake that will inevitably attempt to come to her; by the way, if she is spiritual and “on top of things” then when her savior comes she should be ready to jump into his arms, dashing away from the danger; also, it’s a healthy posture to beg God for correction and you will be mercied- ex Psa_139:23-24, 1Co_11:31-32; be righteous like Job and be happy for God to just speak to you because He is indeed being romantic to his own and bestowing value upon you through his Words; Imagine yourself in prayer towards God, and now max out in this reasonable and healthy posture in marriage)


“I want God to correct me, and not man” – let’s crush this evangelical, heretical posture (by the way, a woman said this)



“h: How shall a righteous female who is married to an unrighteous man long for his unrighteous discipline, I guess I only understand her submitting and longing for righteousness....”

Do what you can on your side to win him over and also to squeeze anything you can out of him to feel the righteousness of the parable. Just find something, anything, to incite him to be a man. By the time you are chasing after a righteous man with a belt he will be so overwhelmed with romance that he won’t know what to do with you. (This is probably as close as you’re going to get to making a righteous man faint).


These things are spicy, salty, extremely profound parables



Reminder about discipline (5/31/15): Whether it means suffering wrongly or it means hurting from being legitimately corrected, the Bible parallels all such “discipline” as being valuable for obtaining virtue and endurance and correction from God. Therefore, if a woman suffers wrongly from an unjust husband she can speak to how a woman ought to submit in a good marriage, and even more mysteriously, a woman who loves to beg for correction from her righteous husband can speak directly to a woman suffering wrongly.



Remember how Hebrews 12 parallels Jesus' innocent suffering (Heb_12:2-3) with our receiving correction from God (Heb_12:3-14, etc.) just like we just saw in 1Pe_3:1, 1Pe_4:1?


Heb_12:11 – ALL discipline works good- this can get a bit romantic (hint- Greek word for “trained”)…



Therefore, I would say that salvation marriages that include salvation by discipline make a woman ready to preach to troubled women, and I am getting that specific because it looks like some of us have already gotten written into these things…


Side Spiritual Notes – How We Ended Up in This Bible Study

·        5/23/15 Al started facing a deep and painful trial (after a community talk we all had that night)

·        Salvation Marriage was originally set to be taught the next day 5/24/15, but it was postponed (it was not ready yet so we did a QNA instead), and now I am really glad it was postponed!

·        The next morning of 5/25/15 I told Al that I had written several things that morning and the night before in light of “helping” with her trial

·        Among other things I wrote, the morning of 5/25/15 around 11am, I added these last two sections to Salvation Marriage, including the quotation of 1Pe_4:1 (as seen previously).

·        Even though we were not actually doing this Bible study yet, I read this verse and part of the rest of this chapter (which deals with trials) to the disciples between about 11am and 12 pm (in light of Al’s current trial, and in light of the errands we were about to go on), and I also read Act_14:21-22 (and partly referenced Heb_12:1-2) -- note- remember that even the trials in the rest of the 1Peter 4 chapter do pertain to discipline

·        Al (who was under a heavy trial) had quoted 1Pe_4:1 and Act_14:21-22 in prayer that same morning

·        While driving in the SUV and starting our way out to our errands, Al mentioned (from behind the modesty curtain) that she had just quoted these same two passages (1Pe_4:1 and Act_14:21-22) that morning in prayer

·        Indeed I had written some things to help Al in her trial with depths that I did not realize

·        With excitement I replied and said that this was spiritual, and compared it to the same type of principle as Jesus prophesying while on the cross -- i.e. I knew she was suffering through a trial (being emotionally hurt) yet she was getting spiritual things that were correlating with the passages I had just read that morning

·        Furthermore, the fact that I reference 1Pe_4:1 (and linked it to Acts 14) to suffering within marriage is a very strange and distinctive application by default, but it just so happened to be the exact same verses that Al was quoting

·        Al and Ay both responded right back to me and said that this comparison I just made was what Ay had just said to Al that morning, in praise and admiration of Al’s virtues in the mist of Al’s trial (more specifically, Ay had greeted Al and said that she was like Jesus bleeding virtues while suffering on the cross)

·        Said in Chat: “on the way out to errands today, we all realized something else important and spiritual happened... more details later. Its great living around exciting people who are prone toward the orchestrations of God :+)” (3:26 pm CT)

·        I had added 1Pe_4:1 in light of learning to suffer / love being disciplined both before marriage and within marriage, prefacing this quotation with the specific words, “After telling women how they ought to be submissive in marriage and even suffer wrongly (1Pe_3:1-6), Peter says…

·        As for what I have composed here, It would seem Al pertains a lot to all of this

·        There Al goes again, learning things and personifying something spiritual to help women in the worst marriages!

·        What should we do with these things? Muse and be amaze, I suppose, until God fulfills all of these mysteries and parables.



The Background Nature of


Women made to Teat Their Husbands As New Fathers

Women were married much younger, and often it really did feel like being married into a new father, especially since her point of origin is changed to his rib

Also consider that "Adam was formed first, and then Eve" therefore women mature faster than men so that they will be ready to marry earlier in life than men, and they will be able bear babies sooner...

Therefore since the days of Adam God prebuilt into all humans the craving for younger women to wish to marry older, stronger, authoritative men who will take the place of their (older) dads...

Older men will naturally know more as Adam was entrusted with knowledge from God to give to Eve, and not just because He had been around the garden longer and personally named the animals himself, so he can naturally teach her all that he discovered and categorized himself, but also even tell her of his direct knowledge of what God said about the tree of knowledge...

The fall of humans into sin is initiated with a woman listening to the knowledge of another male and seeking to gain knowledge that contradicts Adams authority over her...

Therefore God has insisted on setting it up to where woman would be perpetually inclined to wish for an older man so that he might be her husband and father from which she came out of his rib.


Why you need to write Poetry to your Wife


All of the prophets are poetry because they incite zeal and oppose the life of despicable, worthless, luxurious complacency

Instead of the Mechanic being all motivated by his work on cars, he should be writing poetry in his heart to bring back to his wife...






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>> Additions/ TODO!












other dates; ~1/19/16; 1/26/16; 1/29/16-1/30/16; 2/2/16; 2/4/16; 3/10/16; 4/17/16; 4/4/17; other dates (some seen below); 8/13/17; many other date(s); 1/20/19

>> compare (maybe get and recompile?) SPINT > Leper vs. Luxury?



>> Re-Compile from PUR? & love Bible study


leper covers his mouth

agree w adversary



Be Subject To Correction



Probation means you are wrong about something & the love of Truth should obsessively drive you to change...


The Goal is to Change!

·        Whenever you’re in probation, The goal is constantly to change!

·        but sometimes I would not have known it based on responses and ideas and notions and beliefs and attitudes and words spoken among us

·        hardened heart and hurt insubordination make you complain and blaspheme correction


Too Week?


Exo_5-6 – Moses appealing to the children of Israel while their hearts were hard because their tasks were heavy


The Examples of our own Children

·        sometimes our children have flinched back in reverence when corrected, but so many other times one may have whined and complained and made a big noisy fuss when corrected...

·        which of these is worthy of sympathy?

·        which of these is submissively yielding to correction?

·        we see that unfaithful morning in the face of correction is not actually a sorrow fitted unto and worthy of sympathy, but is instead unfaithful rebellious & undisciplined...

·        they seem to be crying at your punishment, but their crying is not actually worthy of belief nor is it a reasonable response to the correction they have received...

·        some crying actually begs more spanking!

·        those who have been insufficiently spanked will make a loud noisy cry of protest, but those who have been sufficiently spanked by their parents will yield to correction, emotionally preferring rather to accuse themselves and change then to risk spurning the one they reverence...

·        Every single time there has been unfaithful morning among us it has ALWAYS been very easy to see how we’re wrong and need to repent…
(or are we willing to have a breach in luxury and self-defense???)

·        Do you want to cry out for more spankings or be subject to the Father of spirits* and live?

·        I warn you to watch* and fix* your reverence that it not repeatedly keep breaching and decreasing…


Care about what is righteously needed, but don't defend the customs and assumptions and preferences of the flesh!


Stop responding with upset, fear, anger, despair, disgruntled exasperation, discouragement, hopeless sadness, etc.

These symptoms are unfaithful, and are a way of self-pity and self-defense and self-preservation...

stop protesting correction and start welcoming change and salvation...

remove the cushions and finally love and court the Truth


* Non Subjection & Birthright Despising

·        Consider the link between non subjection (Heb_12:5-11, etc.) and birthright despising (Heb_12:14-17)


Perfection Makes You Rejoice At Correction

·        David and Nathan -- see: SRP

·        Let the righteous strike me (Psa_141:5 -- below)!


Psa_141:5 WEB  Let the righteous strike me, it is kindness; let him reprove me, it is like oil on the head; don't let my head refuse it; Yet my prayer is always against evil deeds.

Psa_141:5 LB  The righteous shall chasten me with mercy, and reprove me: but let not the oil of the sinner anoint my head: for yet shall my prayer also be in their pleasures.

Psa_141:5  (140:5) παιδεύσει με δίκαιος ἐν ἐλέει καὶ ἐλέγξει με, ἔλαιον δὲ ἁμαρτωλοῦ μὴ λιπανάτω τὴν κεφαλήν μου, ὅτι ἔτι καὶ ἡ προσευχή μου ἐν ταῖς εὐδοκίαις αὐτῶν.



Samson’s Probation & Restoration

Other date(s); 1/19/19


Jdg_16:22 WEB  However the hair of his head began to grow again after he was shaved.

Jdg_16:22 LB  And the hair of his head began to grow as before it was shaven.

Jdg_16:22  Καὶ ἤρξατο θρὶξ τῆς κεφαλῆς αὐτοῦ βλαστάνειν, καθὼς ἐξυρήσατο.


Phineas’ Accusation of Continued Uncleanness


>> get notes from ToDo



Kingless Probation



>> get notes from ToDo


They even rebelled and made Abimalech (bond-son of Gideon) their own un-anointed king over Israel.


But once out of probation: This kingless season was to be followed by a good and monotheistic kingship of David.





Submitted to Nathan

David Named his son after the one who convicted him…

>> See: SRP


Don't Blaspheme Noah

Other date; 11/4/17


Noah had integrity to quarantine himself when he was drunk!


Esp. Gen_9:21


Gen_9:20 WEB  Noah began to be a farmer, and planted a vineyard.

Gen_9:20 And Noah began to be a farmer, and he planted a vineyard.

Gen_9:20  Καὶ ἤρξατο Νωε ἄνθρωπος γεωργὸς γῆς καὶ ἐφύτευσεν ἀμπελῶνα.

Gen_9:21 WEB  He drank of the wine and got drunk. He was uncovered within his tent.

Gen_9:21 And he drank of the wine, and was drunk, and was naked in his house.

Gen_9:21  καὶ ἔπιεν ἐκ τοῦ οἴνου καὶ ἐμεθύσθη καὶ ἐγυμνώθη ἐν τῷ οἴκῳ αὐτοῦ.

Gen_9:22 WEB  Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brothers outside.

Gen_9:22 And Ham the father of Canaan saw the nakedness of his father, and he went out and told his two brothers outside.

Gen_9:22  καὶ εἶδεν Χαμ ὁ πατὴρ Χανααν τὴν γύμνωσιν τοῦ πατρὸς αὐτοῦ καὶ ἐξελθὼν ἀνήγγειλεν τοῖς δυσὶν ἀδελφοῖς αὐτοῦ ἔξω.

Gen_9:23 WEB  Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it on both their shoulders, went in backwards, and covered the nakedness of their father. Their faces were backwards, and they didn't see their father's nakedness.

Gen_9:23 And Shem and Japheth, having taken a garment, put it on both their backs and went backwards, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their face was backward, and they did not see the nakedness of their father.

Gen_9:23  καὶ λαβόντες Σημ καὶ Ιαφεθ τὸ ἱμάτιον ἐπέθεντο ἐπὶ τὰ δύο νῶτα αὐτῶν καὶ ἐπορεύθησαν ὀπισθοφανῶς καὶ συνεκάλυψαν τὴν γύμνωσιν τοῦ πατρὸς αὐτῶν, καὶ τὸ πρόσωπον αὐτῶν ὀπισθοφανές, καὶ τὴν γύμνωσιν τοῦ πατρὸς αὐτῶν οὐκ εἶδον.

Gen_9:24 WEB  Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his youngest son had done to him.

Gen_9:24 And Noah recovered from the wine, and knew all that his younger son had done to him.

Gen_9:24  ἐξένηψεν δὲ Νωε ἀπὸ τοῦ οἴνου καὶ ἔγνω ὅσα ἐποίησεν αὐτῷ ὁ υἱὸς αὐτοῦ ὁ νεώτερος,

Gen_9:25 WEB  He said, "Canaan is cursed. He will be servant of servants to his brothers."

Gen_9:25 And he said, “Cursed be the servant Canaan, a slave shall he be to his brothers.”

Gen_9:25  καὶ εἶπεν Ἐπικατάρατος Χανααν· παῖς οἰκέτης ἔσται τοῖς ἀδελφοῖς αὐτοῦ.

Gen_9:26 WEB  He said, "Blessed be Yahweh, the God of Shem. Let Canaan be his servant.

Gen_9:26 And he said, “Blessed be the Lord God of Shem, and Canaan shall be his servant.

Gen_9:26  καὶ εἶπεν Εὐλογητὸς κύριος ὁ θεὸς τοῦ Σημ, καὶ ἔσται Χανααν παῖς αὐτοῦ.

Gen_9:27 WEB  May God enlarge Japheth. Let him dwell in the tents of Shem. Let Canaan be his servant."

Gen_9:27 “May God make room for Japheth, and let him dwell in the habitations of Shem, and let Canaan be his servant.”

Gen_9:27  πλατύναι ὁ θεὸς τῷ Ιαφεθ καὶ κατοικησάτω ἐν τοῖς οἴκοις τοῦ Σημ, καὶ γενηθήτω Χανααν παῖς αὐτῶν.

>> sync: LO | LLO > Probation



Forced Fast


Deu_8:2 WEB  You shall remember all the way which Yahweh your God has led you these forty years in the wilderness, that he might humble you, to prove you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep his commandments, or not.

Deu_8:2 LB  And you shall remember all the way which the Lord your God has led you in the wilderness, that He might afflict you, and try you, and that the things in your heart might be made manifest, whether you would keep His commandments or not.

Deu_8:2  καὶ μνησθήσῃ πᾶσαν τὴν ὁδόν, ἣν ἤγαγέν σε κύριος ὁ θεός σου ἐν τῇ ἐρήμῳ, ὅπως ἂν κακώσῃ σε καὶ ἐκπειράσῃ σε καὶ διαγνωσθῇ τὰ ἐν τῇ καρδίᾳ σου, εἰ φυλάξῃ τὰς ἐντολὰς αὐτοῦ ἢ οὔ.

Deu_8:3 WEB  He humbled you, and allowed you to hunger, and fed you with manna, which you didn't know, neither did your fathers know; that he might make you know that man does not live by bread only, but by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of Yahweh does man live.

Deu_8:3 And He afflicted you and let you hunger, and fed you with manna, which your fathers knew not; that He might teach you that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God shall man live.

Deu_8:3  καὶ ἐκάκωσέν σε καὶ ἐλιμαγχόνησέν σε καὶ ἐψώμισέν σε τὸ μαννα, ὃ οὐκ εἴδησαν οἱ πατέρες σου, ἵνα ἀναγγείλῃ σοι ὅτι οὐκ ἐπ᾿ ἄρτῳ μόνῳ ζήσεται ὁ ἄνθρωπος, ἀλλ᾿ ἐπὶ παντὶ ῥήματι τῷ ἐκπορευομένῳ διὰ στόματος θεοῦ ζήσεται ὁ ἄνθρωπος.

Deu_8:4 WEB  Your clothing didn't grow old on you, neither did your foot swell, these forty years.

Deu_8:4 Your garments did not grow old from off you, your shoes were not worn from off you, your feet were not painfully hardened, behold, for these forty years!

Deu_8:4  τὰ ἱμάτιά σου οὐ κατετρίβη ἀπὸ σοῦ, οἱ πόδες σου οὐκ ἐτυλώθησαν, ἰδοὺ τεσσαράκοντα ἔτη.

Deu_8:5 WEB  You shall consider in your heart that as a man chastens his son, so Yahweh your God chastens you.

Deu_8:5 And you shall know in your heart, that as if any man should chasten his son, so the Lord your God will chasten you.

Deu_8:5  καὶ γνώσῃ τῇ καρδίᾳ σου ὅτι ὡς εἴ τις παιδεύσαι ἄνθρωπος τὸν υἱὸν αὐτοῦ, οὕτως κύριος ὁ θεός σου παιδεύσει σε,

Deu_8:6 WEB  You shall keep the commandments of Yahweh your God, to walk in his ways, and to fear him.

Deu_8:6 And you shall keep the commands of the Lord your God, to walk in His ways, and to fear Him.

Deu_8:6  καὶ φυλάξῃ τὰς ἐντολὰς κυρίου τοῦ θεοῦ σου πορεύεσθαι ἐν ταῖς ὁδοῖς αὐτοῦ καὶ φοβεῖσθαι αὐτόν.

>> Sync: LLO: Probation / Discipline | SOM | MAEb | EFF (Deu_8:2-3)


See: all of Deu_8:2-6, etc.




See: Lov

>>>> Need to recompile into here!!!




Causes of Probation



·        will-generated contradiction from uncircumcised ears

·        Attitudes of incapability

·        Choosing unfaithfulness

·        (consider Isaac's blessing, if you feed him the food that his soul loves.)

·        I am here to help cast away demons who are attacking you, but I am not here to play games with willful sorcery

·        If you do not take your part seriously enough, then you may never get the attention needed to get healed.




This is along the lines of an addition in the series of what to learn from them who fell.







5/28/17; 6/7/17



Num_5:2 WEB  "Command the children of Israel that they put out of the camp every leper, and everyone who has an issue, and whoever is unclean by the dead.

Num_5:2 LB “Command the children of Israel, and let them send forth out of the camp every leper, and everyone who has a discharge, and everyone who is unclean from a dead body.

Num_5:2  Πρόσταξον τοῖς υἱοῖς Ισραηλ καὶ ἐξαποστειλάτωσαν ἐκ τῆς παρεμβολῆς πάντα λεπρὸν καὶ πάντα γονορρυῆ καὶ πάντα ἀκάθαρτον ἐπὶ ψυχῇ·

Num_5:3 WEB  Both you shall put male and female outside of the camp; that they not defile their camp, in the midst of which I dwell."

Num_5:3 Whether male or female, send them forth out of the camp; and they shall not defile their camps in which I dwell among them.”

Num_5:3  ἀπὸ ἀρσενικοῦ ἕως θηλυκοῦ ἐξαποστείλατε ἔξω τῆς παρεμβολῆς, καὶ οὐ μὴ μιανοῦσιν τὰς παρεμβολὰς αὐτῶν, ἐν οἷς ἐγὼ καταγίνομαι ἐν αὐτοῖς.

Num_5:4 WEB  The children of Israel did so, and put them out outside of the camp; as Yahweh spoke to Moses, so did the children of Israel.

Num_5:4 And the children of Israel did so, and sent them out of the camp: as the Lord said to Moses, so did the children of Israel.

Num_5:4  καὶ ἐποίησαν οὕτως οἱ υἱοὶ Ισραηλ καὶ ἐξαπέστειλαν αὐτοὺς ἔξω τῆς παρεμβολῆς· καθὰ ἐλάλησεν κύριος τῷ Μωυσῇ, οὕτως ἐποίησαν οἱ υἱοὶ Ισραηλ.


Num_12:14 WEB  Yahweh said to Moses, "If her father had but spit in her face, shouldn't she be ashamed seven days? Let her be shut up outside of the camp seven days, and after that she shall be brought in again."

Num_12:14 LB And the Lord said to Moses, “If her father had only spit in her face, would she not be ashamed seven days? Let her be set apart seven days outside the camp, and afterwards she shall come in.”

Num_12:14  καὶ εἶπεν κύριος πρὸς Μωυσῆν Εἰ ὁ πατὴρ αὐτῆς πτύων ἐνέπτυσεν εἰς τὸ πρόσωπον αὐτῆς, οὐκ ἐντραπήσεται ἑπτὰ ἡμέρας; ἀφορισθήτω ἑπτὰ ἡμέρας ἔξω τῆς παρεμβολῆς καὶ μετὰ ταῦτα εἰσελεύσεται.

Num_12:15 WEB  Miriam was shut up outside of the camp seven days, and the people didn't travel until Miriam was brought in again.

Num_12:15 And Miriam was separated outside the camp for seven days; and the people did not move forward until Miriam was cleansed.

Num_12:15  καὶ ἀφωρίσθη Μαριαμ ἔξω τῆς παρεμβολῆς ἑπτὰ ἡμέρας· καὶ ὁ λαὸς οὐκ ἐξῆρεν, ἕως ἐκαθαρίσθη Μαριαμ.





Lev_13:45 WEB  "The leper in whom the plague is shall wear torn clothes, and the hair of his head shall hang loose. He shall cover his upper lip, and shall cry, 'Unclean! Unclean!'

Lev_13:45 LB  And the leper in whom the plague is, let his garments be torn, and his head uncovered; and let him have a covering put upon his mouth, and he shall be called unclean.

Lev_13:45  Καὶ ὁ λεπρός, ἐν ᾧ ἐστιν ἡ ἁφή, τὰ ἱμάτια αὐτοῦ ἔστω παραλελυμένα καὶ ἡ κεφαλὴ αὐτοῦ ἀκατακάλυπτος, καὶ περὶ τὸ στόμα αὐτοῦ περιβαλέσθω καὶ ἀκάθαρτος κεκλήσεται·

Lev_13:46 WEB  All the days in which the plague is in him he shall be unclean. He is unclean. He shall dwell alone. Outside of the camp shall be his dwelling.

Lev_13:46 All the days in which the plague shall be upon him, being unclean, he shall be esteemed unclean; he shall dwell apart, his place of sojourn shall be outside the camp.

Lev_13:46  πάσας τὰς ἡμέρας, ὅσας ἂν ᾖ ἐπ᾿ αὐτοῦ ἡ ἁφή, ἀκάθαρτος ὢν ἀκάθαρτος ἔσται· κεχωρισμένος καθήσεται, ἔξω τῆς παρεμβολῆς ἔσται αὐτοῦ ἡ διατριβή .


Lev_14:35 WEB  then he who owns the house shall come and tell the priest, saying, 'There seems to me to be some sort of plague in the house.'

Lev_14:35 LB then the owner of the house shall come and report to the priest, saying, ‘I have seen a plague in the house.’

Lev_14:35  καὶ ἥξει τίνος αὐτοῦ ἡ οἰκία καὶ ἀναγγελεῖ τῷ ἱερεῖ λέγων Ὥσπερ ἁφὴ ἑώραταί μου ἐν τῇ οἰκίᾳ.



Psa_149:2 WEB  Let Israel rejoice in him who made them. Let the children of Zion be joyful in their King.

Psa_149:2 LB Let Israel rejoice in Him that made him; and let the children of Zion exalt in their King.

Psa_149:2  εὐφρανθήτω Ισραηλ ἐπὶ τῷ ποιήσαντι αὐτόν, καὶ υἱοὶ Σιων ἀγαλλιάσθωσαν ἐπὶ τῷ βασιλεῖ αὐτῶν·


Good posture to pray and address God, esp. in seasons of probation.


Initial Probation



>> you are a fleshball

>> you are NOT spiritual

>> get insp / other BBS?



The law is spiritual, but I am fleshly


1ti standard of Paul’s testimony



Examples Probation-al Dealings in the Bible


clothes created in heaven

The Father & Jesus & angels wears clothes



meats were created to be received...

but were not originally given in the garden,

later given under Noah



Faithfulness During Probation



If it is hard for you to get the help that you feel the need for then that is an indicator that it is not the main thing that heaven is requiring / on heaven’s heart at the moment


You should not just say, ‘You took away reciprocation… give it back!’

You should instead say, ‘You took away reciprocation… what do You want me to learn/give over?’



The Integrity of Isolation



Noah isolated himself in his tent when he was drunk.


Only Argue if You Have (1) Wisdom and or (2) The Spirit

Otherwise, shut your sinful mouth from debating!



Act_6:9 LB But there arose some men from what was called the Synagogue of the Freedmen, both of the Cyrenians and the Alexandrians, and of those from Cilicia and Asia, debating with Stephen.

Act_6:9  ανεστησαν δε τινες των εκ της συναγωγης της λεγομενης λιβερτινων και κυρηναιων και αλεξανδρεων και των απο κιλικιας και ασιας συζητουντες τω στεφανω

Act_6:10  And they were not able to withstand the wisdom and the Spirit with which he spoke.

Act_6:10  και ουκ ισχυον αντιστηναι τη σοφια και τω πνευματι ω ελαλει


Seek to Not Argue Much Without Being Filled??


>> what about Apollos?



Jas: Don’t boast about demonic “wisdom”!!




2/21/16; 3/3/16

We have already seen how self-quarantine is a basic and fundamental requirement of social justice and sanity.

>> Scripture: /\


Luxury and riches and pride are the causes of being blind and unable to self quarantine.

As a minimum requirement of Justice insanity and worthiness you are absolutely demanded and required to recognize when you are evil and messed up and morally bankrupt.

It is absolutely intolerable for someone to not see how bad they are, especially if they have helped words and preaching going into their ears.





mat_5:26-27 -


The Point: How to Respond & Know Your Probation


Absolutely do not let any judgments or declarations come out of your mouth indicating you know or have jurisdiction to speak to or define any of these things...

·         Salvation

·         Favor

·         Big caution: Comparing one great person to another



No love feast…

if we would judge ourselves we would not be judged





Apprehend and orthodox conception of your probation so that you will both hope cheerfully while waiting in your humiliation, and at the same time, without compromise, you will seriously not trust yourself.

Both of these things are absolutely necessary for non heretical ortho, so that you may win, and eventually come out of your probation alive and saved.

You can choose to stay in your probation in darkness and bitterness, or you can do these things and come out spiritual and maybe even prophesying!


> Zachariah! John's Dad

You will be silent for a season...

> TSK!



·         Garden, etc.

·         don't make a new convert a leader

·         don't put yonger women on supported roster

>> Google: the Bible teaches probation

The very principles of probation teaches one-way trust

God is not required to trust you in order to require and motivate you to trust and love Him


thess: take him out of community reciprocation until he really wants to work... (not working all around, etc.)


Accountability for Those Still In Probation


Welcome & Crave Accountability

Pop: scf


Dispelling All Irrational Myths of Trust Issues Toward H


>> Note: Recently I have been repeatedly, inaccurately represented as ‘not trusting’ H --

There is no evidence or indication for this at all, neither should anyone continue to propagate these unfounded myths.

We should do things based on what is really going on, and not based on strange inventions outside of my motives, mouth, and deeds.

Optimistically watching videos, or needing to verify/solidify understanding on the value of eating organ meet does not imply distrust in the slightest way.

If I struggle with resolving strong (natural?) perceptions about organ meet, that does not imply distrust, but the integrity of needing to thoroughly resolve on what we are saying -- and include the light of my concerns.



Example: How much soda should we drink --


Self-Disciplined invitations for Accountability

We should be Willing to be treated differently, Rather than offended like a predicable flesh ball

·        we should not think anything strange to ask some more than others because some of us are in probation in some areas, and others are not…

·        We don’t have a right to get offended, we have a responsibility to justice to own our probation



Opening the Window - Follow Up

1/08/16; 1/13/16

·        You should not want indiscriminate 'go ahead' when there have been many unresolved questions

·        You should want my filtering and correction and verification

·        You should recognize your own internal needs

·        If I have found ways to function without needing the window to be open, then I need you to help me understand why you especially need the window to be open.

·        If we do not operate like this, then I cannot provide your much needed accountability

·        Integrity demands that you crave accountability, and even recognize where it is most needed!

·        When we can all operate appropriately, then that opens the door up for a rational basis for operational trust -- which is something we absolutely have to fight for!

·        By the way: I am very zealous and ambitious to lead by example: I have almost always taken correction very willingly, and even happily , & I have conscientiously sought it out all the more whenever I have needed it the most.

·        I am NOT hard to approach, nor have I even been hard to correct.

·        What may indeed sometimes have been hard, is for you to truly understand a real virtue in truth and to communicate it to me in and morally effective enough way to establish all integrity and accountability

·        ( by the way: in these cases I am NOT being the measurement of whether or not you have made a point, but your own mouth speaks a measurement of how much such things have really been internalised in you)

·        (Sidetrack: hypocrisy is when you allow yourself to be tricked into thinking you have done your duty before authentically / legitimately taking a hold of virtue.)


One-way trust is very Biblical!




Maintaining Hunger

- you are already full (tsk)

- the full soul loathes the honeycomb (prov.)



Sir_5:1-12 Brenton  Set thy heart upon thy goods; and say not, I have enough for my life.  2  Follow not thine own mind and thy strength, to walk in the ways of thy heart:  3  And say not, Who shall control me for my works? for the Lord will surely revenge thy pride.  4  Say not, I have sinned, and what harm hath happened unto me? for the Lord is longsuffering, he will in no wise let thee go.  5  Concerning propitiation, be not without fear to add sin unto sin:  6  And say not His mercy is great; he will be pacified for the multitude of my sins: for mercy and wrath come from him, and his indignation resteth upon sinners.  7  Make no tarrying to turn to the Lord, and put not off from day to day: for suddenly shall the wrath of the Lord come forth, and in thy security thou shalt be destroyed, and perish in the day of vengeance.  8  Set not thine heart upon goods unjustly gotten, for they shall not profit thee in the day of calamity.  9  Winnow not with every wind, and go not into every way: for so doth the sinner that hath a double tongue.  10  Be stedfast in thy understanding; and let thy word be the same.  11  Be swift to hear; and let thy life be sincere; and with patience give answer.  12  If thou hast understanding, answer thy neighbour; if not, lay thy hand upon thy mouth.





5/29/13; (other dates); 6/21/13; 8/7/13; 1/15/14 (Asking Questions); 9/17/14; 12/29/14; …6/27/16; 7/15/16; 11/24/17; 1/10/18

Condemning the assertive overbearing pushy bully car salesman ravenous rapacious wolf pervert

>> See: SPI > Fear > cheating


Stop Selling Start Closing

Grant Cardone


11/1/18 (finished listening to video); 11/18/18



The Virtue of Turning Upon

>> where are the original notes for this?


In some sense the opposite of Arpox



G1933 -- ἐπιεικής

WS Says: “epieikḗs; gen. epieikoús, masc.-fem., neut. epieikés, adj. from epí (G1909), upon, on, an intens., and eikós (n.f.), fair, equitable. Fitting, appropriate, suitable, proper, to be lenient, yielding, unassertive (1Ti_3:3; Tit_3:2; Jas_3:17; 1Pe_2:18; Sept.: Psa_86:5). Used in the neut. as a noun tó epieikés, your tolerance, clemency (Php_4:5).



The problem with defining “ἐπιεικής” as “lenient” is that “lenient” can sometime imply:





And monotheists are obviously not Tolerant, Non-strict, or Soft.

Read the Bible!









Nabal vs. David & Deu_23:16



Deu_25:17 WEB  Remember what Amalek did to you by the way as you came forth out of Egypt;

Deu_25:17 Destroy the Amalekites “Remember what things Amalek did to you by the way, when you went forth out of the land of Egypt,

Deu_25:17  Μνήσθητι ὅσα ἐποίησέν σοι Αμαληκ ἐν τῇ ὁδῷ ἐκπορευομένου σου ἐξ Αἰγύπτου,

Deu_25:18 WEB  how he met you by the way, and struck the hindmost of you, all who were feeble behind you, when you were faint and weary; and he didn't fear God.

Deu_25:18 how he withstood you in the way, and harassed your rear, even those that were weary behind you, and you hungered and were weary; and he did not fear God.

Deu_25:18  πῶς ἀντέστη σοι ἐν τῇ ὁδῷ καὶ ἔκοψέν σου τὴν οὐραγίαν, τοὺς κοπιῶντας ὀπίσω σου, σὺ δὲ ἐπείνας καὶ ἐκοπίας, καὶ οὐκ ἐφοβήθη τὸν θεόν·

Deu_25:19 WEB  Therefore it shall be, when Yahweh your God has given you rest from all your enemies all around, in the land which Yahweh your God gives you for an inheritance to possess it, that you shall blot out the memory of Amalek from under the sky; you shall not forget.

Deu_25:19 And it shall come to pass whenever the Lord your God shall have given you rest from all your enemies round about you, in the land which the Lord your God gives you to inherit, you shall blot out the name of Amalek from under heaven, and shall not forget to do it.

Deu_25:19  καὶ ἔσται ἡνίκα ἐὰν καταπαύσῃ σε κύριος ὁ θεός σου ἀπὸ πάντων τῶν ἐχθρῶν σου τῶν κύκλῳ σου ἐν τῇ γῇ, ᾗ κύριος ὁ θεός σου δίδωσίν σοι ἐν κλήρῳ κατακληρονομῆσαι, ἐξαλείψεις τὸ ὄνομα Αμαληκ ἐκ τῆς ὑπὸ τὸν οὐρανὸν καὶ οὐ μὴ ἐπιλάθῃ.





Dr. George Simon Thoughts





ISBN: 9781935166306

ISBN-10 1935166301

ISBN-13 9781935166306

Number Of Pages         176 pages

Format             Paperback

Publication Date           2010-04-01


Interesting how he associated “ARPOX” (ravenous wolves) with the same pervert personality that I did…


He is a psychologist

Challenged the traditional mislabeling of narcissists wolves

They are not in denial subconsciously using defense mechanisms

they are not subconsciously defending themselves from unbearable emotional pain

narcissists are conscious of what they are doing

They are fundamentally in a posture of offense (attack), not defense


They know what they are doing, and it is habitual, and pretending it is a defense only enables and justifies their madness and very deception to hurt more people.

narcissists play off of lies to get sympathy to control others

believing they are “defense mechanisms” only reinforces their deception further and worsens the problem.





Neurosis -- too nervous

Narcissist -- too little fear

Psychopath -- no conscious





No Macho


(Comp. Lux?)

>es search: macho! -- add! (2nd Tim_2:23, etc)


Clouds Without Rain



Pro_25:14 WEB  As clouds and wind without rain, so is he who boasts of gifts deceptively.

Pro_25:14 CAB As winds and clouds and rains are conspicuous things, so is he that boasts of a false gift.

Pro 25:14  ὥσπερ ἄνεμοι καὶ νέφη καὶ ὑετοὶ ἐπιφανέστατοι, οὕτως οἱ καυχώμενοι ἐπὶ δόσει ψευδεῖ.


TSK: boasteth: Pro_20:6, 1Ki_22:11, Luk_14:11, Luk_18:10-14, 2Co_11:13-18, 2Co_11:31, 2Pe_2:15-19, Jud_1:12, Jud_1:13, Jud_1:16


2Pe_2:10 and especially those who walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise authority. They are bold, self-willed, illustrious persons, they do not tremble at blaspheming,

2Pe_2:10  μάλιστα δὲ τοὺς ὀπίσω σαρκὸς ἐν ἐπιθυμίᾳ μιασμοῦ πορευομένους καὶ κυριότητος καταφρονοῦντας. τολμηταί αὐθάδεις, δόξας οὐ τρέμουσι βλασφημοῦντες,

2Pe_2:11 whereas angels, being greater in might and in power, do not bring a slanderous judgment against them before the Lord.

2Pe_2:11  ὅπου ἄγγελοι, ἰσχύϊ καὶ δυνάμει μείζονες ὄντες, οὐ φέρουσι κατ᾿ αὐτῶν παρὰ Κυρίῳ βλάσφημον κρίσιν.

2Pe_2:11  οπου αγγελοι ισχυι και δυναμει μειζονες οντες ου φερουσιν κατ αυτων παρα Aκυριου TSBκυριω βλασφημον κρισιν

2Pe_2:12 But these, as unreasoning natural animals, having been born for capture and destruction, blaspheme at things which they are ignorant of, and shall be destroyed in their destruction,

2Pe_2:12  οὗτοι δέ, ἄλογα ζῷα φυσικὰ γεγεννημένα εἰς ἅλωσιν καὶ φθοράν, ἐν οἷς ἀγνοοῦσι βλασφημοῦντες, ἐν τῇ φθορᾷ αὐτῶν καταφθαρήσονται,

2Pe_2:12  ουτοι δε ως αλογα ζωα Aγεγεννημενα φυσικα TSBγεγενημενα εις αλωσιν και φθοραν εν οις αγνοουσιν βλασφημουντες εν τη φθορα αυτων Aκαι Aφθαρησονται TSBκαταφθαρησονται

2Pe_2:13 receiving the wages of unrighteousness, counting as a pleasure to revel in the daytime, they are spots and blemishes, reveling in their deceptions while they feast with you,

2Pe_2:13  κομιούμενοι μισθὸν ἀδικίας· ἡδονὴν ἡγούμενοι τὴν ἐν ἡμέρᾳ τρυφήν, σπίλοι καὶ μῶμοι, ἐντρυφῶντες ἐν ταῖς ἀπάταις αὐτῶν συνευωχούμενοι ὑμῖν,

2Pe_2:13  Aαδικουμενοι TSBκομιουμενοι μισθον αδικιας ηδονην ηγουμενοι την εν ημερα τρυφην σπιλοι και μωμοι εντρυφωντες εν ταις απαταις αυτων συνευωχουμενοι υμιν

2Pe_2:14 having eyes full of adultery and unable to cease from sin, enticing unstable souls, having a heart having been trained in greediness, they are accursed children.

2Pe_2:14  ὀφθαλμοὺς ἔχοντες μεστοὺς μοιχαλίδος καὶ ἀκαταπαύστους ἁμαρτίας, δελεάζοντες ψυχὰς ἀστηρίκτους, καρδίαν γεγυμνασμένην πλεονεξίας ἔχοντες, κατάρας τέκνα·

2Pe_2:14  οφθαλμους εχοντες μεστους μοιχαλιδος και ακαταπαυστους αμαρτιας δελεαζοντες ψυχας αστηρικτους καρδιαν γεγυμνασμενην BAπλεονεξιας TSπλεονεξιαις εχοντες καταρας τεκνα

2Pe_2:15 They have left behind the straight way and gone astray, having followed after the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness;

2Pe_2:15  καταλείποντες εὐθεῖαν ὁδὸν ἐπλανήθησαν, ἐξακολουθήσαντες τῇ ὁδῷ τοῦ Βαλαὰμ τοῦ Βοσόρ, ὃς μισθὸν ἀδικίας ἠγάπησεν,

2Pe_2:15  Aκαταλειποντες TSBκαταλιποντες TSτην ευθειαν οδον επλανηθησαν εξακολουθησαντες τη οδω του βαλααμ του βοσορ ος μισθον αδικιας ηγαπησεν

2Pe_2:16 but he was rebuked for his own lawlessness: a dumb donkey speaking with the voice of a man restrained the madness of the prophet.

2Pe_2:16  ἔλεγξιν δὲ ἔσχεν ἰδίας παρανομίας· ὑποζύγιον ἄφωνον ἐν ἀνθρώπου φωνῇ φθεγξάμενον ἐκώλυσε τὴν τοῦ προφήτου παραφρονίαν.

2Pe_2:16  ελεγξιν δε εσχεν ιδιας παρανομιας υποζυγιον αφωνον εν ανθρωπου φωνη φθεγξαμενον εκωλυσεν την του προφητου παραφρονιαν

2Pe_2:17 These are waterless wells, clouds being driven by a storm, for whom the darkness of the netherworld has been reserved forever.

2Pe_2:17  οὗτοί εἰσι πηγαὶ ἄνυδροι, νεφέλαι ὑπὸ λαίλαπος ἐλαυνόμεναι, οἷς ὁ ζόφος τοῦ σκότους εἰς αἰῶνα τετήρηται.

2Pe_2:17  ουτοι εισιν πηγαι ανυδροι Aκαι Aομιχλαι TSBνεφελαι υπο λαιλαπος ελαυνομεναι οις ο ζοφος του σκοτους TSBεις TSBαιωνα τετηρηται

2Pe_2:18 For when they speak haughty words of emptiness, they entice through the lusts of the flesh, through lewdness, those who are escaping from those who are living in error,

2Pe_2:18  ὑπέρογκα γὰρ ματαιότητος φθεγγόμενοι δελεάζουσιν ἐν ἐπιθυμίαις σαρκὸς ἀσελγείαις τοὺς ὄντως ἀποφυγόντας τοὺς ἐν πλάνῃ ἀναστρεφομένους,

2Pe_2:18  υπερογκα γαρ ματαιοτητος φθεγγομενοι δελεαζουσιν εν επιθυμιαις σαρκος Sεν ασελγειαις τους Aολιγως TSBοντως Aαποφευγοντας TSBαποφυγοντας τους εν πλανη αναστρεφομενους

2Pe_2:19 promising to them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by whom anyone has been defeated, by this one also he has been enslaved.

2Pe_2:19  ἐλευθερίαν αὐτοῖς ἐπαγγελλόμενοι, αὐτοὶ δοῦλοι ὑπάρχοντες τῆς φθορᾶς· ᾧ γάρ τις ἥττηται, τούτῳ δεδούλωται.

2Pe_2:19  ελευθεριαν αυτοις επαγγελλομενοι αυτοι δουλοι υπαρχοντες της φθορας ω γαρ τις ηττηται τουτω TSBκαι δεδουλωται



Jud_1:8 CAB  Likewise indeed even these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, reject authority, and blaspheme glories.

Jud_1:8  ῾Ομοίως μέντοι καὶ οὗτοι ἐνυπνιαζόμενοι σάρκα μὲν μιαίνουσι, κυριότητα δὲ ἀθετοῦσι, δόξας δὲ βλασφημοῦσιν.

Jud_1:8  ομοιως μεντοι και ουτοι ενυπνιαζομενοι σαρκα μεν μιαινουσιν κυριοτητα δε αθετουσιν δοξας δε βλασφημουσιν

Jud_1:9 Yet Michael the archangel, when taking issue with the devil, was arguing about the body of Moses, dared not to bring a railing accusation, but said, "The Lord rebuke you!"

Jud_1:9  ὁ δὲ Μιχαὴλ ὁ ἀρχάγγελος, ὅτε τῷ διαβόλῳ διακρινόμενος διελέγετο περὶ τοῦ Μωϋσέως σώματος, οὐκ ἐτόλμησε κρίσιν ἐπενεγκεῖν βλασφημίας, ἀλλὰ εἶπεν· ἐπιτιμήσαι σοι Κύριος.

Jud_1:9  ο δε μιχαηλ ο αρχαγγελος οτε τω διαβολω διακρινομενος διελεγετο περι του Aμωυσεως TSBμωσεως σωματος ουκ ετολμησεν κρισιν επενεγκειν βλασφημιας Aαλλα TSBαλλ ειπεν επιτιμησαι σοι κυριος

Jud_1:10 But these speak blasphemously of those things which they do not know; but what they do know naturally, like unreasoning animals, they are destroyed by these things.

Jud_1:10  οὗτοι δὲ ὅσα μὲν οὐκ οἴδασι βλασφημοῦσιν, ὅσα δὲ φυσικῶς ὡς τὰ ἄλογα ζῷα ἐπίστανται, ἐν τούτοις φθείρονται.

Jud_1:10  ουτοι δε οσα μεν ουκ οιδασιν βλασφημουσιν οσα δε φυσικως ως τα αλογα ζωα επιστανται εν τουτοις φθειρονται

Jud_1:11 Woe to them! For they have gone in the way of Cain, and in the error of Balaam they have rushed for profit, and have perished in the rebellion of Korah.

Jud_1:11  οὐαὶ αὐτοῖς, ὅτι τῇ ὁδῷ τοῦ Κάϊν ἐπορεύθησαν, καὶ τῇ πλάνῃ τοῦ Βαλαὰμ μισθοῦ ἐξεχύθησαν, καὶ τῇ ἀντιλογίᾳ τοῦ Κορὲ ἀπώλοντο.

Jud_1:11  ουαι αυτοις οτι τη οδω του καιν επορευθησαν και τη πλανη του βαλααμ μισθου εξεχυθησαν και τη αντιλογια του κορε απωλοντο

Jud_1:12  These are stains in your love feasts, while they feast with you without fear, caring for themselves, they are waterless clouds being carried along by winds; late autumn trees unfruitful, twice having died, having been uprooted,

Jud_1:12  Οὗτοί εἰσιν οἱ ἐν ταῖς ἀγάπαις ὑμῶν σπιλάδες, συνευωχούμενοι ἀφόβως, ἑαυτοὺς ποιμαίνοντες, νεφέλαι ἄνυδροι ὑπὸ ἀνέμων παραφερόμεναι, δένδρα φθινοπωρινὰ, ἄκαρπα, δὶς ἀποθανόντα, ἐκριζωθέντα,

Jud_1:12  ουτοι εισιν Aοι εν ταις αγαπαις υμων σπιλαδες συνευωχουμενοι Sυμιν αφοβως εαυτους ποιμαινοντες νεφελαι ανυδροι υπο ανεμων BAπαραφερομεναι TSπεριφερομεναι δενδρα φθινοπωρινα ακαρπα δις αποθανοντα εκριζωθεντα

Jud_1:13 raging waves on the sea, casting up the foam of their own shame; wandering stars for whom the darkness of the netherworld has been reserved forever.

Jud_1:13  κύματα ἄγρια θαλάσσης ἐπαφρίζοντα τὰς ἑαυτῶν αἰσχύνας, ἀστέρες πλανῆται, οἷς ὁ ζόφος τοῦ σκότους εἰς αἰῶνα τετήρηται.

Jud_1:13  κυματα αγρια θαλασσης επαφριζοντα τας εαυτων αισχυνας αστερες πλανηται οις ο ζοφος του σκοτους εις TSτον αιωνα τετηρηται





2Co_10:12 For we dare not to class ourselves or to compare ourselves with those who commend themselves, but they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, do not understand.

2Co 10:12  Οὐ γὰρ τολμῶμεν ἐγκρῖναι ἢ συγκρῖναι ἑαυτούς τισι τῶν ἑαυτοὺς συνιστανόντων· ἀλλὰ αὐτοὶ ἐν ἑαυτοῖς ἑαυτοὺς μετροῦντες καὶ συγκρίνοντες ἑαυτοὺς ἑαυτοῖς οὐ συνιοῦσιν.

2Co 10:12  ου γαρ τολμωμεν εγκριναι η συγκριναι εαυτους τισιν των εαυτους συνιστανοντων αλλα αυτοι εν εαυτοις εαυτους μετρουντες και συγκρινοντες εαυτους εαυτοις ου Aσυνιασιν TSBσυνιουσιν

2Co 10:13 But we will not boast beyond limits, but according to the measure of the sphere of influence which God assigned us as a measure, to reach even as far as you.

2Co 10:13  ἡμεῖς δὲ οὐχὶ εἰς τὰ ἄμετρα καυχησόμεθα, ἀλλὰ κατὰ τὸ μέτρον τοῦ κανόνος οὗ ἐμέρισεν ἡμῖν ὁ Θεὸς μέτρου, ἐφικέσθαι ἄχρι καὶ ὑμῶν.

2Co 10:13  ημεις δε Aουκ TSBουχι εις τα αμετρα καυχησομεθα αλλα κατα το μετρον του κανονος ου εμερισεν ημιν ο θεος μετρου εφικεσθαι αχρι και υμων

2Co 10:14 For we are not overextending ourselves, as though our authority did not reach to you, for it was to you that we came with the gospel of Christ;

2Co 10:14  οὐ γὰρ ὡς μὴ ἐφικνούμενοι εἰς ὑμᾶς ὑπερεκτείνομεν ἑαυτούς· ἄχρι γὰρ καὶ ὑμῶν ἐφθάσαμεν ἐν τῷ εὐαγγελίῳ τοῦ Χριστοῦ,

2Co 10:14  ου γαρ ως μη εφικνουμενοι εις υμας υπερεκτεινομεν εαυτους αχρι γαρ και υμων εφθασαμεν εν τω ευαγγελιω του χριστου

2Co 10:15 not boasting beyond the limits in the labors of others, but having hope, that as your faith is increased, we shall be greatly enlarged by you according to our sphere of influence,

2Co 10:15  οὐκ εἰς τὰ ἄμετρα καυχώμενοι ἐν ἀλλοτρίοις κόποις, ἐλπίδα δὲ ἔχοντες, αὐξανομένης τῆς πίστεως ὑμῶν, ἐν ὑμῖν μεγαλυνθῆναι κατὰ τὸν κανόνα ἡμῶν εἰς περισσείαν,

2Co 10:15  ουκ εις τα αμετρα καυχωμενοι εν αλλοτριοις κοποις ελπιδα δε εχοντες αυξανομενης της πιστεως υμων εν υμιν μεγαλυνθηναι κατα τον κανονα ημων εις περισσειαν

2Co 10:16 to preach the gospel to the regions beyond you, and not to boast in the things done in the sphere of influence of others.

2Co 10:16  καὶ εἰς τὰ ὑπερέκεινα ὑμῶν εὐαγγελίσασθαι, οὐκ ἐν ἀλλοτρίῳ κανόνι εἰς τὰ ἕτοιμα καυχήσασθαι.

2Co 10:16  εις τα υπερεκεινα υμων ευαγγελισασθαι ουκ εν αλλοτριω κανονι εις τα ετοιμα καυχησασθαι

2Co 10:17 But "he who boasts, let him boast in the LORD."

2Co 10:17  ῾Ο δὲ καυχώμενος ἐν Κυρίῳ καυχάσθω·

2Co 10:17  ο δε καυχωμενος εν κυριω καυχασθω

2Co 10:18 For not he who commends himself is approved, but he whom the Lord commends.

2Co 10:18  οὐ γὰρ ὁ ἑαυτὸν συνιστῶν, ἐκεῖνός ἐστι δόκιμος, ἀλλ᾿ ὃν ὁ Κύριος συνίστησιν

2Co 10:18  ου γαρ ο εαυτον Aσυνιστανων TSBσυνιστων εκεινος εστιν δοκιμος Aαλλα TSBαλλ ον ο κυριος συνιστησιν



God Hears Poor & Judges Bully

Psa_10:17 WEB Yahweh, you have heard the desire of the humble. You will prepare their heart. You will cause your ear to hear,

Psa_10:17 CAB The Lord has heard [εἰσήκουσεν] the desire [ἐπιθυμίαν] of the poor [πενήτων – needy]: Your ear has inclined to the preparation of their heart;

Psa_10:17  (9:38) τὴν ἐπιθυμίαν τῶν πενήτων εἰσήκουσεν κύριος, τὴν ἑτοιμασίαν τῆς καρδίας αὐτῶν προσέσχεν τὸ οὖς σου

Psa_10:18 to judge the fatherless and the oppressed, that man who is of the earth may terrify no more.

Psa_10:18 to plead for the orphan and afflicted, that man may no more boast upon the earth.

>> Sync: LUX | llo > Arpox



The Popular Rich Oppress & Despise the Righteous Poor

Wis_2:10 Br Let us oppress the poor righteous man, let us not spare the widow, nor reverence the ancient gray hairs of the aged.

Wis_2:10 καταδυναστεύσωμεν πένητα δίκαιον, μὴ φεισώμεθα χήρας μηδὲ πρεσβύτου ἐντραπῶμεν πολιὰς πολυχρονίους·

Wis_2:11 Let our strength be the law of justice: for that which is feeble is found to be nothing worth.

Wis_2:11 ἔστω δὲ ἡμῶν ἡ ἰσχὺς νόμος τῆς δικαιοσύνης, τὸ γὰρ ἀσθενὲς ἄχρηστον ἐλέγχεται.


Wis_2:19 Let us examine him with despitefulness and torture, that we may know his meekness, and prove his patience.

Wis_2:19 ὕβρει καὶ βασάνῳ ἐτάσωμεν αὐτόν, ἵνα γνῶμεν τὴν ἐπιείκειαν αὐτοῦ καὶ δοκιμάσωμεν τὴν ἀνεξικακίαν αὐτοῦ·

>> Sync: llo / Lux


Liberal Wicked People (Sadducees) Say this against Jesus.

>> God opposes proud



Gideon – God Thinks Weak Poor Can Save Other People

God Thinks Poor, Weak, Non-Self-Confident People Are Mighty Enough To Save Other People

>> comp: Naomi

Jdg_6:14 WEB  Yahweh looked at him, and said, Go in this your might, and save Israel from the hand of Midian: have not I sent you?

Jdg_6:14 LB And the Angel of the Lord turned to him and said, “Go in this your strength, and you shall save Israel out of the hand of Midian: behold, I have sent you.”

Jdg_6:14  καὶ ἐπέστρεψεν πρὸς αὐτὸν ὁ ἄγγελος κυρίου καὶ εἶπεν Πορεύου ἐν ἰσχύι σου ταύτῃ καὶ σώσεις τὸν Ισραηλ ἐκ χειρὸς Μαδιαμ· ἰδοὺ ἐξαπέστειλά σε.

Jdg_6:15 WEB  He said to him, Oh, Lord, with which shall I save Israel? behold, my family is the poorest [KJV: poorH1800] in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father's house.

Jdg_6:15 LB And Gideon said to him, “Be gracious with me, my Lord: how shall I save Israel? Behold, my thousand is weakened in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father’s house.”

Jdg_6:15  καὶ εἶπεν πρὸς αὐτὸν Γεδεων Ἐν ἐμοί, κύριέ μου, ἐν τίνι σώσω τὸν Ισραηλ; ἰδοὺ ἡ χιλιάς μου ἠσθένησεν ἐν Μανασση, καὶ ἐγώ εἰμι ὁ μικρότερος ἐν οἴκῳ πατρός μου.

>> Lux | LLO


It is the “poorest” and “the least” who can save in mighty virtue, according to God.





Exo_2:13 WEB  He went out the second day, and behold, two men of the Hebrews were fighting with each other. He said to him who did the wrong, "Why do you strike your fellow?"

Exo_2:13 CAB  And having gone out the second day, he saw two Hebrew men fighting; and he said to the injurer, Why do you strike your neighbor?

Exo_2:13  ἐξελθὼν δὲ τῇ ἡμέρᾳ τῇ δευτέρᾳ ὁρᾷ δύο ἄνδρας Εβραίους διαπληκτιζομένους καὶ λέγει τῷ ἀδικοῦντι Διὰ τί σὺ τύπτεις τὸν πλησίον;

Exo_2:14 He said, "Who made you a prince and a judge over us? Do you plan to kill me, as you killed the Egyptian?" Moses was afraid, and said, "Surely this thing is known."

Exo_2:14 And he said, Who made you a ruler and a judge over us? Will you slay me as you slew the Egyptian yesterday? Then Moses was alarmed, and said, If it be thus, this matter has become known.

Exo_2:14  ὁ δὲ εἶπεν Τίς σε κατέστησεν ἄρχοντα καὶ δικαστὴν ἐφ᾿ ἡμῶν; μὴ ἀνελεῖν με σὺ θέλεις, ὃν τρόπον ἀνεῖλες ἐχθὲς τὸν Αἰγύπτιον; ἐφοβήθη δὲ Μωυσῆς καὶ εἶπεν Εἰ οὕτως ἐμφανὲς γέγονεν τὸ ῥῆμα τοῦτο;

>> TSK




2Pe_2:10 CAB  and especially those who walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise authority. They are bold, self-willed, illustrious persons, they do not tremble at blaspheming,

2Pe_2:10  μάλιστα δὲ τοὺς ὀπίσω σαρκὸς ἐν ἐπιθυμίᾳ μιασμοῦ πορευομένους καὶ κυριότητος καταφρονοῦντας. τολμηταί αὐθάδεις, δόξας οὐ τρέμουσι βλασφημοῦντες,

2Pe_2:11 whereas angels, being greater in might and in power, do not bring a slanderous judgment against them before the Lord.

2Pe_2:11  ὅπου ἄγγελοι, ἰσχύϊ καὶ δυνάμει μείζονες ὄντες, οὐ φέρουσι κατ᾿ αὐτῶν παρὰ Κυρίῳ βλάσφημον κρίσιν.

2Pe_2:12 But these, as unreasoning natural animals, having been born for capture and destruction, blaspheme at things which they are ignorant of, and shall be destroyed in their destruction,

2Pe_2:12  οὗτοι δέ, ἄλογα ζῷα φυσικὰ γεγεννημένα εἰς ἅλωσιν καὶ φθοράν, ἐν οἷς ἀγνοοῦσι βλασφημοῦντες, ἐν τῇ φθορᾷ αὐτῶν καταφθαρήσονται,

2Pe_2:13  receiving the wages of unrighteousness, counting as a pleasure to revel in the daytime, they are spots and blemishes, reveling in their deceptions while they feast with you,

2Pe_2:13  κομιούμενοι μισθὸν ἀδικίας· ἡδονὴν ἡγούμενοι τὴν ἐν ἡμέρᾳ τρυφήν, σπίλοι καὶ μῶμοι, ἐντρυφῶντες ἐν ταῖς ἀπάταις αὐτῶν συνευωχούμενοι ὑμῖν,

2Pe_2:14 having eyes full of adultery and unable to cease from sin, enticing unstable souls, having a heart having been trained in greediness, they are accursed children.

2Pe_2:14  ὀφθαλμοὺς ἔχοντες μεστοὺς μοιχαλίδος καὶ ἀκαταπαύστους ἁμαρτίας, δελεάζοντες ψυχὰς ἀστηρίκτους, καρδίαν γεγυμνασμένην πλεονεξίας ἔχοντες, κατάρας τέκνα·

2Pe_2:15 They have left behind the straight way and gone astray, having followed after the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness;

2Pe_2:15  καταλείποντες εὐθεῖαν ὁδὸν ἐπλανήθησαν, ἐξακολουθήσαντες τῇ ὁδῷ τοῦ Βαλαὰμ τοῦ Βοσόρ, ὃς μισθὸν ἀδικίας ἠγάπησεν,


Rich bullies are motivated by the reward of unrighteousness.


Perverts boast in the lessons that they have learned on how to do lawlessness excellency in ways that increases their money and strength.





Hos_7:15 WEB  Though I have taught and strengthened their arms, yet they plot evil against me.

Hos_7:15 CAB  They were instructed by Me, and I strengthened their arms; and they devised evils against Me.

Hos_7:15  κἀγὼ κατίσχυσα τοὺς βραχίονας αὐτῶν, καὶ εἰς ἐμὲ ἐλογίσαντο πονηρά.


Hos_10:1 WEB  Israel is a luxuriant vine that puts forth his fruit. According to the abundance of his fruit he has multiplied his altars. As their land has prospered, they have adorned their sacred stones.

Hos_10:1 CAB  Israel is a vine with choice branches, her fruit is abundant: according to the multitude of her fruits she has multiplied her altars; according to the wealth of his land, he has set up pillars.

Hos_10:1  Ἄμπελος εὐκληματοῦσα Ισραηλ, ὁ καρπὸς αὐτῆς εὐθηνῶν· κατὰ τὸ πλῆθος τῶν καρπῶν αὐτοῦ ἐπλήθυνεν τὰ θυσιαστήρια, κατὰ τὰ ἀγαθὰ τῆς γῆς αὐτοῦ ᾠκοδόμησεν στήλας.






Eze_22:27 WEB  Her princes in its midst are like wolves ravening the prey, to shed blood, and to destroy souls, that they may get dishonest gain.

Eze_22:27 CAB  Her princes in the midst of her are as wolves ravening to shed blood, that they may get dishonest gain.

Eze_22:27  οἱ ἄρχοντες αὐτῆς ἐν μέσῳ αὐτῆς ὡς λύκοι ἁρπάζοντες ἁρπάγματα τοῦ ἐκχέαι αἷμα, ὅπως πλεονεξίᾳ πλεονεκτῶσιν.





Not Arguing with Bullies



Ecc_6:10 WEB  Whatever has been, its name was given long ago; and it is known what man is; neither can he contend with him who is mightier than he.

Ecc_6:10 CAB  If anything has been, its name has already been called. And it is known what man is; neither can he contend with him who is stronger than he.

Ecc_6:10  Εἴ τι ἐγένετο, ἤδη κέκληται ὄνομα αὐτοῦ, καὶ ἐγνώσθη ὅ ἐστιν ἄνθρωπος, καὶ οὐ δυνήσεται τοῦ κριθῆναι μετὰ τοῦ ἰσχυροῦ ὑπὲρ αὐτόν·

>> TSK

>> Sirach? -- don’t contend with one stronger than you

>> Sync: JCH | llo | other?





Pro_21:24 WEB  The proud and haughty man, "scoffer" is his name; he works in the arrogance of pride.

Pro_21:24 CAB  A bold and self-willed and insolent man is called a pest, and he that remembers injuries is a transgressor.

Pro_21:24  θρασὺς καὶ αὐθάδης καὶ ἀλαζὼν λοιμὸς καλεῖται· ὃς δὲ μνησικακεῖ, παράνομος.





Absolute Humility that Snuffs Out all Chance of Arpox



Eph_4:2 CAB  with all humility and meekness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love,

Eph_4:2  μετὰ πάσης ταπεινοφροσύνης καὶ πρᾳότητος, μετὰ μακροθυμίας, ἀνεχόμενοι ἀλλήλων ἐν ἀγάπῃ,



Tit_3:2 CAB  to slander no one, to be peaceable, gentle, demonstrating all meekness to all men.

Tit_3:2  μηδένα βλασφημεῖν, ἀμάχους εἶναι, ἐπιεικεῖς, πᾶσαν ἐνδεικνυμένους πρᾳότητα πρὸς πάντας ἀνθρώπους.




Sir_3:17  My son, ·conduct [διέξαγε – thoroughly (δι-) lead (-αγε) out (-έξ-)?] your affairs [ἔργα] with humility [πραύτητι],5  [πραύτητι τὰ ἔργα σου διέξαγε – NETS: in gentleness conduct your affairs] [[Sir3:17] LXX “meekness”]

and ·you will be loved more than a giver of gifts [ὑπὸ ἀνθρώπου δεκτοῦ ἀγαπηθήσῃ – NETS: you will be loved more than a person who gives].
[this is conditional love, and doing this (and receiving powerful love) helps defeat fear]

18  Humble yourself the more, the greater you are [ὅσῳ μέγας εἶ, τοσούτῳ ταπείνου σεαυτόν – NETS: The greater you are, the more you should

humble yourself], and you will find favor [χάριν] with the Lord.

19  [Many are ·lofty and the noble.] [Br: in high place, and of renown]

[But it is to the humble [Br: meek (Greek: ??)] that he reveals his plans] [Br: mysteries].6 [[Sir3:19] LXX(II) adds {not in Rahlfs/UBB}]

[moral note: conditional favor. He ‘oppose the proud but give favor to the humble’; Jesus: the greatest among you must be the least]

20  For great [ὅτι μεγάλη] is the power [ἡ δυναστεία – the powerful ability; Br: power; NETS: dominance (dishonesty or textual variation?)] of the Lord;

he is glorified by [ὑπὸ – under; fig. by (NETS)] the humble [τῶν ταπεινῶν].






Ecc_5:1 WEB  Guard your steps when you go to God's house; for to draw near to listen is better than to give the sacrifice of fools, for they don't know that they do evil.

Ecc_5:1 LB Fear God. Keep Your Vows Keep your foot, whenever you go to the house of God; and when you are near to hear, let your sacrifice be better than the gift of fools; for they do not know they are doing evil.

Ecc_5:1  (4:17) Φύλαξον πόδα σου, ἐν ᾧ ἐὰν πορεύῃ εἰς οἶκον τοῦ θεοῦ, καὶ ἐγγὺς τοῦ ἀκούειν· ὑπὲρ δόμα τῶν ἀφρόνων θυσία σου, ὅτι οὔκ εἰσιν εἰδότες τοῦ ποιῆσαι κακόν.


Liberal Wicked People (Sadducees) Say against Jesus:

Wis_2:10 Br Let us oppress the poor righteous man, let us not spare the widow, nor reverence the ancient gray hairs of the aged.

Wis_2:10 καταδυναστεύσωμεν πένητα δίκαιον, μὴ φεισώμεθα χήρας μηδὲ πρεσβύτου ἐντραπῶμεν πολιὰς πολυχρονίους·

Wis_2:11 Let our strength be the law of justice: for that which is feeble is found to be nothing worth.

Wis_2:11 ἔστω δὲ ἡμῶν ἡ ἰσχὺς νόμος τῆς δικαιοσύνης, τὸ γὰρ ἀσθενὲς ἄχρηστον ἐλέγχεται.


Wis_2:19 Let us examine him with despitefulness and torture, that we may know his meekness, and prove his patience.

Wis_2:19 ὕβρει καὶ βασάνῳ ἐτάσωμεν αὐτόν, ἵνα γνῶμεν τὴν ἐπιείκειαν αὐτοῦ καὶ δοκιμάσωμεν τὴν ἀνεξικακίαν αὐτοῦ·

>> Sync: llo / Lux



>> Get Hebrew!

Sir_1:26 BR If thou desire wisdom, keep the commandments, and the Lord shall give her unto thee.

Sir_1:26 ἐπιθυμήσας σοφίαν διατήρησον ἐντολάς, καὶ κύριος χορηγήσει σοι αὐτήν.

Sir_1:27 For the fear of the Lord is wisdom and instruction: and faith and meekness are his delight.

Sir_1:27 σοφία γὰρ καὶ παιδεία φόβος κυρίου, καὶ ἡ εὐδοκία αὐτοῦ πίστις καὶ πραότης.

Sir_1:28 Distrust not the fear of the Lord when thou art poor: and come not unto him with a double heart.

Sir_1:28 μὴ ἀπειθήσῃς φόβῳ κυρίου καὶ μὴ προσέλθῃς αὐτῷ ἐν καρδίᾳ δισσῇ.







Pro_28:26 WEB  One who trusts in himself is a fool; but one who walks in wisdom is kept safe.

Pro_28:26 LB He who puts confidence in his bold heart is a fool: but he that walks in wisdom shall be safe.

Pro_28:26  ὃς πέποιθεν θρασείᾳ καρδίᾳ, ὁ τοιοῦτος ἄφρων· ὃς δὲ πορεύεται σοφίᾳ, σωθήσεται.







Pro_21:13 KJV+  Whoso stoppethH331 his earsH241 at the cryH4480 H2201 of the poor,H1800 he alsoH1571 shall cryH7121 himself,H1931 but shall notH3808 be heard.H6030

Pro_21:13 LB He that stops his ears from hearing the poor, himself also shall cry, and there shall be none to hear him.

Pro_21:13  ὃς φράσσει τὰ ὦτα τοῦ μὴ ἐπακοῦσαι ἀσθενοῦς, καὶ αὐτὸς ἐπικαλέσεται, καὶ οὐκ ἔσται ὁ εἰσακούων.








Psychopathy (/saɪˈkɒpəθi/), also known as sociopathy (/soʊsiˈɒpəθi/), is traditionally defined as a personality disorder[1] characterized by persistent antisocial behavior, impaired empathy and remorse, and bold, disinhibited, egotistical traits.”








Pro_3:27 WEB  Don't withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do it.

Pro_3:27 LB Do not refrain from doing good to the poor, whenever your hand may have power to help them.

Pro_3:27  μὴ ἀπόσχῃ εὖ ποιεῖν ἐνδεῆ, ἡνίκα ἂν ἔχῃ ἡ χείρ σου βοηθεῖν·

Pro_3:28 WEB  Don't say to your neighbor, "Go, and come again; tomorrow I will give it to you," when you have it by you.


Pro_3:28 Do not say, “Come back another time, tomorrow I will give”; while you are able today to do him good; for you know not what the next day will bring forth.

Pro_3:28  μὴ εἴπης Ἐπανελθὼν ἐπάνηκε καὶ αὔριον δώσω, δυνατοῦ σου ὄντος εὖ ποιεῖν· οὐ γὰρ οἶδας τί τέξεται ἡ ἐπιοῦσα.


An Aprox always seems to find a way to overstep his boundaries to extend his control beyond what justice allows.



Pro_3:30 WEB  Don't strive with a man without cause, if he has done you no harm.

Pro_3:30 LB Do not quarrel with a man without a cause, lest he do you some harm.

Pro_3:30  μὴ φιλεχθρήσῃς πρὸς ἄνθρωπον μάτην, μή τι εἰς σὲ ἐργάσηται κακόν.

Pro_3:31 WEB  Don't envy the man of violence. Choose none of his ways.

Pro_3:31 Do not procure the reproaches of bad men, neither shall you covet their ways.

Pro_3:31  μὴ κτήσῃ κακῶν ἀνδρῶν ὀνείδη μηδὲ ζηλώσῃς τὰς ὁδοὺς αὐτῶν·

Pro_3:32 WEB  For the perverse is an abomination to Yahweh, but his friendship is with the upright.

Pro_3:32 For every transgressor is unclean before the Lord, neither does he sit among the righteous.

Pro_3:32  ἀκάθαρτος γὰρ ἔναντι κυρίου πᾶς παράνομος, ἐν δὲ δικαίοις οὐ συνεδριάζει.

Pro_3:33 WEB  Yahweh's curse is in the house of the wicked, but he blesses the habitation of the righteous.

Pro_3:33 The curse of God is in the houses of the ungodly, but the habitations of the just are blessed.

Pro_3:33  κατάρα θεοῦ ἐν οἴκοις ἀσεβῶν, ἐπαύλεις δὲ δικαίων εὐλογοῦνται.

Pro_3:34 WEB  Surely he mocks the mockers, but he gives grace to the humble.

Pro_3:34 The Lord resists the proud, but He gives grace to the humble.

Pro_3:34  κύριος ὑπερηφάνοις ἀντιτάσσεται, ταπεινοῖς δὲ δίδωσιν χάριν.






Psa_10:2 KJV+  The wickedH7563 in his prideH1346 doth persecuteH1814 the poor:H6041 let them be takenH8610 in the devicesH4209 thatH2098 they have imagined.H2803

Psa_10:2 While the ungodly one acts proudly, the poor is hotly pursued; the wicked are taken in the crafty counsels which they imagine.

Psa_10:2  (9:23) ἐν τῷ ὑπερηφανεύεσθαι τὸν ἀσεβῆ ἐμπυρίζεται ὁ πτωχός, συλλαμβάνονται ἐν διαβουλίοις, οἷς διαλογίζονται.

Psa_10:3 KJV+  ForH3588 the wickedH7563 boastethH1984 ofH5921 his heart'sH5315 desire,H8378 and blessethH1288 the covetous,H1214 whom the LORDH3068 abhorreth.H5006

Psa_10:3 Because the sinner praises himself for the desires of his heart; and the unjust one blesses himself.

Psa_10:3  (9:24) ὅτι ἐπαινεῖται ὁ ἁμαρτωλὸς ἐν ταῖς ἐπιθυμίαις τῆς ψυχῆς αὐτοῦ, καὶ ὁ ἀδικῶν ἐνευλογεῖται·





Job_31:21 KJV+  IfH518 I have lifted upH5130 my handH3027 againstH5921 the fatherless,H3490 whenH3588 I sawH7200 my helpH5833 in the gate:H8179

Job_31:21 LB if I lifted my hand against an orphan, trusting that my strength was far superior to his:

Job_31:21  εἰ ἐπῆρα ὀρφανῷ χεῖρα πεποιθὼς ὅτι πολλή μοι βοήθεια περίεστιν,


Job_31:22 KJV+  Then let mine armH3802 fallH5307 from my shoulder blade,H4480 H7929 and mine armH248 be brokenH7665 from the bone.H4480 H7070

Job_31:22 LB then let my shoulder start from the blade bone, and my arm be crushed off from the elbow.

Job_31:22  ἀποσταίη ἄρα ὁ ὦμός μου ἀπὸ τῆς κλειδός, ὁ δὲ βραχίων μου ἀπὸ τοῦ ἀγκῶνός μου συντριβείη.



>> Merge w due24 below…!

--------------- \/

7/9/16; 4/2/22

Deu_24:10 KJV+  WhenH3588 thou dost lendH5383 thy brotherH7453 anyH3972 thing,H4859 thou shalt notH3808 goH935 intoH413 his houseH1004 to fetchH5670 his pledge.H5667

Deu_24:10 LB “If your neighbor owes you a debt, any debt whatsoever, you shall not go into his house to take his pledge:

Deu_24:10  Ἐὰν ὀφείλημα ᾖ ἐν τῷ πλησίον σου, ὀφείλημα ὁτιοῦν, οὐκ εἰσελεύσῃ εἰς τὴν οἰκίαν αὐτοῦ ἐνεχυράσαι τὸ ἐνέχυρον·

Deu_24:11 KJV+  Thou shalt standH5975 abroad,H2351 and the manH376 to whomH834 thouH859 dost lendH5383 shall bring outH3318 (H853) the pledgeH5667 abroadH2351 untoH413 thee.

Deu_24:11 you shall stand outside, and the man who is in your debt shall bring the pledge out to you.

Deu_24:11  ἔξω στήσῃ, καὶ ὁ ἄνθρωπος, οὗ τὸ δάνειόν σού ἐστιν ἐν αὐτῷ, ἐξοίσει σοι τὸ ἐνέχυρον ἔξω.

>> Sync: LLO | RiF

--------------- /\


Deu_24:14 KJV+  Thou shalt notH3808 oppressH6231 an hired servantH7916 that is poorH6041 and needy,H34 whether he be of thy brethren,H4480 H251 orH176 of thy strangersH4480 H1616 thatH834 are in thy landH776 within thy gates:H8179

Deu_24:14 You shall not unjustly withhold the wages of the poor and needy of your brothers, or of the strangers who are in your cities.

Deu_24:14  Οὐκ ἀπαδικήσεις μισθὸν πένητος καὶ ἐνδεοῦς ἐκ τῶν ἀδελφῶν σου ἢ ἐκ τῶν προσηλύτων τῶν ἐν ταῖς πόλεσίν σου·

Deu_24:15 KJV+  At his dayH3117 thou shalt giveH5414 him his hire,H7939 neitherH3808 shall the sunH8121 go downH935 uponH5921 it; forH3588 heH1931 is poor,H6041 and settethH5375 (H853) his heartH5315 uponH413 it: lestH3808 he cryH7121 againstH5921 thee untoH413 the LORD,H3068 and it beH1961 sinH2399 unto thee.

Deu_24:15 You shall pay him his wages the same day, the sun shall not go down upon it, because he is poor and he trusts in it; and he shall cry against you to the Lord, and it shall be sin to you.

Deu_24:15  αὐθημερὸν ἀποδώσεις τὸν μισθὸν αὐτοῦ, οὐκ ἐπιδύσεται ὁ ἥλιος ἐπ᾿ αὐτῷ, ὅτι πένης ἐστὶν καὶ ἐν αὐτῷ ἔχει τὴν ἐλπίδα· καὶ οὐ καταβοήσεται κατὰ σοῦ πρὸς κύριον, καὶ ἔσται ἐν σοὶ ἁμαρτία

>> TSK


Pro_3:27 KJV+  WithholdH4513 notH408 goodH2896 from them to whom it is due,H4480 H1167 when it isH1961 in the powerH410 of thine handH3027 to doH6213 it.

Pro_3:27 LB Do not refrain from doing good to the poor, whenever your hand may have power to help them.

Pro_3:27  μὴ ἀπόσχῃ εὖ ποιεῖν ἐνδεῆ, ἡνίκα ἂν ἔχῃ ἡ χείρ σου βοηθεῖν·

Pro_3:28 KJV+  SayH559 notH408 unto thy neighbour,H7453 Go,H1980 and come again,H7725 and to morrowH4279 I will give;H5414 when thou hastH3426 it byH854 thee.

Pro_3:28 Do not say, “Come back another time, tomorrow I will give”; while you are able today to do him good; for you know not what the next day will bring forth.

Pro_3:28  μὴ εἴπης Ἐπανελθὼν ἐπάνηκε καὶ αὔριον δώσω, δυνατοῦ σου ὄντος εὖ ποιεῖν· οὐ γὰρ οἶδας τί τέξεται ἡ ἐπιοῦσα.








Lev_25:43 KJV+  Thou shalt notH3808 ruleH7287 over him [your poor ‘slave-brother’] with rigour;H6531 but shalt fear thy God.H3372 H4480 H430

Lev_25:43 You shall not oppress him with labor, and shall fear the Lord your God.

Lev_25:43  οὐ κατατενεῖς αὐτὸν ἐν τῷ μόχθῳ καὶ φοβηθήσῃ κύριον τὸν θεόν σου.

>> See:  context too





Psa_69:26 KJV+  ForH3588 they persecuteH7291 him whomH834 thouH859 hast smitten;H5221 and they talkH5608 toH413 the griefH4341 of those whom thou hast wounded.H2491

Psa_69:26 because they persecuted him whom You have smitten; and they have added to the grief of my wounds.

Psa_69:26  (68:27) ὅτι ὃν σὺ ἐπάταξας, αὐτοὶ κατεδίωξαν, καὶ ἐπὶ τὸ ἄλγος τῶν τραυματιῶν σου προσέθηκαν.




2Co_10:12-18 CAB  For we dare not to class ourselves or to compare ourselves with those who commend themselves, but they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, do not understand.  13  But we will not boast beyond limits, but according to the measure of the sphere of influence which God assigned us as a measure, to reach even as far as you.  14  For we are not overextending ourselves, as though our authority did not reach to you, for it was to you that we came with the gospel of Christ;  15  not boasting beyond the limits in the labors of others, but having hope, that as your faith is increased, we shall be greatly enlarged by you according to our sphere of influence,  16  to preach the gospel to the regions beyond you, and not to boast in the things done in the sphere of influence of others.  17  But "he who boasts, let him boast in the LORD."  18  For not he who commends himself is approved, but he whom the Lord commends.

2Co_10:12-18 Greek  Οὐ γὰρ τολμῶμεν ἐγκρῖναι ἢ συγκρῖναι ἑαυτούς τισι τῶν ἑαυτοὺς συνιστανόντων· ἀλλὰ αὐτοὶ ἐν ἑαυτοῖς ἑαυτοὺς μετροῦντες καὶ συγκρίνοντες ἑαυτοὺς ἑαυτοῖς οὐ συνιοῦσιν.  13  ἡμεῖς δὲ οὐχὶ εἰς τὰ ἄμετρα καυχησόμεθα, ἀλλὰ κατὰ τὸ μέτρον τοῦ κανόνος οὗ ἐμέρισεν ἡμῖν ὁ Θεὸς μέτρου, ἐφικέσθαι ἄχρι καὶ ὑμῶν.  14  οὐ γὰρ ὡς μὴ ἐφικνούμενοι εἰς ὑμᾶς ὑπερεκτείνομεν ἑαυτούς· ἄχρι γὰρ καὶ ὑμῶν ἐφθάσαμεν ἐν τῷ εὐαγγελίῳ τοῦ Χριστοῦ,  15  οὐκ εἰς τὰ ἄμετρα καυχώμενοι ἐν ἀλλοτρίοις κόποις, ἐλπίδα δὲ ἔχοντες, αὐξανομένης τῆς πίστεως ὑμῶν, ἐν ὑμῖν μεγαλυνθῆναι κατὰ τὸν κανόνα ἡμῶν εἰς περισσείαν,  16  καὶ εἰς τὰ ὑπερέκεινα ὑμῶν εὐαγγελίσασθαι, οὐκ ἐν ἀλλοτρίῳ κανόνι εἰς τὰ ἕτοιμα καυχήσασθαι.  17  ῾Ο δὲ καυχώμενος ἐν Κυρίῳ καυχάσθω·  18  οὐ γὰρ ὁ ἑαυτὸν συνιστῶν, ἐκεῖνός ἐστι δόκιμος, ἀλλ᾿ ὃν ὁ Κύριος συνίστησιν




Job_29:12 KJV+  BecauseH3588 I deliveredH4422 the poorH6041 that cried,H7768 and the fatherless,H3490 and him that had noneH3808 to helpH5826 him.

Job_29:12 LB For I saved the poor out of the hand of the oppressor, and helped the fatherless who had no helper.

Job_29:12  διέσωσα γὰρ πτωχὸν ἐκ χειρὸς δυνάστου καὶ ὀρφανῷ, ᾧ οὐκ ἦν βοηθός, ἐβοήθησα·




Confronting The Observer



Mat_27:14 -- Jesus not answering… not taking their “efforts to ask and make judgements” seriously to reverence…

See: Cheap Shots / JCH


That is most of those who might hear me…



In the latter days they will be fierce





~Sep 2015

False prophet (Jesus calls them arpox wolves) Takes the yoke off of Jeremiah's neck... So God killed that pervert




>> Bible: arpox: L&S !! (arpox in secular usage)



The opposite of Arpox is Epi-eikes – yielding

>> See: BBS RTF!!! – get any notes from here!




Deu_22:3 CAB  Thus shall you do to his donkey, and thus shall you do to his garment, and thus shall you do to everything that your brother has lost; whatsoever things have been lost by him, and you have found, you shall not have power to overlook.

Deu_22:3 Greek  οὕτως ποιήσεις τὸν ὄνον αὐτοῦ καὶ οὕτως ποιήσεις τὸ ἱμάτιον αὐτοῦ καὶ οὕτως ποιήσεις κατὰ πᾶσαν ἀπώλειαν τοῦ ἀδελφοῦ σου, ὅσα ἐὰν ἀπόληται παρ᾿ αὐτοῦ καὶ εὕρῃς· οὐ δυνήσῃ ὑπεριδεῖν.



This is a fundamental condemnation of ‘being strong to do evil’ (look up this ref too)



Asking Questions is Always the Safe and monotheistic Thing to Do



Jacob to Jospeh: will me and your mother bow down to you? -- even as offensive as this thought could be, his father still asked his son a question!


this always maintains you in the Opposit of Arpox, even for your own children!


Bbs: llo?


quarenteen yourself when the most sp thing of you is evil -- what bbs does this go in?



Sir_7:36 Brenton  Whatsoever thou takest in hand [ἐν πᾶσι τοῖς λόγοις σου], remember the end, and thou shalt never do amiss [εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα οὐχ ἁμαρτήσεις].

Sir_8:1-3 Brenton  Strive [διαμάχου] not with a mighty [δυνάστου] man' lest thou fall into his hands.  2  Be not at variance with a rich man, lest he overweigh thee: for gold hath destroyed many, and perverted the hearts of kings.  3  Strive [διαμάχου] not with a man that is full of tongue [γλωσσώδους], and heap not wood upon his fire.

Sir_8:1-3 Greek  Μὴ διαμάχου μετὰ ἀνθρώπου δυνάστου, μήποτε ἐμπέσῃς εἰς τὰς χεῖρας αὐτοῦ.  2  μὴ ἔριζε μετὰ ἀνθρώπου πλουσίου, μήποτε ἀντιστήσῃ σου τὴν ὁλκήν· πολλοὺς γὰρ ἀπώλεσεν τὸ χρυσίον καὶ καρδίας βασιλέων ἐξέκλινεν.  3  μὴ διαμάχου μετὰ ἀνθρώπου γλωσσώδους καὶ μὴ ἐπιστοιβάσῃς ἐπὶ τὸ πῦρ αὐτοῦ ξύλα.

> update: ROW



Sir_8:10-12 Brenton  Kindle not the coals of a sinner, lest thou be burnt with the flame of his fire.  11  Rise not up in anger at the presence of an injurious person, lest he lie in wait to entrap thee in thy words  12  Lend not unto him that is mightier than thyself; for if thou lendest him, count it but lost.



Sir_8:14-19 Brenton  Go not to law with a judge; for they will judge for him according to his honour [δόξαν; NETS: in his favor].  15  Travel not by the way with a bold fellow, lest he become grievous unto thee: for he will do according to his own will, and thou shalt perish with him through his folly.  16  Strive not with an angry man, and go not with him into a solitary place: for blood is as nothing in his sight, and where there is no help, he will overthrow thee.  17  Consult not with a fool; for he cannot keep counsel.  18  Do no secret thing before a stranger; for thou knowest not what he will bring forth.  19  Open not thine heart to every man, *lest he requite thee with a shrewd turn [* NRSV Gr: and let him not return a favor to you; NRSV Heb: or you may drive away your happiness].





>> notice that arpox is bold to defy Jeremiah, but truth weakly and meakly appeals toward truth

>> they... pray, standing on the treet corners - confident in spiritual things - exalting their religiosity over other who were not asking for their faith (<< clarify ) - Jesus instructs us not to be zealous to affect other people who 'less spiritual than us' and less practiced in faith, which makes them seem like suitable victems for our spiritual rape


The pushy arpox just runs over everything else

He dominates and defines everything by his own soul's strength and

By his energy, he does not ever need to know God or man because the same crime of ego centric arpox that pushes out a self knowledge over everyone else, deadens his own moral perceptions so that he never has a shot at truly knowing people of value.

*To truly know people (and God) is to morally percieve their real value*

If you do not know people, you hate them, because you disarange and set asside their true value.

))-- go get, "not knowing God is a crime worthy of damnation -- get notes and MP3


But the apox is so happy and energized in defining over other people that he never KNOWS them and their true value. So also, discernment is on another planet from him alltogether.

Arpox is about being so bussy being self-energized that you do not ever know men or God.

Senior apostacy and strong sucess in this life makes you an exalting arpox.

This leaves you not knowing people, and your complacency to not know people, including God, makes you shearly contrary to God WHO WANTS TO BE KNOWN. - And all real relationships in this life require being known.

(Cult heretics consist of one or more aprox defining everone else by their own dirty soul. Arpox leaders are the same dirtiness that cultish heretics are made of, and arpox is the primary essence of their crime.)

Arpox wants to define others so much that it never knows (or percieves) that it needs to KNOW, And the pausing to know someone is the righteous justice that saves you when you stand in aw to reverence God.

Thos who arpox over other people, do so because they hate to know God.

Those who pass by a righteous person do so because they hate God who invested in him.

Those who are content to move forward without truly knowing others are happy at despising God, they are skilled at being blind, and sucessful at destroying their own salvation.

And truly, life is all about relationships. And those whom you do not know, you hate the prospect of their relationship.

God has placed it as the duty of man to know your earthly father (naturally) so that you may know your heavenly Father by faith.

God has placed it as the duty of man to know the righteous on earth so that you may come to know Jesus from heaven. If you do not truly know other people on earth (i.e. morally percieve their true value) then how will you ever percieve and know God in heaven who you cannot even see with your eyes or hear with your ears??

And don't think for a moment that your dull and unrighteous heart will profoundly know God in a personal way in prayer if you can't even muster up the simple and much more basic justice on earth of loving and cleaving to the righteous!! You sinning hypocrite! Your worthless and rediculous relationship with some dirty god without actually doing the heart-purifying work of justice on the earth, is the same shameful perversion that heath pagans have been doing since men began to commit idolatry and worship deamons!


But as for knowing the righteous...

 as with all relationship of dignaty, we do not seek prostitution - that is to say, we do not seek an unworthy knowing of another person's intimacy. We do not seek the grose incroaching eyes of 'bird watchers'. We seek a reasonable responce of commitment, because intimacy is not reserved for feeling love, but for those DOING love, and this DOING of Love is the reasonable responce of commitment which entreates another person unto a relationship of dignaty and mutual knowing, and sharing.


Morally percieving another person's value, is knowing them, beacuse this rightes perception is according to God, and it is the reasonable responce that energizes you to obsessively know Him who you have not known in your flesh, and as one who flushes a toilet, the reverence of knowing the true value for others quickly removes the shame of arpox away from your life.

Therfore, to know the household of God is not to ask for more unwarented intimacy to be dispplyed as a dirty harlot does, but to know the righteous is to give the reasonable responce... to know them based on your moral reverence of them, not their cheapening display of intimacy to you.

In the same way, truly, if we find those skattered remnants of truth throughout the earth, we will have already known them before ever meeting them, because we have already loved and embraced their righteousness. (And truly, that older woman prophetes will recognize me even thow I may come from afar, because she has waited and sought me before she ever heard my name. And if we will endure for the salvation of God's household, they will be added to us for the children of God's posterity).




Sir_6:7-17 Brenton  If thou wouldest get a friend, prove him first and be not hasty to credit him.  8  For some man is a friend for his own occasion, and will not abide in the day of thy trouble.  9  And there is a friend, who being turned to enmity, and strife will discover thy reproach.  10  Again, some friend is a companion at the table, and will not continue in the day of thy affliction.  11  But in thy prosperity he will be as thyself, and will be bold over thy servants.  12  If thou be brought low, he will be against thee, and will hide himself from thy face.  13  Separate thyself from thine enemies, and take heed of thy friends.  14  A faithful friend is a strong defence: and he that hath found such an one hath found a treasure.  15  Nothing doth countervail a faithful friend, and his excellency is invaluable.  16  A faithful friend is the medicine of life; and they that fear the Lord shall find him.  17  Whoso feareth the Lord shall direct his friendship aright: for as he is, so shall his neighbour be also.


Sir_6:7-17 Greek  εἰ κτᾶσαι φίλον, ἐν πειρασμῷ κτῆσαι αὐτὸν καὶ μὴ ταχὺ ἐμπιστεύσῃς αὐτῷ.  8  ἔστιν γὰρ φίλος ἐν καιρῷ αὐτοῦ καὶ οὐ μὴ παραμείνῃ ἐν ἡμέρᾳ θλίψεώς σου.  9  καὶ ἔστιν φίλος μετατιθέμενος εἰς ἔχθραν καὶ μάχην ὀνειδισμοῦ σου ἀποκαλύψει.  10  καὶ ἔστιν φίλος κοινωνὸς τραπεζῶν καὶ οὐ μὴ παραμείνῃ ἐν ἡμέρᾳ θλίψεώς σου·  11  καὶ ἐν τοῖς ἀγαθοῖς σου ἔσται ὡς σὺ καὶ ἐπὶ τοὺς οἰκέτας σου παρρησιάσεται·  12  ἐὰν ταπεινωθῇς, ἔσται κατὰ σοῦ καὶ ἀπὸ τοῦ προσώπου σου κρυβήσεται.  13  ἀπὸ τῶν ἐχθρῶν σου διαχωρίσθητι καὶ ἀπὸ τῶν φίλων σου πρόσεχε.  14  φίλος πιστὸς σκέπη κραταιά, ὁ δὲ εὑρὼν αὐτὸν εὗρεν θησαυρόν.  15  φίλου πιστοῦ οὐκ ἔστιν ἀντάλλαγμα, καὶ οὐκ ἔστιν σταθμὸς τῆς καλλονῆς αὐτοῦ.  16  φίλος πιστὸς φάρμακον ζωῆς, καὶ οἱ φοβούμενοι κύριον εὑρήσουσιν αὐτόν.  17  ὁ φοβούμενος κύριον εὐθυνεῖ φιλίαν αὐτοῦ, ὅτι κατ᾿ αὐτὸν οὕτως καὶ ὁ πλησίον αὐτοῦ.




>> find other missing copy of the Bible study that is like this

>> Merge w due24 above…!


Deu_24:10-15 CAB-cGNT  If your neighbor owes you a debt, any debt whatsoever, you shall not go into his house to take his pledge:  11  you shall stand outside, and the man who is in your debt shall bring the pledge out to you.  12  And if the man is poor, you shall not keep his pledge overnight.  13  You shall surely restore his pledge at sunset, and he shall sleep in his own garment, and he shall bless you; and it shall be mercy to you before the Lord your God.  14  You shall not unjustly withhold the wages of the poor and needy of your brothers, or of the strangers who are in your cities.  15  You shall pay him his wages the same day, the sun shall not go down upon it, because he is poor and he trusts in it; and he shall cry against you to the Lord, and it shall be sin to you.


Note: Even lost people knew this!  When foolish church goers are rapacious, they betray that they've not even measured up to the basic, monotheistic righteousness of the law!


they are less than humans who know what s right to do in their own strength!


No Respecter of Persons

~Jul 2017?; 1/10/18


Deu_10:17 WEB  For Yahweh your God, he is God of gods, and Lord of lords, the great God, the mighty, and the awesome, who doesn't regard persons, nor takes reward.

Deu_10:17 LB  For the Lord your God, He is the God of gods and the Lord of lords, the great and mighty; the awesome God, who is no respector of persons, nor will He by any means accept a bribe;

Deu_10:17  ὁ γὰρ κύριος ὁ θεὸς ὑμῶν, οὗτος θεὸς τῶν θεῶν καὶ κύριος τῶν κυρίων, ὁ θεὸς ὁ μέγας καὶ ἰσχυρὸς καὶ ὁ φοβερός, ὅστις οὐ θαυμάζει πρόσωπον οὐδ᾿ οὐ μὴ λάβῃ δῶρον,

Deu_10:18 WEB  He does execute justice for the fatherless and widow, and loves the foreigner, in giving him food and clothing.

Deu_10:18 executing judgment for the stranger and orphan and widow, and He loves the stranger, to give him food and clothing.

Deu_10:18  ποιῶν κρίσιν προσηλύτῳ καὶ ὀρφανῷ καὶ χήρᾳ καὶ ἀγαπᾷ τὸν προσήλυτον δοῦναι αὐτῷ ἄρτον καὶ ἱμάτιον.





What to Do When God Testifies Against You

4/29/13-5/1/13; 5/4/13; 5/12/13; 5/16/13; 5/25/13; 5/30/13; 6/17/13 (Handling Trials); 6/21/13 (compiling and revising); 6/22/13 (1st presentation); 6/26/13-6/27/13 (Moments of Intensity); 6/29/13-6/30/13 (more on don’t defend yourself); 7/1/13; 7/5/13-7/6/13; 7/11/13; 7/20/13-7/21/13; 1/15/14; 6/27/16


Just when you thought that faith was impossible, now you are even charged to believe when God testifies against you!


>> get trials out of rtf notes






Num_12: -- Leprosy described as ‘God spiting in your face’





Psa_69:26 KJV+  ForH3588 they persecuteH7291 him whomH834 thouH859 hast smitten;H5221 and they talkH5608 toH413 the griefH4341 of those whom thou hast wounded.H2491

Psa_69:26 because they persecuted him whom You have smitten; and they have added to the grief of my wounds.

Psa_69:26  (68:27) ὅτι ὃν σὺ ἐπάταξας, αὐτοὶ κατεδίωξαν, καὶ ἐπὶ τὸ ἄλγος τῶν τραυματιῶν σου προσέθηκαν.



~ 5/14/13

Bbs: when God testifies against you: Sir 2: prepare your soul for testing

Bbs: llo: - add: "...when God testifies against you" - and add: "if you come to be subject, prepare your soul for testing"


>> find: Bible when his anger is kindled in a moment / Bible who knows when his anger may flare up in an instant, and you be consumed


Naomi Says, 'God has Testified Against Me'


[NETS, p. 241]

Rth_1:3, Rth_1:5-18 CAB  And Elimelech, Naomi's husband died...  5  And both Mahlon and Chilion died also; and the woman survived her husband and her two sons.  6  And she rose up, and her two daughters-in-law, and they returned out [ἀπέστρεψαν ἐξ] of the country of Moab, for she heard in the country of Moab that the Lord had visited His people to give them bread.  7  And she went forth out of the place where she was, and her two daughters-in-law with her; and they went by the way to return to the land of Judah.  8  And Naomi said to her daughters-in-law, Go now, return each to the house of her mother: the Lord deal mercifully with you, as you have dealt with the dead, and with me.  9  The Lord grant you that you may find rest, each of you in the house of her husband. And she kissed them, and they lifted up their voice, and wept.  10  And they said to her, We will return with you to your people.  11  And Naomi said, Return now, my daughters; and why do you go with me? Have I yet sons in my womb to be your husbands?  12  Turn now, my daughters, for I am too old to be married: for I said, Suppose I were married, and should bear sons;  13  would you wait for them till they should be grown? Or would you refrain from being married for their sakes? Not so, my daughters, for I am grieved for you, that the hand of the Lord has gone forth against me.  14  And they lifted up their voice, and wept again; and Orpah kissed her mother-in-law and returned to her people; but Ruth followed her.  15  And Naomi said to Ruth, Behold, your sister-in-law has returned to her people and to her gods; turn now also after your sister-in-law.  16  And Ruth said, Entreat me not to leave you, or to return from following you; for wherever you go, I will go, and wherever you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God.  17  And wherever you die, I will die, and there will I be buried: the Lord do so to me, and more also, if I leave you, for death only shall divide between me and you.  18  And Naomi, seeing that she was determined to go with her, ceased to speak to her anymore.  19  Now they both went until they came to Bethlehem. And it came to pass, when they arrived at Bethlehem, that all the city was excited because of them, and they said, Is this Naomi?  20  And she said to them, No, do not call me Naomi [נעמי – Strong H5281: “From H5278; pleasant”: Strong H5278: “agreeableness, that is, delight, suitableness, splendor or grace: - beauty, pleasant (-ness)”/ H5276 (see this number for more)] ; call me 'Bitter,' for the Mighty One has dealt very bitterly with me.  21  I went out full, and the Lord has brought me back empty. And why do you call me Naomi, seeing the Lord has humbled me and the Mighty One has afflicted me [WEB: seeing Yahweh has testified against me, and the Almighty has afflicted me?"]?


4 Levels / Scenarios of Opposing Testimony

Defining what it actually means to 'have God testify against you'


There are At Least 4 basic Levels of God Testifying Against You...


(1) I Like You, But You Still Need To Go Through Bad Feelings

I Like You; You Are Doing Perfect Truth, But You Still Need To Learn To Believe Goodness Even When I Act Like I Hate You


i.e. The only time when this classic title actually is true: "When Bad Things Happen to Good People"


Example(s): God made people feel bad and guilty even though they were innocent

·        Naomi

·        Job

·        Jesus (becoming sin)

·          Paul (sentence of death in ourselves) – needed strengthening by the coming of Titus (etc.)

·          etc. -- we plan to read many of these throughout...


(2) I Like You, But You Are WRONG



- Peter

- Moses

- etc. -- we plan to read many of these throughout...


(3) I Do Not Like You (Currently), and You Are Wrong -- I am Rejecting You / and Testifying Against You

There is still room for repentance. There is still a chance God might have been secretly loving you from the foundation of the world, yet for a time His current activity of opposing you is a dreadful display of His disgust for you.



- Eze_18: & 33

- a few of the kings repented

- ! Simon the sorcerer (Act_8:12-24) !!

- at one time we were, by nature, vessels of wrath, even as others... hateful and hating one Another... but then kindness and love appeared!

- Eph_2:3-5; 2Ti_2:20;


- God opposes proud, but favor to humble - so HUMBLE YOURSELF! -- you could go from being opposed to being favored, as long as you choose humility!


1Sa_16:6-14 CAB  And it came to pass when they came in, that he saw Eliab, and said, Surely the Lord's anointed is before Him.  7  But the Lord said to Samuel, Look not on his appearance, nor on his stature, for I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart.  8  And Jesse called Abinadab, and he passed before Samuel. And he said, Neither has God chosen this one.  9  And Jesse caused Shammah to pass by. And he said, Neither has God chosen this one.  10  And Jesse caused his seven sons to pass before Samuel. And Samuel said, the Lord has not chosen these.  11  And Samuel said to Jesse, Have you no more sons? And Jesse said, There is yet a little one; behold, he tends the flock. And Samuel said to Jesse, Send and fetch him, for we may not sit down till he comes.  12  And he sent and fetched him. And he was ruddy, with beautiful eyes, and very good looking. And the Lord said to Samuel, Arise, and anoint David, for he is good.  13  And Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brothers. And the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward. And Samuel arose, and departed to Ramah.  14  And the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord tormented him.


Note: It appears that God/ David eventually found some use for at least some of these brothers (or other brothers?) (at least externally)

see: 1Sa_22:1, 2Sa_4:9 (by later including some of them in David's army...), (2Sa_21:21/1Ch_20:7)

conversly see: MT vs. LXX: 2Sa_13:3; 2Sa_13:32;


The Hope: let God be true and every man a liar!

-- This hope constantly applies to all of the scenarios we are going over...


(4) Unforgivable State of Absolute Rejection

Heb_6:, Heb_10: Gospels, etc.

Example(s): Esau, the Spirit-Blaspheming Pharisees



·        Most people are not in this state.

·        Don't cheaply and easily export your responsibility and guilt by claiming your lack of obedience and endurance is God’s fault for not wanting to forgive you.

·        As others have correctly noticed, most people are not rejected by God because they “can’t” repent, but because they “won’t…”


Understanding the Difference & the Boundaries of Application



·        When you are right but still opposed, the opposition is purely external and circumstantial, not moral

·        “God’s testimony” is really only speaking of the circumstances you find yourself in! (this is really good news and hope!)

·        When you are wrong and opposed, the opposition has moral reasons

·        Whenever you feel unresolvable/unbearable fears/ stresses of God testifying against you, it is almost always because you are severely confusing these categories of opposition.


-- Like Job's frustration when his friends accused him of moral guilt [i.e. they understood the opposition to be a spiritual/moral testimony against him] when in fact, it said that he was blameless before all of Job's trials fell on him (see: Job below).


No Fleshly, Prideful, Self-Approval OR Being Bossed Around by Demons

by the way: you do not ever have a right to say where you are spiritually, or to determine which testimony is being done against you. Rom_3:4 always applies. You always need a perfect and objective standard to find where you are.


remember examples from #1… Rom_3:4 always applies


Rom_3:4 CAB  Certainly not! Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar, just as it is written: "That You may be justified in Your words, and You may overcome when You are judged."


Heb_12:11 CAB  Now no discipline seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, later it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those having been trained by it.


What to do…

·        When it is Not Clear Yet

·        Coming to Terms after it is clear  >> Cain did not repent!!





proerbs reprofs are the way of life


- get really good a being rebuked and corrected

- if you are not good at this, you are eaither seared and or illigitomate



if you are not chastised/painfully corrected, beg God for correction till you are exaspirated... other wise you are uncorrected in your error and near to cursing and rejection. -- her who fell: without correction/repentance or deep guilt and remorse for shameful flesh lust


The Terrifying Oblivion of Insensitivity to God’s Rebuke


>> I do not like you, and your wrong:

false prophets, such as Hananiah -- they boldly thought they could speak for God, but were bitterly rejected


What if You Do Not Perceive chastening?

Q: what if you do not know if/when you are being chastised/ ‘testified against’


A: either: (1) submit under whatever you can, or, (2) get gripped with painful reverence really quick, because you are endanger of being rejected as illegitimate!


Conscious Being Seared


1Ti_4:1-2 CAB  But the Spirit explicitly says, that in latter times some shall fall away from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons,  2  speaking lies in hypocrisy, having been seared with a hot iron as to their own conscience,


1Ti_4:1-2 Greek  Τὸ δὲ Πνεῦμα ῥητῶς λέγει ὅτι ἐν ὑστέροις καιροῖς ἀποστήσονταί τινες τῆς πίστεως προσέχοντες πνεύμασι πλάνοις καὶ διδασκαλίαις δαιμονίων,  2  ἐν ὑποκρίσει ψευδολόγων, κεκαυστηριασμένων τὴν ἰδίαν συνείδησιν,


Samson Did Not Realize that God had Left Him


Jdg_16:20-21 CAB  And Delilah said, The Philistines are upon you, Sampson. And he awoke out of his sleep and said, I will go out as at former times, and shake myself; and he knew not that the Lord had departed from him.  21  And the Philistines took him, and put out his eyes, and brought him down to Gaza, and bound him with fetters of brass; and he became a grinder in the prison house.


Cain Refused Tender Appeals – CAB, WEB, Greek


Gen_4:6-7 CAB  And the Lord God said to Cain, Why are you downcast, and why has your countenance fallen?  7  Have you not sinned if you have brought it rightly, but not rightly divided it? Be still, to you shall be his submission, and you shall rule over him.


Gen_4:6-7 Greek  καὶ εἶπεν κύριος ὁ θεὸς τῷ Καιν Ἵνα τί περίλυπος ἐγένου, καὶ ἵνα τί συνέπεσεν τὸ πρόσωπόν σου;  7  οὐκ, ἐὰν ὀρθῶς προσενέγκῃς, ὀρθῶς δὲ μὴ διέλῃς, ἥμαρτες; ἡσύχασον· πρὸς σὲ ἡ ἀποστροφὴ αὐτοῦ, καὶ σὺ ἄρξεις αὐτοῦ.


Gen_4:6-7 WEB  Yahweh said to Cain, "Why are you angry? Why has the expression of your face fallen?  7  If you do well, will it not be lifted up? If you don't do well, sin crouches at the door. Its desire is for you, but you are to rule over it."




Judas Not Openly Exposed/Confronted At First

Jesus did not always directly rebuke Judas, but when He did, Judas went to betray Jesus


Joh_6:58-71 CAB  This is the bread which came down from heaven, not as your fathers ate the manna, and died. He that eats this bread shall live forever."  59  These things He said in the synagogue as He taught in Capernaum.  60  Therefore many of His disciples, when they heard this, said, "This is a hard saying; who can hear it?"  61  And Jesus, knowing in Himself that His disciples were murmuring about this, He said to them, "Does this offend you?  62  What then if you should see the Son of Man ascending where He was before?  63  It is the Spirit who makes alive; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.  64  But there are some of you who do not believe." For Jesus knew from the beginning who were the ones who did not believe, and who was the one who would betray Him.  65  And He said, "Because of this I have said to you that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted to him by My Father."  66  From this time many of His disciples turned back and no longer would walk with Him.  67  Then Jesus said to the twelve, "Do you also want to go away?"  68  But Simon Peter answered Him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.  69  Also we have come to believe and know that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."  70  He answered them, "Did I not choose you, the twelve, and one of you is a devil?"  71  Now He was speaking about Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon, for he was intending to betray Him, though he was one of the twelve.


Judas Betrays Jesus


Joh_13:2 CAB  And after supper, the devil having already put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray Him,


Joh_13:18 CAB  I do not speak concerning all of you. I know those whom I chose; but that the Scripture may be fulfilled, 'He who eats bread with Me has lifted up his heel against Me.'


Joh_13:20-22 CAB  Most assuredly I say to you, he who receives whomever I send receives Me; and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me."  21  When Jesus had said these things, He was troubled in His spirit, and testified and said, "Most assuredly I say to you, one of you will betray Me."  22  Therefore the disciples were looking at one another, perplexed about whom He was speaking.


Joh_13:27-28 CAB  And after the piece of bread, then Satan entered him. Therefore Jesus said to him, "What you do, do quickly."  28  But no one reclining at the table knew for what purpose He said this to him.


Joh_17:12 CAB  When I was with them in the world, I kept them in Your name. Those whom You have given Me I guarded; and not one of them is lost except the son of perdition, so that the Scripture might be fulfilled.


Mat_26:8-16 CAB  But when His disciples saw it, they became indignant, saying, "Why this waste?  9  For this perfume could have been sold for much, and have been given to the poor."  10  But when Jesus became aware of it, He said to them, "Why do you trouble the woman? For she has done a beautiful work for Me.  11  For you have the poor with you always, but Me you do not have always.  12  For this woman, having put this perfume on My body, she did it for My burial.  13  Assuredly I say to you, wherever this gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what this woman did will be spoken as a memorial to her."  14  Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests  15  and said, "What are you willing to give me if I deliver Him to you?" And they weighed out for him thirty silver coins.  16  And from then on he sought an opportunity to betray Him.


Joh_12:3-8 CAB  Then Mary, having taken a pound of very costly pure nard, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.  4  Then one of His disciples, Judas Iscariot, son of Simon, who was about to betray Him, said,  5  Why was this perfume not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?"  6  This he said, not because he cared for the poor, but because he was a thief, and had the money box; and he used to pilfer the things which were placed in it.  7  But Jesus said, "Let her alone; she has kept this for the day of My burial.  8  For the poor you have with you always, but Me you do not have always."


(Luk_22:1-6 – no context preceding betrayal)


Act_1:16-17 CAB  Men, brothers; it was necessary for this Scripture to be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit spoke before by the mouth of David concerning Judas, who became a guide to those who arrested Jesus;  17  for he was numbered with us and obtained a portion in this ministry."




Don't Defend Yourself! – Don’t Avoid Bad Feelings

What happens when you really are wrong? – 2 OR 3?

Embrace/ Submit under God’s Rebuke: Don’t Praise Yourself!

>> We need a whole bbs on this!

>> Revise These titles… THEY ALL SEEM TO OVERLAP:


Remember Examples…

·        Peter vs. David’s Brothers


Don’t be Like Cain and Judas!!!


Pro_15:31-33 CAB  (TEXT OMITTED)  32  He that rejects instruction hates himself, but he who heeds rebuke loves his soul.  33  The fear of the Lord is instruction and wisdom, and the highest honor will correspond therewith.


Pro_15:30-33 Greek  θεωρῶν ὀφθαλμὸς καλὰ εὐφραίνει καρδίαν, φήμη δὲ ἀγαθὴ πιαίνει ὀστᾶ.  32  ὃς ἀπωθεῖται παιδείαν, μισεῖ ἑαυτόν· ὁ δὲ τηρῶν ἐλέγχους ἀγαπᾷ ψυχὴν αὐτοῦ.  33  φόβος θεοῦ παιδεία καὶ σοφία, καὶ ἀρχὴ δόξης ἀποκριθήσεται αὐτῇ.


Pro_15:31-33 WEB  The ear that listens to reproof lives, and will be at home among the wise.  32  He who refuses correction despises his own soul, but he who listens to reproof gets understanding.  33  The fear of Yahweh teaches wisdom. Before honor is humility.




Pro_10:17 CAB  Instruction keeps the right ways of life, but instruction unchastened goes astray.


Pro_10:17 WEB  He is in the way of life who heeds correction, but he who forsakes reproof leads others astray.



Bad Feelings Superior to Good Feelings

·        Bad feelings in this life = praise from God

·        You should almost prefer bad feelings so that maybe you, as a wretched creature, might find some hope and redemption.

·        That is partly why we willfully fast.


Love the Healthy Times of Bad Feelings

·        File names – most people spend as little time as possible to just get it done

·        Most people spend as little time as possible feeling bad about their errors

·        We ought to spend a lot of time rebuking ourselves so that we may not be cursed and destroyed

·        We ought to be pleading with God to reveal every error and mistake possible as soon as possible and bring it to the surface as lovingly as He will so that we may never get the foolish idea that we are better off/ further along than we thought

·        May we never again make these mistakes

·        Making this mistake is infinitely worse than feeling bad/discouraged about ourselves for the rest of our lives.

·        We should not be excited to make ourselves feel good as approved christians, we should be overwhelmingly excited with the surpassing glorious privilege of holding ourselves under probation so that we might finally see truth on the earth!!!

·        The sin of the modern church: Even calling each other brother and sister is evil and is full of hypocrisy, when we are under darkness, and questionable-ness – subtle things we do to brag that we are saved

·        Face discouragement, don’t avoid anything that blesses you with weakness and rebuke and discomfort, because you need all the salvation you can get.


If you do not like God to testify against you, then you hate God whom you should be welcoming into your life.


Arpox Criminals Flatter Themselves

·        Your integrity is who you are when you are at your worst, so don’t flatter yourself when you think you are doing your best, and especially don’t flatter yourself in the eyes of others because this breach of insanity will kill you!!

·        Insanity is when lies are made to look factual.

·        You should actually care about what God cares about.

·        Hiding your folly enough to trick people in cooperating with your filthiness is a crime of arpox that will gain more guilt than the initial crime itself.

·        It is one thing to be evil, it is even more to deceive others into thinking you are accepted.


Judge Your Selves!

·        Most people are trying so hard to defend themselves from bad feelings that they never get around to having a shot at repentance.

·        You should not be seeking to avoid a testimony against you, but you should be praying to JUDGE YOURSELF NOW!

·        You should not be seeking/trying to make yourself/me/others/God convinced that you are doing better… you should be desperately seeking to confess and repent as quickly and as massively as you can.


1Co_11:31-32 CAB  For if we judge ourselves correctly, we would not be judged.  32  But when we are judged, we are disciplined by the Lord, in order that we may not be condemned with the world.


1Co_11:31-32 Greek  εἰ γὰρ ἑαυτοὺς διεκρίνομεν, οὐκ ἂν ἐκρινόμεθα·  32  κρινόμενοι δὲ ὑπὸ τοῦ Κυρίου παιδευόμεθα, ἵνα μὴ σὺν τῷ κόσμῳ κατακριθῶμεν.


Pro_27:2 CAB  Let your neighbor, and not your own mouth, praise you; a stranger, and not your own lips.


Pro_27:5-8 CAB  Open reproofs are better than secret love.  6  The wounds of a friend are more to be trusted than the spontaneous kisses of an enemy…  7  A full soul scorns honeycombs, but to a hungry soul even bitter things appear sweet.  8  As when a bird flies down from its own nest, so a man is brought into bondage whenever he estranges himself from his own place.


MT: each man will declare his own love....

LXX: Pro_20:6 CAB  A man is valuable and a merciful man precious, but it is hard to find a faithful man.

GNT Alternatives (from TSK): Mat_6:2, Luk_18:8, Luk_18:11, Luk_22:33,


Introductory Warnings


Doing Good, But Rebuked

If God keeps you, most likely you will go through seasons where you realize you were not as far along as you thought, and or, you will at least go through season where you feel like you are being rebuked after doing well.


Because of this, we need to do a Bible study…


God Speaks, But Not As Quickly As You Think -- When People Are Still Under Probation

Due to the common mistakes of new “hard-core” people


·        Most of what people think is “God leading them” or “the Holy Spirit showing them something” is not actually that at all, since the exact same practices are found all throughout the heathen churches.

·        BEWARE when pagan christians talk the same way about “God leading them” as you experience. (this is the realm where you are not hearing God, but falling back on relying on what is natural to fill in the gap and make up for your lack of expressed approval from God)

·        This is very frequently subconsciously carried over from churchianity

·        These things are untested ideals, values, and subtle roots of “christian expectations” used in churchianity, which even get used by hard-core people.

·        Tragic reality: God “speaks” to pagans and Heretics the same ways that He supposedly speaks to you (BIG PROBLEM!).

·        If you hold yourself up to the integrity of this light, you will have to face situations where God does not actually back up what you thought was “God leading you” by “special revelation” or even prophecy.

·        Example: things you thought were so inspired and prophetic, you later find out you were actually wrong about what you said. HAVE INTEGRITY! God is perfect.

·        This is a classic breaking situation where you have to wait under the new light that God was, evidently, not supporting you when you thought you were doing perfectly fine in faith.


Summary of What Faithfulness Finds

I spent my first few years of following Jesus learning to believe that I could hear God’s voice, and then I spent many more years learning that I had not heard His voice as much as my soul liked to think.


Beware of

·        Quick prophecies

·        Moments of intensity

·        Personal, Self-generated spiritual experiences




We LIKE bad feelings–such as intentionally fasting- because it pops our bubble quicker!!


WARNING 3: Be Careful of fast and impulsive words

·          Be very careful about thinking out loud

·          Don’t simplify and multiply a quick speech about matters that are bigger than your understanding

·          Don’t, don’t, DON’T! Throw together a quick letter that meddles with infinitely sensitive matters, and then say, “Here are some quick rough thoughts that I have not yet even thought through yet. I have not reviewed it yet, or even prayed yet, but these are just some initial thoughts ”


Example Quick Email

“I fully agree with most of your sentiments expressed but I disagree on some of the detail. I think you have missed a few points that are needed to round your book off.

I have not read it in great detail but have read the sections of interest to me.

Before you finalize your book I would like you to read the document that I wrote on the same subject since I think that there are a few points that I have included that you have missed - for instance on the betrothal issue. Or at least, you should look at them and decide whether your views need adjustment or not. I think we have the same spirit and the same goal - to seek the truth and to tell the world that remarriage is a great sin.

(I am also aware that my document is very light weight compared to yours and needs a major review in the light of greater insight I have developed by reading works like yours etc. But for the current purpose the attached version is sufficient.)

I don't know if you are aware of the work done by Dr Leslie McFall. It is essential that you look at his comments on Matthew
_19:9 etc.


…What you will see from my work is that I place a lot of emphasis on two extremely important texts that you don't even mention in your document at all…


1Co_7:24 ESV  So, brothers, in whatever condition each was called, there let him remain with God.”


Modern Examples of Busted Bubbles


Worship Music Example

Worship music feels so strong, and you think god is moving so much, but then you look to your right or left and honesty notices that a demonized person is having a blast, just like you are!


“god Told me…”

·        !!! you will usually have crushing times when (whether fact or felt) you find that you were no hearing/being directed by God as much as you thought you were...

·        And the answer is always to increase in reverence!


Tragedy = Reality

you thought you were sooo spiritual, but then you can even do anything right when a tragedy hits / when you are fasting and frustrated (think: disciples fleeing in garden)


Moments of Intensity

- happen when it has been easy for you to feel sucessful in one area without being tested in other areas

- you quickly projet your false sense of sucess over others who are more honest in their more overt in their struggle

- moments of intensity are untested sucesses that only work in a certain settup/season/circumstance [prosperity gospel works where there is money, but not so much for poor places]

- false rejoicing is based off of lack of integrity...

- you would fail just like all other people if you were tested like in the same situation they are in

- you have misjudged your relief with sucess over the struggles of other people which you do not understand

- it is irreverent to assume that you have any answer or right or place to tell other people that they ought to be somewhere in this area when you yourself are exactly the same as them, you just are not as trubled as them because your situation is currently lighter than theirs...

- your superiority is a puff of smoke that will easily and quickly disolve, even after you have boasted over others that are just like you, only they are more grieved over what you are falsely confident in

- you cannot lead others until you truly concor their fears

- the fact that you are sheltered from their temptation is only the providence of God, not your internal advantage


even still... what do you have that you have not recieved... and if you recieved, then why do you boast?


Handling Trials


Side Note about trials: sometimes God prolongs our trials, lest we seem do what He asks externally out of shear obligation. No, this is too important. No room to mistake doing His sensitive pleasure with complying unwillingly.

Because what He wants it a bit more special than usual, it is better to wait for instruction than to get a quick metric accomplished and think that we have pleased God.

Women typically do this to men excessively: they want flowers, but they want him to do it out of love rather than blandly doing it as a goal to get out of the way.


Heb: no discipline seems joyious...


·        at the heart of all discipline is a word spoken against you

·        this is one of the biggest reasons humanism absolutely hates monotheism...

·        Humanism Vs Monotheism – all men are evil vs. man's highest purpose is his own pleasure


>> look up WIKI!! / more accurate deffinitions...


[NETS p 721]


Sir_2:1-2 Brenton  My son, if thou come to serve the Lord, prepare thy soul for temptation.  2  Set thy heart aright, and constantly endure, and make not haste in time of trouble.


Sir_2:17 Brenton  They that fear the Lord will prepare their hearts, and humble their souls in his sight,

>> see whole chapter!!


Sir_2:10 Brenton  Look at the generations of old, and see; did ever any trust in the Lord, and was confounded? or did any abide in his fear, and was forsaken? or whom did he ever despise, that called upon him?


Primary Biblical Examples of Receiving Opposition from Heaven


Jonah’s Example

He ended up writing it in a book. He continued in honesty toward God until God made his heart finally agree with God’s own agenda.



·        Burning Bush

·        Circumcision of his child

·        Aaron’s sons died

·        Striking the rock

·        Trials in between: God, don't you care about me

>> add: Zerubabble / Joshua the priest


Post-Crucifixion Disciples

"we had thought he was the Anointed One" (only "felt" like God was crushing their faith…)


Saul of Bengamine

·        when he made his own 'innovations' (even after he had a changed heart)

·        did not repent of feeling like it was ok w his own god to offer sacrifices

Saul was unwilling to stay repentant


Job says, 'God has Testified Against me'

Ultimate example of enduring under satan’s false accusations done under the providence of God (God said that satan had turned His hand against Job)


Job Was Blameless


Job_1:1 WEB  There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job. That man was blameless and upright, and one who feared God, and turned away from evil.



Job_1:1 CAB  There was a certain man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was true, blameless, righteous, and godly, abstaining from everything evil.


Job’s Complaint

Job_10:17 WEB  You renew your witnesses against me, and increase your indignation on me. Changes and warfare are with me.


Job_10:17 CAB  renewing against me my torture: and You have dealt with me in great anger, and You have brought trials upon me.


Job_13:25-26 WEB  Will you harass a driven leaf? Will you pursue the dry stubble?  26  For you write bitter things against me, and make me inherit the iniquities of my youth:


Job_13:24-26 CAB  Why do You hide Yourself from me, and regard me as Your enemy?  25  Will You be startled at me, as at a leaf shaken by the wind? Or will You set Yourself against me as against grass borne upon the breeze?  26  For You have written evil things against me, and You have compassed me with the sins of my youth.


Job_16:7-9 WEB  But now, God, you have surely worn me out. You have made desolate all my company.  8  You have shriveled me up. This is a witness against me. My leanness rises up against me. It testifies to my face.  9  He has torn me in his wrath, and persecuted me. He has gnashed on me with his teeth. My adversary sharpens his eyes on me.


Job_16:7-9 CAB  (16:8) But now He has made me weary, and a worn out fool, and He has laid hold of me.  8  (16:9) My falsehood has become a testimony, and has risen up against me: it has confronted me to my face.  9  (16:10) In His anger He has cast me down; He has gnashed His teeth upon me: the weapons of His robbers have fallen upon me.


Job_27:2 YLT  God liveth! He turned aside my judgment, And the Mighty--He made my soul bitter.


Job_27:2 WEB  "As God lives, who has taken away my right, the Almighty, who has made my soul bitter.


Job_27:2 CAB  As God lives, who has thus judged me; and the Almighty, who has embittered my soul;


·        Sound familiar??

·        Remember Naomi saying this???


(Compare: Mal_3:5)


Jesus says, 'God has Testified against me'

Jesus was ‘made sin’ and treated as being very guilty even though He was innocent


Mat_27:46 CAB  And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, "Eli, Eli, lima sabachthani?" that is, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?"


2Co_5:21 CAB  For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.


Eli Agreed with Samuel, but Still Remained Evil Inside


1Sa_1:12-19 – Even though Eli misjudged Anna/ Hannah, he was still able to bless her to have children


Note!: Hannah endured in coming to God in faith, even though God had testified against her by closing her womb.


God warned Eli in Ch 2 about judgment


1Sa_3:16-18 CAB  And Eli said to Samuel, Samuel, my son; and he said, Behold, here am I.  17  And he said, What was the word that was spoken to you? I pray you do not hide it from me: may God do these things to you, and more also, if you hide from me anything of all the words that were spoken to you in your ears.  18  And Samuel reported all the words, and did not hide them from him. And Eli said, He is the Lord, He shall do that which is good in His sight.


But Eli did not repent, or stop his sons from doing evil.


1Sa_3:21 CAB  ...And Eli was very old, and his sons kept advancing in wickedness, and their way was evil before the Lord.


1Sa_4:13-22 CAB  And he came, and behold, Eli was upon the seat by the gate looking along the way, for his heart was greatly alarmed for the ark of God. And the man entered into the city to bring news, and the city cried out.  14  And Eli heard the sound of the cry, and said, What is the voice of this cry? And the men hastened and went in, and reported to Eli.  15  Now Eli was ninety years old, and his eyes were so dim that he could not see.  16  And Eli said to them that stood round about him, What is the voice of this sound? And the man hastened and advanced to Eli, and said to him, I am he that has come out of the camp, and I have fled from the battle today. And Eli said, What has happened, my son?  17  And they young man answered and said, The men of Israel fled from the face of the Philistines, and there was a great slaughter among the people, and both your sons are dead, and the ark of God has been taken.  18  And it came to pass, when he mentioned the ark of God, that he fell from the seat backward near the gate, and his back was broken, and he died, for he was an old man and heavy. And he judged Israel twenty years.  19  And his daughter-in-law, the wife of Phineas was with child, and was about to bring forth. And she heard the news, that the ark of God was taken, and that her father-in-law and her husband were dead; and she wept and was delivered, for her pains came upon her.  20  And in her time she was at the point of death; and the women that stood by her said to her, Fear not, for you have born a son. But she answered not, and her heart did not regard it.  21  And she called the child Ichabod, because of the ark of God, and because of her father-in-law, and because of her husband.  22  And they said, The glory of Israel has departed, for the ark of the Lord has been taken.


Notes About Eli

·        Salvation never ceases to be an issue

·        Eli died a wicked death comparable to Nabal: 1Sa_25:36-39

·        Sometimes it's better to not even know the right answer! (Jesus: the harlots are entering the Kingdom before you)


David –  Bringing the Ark back

Read these long passages: 2Sa_6:1-19; 1Ch_15:1-29; 1Ch_16:1-4


Got to obey rules, and pause in humiliation, and recognition that you were “driving faster than your skill set actually permitted/warranted” (as my parable puts it), and then you are commanded to jump back up and rejoice as soon as you hear the clarity from God (and it might be lap communication)


Compare, David's 'accident' when handling the ark, with the case when God was going to kill Moses for 'forgetting (?) to circumcise'


David – Waiting Under Persecution – David Gloriously Lets God Testify Against Him


2Sa_16:5-13 CAB  And King David came to Bahurim; and behold, there came out from there a man of the family of the house of Saul, and his name was Shimei, the son of Gera. He came forth and cursed as he went,  6  and cast stones at David, and at all the servants of King David. And all the people and all the mighty men were on the right and left hand of the king.  7  And thus Shimei said when he cursed him, Go out, go out, you bloody man, and man of sin.  8  The Lord has returned upon you all the blood of the house of Saul, because you have reigned in his place; and the Lord has given the kingdom into the hand of Absalom your son: and behold, you are taken in your mischief, because you are a bloody man.  9  Then Abishai the son of Zeruiah said to the king, Why does this dead dog curse my lord the king? Let me go over now and take off his head!  10  And the king said, What have I to do with you, you sons of Zeruiah? Let him alone, and so let him curse, for the Lord has told him to curse David: and who shall say, Why have you done thus?  11  And David said to Abishai and to all his servants, Behold, my son who came forth out of my bowels seeks my life; still more now may the son of Benjamin: let him curse, because the Lord has told him.  12  If by any means the Lord may look upon my affliction, thus shall He return me good for his cursing this day.  13  And David and all the men with him went along the road: and Shimei went by the side of the hill next to him, cursing as he went, and casting stones at him, and sprinkling him with dirt.


[TSK on Shimei: 2Sa_19:16-18, 1Ki_2:8, 1Ki_2:9, 1Ki_2:36-44, 1Ki_2:45, 1Ki_2:46]


Endure Chastisement Like a Son!

Heb_12:5-8, Heb_12:10-11;


Peter Receive Correction Many Times

- Jesus: get behind me Satan (Mat_16:23)

- Jesus: Peter, do you love me? (Joh_21:15-17)



Paul (sentence of death in ourselves) – needed strengthening by the coming of Titus (etc.)


Other Notes


Two Things you Need When

(1) Humility to Avoid Sin (i.e. be too weak to sin)

(2) Faith to take hold of what is good


>> part 1: humility and faith

>> Part 2: how to cry out?



Humility -- Love Lowliness



Sir_3:17  My son, ·conduct [διέξαγε – thoroughly (δι-) lead (-αγε) out (-έξ-)?] your affairs [ἔργα] with humility [πραύτητι],5  [πραύτητι τὰ ἔργα σου διέξαγε – NETS: in gentleness conduct your affairs] [[Sir3:17] LXX “meekness”]

and ·you will be loved more than a giver of gifts [ὑπὸ ἀνθρώπου δεκτοῦ ἀγαπηθήσῃ – NETS: you will be loved more than a person who gives].
[this is conditional love, and doing this (and receiving powerful love) helps defeat fear]

18  Humble yourself the more, the greater you are [ὅσῳ μέγας εἶ, τοσούτῳ ταπείνου σεαυτόν – NETS: The greater you are, the more you should

humble yourself], and you will find favor [χάριν] with the Lord.

19  [Many are ·lofty and the noble.] [Br: in high place, and of renown]

[But it is to the humble [Br: meek (Greek: ??)] that he reveals his plans] [Br: mysteries].6 [[Sir3:19] LXX(II) adds {not in Rahlfs/UBB}]

[moral note: conditional favor. He ‘oppose the proud but give favor to the humble’; Jesus: the greatest among you must be the least]

20  For great [ὅτι μεγάλη] is the power [ἡ δυναστεία – the powerful ability; Br: power; NETS: dominance (dishonesty or textual variation?)] of the Lord;

he is glorified by [ὑπὸ – under; fig. by (NETS)] the humble [τῶν ταπεινῶν].



Sir_7:17  More and more, humble your pride;

what awaits man is fire and worms.4 [4 [Sir7:17] Heb / LXX “; the punishment of the ungodly is fire and worms”]



Sir_22:23  Make fast friends with a man while he is poor;

thus will you enjoy his prosperity with him;

 for  there  should  never  be  an y  despising  o f  a  man’s appearance

or admiration of a rich man who is stupid.2 [2 [ Sir_22:23] some LXX adds]

in time of trouble remain true to him,

so as to share in his inheritance when it comes.



Fake Poverty



Sir_25:2        Three kinds of men I hate;

their manner of life I loathe indeed:

a proud pauper, a rich dissembler,

and an old man lecherous in his dotage.




You Cannot Plan Obedience, You Can Only Choose it right Now

You Cannot Plan Repentance, You Can Only Choose it right Now




Sir_18:20  Before you are judged, seek merit for yourself,

and at the time of visitation you will have a ransom.

21  Before you have fallen,1 [1 [ Sir_18:21] Syr / LXX “before you get sick”] humble yourself;

when you have sinned, show repentance. Do not delay to forsake sins,

do not neglect it till you are in distress. Do not set a time for abandoning sin;

remember that death will not delay.2 [2 [ Sir_18:21] Syr / all others omits “Do not delay to forsake…will not delay.”]


22  Let nothing prevent the prompt payment of your vows;

do not wait to fulfill them when you are dying.3 [3 [ Sir_18:22] Syr omits “Let nothing prevent…you are dying.”]

23  Before making a vow have the means to fulfill it;

do not be one who puts Yahweh to the test.

24  Think of wrath and the day of death,

the time of vengeance when he will hide his face.

25  Remember the time of hunger in the time of plenty, poverty and want in the day of wealth.

26  Between morning and evening the weather changes;

before Yahweh all things are fleeting.


>> Sync: BBS RTF | OUC | JojBB | llo

>> comp. Pop: ouc







Slaves Don’t Have Rights

V’s Requested Scripture readings

Other date(s) ~ Aril 2019; 4/18/19




Mat_20:28 (Mat_20:20-28)

Mat_20:27 – Διακονος… Δουλος = no rights

Mar_10:44-45 (Mar_10:31, Mar_10:35-45)


























Deal With Your Attractions, QUICK!

created 2011; revised: 8/16/11; 10/24/11; 1/27/12; 1/30/12; 6/1/12; 7/26/12-7/27/12 (Falling in love); 8/1/12-8/2/12; 8/9/12; 8/11/12; 8/12/12; 8/13/12; 8/17/12; 8/18/12; 8/23/12; 9/14/12; 9/28/12; 5/16/13; 9/13/13


>> eventually get , Cooperate with what Likes You! (from rtf bbs notes)



Hating God’s commands

>> get context:

Lev_26:14-16 CAB  But if you will not hearken to Me, nor obey these My ordinances,  15  but disobey them, and your soul should loathe My judgments, so that you should not keep all My commands, so as to break My covenant,  16  then will I do thus to you: I will even bring upon you perplexity and the itch, and the fever that causes your eyes to waste away, and disease that consumes your life; and you shall sow your seeds in vain, and your enemies shall eat them………


Sir_2:1-4 Brenton  My son, if thou come to serve the Lord, prepare thy soul for temptation.  2  Set thy heart aright, and constantly endure, and make not haste in time of trouble.  3  Cleave unto him, and depart not away [“Cling to him, and do not stand aloof” –  NETS (p 721)], that thou mayest be increased at thy last end…


 (1) Romance: Falling in Love


Define: Falling in Lust

·        Have you ever fallen in love before? > Yes, i have fallen in lust many times, but I repented.

·        An incest website: ‘You cannot choose who you fall in love with’ (same is assumed about homosexuality)


"In romantic relationships, "falling in love" is mainly a Western term used to describe the process of moving from a feeling of neutrality towards a person to one of love. The use of the term "fall" implies that the process is in some way inevitable, uncontrollable, risky, irreversible, or that it puts the lover in a state of vulnerability, in the same way the word "fall" is used in the phrase "to fall ill" or "to fall into a trap". The term is generally used to describe an (eventual) love that is strong, although not necessarily permanent."

Retrieved 7/27/12




We Are So Duped By Are Culture!

·        We all are sooo convinced that falling in love is a universal magic that simply must be due to all mankind!

·        We even re-write other cultures in Disney Moves to impress this romantic ideal [this is a form of transculturation].

·        Country songs: “you can lead a heart to love, but you can’t make it fall”.


Premarital Love Examples

·        Isaac and Rebecca

·        David and Abigail;

·        There was love before marriage (Jacob: good; Michal: good or bad?);

·        But most of the time it was: marry first, and then deal with it if she is not pleasing in his eyes... etc.


>> continue


Biblical Romantic Infatuation is Based on Prophecy, Not Feeling

People of faith are romantically infatuated based on God’s Words about who they are called to marry, not on their feeling a special moment.


·        Tobit

·        David and Abigail

·        Jewish Ideal: Isaac married Rebecca, then he loved her


Problems We Need to Change

·        Westerners have a counterfeit that shamefully tries to make exciting love available for everyone by magical moments upon evil souls.

·        We have adjusted our perception of excitement so that everyone can feel like they have a “special marriage”.

·        Marriage is first for giving your life away to your spouse to raise children according to the basic responsibility that God has generally laid on the human race.

·        Only favored people get something Truly Special in marriage, and the cheap magic we worship only makes a self-serving cop out and dishonest and lustful indulgence out of your responsibility in marriage.

·        “Falling in love” is selfish magic, and a great sin for all foolishness and deception in praising the breaking of God’s purity rules.

·        Being surprised and excited about God’s greatness and ordained provision is Godly and righteous for faith.


Compatibility Issues Are a Myth from Hell

·        If you are a human, you can love other humans.

·        Functioning Humans are ALWAYS compatible for marriage (although some choices might be more advantageous).

·        People are fond of religiously asking, “Who’s The One for you?” when in reality, “Get over it sister; any man will do to beget children, as long as he will (hopefully) stay with you”.

·        And much, MUCH more so: Functioning Godly people are ALWAYS compatible for relationship.

·        The only thing that distinguishes one potential from another is what God has specifically commanded and ordained. (also: because of this we have to always be careful with all gender boundaries.)

·        Aladdin is Satan’s model for selfish lust and eventual divorce.

·        Isaac is God’s model for selfless greatness and real love.

·        You can endure all the pains of marriage (OR ANY RELATIONSHIP) as long as you know that God has called you to it.

·        That is the ONLY question.

·        Stop waiting around for a magical wizard’s spell of sinful lust to overtake you, so that you feel like you need to fall into sin before you will be willing to lust people.

·        Deal with your attractions; don’t let them make you “fall” into sin.

·        Be a follower of Jesus who denies themselves, listens to God’s voice, and Loves people by willful and conscientious excited faith and self-sacrifice!

·        Now you can finally obey the Bible when it commands you to love people!


Eph: Husbands love you wifes…

John/Col/ etc: love one another


Confronting Pagan Romantic Feeling Worship

~Late 2010

Repent of the emotional notion that you have learned from the world that you always have to do what you feel like... Repent of this paganism and rebellion and be a believer in truth:


Foolish Lies

·        "I cannot change who I am"

·        "You can't help who you fall in love with"

·        "god accepts me just the way i am" (and "loves you too much to leave you the same")

·        "Why won't you accept me the way i am?"



·        You can control who you lust after!

·        If you fall in love/ lust with your neighbor’s wife, it is always sin!

·        You are commanded to repent and control your sinful lusts and who you “love”!!!!

·        Don’t be a fool and do this very same thing with any other relationship, especially when you are commanded to relate to people by faith (and not the sinful fantasy of “falling in friendship” with people).



·        You only love people when you are doing justice toward them.

·        Love is not a feeling you have for people but a value you choose to confer to them.

·        God makes some relationships easy (a reasonable person) and others harder (an unpleasant spouse), but you are always commanded to choose to love.

·        It is a great thing for God to Love you!

·        Now you are commanded to be in self-control and go love the people God has commanded you to love.


(1Co_7 even commands you to be well minded toward your spouse!)


The Bible Commands En-mighty-ing Self-Control


Act_24:24-25 CAB  Now after some days, when Felix arrived with Drusilla his wife, who was Jewish, he sent for Paul and heard him *concerning the faith in Christ [* περὶ τῆς εἰς Χριστὸν πίστεως – around concerning that faith (which is) into anointed one].  25  And as he reasoned [διαλεγομένου] *about righteousness [* περὶ δικαιοσύνης; (note: περὶ is the same as v. 24)], self-control [ἐγκρατείας], and the judgment [τοῦ κρίματος] which is going to be, Felix became afraid and answered, "Go away for now; but when I have opportunity I will summon you."


Gal_5:22-23 CAB  But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  23  gentleness, self-control [ἐγκράτεια]--against such things there is no law.


1Co_9:24-27 CAB  Do you not know that those running in a stadium all run, but one receives the prize? So run, in order that you may win.  25  And everyone who competes [ἀγωνιζόμενος] *exercises self-control [* ἐγκρατεύεται] in all things. Now they compete in order that they may receive a perishable crown [στέφανον], but we compete for an imperishable crown [one].  26  Therefore I run thus: not as without a goal, thus I box: not as one beating the air.  27  But I treat my body roughly, and I bring it into subjection, lest, having preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.


Elders/ overseers (leaders) must have this virtue to lead: Tit_1:8; Tit_2:2


The Points

·        You can control whether you fall into filthy lust or not, when you are not supposed to love someone else’s forbidden intimacy.

·        You can control if you love those you are commanded to love, whether it be marriage or any other relationship, no matter what you feel or think by default.


you are commanded to Love God with everything - you CAN decide who you love


Applying Romantic Foolishness to Spiritual Things


What if You Have an Evil Lot of Lusting for Evil?

·        We are All Born with different preferences, and temptations that come with our unique lots in life.

·        Have you ever considered how completely vain it is that we get zealous about right and wrong and we all think that we are right, when logically speaking, we must all be mostly wrong since we all disagree about most everything by default!
(think: recent social controversies/ politics/ election time)

·        What should you do if you happen to prefer evil?

·        Some people are even born with demons.


Lev_20:27 CAB  And as for a man or woman whosoever of them shall have in them a divining spirit, or be an enchanter, let them both die the death: you shall stone them with stones, they are guilty.


Think: drunkards – they are guilty

Think: people now think homosexuals are just receiving their lot in life.


The things we think are happenstantial, the Bible calls material guilt.


Jos_24:15 CAB  But if it seem not good to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods of your fathers that were on the other side of the river, or the gods of the Amorites, among whom you dwell upon their land. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord, for He is holy.


I am not Convicted About That

- pagan uninformed conscious

- this = no faith: faith is the conviction of unseen things (~Heb 11)

- "of this they’re willfully ignorant"

- you don't see why it’s wrong, but faith is being convicted about what you do not see... And instead of educating your conscious, you willfully remain ignorant and simply say like a worthless fool on a log, "i'm not convicted about that"

- before God (whom you obviously do not believe) it is irrelevant whether or not you feel convicted, because since when has an ignorant conscious caused eternal truth to cease to exist?? (talk about sticking your head in the sand!)

- why don’t you try that clever line when a cop pulls you over?



I’m not convicted about speeding;


> I’ll tell you what, why don’t you just keep on speeding and getting tickets and then you can try that clever non-conviction-line before the Judge, and we’ll see how “convicted” you feel when your license is taken away (God: …when your soul is taken away).

> your dull conscious does not supersede trump my accurate radar reading of your crime, nor is not going to change a thing about your driving record


Solidity: Your ignorant conscious and foolish character has nothing to do with right or wrong any more than it pertains to your speeding ticket (accept that it probably caused both judgments to fall against you).


- my sister: watch me disappear – closing your eyes


- i know nothing against myself, but *i am not justified by this* (1CO4)


Hard Necked, Fleshly Lusters

- neh striking fools

- pro: though you grind a fool, his foolishness will not depart

- Pro: stocks are for fool/ a rod for the back of fools

- Pro: after often rebuke… hardens neck… suddenly destroyed


The Absurd Myth of Feeling-Dependent Faithfulness

·        Falling without first doing faithfulness is apostasy (one of the words for divorce!)

·        Do not be a pagan longing to feel something before you obey: share God's heart now for truth to happen instead

·        Say to your soul: I am in trial... Now is my chance to do what is right!

·        count it all joy brothers - SEE TSK!

·        I no longer want to see miracles to 'be faithful', but i long to be faithful to see miracles
Stories: - longing to see an angel in the clouds… or… - if I could just have a significant other then I could know God loves me


Jesus Did Not Say Fall in Love With Your Neighbor as Yourself!!!

·        If anyone is a mutual follower of Jesus you love them without boundaries, otherwise, one of you is not a follower of Jesus to this same degree.

·        Waiting to love reasonably, is paganism (romanticism).


Examples of Attraction for Good and Lust for Evil

- Eve: sinlessness does not have to be attracted to evil

- Gen_6: – bad angels messed up marriage (Jude warns against this)

- Sodom and Gomorrah

- God likens this to spiritual prostitution

- Tamar & Ruth lusted after good things

- Joseph fled youthful lusts (he spoke rationally to change attraction)

- Man in Joshua who hid some of the spoils

- Judges: people constantly failed God and kept going to worthless things

- Saul


'the tax collectors went in, and you saw it, but did not repent' -- we must take the eagerness of others as a demand for us to move urgently!


2th2 - take a hold of the love of the truth; imitation: the queen of the south traveled to hear truth... (this adds value to the faith and expectation)



Jesus Is Attractive



You are not waiting on God if you are not choosing to be attracted to Him


Jesus, Simon, Mary, and honorable anointing

Also: Jesus, when entering Jerusalem


some people thought that this was irreverent to be righteous and finally do justice, and honor humble truth, and actually care about hidden righteousness in the secret depths of the heart.


>> also: 'even His brothers did not believe...'


"see the pearl" - have I added this yet?



Change Your Lusts

Heb_11: – moses had respect unto the reward


You are not waiting on God if you are not choosing to be attracted to Him


Compare MT

Zec_9:9 CAB  Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; proclaim it aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem; behold, your King is coming to you, righteous, and your Savior; He is meek and riding on a donkey, a young foal of a donkey.


And even though He had no form or comeliness…


Zec_9:17 CAB  For if He has anything good, and if He has anything fair, the young men shall have grain, and there shall be fragrant wine to the virgins.


And More express in the MT:


Zec_9:17 WEB  For how great is his goodness, and how great is his beauty! Grain will make the young men flourish, and new wine the virgins.





Col_3:1-5 CAB If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God.  2  Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.  3  For you died, and your life has been hidden with Christ in God.  4  Whenever Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.  5  Therefore put to death your members on the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and greed, which is idolatry.


2Pe_2:3 – taste and see... then you can expose yourself to the right attraction


2Pe_2:7-8 – Unpersuaded Lust-mongers

Believing by being passionately persuaded [as opposed to: απειθουσιν] is the solution

>> Duplicates found elsewhere in LLO: /\


2Th_2:11-12 CAB  And *because of [*διὰ] this, God will send them *strong delusion [*ἐνέργειαν πλάνης – lit. an energizing of trickery/ deception], *in order for [εἰς τὸ – lit. into that of] them to believe the lie [τῷ ψεύδει],  12  so that they all might be damned [κριθῶσι – judged and condemned] who did not believe the truth, but *delighted in [*εὐδοκήσαντες ἐν τῇ – tested and approved in the…] unrighteousness […to be good (in their minds)].

[see DivRem for updates!]


What you Boast and Rejoice Is in, is the attraction you worship

boast in the Lord

boast in my weakness (be attracted to this!!!)

Jas_4:13-17 – don't boast in your doing... such attraction is perverted sin


Rom_1:25 – adored/ worshiped

Rom_2:8-9 – emotionally (passionately) unpersuaded to ‘obey’ Truth, but unrighteousness instead

>> Duplicates found elsewhere in LLO: /\




Written as an example... that no lust after evil things


- "we want meet"

- go back to Egypt

- Pushed away Moses: Act


Conclusion – The Poor Always Have Healthy Attractions


- Don't be attracted to the fleshly worship in the previous chapter


the base of this is being completely abhorrent to filthiness, then cleanness is glorious to you.

In a broken poverty you lust after something right that you do not yet have.


poor people are the only ones who seem to be in a "lucky" life-scenario.






The Scandal of Jesus

~2011; 8/10/11; 8/16/11 – combine this with "attractions" below? should The Scandal be part 2?

1Pe_2:8 (compare attractions teaching)


did what only the deamons had done in Gen_6:1 (etc.)

He came in the time of the Greek gods

Marry looked like she had commited fornication

why had God asked Abraham to do what He had said never even entered His mind?

God sacrificed His only son (which had never been permited):







Love Rebuke

[1/7/04]; 7/25/12; 7/27/12; 6/11/13; 7/31/16; 2/16/17 (added original Love Rebuke Bible study); 7/8/22 (Easily Persuaded)



Easily Persuaded

7/4/22; 7/8/22; 7/10/22; 7/17/22; 7/22/22; 8/26/22…8/28/22

Well-Persuaded by Wisdom/Truth


Persuasion is one of the fundamental foundational virtues of unity and reciprocation with God and his people (Obeyer disciples).


Persuasion Required for Salvation



WS: Act_18:4, "he . . . persuaded the Jews,"


See all of the other numerous cross references all throughout the Scriptures about this persuasion!

(example: See: WS on G3982)




1Sa_24:8 – David persuades men not to kill Saul


Luk_20:6 – People persuaded that John was a prophet


Luk_16:31 LSV  And he said to him, If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded if one may rise out of the dead.”

Luk_16:31  εἶπε δὲ αὐτῷ· εἰ Μωϋσέως |Aμωυσεως TSBμωσεως| καὶ τῶν προφητῶν οὐκ ἀκούουσιν, οὐδὲ |Aουδ TSBουδε| ἐάν τις ἐκ νεκρῶν ἀναστῇ πεισθήσονται.


Act_19:8 LSV  And having gone into the synagogue, he was speaking boldly for three months, reasoning and persuading the things concerning the Kingdom of God,

Act_19:8  Εἰσελθὼν δὲ εἰς τὴν συναγωγὴν ἐπαρρησιάζετο ἐπὶ μῆνας τρεῖς διαλεγόμενος καὶ πείθων τὰ |Aτα TSBτα| περὶ τῆς βασιλείας τοῦ Θεοῦ.


Act_26:28 LSV  And Agrippa said to Paul, “In [so] little you persuade me to become a Christian?”

Act_26:28  ὁ δὲ ᾿Αγρίππας πρὸς τὸν Παῦλον TSBἔφη· ἐν ὀλίγῳ με πείθεις Χριστιανὸν γενέσθαι |Aποιησαι TSBγενεσθαι|.


Act_27:11 – centurion persuaded by the helmsman rather than Paul


Act_28:24 LSV  and some, indeed, were believing [ἐπείθοντο] the things spoken, and some were not believing [ἠπίστουν].

Act_28:24  καὶ οἱ μὲν ἐπείθοντο τοῖς λεγομένοις, οἱ δὲ ἠπίστουν.


2Pe_2:7-8 – Unpersuaded Lust-mongers

Believing by being passionately persuaded [as opposed to: απειθουσιν] is the solution

>> Duplicates found elsewhere in LLO /\


Gal_3:1; Gal_5:7 – Galatians failing to remain persuaded by Truth

Gal_3:1  ῏Ω ἀνόητοι Γαλάται, τίς ὑμᾶς ἐβάσκανε τῇ ἀληθείᾳ μὴ πείθεσθε, οἷς κατ᾿ ὀφθαλμοὺς ᾿Ιησοῦς Χριστὸς προεγράφη ἐν ὑμῖν ἐσταυρωμένος;

Gal_3:1  ω ανοητοι γαλαται τις υμας εβασκανεν TSBτη TSBαληθεια TSBμη TSBπειθεσθαι οις κατ οφθαλμους ιησους χριστος προεγραφη TSBεν TSBυμιν εσταυρωμενος


Gal_5:7  ᾿Ετρέχετε καλῶς· τίς ὑμᾶς ἐνέκοψε τῇ ἀληθείᾳ μὴ πείθεσθαι;

Gal_5:7  ετρεχετε καλως τις υμας BAενεκοψεν TSανεκοψεν Aτη TSBτη αληθεια μη πειθεσθαι


Rom_2:8-9 – emotionally (passionately) unpersuaded to ‘obey’ Truth, but unrighteousness instead

>> Duplicates found elsewhere in LLO /\


Rom_2:8 LSV  and to those contentious, and disobedient [ἀπειθοῦσι], indeed, to the truth, and obeying the unrighteousness—indignation and wrath,

Rom_2:8  τοῖς δὲ ἐξ ἐριθείας, καὶ ἀπειθοῦσι τῇ ἀληθείᾳ, πειθομένοις δὲ τῇ ἀδικίᾳ θυμὸς καὶ ὀργὴ·

Rom_2:8  τοις δε εξ εριθειας και Aαπειθουσι TSBαπειθουσιν TSBμεν τη αληθεια πειθομενοις δε τη αδικια TSBθυμος TSBκαι οργη Aκαι Aθυμος

(vs. Rom_2:19 – persuaded by one’s own hypocrisy/confidence)


Unbelief Highlights

·        Gen_4 – Cain was not persuaded by Abel's righteousness

·        Gen_26:15-25 – the Canaanites stopped up Abraham's monotheistic wells

·        2Sa_16:8-13 – Shimei (Saul's descendant) threw rocks at David

·        The apostate, liberal, pagan Kings refused to be persuaded by the clean monotheistic Prophets

·        Act_13:6-12 – Bar-Jesus / Elymas (Jewish magician & false prophet) tried to persuade the proconsul Sergius Paulus (in Paphos) and Paul trumped him with God's authority


2Co_5:11 LSV  having known [Εἰδότες], therefore [οὖν], the fear of the LORD, we persuade men, and we are revealed to God, and I also hope to have been revealed in your consciences;

2Co_5:11 Gr Εἰδότες οὖν τὸν φόβον τοῦ Κυρίου ἀνθρώπους πείθομεν, Θεῷ δὲ πεφανερώμεθα, ἐλπίζω δὲ καὶ ἐν ταῖς συνειδήσεσιν ὑμῶν πεφανερῶσθαι.

√ -- GNT-V


[Gal_1:10  – Persuading-pleasing men or God?

Gal_1:10  ἄρτι γὰρ ἀνθρώπους πείθω ἢ τὸν Θεόν; ἢ ζητῶ ἀνθρώποις ἀρέσκειν; εἰ TSBγὰρ ἔτι ἀνθρώποις ἤρεσκον, Χριστοῦ δοῦλος οὐκ ἂν ἤμην.]


[TS-Variation: Heb_11:13 LSV  All these died in faith, having not received the promises, but having seen them from afar, TS|and having been persuaded|, and having greeted [them], and having confessed that they are strangers and sojourners on the earth,

Heb_11:13  Κατὰ πίστιν ἀπέθανον οὗτοι πάντες, μὴ λαβόντες τὰς ἐπαγγελίας, ἀλλὰ πόρρωθεν αὐτὰς ἰδόντες, καὶ |TSπεισθεντες TSκαι| ἀσπασάμενοι, καὶ ὁμολογήσαντες ὅτι ξένοι καὶ παρεπίδημοί εἰσι ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς.]


Persistent Persuasion Required

·        1Co_10:12 – Let anyone who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall

·        Let's take heed lest we also perish


Hopefully Bible-obeyers have apprehended this basic requirement for initial salvation, but this virtue is never finished working out righteousness for the rest of their lives in saving them, and it even makes them actually increase in being well-persuaded by Truth and Wisdom as ‘they shine brighter into that perfect day’ (Pro_4:18).


From Persuasion to Well-Persuasion

·        Have we been persuaded by the Truth of Divine Bible obedience?

·        Are we ready to grow in being even more Well-persuaded by Truth?

·        What do you think the difference is ‘from one level of glory to the next’ (2Co_3:18)?


Persuasion Required for Unity

·        The World is radically evil, but why should the righteous ever suffer from lack of virtue?

·        Why should the righteous ever feel lonely among themselves?

·        Why should the righteous ever sabotage or even endanger the foundation of their unity and reciprocation?

·        You got to embrace the Divinely-wise Truth-Love that gives you the integrity to be persuaded by Wisdom into full agreement with the righteous in order to be the Truth upon the earth that changes everything and lasts into eternity!


Persuaded by What???

·        Not by wolves! (4Ma_12:6 Greek)

·        Not by lies, but…

·        By Truth (Rom_2:8-9; Gal_3:1; Gal_5:7) and Wisdom (Jas_3:17)!



Pro_14:16 WEB  A wise man fears, and shuns evil, but the fool is hotheaded and reckless.

Pro_14:16 A wise man fears, and departs from evil, but the fool trusts in himself, and joins himself with the transgressor.

Pro_14:16  σοφὸς φοβηθεὶς ἐξέκλινεν ἀπὸ κακοῦ, ὁ δὲ ἄφρων ἑαυτῷ πεποιθὼς μείγνυται ἀνόμῳ.


Mar_10:24 LSV  And the disciples were astonished at His words, and Jesus again answering says to them, “Children, how hard it is to those trusting [πεποιθότας] on riches [ἐπὶ χρήμασιν] to enter into the Kingdom of God!

Mar_10:24  οἱ δὲ μαθηταὶ ἐθαμβοῦντο ἐπὶ τοῖς λόγοις αὐτοῦ. ὁ δὲ ᾿Ιησοῦς πάλιν ἀποκριθεὶς λέγει αὐτοῖς· τέκνα, πῶς δύσκολόν ἐστι τοὺς πεποιθότας ἐπὶ χρήμασιν εἰς τὴν βασιλείαν τοῦ Θεοῦ εἰσελθεῖν.

Mar_10:24  οι δε μαθηται εθαμβουντο επι τοις λογοις αυτου ο δε ιησους παλιν αποκριθεις λεγει αυτοις τεκνα πως δυσκολον εστιν TSBτους TSBπεποιθοτας TSBεπι TSτοις TSBχρημασιν εις την βασιλειαν του θεου εισελθειν

(Luk_11:22 – trusting / being persuaded in armor)


Luk_18:9 – persuade upon themselves that they were righteous

Luk_18:9 Gr Εἶπε δὲ καὶ πρός τινας τοὺς πεποιθότας ἐφ᾿ ἑαυτοῖς ὅτι εἰσὶ δίκαιοι, καὶ ἐξουθενοῦντας τοὺς λοιποὺς, τὴν παραβολὴν ταύτην·

2Co_1:9 – Paul’s death-sentence saved him from this

2Co_1:9  ἀλλὰ αὐτοὶ ἐν ἑαυτοῖς τὸ ἀπόκριμα τοῦ θανάτου ἐσχήκαμεν, ἵνα μὴ πεποιθότες ὦμεν ἐφ᾿ ἑαυτοῖς, ἀλλ᾿ ἐπὶ τῷ Θεῷ τῷ ἐγείροντι τοὺς νεκρούς·


Act_23:21 – don’t be persuaded by hypocrite Jews trying to kill Paul

Act_21:14 – Paul, unpersuaded to spare his life


Php_3:3-4 LSV  For we are the circumcision, who are serving God by the Spirit, and glorying in Christ Jesus, and having no trust in flesh [πεποιθότες],  4  though I also have [cause of] trust in flesh. If any other one thinks to have trust in flesh, I more;

Php_3:3  ἡμεῖς γάρ ἐσμεν ἡ περιτομή, οἱ Πνεύματι Θεοῦ |BAθεου TSθεω| λατρεύοντες καὶ καυχώμενοι ἐν Χριστῷ ᾿Ιησοῦ καὶ οὐκ ἐν σαρκὶ πεποιθότες,

Php_3:4  καίπερ ἐγὼ ἔχων πεποίθησιν καὶ ἐν σαρκί. εἴ τις δοκεῖ ἄλλος πεποιθέναι ἐν σαρκί, ἐγὼ μᾶλλον·


Zealous & Persuadable


·        The Virtue of being easily persuaded in Jas_3:17 (seen below) literally means & refers to being efficiently “well” good persuaded by Wisdom.

·        It does not, for example, pertain to the counterfeit of being persuaded by the persecution of sinful people (as seen in the Greek of 4Ma_12:6 * below)
[* this is a linguistic reference, not a canonical endorsement]

·        Easily persuaded does not mean apathetic or non-zealous.

·        The Maccabean Martyrs had to stand firm and maintain zeal and resist being well-persuaded by the lies of sinful pagans and yet simultaneously be well-persuaded by the Truth of the Resurrection.

·        Being well-persuaded is only a virtue if you are being persuaded by a virtue; otherwise it is apostasy, compromise, and giving up.

·        Moses had to maintain zeal for what God said while also remaining the meekest person in the World (Num_12:3) in order to also be persuaded by Aaron (as seen in Lev_10 below).

·        David had to be a zealous warrior and ready to kill evil flesh balls and yet also be so quickly and delightfully persuaded by the Divine and striking wisdom of Abigale (as referenced below in 1Sa_25)

·        You have to be a zealous warrior and a Loving gentle Shepherd at the same time.

·        Being Easily persuaded does not imply that you are not assertive or sometimes insisting on a superior worldview, goal, or value system.

·        Standing against lies and being persuaded by Truth go hand-in-hand and are always simultaneously required.

·        You got to be zealous to stand for Truth and you also got to be easily persuaded by Wisdom & Truth.

·        Let’s beware and be educated so as to not mistake setbacks and the requirements for communication as lack of persuasion.

·        We got to get this virtue right lest we mistake “Divine mistakes”, working through communications, ordained frictions, or even good zeal as though it were lacking the virtue of being easily persuaded.

·        We got to get this virtue right so we can actually be good persuaded by the Truth in Bible-obeyers (each other, if we’re disciples) & teachers/leaders (Heb_13:17) and enter into a new era of unity, agreement, and reciprocation with the Truth, as the World has virtually never seen!


Valid Conditions of Persuasion

Things Which Require Persuasion - Things You Should Be Persuaded By - Which Most People Aren't

·        Love

·        Wisdom

·        Logic

·        Virtue

·        Holiness (see below)

·        Reverence! (see below)

·        Truth - no matter how it is stated... even hardcore Truth, which is sometimes harsh

·        What else?


These are Valid Conditions (Prerequisites) of Persuasion.


While we want to be as quickly persuaded by facts as possible, these virtues have to be somewhere, as Prerequisites, in order to establish those facts as Truth.

A righteous person is not accountable or responsible or liable for being persuaded by any non-knowledge of unestablished facts, therefore finding, communicating, and establishing these real facts with these real virtues is the only path to valid and morally virtuous persuasion.


If you lack real knowledge, then persuade with raw virtue, not pseudo-“facts”.


Whether or not something may or may not be correct is not relevant / is completely irrelevant to the virtue of being well-persuaded, nor is there any virtue at all in wishing that anyone be persuaded by it, since virtuous faith always requires the integrity of established Truth before God has assigned a righteous person to be faithfully engaged with any information.


Invalid Conditions of Persuasion

·        Politeness

·        Softness

·        Niceness

·        Easiness -- WHO is supposed to have the “easiness” aspect in being “easily persuaded”???
Is it the one speaking or the one listening?
The “easiness” aspect does NOT always go both ways when apprehending this virtue!
(that’s an enigma-question to a very simple fact, but many people can act like they have no clue as to the basic definitions, ideals, and goals here when pursuing this persuasion-virtue)


Although niceness and other amenities are very desirable whenever possible and available, yet they are logically and morally invalid prerequisites to being easily persuaded by the Truth.


These are invalid, inappropriate, and unacceptable as prerequisites of persuasion.


If you abuse them like that, you get hell as a reward.


Barriers to Persuasion That Must Be Removed

·        Oversensitivity

·        Pillow & cushion-requirements

·        Distrust toward the Truth

·        Foreign postures toward Monotheism and Orthodoxy (what makes you different?)

·        Flesh! (comp. 1Co_3:1-4 with 1Co_4:7 below)


1Co_4:7 LSV  for who makes you ·to differ [διακρίνει – TSK: “Gr. distinguisheth thee”]? And what do you have, that you did not receive? And if you also received, why do you glory as not having received?

1Co_4:7 τίς γάρ σε διακρίνει; τί δὲ ἔχεις ὃ οὐκ ἔλαβες; εἰ δὲ καὶ ἔλαβες, τί καυχᾶσαι ὡς μὴ λαβών;

√ -- GNT-V


>> READ!:

Jam_3:14-18 - Jas_4:1-2, Jam_4:16




God = Light-Upon

Psa_86:5  WEB  For you, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive; abundant in loving kindness to all those who call on you.

Psa_86:5 CAB  For You, O Lord, are kind and gentle [ἐπιεικὴς], and plenteous in mercy [πολυέλεος] to all that call upon You.

Psa_86:5  (85:5) ὅτι σύ, κύριε, χρηστὸς καὶ ἐπιεικὴς καὶ πολυέλεος πᾶσι τοῖς ἐπικαλουμένοις σε.


Let it Be Known

Php_4:5 LSV  Let your reasonableness [ἐπιεικὲς] be known to all men; the LORD [is] near;

Php_4:5  τὸ ἐπιεικὲς ὑμῶν γνωσθήτω πᾶσιν ἀνθρώποις. ὁ Κύριος ἐγγύς.

√ -- GNT-V


Overseer Requirement

1Ti_3:3 LSV  not given to wine, not a striker, but gentle [ἐπιεικῆ], not contentious [ἄμαχον], ·not a lover [warm-liker] of money [silver] [ἀφιλάργυρον],

1Ti_3:3  μὴ πάροινον, μὴ πλήκτην, TSBμὴ TSBαίσχροκερδῆ, TSBἀλλ᾿ |Aαλλα| ἐπιεικῆ, ἄμαχον, ἀφιλάργυρον,


(1Ti_5 = Elder)


Overseer-Elder Requirement

Other date(s); 7/23/22


Tit_1:7 LSV  for it is required of the overseer to be blameless [ἀνέγκλητον], as God’s steward [οἰκονόμον], not self-pleased [αὐθάδη (≈Isa_24:8*)], nor prone to anger [ὀργίλον], not given to wine [πάροινον (≈Isa_24:9*)], not an abuser [πλήκτην], not given to shameful gain [αἰσχροκερδῆ];

Tit_1:7 δεῖ γὰρ τὸν ἐπίσκοπον ἀνέγκλητον εἶναι ὡς Θεοῦ οἰκονόμον, μὴ αὐθάδη, μὴ ὀργίλον, μὴ πάροινον, μὴ πλήκτην, μὴ αἰσχροκερδῆ,

Tit_1:7 GRVii+  δειG1163V-PQI-3S δεῖ also deon deh-on' γαρG1063CONJ γάρ assigning a reason τονG3588T-ASM  the επισκοπονG1985N-ASM ἐπίσκοπος a superintendent ανεγκλητονG410A-ASM ἀνέγκλητος unaccused ειναιG1511V-PXN εἰμί to exist ωςG5613ADV ὡς which how θεουG2316N-GSM θεός god οικονομονG3623N-ASM οἰκονόμος a house-distributor μηG3361PRT-N μή not αυθαδηG829A-ASM αὐθάδης self-pleasing μηG3361PRT-N μή not οργιλονG3711A-ASM ὀργίλος irascible μηG3361PRT-N μή not παροινονG3943A-ASM πάροινος staying near wine μηG3361PRT-N μή not πληκτηνG4131N-ASM πλήκτης a smiter μηG3361PRT-N μή not αισχροκερδηG146A-ASM αἰσχροκερδής sordid


Self-Willed: Gen_49:3, Gen_49:7; Pro_21:24; Isa_24:8-9* (ABP LXX) [αὐθάδεια G829.1]; 2Pe_2:10


* Self-willed + Wine: Isa_24:8-9Tit_1:7


Tit_3:2 LSV  to speak evil [βλασφημεῖν] of no one, ·not to be quarrelsome[ἀμάχους]gentle [ἐπιεικεῖς], showing [ἐνδεικνυμένους] all meekness [TSBπρᾳότητα |Aπραυτητα] to[ward] [πρὸς] all men,

Tit_3:2  μηδένα βλασφημεῖν, ἀμάχους εἶναι, ἐπιεικεῖς, πᾶσαν ἐνδεικνυμένους TSBπρᾳότητα |Aπραυτητα| πρὸς πάντας ἀνθρώπους.


Wisdom from Above = Light-Upon & Well-Persuadable

>> read: Jas_3:13-18 

Jas_3:17 LSV  but the wisdom from above [ἄνωθεν (same as Joh_3:3, etc.)], first, indeed, is [being] [holy-]pure [ἁγνή], ·then [i.e. after prerequisites] peaceable [ἔπειτα εἰρήνική], gentle [ἐπιεικής,], well-convinced [εὐπειθής], full of kindness and good fruits [μεστὴ ἐλέους καὶ καρπῶν ἀγαθῶν], uncontentious [ἀδιάκριτος], and unhypocritical [ἀνυπόκριτος]

Jas_3:17  ἡ δὲ ἄνωθεν σοφία πρῶτον μὲν ἁγνή ἐστιν, ἔπειτα εἰρήνική, ἐπιεικής, εὐπειθής [εὖ, πείθομαι (AMGL)], μεστὴ ἐλέους καὶ καρπῶν ἀγαθῶν, ἀδιάκριτος TSBκαὶ ἀνυπόκριτος.


James 3 Prerequisites for Well-Persuasion

·        Notice the holy-purity to being well-persuaded

·        Notice the “wisdom” prerequisite-condition of being well-persuaded in a virtuous way.


4Ma_12:6 – Don’t be Well-Persuaded by Threats of Persecution and Martyrdom

4Ma_12:6 And having thus exhorted him, he sent for the mother of the boy; that, by condoling with her for the loss of so many sons, he might incline her, through the hope of safety, to render the survivor obedient [εὐπείθειαν].

4Ma_12:6 καὶ ταῦτα παρακαλῶν τὴν μητέρα τοῦ παιδὸς μετεπέμψατο, ὅπως αὐτὴν ἐλεήσας τοσούτων υἱῶν στερηθεῖσαν παρορμήσειεν ἐπὶ τὴν σωτήριον εὐπείθειαν τὸν περιλειπόμενον.


Good Masters

1Pe_2:18 LSV  Servants, be subject in all fear to the masters, not only to the good [ἀγαθοῖς] and gentle [ἐπιεικέσιν], but also to the crooked [σκολιοῖς];

1Pe_2:18  Οἱ οἰκέται, ὑποτασσόμενοι ἐν παντὶ φόβῳ τοῖς δεσπόταις, οὐ μόνον τοῖς ἀγαθοῖς καὶ ἐπιεικέσιν, ἀλλὰ καὶ τοῖς σκολιοῖς.

√ -- GNT-V


Moses’ Persuadable-ness

Other date(s); ~7/18/22; 7/20/22; 7/23/22; 7/31/22; 8/6/22


Lev_10:1-20 – Moses Commands Eating, but is Persuaded Otherwise (in the end)


Moses Tells Aaron & Sons to Eat Sacrifices, Despite His Children's Death, but is persuaded by Aaron in the end


The Deadly Sin – Explained

·        Strange 1, Unholy 2, Drunken 3

·        (1) Strange: Exo_30:9 (prohibition); Lev_10:1; Memorialized: Num_3:4; Num_26:61; (& Compare: Num_16:18-35, Num_16:46)

·        (2) Unholy: Exo_29:44; Exo_19:22 (death-warning); Lev_8:33; Lev_10:3

·        (3) Drunken: Lev_10:8-11; Isa_5:11-12, etc.; Isa_28:7-9; Isa_29:9-10, etc.; Eph_5:18; 1Ti_3:3, 1Ti_3:8; Tit_1:7

>> forign vs strange (2 words in Greek) /\/\


>> EFF | LLO


Exo_30:9 WEB  You shall offer no strange incense on it, nor burnt offering, nor meal offering; and you shall pour no drink offering on it.

Exo_30:9 CAB  And you shall not offer strange [ἕτερον (same root as 1Ti_1:3)] incense upon it, nor and offering made by fire, nor a sacrifice; and you shall not pour a drink offering upon it.

Exo_30:9  καὶ οὐκ ἀνοίσεις ἐπ᾿ αὐτοῦ θυμίαμα ἕτερον, κάρπωμα, θυσίαν· καὶ σπονδὴν οὐ σπείσεις ἐπ᾿ αὐτοῦ.


(2Co_11:4 – another [ἄλλον ᾿Ιησοῦν] JC)


1Ti_1:3 LSV  …that you might charge certain [ones] not to teach any other thing [μὴ ἑτεροδιδασκαλεῖν V-PAN – not to be doing other-teaching (same root as Exo_30:9)],

1Ti_1:3  Καθὼς παρεκάλεσά σε προσμεῖναι ἐν ᾿Εφέσῳ, πορευόμενος εἰς Μακεδονίαν, ἵνα παραγγείλῃς τισὶ μὴ ἑτεροδιδασκαλεῖν

√ -- GNT-V


(1Ti_1:9 – unsacred [ἀνοσίοις] = under law-condemnation)


Tit_1:5 LSV  that you may arrange [ἐπιδιορθώσῃ] the things lacking, and may set elders down in every city, as I appointed to you;

Tit_1:5  Τούτου χάριν κατέλιπόν |Aαπελιπον TSBκατελιπον| σε ἐν Κρήτῃ, ἵνα τὰ λείποντα ἐπιδιορθώσῃ καὶ καταστήσῃς κατὰ πόλιν πρεσβυτέρους, ὡς ἐγώ σοι διεταξάμην,


(Tit_1:8 – sacredness [ὅσιον] required for Elder-overseers required)


Lev_16:12 WEB  He shall take a censer full of coals of fire from off the altar before Yahweh, and two handfuls of sweet incense beaten small, and bring it within the veil:

Lev_16:12 CAB  And he shall take his censer full of coals of fire off the altar, which is before the Lord; and he shall fill his hands with fine compound incense, and shall bring it inside the veil.

Lev_16:12  καὶ λήμψεται τὸ πυρεῖον πλῆρες ἀνθράκων πυρὸς ἀπὸ τοῦ θυσιαστηρίου τοῦ ἀπέναντι κυρίου καὶ πλήσει τὰς χεῖρας θυμιάματος συνθέσεως λεπτῆς καὶ εἰσοίσει ἐσώτερον τοῦ καταπετάσματος

Lev_16:13 and he shall put the incense on the fire before Yahweh, that the cloud of the incense may cover the mercy seat that is on the testimony, so that he will not die.

Lev_16:13 And he shall put the incense on the fire before the Lord, and the smoke of the incense shall cover the mercy seat over the tables of testimony, and he shall not die.

Lev_16:13  καὶ ἐπιθήσει τὸ θυμίαμα ἐπὶ τὸ πῦρ ἔναντι κυρίου· καὶ καλύψει ἡ ἀτμὶς τοῦ θυμιάματος τὸ ἱλαστήριον τὸ ἐπὶ τῶν μαρτυρίων, καὶ οὐκ ἀποθανεῖται.


BTW: Multiple Sacrifices Going on?

·        (A) Other offering(s): Lev_10:12-15 – meal offering (WEB) / sacrifice (CAB)

·        (B) Goat / Sin (offering): Lev_10:16-17 & Lev_10:16-19 , vs.


Why Was Moses Angered?

Other date(s) (July 22); 7/31/22

·        ‘Don't outwardly morn lest there be wrath on this people’ (~Lev_10:6*)

·        You can see why Moses was angry since two people were just recently killed for not obeying God's rules exactly like He said.

·        We actually see that this sinful morning (which can result in wrath and more death) in fact happened as a result of Korah’s rebellion in Number 16 (Aaron’s sons killed: Lev_10; Miriam & Aaron Grumble: Num_12; rebels burned: Num_16:35; complainers plagued & killed: Num_16:41-50)

·        The mourning that Moses forbade Aaron to do was actually carried out later on by flesh-ball blasphemers after Korah’s rebellion, resulting in even more unnecessary loss of life.


* Leviticus_10:6

Lev_10:6 WEB  Moses said to Aaron, and to Eleazar and to Ithamar, his sons, "Don't let the hair of your heads go loose, neither tear your clothes; that you don't die, and that he not be angry with all the congregation: but let your brothers, the whole house of Israel, bewail the burning which Yahweh has kindled.

Lev_10:6 CAB  And Moses said to Aaron, and Eleazar and Ithamar his sons that were left, “You shall not uncover [καταλελειμμένους] your heads, and you shall not tear [ἀποκιδαρώσετε] your clothes [τὰ ἱμάτια ὑμῶν], so that you do not die, and so there should be wrath on all the congregation. But your brothers, even all the house of Israel, shall lament for the burning, with which they were burned by the Lord.

Lev_10:6  καὶ εἶπεν Μωυσῆς πρὸς Ααρων καὶ Ελεαζαρ καὶ Ιθαμαρ τοὺς υἱοὺς αὐτοῦ τοὺς καταλελειμμένους Τὴν κεφαλὴν ὑμῶν οὐκ ἀποκιδαρώσετε καὶ τὰ ἱμάτια ὑμῶν οὐ διαρρήξετε, ἵνα μὴ ἀποθάνητε καὶ ἐπὶ πᾶσαν τὴν συναγωγὴν ἔσται θυμός· οἱ ἀδελφοὶ ὑμῶν πᾶς ὁ οἶκος Ισραηλ κλαύσονται τὸν ἐμπυρισμόν, ὃν ἐνεπυρίσθησαν ὑπὸ κυρίου.


Why Was Moses Persuaded? – Moral Answers

·        Leviticus 4 & 6 are needed to understand the story in Leviticus 10

·        Sin offerings were sometimes eaten & sometimes completely burned:

·        Lev_6:30 WEB  No sin offering, of which any of the blood is brought into the Tent of Meeting [CAB: tabernacle of witness] to make atonement in the Holy Place, shall be eaten: it shall be burned with fire.

·        Trapp: “a mistake there was easy and probable, because that matter might seem something doubtful, by reason of two laws concerning it seemingly contrary, the one  Lev_4:21, where it is to be burned, the other  Lev_6:26, where it was to be eaten. But they are thus reconciled: It was to be burnt when the blood of this sacrifice was brought into the holy place,  Lev_4:16,17; and when that was not done, which Aaron this first time could not do, for the reason expressed in  Lev_10:18, it was to be eaten, and here lay their mistake.”

·        Constable: “If the blood was smeared inside the tent of meeting, the animal's carcass was burned outside the camp (Lev_4:1-21). If, however, the blood was smeared on the altar of burnt offering outside the tent of meeting, the priests were entitled to eat the meat (Lev_6:11”

·        Gill: “The Jews say (u), an high priest may offer, being a mourner, but not eat; a common priest may neither offer nor eat; and which they illustrate by this passage, that Aaron offered and did not eat, but his sons did neither.
(u) Misn. Horayot, c. 3. sect. 5. Maimon. & Bartenora in ib.”

·        This adapted priestly practice of not eating sacrifices while mourning seems to have answered this question and was solidified in the Scriptures as well as Jewish tradition.

·        Eating Prohibitions if Mourning: Deu_12:7, Deu_12:18; Deu_26:14; 1Sa_1:7-8; Hos_9:4
Pulpit: “comp. Deu_12:7 1Sa_1:7, 8 Hos_9:4” -- best answer I’ve heard (despite all the other sloppiness in Pulpit on this passage)

·        (Bridge commentary describes the Persuadable-ness)

Rejoice When You Eat

>> EFF | LLO


The Real Summary of Moses’ Persuasion

Other date(s); 8/6/22

So many people blunder when describing what actually happened in Leviticus 10, but now that obedience brings in the missing moral puzzle pieces, we can much more gladly say what happened:

·        Moses says: we need to correctly keep up with this propitiation procedure (and priestly consecration) despite the death of your brothers.

·        Aaron says: yet wouldn't a father's mourning state / sorrow invalidate the acceptance of eating the sacrifice, which would presumably be a package deal if his children were to eat it, since it's supposed to be the priest & his household who eats... they went as far as they possibly could morally in initially offering the sacrifice, and they & we were morally prevented by death from going further.

·        Moses addresses Aaron’s children, but Aaron steps in and essentially includes himself and somewhat (implicitly) points out both (A) his necessary inclusion as the high priest and house-hold father, and (B) (even more explicitly) his invalidating status to eat.

·        On one hand eating is required, but on the other hand it is unavailable in this case due to the required inclusion of a mourning father who cannot happily lead his children in eating the holy food of the sacrifices.

·        We see that holy duties that are fundamentally required must not be carried out when we can’t do them in a holy way.

·        If there was any question at all about a mourner eating holy food, this story answered it.

·        If there was any question at all if the sin offering would become unclean by eating it with sorrow and mourning, Aaron asked the question and Moses answered it by confirming that Aaron was also right and understood correctly that the sorrow of mourning would have made the sin offering unacceptable.

·        We see that Moses was fundamentally right, but was also persuadable when additional holiness and acceptableness considerations where reverently communicated by his righteous brother who was morning.


Aaron's Virtues that Persuaded Moses

·        Reverence

·        Holiness

·        Sacredness

·        Purity

·        “Brotherhood” – Loving Moses enough to communicate (see: Lev_19:17-18; Mat_18)

·        Meek Gentle patience to endure with communication

·        Mindfulness

·        Meticulousness

·        Attention to Detail

·        Logic

·        Obedience - to what God had previously told Moses

·        Agreeing with God in the execution of his own two sons (giving glory to God and validating the righteousness of his holy decisions/judgment calls)



David’s Persuadable-ness

Other date(s); 8/6/22; 8/14/22; 8/19/22


1Sa_25:2-42 – David, Nabal, & Abigale

·        1Sa_25:5-12 – Nabal’s Blasphemous Sin

·        1Sa_25:13-20 – Abigail Hurries

·        1Sa_25:21-35 – Abigail Makes Atonement

·        1Sa_25:36-39 – Nabal Judged

·        1Sa_25:39-42 – Abigail Married to David


Let’s not grow weary * and hardened by forgetting the amazing virtuous persuasions of Aaron and Abigale, as well as Moses and David


* Heb_3:12-14 LSV  Watch out, brothers, lest there will be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in the falling away from the living God,  13  but exhort one another every day, while [it] is called “Today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin,  14  for we have become partakers of the Christ, if we may hold fast the confidence [we had] at the beginning to the end,

Heb_3:12  Βλέπετε, ἀδελφοί, μή ποτε ἔσται ἔν τινι ὑμῶν καρδία πονηρὰ ἀπιστίας ἐν τῷ ἀποστῆναι ἀπὸ Θεοῦ ζῶντος,

Heb_3:13  ἀλλὰ παρακαλεῖτε ἑαυτοὺς καθ᾿ ἑκάστην ἡμέραν ἄχρις οὗ τὸ σήμερον καλεῖται, ἵνα μὴ σκληρυνθῇ TSAτις ἐξ ὑμῶν |Bτις| ἀπάτῃ τῆς ἁμαρτίας·

Heb_3:14  μέτοχοι γὰρ TSBγεγόναμεν τοῦ Χριστοῦ |Aγεγοναμεν|, ἐάνπερ τὴν ἀρχὴν τῆς ὑποστάσεως μέχρι τέλους βεβαίαν κατάσχωμεν,


Abigale's Virtues that Persuaded David

·        Reverence

·        Holiness

·        Sacredness

·        Mindfulness

·        Purity

·        Logic
- Gave David new info
- Established “first things first” (Abigale did not know of David’s rejected messengers at first)

·        Zeal for what God had told David

·        Agreeing with God in the execution of her husband (remember what Aaron did?)

·        Others?




Persuasion to Imitation

7/27/22; 7/31/22; 8/7/22; 8/14/22; 8/19/22; 8/21/22

·        The need for us to imitate these Bible heroes is the exact same principle and fundamental need as our need to imitate the good in each other (comp. Heb_6:12; Heb_13:7).

·        More than 80% of our corporate hang-ups could easily be fixed overnight by simple admiration and faithful imitation.

·        Why have we sometimes still been hard to persuade to the point that imitation might not even be on the horizon?

·        It is an unbearable failure when people have good things among us and others of us have sometimes been so dense that we haven’t harvested the opportunity to improve.

·        The Creator has placed valuable things in each of us in various ways and in various degrees.

·        How dare we prefer or own wrong above another's right?

·        'Why not rather risk being wronged' (1Co_6:7) rather than being wrong?

·        If we are easily persuaded by value, that is, if we actually Love each other reasonably, then we can very easily be persuaded by the good which God has placed in each other and imitate it so that we all reciprocate and grow into something amazing and Truly Loving on the earth.


The Point: The Virtue of Good Persuasion is proven by the faithfulness of Loving imitation.


Defending Self or Begging Another?


>> Scrip:

Genesis 4 if you do well won't you be accepted

>> TSK


>>> Baby monitor


Virtue Shows How to Persuade

Review Questions from Our Persuasion Examples

Other date(s) (below); 8/20/22-8/21/22

·        Who’s right and who’s wrong, and how do we know?

·        How do we know who is right and who has the greater need to be persuaded and change?
(think: Virtue! think: Abigale!)

·        If your both right, then what did Aaron and Abigale do to persuade their heroes?

·        Virtue Example Reminders: they displayed logic, gave new info, agreed with God & righteous zeal, and they admired, validated, and persuaded their heroes.

·        What are some root issues and basic principle sins Nabal did when failing to be persuaded by Truth?


Not all good persuasion requires the same amount of virtue nor does it always need to be displayed in the same ways, but the more Davidic and Mosaic someone gets by being zealous for the Truth of what God says, the more the speaker is indebted to display mightier virtue to persuade them. The more fundamentally right someone is, the more you need to validate that righteousness in order to endorse good persuasion and win with God and man when you speak to them.


Who’s Right and Who’s Wrong?



Are You Both Right, or is One Person More Right than the Other?

·        Persuasion is often needed weather your both right or if one is more right than the other.

·        When you’re facing friction, either it's an Aaron and Moses or it’s a David and Nabal scenario (to whatever degree).

·        Either your both right or one is more right and the other is more wrong (to whatever degree it is not a “hybrid scenario”).

·        If you're both right, then typically the resolution comes of its own strength in the virtue of both parties, but if one has a problem and another really does have a solution, then this can call for more critical thinking...

·        So… How do you know who’s right and who’s wrong in such a case as this?


The Point: It is easier to persuade when both parties are right in different ways, but if it is otherwise, then we need to test ourselves with much more diligence and integrity.


Knowledge Management Reminders

·        We all know that we have to be slow and patient to listen carefully to each other so we can determine what is real Truth.

·        We all know that assumptions can blind our eyes and what seemed to be true at one moment can suddenly flip around when the veil is removed from our hearts, and in this sense…

·        We need to always be prepared to be well persuaded as soon as new information is presented to us, as long as it has real knowledge/Truth.

·        We need to always help each other remember to reverence each other because no matter how real something feels and no matter how vivid the impression of knowledge might be, all of us are very capable (and some of us are particularly close) to uncovering deeper and more excellent knowledge.

·        Our experiences are temporary by default, and it takes quite a bit of courage and integrity to determine if our perceptions are actually indeed canonical.

·        Every person is responsible for his or her own knowledge to determine if it is True or not, and to test it with integrity.

·        No one is allowed to carelessly move forward and not care enough to test their own knowledge/impressions to see if they are True or false.

·        No one is allowed to boast of knowledge that they do not really/Truly have.

·        You should only be zealous for knowledge when you have been charged to do so.

·        We should always guard our hearts with the utmost excellence and integrity, giving preference and making space for others to introduce us to the newer knowledge of Truth.

·        While many issues are extremely fine-tuned when it comes to the internal integrity to manage, check, and judge our inner thoughts, yet there are some practical and concrete external checkpoints that we can embrace with scientific integrity to get us closer to the Truth in a somewhat swifter way...


The Point: Let’s stop all laziness with ourselves (let’s shun lazy thinking and complacent tolerance of errors in our thoughts) and always abound in patience toward each other and be diligent to determine who has excellence and who needs persuasion.


So what virtue and excellence are we supposed to be looking for, and how can we determine Truth in a more swift way?


Virtue Reminders

·        Be sure to be asking for those Old paths (Jer_6:16).

·        Be sure to be admiring those more excellent values.

·        Be sure not to be gullible and brainwashed by the convenience and fast-paced hypnotism of our fake, rich, and indulgent culture and age...

·        So how do you know who is right and who is wrong?

·        Who is humble?
Who is meek?
Who is gentle?
Who is Loving?
Who is subtle and wise?
Who is going against the grain of the flesh and chopping a different path?
Who has denied the hypnotism and status quo, and thought of a more excellent way with the help of the wind from heaven?
Who has displayed Divinely righteous virtue?

·        Once you know who is more right and who is more wrong, then you can consider how, who, and in what way people need to be well persuaded.

·        Now you finally have a chance to really watch and consider and measure, and sink your teeth deep into the phenomena and virtue of being well persuaded...

·        Now we have a measuring scenario to observe the virtue and obligate the need of good persuasion.

·        Now it is actually orthodox to wish for someone to be persuaded, because now you know where Truth is at -- and that’s the only way it can be “good” to be persuaded.


The Point: Have integrity. Insist on excellence. Be diligent with Truth (to determine & know it). Display Virtue. Be honest and be persuaded by Truth.


Have scientific integrity to know who’s right and who’s wrong, and never be slow to be persuaded when Truth is offered to help you be corrected.


Disarrangements – Resolving vs. Accommodating Disarrangements with Persuasion

Other date(s) (July 22); 7/31/22; 8/6/22-8/7/22; 8/12/22-8/15/22; 8/19/22-8/21/22…8/28/22


Let’s make some serious progress on our journey to finally understanding this virtue of being well-persuaded.


We’ve looked at what good persuasion is and now we need to also contrast it with what it is not in order to perceive this virtue more clearly and distinctly, and to obtain it more accurately in all mighty excellence and surpassingly infinite moral success.


How Good vs. Bad Persuasion Handles Disarrangements

·        Good persuasion is about resolving disarrangements, not accommodating them.

·        Good persuasion ≈ faith in the Truth.

·        Persuasion toward bad ≈ accommodating disarrangements ≠ good persuasion.

·        Don’t seek bad persuasion to believe bad, but good Persuasion to believe good, which also fixes the bad.


Beware when: You skipped the prerequisites of integrity and assumed you were further along than you really were!


The Troubles of Disarrangements

Other date(s); 8/15/22; 8/19/22

·        A troubled, disarranged, and unaware person might accidentally speak unto ‘subverting the hearers’ (2Ti_2:14 *), yet they ought to always thank God and the kind and righteous person whomever might lift them up to a more excellent perception and understanding, since simply accommodating them by pretending persuasion usually just strengthens and promotes more disarrangement and untrue vanity.

·        Disarrangements sabotage communication, and accommodating them creates confusion and promotes vain drama with no purpose or end, and disqualifies the participants from righteous persuasion, and keeps everyone involved away from the Truth.

·        Disarrangements must be addressed and fixed, not ignored, accommodated, tolerated, pampered, or praised.

·        Does all of this go without saying or do people’s actions really show that they really don’t know or believe what we’ve just said?



* 2Ti_2:14 LSV  Remind [them] of these things, testifying fully before the LORD—not to strive about words to nothing profitable, but to the subversion* of those hearing; [* Mat_21:12-13,Mar_11:15-18 ]

2Ti_2:14  Ταῦτα ὑπομίμνῃσκε, διαμαρτυρόμενος ἐνώπιον τοῦ TSBΚυρίου |Aθεου| μὴ λογομαχεῖν, TSBεἰς |Aεπ| οὐδὲν χρήσιμον, ἐπὶ καταστροφῇ τῶν ἀκουόντων.


Careful Humility Mitigates the Troubles of Disarrangement

·        By default, we all have disarrangements in various degrees scattered in various ways and places throughout our souls.

·        When interfacing with our disarrangements we are considering a range of possible concerns depending on how much trouble we have, and where these problems are located in our souls.

·        Lacking understanding and needing to talk through it is not a disarrangement (by default), but promoting/endorsing illogical and non-virtuous thoughts is a concerning trouble.

·        While we recognize that we're not complete yet and we still have problems, we can at least be very ambitious to not promote those problems upon other people while we eagerly seek to fix all things.


Who Needs Persuasion?

·        Among disciples, the speaker hopes the listener will be well-persuaded by the virtue they delight them with, but the speaker does NOT want the listener to like, accommodate, or tolerate any of the disarrangements they have.

·        If a speaker has disarrangements, then the primary need for persuasion flips back on the initial speaker, not the listener.

·        When the speaker lacks the valid necessary requirements mandated for logically and virtuously persuading others, then the one who first thought to persuade others should pause, back up, fear the Truth, and first reverently labor to be persuaded themselves.

·        The Blind cannot lead the blind.

·        The beam-eyed cannot help fix and heal the speck-eyed.

·        It risks hypocrisy to wish for others to be persuaded if you’re still wrong somewhere (to that same degree).

·        Those in probation who struggle to employ virtue in their speech should first beg for redemption before being happy to contaminate others.

·        A speaker may indeed have some valid points to make when it comes to some of the surface-level issues and considerations at hand, but if they can’t address and present them with virtue then they don’t know where they’re right and where they’re wrong, and this calls for a lot of humility and carefulness, to say the least.

·        Any advantage that a straying person has is in spite of them (not because of them), and their advantage is out of their control.

·        It is safe to ask others to help you sort through your perceptions and blind spots, but it is presumptuous to wish for them to change before you have been corrected.

·        Desiring for others to be persuaded when a speaker is in an unhealthy state is inappropriate, premature, and hazardous!

·        Those who are wrong Truly need persuasion the most.

·        Do not hypocritically entangle those who are right into your own need to be persuaded.


Self-Quarantining Disarrangements & Welcoming Help

·        The one who speaks while still yet being in need of virtue ought to be the first to recognize their need, and greatly welcome any and all help which is at all possible, and never seek or wish for the non-virtuous persuasion of others who are more arranged than themselves.

·        Don’t groan in the flesh under the curse of the Law when you ought to fear God and welcome your salvation!

·        Don’t wish to prove anything to anyone who is more qualified to save you than you are, especially and particularly when it is actually time for you to first be enlightened.


The Point: Recognize your need and give thanks to those who help you.


Imitate Zeal, Don’t “Persuade” It!

·        Admire, imitate, & be persuaded by righteous zeal against wrong.

·        Don’t try or wish to persuade clean zeal to change, since you yourself should know very well that you desperately need its Truth to be saved!

·        Persuade righteous people by first admiring and validating their righteous zeal and only when or after you have done justice to it, can you then seek an even more authenticating persuasion for the righteous by giving them new and non-contradictory information.

·        You can change someone’s information without contradicting their clean zeal, and every righteous person will happily be persuaded by this.

·        Persuade a righteous person’s information with more Truth and he will thank you, but if you disagree with their zeal God will step back from you.

·        Notice with Moses and David that they had real reasons to be wrathful or angry at first.

·        Moses was zealous for the Word of God and David was fundamentally and socially required and compelled to punish the intolerable hazards & danger of Nabal’s outrageous perversion & disarrangements (comp. Tit_1:11, etc. *).

·        Righteous people have real, weighty, and serious reasons to be zealous for others to be persuaded by the Divine Truth they speak and represent.

·        Nabal greatly owed fear* and faith to David but refused persuasion and was eventually & inevitably destroyed. [see INSP] <<<

·        Aaron and Abigale acknowledged their indebtedness, subjection, and lowered state and saved themselves as well as many others, on top of successfully persuading their righteous and admired heroes.

·        Clean people don’t hate God by insulting Divine zeal!
(…and we see this so powerfully when considering such important examples such as these.)

·        Moses’, David’s, and Abigale’s persuasion all stand in direct contrast and opposition to the danger of promoting/stimulating/fostering/defending disarrangements and creating our own non-canonical & uninspired drama and accommodating vanity.

·        Don’t endorse your disarrangements like Nadab and Abihu, nor defend the mistakes or blunders of your disarrangements like Nabal, but fix them and even make atonement for others like Abigale and Aaron did, and praise and imitate the righteous persuasions and clean zeal of Moses and David.



* Tit_1:9-11 LSV  holding—according to the teaching—to the steadfast word, that he may also be able to exhort in the sound teaching, and to convict the deniers [ἀντιλέγοντας ἐλέγχειν];  10  for there are many both insubordinate, vain-talkers [ἀνυπότακτοι ματαιολόγοι], and mind-deceivers [φρεναπάται]—especially those of the circumcision—  11  whose mouths must be covered [οὓς δεῖ ἐπιστομίζειν], who overturn [ἀνατρέπουσι] whole households, teaching what things it should not, for [the] sake of shameful gain.

Tit_1:9  ἀντεχόμενον τοῦ κατὰ τὴν διδαχὴν πιστοῦ λόγου, ἵνα δυνατὸς ᾖ καὶ παρακαλεῖν ἐν τῇ διδασκαλίᾳ τῇ ὑγιαινούσῃ καὶ τοὺς ἀντιλέγοντας ἐλέγχειν.

Tit_1:10  Εἰσὶ γὰρ πολλοὶ TSBκαὶ |Aκαι| ἀνυπότακτοι ματαιολόγοι καὶ φρεναπάται, μάλιστα οἱ ἐκ τῆς περιτομῆς,

Tit_1:11  οὓς δεῖ ἐπιστομίζειν, οἵτινες ὅλους οἴκους ἀνατρέπουσι διδάσκοντες ἃ μὴ δεῖ αἰσχροῦ κέρδους χάριν.


Meaningful Drama

·        The Creator has sovereignly assigned frictions in all of our important relationships to draw out meaningful discussions/conversations that change us and glorify God by patiently accomplishing Wisdom and virtue in us.

·        God-ordained drama calls us to question our assumptions, embrace mighty logic to talk through things with each other, gain real knowledge we never knew was there, reaffirm courageous humility to always prefer the Truth over our own souls, and embrace the romance of always changing to integrate more of each other’s Truth into our lives including each other’s Divine Identity.

·        It is inherently a completely clean process, and wise people exalt that cleanness into Divine beauty.

·        We grow in eternal rewards when we are faithful and wise to find Truth in our assigned dramas.

·        We Love each other more when we sacrifice to integrate each other deeper into our lives by the Truth through our assigned dramas, and we obtain a more weighty Divine Unity as a reward.


Vain Drama – Patience or Accommodation?

Other date(s); 9/3/22

·        Vain drama is when we create our own unassigned drama from our own disarrangements, and is based on confusing misunderstandings and completely unneeded conflicts with no point.

·        Assigned dramas are from heaven but vain ones are from the world & hell beneath it.

·        Assigned drama comes in spite of virtue and integrity, and it produces good.

·        Vain drama comes from character flaws, and it produces bad.

·        We should not take untruth at face value.

·        Since vain drama is inherently untrue and not assigned to us from heaven, we are not responsible for “fixing” it (we are not related to non-reality), and it does not profit men nor honor God when we are preoccupied by it.

·        Vain drama does not (validly/Truthfully) obligate us to “fix” unreal conflicts that happened in the fantasy of confusion.

·        Vain drama needs to be exposed, confessed, corrected, and replaced with Truth before you can honor and improve your real relationships.

·        Good persuasion is extremely patient with necessary drama, and yet, at the same time it does not create its own unnecessary vain drama or accommodate it in others.

·        Vain drama & disarrangements need correction, not faith (or “persuasion”).
(At first you might like to think this goes without saying, but you can’t take that for granted based on how seriously people take confusion and vain, fiction-based conflicts, and how much they want everyone else to do the same.)

·        Valid patience strengthens virtue to obtain good-persuasion, especially after disarrangements are corrected and Truth comes to the surface.

·        Patience and good-persuasion with ordained drama fixes problems and facilitates Divine Unity.

·        Accommodating vain drama deepens problems and reinforces confusion.

·        Accommodation and virtuous persuasion are opposites, so you have to choose one or the other.

·        Accommodation and virtuous persuasion are direct opponents in a battle for your attention, faith, and persuasion, so that they trade off of each other. – The more you choose the one the more you give up on and oppose the other.

·        Vain drama is often a decoy which necessarily competes with the patience to communicate through ordained drama which the Creator has assigned unto us.

·        Accommodating vain drama does not fix any root problems but only distracts, entangles, and preoccupies people in untruth and hinders and pushes them away from fulfilling their real mission of virtuous and excellent communication through real Love (virtuously successful and resolving communication that concludes with the Truth).

·        Accommodating vain drama is so far from solving problems that it actually risks validating them, which can actually strengthen them to proliferate and keep multiplying so that no one ever gets any Truth accomplished.

·        If you create or accommodate unneeded empty vain drama, it does not help you be patient with the real drama which The Creator has assigned unto you, but rather it actually hinders Logic, which is one of the valid prerequisite virtues for accomplishing clean excellent persuasion, and without such virtue you cannot Truly and Lovingly be patient with anyone with enough clean faith to fix or glorify any of your important relationships.

·        Meek gentle patience is (of course) always required by all disciples even when vain drama is at hand, but humble patience and persuasion are especially required from the one in danger of endorsing vanity, much more than the listener.


When you fail to quarantine your own disarrangements and don’t get help early enough, you risk piling confusion on top of your relationships.  Then the legitimate drama which The Creator has assigned unto you is buried under the weight and distraction of misunderstandings and inevitable conflicts, and preoccupies everyone with managing completely unneeded and useless drama instead of actually working on obtaining Truth and qualitatively improving their Divine Unity & virtuous agreement.


How to Take Action Against Vain Drama

·        Deal with disarrangements.

·        Oppose confusion.

·        Refuse vain drama – Expose, convict, repent, heal, and correct it.

·        Get help first, and don’t demand / seek / request / wish for (bad) persuasion in the meantime.

·        Beg for correction and give thanks when it is finally given.

·        Accredit righteousness to those who hold you accountable to reality, don’t risk incriminating them as though they lack good persuasion.


Partial Answers

8/21/22; 8/26/22…8/28/22; 9/3/22


Be zealous to change your thinking patterns!

Be zealous to fix your disarrangements!


Don't tolerate flunking out of kindergarten here!

Finally do something Truly amazing and different on the Earth!


Do the exact opposite of The flesh!

(This is the same attitude in Matthew 6...)


If we would just be spiritual, and start off on the right foot, do the work on our end to make mutuality as easy and accessible as possible, not make each other work so hard to get to each other's heart, and if we would just admire the right values to begin with, we wouldn't need to spend nearly the same amount of time and emotional exhaustion on fixing so many problems.


Seek to admit fault as early and as often as possible.

As soon as you can apprehend a perception of personal responsibility then you can repent and it completely undermines loads of potential hypocrisy risks.

Hypocrisy can't stand long enough to hold un-resolving unforgiveness in your heart if you're honest enough to repent yourself.

Preparatory repentance brings humility to snatch away hypocrisy, and allows you to resolve your feelings about someone with the Truth, and makes it much easier for you to persuade each other when you come together to talk through all issues and needs, and it allows you to easily fix your relationships.


Stop being so persuaded ahead of time that you're right and instead prepare yourself to apologize and stop trying so hard to incriminate someone, and instead root for them and Encourage them to make a better counterpoint to your own perspective.


Solving Disarrangements with Orthodox Persuasion

·        The solution to vain drama is not accommodation and non-virtuous persuasion.

·        The solution to vain drama is for the performer to first be persuaded by virtue and Truth, and then all parties involved can move forward together in Divine Unity to be mutually persuaded by the same Truth.

·        We all need to cooperate with virtue so that we can all be persuaded by Truth in the right order without hypocrisy or accidentally validating vanity in the process.

·        Being well-persuaded is a mighty virtue of all the great patriarchs and matriarchs of Monotheism, and we all need to successfully and sufficiently participate in this same cleanness long before wishing to call it out of others.



>> Scrip:

speak to be heard

remove vain sorrow from your flesh





--------------- FAQ Excerpts \/

Accepting Rebuke


Pro_9:9-10; Pro_15:5, Pro_15:22, Pro_19:25, Pro_25:12, Pro_27:3-6; Gal_2:11-14, Gal_6:1; Rev_3:19


Rebuking with the right Gentleness





See: Little children in Corinth/ 1Jn  test the spirit






--------------- FAQ Excerpts /\


Lam_3:38-40 - search -- love discipline




Why Does a Good God Allow Suffering?

4/6/17; 7/31/22


There is actually a bit of liable hypocrisy here in even asking this question.

You should rather be asking (with greater frustration and anguish): why does God allow evil people like me to keep staying alive, and why doesn’t a good God just end all this evil and death in the world by killing me and getting rid of all this darkness and filthy evil???




Why Does a Good God Allow Evil Suffering?






1/7/04 (Word: Created/Modified); 3/6/17 (recompiled)


  JER_10:23 I know, O LORD, that a man's life is not his own;

    it is not for man to direct his steps.

  JER_10:24 Correct me, LORD, but only with justice--

    not in your anger,

    lest you reduce me to nothing.


Self-Discipline – How to Discipline Yourself When Raised By Undisciplined Parents

; Self Discipline ; doctrine of the will

11/10/14; 11/20/14-11/21/14; 2/14/15 (Heb); 2/20/15 (Overcommers Thoughts, etc.); 2/21/17 (recompiled)




2/23/15; 2/21/17 (recompiled)


You cannot Self-discipline and repent unless you first take full responsibility for your actions, including the evil actions and unbeliefs of your heart. You should always feel personally responsible and ashamed and guilty of all unbelief (wether it be in heart, word or deed) whenever it happens.

(see: 'Glory Barn' notes)



; 2/21/17 (recompiled)


Even if I do not want it, we got to get me there... wether I like it or not... overide my will (See: Mir 2014 or 2015 email!)



; 2/21/17 (recompiled)

Heb: 'we (jewish people, generally) all had fathers who corrected us...'



1co11: if judge yourselves, you would not be judged


God abhors the offspring of the irreverent


I beat my body

>> TSK


I chastened my soul w fasting

>> TSK


The Luxury of non-discipline

Rebuke your own soul





>> recompiled from community Bible study (which was retired / recompiled)

~2013-2014 (See: RAS > Community, SPINT > Rep of Your Perception); 2/18/17 (recompiled)

If you do not make room for rebuke, then you are definitely leaving a foothold for apostasy, and you are leaving it unchecked.

Apostasy has stricken too many times in our past, and we have not completely shut the door to it happening again.

! Think: Love Truth! > Love Rebuke

You should always be happy at the hearing of truth.


>> Cain


Warning: God can raise up stones if you despise your birth right


A Sobering Warning for Us

My relative asked about what he did wrong, and reacted furiously when I answered him. We also can have a phobia, a negative reaction to correction, and I am still holding back correction from you till this day waiting readiness.

I have been overly light handed, and you should know this by perception.

Part of this is that time is needed to come to readiness for correction, but as it says, by the time you should be ready by now.

H is probably the most ready in this case.

It is time to love truth.



Rich person problem: Church person is fine w thinking God started convicting/“dealing with them” about something, but they never want someone else to tell them they are wrong.


Being ready to be rebuked means loving truth so much that it is always a relief to you to hear truth, even when it says you are wrong.

>> See: insp: “make me lose sleep…give me truth!”, etc.


- you should always be painfully aware of something missing and yearning to getting a little closer to finally removing your wrong-ness and becomeing closer to being like the Bible



Remember all the Hard Things / 'Threats' Jesus Said to His Disciples?

>> ! Get all of these refs


- get behind me satan

- tonight one will betray me

- tonight you will deny me...all of you will forsake me...

- one of you is a devil

- are your hearts hard? Are you so dull?

- oh perverse generation

- get your fill of sleep

- I am going away... Your hearts are filled w sorrow

- unless you change into children, you will not get in/ 'no John, you should not have told that miricle guy to stop... You were opposing something good and true that was on our side w truth!'

- Peter, Put away your sword (you can feel an exasporated protest: 'but YOU told us to take it!')

- Peter, do you love me? Do you (even) warmly love me?

- you do not know what spirit you are of

- repeatedly: 'i am going to die...'

- ---

Job: shall we recieve good and not evil?


)) eventually get into all the refs: they were afraid to ask him





Please go Here for some notes we might go over today:



Deep Waters – Treat The Heart-Sentiments as Sacred

in thinking, be complete... so in being less than others, you should be children, but in the deep waters of other people's souls you should be perfectly grown and reverently thoughtful






Love First, and Then Your Needs Will Be Met

See: Love in Truth



Original Ancient BBS: See: TRUTH Obsession! > Wisdom for History / Dates

~2001-2002 (original cell group/ life-group Bible study)



Psa_141:5 WEB  Let the righteous strike me, it is kindness; let him reprove me, it is like oil on the head; don't let my head refuse it; Yet my prayer is always against evil deeds.

Psa_141:5 LB  The righteous shall chasten me with mercy, and reprove me: but let not the oil of the sinner anoint my head: for yet shall my prayer also be in their pleasures.

Psa_141:5  (140:5) παιδεύσει με δίκαιος ἐν ἐλέει καὶ ἐλέγξει με, ἔλαιον δὲ ἁμαρτωλοῦ μὴ λιπανάτω τὴν κεφαλήν μου, ὅτι ἔτι καὶ ἡ προσευχή μου ἐν ταῖς εὐδοκίαις αὐτῶν.

PS 141:5 Let a righteous man strike me--it is a kindness; let him rebuke me--it is oil on my head.  My head will not refuse it. (NIV)


PR 9:8 Do not rebuke a mocker or he will hate you; rebuke a wise man and he will love you. (NIV)


PR 15:31 He who listens to a life-giving rebuke will be at home among the wise. (NIV)


PR 17:10 A rebuke impresses a man of discernment more than a hundred lashes a fool. (NIV)


PR 25:12 Like an earring of gold or an ornament of fine gold is a wise man's rebuke to a listening ear. (NIV)


-Brings brokenness -Brings humility......




Pro_15:33 WEB  The fear of Yahweh teaches wisdom. Before honor is humility.

Pro_15:33 LB The fear of the Lord is instruction and wisdom, and the highest honor will correspond therewith.

Pro_15:33  φόβος θεοῦ παιδεία καὶ σοφία, καὶ ἀρχὴ δόξης ἀποκριθήσεται αὐτῇ.




Don’t Curl Up in a Ball



Don’t Curl Up in a Ball

Run into your disciple

Love truth enough to not only “not curl up”, but even actually run into the privilege of having bad things disciplined out of you.






Joseph’s brother’s did not like it when joseph told on them.

We should want to walk around in the light and never attack the light bearers!




How can we Be Joyful and Relieved Around each other When We Constantly Talk about judgment and moral qualities on every little Matter?

2/25/15; 2/28/15

Esp. if there is corporate accountability and ‘judgments’

'if you do well, won't you be accepted' -- Don't be like Cain... You should believe that this fare standard of watching you is fare and tending toward you winning.

Yes, We talk about judgments a lot, but if you do well you will when...

And what was Jesus like in this regard?

> scrip: 'They were afraid to ask him...' so they got John to ask...

So we see that Jesus had them nervous because He always spoke in a way that they were afraid to ask...


>> sometimes fears of irritating / walking on egg shells

- door / someone didn’t get spoon or milk …

- had to fight fears of slipping and doing something wrong

- esp. in times of stressors / contradictions – esp. if there are other stressors present…

- spoon can feel bigger in the midst of it

- fear of slipping / being irritating when under pressure… esp. when boundaries are not clear, had to fight against trauma in the past

- PC does something… it is lying… now there can be temptations of things being taken out on them in a disproportionate way

- sometimes can sound exasperated


How to sweep up all egg shells




Main Passages

where did i used to have this list??


- "oil on my head", etc.

- often stiffens neck, suddenly destroied

- don't be Judas

- you can choose what you are adicted and obsesivly attracted to

- HUGE ISSUE: the things that you feel are healthy are not always what is best for you; The things that make you feel good and not always the things that truly do you good...

There is a much nobbler healthiness in an instructed enjoyment of what you did not know would make you truly feel healthy.

- everytime i faithfully say, "i can do better by love and obedience" i am losing my own righteousness and saving my soul by loving wisdom and submitting to rebuke.



Sir_4:11-26 Brenton  Wisdom exalteth her children, and layeth hold of them that seek her.  12  He that loveth her loveth life; and they that seek to her early shall be filled with joy.  13  He that holdeth her fast shall inherit glory; and wheresoever she entereth, the Lord will bless.  14  They that serve her shall minister to the Holy One: and them that love her the Lord doth love.  15  Whoso giveth ear unto her shall judge the nations: and he that attendeth unto her shall dwell securely.  16  If a man commit himself unto her, he shall inherit her; and his generation shall hold her in possession.  17  For at the first she will walk with him by crooked ways, and bring fear and dread upon him, and torment him with her discipline, until she may trust his soul, and try him by her laws.  18  Then will she return the straight way unto him, and comfort him, and shew him her secrets.  19  But if he go wrong, she will forsake him, and give him over to his own ruin.  20  Observe the opportunity, and beware of evil; and be not ashamed when it concerneth thy soul. 21  For there is a shame that bringeth sin; and there is a shame which is glory and grace.  22  Accept no person against thy soul, and let not the reverence of any man cause thee to fall.  23  And refrain not to speak, when there is occasion to do good, and hide not thy wisdom in her beauty.  24  For by speech wisdom shall be known: and learning by the word of the tongue.  25  In no wise speak against the truth; but be abashed of the error of thine ignorance.  26  Be not ashamed to confess thy sins; and force not the course of the river.





Personal Applications

Most of you have had serious birth issues, and most have had serious isses with authority, and because of this most have had serious issues receiving rebuke.

- Birth issues = Authority issues = Rebuke Issues

-- not just from me, but from each other

-- Even if a lower life form rebukes you w truth you ought to receive it

-- if you will not receive it from us as authorities, then at least receive us as donkies and dogs who represent the humbing chastisement from heaven to you


Hebrews chastisement!


We have got to live! We cannot keep spurning correction!


"Reproofs are the way of life"


Romance accountability -


Whenever their are correction issues, we really are more impressed with our own thoughts than with other peoples righteous wisdom.


Can you imagine if there were need for romance accontability, and you still had correction issues????


this is basically a guranteed recepy for disaster.


Only way to survive romantice considerations is to srpass all others in violently ahting your soul and being vitally desparate for rebuke.


"PLEASE rebuke me! Please confront and insult my foolish rebellian! Please save me from lustfully going astry in my own way!" (see Iseah 53)


Sometimes God does hold off on what He knows would apostate us, because He is so soft in heart and ready to give mercy, but eventually the garden of Gethseminy.


This does mean that we as authorities are very open to correction, even publically

"Display before angels and men"

If it seems that correction has not been recieved, and you are still concerned and nanswered, then *please keep comming*


No Social Shame

5/11/12-5/12/12; 6/23/12; 6/26/12-6/29/12; 7/4/12-7/7/12; 7/10/12; 7/13/12-7/15/12; 9/26/12; 10/20/12; 6/21/13


The difference between social dignity and heavenly Honor


Note: currently these passages are simply taken from CAB without sufficient corrections from the Greek yet. They are for light weight reference only, and as always, the details should never be considered as authoritative until the original languages are consulted.


Prayers Against Social Shame

Make me invisible

No social shame

Help to be a disciplinarian



>> 1) arrows: social shame stops you from doing the profound justice of faith that God mysteriously demands... story: when prophet told a future king to strike the ground w arrows,


>> These were hidden!!: No Social Shame: - Don't Be A Rich Social Bug;

- make you cares against having a defiled heart, not against being caught... otherwise, no integrit = planning for hypocrysy and apostacy

- Jesus despised the shame

- nothing covered that will no be revealed

- rather, reprove them... all things that are manifest are light

- Peter took Him asside... But Jesus said before them all

- pray: "Lord, make me invisible"

- be healed. Do not be driven about and motivated in your decisions and actions by that which you should even be despising



Basic Facts About Shame That Most People Have No Clue About Today

Note: Read the main text first, then return to consider the gray footnote text


·        There is a such thing as good shame in society and communities, and there is such a thing as bad shame.

·        Good shame is fearing the reputation of sin before God.
[this can be reinforced in society]

·        Bad shame is fearing the reputation of social disapproval in this life from evil people.
[Although there is certainly also the bad shame of fearing the hopeless, devaluing, never-ending accusations of irrational demons, we are currently talking about having No (Bad) Social Shame In Society for now]

·        Good shame reverently shrinks back from both willful and accidental defilement that come through presumption.

·        Bad shame shrinks back from becoming unpopular through profaning common opinion.

·        Good shame fears losing God's righteousness.

·        Bad shame fears losing self-lust.

·        Good shame protects things like sexuality, purity, extreme modesty, humility, and every other virtue (i.e. moral excellency).
[Although, not hypocritically with an eye toward what society will think, but in truth, by willingly participating in the scandal God has called us to (Joh_4; Pregnant Marry), caring about true protection of virtue, including the courage to be considered an evil doer for the sake of faithfulness.]

·        Bad shame protects things like popularity, convenience, indulgence, luxury, entertainment, vanity, strength and competence before worthless people, social life, social status, social fun, and self-image.

·        Good shame means being too weak in conscious* to sin.
[* remember: your conscious in the Bible is your (moral) together-perception]

·        Bad shame means being too weak in virtue to do what is right.

·        Good shame is when you faithfully choose to refrain from being bold in the sins which God has forbidden.

·        Bad shame is when you treacherously refrain from having courage against the popular sin which God has charged you to testify against.

·        Despising good shame was once called being “shameless” in our culture, and is based on belittling the honor and value that God has demanded that all humans recognize and protect.

·        Despising bad shame is when you overcome the common deception by the courage of faith, and break society’s rules in obeying righteousness.

·        Social shame is when you are afraid of losing something you should never have been lusting after to begin with.

·        Both good shame and bad shame are discussed in the Scriptures – and we need to be sensitive to it!
(for Good Shame: see Bible studies such as the No Dating Battle List; For Bad Shame: see this Bible study.)


Sir_4:20-21 Brenton  Observe the opportunity, and beware of evil; and be not ashamed when it concerneth thy soul.  21  For there is a shame that bringeth sin; and there is a shame which is glory and grace.


Ay: Have you learned anything from opening up to your roommate?


1. Faith-fulness Courageously Defies Social Shame in Lusting After Righteousness!


Esther Getting Ready To Make A Decision About Going Before The King

Remember the context of the story: Esther was being informed that she needed to do something about Haman's conspiracy to kill all of the Jews, and now she has to wrestle with the social boundary that she would need to break in order to do something to save her nation


Est_4:10-16 WEB  Then Esther spoke to Hathach, and gave him a message to Mordecai:  11  "All the *king's servants, and [* not in LXX] the people of the king's provinces [All the nations of the empire (CAB)], know, that whoever, whether man or woman, comes to the king into the inner court without being called, there is one law for him, that he be put to death, except those to whom the king might hold out the golden scepter, that he may live. I have not been called to come in to the king these thirty days."  12  They told to Mordecai Esther's words.  13  Then Mordecai asked them [to] return answer to Esther, "Don't think to yourself that you will escape in the king's house any more than all the Jews.  14  For if you remain silent now, then relief and deliverance will come to the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. Who knows if you haven't come to the kingdom for such a time as this?"  15  Then Esther asked them to answer Mordecai,  16  "Go, gather together all the Jews who are present in Shushan, and fast for me, and neither eat nor drink three days, night or day. I and my maidens will also fast the same way. Then I will go in to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish."


Very Basic Thoughts

·        If you go ahead and perish by faithful confession like Esther did, then you can also face the perishing threats of people who cannot destroy the soul.

·        What social fears would you be willing to overcome if your life was on the line?

·        Wakeup call/ life-hint: your life is on the line!


Heb 12 – Jesus “Despised The Shame”

Jesus Pioneered the way as Our Leader, And Sat Down At Right Hand as Our Example, So that we too Should Despise the Temporary Social Shame of This Wicked Life


Heb_12:1-3 CAB  So therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every impediment, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,  2  looking unto Jesus [and not at their faces (Eze_3:7-9)], the Author and Perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him [i.e. he looked to the reward (as already stated in Heb_11:26)] endured the cross, despising the shame [αἰσχύνης καταφρονήσας], and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.  3  For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you be weary and discouraged in your souls.


·        Thorough note: there is a parallelism between whether or not you also despise the shame (along with the faith captain/ leader/ pioneer) and whether or not you faint when God rebukes you. – take the time to sit there and thoroughly understand what is being said here about this.

·        Also note that we are to look away from this world just as Jesus did.



despising: Heb_10:33, Heb_11:36, Psa_22:6-8, Psa_69:19, Psa_69:20, Isa_49:7, Isa_50:6, Isa_50:7, Isa_53:3, Mat_26:67, Mat_26:68, Mat_27:27-31, Mat_27:38-44, Mar_9:12, Luk_23:11, Luk_23:35-39, Act_5:41, 1Pe_2:23, 1Pe_4:14-16


(these are very good references to read if you get the chance)


2. Sin Avoids Truth for Fear of Social Shame


Saul Yields to Personal, Independent Religion That Pleases the Masses Rather than Patiently Honoring Truth

Note: Although the LXX version of this book has a lot of support, remember to compare MT variations


Samuel’s Posture to Saul

1Sa_10:8 CAB  And you shall go down in front of Gilgal, and behold, I will come down to you to offer a whole burnt offering, and peace offerings. You shall wait seven days until I come to you, and I will make known to you what you shall do.


What Saul Did Instead

1Sa_13:6-14 CAB  And the men of Israel saw that they were in a strait so that they could not draw near, and the people hid themselves in caves, sheepfolds, rocks, ditches, and pits.  7  And they that went over crossed the Jordan to the land of Gad and Gilead. And Saul was still in Gilgal, and all the people followed after him in amazement.  8  And he continued seven days for the appointed testimony, as Samuel told him, and Samuel came not to Gilgal, and his people were dispersed from him.  9  And Saul said, Bring some victims here, that I may offer whole burnt offerings and peace offerings. And he offered the whole burnt offering [1Sa_15:12].  10  And it came to pass when he had finished offering the whole burnt offering, that Samuel arrived, and Saul went out to meet him, and to bless him.  11  And Samuel said, What have you done? And Saul said, Because I saw how the people were scattered from me, and that you were not present as you purposed, according to the set time of the days, and the Philistines were gathered to Michmash.  12  Then I said, Now will the Philistines come down to me to Gilgal, and I have not sought the face of the Lord. So I forced myself and offered the whole burnt offering.  13  And Samuel said to Saul, You have done foolishly, for you have not kept my command, which the Lord commanded you, as now the Lord would have confirmed your kingdom over Israel forever.  14  But now your kingdom shall not stand, and the Lord shall seek for Himself a man after His own heart; and the Lord shall appoint him to be a ruler over His people, because you have not kept all that the Lord has commanded you.


1Sa_15:1-35 CAB  And Samuel said to Saul, The Lord sent me to anoint you king over Israel. And now hear the voice of the Lord.  2  Thus said the Lord of hosts, Now will I take vengeance for what Amalek did to Israel, when he met him in the way as he came up out of Egypt.  3  And now go, and you shall strike Amalek and Hierim and all that belongs to him, and you shall not save anything of his alive, but you shall utterly destroy him. And you shall devote him and all his to destruction, and you shall spare nothing belonging to him; and you shall slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, calf and sheep, camel and donkey… 7  And Saul struck Amalek from Havilah to Shur, fronting Egypt.  8  And he took Agag the king of Amalek alive, and he killed all the people and Hierim with the edge of the sword.  9  And Saul and all the people saved Agag alive, and the best of the flocks, and of the herds, and of the fruits, of the vineyards, and of all the good things; and they would not destroy them. But every worthless and despised thing they destroyed.  10  And the word of the Lord came to Samuel, saying,  11  I greatly regret that I have made Saul to be king; for he has turned back from following Me, and has not kept My word. And Samuel was grieved, and cried to the Lord all night.  12  And Samuel rose early and went to meet Israel in the morning, and it was told Saul, saying, Samuel has come to Carmel, and he has raised up help for himself. And he turned his chariot, and came down to Gilgal to Saul. And behold, he was offering up a whole burnt offering to the Lord, the chief of the spoils which he brought out of Amalek [this sounds familiar…].  13  And Samuel came to Saul. And Saul said to him, Blessed are you of the Lord; I have performed all that the Lord said.  14  And Samuel said, What then is this bleating of sheep in my ears, and the sound of the oxen which I hear?  15  And Saul said, I have brought them out of Amalek, that which the people preserved, even the best of the sheep, and of the cattle, that it might be sacrificed to the Lord your God, and the rest I have utterly destroyed.  16  And Samuel said to Saul, Stay, and I will tell you what the Lord has said to me this night. And he said to him, Speak on.  17  And Samuel said to Saul, Are you not little in His eyes, though a leader of one of the tribes of Israel? And yet the Lord anointed you to be king over Israel.  18  And the Lord sent you on a journey, and said to you, Go, and utterly destroy: you shall slay the sinners against Me, even the Amalekites; and you shall war against them until you have consumed them.  19  And why did you not listen to the voice of the Lord, but instead swoop down upon the spoils, and do that which was evil in the sight of the Lord?  20  And Saul said to Samuel, Because I listened to the voice of the people. Yet I went the way by which the Lord sent me [Saul wants credit for partial obedience, even when it is mostly rebellion by cursing the main command], and I brought Agag the king of Amalek, and I destroyed Amalek.  21  But the people took of the spoils, the best flocks and herds out of that which was destroyed, to sacrifice before the Lord our God in Gilgal.  22  And Samuel said, Does the Lord take as great pleasure in whole burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in hearing the words of the Lord? Behold, obedience is better than a good sacrifice, and hearkening than the fat of rams.  23  For sin is as divination; idols bring on pain and grief. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, the Lord also shall reject you from being king over Israel.  24  And Saul said to Samuel, I have sinned, in that I have transgressed the word of the Lord and your direction; for I feared the people, and I listened to their voice.  25  And now remove my sin, I pray, and turn back with me, and I will worship the Lord your God.  26  And Samuel said to Saul, I will not turn back with you, for you have rejected the word of the Lord, and the Lord will reject you from being king over Israel.  27  And Samuel turned his face to depart, and Saul caught hold of the edge of his robe, and tore it.  28  And Samuel said to him, The Lord has torn the kingdom of Israel from out of your hand this day, and will give it to your neighbor, who is better than you.  29  And Israel shall be divided in two: and God will not turn nor repent, for He is not as a man to repent.  30  And Saul said, I have sinned; yet honor me, I pray, before the elders of Israel, and before my people; and turn back with me, and I will worship the Lord your God.  31  So Samuel turned back after Saul, and he worshipped the Lord.  32  And Samuel said, Bring me Agag the king of Amalek. And Agag came to him trembling; and Agag said, Is death thus bitter?  33  And Samuel said to Agag, As your sword has bereaved women of their children, so shall your mother be made childless among women. And Samuel hacked Agag to pieces before the Lord in Gilgal.  34  And Samuel departed to Ramah, and Saul went up to his house at Gibeah.  35  And Samuel did not see Saul again till the day of his death, for Samuel mourned after Saul, and the Lord regretted that He had made Saul king over Israel.


Saul Never Stopped Being Able to Religiously Harden his Heart

1Sa_23:19-21 CAB  And the Ziphites came up out of the dry country to Saul to the hill, saying, Behold, is not David hidden with us in Messara, in the narrows in Caene in the hill of Echela, which is on the right of Jeshimon?  20  And now according to all the king's desire to come down, let him come down to us; they have shut him up into the hands of the king.  21  And Saul said to them, Blessed are you of the Lord, for you have been grieved on my account.


·        Do you prefer to disobey Jesus and hypocritically offer your gift before an altar of demons while violating your brother or sister, sacrificing religiously, instead of honestly obeying the real charge of God to actually obey Him and do what He says to do?




2Sa 22 WEB - CAB

41  You have also made my enemies turn their backs to me, that I might cut off those who hate me.

41  And You have caused my enemies to flee before me, even them that hated me, and You have slain them.

42  They looked, but there was none to save; even to Yahweh, but he didn't answer them.

42  They shall cry, and there shall be no helper; they shall cry to the Lord, but He hearkens not to them.


Jesus Rebukes the Disciples Corporately

Disciples were silent when Jesus would have brought up the conflict corporately...

Jesus Rebukes Disciples Concerning Greatness


Luk_22:24 CAB  And there became also a dispute among them, as to which of them seemed to be greater… 


Mar_9:33-37 CAB  Then He came to Capernaum. And being in the house He asked them, "What were you disputing about with one another on the road?"  34  But they were silent, for on the road they had discussed with one another who was greater.  35  And having sat down He called the twelve, and said to them, "If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all."  36  And taking a child, He stood him in their midst. And taking him in His arms, He said to them,  37  whoever receives one of these little children in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me, receives not Me, but Him who sent Me."


Mat_20:24-28 CAB  And when the ten heard it, they were indignant with the two brothers.  25  But Jesus, having summoned them, said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them.  26  Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, shall be your servant.  27  And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave;  28  just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many."


Mar_10:41-45 CAB  And having heard this, the ten began to be indignant with James and John.  42  But Jesus, having called them to Himself, said to them, "You know that those being reputed to be ruling the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them.  43  Yet it will not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant.  44  And whoever of you desires to be first shall be servant of all.  45  For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."


Luk_22:24-27 CAB  And there became also a dispute among them, as to which of them seemed to be greater.  25  But He said to them, "The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who exercise authority over them are called 'benefactors.'  26  But you shall not be thus; but let the greatest among you, let him be as the youngest, and he who leads as he who serves27  For who is greater, he who sits at the table, or he who serves? Is it not he who sits at the table? Yet I am among you as the One who serves.


Luk_9:46-48 CAB  Then a dispute came up among them as to which of them might be greater.  47  But Jesus, having seen the thought of their heart, taking a little child, He stood him beside Himself,  48  and said to them, "Whoever receives this little child in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me receives Him who sent Me. For he who is least among you all shall be great."


Jesus Rebukes Peter Publically

Peter took Him aside to rebuke, but Jesus rebuked him corporately...


Mat_16:18on this rock I will build my called out assembly


Mar_8:31-35 CAB  And He began to teach them that it was necessary for the Son of Man to suffer many things, and to be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes, and to be killed, and after three days to rise.  32  He was speaking this word with boldness [see Greek]. And Peter, taking Him aside, began to rebuke Him [note: not like Paul rebuked Peter]33  But when He had turned and saw His disciples, He rebuked Peter, saying, "Get behind Me, Satan! For you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men."  34  And having summoned the crowd together with His disciples, He said to them, "Whoever is willing to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.  35  For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel's, will save it.


This is a lot like:


Zec_7:2-5 CAB  And Sherezer and Arbeseer the king and his men sent to Bethel, to entreat the favor of the Lord,  3  speaking to the priests that were in the house of the Lord Almighty, and to the prophets, saying, The holy offering has come in here in the fifth month, as it has done already many years.  4  And the word of the Lord of hosts came to me, saying,  5  Speak to the whole people of the land, and to the priests, saying, Though you fasted or lamented in the fifth or seventh months (yea, behold, these seventy years) have you at all fasted to Me?



Do Not Be Silent

·        You are already good or bad inside; go ahead and confess wherever you are at so that bowels can begin moving

·        Stopped up compassions is the death of treachery.

·        Don’t stall from confessing your evil or “personal hurt” for fear of social shame.

·        If you really are ashamed of your evil, then change, but if you have not yet changed don’t add insult to injury by crossing your arms and keeping your reciprocation from others!

·        Confess it humbly, or humiliate yourself in the process/ in confessing it, but whatever you do don’t be hard and silent!

·        Hiding yourself in shame of your evil from those you should be loving and needing is much worse than the initial sins that you do against them or even the hurts you feel from them.


Jesus Insists On Corporate Communication

·        Jesus is insistent on corporate resolution even when they are stuck and remaining silent.

·        Jesus is not at all concerned about protecting religious face/ reputation... or cushioning your hard heart

·        But if Peter is rebuked corporately, what if he loses respect? What if Judas starts to think that Peter is not actually the right rock to build on?

·        In fact, Judas hardened at the public rebuke when his religious hypocrisy was profaned.

·        Jesus puts people’s “personal business” in front of everyone when they are hypocritically pretending to follow Him.

·        Do you have any of that hypocritical “personal business” that despises being exposed?


clarification: not defending yourself happens when someone is sinful and not ready to hear answers to their accusations

(also, Mat_16:23)


Rough Communication is Better than Hardened Silence

Joh_11:20-27 CAB  Then Martha, when she heard that Jesus was coming, met Him, but Mary was sitting in the house.  21  Then Martha said to Jesus, "Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.  22  But even now I know that whatever You may ask of God, God will give You."  23  Jesus said to her, "Your brother will rise again."  24  Martha said to Him, "I know that he will rise again in the resurrection in the last day."  25  Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He that believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.  26  And everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?"  27  She said to Him, "Yes, Lord, I believe that You are the Christ, the Son of God, who is to come into the world."


Pro_27:4-6 CAB  Wrath is merciless and anger sharp, but envy can bear nothing.  5  Open reproofs are better than secret love.  6  The wounds of a friend are more to be trusted than the spontaneous kisses of an enemy.


Sir_20:2-3 NETS  How good it is to question rather than to be angry. And he who admits freely will be kept from disparagement (to bring reproach or discredit upon)


Sir_6:36 KJV-1611 And if thou seest a man of vnderstanding, get thee betimes vnto him, and let thy foote weare the steps of his doore. (NETS says...turn to him early and let your foot wear out the thresholds of his doors)


Abham and Sarah vs. Hagar


the psalms prove that God likes even rough communication and is even willing to use it as prophecy!!!


3. How to Embrace Faith-fulness and Shun the Sinful Fear of Social Shame


Wearing Someone Out by Faith is Better than Being Killed by Social Complacency

Jesus Taught A Parable That They Should Always Pray


Luk_18:1-8 CAB  Then He spoke a parable to them, that one must always pray and not lose heart,  2  saying: "A certain judge was in a certain city, who did not fear God nor have regard for men.  3  Now there was a widow in that city; and she kept coming to him, saying, 'Give justice to me against my adversary.'  4  And he did not want to for a time; but afterward he said within himself, 'although I do not fear God, nor have regard for man,  5  yet because this widow bothers me I will give justice to her, lest she wear me out by forever coming to me.' "  6  Then the Lord said, "Hear what the unjust judge said.  7  And God, shall He not execute justice for His own elect, who cry out day and night to Him, and yet He is patient with them?  8  I tell you that He will execute justice for them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?"


Give Me Bread! – and Save Me from Social Shame!

Luk_11:5-10 CAB  And He said to them, "Which of you shall have a friend, and go to him at midnight and say to him, 'Friend, lend me three loaves6  for a friend has come to me on his journey, and I have nothing to set before him';  7  and he will answer from within and say, 'Do not trouble me; the door has already been shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot get up and give to you'?  8  I say to you, even if he will not get up and give to him, because he is his friend, yet on account of his persistence [against social convenience] he will get up and give him as much as he needs.  9  "So I say to you, ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you.  10  For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.


Jesus Didn’t Get A Chance To Eat Because Many People Coming And Going

Mar_3:20 CAB  And they came into a house. Then again a crowd assembled, so that they were not even able to eat food.


Mar_6:30-34 CAB  Then the apostles gathered to Jesus and they reported to Him all things, both everything they had done and everything they had taught.  31  And He said to them, "Come you yourselves privately to a deserted place and rest a little." For there were many coming and going, and they were not even finding opportunity to eat.  32  And they went away to a deserted place in the boat privately.  33  But the multitudes saw them going, and many recognized Him, and ran together there on foot from all the cities, and preceded them, and they came together to Him.  34  And when He came out, Jesus saw a large crowd, and He had compassion on them, because they were like sheep not having a shepherd. So He began to teach them many things.


Mary Anointing Jesus at Bethany – Something Infinitely More Important than Your Shame

Mar_14:3 CAB  And while He was in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as He was reclining for a meal [this is better than King Ahasuerus (Est_5:1, etc.)], a woman came having an alabaster flask of very costly pure nard. And having broken the flask, she began to pour it out over His head.


Mat_26:6-10 CAB  And when Jesus was in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper7  a woman came to Him having an alabaster flask of very expensive perfume, and she began to pour it on His head as He reclined to eat.  8  But when His disciples saw it, they became indignant, saying, "Why this waste9  For this perfume could have been sold for much, and have been given to the poor."  10  But when Jesus became aware of it, He said to them, "Why do you trouble the woman? For she has done a beautiful work for Me.


Luk_7:36-48 WEB  One of the Pharisees invited him to eat with him. He entered into the Pharisee's house, and sat at the table.  37  Behold, a woman in the city who was a sinner, when she knew that he was reclining in the Pharisee's house, she brought an alabaster jar of ointment.  38  Standing behind at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears, and she wiped them with the hair of her head, kissed his feet, and anointed them with the ointment.  39  Now when the Pharisee who had invited him saw it, he said to himself, "This man, if he were a prophet, would have perceived who and what kind of woman this is who touches him, that she is a sinner."  40  Jesus answered him, "Simon, I have something to tell you." He said, "Teacher, say on."  41  "A certain lender had two debtors. The one owed five hundred denarii, and the other fifty.  42  When they couldn't pay, he forgave them both. Which of them therefore will love him most?"  43  Simon answered, "He, I suppose, to whom he forgave the most." He said to him, "You have judged correctly."  44  Turning to the woman, he said to Simon, "Do you see this woman? I entered into your house, and you gave me no water for my feet, but she has wet my feet with her tears, and wiped them with the hair of her head.  45  You gave me no kiss, but she, since the time I came in, has not ceased to kiss my feet.  46  You didn't anoint my head with oil, but she has anointed my feet with ointment.  47  Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much. But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little."  48  He said to her, "Your sins are forgiven."  49  Those who sat at the table with him began to say to themselves, "Who is this who even forgives sins?"  50  He said to the woman, "Your faith has saved you. Go in peace."


Joh_11:1-2 CAB  Now there was a certain man who was sick, Lazarus from Bethany, of the village of Mary and her sister Martha.  2  Now it was that Mary who had anointed the Lord with myrrh, and wiped His feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was sick.


Joh_12:1-3 CAB  Then Jesus, six days before the Passover, came to Bethany, where Lazarus was who had died, whom He raised from the dead.  2  Then they made for Him a supper there; and Martha was serving, but Lazarus was one of those reclining to eat with Him.  3  Then Mary, having taken a pound of very costly pure nard, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.


Be like Mary and let justice finally burst forth!

And do you realize why I say this? If not, you of all people desperately need discipleship!


Digging Through a Roof

The Faith of Friends that Disregards Social Shame!


Mar_2:1-5 CAB  And He entered again into Capernaum after some days, and it was heard that He was in a certain house.  2  And immediately many were gathered together, so that there was no longer any room, not even near the door. And He was speaking the word to them.  3  And they came to Him, bringing a paralytic being carried by four men4  And not being able to get near Him because of the crowd, they removed the tiles from the roof where He was, and having dug through they let down the pallet on which the paralytic was lying.  5  And Jesus, seeing their faith, He said to the paralytic, "Child, your sins have been forgiven you."


(also see, Luk_5:17-20)


Blind Bartimaeus

Mar_10:46-52 CAB  And they came to Jericho. And as He was going out from Jericho along with His disciples and a large crowd, Bartimaeus the blind man, the son of Timaeus, was sitting alongside the road begging.  47  And when he heard that it was Jesus the Nazarene, he began to cry out and say, "Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me!"  48  And many rebuked him, that he should be silent. But he cried out all the more, "Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me!"  49  And having stopped, Jesus asked for him to be called. Then they called the blind man, saying to him, "Have courage, rise up; He is calling you."  50  And casting away his garment, he rose up and came to Jesus.  51  So Jesus answered and said to him, "What do you desire that I should do for you?" And the blind man said to Him, "Rabboni, that I may receive sight."  52  Then Jesus said to him, "Go; your faith has healed you." And immediately he received sight, and he followed Jesus on the road.


Many Other Examples

There are so many more examples we could list, including…


·        Woman with the issue of blood

·        Canaanite woman with demonized daughter

·        Many others I am looking forward to listing here…


Let Love Be Without Hypocrisy

Rom_12:9 CAB  Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor that which is evil. Cling to that which is good.


Eph_4:29-32 CAB  Let no corrupt word proceed from your mouth, but only what is good for edification, that it may give grace to them that hear.  30  And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.  31  Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and blasphemy be removed from you, with all malice.  32  And be kind to one another, tenderhearted [εὔσπλαγχνοι – good boweled], forgiving one another, just as also God in Christ forgave us.


Col_3:12-15 CAB  Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on [Ενδύσασθε] hearts [σπλάγχνα – bowels] of compassion [οἰκτιρμοῦ], kindness [χρηστότητα], humility [ταπεινοφροσύνην], meekness [πρᾳότητα], patience [μακροθυμίαν]13  forbearing one another and forgiving yourselves, if anyone should have a complaint against any; just as Christ forgave you, so you also do14  But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection.  15  And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.


Love Is Only Straitened In Our Own Sin

You Are Not Straightened In Us, But By Your Own Passions


2Co_6:11-13 CAB  O Corinthians! We have spoken openly to you, our heart has been opened wide.  12  You are not restricted by us, but you are restricted by your own affections.  13  Now in return for the same--I speak as to children--you also be opened wide.


·        Preceding context: Paul is able to endure hardships and love them (as we saw in Heb_12 earlier)

·        He is not ashamed to unknown and troubled on every side

·        He is willing to love, to pour out, and to give even more even if he is loved less by it


2Co_12:9 – the favor of the anointed one is sufficient for Paul so that he may rejoice (boast) in things that make him weak


2Co_12:15 CAB  And I gladly will spend and be expended for your souls; although the more abundantly I love you, the less I am loved.



·        do not let social shame (inhibitions) betray you into complacency

·        social shames are why we have such a shallow culture, without bowls of compassion, without the deeds of moved bowels

·        No flesh! No rich social shame! (ultimately) no excuses! No complacency that minimize what is Divine....


Two Cries for Mercy

1. Thief under Joshua - confession with the worldly sorrow and grief of sin

2. David's godly confession unto repentance and life


Bringing Things To The Light

Joh 3; Eph

Psa_32:5, Pro_28:13, 1Jo_1:8-9


I would rather have justice than your approval


No reason to go Sunday if no justice completed on Sat


Perhaps sun needs to be a time of syncing and tuning...


It is unacceptable that Ala has to stall to see if everyone is going to eagerly follow...



Reinforce your love for him... (cross-ref?)


It is repeatedly the one who is less worthy that does the more honorable person wrong.


It is just not right that you need what they have, but you wait for them to chase you down.


What is Still Needed?

*** my main question is why communication has not happened yet...


Don’t Be Lost

My life is too weary to manage lost people.

Although i am lustful to be like Moses, don't me me a manager of lost people. (a vale i have had before you girls were here)

do not make me a manager of fleshly, unsaved people like Moses

Do not harden in perverted unbelief, and violent defense of the flesh. Be peaceable, do peace, and love warmness and softheartedness,


David could not compel his faithless children to soften and reconcile, nor even Joab and their varios brothers (you sons of so-and-so are too harsh for me)


Softhearted = prepare and take w you words of reconciliation


Don't let the sun go down on evil


Be Weak

- STOP competing

- become vulnerable, weak and helpless before those you have need of

- don't protect and preserve your rich (and very worthless) social dignity

- let the pain of not having their spiritual riches hurt infinitely worse than the shame of social inconvenience



Submitted Suffering

9/10/05 (Word: Created; original title: Submitted Sufering (planner size).doc); 11/7/05; 3/25/06 (Word: Modified/Printed); 10/17/07; 8/20/09; 6/26/10; 2/20/17… 10/1/23


TSK: Phi_1:28, 2Th_1:4-8, 1Pe_4:13-16, [Rev_1:6, Rev_1:9, Rev_5:10, Rev_20:4, Rev_20:6]


Logic, Not Feelings



One of the very first things to do to resolve any bad feelings, from general discouragement to outright suicidal depression, is not to seek to change your feelings, but rather to establish a logical basis for why you should hope against hope when hurting and going through trials.


Don't seek to change the results of your feelings but seek to change the cause of your knowledge.


We automatically see the moment of bad, but we need (to seek) to see the eternity of good


The moment we feel something damaging, we inherently and automatically feel and understand that it is bad.

The moment we realize Truth by faith, we apprehend the knowledge that it works into good.


We quickly feel the evil of this life with our bodies and with our souls (as long as we are not blinded too much by participating in the evil), and yet we can instead apprehend the Truth by embracing faith in what can’t see from what Truth says.


Follow Jesus in Suffering

~2005; 10/1/23


Luk_24:26 - Anointed One must suffer

Joh_12:26 - If you are a servant, then you will be with Him

Mat_19:28-29 – you who have fallowed = Thrones & reward all those who forsake


Joh_15:20 - No servant greater than Master


1Pe_2:21 MKJV For you were not called to this? For Christ also suffered on our behalf, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps,


Heb_13:13 MKJV Therefore let us go forth to Him outside the camp, bearing His reproach.


2Ti_3:12 WEB Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.


Phi_3:8-10 MKJV ...I also count all things to be loss ...10 that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable to His death;

Because it’s the Path to Heaven

~2005; 10/1/23


Act_14:21-22 MKJV ...they returned to Lystra and Iconium and Antioch, 22 confirming the souls of the disciples, calling on them to continue in the faith and that through much tribulation we must enter into the kingdom of God.

Mat_16:24-25 MKJV Then Jesus said to His disciples, If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. 25 For whoever desires to save his life shall lose it, and whoever desires to lose his life for My sake shall find it.


- We often try to find ways to be comfortably saved into the kingdom

- Comfortable salvation (effortless spirituality) is not a real/Biblical option


1Th_3:4 - We are to suffer

2Ti_1:8 - “Be a partaker”

2Ti_2:12 - IF we suffer, then we reign with Him

Rom_8:17 - IF Suffer & glorified together

1Pe_4:12-16 - persecution not strange

2Co_12:10 - Take pleasure in weakness


Rom_5:3-5 WEB Not only this, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering works perseverance; 4 and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope: 5 and hope doesn't disappoint us, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.


I will give you my analysis:

Following Jesus is sometimes fun, often painful, and never boring.  It’s been more painful than I would have thought, but more exciting than I could have ever dreamed.


Count On Suffering

8/22/05 (+Word: Created); 2/20/17 (recompiled); 10/1/23


· Count on being miserable, (if you wish to start following Jesus) just as you set your face to endure hardship when fasting - How different it is then, when you have good things happen that you would have previously taken for granted.

· Remember Humanism: “The chief end of man is his own happiness” – If this is what you live for and this is what you expect, then how can you be thankful when your perceived “Chief end” is unfulfilled?


Isa_50:7 KJV  For the Lord GOD will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed.


Heb_12:2-4 MKJV  looking to Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the right of the throne of God.  3  For consider Him who endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself, lest you be weary and faint in your minds.  4  You have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.


1Pe_4:1-4, 16 KJVB  Forasmuch then as Christ has suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin;  2  That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.  3  For we have spent enough time in the past in our lives doing the desires of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, [lewdness, wantonness] lusts, drunkenness, revelings, carousing, and abominable idolatries:  4  In which they think that it is strange that you all do not run with them to the same overflow of reckless living, speaking evil of you…

16  Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on in this matter.


1Pe_4:12 KJV  Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:


2Ti_3:12 WEB  Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.


· Is it strange to hurt in childbirth? What if my sister [Sherine] changed her mind in the middle of the pregnancy and though it would be ok to have an abortion?


· Dealing with my dad, I’ve learned not to take most of his corrective criticisms to heart; don’t take it personally



Don’t Forfeit Suffering

Original: 2. Suffering (Mt.5: 10-12, & 38-42) (   S  l  i  d  e  )


Mt.5: 10-12, & 38-42


It's amazing how foolishly we resist our few opportunities to suffer!! We barley get the chance to suffer here, and your going to complain if someone does you wrong??! Are you ashamed to suffer for JESUS?? Isn't it an honor to you??



When they had laid many stripes on them, they threw them into prison, charging the jailer to keep them safely, 24  who, having received such a charge, threw them into the inner prison, and secured their feet in the stocks. 25  But about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. (NIV)


You say,

"Yah  but that  was  for JESUS. But if they hit me just because, and it's not for Jesus, then I'll hit them back."


What about this chapter we are reading? ----


Mat  5

38  "You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.'  

39  But I tell you, don't resist him who is evil; but whoever strikes you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also.  

40  If anyone sues you to take away your coat, let him have your cloak also.  

41  Whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two.  

42  Give to him who asks you, and don't turn away him who desires to borrow from you.



and again, What about the following verse?----




1PE_2:18 Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh. [19] For it is commendable if a man bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because he is conscious of God. [20] But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God. [21] To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.

(Teachers.. ect. -Don't be foolish and gossip about them!)

1PE 3:

13 Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? [14] But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. "Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened." [15] But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord.


1PE 4:

12 Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. [13] But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. [14] If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. [15] If you suffer, it should not be as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal, or even as a meddler. [16] However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name. [17] For it is time for judgment to begin with the family of God; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God? [18] And,

              "If it is hard for the righteous to be saved,

               what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?"

1PE_4:19 So then, those who suffer according to God's will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good.         (NIV)




What if someone bad mouths you? --Are you going to defend yourself and loose your reward?

(Think: and Joseph)


Isa_53:7  He was oppressed, yet when he was afflicted he didn't open his mouth; as a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and as a sheep that before its shearers is mute, so he didn't open his mouth.

(Read that whole thing?)



PHP  2:

1 If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, [2] then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. [3] Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. [4] Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.

5 Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:

6 Who, being in very nature God,

    did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,

7 but made himself nothing,

    taking the very nature of a servant,

    being made in human likeness.

  8 And being found in appearance as a man,

    he humbled himself

    and became obedient to death--

      even death on a cross!

  9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place

    and gave him the name that is above every name,

  10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,

    in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

  11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,

    to the glory of God the Father.  (NIV/WEB mix)



Story: "Son, we are no called to come back, we are just called to go"

    -You're not called to be treated justly, you're just called to obey----


2Ti_3:12  Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. (WEB)




The Purpose of Suffering

Find the right motivation of hope when hurting




@Al: Resolve Request -- from Overseer’s Wife



AlSat 12:41am(edited)

I would appreciate prayers that I would be successful in facing & resolving this whole incident. I see that my soul is still restless/unnerved/unsettled by what happened. I haven't fully faced and processed things yet.


I would appreciate if @Hd could talk some more about processing trauma, and believing in redemption, and not looking back (with a desire to change the past). I think I believe these things already to some degree, but this incident is helping to draw out breeches in my faith, where it is not bulletproof.


@Al: 1st Peter Suffering Thoughts -- from Overseer’s Wife




Sunday, October 1st 2023


AlSun 8:45am

Yummy- 1Pet 3:8- 4:19

Seems like such a relevant/pertinent and at-hand chunk of Scripture. Feel free to find any way to read any of this today for conference


AlSun 9:00am

Whoever loves life and desires to see good days...

Seek peace

Don't return evil, but give over a blessing.

Who will hurt you if you do good?

But even if you do hurt then you can be blessed.

Don't be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled.

Holy-ify God in your hearts.

Have a good conscience even if people defame you as evil doers.

Cash in on the redemption in suffering/hurting (i.e. 3:17).

Being put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit.

Think like Anointed One.

Whoever suffers (successfully?) in the flesh ceases from sin.

Giving up the lusts of the flesh; yielding/embracing the will of God.

Don't think it strange when you have trials.

Rejoice by faith that you are hurting.

Judgement begins here, at the house [of] God...

Therefore let those who hurt commit their souls to him while doing good.

He is a faithful Creator (interesting Peter uses God as Creator as convincing leverage for his appeal...)


AlSun 9:20am(edited)

@Hd Peter says to not suffer as an evil doer (or because you did something wrong?), but as one who does the will of God, etc.


The conscience of the righteous tend to be super (or supernaturally) sensitive. It seems easy to find a way to blame yourself for this n that, or to have those "should of, could of, would of" moments. How can we be well fortified in this area?


Ex Joseph

He could have thought, "maybe I shouldn't have shared my dreams with my brothers. Maybe they wouldn't have been provoked against me if I would have just walked around in silence around them. And then maybe I wouldn't have gotten sold into slavery"


Or with Potiphar's wife situation- "if I had not been in the house at that time when none of the other men were around then maybe I wouldn't have been caught by her, and in prison now"


[Overseer] HdSun 10:52am

@Al: Yayy, Thanks :+)



AlSun 3:26pm

I guess there is a difference between making a mistake and doing evil, correct?

And making mistakes could theoretically be within the acceptable will of God? Verses, "evil doing" = necessarily a morally wrong move?



Basic Biblical Concepts


Think: Book of Job


The utter vanity of atheism = rich people cannot find hope or resolve when life gets bad… the unjust perish under trial as James says…

>>Scrip: /\


Saves us from LUX


We finally get a chance to possibly…

·        Suffer

·        feel how evil sin is

·        save our rich souls

·        taste some bad to learn more about reality as opposed to all the good we have


embrace cooperation with God



Better in the house of mourners than mirth


Repenting of handling trauma the wrong way




Learn to breath deep

Cooperate with God’s will for us to feel profound evil/damage/pain


Result can be: we are no longer shallow spiritually immature people in danger of “just talking” hardcore…


We need to get virtuous and righteous so we’re not caught unprepared when needing supernatural intervention and answers to prayers


Goal: only suffer the amount needed to gain more virtue, but not from lack of virtue… (because the latter is no credit/favor to us)


Defeat pride, entitlement, lazy unbelief


And finally: learn to be optimistic


Moral Definitions

·        Hope / expecting (good) / Optimism

·        Joy / rejoice = cheerfulness

·        Faith / Belief = standing under it (persevering, remaining, enduring)


Suffering Explanation, Exhortation, Application



>> Scrip:

Through many trials we are indebted to enter into God's Kingdom


Trust Needed


All evil is under God's control


>> Scrip:


Our only part is to make sure we love God & are called sufficiently... (repented, & prepared to be found in Him in peace)

>> Scrip: ↑


We need to bend down and pray fervently to trust deep down...


These trials can hit hard when we've already been anxious and they confront us more directly with the deep need to trust...



Death & Trials Both Have the Same Purpose


Just as death serves a very important purpose to testify against sin when God wins each personal life-long battle, so also suffering in general serves a purpose to teach us about how evil sin is before we die, especially in hopes that we might glorify the Creator and be saved to ultimately live.

>see: OUC



Persecuation & Trials Both Have the Same Purpose


>> Scrip:

Mat & Jam, etc


We are told to rejoice in both persecution as well as trials



They are not always necessarily entirely all that different, especially since we are supposed to lead both of them into rejoicing.


It is our responsibility to lead all trials into cheerful rejoicing


Shared Sorrow & Shared Rejoicing


Rejoicing Does NOT Mean No Crying

Do your duty as a human to cry, but then do your duty to become a new human by rejoicing in favorable Hope by faith in the spirit.


Paul and Silas Rejoice Anyway

>> Scrip:

Paul and Silas sing in jail


Notice that Paul and Silas rejoiced when being persecuted by the Philippian jail system.


They could have potentially been sorrowful for each other's hurts and wounds, but much more glorious than this was their shared rejoicing and cheerful singing which got heaven's attention. - We need to attain to such glories corporately... so let's go ahead and get on the same team and believe into each other so we have a shot at it!


Martyrdom is the Purpose of Family

This shared rejoicing through persecution is exactly who we are supposed to turn our physical family into being, and much more should our spiritual family have unrestricted rejoicing to go through trials and even ultimately be martyred together (if God so wills)!


You can hurt for another beloved person who is hurting, but at some point you have to find the purpose of all hurting and lead it into a resolve of Hope which you can rejoice at the opportunity to believe in the face of hurting.



Body Trials vs Faith Conquering

Trials of Your Early Body vs. Overcoming Faith Victory of Your Glorious Future


Your Early Body is Distracted!

Your body is essentially (virtually, almost) entirely invested in this life, since that is the only form of expression it has ever known.


In your body, you can feel all kinds of sorrow, sadness, discouragement, fear, overwhelm, confusion, panic, fight or flight, from being attached to this life - and when you experience all of these sensations from being attached to the body, don't be so gullible as to take it personally.


Your body is doing what it is doing as being virtually entirely consistent with this life, and now it's time for you to do what you need to do by being entirely invested in the next age.


Let’s say that again:


Your body is doing what it is doing from being almost entirely invested and focused on this life, including the brokenness of sin and the inherent untruth and deception that comes with it, which is why you need to say no to yourself, and now it's time for you to do what you are doing by choosing to become a new creation by faith and overcome this life by being focused on the next life.


Feeling vs. Faith

Often times we humans experience a disturbing event and our bodies react to it based on the a-moral principles of broken physics, and we can face the immediate temptation to feel like we’ve already lost and been defined this way in the flesh, as ‘the cursed unbelieving lost person’ who can’t stop sinning and can’t stop reacting to sin in a sinful way, since we are already feeling the natural sensations of negativity in our bodies that contradict faith, but in fact this is exactly where it is time for faith to kick in:

We have not lost when we feel fear, we lose when we believe that feeling.

That initial feeling is typically part of being tied to the body.

When our body leads, then our soul is also fearful when such disarrangement exposes us and makes us vulnerable to every evil spirit warring against us.


But as soon as we feel it, whether in our bodies or even our souls, then it is time to say:



Don’t fear only believe


This is exactly why we say “no” to ourselves.


Sorrow with Optimism


Leading Your Sadness

We may indeed be very required to be sad, but the most important critical defining urgent part is where we get cheerful and optimistic!


After all sorrow you might go through, also watch to follow up and debrief to make sure none of it was worldly without faith. Then you can repent and get out all that is empty and untrue as you press toward the resolve of faith as seen in the Psalms.


Sad Past, Hopeful Future

We are sad in respect to what bad has happened in the past, but we look forward with optimistic cheerfulness to what is coming in the future by means of this temporary evil which testifies to the Truth.


You may need to strain in the sharpness of gnawing pain, but you need to put on cheerful optimism when despising the shame (Heb 12).


You are temporarily currently being devalued by the hurts of your body, perhaps right now when going through trials, but pain has always been intended as a motivator to bounce back with even greater bulletproof optimism from the value of Hope and Faith in the Truth.


Special Hope is Motivating

A brilliant person does what no other human can do and he rejoices greatly as onlookers applaud his breathtaking accomplishments, and we instead rejoice greatly at the opportunity to Hope in what no one else can hope in as Heaven looks on and applauds us with eternal rewards...


We rejoice against the hopelessness-es and limitations of the body and this life because we have such great opportunities for faith and rewards for overcoming the pressures to fail, and we can win by choosing righteousness and successful obedience instead. -- No one else has this blessed hope, and calling to be righteous, and no one else actually fulfills all Justice in the process of suffering, and we must exalt and max out to shine in our faces in the face of such opportunities through suffering and trials.


End-focus-ness Makes Optimistic Endurance (in the Meantime)


And when enduring, we must also be keeping in mind and remembering this, that: our sorrow is to last for a moment, only as long as the Creator has laid a timely and sufficient response to heavy affliction upon us, but our optimistic cheerfulness (real Biblical "joy") is to be ongoing, permanent, and bulletproof into forever, and definitely preceding our rewards as much as possible. Keeping in mind and remembering that it is a foolish folly and hazardous irresponsibility and reckless unrighteousness to measure ourselves or each other by the initial response of our bodies to adversity and unpleasant trials. Because just as we look to the Future for optimism and Hope from God so also we look to how each of us completes a matter much more than the beginning, and we measure and consider how we lead, and how we should lead, the responses of our body from this physical life on into cheerfulness and Orthodox optimism to determine what orthodox hope should save us through every season of trial.

    It is the end of a matter that tells us the conclusion, not the beginning, and it is our diligent ambition to grow even further in faith and Truth as gloriously new creatures by downloading the conclusion of the future as close to the source of the beginning as we can, while only fulfilling the initial necessary requirement of sorrow to righteously respond to the evil of this life.


Righteousness is the Missing Ingredient for Ultimate Optimism


Correct Creature or Conquering Crown?

Church people might say that God is going to take care of you and work it all out, and this can be generically true (or correct) in a limited sense for this life because God takes care of all of His creatures, including sinful unregenerate ones, especially if they will at least partly cooperate with Him.


But church people know almost nothing about rejoicing for being persecuted for real righteousness sake, just as they cannot really find the purpose for suffering since they themselves have never been really that willing to learn to not sin.


Sin is The Cause & Ignoring it is The Problem

God is in control of all evil and has even predestined every single detail of every single person's sin throughout all of existence.


We know that all evil & damaging hurt results from sin, and by this consequence, hurt testifies against sin to the glory of the real King of Justice in heaven, and whenever the real God is finally glorified we have hope and purpose for optimistic rejoicing, even if it is through such evil.


We can learn all kinds of things from suffering such as endurance, patience, hope, and trusting the Creator. Some of these things we need to learn as humans, but when we look past this life and embrace the optimistic satisfaction of God testifying against evil then the purpose is fulfilled in accomplishing Truth and we can be consoled with a heavenly satisfaction by faith that (at least, and by all means) the sweetest thing we love the most, Truth, is being glorified.


We must be responsible to respond to the moral needs of this life when anyone's body suffers evil, or any damage at all happens to valuable things, but along with this acknowledgment and faithful management of this temporary life we also now have a much higher responsibility to lead all evil into optimistic hope and even cheerful rejoicing.


The Need of Mourning


When someone dies or even if someone is hurting we do well to look back and embrace the sorrow of the evils of this life.


>> Scrip:

the house of mourners is better than the house of mirth


We need to mourn and we need to do so completely, without an ounce of avoidance and deference and hypnotic sedation like our grotesque modern cultures can do.


A “celebration” for someone's supposed “home going” is a multiplied abomination, adding endless insults to injuries.


But though we are to mourn to the fullest extent needful, yet we must never sorrow with worldly sorrow since it results in death instead of repentance when learning how evil sin is.

>> Scrip: ↑


Learning that Sin is Bad


Get one of the main point of life:

We need to hurt and really learn that sin is bad!


So many people boast in what they’ve supposedly learned through their trails and experiences, but they have nothing because they have never stopped sinning!


>> Scrip: ↓

Though he was inspired (Acts) , yet Moses was pushed away by the evil fleshly Israelites until at last, later on in his life, he said 'I have known your stiff neck' when describing and predicting how sinful they had been and would be.


We also still have great needs to learn how evil the flesh is, because how else will we go from being tempted (at the cash register) to over-engage in social situations in this life and in these societies, on into running with the two witnesses who plague the entire inhabitable world? (everywhere where people live in houses)


When we close our eyes and learn how evil sin is, we can glorify God who is finally saying the Truth about who He really is, and all of our suffering and hurting has potent purpose attached to it from which we can lead all experiences of evil into favorable rejoicing and optimistic hope as we actually choose righteousness and advance in Truth when going throughout all of our trials. - and that is a serious reason to rejoice!




Monetary Lowliness

(The Original Lowliness Bible study):

(Sat) 10/6/01; 10/13-10/14/01 (wps-doc); 12/27/03; 8/25/09; 4/20/13; other dates; 3/14/17


-- Under Construction --


>> Jesus became poor..." - also: '5 days wages could not pay for this croud' -- this proves that Jesus did not have 5 day's wages with Him,9171,1533448,00.html


Pro_13:20-21, etc.


BBS: Righteous Finances/ BBS: llo



>> get Refs: SYS bbs: James Condemns the Rich Perversion of Being Sue-happy -- and others....


1. Prosperity or Poverty?


The Prosperity of the OT


-‘Are yall ready to get rich?’

-What think about ‘prosperity’

-What does GOD want to bless us with?


The Poverty of the New Covenant



-1st 4 ‘Bleseds’ = ‘Blessed Lowlys’                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   -Not that you have 2 B poor, but New Blessedness emphasized




But the Real Poor Really are Blessed                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           



Camel Through Eye of needle (rich still is hard)



This is the Main State of New Covenant

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (GOD still gives $)

ÞOT & NT not contradicting on wealth, but Blessings changed. -But we no Love/’want’ it

-But not only New C, look at Lazarus: ( Rabbit Chase )                                  -We want to be really blessed



-(This is O.T.!)   >GOD has always LOVED the poor    >God never mint for us to love or value $, even in OT

*Hidden things in OT



Law Analogy: Law on heart : OT  \ Blessed Poor : OT

  -Poor was good in OT but it was revealed more so in NT, (David W/ Law on heart )


2. Poor = Good

8/1/02*; other dates; recompiled; 3/13/17 (Additional WD elements recompiled)

[* original title: Word Devour 4 -- “Lowliness”



No $ Discrimination:



-Treat popular people better?

Poor = High Position



ÞWe should ‘envy’ and respect those with High-Low positions

-If we believe this we will long for it -No complain if you are a janitor



Immediate Context:

This is a strange verse, but I like it a lot because it gives a Kingdom of God view of being poor.  In stead of having the idea that being poor is a low position, in the Kingdom of God you are in a high position if you are poor.  Likewise, if you are rich, you’re in a low state that warrants humility.  Being rich is something to take soberly, not as though you’re better, but in fact “...When I am week then I am strong.” (2Co_12:10).  Not that one cannot be poor in spirit in spite of his worldly wealth, (one can), but a rich person should realize his low state sow he can be poor in spirit. Otherwise his wealth will corrode and testify against him.


Personal Application:

I aspire to be poor one day. God could always end up giving me lots of money, but I’m not going to be so foolish as to try to get rich myself.  If riches make it infinately harder to get Jesus and they make me in a humiliating position, it just makes since to ‘ not be quick to get rich.’

May be I’ll be poorer than others and may be not, either way I choose not to look down on a simpler life, and I choose ahead of time not to complain if I am blessed with poorness.


>> NIV > CAB


PR 23:4 Do not wear yourself out to get rich; have the wisdom to show restraint.


PR 28:20 A faithful man will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished.


So eagerness for riches is a sin. Some people don’t seem to get this.


1TI_6:6 But godliness with contentment is great gain. [7] For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. [8] But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. [9] People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. [10] For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.


V. 8 shows how little it takes to make Paul content. And so why do I find myself complaining sometimes?!

V. 9 Sheds light on the foolishness of pursuing money.

V. 10 Shows what the problem with wealth.  It’s not the paper or its worth, but it is the eagerness and love that we tend to prostitute ourselves with it that makes it ‘filthy lucre.’



Psa_37:16 WEB  Better is a little that the righteous has, than the abundance of many wicked.

Psa_37:16 CAB  A little is better to the righteous than the abundant wealth of sinners.

Psa_37:16  (36:16) κρεῖσσον ὀλίγον τῷ δικαίῳ ὑπὲρ πλοῦτον ἁμαρτωλῶν πολύν·

Psa_37:17 For the arms of the wicked shall be broken, but Yahweh upholds the righteous.

Psa_37:17 For the arms of sinners shall be broken; but the Lord supports the righteous.

Psa_37:17  (36:17) ὅτι βραχίονες ἁμαρτωλῶν συντριβήσονται, ὑποστηρίζει δὲ τοὺς δικαίους κύριος.

Psa_37:18 Yahweh knows the days of the perfect. Their inheritance shall be forever.

Psa_37:18 The Lord knows the ways of the upright; and their inheritance shall be forever.

Psa_37:18  (36:18) γινώσκει κύριος τὰς ὁδοὺς τῶν ἀμώμων, καὶ ἡ κληρονομία αὐτῶν εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα ἔσται·

Psa_37:19 They shall not be disappointed in the time of evil. In the days of famine they shall be satisfied.

Psa_37:19 They shall not be ashamed in an evil time; and in days of famine they shall be satisfied.

Psa_37:19  (36:19) οὐ καταισχυνθήσονται ἐν καιρῷ πονηρῷ καὶ ἐν ἡμέραις λιμοῦ χορτασθήσονται.



Vanity of Storing Up For Your Self



Psa_39:6 WEB  "Surely every man walks like a shadow. Surely they busy themselves in vain. He heaps up, and doesn't know who shall gather.

Psa_39:6 CAB  Surely man walks in a shadow; nay, he is disquieted in vain; he lays up treasures, and knows not for whom he shall gather them.

Psa_39:6  (38:7) μέντοιγε ἐν εἰκόνι διαπορεύεται ἄνθρωπος, πλὴν μάτην ταράσσονται· θησαυρίζει καὶ οὐ γινώσκει τίνι συνάξει αὐτά.




3. Good Richness

the way to honor GOD with wealth



Prosperity Passages

other dates, incl. 2002 (See: Word Devour 4 -- “Lowliness”); 3/13/17 (recompiled)

original title: Prosperity Doctrine



>> NIV > CAB


Deu_30:9  "The LORD your God will make you abound in all the work of your hand, in the fruit of your body, in the increase of your livestock, and in the produce of your land for good. For the LORD will again rejoice over you for good as He rejoiced over your fathers,                     (NKJ)


Jos_1:8  "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.                                                   (NKJ)



PS 25:12 Who, then, is the man that fears the LORD?

    He will instruct him in the way chosen for him.

            13 He will spend his days in prosperity,

    and his descendants will inherit the land.



PS 72:7 In his days the righteous will flourish;

    prosperity will abound till the moon is no more.



DT 28:8 The LORD will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to. The LORD your God will

bless you in the land he is giving you.


PR 3:7 Do not be wise in your own eyes;                 

    fear the LORD and shun evil.

          8 This will bring health to your body

    and nourishment to your bones.

              [What they focus on]

  PR 3:9 Honor the LORD with your wealth,

    with the firstfruits of all your crops; 

    10 then your barns will be filled to overflowing,

    and your vats will brim over with new wine.

         11 My son, do not despise the LORD's discipline

    and do not resent his rebuke,

         12 because the LORD disciplines those he loves,

    as a father the son he delights in.



PS 144:13 Our barns will be filled

    with every kind of provision.

  Our sheep will increase by thousands,

    by tens of thousands in our fields;

    PS 144:14 our oxen will draw heavy loads.

  There will be no breaching of walls,

    no going into captivity,  

    no cry of distress in our streets.

  PS 144:15 Blessed are the people of whom this is true;

    blessed are the people whose God is the LORD.


These are the true verses in the Bible that promises blessings that greedy people pervert to promote their ‘bless me’ doctrines.  Its funny that they don’t make many New testament references. Here is the only one that I could think of that had anything to do with a blessing of wealth:


2CO_9:11 You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.


Paul was saying that God had and would continue to give them wealth so that they could join with him in giving to the poor.  Not so that they could drive nice cars or have enough money. The only reason Paul sights is so that they could be generous to the poor.  Now that is a blessing.


New covenant

>> NIV > CAB


MT 5:1 Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, 2 and he began to teach them, saying: 3 "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.



JESUS was establishing a new principle that went beyond the old covenant.  The other scriptures are how they definned a blessing in under the old covenant, but this is now the true revealed blessing: to be poor.


Sounds a lot like:

>> NIV > CAB


Jam_2:5  ... Has1586, 0 not3756 God2316 chosen1586 the poor4434 of this5127 world2889 rich4145 in1722 faith4102, and2532 heirs2818 of the kingdom932 which3739 he has promised1861 to them that love25 him846?


Looks like James was paying attention to the things that Jesus taught.



Practical Examples

>> NIV > CAB


2CO_6:8 through glory and dishonor, bad report and good report; genuine, yet regarded as impostors; 9 known, yet regarded as unknown; dying, and yet we live on; beaten, and yet not killed; 10 sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything.


2CO_8:9 For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.


A Good Last Note

PHP 4: …I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do everything through him who gives me strength.






-Don’t forget 2Co_9:11

-Prosperity that is true is not bad

-‘richness =gift from GOD’ -so enjoy it

-Blesses you with needs

-Everything you do should prosper


>> all throughout Genesis  Samuel, Kings and Chronicles


Psa_36:8 KJV+  They shall be abundantly satisfiedH7301 with the fatnessH4480 H1880 of thy house;H1004 and thou shalt make them drinkH8248 of the riverH5158 of thy pleasures.H5730

Psa_36:8 LB They shall be fully satisfied with the fatness of Your house; and You shall cause them to drink of the full stream of Your delights.

Psa_36:8  (35:9) μεθυσθήσονται ἀπὸ πιότητος τοῦ οἴκου σου, καὶ τὸν χειμάρρουν τῆς τρυφῆς σου ποτιεῖς αὐτούς·



Psa_37:3 KJV+  TrustH982 in the LORD,H3068 and doH6213 good;H2896 so shalt thou dwellH7931 in the land,H776 and verilyH530 thou shalt be fed.H7462

Psa_37:3 LB Hope in the Lord, and do good; and dwell on the land, and you shall be fed with the wealth of it.

Psa_37:3  (36:3) ἔλπισον ἐπὶ κύριον καὶ ποίει χρηστότητα καὶ κατασκήνου τὴν γῆν, καὶ ποιμανθήσῃ ἐπὶ τῷ πλούτῳ αὐτῆς·



I Have Learned How To Be Content



-Forsake all

-do we relay believe that we are blessed?

-Let righteous strike me

-Conclusion of fiscal wealth, Once you get so humble and loving lowliness, then GOD can give you  Money and trust you with it because He knows you don’t value it

-David; guy that through dust

-Moses; enemies confront, fall on face


-hall of faith? -Holes in the ground

-edit in “love rebuke” -let the righteous strike me



Poor Scriptures List

9/14/02 (Word: Printed); 9/28/02 (Word: Created: Poor Scripture List -- ACT LIKE A CHRISTIAN.doc)-9/29/02 (Sat, in prep for Sun); 12/20/02 (Word: Modified); 1/16/04 (Word: Created: Poor Scripture List.doc); Other date(s)?; 11/24/07 (+Word: Modified); 2/20/17 (recompiled)


Why you should want to be poor


The New covenant was introduced with the goodness of being poor

Lk. 6:20-26/ Mt.5:3-6

Jesus was poor

2Cor. 8:9, Mt. 8:20/ Lk9:58

The apostles where poor, following Jesus’  foot steps (Also see: Act. 3:6, and 2Cor_8:2-4)

1Cor_4:9-13, 2Cor. 6:8-9

You’re not supposed to store up $

How can you be that rich if you don’t store up $?

Mt. 6:26

God may kill you if you wrongly store up money for yourself and thus become a fool

Side Issues:

-Does Jesus kill people?

-Is God the one who killed the rich man, (mentioned in Luke)? It is strongly implied that He is the one who demanded the life. Also see:

Lk. 12:13-21


Rev.19:15 & 21


It’s Hard for rich people to go to Heaven

Mt. 9:23-26/ Mk. 10:24-27/ Lk. 18:23-27

* If you are rich now, you’ll be poor later. The Bible says, “Woe to you who are rich now…” *

Lk. 6:20-26

If you’re rich, then misery will come upon you and the corrosion of your wealth will eat your flesh like fire.

(It is important to know what it means to be “rich” see Mt. 5:3)


(Also see verses 4-6)

Being rich is a low/humiliating position for you to be in, if you believe in Jesus


The Bible sometimes calls money “Filthy Lucre” (KJV)

G146 αἰσχροκερδής aischrokerdēs ahee-skhrok-er-dace'

From G150 and κέρδος kerdos (gain); sordid:

- given to (greedy of) filthy lucre.

1 Thes_3:3

God Has chosen the poor!                      (see V. 5)


If you don’t hate $, then you do not Love God but you hate him and you are not serving Him!

Mt. 6:24,

Lk. 16:13

If you want to get rich you fall in to temptation, destruction, ruin, foolishness, harmful desires,  grief, and all kinds of evil

1 Tim_6:6-11

· By the way, this list is not at all intended to be easy to understand or make a lot of sense.

· Neither does Lk. 6:20-26, (mentioned above). · See other List below…

You’re supposed to willingly and joyfully except it if someone steels from you, and give them more of you’re stuff

Heb_10:24, Mt.5:40-42

If you’re rich and consistently don’t give to the poor, you go to Hell

Lk. 16:19-26, Think:

Mt. 25:41-46

The Bible says to show restraint instead of striving to get rich


More reasons


Good Riches

Why It Can Be Good to Be Rich:


If you give to the poor, God has no problem, (in general), with making you rich [The Corinthians were rich like this]


Joseph of Arimathea was rich and was well spoken of

Mt 27:57-60


*Paul could handle being rich or being poor- neither one bothered him at all…*


Similarly Jesus was OK with people being rich

(If they are mindful of the poor)

Lk. 5:29, 14:12-13

…he did not value $ or any wordily goods


1.   1.  People in the early church did not lack anything

2.   and yet they did not consider any thing theirs own possession

3.   and they gave to those in need

4.   and they let people confiscate their goods


(Because of this, God could trust them with $)







How a rich Christian should act (good passage)




1.   Do you love or hate $ ?

2.   Are you ready to ‘Get rich quick?’

3.   Is $ a blessing to you, or is getting closer to Jesus the blessing to you?

4.   Even more than this, do you love to suffer?

5. Do you love being lowly, humble, “not cool”?






Poverty Reading Compilation



G4432 G4433 G4434 √

ABP+ Exo_23:11; Lev_19:10; Lev_19:15; Lev_23:22; Deu_8:9; Deu_14:5; Deu_24:19; Jdg_6:6; Jdg_14:15; Rth_3:10; 1Sa_2:7; 1Sa_2:8; 2Sa_22:28; 2Ki_25:12; 1Ch_22:14; Est_1:20; Est_9:22; Job_5:16; Job_22:8; Job_29:12; Job_30:27; Job_34:28; Job_36:6; Job_36:21; Psa_9:18; Psa_10:2; Psa_10:9; Psa_10:14; Psa_12:5; Psa_14:6; Psa_22:24; Psa_25:16; Psa_31:10; Psa_34:6; Psa_34:10; Psa_35:10; Psa_37:14; Psa_40:17; Psa_41:1; Psa_44:24; Psa_68:10; Psa_69:29; Psa_69:32; Psa_70:5; Psa_72:2; Psa_72:4; Psa_72:12; Psa_72:13; Psa_74:21; Psa_79:8; Psa_82:3; Psa_82:4; Psa_86:1; Psa_88:9; Psa_88:15; Psa_102:0; Psa_107:10; Psa_107:41; Psa_109:16; Psa_109:22; Psa_113:7; Psa_132:15; Psa_140:12; Pro_13:8; Pro_14:20; Pro_14:21; Pro_14:31; Pro_17:5; Pro_19:1; Pro_19:4; Pro_19:7; Pro_19:17; Pro_19:22; Pro_22:2; Pro_22:7; Pro_22:9; Pro_22:22; Pro_23:21; Pro_28:3; Pro_28:6; Pro_28:8; Pro_28:15; Pro_28:27; Pro_29:7; Pro_29:14; Pro_31:20; Isa_3:14; Isa_3:15; Isa_10:2; Isa_14:30; Isa_24:6; Isa_25:3; Isa_29:19; Isa_41:17; Isa_48:10; Isa_58:7; Isa_61:1; Jer_5:4; Jer_39:10; Lam_3:1; Lam_3:19; Eze_16:49; Eze_18:12; Eze_22:29; Amo_2:7; Amo_4:1; Amo_5:11; Amo_8:4; Amo_8:6; Hab_3:14; Mat_5:3; Mat_11:5; Mat_19:21; Mat_26:9; Mat_26:11; Mar_10:21; Mar_12:42; Mar_12:43; Mar_14:5; Mar_14:7; Luk_4:18; Luk_6:20; Luk_7:22; Luk_14:13; Luk_14:21; Luk_16:20; Luk_16:22; Luk_18:22; Luk_19:8; Luk_21:3; Joh_12:5; Joh_12:6; Joh_12:8; Joh_13:29; Rom_15:26; 2Co_6:10; 2Co_8:2; 2Co_8:9; Gal_2:10; Gal_4:9; Jas_2:2; Jas_2:3; Jas_2:5; Jas_2:6; Rev_2:9; Rev_3:17; Rev_13:16;


G3993 G3998 -- Excluding Previous

ABP+ Exo_22:25; Exo_23:3; Exo_23:6; Exo_30:15; Lev_14:21; Lev_25:25; Lev_25:35; Lev_27:5; Lev_27:6; Deu_15:11; Deu_24:12; Deu_24:14; Deu_24:15; 2Sa_12:1; 2Sa_12:3; 2Sa_12:4; 2Ki_24:14; Psa_9:9; Psa_9:12; Psa_10:8; Psa_10:10; Psa_10:12; Psa_10:17; Psa_11:4; Psa_22:26; Psa_49:2; Psa_69:33; Psa_74:19; Psa_109:31; Psa_112:9; Pro_18:23; Pro_22:16; Pro_23:4; Pro_28:11; Pro_30:9; Pro_30:14; Pro_31:9; Ecc_4:13; Ecc_4:14; Ecc_5:8; Ecc_6:8; Ecc_9:15; Ecc_9:16; Jer_20:13; Jer_22:16; Jer_40:7; Jer_52:15; Jer_52:16; Dan_4:27; Amo_2:6; Amo_5:12; Zec_7:10; Luk_21:2; 2Co_9:9;


poor poverty destitut needy meek humble humilliat lowly

 -- not incl previous:


ABP+ Gen_15:13; Gen_16:9; Gen_31:50; Lev_16:29; Lev_16:31; Lev_23:27; Lev_23:32; Jdg_16:5; Jdg_16:6; Jdg_16:19; Jdg_19:24; 1Sa_18:23; 2Sa_7:10; 1Ki_8:35; 1Ch_17:9; 2Ch_6:26; Ezr_8:21; Job_5:11; Job_12:21; Job_22:23; Job_36:8; Job_40:11; Psa_10:18; Psa_18:27; Psa_34:18; Psa_55:19; Psa_102:17; Psa_113:6; Psa_131:2; Psa_138:6; Pro_3:34; Pro_6:11; Pro_10:4; Pro_10:15; Pro_11:2; Pro_13:18; Pro_15:33; Pro_16:1; Pro_24:34; Pro_25:7; Pro_28:19; Pro_29:23; Pro_30:8; Pro_31:7; Isa_11:4; Isa_25:4; Isa_25:11; Isa_26:6; Isa_32:7; Isa_49:13; Isa_54:11; Isa_58:3; Isa_58:4; Isa_58:5; Isa_58:10; Isa_66:2; Lam_3:34; Eze_29:14; Dan_4:37; Dan_7:24; Zep_2:3; Zep_3:12; Mat_11:29; Mat_23:12; Luk_1:52; Rom_12:16; 2Co_7:6; 2Co_10:1; 2Co_12:21; Php_4:12; Jas_1:9; Jas_4:6; Jas_4:10; 1Pe_5:5;

-- CAB:

br-CAB Gen_15:13; Gen_31:50; Gen_34:2; Gen_47:18; Exo_1:12; Exo_22:25; Exo_23:3; Exo_23:6; Exo_23:11; Exo_30:15; Lev_14:21; Lev_16:29; Lev_16:31; Lev_19:10; Lev_19:15; Lev_23:22; Lev_23:27; Lev_23:29; Lev_23:32; Lev_25:25; Lev_25:35; Lev_27:8; Num_12:3; Num_13:21; Deu_8:9; Deu_15:4; Deu_15:7; Deu_15:11; Deu_21:14; Deu_22:24; Deu_22:29; Deu_24:14; Deu_24:16; Deu_24:17; Deu_26:6; Jdg_3:30; Jdg_16:5; Jdg_16:6; Jdg_16:19; Jdg_19:24; Jdg_20:5; Rth_1:21; Rth_3:10; 1Sa_2:7; 1Sa_2:8; 1Sa_7:13; 1Sa_12:8; 1Sa_18:23; 2Sa_12:1; 2Sa_12:3; 2Sa_12:4; 2Sa_13:12; 2Sa_13:14; 2Sa_13:32; 2Sa_15:34; 2Sa_22:28; 1Ki_8:35; 2Ki_14:26; 2Ki_22:19; 2Ki_24:14; 2Ki_25:12; 1Ch_17:10; 1Ch_22:14; 2Ch_28:19; 2Ch_32:26; 2Ch_33:12; 2Ch_33:23; 2Ch_34:27; Ezr_8:21; Est_1:1; Est_1:20; Est_4:17; Est_6:13; Est_9:22; Job_5:11; Job_12:21; Job_16:2; Job_22:23; Job_22:29; Job_24:4; Job_24:6; Job_24:12; Job_29:12; Job_30:27; Job_31:20; Job_31:34; Job_34:20; Job_34:28; Job_36:6; Job_36:8; Job_36:15; Job_36:21; Psa_9:9; Psa_9:12; Psa_9:18; Psa_10:2; Psa_10:8; Psa_10:9; Psa_10:10; Psa_10:12; Psa_10:14; Psa_10:17; Psa_11:4; Psa_12:5; Psa_14:6; Psa_18:27; Psa_22:24; Psa_22:26; Psa_25:9; Psa_25:16; Psa_31:10; Psa_34:2; Psa_34:6; Psa_34:10; Psa_34:18; Psa_35:10; Psa_35:13; Psa_35:14; Psa_37:11; Psa_37:14; Psa_39:2; Psa_40:17; Psa_41:1; Psa_44:24; Psa_45:4; Psa_49:2; Psa_51:17; Psa_68:10; Psa_69:29; Psa_69:32; Psa_69:33; Psa_70:5; Psa_72:2; Psa_72:4; Psa_72:12; Psa_72:13; Psa_74:19; Psa_74:21; Psa_76:9; Psa_82:3; Psa_82:4; Psa_86:1; Psa_88:9; Psa_88:15; Psa_102:1; Psa_102:17; Psa_107:10; Psa_107:41; Psa_109:16; Psa_109:22; Psa_109:31; Psa_112:9; Psa_113:7; Psa_131:2; Psa_132:1; Psa_132:15; Psa_138:6; Psa_140:12; Psa_147:6; Psa_149:4; Pro_3:27; Pro_3:34; Pro_6:11; Pro_10:4; Pro_10:15; Pro_11:2; Pro_13:8; Pro_13:18; Pro_14:20; Pro_14:21; Pro_14:30; Pro_14:31; Pro_16:19; Pro_16:33; Pro_17:5; Pro_17:14; Pro_18:12; Pro_19:4; Pro_19:7; Pro_19:17; Pro_19:22; Pro_21:13; Pro_21:17; Pro_22:2; Pro_22:7; Pro_22:9; Pro_22:16; Pro_22:22; Pro_23:4; Pro_23:21; Pro_25:8; Pro_25:9; Pro_25:14; Pro_25:31; Pro_25:34; Pro_26:5; Pro_26:7; Pro_26:9; Pro_27:7; Pro_30:3; Pro_30:6; Pro_30:8; Pro_30:11; Pro_30:15; Pro_30:19; Pro_30:27; Pro_31:7; Pro_31:14; Pro_31:20; Pro_31:23; Ecc_4:13; Ecc_4:14; Ecc_5:7; Ecc_6:8; Ecc_9:15; Ecc_9:16; Isa_2:9; Isa_3:14; Isa_3:15; Isa_3:17; Isa_10:2; Isa_11:4; Isa_14:30; Isa_14:32; Isa_24:6; Isa_25:3; Isa_25:4; Isa_26:5; Isa_26:6; Isa_29:19; Isa_32:7; Isa_41:17; Isa_49:13; Isa_58:4; Isa_58:7; Isa_61:1; Isa_66:2; Jer_5:4; Jer_13:18; Jer_20:13; Jer_22:16; Jer_33:9; Jer_39:43; Jer_40:10; Lam_2:5; Lam_3:1; Lam_3:19; Lam_5:11; Eze_16:49; Eze_18:12; Eze_22:10; Eze_22:11; Eze_22:29; Dan_3:23; Dan_4:24; Dan_5:22; Amo_2:6; Amo_2:7; Amo_4:1; Amo_5:11; Amo_5:12; Amo_8:4; Amo_8:6; Hab_3:14; Zep_2:3; Zep_3:12; Zec_7:10; Zec_7:14; Zec_9:9; Mat_5:3; Mat_5:5; Mat_11:5; Mat_11:29; Mat_18:4; Mat_19:21; Mat_21:5; Mat_23:12; Mat_26:9; Mat_26:11; Mar_10:21; Mar_12:42; Mar_12:43; Mar_12:44; Mar_14:5; Mar_14:7; Luk_1:48; Luk_1:52; Luk_3:5; Luk_4:18; Luk_6:20; Luk_7:22; Luk_14:11; Luk_14:13; Luk_14:21; Luk_18:14; Luk_18:22; Luk_19:8; Luk_21:2; Luk_21:3; Luk_21:4; Joh_12:5; Joh_12:6; Joh_12:8; Joh_13:29; Act_4:34; Act_27:7; Rom_12:16; Rom_15:26; 1Co_13:3; 2Co_6:10; 2Co_8:2; 2Co_8:9; 2Co_9:9; 2Co_10:1; 2Co_12:21; Gal_2:10; Eph_4:2; Php_2:8; Php_3:21; Col_3:12; 2Ti_2:25; Tit_3:2; Jas_1:9; Jas_1:21; Jas_2:2; Jas_2:3; Jas_2:5; Jas_2:6; Jas_2:15; Jas_3:13; Jas_4:6; Jas_4:10; 1Pe_3:15; 1Pe_5:5; 1Pe_5:6; Rev_2:9; Rev_3:17; Rev_13:16; Tob_2:2; Tob_4:7; Tob_4:19; Tob_4:21; Jdt_4:9; Wis_2:10; Wis_2:19; Wis_12:6; Sir_1:27; Sir_1:28; Sir_2:17; Sir_3:17; Sir_3:18; Sir_3:19; Sir_3:20; Sir_4:1; Sir_4:4; Sir_4:5; Sir_4:8; Sir_7:11; Sir_7:17; Sir_7:32; Sir_10:14; Sir_10:15; Sir_10:22; Sir_10:23; Sir_10:28; Sir_10:30; Sir_10:31; Sir_11:12; Sir_11:14; Sir_11:21; Sir_12:5; Sir_12:11; Sir_13:3; Sir_13:18; Sir_13:19; Sir_13:20; Sir_13:21; Sir_13:22; Sir_13:23; Sir_13:24; Sir_18:21; Sir_18:25; Sir_21:5; Sir_22:23; Sir_25:2; Sir_26:4; Sir_26:28; Sir_29:8; Sir_29:9; Sir_29:22; Sir_30:14; Sir_31:20; Sir_31:21; Sir_32:13; Sir_32:17; Sir_34:4; Sir_36:23; Sir_37:20; Sir_38:19; Sir_40:3; Sir_41:2; Sir_45:4; Bar_2:19; Bar_6:28; 2Ma_4:47; 1Es_3:19; 3Ma_5:6; 4Ma_2:8;



WEBA Gen_34:2; Gen_41:19; Gen_45:11; Exo_10:3; Exo_22:25; Exo_23:3; Exo_23:6; Exo_23:11; Exo_30:15; Lev_14:21; Lev_19:10; Lev_19:15; Lev_23:22; Lev_25:25; Lev_25:35; Lev_25:39; Lev_25:47; Lev_26:41; Lev_27:8; Num_12:3; Deu_8:2; Deu_8:3; Deu_8:16; Deu_15:4; Deu_15:7; Deu_15:9; Deu_15:11; Deu_21:14; Deu_22:24; Deu_22:29; Deu_24:12; Deu_24:14; Deu_24:15; Jdg_6:15; Jdg_19:24; Rth_3:10; 1Sa_2:7; 1Sa_2:8; 1Sa_18:23; 2Sa_12:1; 2Sa_12:3; 2Sa_12:4; 1Ki_21:29; 2Ki_22:19; 2Ki_24:14; 2Ki_25:12; 2Ch_7:14; 2Ch_12:6; 2Ch_12:7; 2Ch_12:12; 2Ch_30:11; 2Ch_32:26; 2Ch_33:12; 2Ch_33:19; 2Ch_33:23; 2Ch_34:27; 2Ch_36:12; Ezr_8:21; Est_1:1; Est_1:20; Est_4:8; Est_4:17; Est_6:13; Est_9:22; Job_5:15; Job_5:16; Job_20:10; Job_20:19; Job_22:29; Job_24:4; Job_24:9; Job_24:14; Job_29:12; Job_29:16; Job_30:25; Job_31:16; Job_31:19; Job_34:19; Job_34:28; Job_40:12; Psa_9:18; Psa_10:17; Psa_12:5; Psa_14:6; Psa_22:26; Psa_25:9; Psa_34:2; Psa_34:6; Psa_35:10; Psa_37:11; Psa_37:14; Psa_40:17; Psa_41:1; Psa_49:2; Psa_68:10; Psa_68:30; Psa_69:32; Psa_69:33; Psa_70:5; Psa_72:2; Psa_72:4; Psa_72:12; Psa_72:13; Psa_74:19; Psa_74:21; Psa_82:3; Psa_82:4; Psa_86:1; Psa_102:17; Psa_107:41; Psa_109:16; Psa_109:22; Psa_109:31; Psa_112:9; Psa_113:7; Psa_132:15; Psa_138:6; Psa_140:12; Psa_141:8; Psa_147:6; Psa_149:4; Pro_3:34; Pro_6:3; Pro_6:11; Pro_10:4; Pro_10:15; Pro_11:24; Pro_13:7; Pro_13:8; Pro_13:18; Pro_13:23; Pro_14:20; Pro_14:21; Pro_14:23; Pro_14:31; Pro_16:19; Pro_17:5; Pro_18:23; Pro_19:1; Pro_19:4; Pro_19:7; Pro_19:17; Pro_19:22; Pro_20:13; Pro_21:5; Pro_21:13; Pro_21:17; Pro_22:2; Pro_22:7; Pro_22:9; Pro_22:16; Pro_22:22; Pro_23:21; Pro_24:34; Pro_28:3; Pro_28:6; Pro_28:8; Pro_28:11; Pro_28:19; Pro_28:22; Pro_28:27; Pro_29:7; Pro_29:13; Pro_29:14; Pro_29:23; Pro_30:8; Pro_30:9; Pro_30:14; Pro_31:7; Pro_31:9; Pro_31:20; Ecc_4:13; Ecc_4:14; Ecc_5:8; Ecc_6:8; Ecc_9:15; Ecc_9:16; Isa_2:9; Isa_3:14; Isa_3:15; Isa_5:15; Isa_10:2; Isa_10:30; Isa_11:4; Isa_13:11; Isa_14:8; Isa_14:30; Isa_25:4; Isa_25:11; Isa_26:6; Isa_29:19; Isa_32:7; Isa_41:17; Isa_57:15; Isa_58:5; Isa_58:7; Isa_61:1; Isa_66:2; Jer_2:34; Jer_5:4; Jer_5:28; Jer_13:18; Jer_20:13; Jer_22:16; Jer_39:10; Jer_40:7; Jer_44:10; Jer_52:15; Jer_52:16; Eze_16:49; Eze_18:12; Eze_18:13; Eze_18:17; Eze_21:26; Eze_22:10; Eze_22:11; Eze_22:29; Eze_29:14; Eze_32:15; Dan_3:23; Dan_4:27; Dan_5:22; Dan_10:12; Amo_2:6; Amo_2:7; Amo_4:1; Amo_5:11; Amo_5:12; Amo_8:4; Amo_8:6; Zep_2:3; Zep_3:12; Zec_7:10; Zec_9:9; Zec_11:11; Mat_5:3; Mat_11:5; Mat_11:29; Mat_18:4; Mat_19:21; Mat_21:5; Mat_23:12; Mat_26:9; Mat_26:11; Mar_10:21; Mar_12:42; Mar_12:43; Mar_12:44; Mar_14:5; Mar_14:7; Luk_1:48; Luk_1:52; Luk_4:18; Luk_6:20; Luk_7:22; Luk_11:41; Luk_12:33; Luk_14:11; Luk_14:13; Luk_14:21; Luk_18:14; Luk_18:22; Luk_19:8; Luk_21:2; Luk_21:3; Luk_21:4; Joh_12:5; Joh_12:6; Joh_12:8; Joh_13:29; Act_3:2; Act_3:3; Act_3:10; Act_10:2; Act_10:4; Act_10:31; Act_24:17; Act_27:7; Rom_12:16; Rom_15:26; 1Co_1:28; 1Co_13:3; 2Co_6:10; 2Co_7:6; 2Co_8:2; 2Co_8:9; 2Co_9:9; 2Co_10:1; 2Co_12:21; Gal_2:10; Php_2:8; Php_4:12; 1Ti_6:5; Heb_11:37; Jas_1:9; Jas_1:10; Jas_2:2; Jas_2:3; Jas_2:5; Jas_2:6; Jas_4:6; Jas_4:10; 1Pe_5:5; 1Pe_5:6; Rev_2:9; Rev_3:17; Rev_13:16; Tob_2:2; Tob_4:7; Tob_4:19; Tob_4:21; Jdt_4:9; Jdt_16:11; Wis_2:10; Wis_10:4; Sir_1:27; Sir_2:17; Sir_3:17; Sir_3:18; Sir_3:20; Sir_4:1; Sir_4:4; Sir_4:8; Sir_7:11; Sir_7:17; Sir_7:32; Sir_10:14; Sir_10:15; Sir_10:22; Sir_10:23; Sir_10:28; Sir_10:30; Sir_10:31; Sir_11:1; Sir_11:12; Sir_11:14; Sir_11:21; Sir_12:5; Sir_12:11; Sir_13:3; Sir_13:18; Sir_13:19; Sir_13:20; Sir_13:23; Sir_13:24; Sir_18:21; Sir_18:25; Sir_21:5; Sir_22:23; Sir_25:2; Sir_26:4; Sir_26:28; Sir_29:8; Sir_29:9; Sir_29:22; Sir_30:14; Sir_31:4; Sir_34:20; Sir_34:21; Sir_35:13; Sir_35:17; Sir_36:23; Sir_37:20; Sir_38:19; Sir_40:3; Sir_41:2; Sir_45:4; Bar_6:28; 2Ma_5:27; 2Ma_8:35; 1Es_3:19; 2Es_2:20; 2Es_8:49; 2Es_10:7; 2Es_11:42; 2Es_14:13; 2Es_15:49; 2Es_15:51; 3Ma_5:6; 4Ma_2:8;




ABP+ Deu_15:4; Deu_15:7; Deu_28:20; Deu_28:57; Job_30:3; Job_30:4; Pro_3:27; Pro_6:11; Pro_6:32; Pro_7:7; Pro_9:4; Pro_9:13; Pro_9:16; Pro_10:21; Pro_11:12; Pro_11:16; Pro_12:11; Pro_13:25; Pro_14:23; Pro_15:21; Pro_17:14; Pro_18:2; Pro_21:17; Pro_24:30; Pro_24:34; Pro_27:7; Pro_28:16; Isa_25:4; Eze_4:16; Eze_4:17; Eze_12:19; Amo_4:6; Act_4:34;


Already Read

Gen_41:19; Gen_45:11; Exo_22:25; Exo_23:3; Exo_23:6; Exo_23:11; Exo_30:15; Lev_14:21; Lev_19:10; Lev_19:15; Lev_23:22; Lev_25:25; Lev_25:35; Lev_25:39; Lev_25:47; Lev_27:8; Num_13:20; Deu_8:9; Deu_15:4; Deu_15:7; Deu_15:9; Deu_15:11; Deu_24:12; Deu_24:14; Deu_24:15;

Jdg_6:15; Rth_3:10; 1Sa_2:7; 1Sa_2:8; 1Sa_18:23; 2Sa_12:1; 2Sa_12:3; 2Sa_12:4; 2Sa_22:28; 2Ki_24:14; 2Ki_25:12; 1Ch_22:14; Est_1:20; Est_9:22;

Job_5:15; Job_5:16; Job_20:10; Job_20:19; Job_24:4; Job_24:6; Job_24:9; Job_24:12; Job_24:14;

Job_29:12; Job_29:16; Job_30:25; Job_30:27; Job_31:16; Job_31:19; Job_31:20; Job_31:34; Job_34:19; Job_34:20; Job_34:28;

Job_36:6; Job_36:8; Job_36:15; Job_36:21;

Psa_9:9; Psa_9:12; Psa_9:18;

Psa_10:2; Psa_10:8; Psa_10:9; Psa_10:10; Psa_10:12; Psa_10:14; Psa_10:17;

Psa_11:4; Psa_12:5; Psa_14:6; Psa_22:24; Psa_22:26; Psa_25:16; Psa_31:10; Psa_34:6; Psa_34:10; Psa_35:10;



Fully Compiled

>> Add?: ABP+ Deu_15:4; Deu_15:7; Deu_28:20; Deu_28:57; Job_30:3; Job_30:4; Pro_3:27; Pro_6:11; Pro_6:32; Pro_7:7; Pro_9:4; Pro_9:13; Pro_9:16; Pro_10:21; Pro_11:12; Pro_11:16; Pro_12:11; Pro_13:25; Pro_14:23; Pro_15:21; Pro_17:14; Pro_18:2; Pro_21:17; Pro_24:30; Pro_24:34; Pro_27:7; Pro_28:16; Isa_25:4; Eze_4:16; Eze_4:17; Eze_12:19; Amo_4:6; Act_4:34;


Exo_23:11; Lev_19:10; Lev_19:15; Lev_23:22; Deu_8:9; Deu_14:5; Deu_24:19; Jdg_6:6; Jdg_14:15; Rth_3:10; 1Sa_2:7; 1Sa_2:8; 2Sa_22:28; 2Ki_25:12; 1Ch_22:14; Est_1:20; Est_9:22; Job_5:16; Job_22:8; Job_29:12; Job_30:27; Job_34:28; Job_36:6; Job_36:21; Psa_9:18; Psa_10:2; Psa_10:9; Psa_10:14; Psa_12:5; Psa_14:6; Psa_22:24; Psa_25:16; Psa_31:10; Psa_34:6; Psa_34:10; Psa_35:10; Psa_37:14; Psa_40:17; Psa_41:1; Psa_44:24; Psa_68:10; Psa_69:29; Psa_69:32; Psa_70:5; Psa_72:2; Psa_72:4; Psa_72:12; Psa_72:13; Psa_74:21; Psa_79:8; Psa_82:3; Psa_82:4; Psa_86:1; Psa_88:9; Psa_88:15; Psa_102:0; Psa_107:10; Psa_107:41; Psa_109:16; Psa_109:22; Psa_113:7; Psa_132:15; Psa_140:12; Pro_13:8; Pro_14:20; Pro_14:21; Pro_14:31; Pro_17:5; Pro_19:1; Pro_19:4; Pro_19:7; Pro_19:17; Pro_19:22; Pro_22:2; Pro_22:7; Pro_22:9; Pro_22:22; Pro_23:21; Pro_28:3; Pro_28:6; Pro_28:8; Pro_28:15; Pro_28:27; Pro_29:7; Pro_29:14; Pro_31:20; Isa_3:14; Isa_3:15; Isa_10:2; Isa_14:30; Isa_24:6; Isa_25:3; Isa_29:19; Isa_41:17; Isa_48:10; Isa_58:7; Isa_61:1; Jer_5:4; Jer_39:10; Lam_3:1; Lam_3:19; Eze_16:49; Eze_18:12; Eze_22:29; Amo_2:7; Amo_4:1; Amo_5:11; Amo_8:4; Amo_8:6; Hab_3:14; Mat_5:3; Mat_11:5; Mat_19:21; Mat_26:9; Mat_26:11; Mar_10:21; Mar_12:42; Mar_12:43; Mar_14:5; Mar_14:7; Luk_4:18; Luk_6:20; Luk_7:22; Luk_14:13; Luk_14:21; Luk_16:20; Luk_16:22; Luk_18:22; Luk_19:8; Luk_21:3; Joh_12:5; Joh_12:6; Joh_12:8; Joh_13:29; Rom_15:26; 2Co_6:10; 2Co_8:2; 2Co_8:9; Gal_2:10; Gal_4:9; Jas_2:2; Jas_2:3; Jas_2:5; Jas_2:6; Rev_2:9; Rev_3:17; Rev_13:16;  Exo_22:25; Exo_23:3; Exo_23:6; Exo_30:15; Lev_14:21; Lev_25:25; Lev_25:35; Deu_15:11; Deu_24:12; Deu_24:14; Deu_24:15; 2Sa_12:1; 2Sa_12:3; 2Sa_12:4; 2Ki_24:14; Psa_9:9; Psa_9:12; Psa_10:8; Psa_10:10; Psa_10:12; Psa_10:17; Psa_11:4; Psa_22:26; Psa_49:2; Psa_69:33; Psa_74:19; Psa_109:31; Psa_112:9; Pro_18:23; Pro_22:16; Pro_23:4; Pro_28:11; Pro_30:9; Pro_30:14; Pro_31:9; Ecc_4:13; Ecc_4:14; Ecc_5:8; Ecc_6:8; Ecc_9:15; Ecc_9:16; Jer_20:13; Jer_22:16; Jer_40:7; Jer_52:15; Jer_52:16; Dan_4:27; Amo_2:6; Amo_5:12; Zec_7:10; Luk_21:2; 2Co_9:9; Gen_15:13; Gen_16:9; Gen_31:50; Lev_16:29; Lev_16:31; Lev_23:27; Lev_23:32; Jdg_16:5; Jdg_16:6; Jdg_16:19; Jdg_19:24; 1Sa_18:23; 2Sa_7:10; 1Ki_8:35; 1Ch_17:9; 2Ch_6:26; Ezr_8:21; Job_5:11; Job_12:21; Job_22:23; Job_36:8; Job_40:11; Psa_10:18; Psa_18:27; Psa_34:18; Psa_55:19; Psa_102:17; Psa_113:6; Psa_131:2; Psa_138:6; Pro_3:34; Pro_6:11; Pro_10:4; Pro_10:15; Pro_11:2; Pro_13:18; Pro_15:33; Pro_16:1; Pro_24:34; Pro_25:7; Pro_28:19; Pro_29:23; Pro_30:8; Pro_31:7; Isa_11:4; Isa_25:4; Isa_25:11; Isa_26:6; Isa_32:7; Isa_49:13; Isa_54:11; Isa_58:3; Isa_58:4; Isa_58:5; Isa_58:10; Isa_66:2; Lam_3:34; Eze_29:14; Dan_4:37; Dan_7:24; Zep_2:3; Zep_3:12; Mat_11:29; Mat_23:12; Luk_1:52; Rom_12:16; 2Co_7:6; 2Co_10:1; 2Co_12:21; Php_4:12; Jas_1:9; Jas_4:6; Jas_4:10; 1Pe_5:5; Gen_34:2; Gen_47:18; Exo_1:12; Lev_23:29; Lev_27:8; Num_12:3; Num_13:20-21; Deu_15:4; Deu_15:7; Deu_21:14; Deu_22:24; Deu_22:29; Deu_24:16; Deu_24:17; Deu_26:6; Jdg_3:30; Jdg_20:5; Rth_1:21; 1Sa_7:13; 1Sa_12:8; 2Sa_13:12; 2Sa_13:14; 2Sa_13:32; 2Sa_15:34; 2Ki_14:26; 2Ki_22:19; 1Ch_17:10; 2Ch_28:19; 2Ch_32:26; 2Ch_33:12; 2Ch_33:23; 2Ch_34:27; Est_1:1; Est_4:17; Est_6:13; Job_16:2; Job_22:29; Job_24:4; Job_24:6; Job_24:12; Job_31:20; Job_31:34; Job_34:20; Job_36:15; Psa_25:9; Psa_34:2; Psa_35:13; Psa_35:14; Psa_37:11; Psa_39:2; Psa_45:4; Psa_51:17; Psa_76:9; Psa_102:1; Psa_132:1; Psa_147:6; Psa_149:4; Pro_3:27; Pro_14:30; Pro_16:19; Pro_16:33; Pro_17:14; Pro_18:12; Pro_21:13; Pro_21:17; Pro_25:8; Pro_25:9; Pro_25:14; Pro_25:31; Pro_25:34; Pro_26:5; Pro_26:7; Pro_26:9; Pro_27:7; Pro_30:3; Pro_30:6; Pro_30:11; Pro_30:15; Pro_30:19; Pro_30:27; Pro_31:14; Pro_31:23; Ecc_5:7; Isa_2:9; Isa_3:17; Isa_14:32; Isa_26:5; Jer_13:18; Jer_33:9; Jer_39:43; Jer_40:10; Lam_2:5; Lam_5:11; Eze_22:10; Eze_22:11; Dan_3:23; Dan_4:24; Dan_5:22; Zec_7:14; Zec_9:9; Mat_5:5; Mat_18:4; Mat_21:5; Mar_12:44; Luk_1:48; Luk_3:5; Luk_14:11; Luk_18:14; Luk_21:4; Act_4:34; Act_27:7; 1Co_13:3; Eph_4:2; Php_2:8; Php_3:21; Col_3:12; 2Ti_2:25; Tit_3:2; Jas_1:21; Jas_2:15; Jas_3:13; 1Pe_3:15; 1Pe_5:6; Tob_2:2; Tob_4:7; Tob_4:19; Tob_4:21; Jdt_4:9; Wis_2:10; Wis_2:19; Wis_12:6; Sir_1:27; Sir_1:28; Sir_2:17; Sir_3:17; Sir_3:18; Sir_3:19; Sir_3:20; Sir_4:1; Sir_4:4; Sir_4:5; Sir_4:8; Sir_7:11; Sir_7:17; Sir_7:32; Sir_10:14; Sir_10:15; Sir_10:22; Sir_10:23; Sir_10:28; Sir_10:30; Sir_10:31; Sir_11:12; Sir_11:14; Sir_11:21; Sir_12:5; Sir_12:11; Sir_13:3; Sir_13:18; Sir_13:19; Sir_13:20; Sir_13:21; Sir_13:22; Sir_13:23; Sir_13:24; Sir_18:21; Sir_18:25; Sir_21:5; Sir_22:23; Sir_25:2; Sir_26:4; Sir_26:28; Sir_29:8; Sir_29:9; Sir_29:22; Sir_30:14; Sir_31:20; Sir_31:21; Sir_32:13; Sir_32:17; Sir_34:4; Sir_36:23; Sir_37:20; Sir_38:19; Sir_40:3; Sir_41:2; Sir_45:4; Bar_2:19; Bar_6:28; 2Ma_4:47; 1Es_3:19; 3Ma_5:6; 4Ma_2:8; Gen_41:19; Gen_45:11; Exo_10:3; Lev_25:39; Lev_25:47; Lev_26:41; Deu_8:2; Deu_8:3; Deu_8:16; Deu_15:9; Jdg_6:15; 1Ki_21:29; 2Ch_7:14; 2Ch_12:6; 2Ch_12:7; 2Ch_12:12; 2Ch_30:11; 2Ch_33:19; 2Ch_36:12; Est_4:8; Job_5:15; Job_20:10; Job_20:19; Job_24:9; Job_24:14; Job_29:16; Job_30:25; Job_31:16; Job_31:19; Job_34:19; Job_40:12; Psa_68:30; Psa_141:8; Pro_6:3; Pro_11:24; Pro_13:7; Pro_13:23; Pro_14:23; Pro_20:13; Pro_21:5; Pro_28:22; Pro_29:13; Isa_5:15; Isa_10:30; Isa_13:11; Isa_14:8; Isa_57:15; Jer_2:34; Jer_5:28; Jer_44:10; Eze_18:13; Eze_18:17; Eze_21:26; Eze_32:15; Dan_10:12; Zec_11:11; Luk_11:41; Luk_12:33; Act_3:2; Act_3:3; Act_3:10; Act_10:2; Act_10:4; Act_10:31; Act_24:17; 1Co_1:28; 1Ti_6:5; Heb_11:37; Jas_1:10; Jdt_16:11; Wis_10:4; Sir_11:1; Sir_31:4; Sir_34:20; Sir_34:21; Sir_35:13; Sir_35:17; 2Ma_5:27; 2Ma_8:35; 2Es_2:20; 2Es_8:49; 2Es_10:7; 2Es_11:42; 2Es_14:13; 2Es_15:49; 2Es_15:51; Deu_28:20; Deu_28:57; Job_30:3; Job_30:4; Pro_6:32; Pro_7:7; Pro_9:4; Pro_9:13; Pro_9:16; Pro_10:21; Pro_11:12; Pro_11:16; Pro_12:11; Pro_13:25; Pro_15:21; Pro_18:2; Pro_24:30; Pro_28:16; Eze_4:16; Eze_4:17; Eze_12:19; Amo_4:6;



Lev_27:5; Lev_27:6;



Poverty Reading – Filtered




1Sa_12:8; 2Sa_13:12; 2Sa_13:14; 2Sa_13:32; 2Sa_15:34;


1Ki_8:35; [2Ch_6:26] 2Ki_14:26; 2Ki_22:19;

[2Ch_6:26;] 2Ch_7:14;

1Ch_17:9; 1Ch_17:10;

Humility & turning from sin required for firgiveness. (God will give mercy to an evil person even if they only humble themselves temporarily):

2Ch_12:6; 2Ch_12:7; 2Ch_12:12; 2Ch_28:19; 2Ch_30:11; 2Ch_32:26; 2Ch_33:12; 2Ch_33:19; 2Ch_33:23; 2Ch_34:27; 2Ch_36:12;



1Es_3:19; 2Es_10:7; 2Es_11:42; 2Es_14:13; 2Es_15:49; 2Es_15:51; 2Es_2:20; 2Es_8:49;

Est_1:1; Est_4:17; Est_4:8; Est_6:13;

Tob_2:2; Tob_4:19; Tob_4:7; Tob_4:21;

Jdt_4:9; Jdt_16:11;

Job_5:11; Job_12:21; Job_16:2; Job_22:23; Job_22:29; Job_30:3; Job_30:4; Job_40:11; Job_40:12;

Psa_10:18; Psa_18:27; Psa_25:9; Psa_34:2; Psa_34:18; Psa_35:13; Psa_35:14; Psa_37:11; Psa_39:2; Psa_45:4; Psa_49:2; Psa_51:17; Psa_55:19;

 Psa_74:19; Psa_76:9;  Psa_102:1; Psa_102:17; Psa_109:31; Psa_112:9;

Psa_131:2; Psa_132:1; Psa_138:6; Psa_141:8; Psa_147:6; Psa_149:4;

Pro_10:4; Pro_10:15; Pro_10:21;

Pro_11:2; Pro_11:12; Pro_11:16; Pro_11:24;

Pro_3:27; Pro_3:34;

Pro_6:3; Pro_6:11;

Pro_13:7; Pro_13:18; Pro_13:23; Pro_13:25;


Pro_15:21; Pro_15:33;



Pro_18:2; Pro_18:12; Pro_18:23;


Pro_21:5; Pro_21:13; Pro_21:17;



Pro_24:30; Pro_24:34;

Pro_25:7; [NA?: Pro_25:31; Pro_25:34;]


Pro_28:11; Pro_28:16; Pro_28:19; Pro_28:22;

Pro_29:13; Pro_29:23;


> Pro_30:3; Pro_30:6; Pro_30:8-9; Pro_30:11; Pro_30:14-15; Pro_30:19; Pro_30:27;

>> Pro_28:3; Pro_28:6; Pro_28:8-9; Pro_28:11; Pro_28:14-15; Pro_28:19; Pro_28:27;


> Pro_31:7; Pro_31:9; Pro_31:14; Pro_31:23;

>> Pro_29:7; Pro_29:9; Pro_29:14; Pro_29:23;

> Pro_26:5; Pro_26:7; Pro_26:9;

>>Pro_31:5; Pro_31:7; Pro_31:9;

>> Dreams, etc.

Ecc_4:13-14; Ecc_5:7-8;

Ecc_6:8; Ecc_9:15-16;


Wis_2:10; Wis_2:19; [Wis_10:4; Wis_12:6;]



Sir_1:28; Sir_10:14; Sir_10:15;

14  The thrones of the arrogant God overturns and establishes the lowly in their stead.

15  The roots of the proud1 [1 [Sir10:15] others omit “proud”] nations God plucks up,2 [2 [Sir10:15] LXX, Syr / Heb(A) omits “The roots…plucks up”]

to plant the humble in their place:


21  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of acceptance;

effrontery and pride are the beginning of rejection.5 [5 [Sir10:21] Heb(A), LXX(I), Syr, Lat / LXX(II) adds]

22  Be it tenant or wayfarer, alien or pauper, his glory is the fear of Yahweh.

23  It is not right to despise a man who is wise but poor, nor proper to honor any sinner.

Sir_10:28; Sir_10:30; Sir_10:31;

Sir_11:1; Sir_11:12; Sir_11:14; Sir_11:21;




Sir_4:1; Sir_4:4-5; Sir_4:8;


Sir_7:11; Sir_7:17; Sir_7:32;


Sir_12:5; Sir_12:11;


Sir_13:3; Sir_13:18; Sir_13:19-24;


Sir_18:21; Sir_18:25;

Sir_21:5; Sir_22:23; Sir_25:2;

Sir_26:4; Sir_26:28;

Sir_29:8-9; Sir_29:22;


.... not as processed:


Sir_31:4; Sir_31:20-21;

Sir_32:13; Sir_32:17;

[Sir_34:4; Sir_34:20-21;]

Sir_35:13; Sir_35:17;

[Sir_36:23;] Sir_37:20; Sir_38:19; Sir_40:3; Sir_41:2; Sir_45:4;





Isa_10:30; Isa_11:4;


Isa_13:11; Isa_14:8; Isa_14:32;

Isa_25:4; Isa_25:11;


Isa_26:5-6;  Isa_32:7; Isa_49:13;


Isa_54:11; Isa_57:15;

Isa_58:3-5; Isa_58:10;


Jer_2:34; Jer_5:28; Jer_13:18; Jer_20:13; Jer_22:16; Jer_33:9;

Jer_39:43 [MT: Jer_32:43]; Jer_40:7 [2Ki_24:14; 2Ki_25:12]; [Jer_40:10;] Jer_44:10; Jer_52:15-16;

Lam_2:5; Lam_3:34; Lam_5:11;

Bar_2:19; Bar_6:28;


Eze_12:19; Eze_18:13; Eze_18:17; Eze_21:26; Eze_22:10; Eze_22:11; Eze_29:14; Eze_32:15;

[Dan_3:23;] Dan_4:24 -- MT: Dan_4:27 >> Dan_4:27; Dan_4:37; Dan_5:22; Dan_7:24; Dan_10:12;

Amo_2:6; Amo_4:6; Amo_5:12;

Zep_2:3; Zep_3:12; 

Zec_7:10, etc. Zec_7:14; Zec_9:9, etc; Zec_11:11;

2Ma_4:47; [2Ma_5:27; 2Ma_8:35;]

3Ma_5:6; 4Ma_2:8;

>> poverty apocrypha -- still needed


--------------- NT Refs


Mat_5:3, Mat_5:5; Mat_11:5, Mat_11:29;

Mat_18:4; Mat_19:21; Mat_21:5; Mat_23:12; Mat_26:9, Mat_26:11;

Mar_10:21; Mar_12:42-44; Mar_14:5, Mar_14:7;

Luk_1:48, Luk_1:52; Luk_3:5; Luk_4:18; Luk_6:20; Luk_7:22; Luk_11:41; Luk_12:33;

Luk_14:11, Luk_14:13, Luk_14:21; Luk_16:20, Luk_16:22; Luk_18:14, Luk_18:22;

Luk_19:8; Luk_21:2-4;

Joh_12:5-6, Joh_12:8; Joh_13:29;

Act_3:2-3, Act_3:10; Act_4:34; Act_10:2, Act_10:4, Act_10:31; Act_24:17; [Act_27:7;]

Rom_12:16; Rom_15:26;


Gal_2:10; Gal_4:9;

Php_2:8; Php_3:21; Php_4:12;



[1Ti_6:5;] 2Ti_2:25;



Jas_1:9-10, Jas_1:21; Jas_2:2-3, Jas_2:5-6, Jas_2:15; Jas_3:13; Jas_4:6; Jas_4:10;




Rev_2:9; Rev_3:17; Rev_13:16;



Luxury Reading

9/22/16; 1/23/18


NEW Luxury Reading


>> (6) Rth_1:15-16 – Ruth Begs Naomi for Her God TSK

>> (7) Act_16:29-30 – Philippian Jailor Bows & Begs Paul & Silas for Salvation (comp. 1Co_2:3; 2Co_7:14-15) TSK

>> (comp. 1Co_1:28-29) TSK

>> Jas_1:9-11; Jas_5:1-6 TSK

>> Lux:  GNT-V for all psgs

>> new words:

>> Filter out dups:

Pressed down -- G5011 G5012 G5013 G5014

ABP+ Gen_15:13; Gen_16:9; Gen_16:11; Gen_29:32; Gen_31:42; Gen_31:50; Gen_34:2; Gen_41:52; Exo_1:12; Lev_13:3; Lev_13:4; Lev_13:20; Lev_13:21; Lev_13:25; Lev_13:26; Lev_14:37; Lev_16:29; Lev_16:31; Lev_23:27; Lev_23:29; Lev_23:32; Lev_25:39; Lev_27:8; Deu_21:14; Deu_22:24; Deu_22:29; Deu_26:6; Deu_26:7; Jos_11:16; Jdg_1:15; Jdg_4:23; Jdg_5:13; Jdg_6:15; Jdg_12:2; Jdg_16:5; Jdg_16:6; Jdg_16:19; Jdg_19:24; Jdg_20:5; Rth_1:21; 1Sa_1:11; 1Sa_2:7; 1Sa_7:13; 1Sa_9:16; 1Sa_12:8; 1Sa_18:23; 2Sa_7:10; 2Sa_13:12; 2Sa_13:14; 2Sa_13:22; 2Sa_13:32; 2Sa_16:12; 2Sa_22:28; 2Sa_22:48; 1Ki_8:35; 2Ki_14:26; 1Ch_4:10; 1Ch_17:9; 1Ch_17:10; 1Ch_20:4; 2Ch_6:26; 2Ch_13:18; 2Ch_28:19; 2Ch_32:26; 2Ch_33:12; 2Ch_33:23; 2Ch_34:27; Ezr_8:21; Ezr_9:5; Neh_9:9; Est_4:8; Est_6:13; Job_5:11; Job_12:21; Job_22:12; Job_22:23; Job_22:29; Job_24:9; Job_31:10; Job_34:25; Job_40:11; Psa_9:13; Psa_10:9; Psa_10:18; Psa_18:27; Psa_22:21; Psa_25:18; Psa_31:7; Psa_34:18; Psa_35:13; Psa_35:14; Psa_38:8; Psa_39:2; Psa_44:19; Psa_44:25; Psa_51:8; Psa_51:17; Psa_55:19; Psa_72:4; Psa_74:21; Psa_75:7; Psa_81:14; Psa_82:3; Psa_88:15; Psa_89:10; Psa_90:3; Psa_90:15; Psa_94:5; Psa_102:17; Psa_105:18; Psa_106:42; Psa_106:43; Psa_107:12; Psa_107:17; Psa_113:6; Psa_116:6; Psa_116:10; Psa_119:50; Psa_119:67; Psa_119:71; Psa_119:75; Psa_119:92; Psa_119:107; Psa_119:153; Psa_131:2; Psa_136:23; Psa_138:6; Psa_142:6; Psa_143:3; Psa_147:6; Pro_3:34; Pro_10:4; Pro_11:2; Pro_13:7; Pro_15:33; Pro_16:1; Pro_16:19; Pro_18:12; Pro_25:7; Pro_29:23; Ecc_10:6; Ecc_10:18; Ecc_12:4; Isa_1:26; Isa_2:9; Isa_2:11; Isa_2:12; Isa_2:17; Isa_3:9; Isa_3:17; Isa_3:25; Isa_5:15; Isa_10:33; Isa_11:4; Isa_13:11; Isa_25:4; Isa_25:11; Isa_25:12; Isa_26:5; Isa_26:6; Isa_29:4; Isa_32:7; Isa_40:2; Isa_40:4; Isa_49:13; Isa_51:21; Isa_51:23; Isa_53:8; Isa_54:11; Isa_57:9; Isa_58:3; Isa_58:4; Isa_58:5; Isa_58:10; Isa_60:14; Isa_64:12; Isa_66:2; Jer_2:24; Jer_13:18; Jer_22:16; Jer_31:37; Lam_1:3; Lam_1:5; Lam_1:7; Lam_1:8; Lam_1:9; Lam_1:12; Lam_2:5; Lam_3:32; Lam_3:33; Lam_3:34; Lam_5:11; Eze_17:24; Eze_21:26; Eze_22:10; Eze_22:11; Eze_29:14; Eze_29:15; Dan_4:37; Dan_5:19; Dan_5:22; Dan_7:24; Dan_11:30; Hos_2:15; Hos_5:5; Hos_7:10; Hos_14:8; Amo_2:7; Zep_2:3; Zep_3:12; Mal_2:12; Mat_11:29; Mat_18:4; Mat_23:12; Luk_1:48; Luk_1:52; Luk_3:5; Luk_14:11; Luk_18:14; Act_8:33; Act_20:19; Rom_12:16; 2Co_7:6; 2Co_10:1; 2Co_11:7; 2Co_12:21; Eph_4:2; Php_2:3; Php_2:8; Php_3:21; Php_4:12; Col_2:18; Col_2:23; Col_3:12; Jas_1:9; Jas_1:10; Jas_4:6; Jas_4:10; 1Pe_5:5; 1Pe_5:6.



G5011 >> G1729!! G4431 >> crouching word!! 

>> Psa_74:19  πενήτων


>> es: look up: all poor (G4432 G4433 G4434 >> G3993 G3998 poor poverty needy), hunger, filled, pressed down, strong, strength, verses

>> G4432 G4433 G4434 >> G3993 G3998 poor poverty needy

>> Search Apocrypha



English Results -- KJV+ WEB + CAB + ABP = 532 Refs

rich wealth luxury Pride Arrogance Conceit Haught confidence Conceit Affluence Wealth riches fortune treasure extravagan indulge delicacy


Gen_3:23; Gen_3:24; Gen_13:2; Gen_14:23; Gen_15:14; Gen_30:43; Gen_31:1; Gen_31:16; Gen_34:29; Gen_36:7; Gen_43:23; Gen_49:20; Exo_1:11; Exo_19:5; Exo_30:15; Lev_11:15; Lev_25:47; Lev_25:49; Num_13:20; Deu_8:17; Deu_8:18; Deu_14:15; Deu_28:12; Deu_28:56; Deu_32:34; Deu_33:12; Deu_33:19; Deu_33:28; Jos_22:8; Jdg_5:10; Jdg_5:19; Jdg_9:26; Jdg_18:7; Rth_2:1; Rth_3:10; 1Sa_2:7; 1Sa_2:10; 1Sa_2:32; 1Sa_17:25; 1Sa_21:13; 1Sa_27:12; 2Sa_12:1; 2Sa_12:2; 2Sa_12:4; 1Ki_3:11; 1Ki_3:13; 1Ki_7:51; 1Ki_10:23; 1Ki_14:26; 1Ki_15:18; 2Ki_12:18; 2Ki_14:14; 2Ki_15:20; 2Ki_16:8; 2Ki_18:15; 2Ki_18:19; 2Ki_19:28; 2Ki_20:13; 2Ki_20:15; 2Ki_20:17; 2Ki_24:13; 1Ch_9:26; 1Ch_26:20; 1Ch_26:22; 1Ch_26:24; 1Ch_26:26; 1Ch_27:25; 1Ch_27:27; 1Ch_28:1; 1Ch_29:3; 1Ch_29:8; 1Ch_29:12; 1Ch_29:28; 2Ch_1:11; 2Ch_1:12; 2Ch_5:1; 2Ch_8:15; 2Ch_9:22; 2Ch_12:9; 2Ch_16:2; 2Ch_17:5; 2Ch_18:1; 2Ch_20:25; 2Ch_25:24; 2Ch_32:8; 2Ch_32:27; 2Ch_36:18; Ezr_1:8; Ezr_2:69; Ezr_5:14; Ezr_5:17; Ezr_6:1; Ezr_7:20; Ezr_7:21; Ezr_9:12; Neh_7:70; Neh_7:71; Neh_9:25; Neh_10:38; Neh_12:44; Neh_13:13; Est_1:4; Est_1:20; Est_3:13; Est_5:11; Est_10:2; Est_10:3; Job_3:21; Job_4:6; Job_6:20; Job_8:14; Job_12:5; Job_15:11; Job_15:29; Job_18:14; Job_20:10; Job_20:15; Job_20:18; Job_20:26; Job_21:7; Job_21:13; Job_22:24; Job_22:25; Job_23:12; Job_27:10; Job_27:17; Job_27:19; Job_29:24; Job_30:29; Job_31:24; Job_31:25; Job_34:19; Job_36:18; Job_36:19; Job_38:22; Job_39:13; Job_39:14; Psa_104:24; Psa_10:8; Psa_112:3; Psa_118:8; Psa_118:9; Psa_119:14; Psa_119:36; Psa_126:4; Psa_135:4; Psa_135:7; Psa_139:11; Psa_14:7; Psa_17:14; Psa_22:29; Psa_34:10; Psa_36:8; Psa_37:3; Psa_37:16; Psa_39:6; Psa_39:11; Psa_44:12; Psa_45:12; Psa_49:2; Psa_49:6; Psa_49:10; Psa_49:12; Psa_49:16; Psa_49:20; Psa_52:7; Psa_62:10; Psa_63:5; Psa_65:5; Psa_65:9; Psa_65:12; Psa_66:12; Psa_68:15; Psa_71:5; Psa_73:12; Psa_76:5; Psa_85:1; Psa_92:10; Pro_1:13; Pro_1:18; Pro_1:33; Pro_2:4; Pro_2:7; Pro_3:14; Pro_3:16; Pro_3:26; Pro_4:9; Pro_5:10; Pro_6:31; Pro_8:18; Pro_8:21; Pro_10:4; Pro_10:15; Pro_10:22; Pro_11:13; Pro_11:16; Pro_11:28; Pro_13:5; Pro_13:7; Pro_13:8; Pro_13:10; Pro_13:21; Pro_13:22; Pro_13:23; Pro_14:20; Pro_14:24; Pro_14:26; Pro_15:6; Pro_15:16; Pro_16:18; Pro_16:27; Pro_17:6; Pro_17:16; Pro_18:11; Pro_18:23; Pro_19:14; Pro_19:22; Pro_21:6; Pro_21:17; Pro_21:20; Pro_21:22; Pro_22:1; Pro_22:2; Pro_22:4; Pro_22:7; Pro_22:16; Pro_23:4; Pro_23:5; Pro_24:4; Pro_24:25; Pro_25:9; Pro_27:24; Pro_28:6; Pro_28:8; Pro_28:11; Pro_28:20; Pro_28:22; Pro_29:3; Pro_29:23; Pro_30:8; Pro_31:3; Pro_31:14; Pro_31:28; Pro_31:29; Ecc_2:8; Ecc_4:8; Ecc_5:12; Ecc_5:13; Ecc_5:14; Ecc_5:19; Ecc_6:2; Ecc_9:11; Ecc_10:6; Ecc_10:20; Son_8:7; Isa_2:7; Isa_5:14; Isa_5:17; Isa_8:4; Isa_10:3; Isa_10:13; Isa_10:14; Isa_13:21; Isa_16:14; Isa_17:4; Isa_17:5; Isa_22:15; Isa_23:18; Isa_24:8; Isa_26:4; Isa_28:8; Isa_29:2; Isa_29:5; Isa_29:7; Isa_29:8; Isa_30:6; Isa_30:15; Isa_30:23; Isa_32:9; Isa_32:14; Isa_32:17; Isa_32:18; Isa_32:19; Isa_33:6; Isa_33:20; Isa_34:13; Isa_36:4; Isa_39:2; Isa_39:4; Isa_43:20; Isa_45:3; Isa_53:9; Isa_60:5; Isa_60:11; Isa_60:16; Isa_61:6; Isa_66:11; Jer_2:20; Jer_2:37; Jer_5:5; Jer_5:27; Jer_9:23; Jer_10:13; Jer_10:22; Jer_15:9; Jer_15:13; Jer_17:3; Jer_17:11; Jer_20:5; Jer_22:17; Jer_24:1; Jer_38:2; Jer_41:8; Jer_46:28; Jer_48:7; Jer_48:13; Jer_48:36; Jer_49:4; Jer_49:31; Jer_49:33; Jer_50:37; Jer_50:39; Jer_51:13; Jer_51:16; Lam_4:3; Eze_7:11; Eze_16:49; Eze_22:25; Eze_22:27; Eze_23:11; Eze_23:15; Eze_26:12; Eze_27:12; Eze_27:18; Eze_27:24; Eze_27:27; Eze_27:33; Eze_28:4; Eze_28:5; Eze_28:13; Eze_28:26; Eze_29:16; Eze_31:9; Eze_31:16; Eze_31:18; Eze_34:14; Eze_34:27; Eze_36:35; Dan_1:2; Dan_3:2; Dan_3:3; Dan_11:2; Dan_11:13; Dan_11:24; Dan_11:28; Dan_11:43; Hos_6:11; Hos_10:1; Hos_12:8; Hos_13:15; Joe_1:17; Joe_2:3; Joe_3:1; Joe_3:5; Amo_2:16; Amo_8:5; Oba_1:3; Oba_1:6; Oba_1:13; Mic_1:7; Mic_3:11; Mic_5:12; Mic_6:10; Mic_6:12; Mic_7:5; Hab_2:6; Hab_2:9; Zep_1:13; Zep_3:20; Zec_3:4; Zec_9:3; Zec_11:5; Zec_14:14; Mat_2:11; Mat_6:19; Mat_6:20; Mat_6:21; Mat_12:35; Mat_13:22; Mat_13:44; Mat_13:52; Mat_19:21; Mat_19:23; Mat_19:24; Mat_27:57; Mar_4:19; Mar_7:22; Mar_10:21; Mar_10:23; Mar_10:24; Mar_10:25; Mar_12:41; Luk_1:53; Luk_2:19; Luk_6:24; Luk_6:45; Luk_7:25; Luk_8:14; Luk_12:15; Luk_12:16; Luk_12:21; Luk_12:33; Luk_12:34; Luk_14:12; Luk_15:12; Luk_15:13; Luk_16:1; Luk_16:11; Luk_16:19; Luk_16:21; Luk_16:22; Luk_18:22; Luk_18:23; Luk_18:24; Luk_18:25; Luk_19:2; Luk_21:1; Act_4:31; Act_8:27; Act_16:16; Act_19:25; Act_28:31; Rom_1:29; Rom_2:4; Rom_2:5; Rom_9:23; Rom_10:12; Rom_11:12; Rom_11:17; Rom_11:33; Rom_16:23; 1Co_1:5; 1Co_4:8; 1Co_5:10; 1Co_5:11; 1Co_6:10; 1Co_10:24; 2Co_1:15; 2Co_2:3; 2Co_3:4; 2Co_3:12; 2Co_4:7; 2Co_6:10; 2Co_7:4; 2Co_7:16; 2Co_8:2; 2Co_8:9; 2Co_8:22; 2Co_9:5; 2Co_9:11; 2Co_10:2; 2Co_11:17; 2Co_12:14; Gal_5:10; Eph_1:7; Eph_1:18; Eph_2:4; Eph_2:7; Eph_2:12; Eph_3:8; Eph_3:12; Eph_3:16; Eph_4:19; Eph_5:3; Eph_5:5; Php_1:25; Php_2:19; Php_3:3; Php_3:4; Php_4:19; Php_5:27; Col_1:27; Col_2:2; Col_2:3; Col_2:23; Col_3:5; Col_3:16; 1Th_2:5; 2Th_3:4; 1Ti_3:13; 1Ti_5:6; 1Ti_6:9; 1Ti_6:17; 1Ti_6:18; Tit_3:6; Phm_1:21; Heb_3:6; Heb_3:14; Heb_4:16; Heb_10:19; Heb_10:35; Heb_11:26; Jas_1:10; Jas_1:11; Jas_2:5; Jas_2:6; Jas_5:1; Jas_5:2; Jas_5:3; Jas_5:5; Jas_5:13; 2Pe_1:11; 2Pe_2:3; 2Pe_2:13; 2Pe_2:14; 2Pe_3:7; 1Jn_2:28; 1Jn_3:21; 1Jn_4:17; 1Jn_5:14; Rev_2:9; Rev_3:17; Rev_3:18; Rev_5:12; Rev_6:15; Rev_13:16; Rev_18:3; Rev_18:7; Rev_18:9; Rev_18:15; Rev_18:17; Rev_18:19;





Strong’s Number Results -- KJV+ ABP+ = 429 Refs

H1264; H1347; H1363; H1411; H1489; H1490; H1596; H1952; H2087; H214; H2633; H4301; H4362; H4543; H5133; H5233; H5459; H6223; H6238; H6239; H7075; H7310; H7399; H7769; H8226; H986; G100; G2142; G2343; G2343; G2344; G4050; G4051; G4145; G4146; G4147; G4148; G4149; G5172; G5536;


Filter out these refs:

H3405 G2410 Jericho H5133 goods substence substance height excellency hope majesty armoury basket matured graze

>> Red exclusions are for ABP

>> Dropped words: power strong strength might confidence H3690 H2896 H982 H3581 H7311 H3515 H5381 H2428

>> lifted|puffed up

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Gen_3:23; Gen_3:24; Gen_13:2; Gen_14:23; Gen_30:43; Gen_31:16; Gen_36:7; Gen_43:23; Gen_49:20; Exo_1:11; Exo_2:10; Exo_19:5; Exo_30:15; Lev_22:11; Lev_26:19; Deu_7:6; Deu_14:2; Deu_17:12; Deu_18:22; Deu_26:18; Deu_28:12; Deu_32:34; Deu_33:19; Jos_6:19; Jos_6:24; Jos_22:8; Jdg_11:2; Rth_3:10; 1Sa_2:7; 1Sa_17:25; 1Sa_17:28; 2Sa_12:1; 2Sa_12:2; 2Sa_12:3; 2Sa_12:4; 1Ki_3:11; 1Ki_3:13; 1Ki_7:51; 1Ki_9:19; 1Ki_10:23; 1Ki_14:26; 1Ki_15:18; 2Ki_4:18; 2Ki_12:18; 2Ki_14:14; 2Ki_16:8; 2Ki_18:15; 2Ki_18:19; 2Ki_20:13; 2Ki_20:15; 2Ki_20:17; 2Ki_24:13; 1Ch_9:26; 1Ch_26:20; 1Ch_26:22; 1Ch_26:24; 1Ch_26:26; 1Ch_27:25; 1Ch_27:27; 1Ch_27:28; 1Ch_28:12; 1Ch_29:3; 1Ch_29:8; 1Ch_29:12; 1Ch_29:28; 2Ch_1:11; 2Ch_1:12; 2Ch_5:1; 2Ch_8:4; 2Ch_8:6; 2Ch_8:15; 2Ch_9:22; 2Ch_11:11; 2Ch_12:9; 2Ch_16:2; 2Ch_16:4; 2Ch_17:5; 2Ch_17:12; 2Ch_18:1; 2Ch_20:25; 2Ch_25:24; 2Ch_32:26; 2Ch_32:27; 2Ch_32:28; 2Ch_36:18; Ezr_1:8; Ezr_2:69; Ezr_5:14; Ezr_5:17; Ezr_6:1; Ezr_7:20; Ezr_7:21; Neh_7:70; Neh_7:71; Neh_10:38; Neh_10:39; Neh_12:44; Neh_13:12; Neh_13:13; Est_1:4; Est_1:20; Est_5:11; Est_10:2; Job_3:21; Job_6:20; Job_11:8; Job_15:29; Job_20:15; Job_20:18; Job_21:7; Job_27:17; Job_27:19; Job_30:24; Job_31:25; Job_35:12; Job_36:19; Job_38:11; Job_38:22; Psa_104:24; Psa_10:4; Psa_10:8; Psa_112:3; Psa_119:14; Psa_135:4; Psa_135:7; Psa_139:11; Psa_23:5; Psa_33:7; Psa_34:10; Psa_36:8; Psa_37:16; Psa_39:6; Psa_44:12; Psa_45:12; Psa_49:2; Psa_49:6; Psa_49:10; Psa_49:16; Psa_52:7; Psa_59:12; Psa_65:9; Psa_66:12; Psa_73:12; Psa_76:5; Pro_1:18; Pro_2:4; Pro_2:7; Pro_3:14; Pro_3:16; Pro_4:7; Pro_4:9; Pro_8:13; Pro_8:18; Pro_10:2; Pro_10:4; Pro_10:15; Pro_10:22; Pro_11:2; Pro_11:4; Pro_11:16; Pro_11:28; Pro_13:7; Pro_13:8; Pro_13:10; Pro_13:11; Pro_13:22; Pro_13:23; Pro_14:20; Pro_14:24; Pro_15:6; Pro_15:16; Pro_16:18; Pro_16:27; Pro_17:6; Pro_17:16; Pro_18:11; Pro_18:23; Pro_19:4; Pro_19:10; Pro_19:14; Pro_19:22; Pro_21:6; Pro_21:17; Pro_21:20; Pro_21:24; Pro_22:1; Pro_22:2; Pro_22:4; Pro_22:7; Pro_22:16; Pro_23:4; Pro_24:4; Pro_27:24; Pro_28:6; Pro_28:8; Pro_28:11; Pro_28:20; Pro_28:22; Pro_29:3; Pro_30:8; Pro_30:15; Pro_30:16; Pro_31:3; Pro_31:28; Pro_31:29; Ecc_1:3; Ecc_2:8; Ecc_2:11; Ecc_2:13; Ecc_2:15; Ecc_3:9; Ecc_4:8; Ecc_5:9; Ecc_5:12; Ecc_5:13; Ecc_5:14; Ecc_5:16; Ecc_5:19; Ecc_6:2; Ecc_6:8; Ecc_7:11; Ecc_7:12; Ecc_9:11; Ecc_10:6; Ecc_10:10; Ecc_10:11; Ecc_10:20; Son_7:6; Isa_2:7; Isa_4:2; Isa_5:14; Isa_13:11; Isa_14:11; Isa_16:6; Isa_16:14; Isa_23:9; Isa_24:8; Isa_29:2; Isa_29:5; Isa_29:7; Isa_29:8; Isa_30:6; Isa_32:14; Isa_32:18; Isa_33:6; Isa_33:20; Isa_36:4; Isa_39:2; Isa_39:4; Isa_45:3; Isa_53:9; Isa_60:5; Isa_60:16; Isa_61:6; Jer_5:27; Jer_9:23; Jer_10:13; Jer_12:5; Jer_13:9; Jer_15:13; Jer_16:5; Jer_17:3; Jer_17:11; Jer_20:5; Jer_38:11; Jer_41:8; Jer_48:7; Jer_48:29; Jer_49:4; Jer_49:19; Jer_50:25; Jer_50:31; Jer_50:32; Jer_50:37; Jer_50:44; Jer_51:13; Jer_51:16; Jer_51:34; Lam_4:5; Eze_1:18; Eze_7:10; Eze_7:24; Eze_16:49; Eze_16:56; Eze_22:25; Eze_27:12; Eze_27:18; Eze_27:24; Eze_27:27; Eze_27:33; Eze_28:4; Eze_28:13; Eze_30:6; Eze_30:18; Eze_31:9; Eze_31:16; Eze_31:18; Eze_32:12; Eze_33:28; Eze_34:14; Eze_36:35; Eze_40:42; Dan_1:2; Dan_3:2; Dan_3:3; Dan_11:2; Dan_11:13; Dan_11:24; Dan_11:28; Dan_11:43; Hos_5:5; Hos_7:10; Hos_12:8; Hos_13:15; Joe_1:17; Joe_2:3; Amo_2:2; Amo_3:10; Amo_8:5; Oba_1:3; Mic_2:9; Mic_6:10; Mic_6:12; Zep_2:10; Zec_9:3; Zec_9:6; Zec_10:11; Zec_11:3; Zec_11:5; Mal_3:10; Mal_3:17; Mat_2:11; Mat_6:19; Mat_6:20; Mat_6:21; Mat_12:34; Mat_12:35; Mat_13:22; Mat_13:44; Mat_13:52; Mat_19:21; Mat_19:23; Mat_19:24; Mat_27:57; Mar_4:19; Mar_8:8; Mar_10:21; Mar_10:23; Mar_10:24; Mar_10:25; Mar_12:41; Luk_1:53; Luk_6:24; Luk_6:45; Luk_7:25; Luk_8:14; Luk_12:16; Luk_12:21; Luk_12:33; Luk_12:34; Luk_14:12; Luk_16:1; Luk_16:19; Luk_16:21; Luk_16:22; Luk_18:22; Luk_18:23; Luk_18:24; Luk_18:25; Luk_19:2; Luk_21:1; Act_4:37; Act_8:18; Act_8:20; Act_19:25; Act_24:26; Rom_2:4; Rom_2:5; Rom_5:17; Rom_9:23; Rom_10:12; Rom_11:12; Rom_11:33; 1Co_1:5; 1Co_4:8; 1Co_16:2; 2Co_4:7; 2Co_6:10; 2Co_8:2; 2Co_8:9; 2Co_8:14; 2Co_8:20; 2Co_9:11; 2Co_12:14; Eph_1:7; Eph_2:4; Eph_2:7; Eph_3:8; Eph_3:16; Php_4:19; Col_2:2; Col_2:3; Col_3:16; 1Ti_6:9; 1Ti_6:17; 1Ti_6:18; Tit_3:6; Heb_11:26; Jas_1:10; Jas_1:11; Jas_1:21; Jas_2:5; Jas_2:6; Jas_5:1; Jas_5:2; Jas_5:3; 2Pe_1:11; 2Pe_2:13; 2Pe_3:7; Rev_2:9; Rev_3:17; Rev_3:18; Rev_5:12; Rev_6:15; Rev_13:16; Rev_18:3; Rev_18:15; Rev_18:17; Rev_18:19;



English and Strong’s Refs Compiled = 638 Refs



Gen_3:23; Gen_3:24; Gen_13:2; Gen_14:23; Gen_15:14; Gen_30:43; Gen_31:1; Gen_31:16; Gen_34:29; Gen_36:7; Gen_43:23; Gen_49:20; Exo_1:11; Exo_2:10; Exo_19:5; Exo_30:15; Lev_11:15; Lev_22:11; Lev_25:47; Lev_25:49; Lev_26:19; Num_13:20; Deu_7:6; Deu_8:17; Deu_8:18; Deu_14:2; Deu_14:15; Deu_17:12; Deu_18:22; Deu_26:18; Deu_28:12; Deu_28:56; Deu_32:34; Deu_33:12; Deu_33:19; Deu_33:28; Jos_6:19; Jos_6:24; Jos_22:8; Jdg_5:10; Jdg_5:19; Jdg_9:26; Jdg_11:2; Jdg_18:7; Rth_2:1; Rth_3:10; 1Sa_2:7; 1Sa_2:10; 1Sa_2:32; 1Sa_17:25; 1Sa_17:28; 1Sa_21:13; 1Sa_27:12; 2Sa_12:1; 2Sa_12:2; 2Sa_12:3; 2Sa_12:4; 1Ki_3:11; 1Ki_3:13; 1Ki_7:51; 1Ki_9:19; 1Ki_10:23; 1Ki_14:26; 1Ki_15:18; 2Ki_4:18; 2Ki_12:18; 2Ki_14:14; 2Ki_15:20; 2Ki_16:8; 2Ki_18:15; 2Ki_18:19; 2Ki_19:28; 2Ki_20:13; 2Ki_20:15; 2Ki_20:17; 2Ki_24:13; 1Ch_9:26; 1Ch_26:20; 1Ch_26:22; 1Ch_26:24; 1Ch_26:26; 1Ch_27:25; 1Ch_27:27; 1Ch_27:28; 1Ch_28:1; 1Ch_28:12; 1Ch_29:3; 1Ch_29:8; 1Ch_29:12; 1Ch_29:28; 2Ch_1:11; 2Ch_1:12; 2Ch_5:1; 2Ch_8:4; 2Ch_8:6; 2Ch_8:15; 2Ch_9:22; 2Ch_11:11; 2Ch_12:9; 2Ch_16:2; 2Ch_16:4; 2Ch_17:5; 2Ch_17:12; 2Ch_18:1; 2Ch_20:25; 2Ch_25:24; 2Ch_32:8; 2Ch_32:26; 2Ch_32:27; 2Ch_32:28; 2Ch_36:18; Ezr_1:8; Ezr_2:69; Ezr_5:14; Ezr_5:17; Ezr_6:1; Ezr_7:20; Ezr_7:21; Ezr_9:12; Neh_7:70; Neh_7:71; Neh_9:25; Neh_10:38; Neh_10:39; Neh_12:44; Neh_13:12; Neh_13:13; Est_1:4; Est_1:20; Est_3:13; Est_5:11; Est_10:2; Est_10:3; Job_3:21; Job_4:6; Job_6:20; Job_8:14; Job_11:8; Job_12:5; Job_15:11; Job_15:29; Job_18:14; Job_20:10; Job_20:15; Job_20:18; Job_20:26; Job_21:7; Job_21:13; Job_22:24; Job_22:25; Job_23:12; Job_27:10; Job_27:17; Job_27:19; Job_29:24; Job_30:24; Job_30:29; Job_31:24; Job_31:25; Job_34:19; Job_35:12; Job_36:18; Job_36:19; Job_38:11; Job_38:22; Job_39:13; Job_39:14; Psa_104:24; Psa_10:4; Psa_10:8; Psa_112:3; Psa_118:8; Psa_118:9; Psa_119:14; Psa_119:36; Psa_126:4; Psa_135:4; Psa_135:7; Psa_139:11; Psa_14:7; Psa_17:14; Psa_22:29; Psa_23:5; Psa_33:7; Psa_34:10; Psa_36:8; Psa_37:3; Psa_37:16; Psa_39:6; Psa_39:11; Psa_44:12; Psa_45:12; Psa_49:2; Psa_49:6; Psa_49:10; Psa_49:12; Psa_49:16; Psa_49:20; Psa_52:7; Psa_59:12; Psa_62:10; Psa_63:5; Psa_65:5; Psa_65:9; Psa_65:12; Psa_66:12; Psa_68:15; Psa_71:5; Psa_73:12; Psa_76:5; Psa_85:1; Psa_92:10; Pro_1:13; Pro_1:18; Pro_1:33; Pro_2:4; Pro_2:7; Pro_3:14; Pro_3:16; Pro_3:26; Pro_4:7; Pro_4:9; Pro_5:10; Pro_6:31; Pro_8:13; Pro_8:18; Pro_8:21; Pro_10:2; Pro_10:4; Pro_10:15; Pro_10:22; Pro_11:2; Pro_11:4; Pro_11:13; Pro_11:16; Pro_11:28; Pro_13:5; Pro_13:7; Pro_13:8; Pro_13:10; Pro_13:11; Pro_13:21; Pro_13:22; Pro_13:23; Pro_14:20; Pro_14:24; Pro_14:26; Pro_15:6; Pro_15:16; Pro_16:18; Pro_16:27; Pro_17:6; Pro_17:16; Pro_18:11; Pro_18:23; Pro_19:4; Pro_19:10; Pro_19:14; Pro_19:22; Pro_21:6; Pro_21:17; Pro_21:20; Pro_21:22; Pro_21:24; Pro_22:1; Pro_22:2; Pro_22:4; Pro_22:7; Pro_22:16; Pro_23:4; Pro_23:5; Pro_24:4; Pro_24:25; Pro_25:9; Pro_27:24; Pro_28:6; Pro_28:8; Pro_28:11; Pro_28:20; Pro_28:22; Pro_29:3; Pro_29:23; Pro_30:8; Pro_30:15; Pro_30:16; Pro_31:3; Pro_31:14; Pro_31:28; Pro_31:29; Ecc_1:3; Ecc_2:8; Ecc_2:11; Ecc_2:13; Ecc_2:15; Ecc_3:9; Ecc_4:8; Ecc_5:9; Ecc_5:12; Ecc_5:13; Ecc_5:14; Ecc_5:16; Ecc_5:19; Ecc_6:2; Ecc_6:8; Ecc_7:11; Ecc_7:12; Ecc_9:11; Ecc_10:6; Ecc_10:10; Ecc_10:11; Ecc_10:20; Son_7:6; Son_8:7; Isa_2:7; Isa_4:2; Isa_5:14; Isa_5:17; Isa_8:4; Isa_10:3; Isa_10:13; Isa_10:14; Isa_13:11; Isa_13:21; Isa_14:11; Isa_16:6; Isa_16:14; Isa_17:4; Isa_17:5; Isa_22:15; Isa_23:9; Isa_23:18; Isa_24:8; Isa_26:4; Isa_28:8; Isa_29:2; Isa_29:5; Isa_29:7; Isa_29:8; Isa_30:6; Isa_30:15; Isa_30:23; Isa_32:9; Isa_32:14; Isa_32:17; Isa_32:18; Isa_32:19; Isa_33:6; Isa_33:20; Isa_34:13; Isa_36:4; Isa_39:2; Isa_39:4; Isa_43:20; Isa_45:3; Isa_53:9; Isa_60:5; Isa_60:11; Isa_60:16; Isa_61:6; Isa_66:11; Jer_2:20; Jer_2:37; Jer_5:5; Jer_5:27; Jer_9:23; Jer_10:13; Jer_10:22; Jer_12:5; Jer_13:9; Jer_15:9; Jer_15:13; Jer_16:5; Jer_17:3; Jer_17:11; Jer_20:5; Jer_22:17; Jer_24:1; Jer_38:2; Jer_38:11; Jer_41:8; Jer_46:28; Jer_48:7; Jer_48:13; Jer_48:29; Jer_48:36; Jer_49:4; Jer_49:19; Jer_49:31; Jer_49:33; Jer_50:25; Jer_50:31; Jer_50:32; Jer_50:37; Jer_50:39; Jer_50:44; Jer_51:13; Jer_51:16; Jer_51:34; Lam_4:3; Lam_4:5; Eze_1:18; Eze_7:10; Eze_7:11; Eze_7:24; Eze_16:49; Eze_16:56; Eze_22:25; Eze_22:27; Eze_23:11; Eze_23:15; Eze_26:12; Eze_27:12; Eze_27:18; Eze_27:24; Eze_27:27; Eze_27:33; Eze_28:4; Eze_28:5; Eze_28:13; Eze_28:26; Eze_29:16; Eze_30:6; Eze_30:18; Eze_31:9; Eze_31:16; Eze_31:18; Eze_32:12; Eze_33:28; Eze_34:14; Eze_34:27; Eze_36:35; Eze_40:42; Dan_1:2; Dan_3:2; Dan_3:3; Dan_11:2; Dan_11:13; Dan_11:24; Dan_11:28; Dan_11:43; Hos_5:5; Hos_6:11; Hos_7:10; Hos_10:1; Hos_12:8; Hos_13:15; Joe_1:17; Joe_2:3; Joe_3:1; Joe_3:5; Amo_2:2; Amo_2:16; Amo_3:10; Amo_8:5; Oba_1:3; Oba_1:6; Oba_1:13; Mic_1:7; Mic_2:9; Mic_3:11; Mic_5:12; Mic_6:10; Mic_6:12; Mic_7:5; Hab_2:6; Hab_2:9; Zep_1:13; Zep_2:10; Zep_3:20; Zec_3:4; Zec_9:3; Zec_9:6; Zec_10:11; Zec_11:3; Zec_11:5; Zec_14:14; Mal_3:10; Mal_3:17; Mat_2:11; Mat_6:19; Mat_6:20; Mat_6:21; Mat_12:34; Mat_12:35; Mat_13:22; Mat_13:44; Mat_13:52; Mat_19:21; Mat_19:23; Mat_19:24; Mat_27:57; Mar_4:19; Mar_7:22; Mar_8:8; Mar_10:21; Mar_10:23; Mar_10:24; Mar_10:25; Mar_12:41; Luk_1:53; Luk_2:19; Luk_6:24; Luk_6:45; Luk_7:25; Luk_8:14; Luk_12:15; Luk_12:16; Luk_12:21; Luk_12:33; Luk_12:34; Luk_14:12; Luk_15:12; Luk_15:13; Luk_16:1; Luk_16:11; Luk_16:19; Luk_16:21; Luk_16:22; Luk_18:22; Luk_18:23; Luk_18:24; Luk_18:25; Luk_19:2; Luk_21:1; Act_4:31; Act_4:37; Act_8:18; Act_8:20; Act_8:27; Act_16:16; Act_19:25; Act_24:26; Act_28:31; Rom_1:29; Rom_2:4; Rom_2:5; Rom_5:17; Rom_9:23; Rom_10:12; Rom_11:12; Rom_11:17; Rom_11:33; Rom_16:23; 1Co_1:5; 1Co_4:8; 1Co_5:10; 1Co_5:11; 1Co_6:10; 1Co_10:24; 1Co_16:2; 2Co_1:15; 2Co_2:3; 2Co_3:4; 2Co_3:12; 2Co_4:7; 2Co_6:10; 2Co_7:4; 2Co_7:16; 2Co_8:2; 2Co_8:9; 2Co_8:14; 2Co_8:20; 2Co_8:22; 2Co_9:5; 2Co_9:11; 2Co_10:2; 2Co_11:17; 2Co_12:14; Gal_5:10; Eph_1:7; Eph_1:18; Eph_2:4; Eph_2:7; Eph_2:12; Eph_3:8; Eph_3:12; Eph_3:16; Eph_4:19; Eph_5:3; Eph_5:5; Php_1:25; Php_2:19; Php_3:3; Php_3:4; Php_4:19; Php_5:27; Col_1:27; Col_2:2; Col_2:3; Col_2:23; Col_3:5; Col_3:16; 1Th_2:5; 2Th_3:4; 1Ti_3:13; 1Ti_5:6; 1Ti_6:9; 1Ti_6:17; 1Ti_6:18; Tit_3:6; Phm_1:21; Heb_3:6; Heb_3:14; Heb_4:16; Heb_10:19; Heb_10:35; Heb_11:26; Jas_1:10; Jas_1:11; Jas_1:21; Jas_2:5; Jas_2:6; Jas_5:1; Jas_5:2; Jas_5:3; Jas_5:5; Jas_5:13; 2Pe_1:11; 2Pe_2:3; 2Pe_2:13; 2Pe_2:14; 2Pe_3:7; 1Jn_2:28; 1Jn_3:21; 1Jn_4:17; 1Jn_5:14; Rev_2:9; Rev_3:17; Rev_3:18; Rev_5:12; Rev_6:15; Rev_13:16; Rev_18:3; Rev_18:7; Rev_18:9; Rev_18:15; Rev_18:17; Rev_18:19;




Lux Filtered -- Previous Poverty Refs Filtered = 567 Refs (~351 After Being Condensed)


(A) Genesis-Job

Gen_3:23-24; (comp. Gen_12:2-3, Gen_12:5, Gen_12:16) Gen_13:2 (Gen_13:5-6, etc. Gen_13:14-15 etc. etc. Gen_24:35, Gen_26:12, Gen_26:13, Gen_36:7); Gen_14:21-23 (Gen_31:1, Gen_31:16); Gen_15:14; Gen_30:43; Gen_31:1, Gen_31:16; Gen_34:29; Gen_36:7; Gen_43:23; Gen_49:20;

Exo_1:11; Exo_2:10; Exo_19:5; [Lev_11:15; Lev_22:11; Lev_25:49]; Lev_26:19; Num_13:20; Deu_7:6; Deu_8:9-16, Deu_8:17-18; Deu_14:2, [Deu_14:15]; Deu_17:12-13; Deu_18:22; Deu_26:18; Deu_28:12, [Deu_28:56]; Deu_32:34; Deu_33:12 (confidence), Deu_33:19, Deu_33:28 (confidence); Jos_6:19, Jos_6:24; Jos_22:8;

[Jdg_5:10], Jdg_5:19; Jdg_9:26; [Jdg_11:2]; Jdg_18:7; Rth_2:1, 1Sa_2:10, 1Sa_2:32; 1Sa_17:25-28; [1Sa_21:13]; 1Sa_27:12; [1Ki_3:11-13;] 1Ki_7:51; 1Ki_9:19 (MT); 1Ki_10:23; 1Ki_14:26; 1Ki_15:18; [2Ki_4:18]; 2Ki_12:18; [2Ki_14:14; 2Ki_15:20; 2Ki_16:8];  2Ki_18:15-19; 2Ki_19:28; 2Ki_20:13-17; 2Ki_24:13; 1Ch_9:26; 1Ch_26:20-22; 1Ch_26:24-26; 1Ch_27:25-28; 1Ch_28:1, 1Ch_28:11-12; 1Ch_29:3-12, 1Ch_29:28; 2Ch_1:11-12; 2Ch_5:1; 2Ch_8:4-6; 2Ch_8:15; 2Ch_9:12-22, etc.; 2Ch_11:11; 2Ch_12:9; 2Ch_16:2-4; 2Ch_17:5, 2Ch_17:12-13; 2Ch_18:1; 2Ch_20:25; 2Ch_25:24; [2Ch_32:8], 2Ch_32:27-28; 2Ch_36:18; Ezr_1:8, etc.;  Ezr_2:69; Ezr_5:14, Ezr_5:17; Ezr_6:1; Ezr_7:20-21; Ezr_9:12; Neh_7:70-71; Neh_9:25; Neh_10:38-39; Neh_12:44-47; Neh_13:12-13; Est_1:4, Est_1:6-7; Est_3:13; Est_5:11; Est_10:2-3; Job_3:21 (suicidal poverty); Job_4:6; Job_6:20; Job_8:14; [Job_11:8]; Job_12:5; Job_15:11, Job_15:29 (bad people won't be rich); Job_18:14; Job_20:15, Job_20:18, Job_20:26; Job_21:7 (the wicked do get wealth), Job_21:13; Job_22:24-25; Job_23:12; Job_27:10, Job_27:17, Job_27:19; Job_29:24; [Job_30:24, Job_30:29]; Job_31:24-25; Job_35:12; Job_36:18-19; Job_38:11, Job_38:22; Job_39:13-14;


(B) Psalms, Proverbs, Ecc, SoS

Psa_14:7 (Psa_14:4-7); Psa_17:14 (big variation); Psa_22:29; Psa_23:5; (Psa_33:7); Psa_36:8; Psa_37:3, Psa_37:16; Psa_39:6, Psa_39:11; Psa_44:12; Psa_45:12; Psa_49:6 (trusting in Lux = fool that dies in hell), Psa_49:10-12, Psa_49:16, Psa_49:20; Psa_52:7; Psa_59:12; Psa_62:10; Psa_63:5; Psa_65:5, Psa_65:9, Psa_65:12; Psa_66:12; Psa_68:15; Psa_71:5; Psa_73:12; Psa_76:5; Psa_85:1; Psa_92:10; Psa_104:24; Psa_112:3; Psa_118:8-9; Psa_119:14, Psa_119:36; Psa_126:4; Psa_135:4, Psa_135:7; Psa_139:11; Pro_1:13, Pro_1:18-19, Pro_1:33; Pro_2:4, Pro_2:7; Pro_3:14, Pro_3:16, Pro_3:26; Pro_4:7, Pro_4:9; Pro_5:10; Pro_6:31; Pro_8:13, Pro_8:18, Pro_8:21; Pro_10:2, (Pro_10:4), (Pro_10:15), Pro_10:22; (Pro_11:2), Pro_11:4, [Pro_11:13] (Pro_11:16), Pro_11:28; Pro_13:5, (Pro_13:7), (Pro_13:8), Pro_13:10, Pro_13:11; (Pro_14:20), Pro_14:24, Pro_14:26; Pro_15:6, Pro_15:16; Pro_16:18-20, Pro_16:27; Pro_17:5-6, Pro_17:16; Pro_18:8-12, (Pro_18:23); (Pro_19:4), Pro_19:10, Pro_19:14, (Pro_19:22); Pro_21:6, (Pro_21:17), Pro_21:20, Pro_21:22, Pro_21:24-26; Pro_22:1, (Pro_22:2), Pro_22:4, (Pro_22:7, Pro_22:16); Pro_24:3-5, Pro_24:24-25; Pro_27:23-24; (Pro_28:6, Pro_28:8, Pro_28:11), Pro_28:20, (Pro_28:20-22); Pro_29:3, (Pro_29:23); Pro_31:3, (Pro_31:14), Pro_31:28-29;  Ecc_1:3; Ecc_2:8, Ecc_2:11, Ecc_2:13, Ecc_2:15; Ecc_3:9; Ecc_4:8; Ecc_5:9-16, etc. Ecc_5:19, etc.; Ecc_6:2, (Ecc_6:8); Ecc_7:11-12; Ecc_9:11; Ecc_10:6, Ecc_10:10-11, Ecc_10:20;


Son_7:6; Son_8:7;




(C) Isiah, Jeremiah, Lam

Isa_2:7; (Isa_4:2); Isa_5:14-20, etc.; Isa_8:4; Isa_10:3, Isa_10:13-14; (Isa_13:11), (Isa_13:21); Isa_14:11; Isa_16:6, Isa_16:14; Isa_17:4-5; Isa_22:15; Isa_23:9, Isa_23:18; Isa_24:8; Isa_26:4-6; Isa_28:8; Isa_29:2-8; Isa_30:6, Isa_30:15, Isa_30:23; Isa_32:9-19; Isa_33:6, Isa_33:20; Isa_34:13; Isa_36:4; Isa_39:2-4; Isa_43:20; Isa_45:3; Isa_53:9; Isa_60:5, Isa_60:11, Isa_60:16; Isa_61:6; Isa_66:11;


Jer_2:20, Jer_2:37; Jer_5:5, Jer_5:27; Jer_9:23; Jer_10:13, Jer_10:22; Jer_12:5; Jer_13:9; [Jer_15:9], Jer_15:13; [Jer_16:5]; Jer_17:3, Jer_17:11; Jer_20:5; Jer_22:17; [Jer_24:1; Jer_38:2], Jer_38:11; Jer_41:8; Jer_46:28; Jer_48:7, Jer_48:13, Jer_48:29, Jer_48:36; Jer_49:4, Jer_49:19, Jer_49:31-33; Jer_50:25, Jer_50:31-32, Jer_50:37-39, Jer_50:44; Jer_51:13, Jer_51:16, Jer_51:34;




(D) Ezekiel - Malachi

Eze_1:18; Eze_7:10-11, Eze_7:24; (Eze_16:49), Eze_16:56; Eze_22:25-27;

[Eze_23:11, Eze_23:15]; Eze_26:12; Eze_27:12-33 (Eze_27:12, Eze_27:18, Eze_27:24, Eze_27:27, Eze_27:33); Eze_28:2-5; Eze_28:13, [Eze_28:26;] Eze_29:15-16; Eze_30:6, Eze_30:18; Eze_31:9, Eze_31:16-18; Eze_32:12; Eze_33:28; Eze_34:14-16, Eze_34:27; Eze_36:35; [Eze_40:42;] Dan_1:2; Dan_3:1-3; Dan_11:2-43 (Dan_11:2, Dan_11:13, Dan_11:24, Dan_11:28; Dan_11:43); Hos_5:5; Hos_6:11; Hos_7:10; Hos_10:1; Hos_12:8; Hos_13:15; Joe_1:17; Joe_2:2-3; [Joe_2:3 == Amo_5:18] Joe_3:1, Joe_3:5; Amo_2:2, Amo_2:16; Amo_3:10; Amo_8:4-7; Oba_1:3, Oba_1:6, Oba_1:11-13; Mic_1:7; Mic_2:9; [Mic_2:2, Mat_23:13, Mar_12:40, Luk_20:47] Mic_3:11; [Mic_5:12]; Mic_6:10, Mic_6:12-14; Mic_7:5; Hab_2:5-12, (particularly: Hab_2:6; Hab_2:9); Zep_1:11-13; Zep_1:18; Zep_2:10; [Zep_3:20]; Zec_3:4; Zec_9:3, Zec_9:6; Zec_10:11; Zec_11:3, Zec_11:5; Zec_14:14; Mal_3:10, [Mal_3:17];


(E) Gospels & Acts

Mat_2:11; (Mat_6:19-21); Mat_12:34-37; Mat_13:22, Mat_13:44-46, Mat_13:52; Mat_27:57; Mar_4:19; Mar_7:22; Mar_8:8; Mar_12:41-44; Luk_1:53; Luk_2:19; (Luk_6:24-45); Luk_7:23-26; Luk_8:14; Luk_12:13-16, Luk_12:21, etc. etc. (Luk_12:32-34); Luk_14:12-14; Luk_15:12-13; (Luk_18:22-25); Luk_19:2; Luk_21:1;


Act_4:31, Act_4:37; Act_8:18-20, Act_8:23-27; Act_16:16; Act_19:23-29; Act_24:26; Act_28:31;


(F) Epistles - Revelation

Rom_1:29; Rom_2:4-5; Rom_5:17; Rom_9:23; Rom_10:12; Rom_11:12, Rom_11:17, Rom_11:33; Rom_16:23;

1Co_1:5, etc.; 1Co_4:8; 1Co_5:10-11; 1Co_6:10; [1Co_10:24]; 1Co_16:2; 2Co_1:15; 2Co_2:3; 2Co_3:4, 2Co_3:12; 2Co_4:7; (2Co_6:10); 2Co_7:4, 2Co_7:16; (2Co_8:2; 2Co_8:9), 2Co_8:14, 2Co_8:20-22; 2Co_9:5, 2Co_9:11; 2Co_10:2 (Assming non-insp; lo); 2Co_11:17 (sarchasm); 2Co_12:14 (rifi/SOM);

Gal_5:9-10 (lo>sarcasm?/at least a lot of irony); Eph_1:6-9, Eph_1:18; Eph_2:4, etc. Eph_2:7, etc. Eph_2:12; Eph_3:8, Eph_3:12-16; Eph_4:19; Eph_5:3, Eph_5:5;

Php_1:25; [Php_2:19]; Php_3:3-4, etc.; Php_4:19; [Php_5:27 -- no such chapter!] Col_1:27; Col_2:2-3, Col_2:23; Col_3:5, Col_3:16;

1Th_2:5; 2Th_3:4, 1Ti_3:13; 1Ti_5:6; 1Ti_6:9, 1Ti_6:17-19; Tit_3:6; Phm_1:21;

Heb_3:6, Heb_3:14; Heb_4:16; Heb_10:19, Heb_10:35; Heb_11:26;


2Pe_1:11; 2Pe_2:3, 2Pe_2:13-14; [2Pe_3:7];

1Jn_2:28; 1Jn_3:21; 1Jn_4:17; 1Jn_5:14;

Rev_5:12; Rev_6:15; Rev_18:3, Rev_18:7-9, Rev_18:15-19; (Rev_18:15; Rev_18:17; Rev_18:19)





The Truth About Pride

1/8/17; 1/19/17


Heb/Gr: lifted up

> Strong & WS & other dictionaries...


we think that only a certain percent of people at the top end of the spectrom are prideful...

but this is realative morality, and it is not only morally imerfect and untrue and incorrect, but it is actually extremely impracticle when you are dealing in terms of truth...

practically speaking, when you tell someone they are lost, and they insist they are saved, this is rich pride, and is nausiating and an offensive, abominable stench before heaven


because it is rightly said that pride is thinking more of yourself than you actually are, and this high mindedness is condemned in rom 12


Rom 12

Rom 12 gives the real definition of pride and the real definition of humility...


America and most all other rich, developed nations have ruined everyone...



Problem: everyone accuses everyone else are being prideful.


That means that most people are prideful because they are wrongly accusing other people of being prideful without supposing and they themselves are prideful.

If everyone thinks everyone else is wrong, then statistically speaking, most people are wrong.


Their real definition of pride is unlawful confidence/affirmation -- believing something more about yourself than reality…



Romans 12 -- let ‘em think soberly according to the measure of faith he has actually been given



You are not most prideful when you think your prideful.

It is liking silver

Real pride and luxury are actually the same thing


You are prideful when you refuse to obey the Bible and submit and cry for discipleship.




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Copyright © Josiahs Scott, All rights reserved (see below)


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“[Name of Bible Study]” By Josiahs Scott,




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Philippians 2!!!

>> Sync: ROW (Php_2:3-12) | SPI (Php_2:5-11) | LO (Php_2:1-4) | LLO | Dis (Php_2:2-3) | PFO (Php_2:12) | BBMem



Paul and Peter Were (literal) “Idiots”

Other date; 12/11/17


Were is the other listing of this???


The flesh despises this, but the spirit boasts and rejoices!


Act_4:13 CAB  Now when they beheld the boldness of Peter and John, and had perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.

Act_4:13  θεωρουντες δε την του πετρου παρρησιαν και ιωαννου και καταλαβομενοι οτι ανθρωποι αγραμματοι εισιν και ιδιωται εθαυμαζον επεγινωσκον τε αυτους οτι συν τω ιησου ησαν


>> Paul said that he had a reputation of being an “idiot” in speaking (but not in knowledge)…



God commands them to reverence poverty as personally received by God



Lev_19:10 WEB  You shall not glean your vineyard, neither shall you gather the fallen grapes of your vineyard; you shall leave them for the poor and for the foreigner. I am Yahweh your God.

Lev_19:10 LB And you shall not go over the gathering of your vineyard, neither shall you gather the remaining grapes of your vineyard: you shall leave them for the poor and the stranger: I am the Lord your God.

Lev_19:10  καὶ τὸν ἀμπελῶνά σου οὐκ ἐπανατρυγήσεις οὐδὲ τοὺς ῥῶγας τοῦ ἀμπελῶνός σου συλλέξεις· τῷ πτωχῷ καὶ τῷ προσηλύτῳ καταλείψεις αὐτά· ἐγώ εἰμι κύριος ὁ θεὸς ὑμῶν.

Lev_19:11 WEB  " 'You shall not steal; neither shall you deal falsely, nor lie to one another.

Lev_19:11 ‘You shall not steal, you shall not lie, neither shall one bear false witness as an informer against his neighbor.

Lev_19:11  Οὐ κλέψετε. οὐ ψεύσεσθε. οὐ συκοφαντήσει ἕκαστος τὸν πλησίον.

Lev_19:12 WEB  " 'You shall not swear by my name falsely, and profane the name of your God. I am Yahweh.

Lev_19:12 And you shall not swear unjustly by My name, and you shall not profane the holy name of your God: I am the Lord your God.

Lev_19:12  καὶ οὐκ ὀμεῖσθε τῷ ὀνόματί μου ἐπ᾿ ἀδίκῳ καὶ οὐ βεβηλώσετε τὸ ὄνομα τοῦ θεοῦ ὑμῶν· ἐγώ εἰμι κύριος ὁ θεὸς ὑμῶν.

Lev_19:13 WEB  " 'You shall not oppress your neighbor, nor rob him. The wages of a hired servant shall not remain with you all night until the morning.

Lev_19:13 ‘You shall not injure your neighbor, neither shall you rob him, neither shall the wages of your hireling remain with you until the morning.

Lev_19:13  οὐκ ἀδικήσεις τὸν πλησίον καὶ οὐχ ἁρπάσεις, καὶ οὐ μὴ κοιμηθήσεται ὁ μισθὸς τοῦ μισθωτοῦ παρὰ σοὶ ἕως πρωί.

Lev_19:14 WEB  " 'You shall not curse the deaf, nor put a stumbling block before the blind; but you shall fear your God. I am Yahweh.

Lev_19:14 You shall not revile the deaf, neither shall you put a stumbling block in the way of the blind; and you shall fear the Lord your God: I am the Lord your God.

Lev_19:14  οὐ κακῶς ἐρεῖς κωφὸν καὶ ἀπέναντι τυφλοῦ οὐ προσθήσεις σκάνδαλον καὶ φοβηθήσῃ κύριον τὸν θεόν σου· ἐγώ εἰμι κύριος ὁ θεὸς ὑμῶν.








Pro_28:8 WEB  He who increases his wealth by excessive interest gathers it for one who has pity on the poor.

Pro_28:8 He that increases his wealth by usury and unjust gains, gathers it for him that pities the poor.

Pro_28:8  ὁ πληθύνων τὸν πλοῦτον αὐτοῦ μετὰ τόκων καὶ πλεονασμῶν τῷ ἐλεῶντι πτωχοὺς συνάγει αὐτόν.








“Plain” is No Substitute for Poverty

12/27/16; 12/28/16

>> where should this go?

>> SOM, LPC, etc?


Jesus did not say, blessed are the plain in dress or spirit... He only blessed the poor.


the vast majority of Anabaptists (Amish, Menno, Hutter, etc.) are closed to the clean proclamation of truth because of the vanity of being plain without being poor.


the flesh always finds counterfeits for poverty:


The fleshly natural earthly Anabaptist culture has successfully engrained the counterfeit of "plain" for poor among its posterity.


Plain does not mean hard core or courageous...





Hos_12:6 WEB  Therefore turn to your God. Keep kindness and justice, and wait continually for your God.

Hos_12:6 CAB  You therefore shall return to your God. Keep mercy and judgment, and draw near to your God continually.

Hos_12:6  (12:7) καὶ σὺ ἐν θεῷ σου ἐπιστρέψεις· ἔλεον καὶ κρίμα φυλάσσου καὶ ἔγγιζε πρὸς τὸν θεόν σου διὰ παντός.

Hos_12:7 A merchant has dishonest scales in his hand. He loves to defraud.

Hos_12:7 As for Canaan, in his hand is a balance of unrighteousness: he has loved to tyrannize.

Hos_12:7  (12:8) Χανααν ἐν χειρὶ αὐτοῦ ζυγὸς ἀδικίας, καταδυναστεύειν ἠγάπησε.

Hos_12:8 Ephraim said, "Surely I have become rich, I have found myself wealth. In all my wealth they won't find in me any iniquity that is sin."

Hos_12:8 And Ephraim said, Nevertheless I am rich, I have found refreshment for myself. None of his labors shall be found available to him, by reason of the sins which he has committed.

Hos_12:8  (12:9) καὶ εἶπεν Εφραιμ Πλὴν πεπλούτηκα, εὕρηκα ἀναψυχὴν ἐμαυτῷ. πάντες οἱ πόνοι αὐτοῦ οὐχ εὑρεθήσονται αὐτῷ δι᾿ ἀδικίας, ἃς ἥμαρτεν.




Your Wish is My Command

Pop: Sub


The Only Good Way to Have Your Heart “Lifted Up”



2Ch_17:6 KJV+  And his heartH3820 was lifted upH1361 in the waysH1870 of the LORD:H3068 moreoverH5750 he took awayH5493 (H853) the high placesH1116 and grovesH842 out of Judah.H4480 H3063

2Ch_17:6 And his heart was exalted in the way of the Lord; and he removed the high places and the groves from the land of Judah.

2Ch_17:6  καὶ ὑψώθη καρδία αὐτοῦ ἐν ὁδῷ κυρίου, καὶ ἔτι ἐξῆρεν τὰ ὑψηλὰ καὶ τὰ ἄλση ἀπὸ τῆς γῆς Ιουδα.



General Poverty / General Humility Verses



Psa_34:10 KJV+  The young lionsH3715 do lack,H7326 and suffer hunger:H7456 but they that seekH1875 the LORDH3068 shall notH3808 wantH2637 anyH3605 goodH2896 thing.

Psa_34:10 LB  The rich have become poor and hungry; but they that seek the Lord diligently shall not lack any good thing. Selah.

Psa_34:10  (33:11) πλούσιοι ἐπτώχευσαν καὶ ἐπείνασαν, οἱ δὲ ἐκζητοῦντες τὸν κύριον οὐκ ἐλαττωθήσονται παντὸς ἀγαθοῦ. διάψαλμα.







Jesus was Poor




Lev_12:8 KJV+  And ifH518 she be notH3808 able to bringH4672 H3027 H1767 a lamb,H7716 then she shall bringH3947 twoH8147 turtles,H8449 orH176 twoH8147 youngH1121 pigeons;H3123 the oneH259 for the burnt offering,H5930 and the otherH259 for a sin offering:H2403 and the priestH3548 shall make an atonementH3722 forH5921 her, and she shall be clean.H2891

Lev_12:8 And if she cannot afford a lamb, then shall she take two turtle doves or two young pigeons, one for a burnt offering, and one for a sin-offering; and the priest shall make atonement for her, and she shall be purified.’”

Lev_12:8  ἐὰν δὲ μὴ εὑρίσκῃ ἡ χεὶρ αὐτῆς τὸ ἱκανὸν εἰς ἀμνόν, καὶ λήμψεται δύο τρυγόνας ἢ δύο νεοσσοὺς περιστερῶν, μίαν εἰς ὁλοκαύτωμα καὶ μίαν περὶ ἁμαρτίας, καὶ ἐξιλάσεται περὶ αὐτῆς ὁ ἱερεύς, καὶ καθαρισθήσεται.


NT quotation



For your sake He became poor

Isn’t this the carpenter ?

>> carpenters were poor






Jer_22:16 WEB  He judged the cause of the poor and needy; then it was well. Wasn't this to know me? says Yahweh.

Jer_22:16 They did not understand, they did not judge the cause of the afflicted, nor the cause of the poor—is not this your not knowing Me?” says the Lord.

Jer_22:16  οὐκ ἔγνωσαν, οὐκ ἔκριναν κρίσιν ταπεινῷ οὐδὲ κρίσιν πένητος· οὐ τοῦτό ἐστιν τὸ μὴ γνῶναί σε ἐμέ; λέγει κύριος.





>> those who want to be rich


Pro_28:22 WEB  A stingy man hurries after riches, and doesn't know that poverty waits for him.

Pro_28:22 LB An envious man makes haste to be rich, and does not know that the merciful man shall have mastery over him.

Pro_28:22  σπεύδει πλουτεῖν ἀνὴρ βάσκανος καὶ οὐκ οἶδεν ὅτι ἐλεήμων κρατήσει αὐτοῦ.




Bad Poverty

Other (recent) dates; 8/4/16;

>> get other refs… (in lux?)



Pro_28:19 WEB  One who works his land will have an abundance of food; but one who chases fantasies will have his fill of poverty.

Pro_28:19 LB He that tills his own land shall have plenty of bread, but he that follows idleness shall have plenty of poverty.

Pro_28:19  ὁ ἐργαζόμενος τὴν ἑαυτοῦ γῆν πλησθήσεται ἄρτων, ὁ δὲ διώκων σχολὴν πλησθήσεται πενίας.

Pro_28:20 WEB  A faithful man is rich with blessings; but one who is eager to be rich will not go unpunished.

Pro_28:20 A man worthy of credit shall be much blessed, but the wicked shall not escape punishment.

Pro_28:20  ἀνὴρ ἀξιόπιστος πολλὰ εὐλογηθήσεται, ὁ δὲ κακὸς οὐκ ἀτιμώρητος ἔσται.



Pro_28:22 WEB  A stingy man hurries after riches, and doesn't know that poverty waits for him.

Pro_28:22 LB An envious man makes haste to be rich, and does not know that the merciful man shall have mastery over him.

Pro_28:22  σπεύδει πλουτεῖν ἀνὴρ βάσκανος καὶ οὐκ οἶδεν ὅτι ἐλεήμων κρατήσει αὐτοῦ.



Pro_24:34 WEB  so your poverty will come as a robber, and your want as an armed man.

Pro_24:34 LB But if you do this, your poverty will come speedily; and your need like a swift courier.

Pro_24:34  ἐὰν δὲ τοῦτο ποιῇς, ἥξει προπορευομένη ἡ πενία σου καὶ ἡ ἔνδειά σου ὥσπερ ἀγαθὸς δρομεύς. -----



Pro_21:17 KJV+  He that lovethH157 pleasureH8057 shall be a poorH4270 man:H376 he that lovethH157 wineH3196 and oilH8081 shall notH3808 be rich.H6238

Pro_21:17 A poor man loves pleasure, and desires wine and oil in abundance;

Pro_21:17  ἀνὴρ ἐνδεὴς ἀγαπᾷ εὐφροσύνην φιλῶν οἶνον καὶ ἔλαιον εἰς πλοῦτον·


>> not a real widow: dead while she lives



Pro_20:13 KJV+  LoveH157 notH408 sleep,H8142 lestH6435 thou come to poverty;H3423 openH6491 thine eyes,H5869 and thou shalt be satisfiedH7646 with bread.H3899

Pro_20:13 LB Love not to speak ill, lest you be cut off: open your eyes, and be filled with bread.

Pro_20:13  μὴ ἀγάπα καταλαλεῖν, ἵνα μὴ ἐξαρθῇς· διάνοιξον τοὺς ὀφθαλμούς σου καὶ ἐμπλήσθητι ἄρτων.




Pro_17:14 WEB  The beginning of strife is like breaching a dam, therefore stop contention before quarreling breaks out.

Pro_17:14 LB Rightful rule gives power to words, but sedition and strife precede poverty.

Pro_17:14  ἐξουσίαν δίδωσιν λόγοις ἀρχὴ δικαιοσύνης, προηγεῖται δὲ τῆς ἐνδείας στάσις καὶ μάχη.



Pro_6:10 WEB  A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep:

Pro_6:10 LB You sleep a little, and you rest a little, and you slumber a short time, and you fold your arms over your breast a little.

Pro_6:10  ὀλίγον μὲν ὑπνοῖς, ὀλίγον δὲ κάθησαι, μικρὸν δὲ νυστάζεις, ὀλίγον δὲ ἐναγκαλίζῃ χερσὶν στήθη·

Pro_6:11 WEB  so your poverty will come as a robber, and your scarcity as an armed man.

Pro_6:11 Then poverty comes upon you as an evil traveler, and your need as a swift courier. But if you be diligent, your harvest shall arrive as a fountain, and poverty shall flee away as a bad courier.

Pro_6:11  εἶτ᾿ ἐμπαραγίνεταί σοι ὥσπερ κακὸς ὁδοιπόρος ἡ πενία καὶ ἡ ἔνδεια ὥσπερ ἀγαθὸς δρομεύς.

ἐὰν δὲ ἄοκνος ᾖς, ἥξει ὥσπερ πηγὴ ὁ ἀμητός σου, ἡ δὲ ἔνδεια ὥσπερ κακὸς δρομεὺς ἀπαυτομολήσει.


Pro_13:18 WEB  Poverty and shame come to him who refuses discipline, but he who heeds correction shall be honored.

Pro_13:18 Instruction removes poverty and disgrace, but he that attends to reproofs shall be honored.

Pro_13:18  πενίαν καὶ ἀτιμίαν ἀφαιρεῖται παιδεία, ὁ δὲ φυλάσσων ἐλέγχους δοξασθήσεται.


Pro_14:23 WEB  In all hard work there is profit, but the talk of the lips leads only to poverty.

Pro_14:23 With everyone who is careful there is abundance, but the pleasure-taking and indolent shall be in want.

Pro_14:23  ἐν παντὶ μεριμνῶντι ἔνεστιν περισσόν, ὁ δὲ ἡδὺς καὶ ἀνάλγητος ἐν ἐνδείᾳ ἔσται.

>> TSK / chasing dreams… / what is that other ref?





Jer_5:3 KJV+  O LORD,H3068 are notH3808 thine eyesH5869 upon the truth?H530 thou hast strickenH5221 them, but they have notH3808 grieved;H2342 thou hast consumedH3615 them, but they have refusedH3985 to receiveH3947 correction:H4148 they have made their facesH6440 harderH2388 than a rock;H4480 H5553 they have refusedH3985 to return.H7725

Jer_5:3 LB O Lord, Your eyes are upon faithfulness. You have scourged them, but they have not grieved; You have consumed them; but they would not receive correction. They have made their faces harder than a rock; and they would not return.

Jer_5:3  κύριε, οἱ ὀφθαλμοί σου εἰς πίστιν· ἐμαστίγωσας αὐτούς, καὶ οὐκ ἐπόνεσαν· συνετέλεσας αὐτούς, καὶ οὐκ ἠθέλησαν δέξασθαι παιδείαν· ἐστερέωσαν τὰ πρόσωπα αὐτῶν ὑπὲρ πέτραν καὶ οὐκ ἠθέλησαν ἐπιστραφῆναι.



Some original notes


- love without hypocrisy

- be like Mary and let justice burst forth

- STOP competing

- become vulnerable, weak and helpless before those you have need of

- don't protect and preserve your rich (and very worthless) social dignity

- let the paint of not having their spiritual riches hurt infinitely worse than the shame of social inconvenience

- give me bread!

- Jesus did not even get a chance to eat

- what would you do in desperation if your life was on the line,...

- Esther

- Jesus "despised the shame"

- like blind Bartimaus!

- do not let social shame (inhibitions) betray you into complacency - open rebuke better than hidden love

- social shames are why we have such a shallow culture, without bowls of compassion, without the deeds of moved bowels

- many miracles have not happened yet, but that does not at all change The infinite Glory of the divine announcement in a person

- no flesh! No rich social shame! (ultimately) no excuses! No complacency that minimize what is Divine....



2. Suffering (Mt.5: 10-12, & 38-42) (   S  l  i  d  e  )

